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400 Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1981, 52:400--404

Elsevier/North-Holland Scientific Publishers, Ltd.



Fb. 10, Physik-Technologie, Universita't Duisburg, D-4100 Duisburg, and University ENT-Clinic,
D-6300 Giessen (G.F.R.)

(Accepted for publication: June 25, 1981)

The early human auditory responses to low quency selective analysis methods appear to
frequency tones in the speech range are of be more appropriate because of the well-
considerable interest for objective audiome- defined response frequency. An off-line
try, because they probably test the integrity spectrum analysis of the averaged F F R has
of the low frequency auditory channels. considerably improved sensitivity (De Boer et
These responses are phase locked to the stim- al. 1977). This procedure does not preserve
ulus and follow the stimulus wave form (fre- time information.
quency-following response ( F F R ) , Marsh and As an alternative approach we use lock-in
Worden 1968). It is possible to detect F F R by amplification to obtain a rapid and sensitive
scalp electrodes (Moushegian et a l . 1973). on-line F F R analysis. The lock-in amplifier
Several workers have suggested the inferior can be regarded as a very narrow tunable filter
colliculus (IC) as a possible source of the designed to extract the amplitude of har-
scalp-recorded response, mainly because F F R monic signals from statistical background
latency (6 msec) equals the click stimulation noise. The analysis is phase sensitive, which is
latency of the IC (Glaser et al. 1976). Further an important feature, as the F F R phase con-
evidence for the IC origin is based on depth tains time delay information.
electrode measurements (Smith et al. 1975)
and on data from subjects with brain stem
lesions (Sohmer and Pratt 1977). Ablation Method
experiments, however, tend to question the
role of IC in F F R generation (Gardi et al. Fig. 1 shows the experimental design. The
1979). stimulus section consists of a voltage-con-
Additionally, the question of h o w far F F R trolled oscillator (VCO) driving a high impe-
is related to the apical turn of the cochlea dance headphone (Sennheiser HD 415 X). To
needs further clarification. Up to now this avoid magnetic pick up the phone is shielded
problem could only be tackled by high-pass by a /a-metal case and, additionally, the dis-
masking noise (e.g., De Boer et al. 1977). By tance between acoustic stimulus generator
using continuous tone stimulation and sensi- and recording site has been increased by a
tive frequency selective analysis techniques plastic tube acting as an acoustic delay line
the present investigation allows definite con- (70 cm minimum length). With these precau-
clusions on these issues. tions, tests with an equivalent circuit (10 kg2
Conventional F F R investigations are based wire loop) prove that the induced voltage is at
on transient stimulation and c o m p u t e r averag- least 40 dB below the F F R voltage. Further
ing procedures. Response latencies are some- evidence, that no stimulus artefacts were mea-
what arbitrarily estimated from the F F R on- sured, could be established by clamping the
set. Instead of time domain averaging fre- plastic tube; thus the sound is prevented from

0013-4649/81/0000--0000/$02.50 © 1981 Elsevier/North-Holland Scientific Publishers, Ltd.


X Y recorder

clCF~ pLI t i e r
dela y 5O
t r~e

I voitage
c or~ t r o t t e d

,HJ - r'r'e t a t box

Fig. 1. Experimental arrangement for continuous 50

tone F F R measurements by lock-in technique.

