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My first Karmic love

I'm in a good mood today, and I thought I'd take advantage of it, lol.
I'd love to hear the different stories about love here in LL. To start it off, I'll post my own
little story about my unrequited love.

Most of you have heard my story about the infamous Saggie, so I'll talk about The
[almost, not too sure yet] One. I'll use the pseudonym Mark.
I first met Mark when I was 15 and he was 17, my age now. We were both in the Fall
play at school, Metamorphosis [not the one about the cockroach. the one about greek
gods and, ironically, the different kinds of love in our world]. He played Hades and I was
student assitant director.
It wasn't until perhaps a month after the Play ended that we started to become friends.
He'd walk with me to 2nd hour class everyday and we'd eat lunch together. Everything
was very platonic until we started the Spring Musical.
The Spring Musical is known as the most hardcore, longest, and excrusiatingly painful
production [far more than any sport] to ever come out of my School. The whole
production takes about three months. We're there for 4 fours to start off with. But after a
month we're there until 9. Then after two weeks, we're in the Theatre practicing until
11pm. That's 7.5 hours a day. For two months.
So, Mark and I bond together for 7.5 hours everyday for two months, and eventually
people start asking questions. By this time, I already had developed a closeness with
Mark and I knew that I liked him a lot. And it seemed as if he felt the same way too. He
would pay for everything whenever he'd take me out for dinner during our dinner
breaks. He'd offer to pick me up at home for practice or to drive me home after
practice. We would talk online until 3am. But for some reason, he was very distant with
me, and it wasn't until <i>she</i> came around that I knew why.
Her name was Sarah and she was one of the most stuckup, depressed College girls I
had ever known. But Mark was in love with her, so I decided from the get-go that I
would never tell him how I felt because what good would come out of it? Mark and I
were inseperable, except when Sarah came to visit her friends and Mark here at home.
Around Prom, it came to point where Mark and I were getting too close. I was always
talking to him, he was always talking to me. He was always protective of me, and I was
always comforting him. People started talking, and those people told Sarah.
Keep in mind, at this time Sarah wasn't dating Mark for whatever bull$hit reason she
always comes up with. She never sat with Mark at cast parties, during rehearsals, and
never talked to him when people were around. She actied like he didn't exist when her
friends were looking, and it wasn't until Mark was around me instead of her that she
ever mentioned Mark to anyone.
Sarah started being mean to me when Mark wasn't around and she basically told me in
a very heated, awkward converation to not hang out with Mark anymore. Did I listen to
her? No, but I was much more careful whenever Sarah was around us.
Sarah and Mark started dating immediately after they to Prom together. After that, I
almost never saw Mark because the musical was over and he was graduating. I bet
Sarah was super happy about that.
I talked to him in the summer, but Sarah kept him busy enough to not be able to hang
out with me. The last time I saw him before the summer was during his Graduation. I
was on stage with the symphonic band. I saw him walk across the stage, and he
stopped right in front me (maybe 10 feet away), accepted his diploma, turned and
smiled at me. I wouldn't see him until the next Fall Play that I didn't direct. I was hoping
we'd see it together, for old times sake, but guess who was tagging along from
college? Sarah.
It wasn't until a year and a half later than they broke up. It was this past Fall that Mark
was in London, studying abroad, that I contacted him. I didn't talk to him for a year after
he brought Sarah with him to the Play. Not only was it awkward, I realized that I was
doing a very very wrong thing trying to get Mark with me alone. Even if nothing would
happen, the want and need behind my actions were nonetheless immoral. So I stopped
talking to him.
But when my friend Mike told me that Mark was in London, I e-mailed him and the first
thing he told me was "Liz, Sarah and I broke up. I don't know what to do. I miss you."
What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to say? Oh wait, I knew! I wrote him a
letter. A 6 page, front and back letter written to him confessing my love to him and how
I missed him and how I hated Sarah and the things she told me. I sent him the letter in
I waited for two weeks for him to recieve it. But he never did. That's because my
MOTHER intercepted the letter, read it, and burned it, letting me believe that Mark was
going to recieve it.
Every since I found out what she did, I haven't written him another letter nor told him
how I feel. He's back home now, but still at college. And with guess who? Sarah. He
hates her now though, even though he's very very congenial with her. Always the
gentleman, no matter what.
I'm not sure why I can't tell him again... or write another letter. I'm not ready...[after I
wrote that letter, I dated my ex-bf Virgo again for the third time, a Leo who ruined my
reputation for ruining his heart, and I've been having romantic liasons with Mr.
So, there's my story about my first Karmic Love, Mark. Here are our placements:
Cancer Sun
Scorpio Moon
Gemini Mercury
Gemini Venus
Pisces Mars
Libra Asc
Taurus Vertex
Pisces NN
Pisces Sun
Taurus Moon
Pisces Mercury
Aries Venus
Sagittarius Mars
Cancer Asc
Scorpio Vertex
Taurus NN
Sarah: {birthtime unknown}
Taurus Sun
Taurus Moon
Aries Mercury
Aries Venus
Taurus Mars
Taurus NN

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