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Dear Senator Steinburg,

My name is Kirsten Mills, I am a Licensed Athletic Trainer and a Public Health master’s student
in Elizabeth City, N.C. Being a public health professional, it is my role to evaluate current issues
that our population is facing and develop programs that will protect individuals, families, and
communities around us. I would like to take a few minutes of your time to shed light on a rising
epidemic that is affecting our youth, our future generation of America.

Adolescent obesity has become a major public health problem around the world, affecting 350
million children globally. According to State of Childhood Obesity, 21% of youth ages 10 to 17
are considered obese. This number has nearly doubled in the past decade and is expected to
continuously increase at alarming rates if actions are not taken now. Obesity can lead to serious
health concerns in childhood and continue to affect them through adulthood. Serious health
concerns including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, increased risk of morbidity, stroke,
depression, high blood pressure, and reduced life expectancy.

All studies have linked decreased physical activity, poor dietary intake, increased sedentary
behaviors, and family characteristics to the rising numbers of adolescent obesity. It is important
that children are participating in physical activity at least 60 minutes a day, are eating a healthy
and balanced diet that consists of vegetables, fruits, protein, and whole grains, and screen time
be limited to no more than 2 hours a day.

Working with adolescents on a daily basis, I have seen the effects of obesity on the youth of
America. Preventative tactics are the key to reversing existing adolescent obesity and changing
the path for our future generation. I would like to know that I have your support in the future
when I take action to better our children’s future. A healthier population is a happier population,
living life to the fullest and creating a better place to live and a better quality of life.

Thank you for your time,

Kirsten Mills, LAT, ATC

Kirsten Mills
Licensed Athletic Trainer
Liberty University – Master of Public Health
(828) 226 4828

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