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Lecturer :

Mr. Dr. H. Ali Akbarjono S.Ag.,S.Hum,M.pd

Arranged by:

1. Chindy Yulia Permatasari Nim: 1811230051

Class :

GKB lt.3 ruang 17/ 3B







First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer
finished writing the paper entitled “Analysis Management repair of quality
school owned by the government ” right in the calculated time.

The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given
by Mr.Dr. H. Ali Akbarjono S.Ag, S.Hum, M.pd as a lecturer of
Educational Management that always teaches and give us much
knowledge about Educational Management.

In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and
obstructions but with help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could
passed. writer also realized there are still many mistakes in process of
writing this paper.

The writer realized tha this paper still imperfect in arrangment and the
content. then the writer hope the criticism from the readers can help the
writer in perfecting the next paper.last but not the least hopefully, this
paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge.

Bengkulu, Februari 02nd, 2019



PREFACE ............................................................................................................. ii

TABLE OF CONTENS ...................................................................................... iii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1
A. Background ..................................................................................................... 1
B. Research Question............................................................................................. 1
C. Writing Purpose ................................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION................................................................................ 3
A. The meaning of MPMBS of government education in schools...................... 3
B. The steps in the MPMBS of government education in schools......................... 4
C. Management constraints in MPMBM ……………..........................................5
D. The management's effort to improve the MPMBM............................................7

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION ........................................................................ 10

A. Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 10
B. Suggest ............................................................................................................ 10
REFERENCES...................................................................................................... 10


A. Background
One of the education problems faced by the Indonesian people is the low
quality of education at every level and unit of education, especially primary and
secondary education. Edward Salis in his book Total Quality Management in
Education said, the conditions that caused the low quality of education could come
from various sources, namely poor curriculum planning, incompatible building
management, a less conducive work environment, incompatible systems and
procedures (management) insufficient hours lessons learned, lack of resources and
staff development. Whereas Syarifuddin (2002) states that the quality of our education
is low, it lies in the elements of our own education system, which is at least in the
curriculum, personnel resources, facilities and facilities, madrasah management,
education funding and leadership are factors that need to be observed.
The discussion provides us with an understanding that education development
is not only focused on providing educational input factors but also must pay more
attention to the educational process factors. Education input is an absolute must within
certain limits but is not a guarantee that it can automatically improve the quality of
education (school resources are necessary but not sufficient conditions to improve
student achievement). Besides that, considering that schools are the foremost
implementing units of formal education with a variety of potential students who
require diverse educational services, environmental conditions that are different from
one another, schools must be dynamic and creative in carrying out their roles to strive
to improve the quality of education. this can be done if the school with its various
diversity, given the confidence to regulate and take care of themselves in accordance
with environmental conditions and the needs of their students. However, for quality to
be maintained and for the quality improvement process to be controlled, there must be
a national standard that is set and agreed upon to be used as an indicator of evaluating
the success of quality improvement (the existence of benchmarking).
In addition, external factors such as political participation are low, the
economy does not favor education, social culture, the low utilization of science and

technology, also affects the quality of education. While according to Sallis (2003) in
the management theory, practice and research book, the majority of the low quality is
caused by poor management and educational policies. The school is only a mere
implementer of the policies set by his superiors, Sallis' opinion supports the opinion of
Juran, one of the world's quality scientists. Juran believes that 85% of quality
problems are determined by management, the rest by other factors.

B. Research Question
1. What is the meaning of the management analysis of improving the quality of
government education in schools?
2. What are the steps in the management analysis of improving the quality of
government education in schools?
3. Management constraints in improving the quality of government-owned school
4. What is the management's effort to improve the quality of government-owned
school education based on the journal analysis of the actualization of madrasah-
based quality improvement management?

C. Writing Purpose
1. Can find out the understanding of the management analysis of improving the
quality of government education in schools.
2. Can find out how the steps of the management analysis of improving the quality of
government education in schools.
3. Can identify management obstacles in improving the quality of government-
owned school education.
4. Can find out how management's efforts in improving the quality of government-
owned school education based on the journal analysis of the actualization of
madrasa-based quality improvement management.


