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DOI 10.1007/s11581-016-1785-z


Preparation of Schiff base surfactant and its application

in alkaline zinc-nickel batteries
Zheng Liu 1 & Yong Zhao 1 & Guo-Cheng Han 2 & Jin Liu 1 & Qiuyi He 1 & Chenzheng Chen 2

Received: 19 April 2016 / Revised: 10 July 2016 / Accepted: 19 July 2016

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract A Schiff base surfactant 2-octanone ethylene zinc-air batteries, and common manganese batteries. Zinc
diamine (OED) was in this study designed to improve the owns many electrochemical properties with higher hydrogen
performance of alkaline zinc-nickel batteries that were synthe- over-potential, smaller corrosion loss, higher uniform anode
sized and characterized by IR and XRD. Electrochemical ex- erosion, and working potential when compared with magne-
perimental results showed that addition of OED surfactant in sium, lithium, or aluminum materials [1–3].
both zinc electrode and electrolyte effectively inhibited self- There are currently several challenges that still hamper the
corrosion of zinc electrode and improved performance of zinc- development of alkaline zinc batteries or zinc electrode as an
nickel battery charge and discharge. The battery capacity can anode material. Such challenges include the following: solu-
keep almost 70 % of the theoretical capacity after 30 times bility in alkaline solution, deformation, dendrite growth, self-
cycles. The batteries also showed better performance, lower corrosion, and inactivation [4–6]. In order to solve the above
resistance, and longer cycle life with addition of surfactant, challenges for zinc electrode, preparation processes for zinc
which can be attributed to fact that the zinc electrode surface electrode, collector materials, electrode charge and discharge
had good adsorption capacity and coordination with zinc ions system, membrane materials, and additives have been studied
in the presence of surfactant. extensively [7–10]. Some specific additives were especially
added in the zinc electrode and electrolyte to improve the
Keywords Zinc electrode . Self-corrosion . Dendrites . corrosion performance for secondary zinc electrode [11–15].
Deformation . Surfactant It is well known that mercury is one of the best kinds of zinc
electrode additives. It was found that addition of 1~4 wt%
HgO to the electrode can effectively improve the performance
Introduction of zinc electrode [16, 17]. However, mercury and mercury
salts pollute environments for a long time, and they should
Zinc is one of the widely used negative electrode materials for thus be abandoned as zinc electrode additives.
batteries such as nickel-zinc batteries, silver zinc batteries, Surfactant inhibitors play more and more important role as
zinc electrode additives [18], because they form corrosion
adsorbed films on the surface layer of zinc electrode, which
* Zheng Liu not only have a leveling effect by inhibiting self-corrosion of zinc electrode but also increase polarization of zinc electrode
* Guo-Cheng Han and uniform zinc deposition layer. The ideal surfactants should be therefore be easily adsorbed on the surface of neg-
atively charged zinc metal containing O, N, S, P heteroatoms
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Guilin
and own π-electron system. They should also easily bond with
University of Technology, Guilin 541004, People’s Republic of zinc atoms or ions and generate appropriate hydrophilic or
China hydrophobic molecular chains. Such kinds of surfactants
School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Guilin University of should be soluble in alkaline electrolytes and should have
Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, People’s Republic of China good adsorption rate on zinc electrode, making sure of the

