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Book Info


A Guide to Iupac Nomenclature of Organic Compounds Recommendations 1993

Authors: R. Panico, IUPAC
ISBN: 0632034882

This is the COMPLETE book scanned to .pdf with all chapters separated. Winrar file,
no pass needed.


If you like my work, show you care, fuck the man, you damn well better share.


A note to all publishers of books for college level classes:

Myself and all other students are tired of getting raped by you sorry bastards,
rearranging chapters every 2yrs while adding nothing meaningful, just so you can
sell more of your shit.

We agree that you need to be paid fair money for your work, rather than rape us
like a cut-rate bitch. Since you don't see it that way, we are going to put it into
terms you can understand. No more money for you. Your shit is gonna be free now, to
anyone who wants it in a digital format.

You are not being fair to students, so we are not going to be fair to you. How you
like that dick up your ass? Feels nice, doesn't it...


Ripped by: EducatedMF

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