A. The Meaning Of The Management Analysis Of Improving The Quality Of

Government Education In Schools
Language analysis can be interpreted as a breakdown of a subject for its
various parts and a review of the part itself and the relationship between the parts to
obtain a proper understanding and understanding of the overall meaning. In terms of
analysis can be interpreted as an action in evaluating the desired goals in achieving a
common goal that is expected. Whereas strategy is defined as a careful plan regarding
activities to achieve specific targets. According to Sallis in his book Sudarwan said
that quality can be interpreted as an extraordinary degree of satisfaction received by
the customer according to his needs and desires. Achmad said that the quality of
education in schools can be interpreted as the ability of schools in operational
management and efficiency of the components related to the school, so as to produce
added value to these components according to applicable norms or standards.1
Quality management theory in education began to be introduced in the 1990s
after achieving success in industry in the 1980s in Japan. Even though quality
management in the industrial sector was successful, but in the field of education there
was still debate over the measurement and quality assurance system itself. Some
countries use different quality assurance and measurement models. This relates to
certain standards used and how the process must go through to achieve these
standards. Besides that, there is also debate about the standard whether according to
internal or external. This is set as a theory that developed in the management of
educational quality. The position of this theory as a basis for criticizing the theories of
quality management developed in the education system.2
Based on the analysis of the journal take the example of a government-owned
school in the form of a madrasa. With greater autonomy, the madrasa has greater
authority in managing its madrasa, so that the madrasa is more independent. With its
independence, madrasas are more empowered in developing programs that are, of

Sudarwan Danim, “Agenda Pembaharuan Sistem Pendidikan”,(Cet:I, Yogyakarta, Pustaka Belajar, 2003), P.79
Artikel, “Pendidikan, konsep dasar MPMBM”,, P.3

course, more in line with their needs and potential. With its flexibility / flexibility,
madrasas will be more agile in managing and optimally utilizing madrasa resources.3
Madrasa-based quality improvement management is the madrasa management
process directed at improving the quality of education, autonomously planned,
organized, implemented, and evaluated involving all school stakeholders. In
accordance with the concept. Madrasa-based quality improvement management is
essentially giving autonomy to madrassas to actively or independently carry out and
develop various programs to improve the quality of education in accordance with the
needs of the school or surrounding community.4
In general, madrasah-based quality improvement management (MPMBM) can
be interpreted as a management model that gives schools greater autonomy, provides
flexibility / flexibility to schools, and encourages direct participation by school
members (teachers, students, principals, employees) and the community (students'
parents, community leaders, scientists, business people, etc.) to improve the quality of
madrassas based on national education policies and applicable laws and regulations.
B. The Steps In The Management Analysis Of Improving The Quality Of
Government Education In Schools
In order to improve the quality of Islamic education, it requires steps of active
and dynamic participation from parents, students, teachers and other staff including
institutions that have a concern for school education must carry out the following
stages of activity:
1. The compilation of databases and school profiles is more presentative,
accurate, valid and systematically involving various aspects of academic,
administrative (students, teachers, staff), and finance.
2. Conduct a self-evaluation to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of school
resources, school personnel, performance in developing and achieving
curriculum targets and the results achieved by students.
3. Based on the analysis, schools must identify the needs of the school and
formulate a vision, mission, and goals in order to present quality / quality
education for their students in accordance with the concept of national
education development to be achieved.

Muhammad Asrori “Analisis Aktualisasi Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Berbasis Madrasah”, Vol. 15, No. 2
(2017) P. 7
Ibrohim Bafada, “Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Sekolah Dasar, Dari Sentralisasi menuju
Desentralisasi”, (PT Bumi Aksara, Jakarta: 2006), P. 82

