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Group Assignment

Extension (PES 4005)

CAELA (Cassava Eco Plastic): An Innovation in Reducing Plastic Waste by Utilizing

Cassava Peel Waste in Bumiayu Village, Malang

Group S3

Dwi Wahyuni Boru S. 185050101111042

Medito Pratama 185050107111076

Nahdah Nurul Afaf 185050101111025

Salwa Haneefah Fauzia 185050107111013

Zaskia Puspitarukmi T. 185050107111019

Animal Science Faculty

University of Brawijaya



First of all, thanks to Allah SWT for the blessings and the guidance by making things
easier for the authors to complete the Extension paper entitled ”CAELA (Cassava Eco
Plastic): An Innovation in Reducing Plastic Waste by Utilizing Cassava Peel Waste in
Bumiayu Village, Malang”.

The authors would like to express their greatest gratitude to all of the individuals that
helped in making this assignment complete from the beginning until the end to:
1. Our parents, who never stopped supporting us from the beginning,
2. Prof. Dr.Sc.Agr, Ir. Suyadi, Ms., as Dean of Animal Science Faculty of Brawijaya
3. Dr. Siti Azizah, S. Pt, M.Sos, M.Commun, as Lecturer of Extension Course,
4. Siti Muliatur Rohmah and Galih Purbaningrum as our Assistants of Extention,
5. All of the group members that worked hard for this assignment.
Hopefully, this paper report can help the readers to expand their knowledge and also give
benefits for the society.

Malang, 6 February 2020





List of Tables................................................................................................................................

List of Figures..............................................................................................................................

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................................................

1.1 Background

1.2 Problem Statement


1.3 Objective

1.4 Benefits

CHAPTER II IDEA....................................................................................................................

2.1 General Description of The Extension Program.........................................................


2.2 General Description of The Target Group...................................................................


CHAPTER III EXTENTION METHOD..................................................................................


3.1 Implementation Method..............................................................................................

3.2 Description of Technology..........................................................................................


3.3 Extension Media .........................................................................................................





Table 1. Chemical Composition of Cassava Peel .....................................................................


Table 2 Extension Schedule........................................................................................................



Figure 1 Map of Bumiayu Village..............................................................................................


Figure 2. Condition of Bumiayu Village....................................................................................




1.1 Background

The more developed a country is, the more educated the people are, so the importance of
the world of education is felt. Through extension, the public can find out various kinds of
potential in the country. Not just knowing, but they are also finally able to develop the
potential that exists into an excellence that becomes his trademark. Extension is a practical
action or effort taken to encourage changes in behavior in individuals, groups, communities,
or communities so that they know, want, and are able to solve the problems encountered. The
purpose of extension is nothing but quality and dignified human life.

The most important sector which is the main discussion in this case is the agricultural
sector, where many products are produced both in the form of raw materials and finished
materials. This also impacts on people's opportunities to get jobs. However, the knowledge
possessed by most people in that focus are still lacking, which can be seen in the behavior of
the community that is less than optimal in utilizing the waste resulting from the products
produced. Meanwhile, the waste can be processed into other products by utilizing existing
technology. So, this can minimize the negative impact on the surrounding environment and
can increase people's income. The people who live in the village where we hold counseling,
the majority are rice farmers and plantations. However, the most prominent characteristic
there is the following plantation sector with a variety of preparations.

Chips which are processed from cassava, become a sign that the village community has
been very developed in terms of mind and creativity. Unfortunately, there are things that have
not or are not used as a reference point and the main focus for the producers of these
processed products, namely the utilization of waste products. For example, cassava peels are
thrown away without any effort to use them for that we want to focus on the groups of
cassava-producing farmers and producers of processed products so that they are aware of the
many potentials that can be developed and become an evaluation for the next stage. Areas that
are very supportive in terms of land, natural and human resources, and are located in the
highlands make the village more superior. Sources of income of local residents come from
entrepreneurs, agriculture, and cassava processed products. So it must be optimized so that the
elements that can still be developed are not wasted.
Plastic is one thing that is always used by humans in everyday life. However,
environmental pollution and soil damage caused by the physical and chemical properties of
the plastic will be a very big problem in the future. Seeing these conditions, then one option to
reduce the adverse effects of using plastic is to use a variety of food crop waste as raw
material. Various wastes that have good prospects and are found in the community and the
food industry today, one of which is cassava skin waste. Cassava pulp or called onggok can be
an alternative to biodegradable plastic so that it can reduce environmental pollution. (Asni, N.,
et. al. 2015)

Generally, most agricultural waste in Indonesia still contains many benefits that are rarely
known by most people. This has the potential as a raw material for making new innovations,
namely plastic-degradable plastic. (Akhadiarto, 2009)

Constraints of raw materials derived from waste are not available continuously, require
certain facilities, and require large transportation costs. However, with chemicals that are safe
and easy to obtain and community innovation if honed can continue to grow, it certainly can
be overcome.