reaching the subject's ear and the F F R van-

ishes. A ramp generator provides the voltage
to sweep the VCO frequency and to drive the
X-axis of the XY-recorder.
We use bipolar recording (Beckman mini
disc electrodes) between forehead and mas- C
toid with the opposite mastoid as ground.
After amplification (g = 2 X 104) the lock-in
analysis yields two vector components (A"
cos ~ and A • sin ~) which are recorded simul-
taneously as a function of frequency. From
200 400 600 Hz 800 1000 7200
these two plots F F R amplitude A and phase
angle ~ in relation to the stimultis can be cal- Fig. 2. F F R records to continuous tone stimulation as
culated. Usually sweep rates are in the order a function of stimulus frequency. The records show
of 2 Hz/sec with analyser time constants of A • sin ~ output of the lock-in amplifier. A: ipsilateral
recording (approximately 60 dB HL), length of delay
4 sec (equivalent filter bandwidth 0.03 Hz). tube 70 cm. B: ipsilateral recording (approximately
So it takes about 4 min to obtain F F R 50 dB HL), length of delay tube 200 cm. C: contra-
records in the frequency range from 100 to lateral recording (approximately 50 dB HL), length of
600 Hz. delay tube 70 cm.
Ten normally hearing adults served as sub-
jects in the study. During the recording proce- tative results for one person are given in
dure that t o o k place in a silent room they Fig. 2. Traces A and B show the A • sin ~ F F R
were seated in a comfortable chair. As sub- c o m p o n e n t from ipsilateral electrodes (differ-
jects were cooperative elimination of move- ential amplification between forehead and
m e n t artifacts turned out to be unnecessary. mastoid of the stimulated ear) using two dif-
ferent delay lines. The response extended up
to several kHz and exhibited a rather regular
Results variation of phase versus frequency with con-
stant spacings between maxima and minima,
To check the reliability of the m e t h o d and depending on delay line length. Additional
to identify the measured F F R components white noise did n o t affect the response appre-
different acoustic delay lines and different ciably.
electrode configurations were used. Represen- Contralateral recording showed quite dif-

ferent A • sin ~ patterns, with response maxi- additional evidence for a basal origin, as
ma below 500 Hz (Fig. 2C). These potentials responses from the best frequency region
could be masked completely b y white noise at would exhibit dispersion according to a travel-
intensities equal to those producing subjective ling wave phenomenon.
masking. The most remarkable feature of the Obviously, the CM c o m p o n e n t is an indica-
contralateral c o m p o n e n t is its frequency- tor of the integrity of the high frequency sen-
dependent phase change, indicated b y the dis- sitive basal cochlear turn. We expect the am-
tance between maxima and minima increasing plitude-phase characteristics in ipsilateral
with frequency. records to shift considerably towards longer
By computing the derivative of phase ver- time delays in recruiting ears.
sus circular frequency ( d ~ / d ~ ) F F R group The dispersion p h e n o m e n o n in contralat-
delays could be obtained (i.e., the time delay eral F F R c o m p o n e n t s is a definite p r o o f of its
of a wave package composed of a group of apical specificity and demonstrates the
neighbouring frequencies). The ipsilateral cochlear frequency dispersion mechanism.
response phase was obviously a linear func- The total group delay of this c o m p o n e n t con-
tion of frequency. Its group delay, therefore, sists of the acoustic delay, the travelling wave
was constant and turned o u t to be only 0.5 delay in the cochlea and neural delays. A
msec longer than the acoustic time delay of more sophisticated view may additionally
the respective delay line. refer to the group delay due to the 'second
In contralateral recording a dispersion filter,' but, for simplicity, we shall include
p h e n o m e n o n occurred, till n o w undiscovered this term in the total travelling wave delay.
in F F R measurements. The group delay was Among these different delay mechanisms only
frequency dependent and increased for lower the travelling wave delay is frequency depen-
frequencies. After subtraction of 2.78 msec dent.
acoustic delay (70 cm tube), the delay of the After subtracting 1 msec corresponding to
contralateral c o m p o n e n t amounted to 5.2 the supposed neural delay from the above cal-
msec at 500 Hz and increased to 12 msec at culated group delays at 200 and 500 Hz, the
200 Hz. resulting delay times agree well with travelling
wave delays to the best frequency basilar
membrane region obtained in single nerve
Discussion studies (Anderson et al. 1971) and in derived
narrow band action potentials (Eggermont
The results allow unequivocal conclusions 1976). The data of Anderson et al. on squirrel
a b o u t the origins of the main scalp recorded monkeys range from 3 msec delay at 500 Hz
F F R components. In ipsilateral measurements to 6--7 msec at 200 Hz. The human-derived
a cochlear microphonic c o m p o n e n t (CM) pre- action potential data come quite close to our
vails and supersedes neural components. The results (5 msec delay at 500 Hz, approxi-
latter can be isolated b y contralateral record- mately 12 msec at 200 Hz as can be found by
ing. Such a view of CM components is gener- extrapolating Fig. 5 of Eggermont 1976). The
ally accepted in far-field electrocochleography present dispersion p h e n o m e n o n is consistent
(Terkildsen et al. 1973). with the assumption that, at moderate inten-
The far-field CM must originate in the basal sities, F F R originate in neurones tuned to
cochlear turn in consequence of its extremely respective frequency. As a consequence, the
short latency of 0.5 msec in normal ears. This 6 msec argument for brain stem origin appears
conclusion agrees with findings b y conven- questionable, as at 500 Hz the travelling wave
tional recording technique (Sohmer and Pratt delay alone, already amounts to 4 msec at
1977). The absence of dispersion in the pres- least, and it increases considerably for lower
ent frequency-specific measurements gives frequencies. The obvious contradiction to the