4. Schools together with their communities plan and arrange long-term or short-
term programs (annual including the budget). Conduct monitoring and
evaluation to ensure whether the planned program can be implemented in
accordance with the objectives, whether the objectives have been achieved,
and the extent of their achievement. Because our focus is on the quality of
students, monitoring and evaluation activities must meet the need to know the
students' learning processes and outcomes.5
The quality of education is related to government policies regarding the
national education system. Madrasa is a subsystem in the national education
system. The existence of madrasas as a tafaqqah fi al-din institution when viewed
in a curricular perspective, religious education subjects receive a higher
percentage (70%) when compared to the portion of general subjects (30) .15 The
national education system is changed as determined through the Law Number 2 of
1989 concerning the National Education System has a significant impact on
madrasas. The equating of madrasas with public schools means changing the
whole madrasa education subsystem. Therefore renovation of the entire madrasa
education subsystem must be carried out, not only limited to the curriculum, but
also as a consequence is the teacher, madrasa facilities, and management.6
Basically the essence of the MPMBM concept is an increase in madrasah
autonomy plus participatory decision making. This concept has the consequence
that the implementation of MPMBM is appropriate to apply the "idiographic"
approach (allowing for various ways to implement MPMBM) and no longer using
the "nomothetic" approach (how to implement MPMBM which tends to be
uniform / conformity for all madrasas).
C. Management Constraints In Improving The Quality Of Government-Owned
School Education
It is an undeniable fact that the Indonesian nation is facing a very problematic and
tiring transition. The transition problem is characterized by three things that hinder the
improvement of the quality of education, namely:

Nana Sudjana dan Ibrahim, “Penelitian Dan Penilaian Pendidikan”,(Bandung: Sinar Baru
Algesindo, 2007) hal. 65-68
Muhammad Asrori “Analisis Aktualisasi Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Berbasis Madrasah”, Vol. 15, No. 2
(2017) P.9

1. Low Human Resources (HR), the opportunity to participate in education is
very small and the tedious multidimensional crisis, then members of the
community who experience excitement in facing their future.
2. The implementation of democratic life which is still at the stage of "Teen
Puberty" turns out to make every decision always prioritizing a large quantity
or amount even though it does not describe the truth.
3. The problems we face also include leadership problems. Some leaders lack
intellectual worthiness, leadership, moral, and honesty.7

In general, the challenges of madrasas originate from madrasa outputs which

can be categorized into four, namely quality, productivity, effectiveness, and
efficiency. Quality is the overall description and characteristics of goods or services,
which shows its ability to satisfy the specified or implied needs. In the context of
education, the quality in question is the quality of the output of madrasas that are
academic for example: NEM and non-academic eg: sports and arts. Productivity is the
ratio between madrasa outputs and madrasa input. Both madrasa outputs and inputs
are in quantity. Madrasah input quantity, for example the number of teachers,
madrasah capital, materials, and energy.
Madrasah output quantity, for example the number of students who graduate
every year. Effectiveness is a measure that states how far goals (quality, quantity, and
time) have been achieved. In the form of an equation, effectiveness is the same as real
results divided by expected results. Efficiency can be classified into two namely
internal efficiency and external efficiency. Internal efficiency refers to the relationship
between madrasah output (learning achievement) and inputs (resources) used to
process / produce madrasah output. External efficiency is the relationship between the
costs used to produce graduates and the cumulative benefits (individual, social,
economic, and non-economic) obtained after a long period of time outside the

Syahrir Harahab. Penegakan Moral Akademik Didalam dan Diluar Kampu. (Cet I. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo
Persada, 2005), 64-65
Muhammad Asrori “Analisis Aktualisasi Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Berbasis Madrasah”, Vol. 15, No. 2
(2017) P. 11

D. The Management's Effort To Improve The Quality Of Government-Owned
School Education Based On The Journal Analysis Of The Actualization Of
Madrasah-Based Quality Improvement Management
As for the efforts in the implementation of quality improvement management
Madrasah based are as follows:
1. Socializing
All madrasa elements must understand the concept of MPMBM
"what", "why" and "how" MPMBM is organized. Therefore, the first step that
must be taken by madrassas is to socialize the concept of MPMBM to every
madrasa element (teachers, students, deputy head of madrasas, BK teachers,
employees, parents of students, supervisors, officials of District / City
Education Offices, Provincial Education Service officials, etc.) through
various mechanisms, such as seminars, workshops, discussions, work
meetings, symposia, scientific forums and mass media.9
2. Formulating the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the madrasa
Vision is a picture of the future desired by the madrasa, so that the
madrasa concerned can ensure its survival and development. Mission is an
action to realize / realize that vision. Because the vision must accommodate all
interest groups related to madrasas. Objectives are "what" will be achieved /
produced by the madrasa concerned and "when" the goals will be achieved. If
the vision and mission are related to a long period of time.
3. Identifying the functions needed to achieve the goal
Functions that need to be involved to achieve the goals and which still
need to be examined their level of readiness. The functions in question, for
example, the teaching and learning process function and its supporting
functions are curriculum development function, planning and evaluation
function, personnel function, financial function, student service function,
madrasa academic climate development function, madrasa-community
relations function, and facility development function.10
4. Do a SWOT analysis