Scheme 1 Synthesis route for


formation of full corrosion hydrophobic adsorption films on 1.5 g of zinc oxide was added in 50 mL of 6 mol/LKOH
the surface of zinc electrode, which can be used to improve the solution with constant stirring; 6 mol/L KOH of saturated
performance of alkaline zinc-nickel batteries. electrolyte was then obtained after dissolving zinc oxide.
This study designed a Schiff base surfactant 2-octanone Different concentrations (2, 4, and 5 % mass fraction) of 2-
ethylenediamine (OED) to improve the performance of alka- octanone ethylenediamine Schiff base surfactant (OED) were
line zinc-nickel batteries. Electrochemical methods were car- added into the electrolyte for further use as corrosion
ried out to investigate the improved performance of alkaline additives.
zinc-nickel batteries after addition of surfactant. The methods A CHI860B electrochemical workstation (Chenhua
included cyclic voltammetry, polarization curves, and electro- Instruments, Beijing, China) was used to perform all electro-
chemical impedance. Comparative experiments were execut- chemical experiments. The electrochemical cell was a classi-
ed under different situations, such as no addition of surfactant cal three-electrode system with zinc electrode as the working
in the electrolyte or on the electrode, addition of surfactant on electrode, saturated calomel electrode as reference electrode,
the electrode, addition of surfactant in the electrolyte, and both and nickel sheet (2 × 5 × 1 cm) as counter electrode which was
addition of surfactant on the electrode and in the electrolyte. polished and washed before every experiment to make sure
every measurement was available [23]. All potentials were
referenced to the potential of the saturated calomel reference
Experimental electrode.
For testing of E-logi curves, the scanning range was
The Schiff base surfactant 2-octanone ethylenediamine (OED) −1.5 ~ −0.8 V with scan rate of 0.001 V/s. The sensitivity of
was synthesized according to Scheme 1. the system was set automatically.
2-Octanone (3.2 mL, 20 mmol) was dissolved in 15 mL of For testing of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy,
dried ethanol at 50 °C, followed then by immediate addition of measurements were carried out at the open circuit potential
0.6 eq. ethylenediamine (0.8 mL, 12 mmol). Glacial acetic of −1.423 V vs. Hg/HgO electrode at amplitude modulation
acid (1.0 mL) was added into the above solution as catalyst. of 5 mV and frequency range of 0.01 Hz to 10 kHz.
After stirring for 3 h, the solution was cooled down to 2 °C For testing of cyclic voltammetry, the scanning range was
and glacial acetic acid was removed. Ethanol was then evap- 0.25~0.55 V, with scanning rate of 0.01 V/s, the number of
orated and orange slurry was obtained. The slurry was recrys- scan segments being 200.
tallized and dried at 50 °C and orange powder was obtained For testing of charge-discharge, the charging current was
(1.845 g, 72.1 %). IR (KBr, cm −1 ): υ C=N = 1563, υ s, set as 10 mA for charging 4 h, and the discharge current was
CH3 = 2933, υs, CH2 = 2855, δCH = 1404, and υC-N = 1328.
SEM images of zinc electrodes were carried out by scan-
ning electron microscopy (JEOL.TSM-6380LV), at accelera-
tion voltage of 12 kV and magnification of 1500 times.
After polishing of the bare zinc sheet (1 × 3 cm) with
abrasive paper, it was sonicated in Milli-Q water, followed
by acetone and water. The zinc sheet sheets were finally dried
by nitrogen gas. Next, the top of zinc sheets (1 × 2 cm) was
sealed with Teflon tape and the left bottom (1 × 1 cm) was
taken as zinc electrode for use. The zinc electrode was pasted
with a mixture of 0.6 g zinc oxide, 0.3 g zinc powder, and
0.05 g colloidal graphite, using 60 % PTFE as a binder.
Different concentrations (2, 4, and 5 % mass fraction) of 2-
octanone ethylenediamine Schiff base surfactant (OED) were
added on the copper substrate [19–22]. Fig. 1 IR spectra from OED

