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 Faithfulness- Being able or possesses the concept of unfailingly remaining loyal to someone or

something, and putting that loyalty into consistent practice regardless of the circumstances.
Faithfulness of a person depends on his/her belief, In terms of being a student, I have this faith
that I can make it and become successful in the future. And in the context of my relationship to
our Almighty God. As a christian, you have to be faithful in any kind of situation in this world.
Being faithful to God means you have a strong relationship with Him.
 Respect- I believe in the saying that "Respect begets Respect" as a person, respect is certainly an
important values in each people's life. But we must bear in mind that respect comes within us,
you have to put respect on yourself first so that you can respect others. Having respect means
valuing yourself and other people. As a student, it is important to have self-respect and respect
to your classmates, friends, teachers and of course to my parents. No other feelings can satisfy
someone when you show respect to them. Always keep in mind that you have to give respect to
receive respect too.
 Patience- is not simply means you have to wait but it is a behaviour while waiting. To endure
difficult circumstances such as persecerance in the face of delay. Patience is one of the values I
have seen and discovered in my existence and I am thankful that I have those. This only means
that I am able to wait for something that is coming or even something that is hard to achieve.
But I always put in my mind that there's nothing wrong when you're waiting or you're trying. It
simply means that you are able to endure hard situations to welcome something/someone in
your life.
 Optimism- An optimistic person often see challenges and trials as motivation rather than seeing
it as it will bring them down. Optimism simply means being positive. Just one positive thought in
the morning, can change your whole day. As a student, I have this kind of values to strengthen
my determination in continuing and fighting my battles and dreams everyday. To think positive,
will bring me good vibes! It lightens and burns my aspirations and hopes in every step of my
journey, moreover, it reminds me to not simply give up on something even though it gave me
burden or disappointments. I always kept in my mind that as the sun sets and the sun rises,
there's always a new hope and chances for me to take.
 Showing love to others- Love. 1 word, just 4 letters but it gives a lot of meaning. Love for God,
love for family, love for friends, or love for someone special. Loving someone means putting up
sacrifices on one's life, but then before loving others, you must love yourself first. You have to
value and give worth to everything for that certain thing or someone. When loving others, most
of us conveyed it through words yet it is a must that we must put it on action. And that action
without words are confusing so it must be balance when it comes to love. We all love because
God first love us. And the Bible reminds us that Love your neighbors as you love yourself and
also love your enemy. Loving someone is not an obligation but it comes from your heart and
soul. It is your own decision to love, and love is not just a mere feeling but it is more deeper than
that. Love is always connected with pain, so it is okay if we felt pain while loving someone. Its
just a part of love and we are just an ordinary human being.

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