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YCT 3 Vocabulary List(三级)词汇表

1. ____________ 8. _____________ 14. _____________

(jiā  - family, home) (jiàoshì - classroom) (gēge  - elder brother)

2._____________ 9. _____________ 15. _____________

(xué xiào - school) (Běijīng  - Beijing, (jiějie  - elder sister)

capital of People's
3._____________ 16. _____________
Republic of China;
(shāngdiàn  - shop; Peking ) (dídi - younger brother)
10. _____________ 17. _____________
(  zhōng  guó  rén  - (mèimei - younger sister)
(áng  jiān- room) Chinese person)
18. _____________
5._____________ 11. _____________
( yéye - grandfather
(yī  yuàn  - hospital) (méi guó rén - (father's side) )
6._____________ 19. _____________
12. _____________
(chē  zhàn  - train or (nǎinai  - grandmother
( bàba - dad, father) (father's-side) )
bus station)
13. _____________ 20. _____________
7. _____________
(  māma  - mom,mother) (xiān   sheng   - Mr./ Sir)
(dòng wù yuán - zoo)

21. _____________ 30. _____________ 39. _____________

(xiǎojie  - Miss / young (kǒu  - mouth) ( lǎo  hǔ  - tiger)

31. _____________ 40. _____________
22. _____________
(yǎn  jing  - eye) (mǎ  - horse)
(yī  shēng  - doctor)
32. _____________ 41. _____________
23. _____________
(tóu fa - hair) (hóu zi - monkey)
(nín - you :polite )
33. _____________ 42. _____________
24. _____________
(ěr  duo  - ear) (gǒu  - dog)
(lǎo  shī  - teacher)
34. _____________ 43. _____________
25. _____________
(bízi - nose) (māo  - cat)
( tóngxué - classmate)
35. _____________ 44. _____________
26. _____________
(zuǐ  ba  - mouth) (yú - fish)
(xuésheng - student)
36. _____________ 45. _____________
27. _____________
(jiǎo  - foot) (niǎo  - bird)
(péng you - friend)
37. _____________ 46. _____________
28. _____________
(dù zi - stomach / (xióngmāo  - panda)
(shēn  tǐ   - body; health) belly)
47. _____________
29. _____________ 38. _____________
(shuǐ  - water)
(shǒu  - hand) (gè zi - height)
48. _____________ 57._____________ (shí hou - time / length
of time / moment /
(  niú  nǎi  - milk) (jī  dàn  - eggs) period)
49. _____________ 58._____________ 66._____________
(kā  fēi  - coffee)
(cài - dish / vegetables) (  jīn  tiān  - today)
50. _____________
59._____________ 67._____________
(chá - tea)
(dàn  gāo  - cake) (  míng  tiān  - tomorrow)
51. _____________
60._____________ 68._____________
(guǒzhī  - juice)
(  shuǐ  guǒ  - fruit) (  zuó  tiān  - yesterday)
52. ____________
61._____________ 69._____________
(mǐ  fàn  - cooked rice)
(  píng  guǒ  - apple) (xiàn zài - now)
62._____________ 70._____________
( miàn tiáo - noodles)
(  xiāng  jiāo  - banana) (nián - year)
63._____________ 71._____________
(miàn  bāo  - bread)
(  xī  guā  - watermelon) ( yuè - month; the moon)
64._____________ 72._____________
(bāozi  - steamed
(shí  jiān  - time) (rì - day; the sun)
stuffed bun)
65._____________ 73._____________
( hào - date; number)
(jiǎozi  - dumpling)

74._____________ (  jīn  nián  - this year) 92._____________

(  xīngqī  - week) 83._____________ (  lǐ  wù  - gift; present)

75._____________ (qù nián - last year) 93._____________

(diǎn  - o'clock; dot) 84._____________ (qiǎo kè lì - chocolate)

76._____________ (míng nián - next year) 94._____________

(  xiǎo  shí  - hour) 85._____________ (méi  guī  huā  - rose)

77._____________ (shēngrì  - birthday) 95._____________

(  fēn  zhōng  - minute) 86._____________ (  yǔ  sǎn  - umbrella)

