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I want invite you to regard the big three aspects which have the huge impact for our

country. There are

social aspect, political aspect, and economical aspect. Today, we find that every production use the machine
to replace the human role. So this condition make a new problem, it’s mean like the reduction of job field.
Nowadays, we get at the digitization system to fulfil our needs, but the impact is enhancement of
unemployement. Now, we find a lot of factory replaced their business system, they must leave the previous
So, the question is “Why did this condition occur ?” Industry revolution 4.0. has begun. Are we ready
to face it ?
“You cannot wait until a house burns down to buy fire insurance on it. We cannot wait until there are
massive dislocations in our society to prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
Robert J. Shiller
Ladies and gentlemen.
We’re in the middle of a significant transformation regarding the way we produce products thanks to
the digitization of manufacturing. This transition is so compelling that it is being called Industry 4.0 to
represent the fourth revolution that has occurred in manufacturing. From the first industrial revolution
(mechanization through water and steam power) to the mass production and assembly lines using electricity
in the second, the fourth industrial revolution will take what was started in the third with the adoption of
computers and automation and enhance it with smart and autonomous systems encouraged by data and
machine learning.
What will we prepare to face the industry revolution 4.0. ?
In this industry 4.0 era, everything use the automation system. All of manufacturing is applied by the
computer. When we want to get some information we can acces the internet such as media social, google, and
the others. The cooperative relations spread to the international world in all aspect, it’s means like education,
economic, business, and the others.
One of the big preparation is about the international language. Why I said like that ? In this industry
4.0 era, the language skill is very important to take the environmental development. I believe that if we have
not language skill we can’t to work in manufacturing system well because all of the automation system use
the English language.
And then, we all know that English language is the main instrument in the international
communication. The Majority of big companies have the language standardization, especially English. More
than it, in our education, almost of university obligate their student to get the TOEFL score. Have we aware
why English very important ?
I regard that at least there are 5 problems if we have not english ability in industry 4.0 era. First, we
limit our chance to get the better work because automatically, the componies will look for the person who
have the communications skill. Second, We limit our career development. Third, We just have the minimalist
networking, because if we have not language skill, we will limited by local scope and so hard to go
Fourth, we will lost at the work competion. If we get a job interview and we have not English ability
but our rivals have it, so the employer will give more consideration to our rivals. And the fifth, we can’t take
the technological development.
So, we can know that English have the crusial space for our preparation to face industry 4.0. I just
mention about the impact if have not English ability, so we can conclude how important the English Language
in the industry 4.0. era. Have we prepare it ? Absolutely, in this class we prepare to face industry 4.0.

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