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Synthesis Paper: Mathematics has numerous applications in the world, making it indispensable.

Mathematics is a powerful tool that leads the different professions like scientist,
engineers, geographers, businessmen, doctors and people of all works of life that is why it is also
called as a universal language. It allows them to communicate to nature and helps to understand
the things which beyond from human brain. Ever since, people begin to study math they are
taught the basic operations, problem solving, functions and all about pure math. As time goes by
mathematics for them is only a subject that is required in their courses for them to help in a
particular profession but do people know that Math is inevitable because it is a part of life and
very essential? And without it there is a chance that they cannot survive and satisfy their needs
and wants.

According to a group of Math teachers from website, “Math is the one skill that people
need to master in their life, even if it is the only one, they will at least be able to live without
being cheated, robbed or abused. Without math they just cannot live or survive. People need
math in everyday lives, just doing the basic essentials is dependent on their ability to do math.”
The initial response from a student or even not (a student) with lack of knowledge about Math is
that they don’t want it because it is too hard for them to understand it and complicated; it is
because they don’t know that Math is the reason why there are lots of buildings or shelter today.
Peter (2011), Mathematics is a means of shaping and sharpening man’s thinking and as a
discipline worthy of studying for its own sake, capable of giving pleasure and satisfaction to
those who are able to study it. Mathematics is needed for the proper understanding,
quantification and record keeping of our daily activities. One example is when going to a grocery
store, by doing math people can budget their expenses in everyday life. Another is applying it in
health and medicine, the body mass index calculates the height and weight wherein it indicates if
a person is healthy or not. Also, with proper understanding people will not avoid it and complain
about math being complicated because it makes people’s lives easier. Robin (2017) mathematics
has many real, practical applications in our everyday lives. In terms of cooking, a delicious food
cannot make without doing a proper math. It needs an exact measurement especially in baking,
converting the weight and temperature. He added, “It is important to calculate and adjust the
quantities for the recipe to turn out well.” Another example, when drinking water, doctors gives a
standard to follow by drinking 8 glasses of water. In addition to the concept of Robin,
ScienceStruck Staff (2018), it's about time people should accept the fact that they are destined to
live with mathematics for the rest of their lives. Imagine the world without mathematics, it would
be like a daughter/son without the parents who suppose to be their guide, who teaches the right
or wrong, good or bad in the first place and because their presence are not there it will be
miserable, lack of knowledge, ignorant etc. In short, without mathematics people will not be able
to live because mathematics is like the parents in real world. There will be no development
today. Except from practical applications of math in world it also helps from the discovery
outside the world. Galileo discover the planet of Neptune by mathematical analysis not only by

In summary, mathematics is absolute necessary because it allows people to guide in

living with the world full of mysteries. Revealing the secrets of nature and continue to develop
the world. It acts as a survival kit and a tool that needs every time such as budgeting, cooking,
building shelters, being healthy etc. Therefore, people should not hate math just because it is
hard but appreciate it because it made the world a better place.


J J O'Connor and E F Robertson (1996) “Mathematical discovery of planets”

Peter, E. (2011) “Mathematics: Indispensable tool for successful and balance human existence on

this planet.”

Robin (2017) “Maths in Everyday Life.”

ScienceStruck Staff (2018) “Can We Imagine Life Without Mathematics?”

Math worksheet Center,

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