Cassava skin starch content is quite high, allowing it to be used as a biodegradable plastic
film. This potential can be used as an opportunity to add value to cassava peel as a basic
material for making environmentally friendly plastic packaging. (Suryati, dkk. 2016)

1.2 Problem Statement

1. How to make people know that cassava skin waste can be used as plastic and
environmentally conscious
2. How the cassava peels are going to waste can be processed into the plastic
3. How CAELA become the solution to the problem and can help increase the farmers
1.3 Objective
1. Processing excessive cassava waste
2. Educating the public to be aware of the environment
3. Reducing the amount of unemployment in Bumiayu village
1.4 Benefit
1. For the government
Reducing the problem of waste in Indonesia, changing the position of Indonesia as the
second largest producer of plastic waste in the world after China, and with the innovation
of "CAELA" in Bumiayu Village, the government can build a bio-degradable plastic
industry and can be used as a state income.
2. For the community

Reducing environmental pollution in the village, exploring and developing community
potential, adding employment opportunities.
3. For students
Establish good communication between people in Bumiayu Village and can establish
easy cooperation in developing other innovations.


2.1 General Description of The Extension Program

Figure 1. Map of Bumiayu Village

Bumiayu Village is one of 12 villages in Kedungkandang Subdistrict, Malang City,
located in the South East of Malang. Bumiayu Village has an average height of 440 - 660 m
above sea level, with an area of approximately 337 m 2 with cool air temperature consisting of
low and high land areas, with the boundaries of the surrounding area explained as follows:
 North Area : Buring Vilage
 South Area : Arjowinagun Village
 East Area : Wonokoyo Vilage
 West Area : Mergosono/ Gadang/ Kebonsari Village
Bumiayu Village has 56 Neighborhood Associations (RT) and 6 Citizen Associations
(RW) with a population of around 16,315 people and a population density of 4,227 people/
km2. (Malang Kota, 2016)

Figure 2. Condition of Bumiayu Village

Bumiayu Village is famous for its culture and traditions, such as the sakhera traditional
clothing that is still worn on certain traditional events and ceremonies until today. In addition,
social and community activities such as village cleansing activities (bersih desa), community
carnivals and competitions, also routine religious activities attract many tourists to visit the
The majority of the livelihoods of the Bumiayu people are farmers, supported by the
geographical conditions of the Kelurahan Bumiayu and the availability of labor. This sector
has also been supported and facilitated by the Malang government as the main sector in
improving the community's economy. The most widely produced agricultural and plantation
products are rice and cassava. The harvested rice are processed by the farmer union in the
Bumiayu Village, while cassavas are processed into chips by local UMKM, as the
community’s small and medium level of business.

2.2 General Description of The Target Group

Plastic waste is one of the problems that is often found in Indonesian society. The high use
of plastic which is supported by a lack of public awareness causes environmental pollution
because plastic is a material that is difficult to decompose, while the citizens can’t yet process
plastic waste. The same thing happened in Bumiayu Village, Kedungkandang District,
Malang. The community in this village is actually aware of the impact caused by the
accumulation of plastic waste on the environment, but the lack of concern makes this area still
found a lot of garbage scattered at a certain point. In addition to plastic waste, the biggest
contributor to waste in Bumiayu Village is waste produced from chips in the form of cassava
peel. Whereas cassava peel can be processed into cassava starch flour which is then used as a
biodegradable plastic raw material (Harjosuwono and Arnata, 2014).

Ezeoha and Ezenwanne (2013) stated that biodegradable plastic is a degradable plastic
material in which the degradation results from the action of naturally occurring
microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and algae to be the final result in the form of water
and carbon dioxide gas, after being used up and discharged into the environment without
leaving a toxic residue. Because it is derived from nature that can return to nature,
biodegradable plastic is environmentally friendly alternative in recycling and reducing plastic

According to Suryati, et. al. (2016), Cassava peel starch content is quite high, allows it to
be used as biodegradable plastic film material. The chemical components of cassava peel can
be seen in Table 1. Cassava peel also contains tannin, peroxide enzymes, glucose, calcium
oxalate, fiber and HCN. The high starch content derived from cassava peel allows it to be
used as a biodegradable plastic film. (Akbar, et. al, 2013)

Table 1. Chemical components of cassava peel (per 100 gr calories)

No. Chemical Components Content

1 Protein 1.20 gr
2 Phosphor 40.00 gr
3 Calories 146.00 kal
4 Vitamin C 33.00 mg
5 Carbohydrate 34.00 gr
6 Fe 0.70 mgr
7 Water 62.5 gr
8 Vitamin B1 0.06 mgr

(BPTTG Center for Applied Physics Research-LIPI, 1990)

The target of this program is to increase the community awareness of the environment by
treating waste. That way, Bumiayu village can develop into clean and comfortable areas
which beneficial not just for its citizens, but can also attract more visitors. By processing
waste and producing this bioplastic, it can also increase the productivity and economic
benefits for local residents.


