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1. Name :

2. Address :

3. Age

a) 20-30 b) 30 -40

c) 40-50 d) 50-60.

4. Occupation

a) Private employee b) Government employee

c) Business man d) Professional e) Others.

5. Number of family members:

a) 1-2 b) 2-4

c) 4-6 d) 6 and above

6. Family income (Per month)

a) 4000– 6000 b) 6001 – 8000

c) 8001 – 10000 d) 10000 and above

7. Which you preferred in TVS bike model

a) TVS MAX R100 b) TVS Victor

c) TVS Star city d) TVS Apache.

8. State the mode of purchase:

a) Loan b) Cash

c) Credit d) Hypothecation

9. What is the mileage?

a) 30- 40 b) 40-50

c) 50-60 d) 60 and above

10. What is the media in which you have seen the advertisement of TVS

a) Television b) Newspaper

c) Magazine d) Banners
11. What is the maintenance cost (per month) a)400

b) 500

c) 700 d) 1000 and below.

12. For what purpose the vehicle is used?

a) Official b) Personal

13 How long you owned the vehicle

a) 0- 1 year b) 1-2 year

c) 2-3 year d) 3 year and above

14. What is your opinion about the gear system?

a) Excellent b) Good

c) Modification d) Poor

15. State the reason for purchasing the mode?

a) Comfort b) Style

c) Mileage d) Advertisement

16. What do you feel about the cost of the vehicle?

a) High b) Moderate c) Low.

17. Did you get any warranty period?

a) Yes b) No

18. If you use Bike, how many hours a day?

a) 0-1 hours b) 1-2 hours

c) 2-3 hours d) More than 3 hours.

19. Are you satisfied with the spare parts available with local dealer?

a) Satisfied

b) Dissatisfied

20. Are you satisfied with after sales and service?

a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied

c) Highly dissatisfied d) Dis-satisfied

21. What problem you come across while using the vehicle?

a) Starting trouble b) Pick up

c) Mileage problem d) Battery problem.

22. What is your opinion about the long riding of this vehicle?

a) Wonderful b) Excellent

c) Good d) Poor

23. Do you have any idea to change the vehicle?

a) Yes b) No.

24. If yes, mention the brand

a) Honda b) Hero Honda

c) Bajaj d) Yamaha

25. How do you feel about the overall performance of this vehicle?

a) Highly satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Moderate
d) Dissatisfied.

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