results of depth electrode measurements R~sumd

(Smith et al. 1975) may arise from the differ-
ent latency determination procedures and Potentiels accord~s d la fr~quence ~tudi~s
stimulus conditions. One possible explanation chez l'homme par une m~thode 'lock-in'
is that transient stimulation involves neural
structures completely different from those La rdponse accordde ~ la frdquence ( F F R )
activated in the steady state, which are pour une stimulation sonore continue est
probed b y the present method. The continu- analys~e par 'lock-in'. Cette technique se
ous tone F F R is likely to reflect neural activ- montre supdrieure ~ la stimulation conven-
ity from a more peripheral origin, probably tionnelle par bouffdes tonales, du fait que les
related to N1 or N2 activity known from elec- caract~ristiques de la F F R sont enregistr~es de
trocochleography. The study demonstrates fa~on continue avec la fr~quence. La F F R
the feasibility of continuous tone lock-in F F R mesur~e par les dlectrodes de scalp est com-
analysis and shows the inherent advantages posde de deux ~ldments principaux au moins
over conventional techniques, owing to the d'origine microphonique et neuronale, que
continuous frequency-specific information. l'on peut distinguer par leur relation entre
Apical audiometry (cf., Davis 1976) appears phase et frdquence. La composante micro-
to be practicable with the present detection phonique, prddominante dans les enregistre-
method, which may become a valuable tool ments ipsilatdraux, est produite dans la spirale
of electric response audiometry. basale, vu sa courte latence (0,5 msec) et son
absence de dispersion. La grande dispersion de
la composante neuronale refl~te le d~lai de
Summary progression le long de la membrane basilaire
jusqu'~ la rdgion de frdquence optimale. Ces
Frequency-following responses ( F F R ) from longs ddlais cochl~aires sont en accord avec
continuous tone stimulation were investigated une origine apicale de la F F R , et jettent un
b y lock-in analysis. The technique is superior doute sur l'hypoth~se de leur origine dans le
to conventional tone-burst stimulation, tronc c~rdbral.
because it allows continuous registration of La prdsente mdthode d'analyse de la F F R
the response parameters with sweeping fre- permet de vdrifier de faqon directe et com-
quency. The scalp recorded F F R consists of plete l'intdgrit~ de l'oreille interne tout
at least t w o components separable from each enti~re, aussi bien pour les rdgions cochldaires
other by their phase/frequency relationship. basales (des hautes fr~quences) qu'apicales
The microphonic c o m p o n e n t that dominates (des basses frdquences).
in ipsilateral records shows latencies of a b o u t
0.5 msec with negligible dispersion and must
therefore originate in the basal cochlear turn. References
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dispersion, reflecting the travelling wave delay Anderson, D.J., Rose, J.E., Hind, J.E. and Brugge,
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