78._____________ (  qiānbǐ  - pencil) 96._____________

(zǎoshang  - (early) 87._____________ (yào - medicine)

morning )
(  shū  bāo- schoolbag) 97._____________
88._____________ (  bēizi  - cup; glass)
(  zhōngwǔ  - noon)
(zhuō  zi  - table / desk) 98._____________
89._____________ (  fēi  jī  - airplane)
(xiàwǔ  - afternoon)
(yǐ  zi  - chair) 99._____________
90._____________ (zì  xíng  chē  - bicycle)
(  wǎnshang  - evening,
night) (diàn shì - TV) 100._____________

82._____________ 91._____________ (gōng  gòng  qì  chē  - bus)

(  diàn  nǎo  - computer)

101. _____________ 110. _____________ 118. _____________

(yī  fu  - clothes, clothing) (tiān  qì  - weather) (nián jí - grade)

102. _____________ 111. _____________ 119. _____________

( qún zi - skirt) (yán sè - color) ( shì qing - matter /

thing / business)
103. _____________ 112. _____________
120. _____________
( kù zi - trousers; pants_ (qián - money)

104. _____________ (shén me shì - What's

113. _____________
up? What's the matter?)
(xié - shoes) ( duō  shǎo  qián?  -
121. _____________
105. _____________ How much (money)? )
( tài yáng - sun)
(wà zi - socks / 114. _____________
stockings) 122. _____________
( dōng  xi  - things;
106. _____________ objects) ( yuè liang - moon)

(  bēi  zi  - cup; glass) 115. _____________ 123. _____________

107. _____________ (kè - subject / class / ( lǐ  miàn  - inside)

(hànyǔ  - Chinese 124. _____________
language) 116. _____________
(  shàngbiān  - up, above)
108. _____________ ( wèn tí - question /
125. _____________
problem / issue / topic)
(míng zi - name) (xià  biān  - under)
117. _____________
109. _____________
(yì si - meaning)
( xìngmíng - full name)
126. _____________ 134. _____________ 141. _____________

(qián - front; forward; (  qǐng  - to ask / to invite ( shì - am, is, are)
former; ago, before) / please (do sth) / to
treat (to a meal, etc) / to 142. _____________
127. _____________ request) ( bú shì - no (negative
( hòu - back, behind; 135. _____________ form of shì) )
after, afterwards)
(  qǐng  wèn  - excuse me / 143. _____________
128. _____________ may I ask) (  yǒu  - to have, there is /
(zuǒ  - left) 136. _____________ are)

(zài jiàn - good-bye) 144. _____________

129. _____________

137. _____________ (méi  yǒu  - don't have,

( yòu - right)
there is not)
130. _____________ ((duì  bu  qǐ  - I'm sorry /
pardon me / forgive me) 145. _____________
(pángbiān  - side)
138. _____________ ( kàn - to read, to see, to
131. _____________ watch, to look at)
(méi  guānxi  - it doesn't
(wài miàn - outside) matter, that's all right) 146. _____________

139. _____________ (  hē  - to drink)

132. _____________

( huānyíng  - welcome) 147. _____________

(xièxie - thanks)

140. _____________ (chī  - to eat)

133. _____________

(méi wèntí - No 148. _____________

(bú kèqi - not at all,
don't mention it, you're problem. / No (qù - to go / to leave / to
welcome) questions.) remove)

149. _____________ ( xué xí - to learn / to (guān  - -to close; to turn
study) off)
( lái - to come)
158. _____________ 166. _____________
150. _____________
( shuì jiào - to sleep) (huí - to go back / to
( zuò - to do, to make) return )
151. _____________ 159. _____________
167. _____________
( zuò - to sit) (qǐ  chuáng  - to get up,
(wèn - to ask)
to get out of bed)
152. _____________
168. _____________
160. _____________
(  mǎi  - to buy)
(  zǒu  - to go, to walk )
(dǎ  diàn  huà  - to make
153. _____________
a phone call) 169. _____________
( jiào - to be called, to
161. _____________ (chuān  - to wear
(clothes, shoes, socks) )
(tīng  - to listen, to hear)
154. _____________
170. _____________
162. _____________
( mài - to sell)
(pǎo  - to run)
( dú - to read / to study)
155. _____________
171. _____________
163. _____________
( huà - draw / picture /
(gěi  - to give )
painting) (  xiě  - to write)
172. _____________
156. _____________ 164. _____________
(zhǎo  - to try to find / to
(shuō  huà- to speak; to (  kāi  - open / start / look for / to call on (sb)
say; to talk) drive) / to find / to seek / to
return / to look for / to
157. _____________ 165. _____________
give change)