Fig. 2 SEM images of zinc

electrode with different additions
OED in electrolyte (a blank; b
4 % addition OED)

set as 20 mA, with 1.0 V discharge termination voltage for the zinc electrode, forming a protective film that effectively
30 cycles of charge-discharge. inhibited corrosion of the zinc electrode [24].
For electrochemical experiments, the polarization experi-
ments were first executed. Figure 3 shows the E-logi curves of
zinc electrode with different additions OED (A: blank; B: 2 %
Results and discussion OED; C: 4 % OED; D: 5 % OED).
After addition of OED into the electrolyte, the potential
Figure 1 shows IR spectra from OED. It can be seen that the moved from −0.97 to −1.01 Vand the corrosion current values
peak at 1563 cm−1 was regarded as stretching vibration of decreased at the same time, indicating that the OED had inhi-
C=N and peaks at 2933 and 2855 cm−1 belonged to stretching bition effect. The best inhibition effect was shown when the
vibration of CH3 and CH2, respectively. The peak for CH addition of OED was up to 4 % (mass fraction), with change
flexural vibration is shown at 1404 cm−1, while the peak at of corrosion current value from 0.166 to 0.024 mA. These
1328 cm−1 was attributed to stretching vibration of C–N, re- results also suggested that the OED was a cathode type of
spectively. These IR spectra results confirmed the synthesis of corrosion inhibiting additive, mainly inhibiting hydrogen evo-
OED according. lution reaction of cathode and slowing down the rate of anodic
Moreover, the zinc electrodes were scanned by SEM after zinc decomposition reaction at the same time. The corrosion
immersion of electrodes in electrolyte at different additions of of zinc electrode was therefore weakened.
OED (a: blank; b: 4 % addition OED) as shown in Fig. 2. The electrochemical impedance spectra from the two sys-
It can be seen that the zinc electrode that was immersed in tems involving control solution (blank) with addition of OED
electrolyte without addition of OED (Fig. 2a) had obvious were fit to the equivalent circuit as shown in Fig. 4. The circuit
signs of corrosion while with 4 % addition of OED shows a number of circuits in series as may be expected for a
(Fig. 2b), the zinc electrode looked smooth, with smaller de- film that was constructed using a stepwise build-up of the
gree of corrosion happening when compared to no addition of surface architecture [25], where Rs, Rct, and CPE represented
OED. This was due to OED being adsorbed on the surface of solution resistance, electrochemical reaction resistance, and
double-layer capacitance, respectively.
Figure 5 shows AC impedance curves for zinc electrode
with different additions of OED (A: blank; B: 2 % OED;
C:4 % OED; D: 5 % OED), and Table 1 shows the electro-
chemical impedance parameters for zinc electrode with differ-
ent additions of OED.
The impedance curves appeared with better semicircles
after addition of OED (Fig. 5 B, C, D). The semicircle

Fig. 3 E-logi curves for zinc electrodes with different additions of OED Fig. 4 Equivalent circuit diagram for AC

Table 1 Electrochemical
impedance parameters of zinc Surfactants Content (%) Rs/Ω cm2 Rct/Ω cm2 CPE1-T CPE1-P η (%)
electrode with different additions
of OED Blank 0 0.25856 18.380 0.0010527 – –
OED 2 0.38814 211.90 0.0189120 0.82025 91.3
4 0.39754 346.80 0.0136700 0.78780 94.7
5 0.40543 378.05 0.0016795 0.82251 95.1

