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The whole concept of digitization has changed and is still changing the way we surf, understand and

get discovered to things, trends, information and knowledge. With the trending differences, what
comes handy is the convenience. The way people search has changed too, and has increasingly
added to the voice search because of its convenience and user friendliness. This assists the user and
doesn’t mandatorily imply in knowing the exact language and hence gains confidence and credibility.

People prefer using voice search on their phones, tablets, or voice assistance over the regular search

Reports suggest that 60% of the projects are done on mobile phones and many of them include
voice search too.

Voice search:

Voice search are more conversational and natural in tone and hence is more often performed on
mobile phones rather than other gadgets. Because of their conversational nature, they are longer
than textual formats in the process of searching.

Voice search is more relevant to delivering the projects or stations on the go, that are searched by
the user to drive information about location. An example would be, voice searching for a “digital
marketing agency in Bangalore”, here, searching for the city specifically makes the information more
Here are some of the steps that can be followed, to optimize your website for voice search.

1. Create Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page: FAQs are crisp and direct and hence add up
to the information. Creating your FAQ page can help in better understanding and clarifying doubts of
the customers. Because it is crisp and to the point, it attracts the right customers to the game. FAQs
give the right answers to the right questions and it lessens the efforts that go on contacting the
company personally to enquire about small doubts. If you search for SEO company in Bangalore, it
would show you exactly that, nothing more, nothing less and that’s the best way to communicate,
educate and informate.

2. Targeting Question Keywords: Voice search queries are questions too, for a majority of
times. What, where, how, why? Keeping the little details while curating content helps in building the
optimization better. While curating content for the website, checkout on ways how people use voice
search. A majority of times, it does start with a question. What are some good bakeries around me?
Where can I find a good SEO company in Bangalore? How would a digital marketing company in
Bangalore help me better with my online business? If you target simpler questions for the answers,
the exact words rank every time someone is asking a similar question and hence, you win. It can also
target detailed questions like would a digital marketing agency in Bangalore help my local business in
Mumbai? Ensure you answers all questions related to it.

3. Long-tail words: Do not underestimate the idea of long-tail words while creating content for
voice search. This elevates the optimization and definitely helps in the ranking.

4. Be more informative than usual: The voice search assistant is primarily giving all the
information about you online, right? It is advisable to keep the maximum information that’s
available because you don’t know the question. Voice searches are too specific and hence it’s
important to keep the information available for the ranking. For example: Do you own a digital
marketing agency in Bangalore? Specify. Do you sell local designer pieces in your boutique? Inform
the audience. Do you have a SEO company in Bangalore? Educate the audience. Talk about your
timings, working days and related things. Things that might seem like minute details or unimportant
information that might get unnoticed are actually the ones that add to a big room in the digital

5.Re-Imagine and Re-structure the content: Digital world changes with time, and what worked five
years ago might not work today. A good way to master the art of voice search is by re- phrasing the
content. What might work in textual formats, might not work in voice search. Website content is
usually informative, valuable and crisp, however, voice searches are like having a conversation. They
require the need to understand the format of explanation and hence, big words, language might not
work for them. Rather, simple language and explanations always have the best of it. However, as
much as important it is to keep the language simple, it shouldn’t be misguided as casual language.
Grammatical errors, usage of short forms or chatting words are a big no. One very important aspect
that gets considered in ranking is grammar and language and in no way is it supposed to be ignored!

6.Mobile > Other websites: Mobiles play an extremely important role in the voice search game and
hence, it’s important to prioritize the same.An out of the world mobile experience is everything that
the user is looking for.For doing this, ensure a user-friendly website. A website that’s mobile
responsive and easy to use for everyone. Adding too many complicated options might disgust the
customers. The website should be properly navigable. It shouldn’t get disturbed in between the
experience as that immediately results to going back to the home page. It should be navigable to
endure visibility and exposure to the website.

While it might seem difficult, it’s a very important aspect for your business to rank in voice search
too. Most people surf through mobile phones and voice searches have made it easy for all kinds of
audience. Today, huge masses in both Urban and rural space own mobile phones and not everyday
would know how to type, and that’s where voice assistance comes in the play.

It’s significant for the business to go through various prospects of voice assistance and take help
from professionals. Search for digital marketing agency in Bangalore and you can get information on
various digital marketing companies in Bangalore.

Ranking on Google not only helps in the business online but also increases the credibility of the
business because of the reach.

With every year, the marketing trends are changing and surprisingly, voice search is on the rise, and
soon it will be everywhere. Consumer behavior is changing, and marketers are supposed to be ready
for all that happens and changes

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