173. _____________ present) / to see off / to 187. _____________
(dǒng  - to understand / (pǎo  bù  - running, to
to know) 181. _____________ jog)
174. _____________ ( ràng - to let; to allow; 188. _____________
( xiào - to smile, to to make)
( tī  zú  qiú  - to play
182. _____________ soccer)
175. _____________
(xǐ  zǎo  - to take a 189. _____________
(  kū  - to cry) bath/shower)
(dǎ  lán  qiú- play
176. _____________ 183. _____________ basketball)

( jìn - to enter) (wánr - to have fun; to 190. _____________

177. _____________ (chàng  gē  - to sing a
184. _____________ song)
( chū  - to go out)
(xiū   xi   - to take a rest) 191. _____________
178. _____________
185. _____________ ( tiàowǔ  - to dance)
(diū  - to lose / to put
aside / to throw) (bāng  zhù  - assistance 192. _____________
/ to help / to assist)
179. _____________ ( yóu  yǒng  -
186. _____________ swimming, to swim)
(ná - to take; to hold;
to get) ( yùn dòng - sports, 193. _____________
180. _____________ (  shàngwǎng  - be online,
go online)
(sòng - to deliver / to
carry / to give (as a
194. _____________ 202. _____________ 210. _____________

(wán - to finish / (xiǎng  - to feel like (hóng - red)

complete ) doing, to think, to want)
211. _____________
195. _____________ 203. _____________
( huáng - yellow)
(  shēngbìng  - to get sick) (  zhī  dào  - to know)
212. _____________
196. _____________ 204. _____________
(  lǜ  - green)
(  gǎn  mào  - to catch (  bù  zhī  dào  - don't
cold / (common) cold) know) 213. _____________

197. _____________ 205. _____________ ( lán - blue)

(chí dào - to arrive late) ( huì - can, to be able to) 214. _____________

198. _____________ 206. _____________ ( hēi  - black)

( ài - to love / to like) (bú huì - to be unable to, 215. _____________

199. _____________ ( bái - white)
207. _____________
(xǐ  huan- to like) 216. _____________
(yào - to want; to be
200. _____________ going to) (duō  - many / much / a
lot of / numerous /
(rèn shi - to know / to 208. _____________ multi-)
be familiar with / to
recognize) (kě yǐ  - can / may / 217. _____________
possible / able to)
201. _____________ (  shǎo  - few, little, less)
209. _____________
( jué de - to feel / to 218. _____________
think) ( néng - can; be able to)
( dà - big)
219. _____________ ( màn - slow; slowly) 235. _____________

(  xiǎo  - small, little ) 228. _____________ (nǚ  - man / female)

220. _____________ (yuǎn  - far / distant / 236. _____________

(cháng - length / long / ( pàng - fat)
forever / always / 229. _____________
constantly) 237. _____________
( jìn - near, similar, to
221. _____________ approach) ( shòu -- thin)

(gāo  - high / tall) 230. _____________ 238. _____________

222. _____________ (  xīn  - new) ( nán - difficult)

(  lěng  - cold) 231. _____________ 239. _____________

223. _____________ ( duì - couple / pair / to ( máng - busy)

be opposite / to face /
(rè - hot) 240. _____________
correct (answer) / right)
224. _____________ (lèi - tired)
232. _____________
(hǎo  - good / well) 241. _____________
(  bǎo  - to eat till full /
225. _____________ satisfied) (  shū  fu  - comfortable)