diameter increased significantly with increasing OED content, greater solubility for generating zincate in alkaline solution
indicating that the electrode reaction process was controlled where the process of matter transfer becomes difficult. Zinc
by electrochemical reaction. The increase of electrochemical ions are easily deposited at the electrode surface, leading to
impedance can slow the corrosion reaction [26], so addition of dendrite formation and deformation [28]. With addition of 4 %
OED can effectively prevent or inhibit corrosion. From OED on zinc electrode (Fig. 6b) or in electrolyte (Fig. 6c), the
Table 1, the inhibition efficiency (η) values of B, C, and D current value of oxidation peak and potential value of oxida-
for the surfactants were 91.3, 94.7, and 95.1 %, respectively. tion peak have no significant change with increasing scan
It is well known that zinc electrode often forms dendrite times, even after 100 times scan, indicating that the charging
and deformation in alkaline conditions, leading to damage of and discharging process were much more stable. The capacity
zinc electrode and greatly reducing its service life. Cyclic of battery was almost kept the same, the electrochemical pro-
voltammetry curve can reflect the stability of zinc electrode cess being quasi-reversible. The addition of OED on the elec-
charge-discharge process in an alkaline electrolyte [27]. trode and in the electrolyte can inhibit zinc electrodes forming
Typically, the instability of peak current and potential will dendrite and deformation. It was thus concluded that the syn-
indicate that the zinc electrode may form dendrite and defor- thesized OED formed complexes with zinc ions that were
mation, affecting the charge-discharge process. The cyclic easily adsorbed on the surface of zinc electrode. The zinc ions
voltammetry curves can therefore be used to assess whether could therefore be supplied enough for zinc deposition in the
the additive can effectively inhibit the zinc electrode from battery charges [29].
forming the dendrite and deformation [2]. The final purpose of this study was to improve the perfor-
Figure 6 shows CV curves of zinc electrode with different mance of alkaline zinc-nickel batteries by addition of OED on
additions of OED (a: blank; b: 4 % OED addition on zinc electrode and in electrolyte, which should base on results from
electrode; c: 4 % OED addition in electrolyte) with 2 laps, the batteries charge-discharge experiments [30]. Figure 7
20 laps, 50 laps, and 100 laps scan, respectively. shows the curves from battery first discharge at different time
From Fig. 6a, it can be seen the current value increased points (A: blank; B: 4 % OED addition on zinc electrode; C:
with increasing scan times, especially after 50 times scan. 4 % OED addition in electrolyte; D: both 4 % OED addition
The current change from 0.018 to 0.027 A indicated unstable on zinc electrode and in electrolyte).
electrode in the charge-discharge process, where zinc dendrite It is known that nickel-zinc batteries that are composed of
and deformation may be caused. This is because the zinc den- pasted zinc electrode and nickel electrode have a good charge
drites growth in zinc electrodes in the charging process has and discharge platform. The charging platform was raised up
to 1.9~2.0 V, with discharge plateau about 1.5 V. There was no
big difference between the potential of charge and discharge,
indicating a reversible charge and discharge process. The
nickel-zinc battery had a longer discharge time and higher
discharge voltage when compared with the blank group.
This is because the OED could inhibit zinc electrode from
forming corrosion dendrites and deformation under alkaline
conditions. The nickel-zinc battery had a higher discharge
capacity. The order for four-group discharge capacity was ob-
tained as D > B > C > A. The charge and discharge perfor-
mance for the nickel-zinc batteries was therefore improved by
addition of OED both on the electrode and in the electrolyte,
but addition of OED on the electrode was better in the elec-
Fig. 5 AC impedance curve of zinc electrode with different additions of trolyte (B > C), because the OED has adsorption property
OED when attached on the electrode, preventing the electrode ma-
terial from falling off from the copper substrate. The charge-

Fig. 6 CV curve for Zinc electrode with different additions of OED (a blank; b 4 % OED addition on zinc electrode; c 4 % OED addition in electrolyte)

discharge process effectively inhibited corrosion of the elec- investigate the cycle performance of pasted zinc electrode
trode and dendrite formation and deformation [31, 32]. [33]. Figure 8 shows the capacity curves for 30 times batteries
The capacity for the alkaline zinc batteries gradually de- charge and discharge (A: blank; B: 4 % OED addition on zinc
cays during continuous charge and discharge process, even electrode; C: 4 % OED addition in electrolyte; D: both 4 %
leading to scrapping of battery, mainly because the zinc elec- OED addition on zinc electrode and in electrolyte).
trode becomes corrosive, forming dendrite and deformation, It can be learnt that the capacity of assembled nickel-zinc
and damaging the zinc electrode. The charge and discharge batteries was enhanced at the beginning 3 times cycles and
experiment of assembled batteries is an effective manner to then gradually decreased during the charge and discharge

Fig. 7 Curves of battery first discharge at different time Fig. 8 Capacity curve for 30 times battery charge-discharge

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