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Comic book templates are a great way to get your family or class excited

to study and discuss the stories in the scriptures! Easy layouts allow your
children to be creative and share what they are learning.
You will find four basic templates in two styles- one plain and one with some
comic book embellishments (thanks to PicMonkey). The first week you may
want to use the embellished ones to get them excited to draw. The next
week, they may want a simple one so they can add in all the fun
Fun ways to use these pages:
• Hand them out before you start and encourage them to draw as you
read a scripture story. It’s great for those that have a harder time
paying attention.
• Pass them out after you have finished the week’s readings. Ask your
group to draw what they think are some of the key things you have
studied throughout the week. This is a great way to review as well as
to see what they are understanding.
• Hand the pages out as your class comes into the room on Sunday.
Ask them to quickly (use stick figures) draw the story you want to
discuss that week. It’s an easy way to get them sharing what they
have learned as well as see what gaps you need to fill in.
• Have a different person draw the story every week and make a New
Testament family comic book. Slip each sheet in a binder full of page
protectors and leave it on the coffee table for people to read
throughout the week.
• Use the six-panel template to draw a scene from the scriptures on
one side and a way to apply it to our lives on the other side.
• Use the first two rows to draw a scripture story. Use the last row to
write in the new things you learned from the story, your testimony,
and any applications to your life.
Remember to share how you are using them with the hashtag
#teachlikeachicken (or email me!). Check out each week’s lesson helps at Happy drawing!

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Keep the fun going with my
New Testament Bingo or
Latter-day Saint Pictionary!

Now available in
my Market!

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