233. _____________ 242. _____________

(huài - bad / awfully)
( è - to be hungry / (zháo jí - worry / feel
226. _____________
hungry) anxious)
( kuài - nearly; fast;
234. _____________ 243. _____________
(nán - man /male ) (  hǎo  chī  - tasty /
227. _____________
~ 10 ~
244. _____________ (nín - you (with 262. _____________
respect) )
(  gāoxìng  - glad, happy; (nǎ  - which)
pleased) 253. _____________
263. _____________
245. _____________ (  tā  - he, him)
(nǎr  - where)
( kuài lè - happy) 254. _____________
264. _____________
246. _____________ (  tā  - she, her)
( shéi - who, whom)
(  kě  ài  - cute / lovely) 255. _____________
265. _____________
247. _____________ (tā  - it )
(shén - me - what)
(  dāng  rán  - of course) 256. _____________
266. _____________
248. _____________ (wǒ  men  - we; us)
(zěn  me  - how? / what?
(piào liang - beautiful, 257. _____________ / why?)
(  tā  men  - they; them) 267. _____________
249. _____________
258. _____________ (zěn  me  yàng  - how
( téng - ache, pain) about, what about)
( zhè - this)
250. _____________ 268. _____________
259. _____________
(  wǒ  - I, me) (zěn  me  le  - What's
(zhèr - here) up?/What's going
251. _____________ on?/What happened?)
260. _____________
(  nǐ  - you (singular) ) 269. _____________
( nà - that)
252. _____________ (  duō  shǎo  - how much,
261. _____________
how many)
( nàr - there)
~ 11 ~
270. _____________ 278. _____________ 285. _____________

(wèi shén me - why / for (  qiān  - thousand) ( suì - year of age)

what reason)
279. _____________ 286. _____________
271. _____________
(  liǎng  - two (before (  jǐ  suì  - How old?)
(  jǐ  - how much / how measure words, age,
many / several / a few) and some numerals) ) 287. _____________

272. _____________ 280. _____________ (kuài - yuan (unit of

currency) / a measure
(  měi  - every; each) (líng - zero (in written word for cloth, cake,
form) ) soap)
273. _____________
281. _____________ 288. _____________
(měi  tiān  - every day)
(bàn - half / semi- / (  jǐ  kuài  - how
274. _____________ incomplete ) much(money)?; how
(tiān  tiān- every day) many pieces/chunks?)
282. _____________
275. _____________ 289. _____________
(dì  yī  - the first)
(  zì  jǐ  - oneself) (zhī  - a measure word
283. _____________
for some animals)
276.一二三四五六七八 (gè - a measure word or
九十 counting word, 290. _____________
describes a class of
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, (jǐ  zhī - how many)
291. _____________
284. _____________
277. _____________
(běn  - a measure word
(jǐ  ge  - how many, for books)
(  bǎi  - hundred)

~ 12 ~
292. _____________ 299. _____________ 307. _____________

(jǐ  běn- how many book ( bù - not) ( tài - highest / greatest /

of ) too (much) / very /
300. _____________ extremely)
293. _____________
(hěn  - very) 308. _____________
(cì - times order)
301. _____________ ( zài - again / once more
294. _____________ / re- / second / another)
(  yě  - also, too)
(  jǐ  cì  - several times) 309. _____________
302. _____________
295. _____________ (jiù - then )
(méi  yǒu  -- don't have,
( jiàn - measure word there is not) 310. _____________
for shirts, dresses,
303. _____________ (zuì - most / -est)
jackets, coats, etc.)
(zhēn  - really) 311. _____________
296. _____________
304. _____________ ( hái - still, yet; even
(a couple of pieces of
clothing) (dōu  - both; all) more; also, else)

297. _____________ 305. _____________ 312. _____________

(  xiē  - some / few / (bié - leave; difference; ( hé - and)

several / a measure classify; other; don´t) 313. _____________
306. _____________ (  yīn  wèi  - because)
298. _____________
(yì  qǐ  - together) 314. _____________
(  yì  xiē  - some / a few /
a little) (  suǒ  yǐ  - therefore; as a
result; so)

~ 13 ~
315. _____________ 322. _____________

(dàn shì - but, however) (de - particle used after

a verb or an adjective to
316. _____________ express
possibility or capability)
(zài - at, in, on,be at)
323. _____________
317. _____________
(guò - aspectual particle
(  bǐ  - to compare)
/ go across, pass; across,
318. _____________ through; spend time;
fault, mistake)
(  bǎ  - a measure word /
to hold / to contain / to 324. _____________
grasp / to take hold of)
(ba - a grammatical
319. _____________ word indicating a
suggestion or a
(ma - a particle used for rhetorical question)
questions expecting yes-
no answer) 325. _____________

320. _____________ (wèi - hello; hey)

(le - grammatical word 326. _____________

that indicates a
(de - possessive particle
completed or
used after a pronoun,
finished action)
noun or
321. _____________ adjective / ´s)

(ne - ending word of a


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