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Justin dawn t silorio X agoncillo January 18 2019

Good morning ladies and gentlemen cyber bullying has practical ways to respond but
when the situation call for it, don’t wait to get professional, legal and police assistance. This
house believes that it is not beneficial to put to jail parents of children who bully instead give
them education.

They should be aware. One recent study reports that in school settings, bullying is missed
by adults 96% of the time. "How can this be?" many parents ask. Easier than it seems, I am
afraid. While most teachers are very focused on what goes on in their classrooms, the majority of
bullying occurs in locations like the lunchroom, the locker room, the playground, the bathroom,
the hallways, the bus, and perhaps most infamously, online. When classroom teachers tell
concerned parents that they are not aware of bullying incidents taking place in their classroom,
they are usually quite accurate.

They will have to regularly check their children parents have a duty to do their part to
ensure that their kids do not bully others. They need to regularly remind their kids about the
importance of treating others the way they would want to be treated. They should talk about how
some things we might do or say to someone that seem funny at the time are actually pretty
hurtful. When it comes to preventing cyberbullying, parents need to regularly check in on the
online behaviors of their kids. Problematic behaviors need to be addressed with reasonable and
appropriate discipline. In general, parents need to instill in their children an ethic that includes
respecting others and always acting and interacting with integrity, whether online or off. And
they can do that in a caring and authoritative manner that encourages emotional connectedness
yet demands respect and accountability. Indeed, research has shown a positive parent-child
relationship makes it less likely that youth will engage in bullying behaviors as they do not want
to risk damaging the valued bond.

They will have a chance to reach out to other people. A bully's preferred method of
intimidation is to keep his victim isolated. A parent's best strategy for countering bullying is to
reach out to as many people as necessary to make sure that the bullying comes to an end. If you
have reached out to your child's teacher Continue to contact other school personnel-preferably
according to a chain of command-to make sure that your voice (and more importantly, your
child's voice) is heard.

Therefore I conclude that it is not beneficial to put parents of children who bully to jail
because it is their duty and responsibility to teach and discipline their children.
Patchin, J. 2013. Holding parents responsible for their childs bullying. January 14 2019.

Sonnie. (2018). What to do when cyber bullied. January 14 2019.

Whitson S. 2012. What parents ca do if bullyingis downplayed at school. January 14


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