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November 20, 2019

Content Standard -Demonstrates understanding of proper and improper, similar
and dissimilar and equivalent fractions.
Performance Standard –Iis able to recognize and represent proper and improper,
similar and dissimilar and equivalent fractions in various forms
and contexts
Learning Competency - Visualizes, represents, and compares dissimilar fractions.
(M3NS-IIId- 77.3)
Knowledge: Visualizes, represents, and compares dissimilar fractions
Skills: Compare and write dissimilar fractions using relation symbols
Attitude: Show the value of equality


A. Objective:
Visualizes, represents, and compares dissimilar fractions.
B. Concepts and Skills
1. Fraction and dissimilar fractions
2. Fraction more than and less than one
3. Meaning of relation symbols
C. Materials:
cut-outs, activity sheets, real objects, flash card, pocket chart, diagrams
 Mathematics textbook in Grade 3 (Surigawnon) page ____________
 Teacher’s Guide Mathematics Grade 3 page 277 - 283
E. Value Focus:


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Opening Prayer
Good morning children. Good morning teacher.
Please stand up for the prayer.
Please be seated. And, let us sing
a Math song.
2. Checking of Attendance
Class, I will have to check first your attendance?
Who among you here are absent from the class?
3. Setting of Classroom Standards
By the way, are you now ready for today’s lesson? Yes, teacher
Good, but before that what will you do if your
teacher is discussing here in front? Listen. Participate. Raise
our hands if we want to
Very good! The following reminders during class
discussion are:
1. Listen as your teacher is discussing in front.
2. Raise your hands if you want to answer.
3. Participate in class and group discussion.
4. Avoid standing in and outside the classroom
without my permission.
5. Do not answer in chorus.

4. Drill
Class, do you want games? Yes, teacher
Ok! I need two groups. Each group will have
one representatives. Once I flash this fractions
card, you are going to tell whether the fractions
are similar or dissimilar. Each will take one step
every time you get the answers correctly.
The first pupil to reach the finish line wins.

Did you get me, class? Yes teacher.

(The teacher flashers now the cards.)

Who are winners? (maybe group 1 or group 2)

5. Review
Class, did you still remember our lesson
yesterday? Yes, teacher
What have we studied yesterday? Our lesson yesterday was
all about the meaning of
relation symbols.
Very good! Who can review the concept
of comparing numbers? I have here some
Write ≥,≤ or = in the box.
1) 234 546 5) 626 616
2) 563 301 6) 600 + 12 642
3) 543 500 + 40 + 3 7) 530 530
4) 102 431 8) 1050 1500

6. Motivation
Alright class, I have something to tell you a short
story. One day, there were three children who had
their snacks in the canteen.
Angela = 1/8 of pie
Angelo = ¼ of pie
Renz = 1/5 of pie
Guess, who do you think ate the biggest piece? Answers may vary

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presenting the Lesson
Class, today we will talk about visualizing,
representing and comparing dissimilar fractions.
I have here some strips of paper. You are
going to identify fractions of each strips.
(Present these strips of paper. Ask what
kind of fractions these are.)





Class, take a look at the rectangles.

What have you observed? They have the same
numerators and different
Yes, they have the same numerators but
different denominators.
What do you call this kind of fractions? Dissimilar fractions
How will you classify these fractions in
comparison with one whole? They are fractions less
than one
What do you notice with the fractions as
their denominator gets bigger?

2. Performing the Activities.

How will you compare ½ and 1/5 ? By using relation symbol
Look at their value part in the illustration.
Which one is bigger or lesser? Answers may vary
How will you write the comparison using
relation symbol?
1/2 ≥ 1/5 or 1/5 ≤ ½
Compare 1/4 and 1/3.
Compare 1/3 and 1/5
Let the pupils write the correct comparison ¼ ≤ 1/3
sentence on the board. 1/3 ≥ 1/5
When you have the same numerators but
different denominators, how will you know which
one is bigger? lesser? If the numerators are the
same but the
denominators are
different, the lesser the
denominator, the bigger is
the value.
Yes, very good.

Let us have another pair of fractions.

Compare 5 and 5
3 4
5 5
3 4
5 ≥ 5
3 4
Class, what do you notice with their numerators? They have the same
And how about denominators? They are different.
What kind of fractions are these? Dissimilar fractions
How will you classify these fractions in
comparison to one whole? They are fractions with
more or less than one.
How do you compare these sets of fractions?
What do you notice with the fractions as their
denominators gets bigger?
Now, let us have another set of fractions?
Present these other set of fractions

Compare 3/5 and 2/4

Okay, class can you compare the fractions on the

illustrations? Anybody from the class? 3/5 ≤ ¾
What do you notice with their numerators?
And the denominators?
What do you call this kind of fractions? They are called dissimilar
How will you classify these fractions in comparison
with one whole? They are fractions less
than one.
How do you compare these sets of fractions?
Class, there is another easier way to compare

Examples: Compare ¾ and 2/5


Step 1: Multiply the numerator of the first fraction with denominator of the second
fraction. Place the product on top of the first fraction.
3 x 5 = 15
Step 2: Multiply the denominator of the first fraction with numerator of the second
fraction, Place the product on the top of the second fraction.
Step 3: The fraction with the greater/bigger product on top has the greater/bigger

15 ≥ 8
3 and 2
4 5
So, ¾ is greater than 2/5.
Let’s have another example.

