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Kim Arah Fernandez XI- Harmony

01/ 28/ 20
Internet Brings More Harm Than Good

The internet is a worldwide system that can be used to share details, to provide services and
connections worldwide. Everyday updates are accessible on the internet, quickly and immediately. You
can also check for whatever details you are browsing for on the internet. In today's world, all businesses
can only work using the internet. Today a lot of products and services are offered and distributed over
the internet. Before, telephone was seen as a fast way of communication. Today, as a fast way of
communication, the internet has develop hugely and replaced the telephone. The internet helps us to
share information from anywhere in the world, offers a source of information for educational purposes,
allows for the fast transfer of news or incidents involving people and used for contact. Nowadays the
planet will move slowly without internet.

Internet has been known for changing lives for good and making work process simpler for us. For this
technology world the significance of the internet in our lives is close to oxygen. Without the
internet it is hard to be happy for a few human beings. Today is the time for online character,
internet selling, online work, online graduation, involvement of social media, and internet
banking. That's why the internet is important in our lives.

The internet plays an significant part in the development of human and social life. There are
different internet applications in our lives and we can do different creative things too. The
internet is powerful and useful instrument. It's good but we're going to become internet literate
about the need for time. But don't take no notice of new trees planted. Try to make your places of
livelihood clean, conserve water, conserve electricity and take part in practices of environmental
growth. No matter how significant the internet will be in the time ahead. But without the internet
and wealth we can survive but not without water, plants, food, land and nature.

The internet has become a major source of information for many people. However, internet brings more
harm than good. Accessible information normally has not passed the same examines as newspaper
report or books. There is a higher risk that some of the facts or citations in an article from a given source
will be false. The internet is seriously harming to the privacy of everyone. Some websites keep the info.
Some are asking us to fill up in details that could be sold for advertisements purposes to other pages.
When we publish something online, it is nearly impossible to erase it off the net. When you are online
you can pick whatever identity you want. A lot of people hide behind the accounts they madeup. Most
people just become dependent on internet. They can't stop searching, they're gambling addicted and
they're spending too much time indoors rather than going out for a stroll or outside playing.

Yeah, the internet is useful, but people seem to forget the danger it could bring. Nothing happen just
with advantages. It also has its negative points, and so has the internet. Internet's negative impacts
don't mean one should stop using it. The positive points are further than the negative. It depends
entirely on him/her how individual make use of the Internet. No one is pressured in any specific way to
use the internet. You just have to try to make use of it for good motives, or else, by modern
technological culture, the internet is the greatest threat to you.

Should we suggest we should return to the way things were ahead the internet? Definitely not!
The internet provide great chance and growth. The more appropriate something is, but, keep in
mind, the less secure it will make it much more in danger for a hacker to make use of its
weaknesses. Love what the internet has to provide, but always be aware of the potential dangers,
as doing so will go a long way to help you remain healthier in this connected world.

The advancements of technology are swiftly changing as years passes by. These advancements could
help us doing our work easier and less hassle . It is up to individuals on how we use these advancements
most especially the internet. Individuals should make an hour to use the internet. We must break into
our minds that too much is never good. Human beings have to know that they are the owners of the
technology so they shouldn't allow the machines to manipulate them because computers don't have
brains like human beings.

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