Muhammad Asrori “Analisis Aktualisasi Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Berbasis Madrasah”, Vol. 15, No. 2
(2017) P.9
Ibid, P.10

After the functions that need to be involved to achieve the target are
identified, the next step is to determine the level of readiness for each function
and its factors through a SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity,
and Threat)
5. Arranging quality improvement plans and programs
All the elements make plans for the short, medium and long term,
along with their programs to realize the plan. Madrasas do not always have
enough resources to meet all the needs for the implementation of the
MPMBM, so it is necessary to make priorities for the short, medium and long
6. Implement quality improvement plans
How to take proactive steps to realize the goals set. Madrasah
principals and teachers should make the most of available educational
resources, use past experiences that are considered effective, and use theories
that have been proven to improve the quality of learning.
7. Monitor and evaluate implementation
To find out the level of success of the program, madrasas need to
conduct an evaluation of program implementation, both short and long term.
With this evaluation the program's strengths and weaknesses will be identified
to be improved in the following years.
8. Formulate new quality objectives
Equally important, the evaluation results are input for madrassas and
parents of students to formulate new quality goals for the coming year. If
deemed successful, quality objectives can be increased according to the
capabilities of the available resources. If not, it could be that the quality
objectives remain the same as before, but improvements to the strategy and
mechanism for implementing the activity will be carried out.12

Muhammad Asrori “Analisis Aktualisasi Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Berbasis Madrasah”, Vol. 15, No. 2
(2017) P. 12
Ibid, P.13


A. Conclusion
The quality of education has to do with government policies regarding national
education system. Madrasas are subsystems in the education system national. The
changed national education system as stipulated in Law No. 2 of 1989 concerning the
National education system had a sufficient impact big against madrasa. Equating
madrasa with public schools means change the whole madrasa education subsystem.
Madrasa-based quality improvement management is a management process madrasa
which is directed at improving the quality of education, in an autonomous manner
planned, organized, implemented, and evaluated involving all setakeholder school. In
accordance with the concept.
Madrasah Based Management as school autonomy, or a centralized victory.
Concept of quality seen as a relative concept, not absolute. One quality perspective is
not necessarily quality according to other perspectives. The stages the
implementation of madrasa-based quality improvement management is as following:
1) Formulating the Vision, Mission, Objectives, and Targets of the School
(Situational Objectives Schools) 2) Socializing the MPMBM Concept, 3) Identifying
Challenges Real Madrasas Identify the Functions Required to Achieve Goal 4)
Conduct a SWOT Analysis. Madrasas use a guarantee system quality varies between
external, namely the National Accreditation Board School / Madrasa and internal.
This is based on survey results that are in accordance with Government regulations
every madrasa must be accredited so use BAN-S / M (National School / Madrasah
Accreditation Agency).

D. Suggest
Suggestions for good readers, your contribution in order helps to improve this
paper because the author is aware that there are still many mistakes in making this


Danim, Sudarwan, “Agenda Pembaharuan Sistem Pendidikan”,(Cet:I, Yogyakarta, Pustaka

Belajar, 2003)

Artikel ,“Pendidikan, konsep dasar MPMBM”,

Asrori, Muhammad “Analisis Aktualisasi Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Berbasis

Madrasah”, Vol. 15, No. 2 (2017)

Bafada, Ibrohim,”Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Sekolah Dasar, Dari Sentralisasi menuju

Desentralisasi”, (PT Bumi Aksara, Jakarta: 2006)

Sudjana,Nana dan Ibrahim, “Penelitian Dan Penilaian Pendidikan”,(Bandung: Sinar Baru

Algesindo, 2007)

Harahab, Syahrir, “Penegakan Moral Akademik Didalam dan Diluar Kampu.”, (Cet I.
Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2005)


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