3 ≤ 4
1 and 2
2 3
So, ½ is less than 2/3

Have the pupils compare again the pairs of fractions they have compared earlier
using the cross product method.
Did you come up with the same answers? Yes, teacher

3. Processing the Activities

How do we compare:
a.) dissimilar fraction which are less than one
having the same numerators?
b.) dissimilar fractions which are more than
one having also the same numerators?
c.) dissimilar fractions which have different
numerator and denominator with
Which do you think is the most convenient way
to compare fractions?
If you compare pair of fractions using the
illustration and cross product method, did
you find the same answers?

4. Reinforcing the Concept

a. Group Activity by stations using Carousel Data Gathering

 Group Instructions:
The pupils will do the stationary activities by grouping them into 3 groups.
Each group will choose a representative to be the leader of the group. The
teacher will distribute activity sheets and let the pupils answer those given
sheets. After that, those sheets will proceed to the other group by the time they
will hear the countdown of five and that group will be the one to answer the
given activity card again. Until all groups answered all the activity cards. Now,
the teacher will conduct the so called MATH CHALLENGE with only 10 questions
based from the activity cards. Groups with 10 correct answers will be declared as

 Setting of Standards
Before the activity starts, the teacher will remind the pupil’s behavior in
their group works.

a. Do not stand, shout and going out if the activity starts.

b. Listen to the teacher’s instructions.
c. Participate in the group activity.
d. Clean the learning/station area if the activity ends.
(The teacher will distribute now the slate boards, chalks and activity cards.)

Direction: Compare the following dissimilar fractions using ≥, ≤, = having the
same numerator
5 5
1. 8 7
1 2
2. 4 5
1 1
3. 4 8

2 2
4. 3 9
7 7
5. 8 9

Direction: Compare the following dissimilar fractions using ≥, ≤, = having the
same denominator.
3 1
1. 5 5
2 1
2. 3 3
2 1
3. 4 8

6 4
4. 12 12
3 2
5. 9 9

Direction: Use the cross product method. Then compare the following dissimilar
fractions using ≥, ≤, =
3 1
1. 4 3
4 7
2. 6 8
5 1
3. 7 2

6 1
4. 8 2
2 3
5. 4 6

b. Pair Activity
The pupil will find his/her partner. Then the teacher prepares two boxes
and 3 posts showing “greater than, less than, and equal”. Each box contains
fractions. The first partner will get each fraction in each respective boxes.
Then afterwards, flash it to their classmates. After flashing it, they must
compare the fractions by going to the respective relation symbol post. Then
another partner will come to the front to do the same activity.
c. Individual Activity
The pupil will answer the activity individually. The pupil should have 3
relation symbols each written on the paper. The teacher flashes some
fractions on the metacard. The pupils should compare the fractions by
raising their correct relation symbols once the teacher flashes the cards.

5. Summarizing the Lesson

What symbols of fraction do we use in comparing fractions?
To compare fractions, we use the symbols of relation such as:
≥ read as “is greater than”
≤ read as “is less than”
= read as “is equal to” or equals”

How do we compare dissimilar fractions?

For fractions with the same numerators, look at the denominators, the
fraction with the smaller denominator is the larger fraction.
For fractions with unlike denominators, cross multiplication may be used.
For fractions with the same denominators, look at the numerators, the
larger fraction is the one with the greater numerator.

6. Application:
Direction: Use the cross product method to compare the following fractions.
5 6
1. 6 7
7 5
2. 9 7
3 6
3. 4 8

2 6
4. 3 9
7 8
5. 8 9

7. Evaluation:
Direction: Compare the dissimilar fraction using the relation symbol ≥, ≤ =
1. 4 4 6. 3 2
3 9 4 5

2. 6 9 7. 1 3
8 8 8 6

3. 1 3 8. 2 4
7 4 5 5

4. 2 3 9. 4 1
6 5 5 6

5. 3 3 10. 3 1
6 4 5 7

8. Assignment:
Direction: Compare the dissimilar fractions

1. 6 4
9 9

2. 8 3
10 5

3. 1 4
2 8

4. 5 6
8 7

5. 1 1
8 5

Prepared by:

Teacher – II

Checked by:


Schools District In-charge

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