3.1 Implementation Method

Technologies that can be used in the extension program are modern technology and simple
technology. However, simple technology is more preferred because it is simple, cheap, easy to
apply on the Bumiayu village.
The first step that we take is making the raw material which is tapioca flour make from
cassava peel. According to Aripin, S. (2017), here are the steps we take:
1. Separate cassava peel starch and the pulp that is by extracting the starch,
2. Take starch from cassava peel starch can be done by peeling cassava and then
washing the cassava peel and blend it until smooth,
3. Add water to the smoothened material with ratio of 1 kg of material: 2 liters of

4. Filter it using filter cloth until the pulp and the liquid is obtained, then extract the
pulp obtained from the filtering process by adding water (1 kg pulp: 2 liters of
water), then filter again to get the starch,
5. Mix the starch liquid obtained from the first and second filtration and precipitate it
for 1 our then the precipitated water is discarded to get wet starch, the last step is
drying the starch.
How to make the biodegradable plastic from cassava in simple technology:
1. Prepare all the material such as glycerin, tapioca powder, Asetat acid, and water,
2. Put 2 spoons of tapioca powder on the pan,
3. Add 1/2 of glycerin on the pan,
4. Add 1/2 of Acetate acid on the pan,
5. Add 1/2 of water on the pan.
6. Mix it,
7. Heat the material,
8. Put that material on the flat place,
9. Dry and wait until the material is ready to use.

3.2 Description of Technology

The technology that we use in here that apply on the Bumiayu village is a simple way to
make a bio plastic. We just need pan, stove, Spoon, Water, Tapioca powder, Acetate acid, and
the important material to make bio plastic is Glycerin.
Table 2. Extension Schedule

No Activities Month 1 Month 2

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Together
1 Observation in Bumiayu  Dwi
2 Preparation Activities  Haneefa
3 Work Shop  Zaskia
4 Implementation    Nahdah
5 Monitoring   Medito
6 Program evaluation   Together
7 Make a report   Together

3.3 Extension Media

1. Online
a. Video

Video can be an alternative of introducing our extension program. We can use video as
a support thing in extension program. Bumiayu citizen can also access this on you tube.
b. Blog
In introducing our program and product, blog is important to introduce because in
Bumiayu village has already got good predicate in blog. That can be justified with a lot
of trophy in the Bumiayu office.
c. Social Media
Social Media is an internet-based application service that allows consumers to share
their opinions, thoughts, perspectives and experiences. For example, the most widely
used social networking sites are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Path, Google+. (Vernia,

2. Offline
a. Posters, Billboards and Banners
Posters, billboards and banners are useful to support introducing the product. Contain
some information about the product and invite people to use it. The more unique the
design of the posters, the more people attracted.


Akbar, F., Z. Anita, and H. Harahap. 2013. Pengaruh Waktu Simpan Film Plastik
Biodegradabel dari Pati Kulit Singkong Terhadap Sifat Mekanikalnya. Jurnal Teknik
Kimia USU. 2(2): 11-15.
Akhadiarto, S. 2009. Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Pisang dan Kulit Kentang Sebagai Bahan
Pakan Ternak Melalui Teknik Fermentasi. Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan. 10(3): 257-
Aripin, S., Saing B., and Kustiyah E. 2017. Studi Pembuatan Bahan Alternatif Plastik
Biodegradable dari Pati Ubi Jalar dengan Plasticizer Gliserol degan Metode Melt
Intercalation. Jurnal Teknik Mesin. – (6): 79- 84.
Asni, N., D. Saleh, and N. Rahmawati. 2015. Plastik Biodegradable Berbahas Ampas
Singkong dan Polivinil Asetat. Seminar Nasional Fisika. 9:57 – 62.
Ezeoha, S. L. and J. N. Ezenwanne. 2013. Production of Biodegradable Plastic Packaging
Film from Cassava Starch. IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN). 3(10): 14-20.
Harsojuwono, B. A., and I. A. Arnata. 2014. Study of Cassava Starch Type and Concentration
of The Characteristics of Biodegradable Plastic. Proceedings of the National Seminar
on Science and Technology 2014. University of Udayana, Bali.
Malang Kota. 2016. Kondisi Geografi. Badan Pusat Statistik, viewed 5 February 2020,

Setiadi. A. 2016. Pemanfaatan Media Social untuk Efektifitas Komunikasi. Jurnal Humaniora.
16(2): 25- 32.
Suryati, Meriatna dan Marlina. 2016. Optimasi Proses Pembuatan Bioplastik dari Pati Limbah
Kulit Singkong. Jurnal Teknologi Kimia Unimal. 5(1): 78-91.
Vernia, D. M. 2017. Peranan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Media Sosial dalam Pemasaran Online
untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM). Lectura
Jurnal Pendidikan. 8(2): 193 – 203.


Extension Documentations in Bumiayu Village

Environment Condition in Bumiayu

Production of Cassava Chips in Bumiayu
Example of the Finished Product

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