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PRONOUNS Definition ‘A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun. Replacing nouns with pronouns makes sentences sound less monotonous. Observe this. ‘Mrs. RodrigoS husband gave Mrs. Rodrigo some money. irs. Rodrigo’s husband gave her some money. * antecedent: An antecedent is the word to which a pronoun refers. Example: Mount Katmai is 6,715 foot volcano located in southern Alaska. It erupted in 1912. = Mount Katmai isthe antecedent of the pronoun it. Classification of pronouns A. Personal pronouns ‘A personal pronoun is a pronoun that shows by its form the speaker, the person spoken to, or the person or thing spoken of. Pronouns under the nominative case function as: 1. Subject of the sentence Iwas treated like a VIP. 2. Subject complement or predicate nominative It was they who gave the party. 3. Nominative of address I, the president, will do everything in my Capacity to uplift the economic situation of the country. Pronouns under the objective case function as: 1, Direct object God love us. 2. Indirect object We gave them the award. 3. Object of the preposition La Nina affected all of us. 4, Object of participle Knowing him, I expected the worst. 5. Object of gerund Knowing him is a comfort. 6. Object of infinitive It is difficut to understand him. *The case used after As and Than The pronoun used after the comparatives as and than should be in the same case as the word to which it is compared. Example: Paul swims better than I (do). Roger is as clever as she (is). The pronouns I and she are both in the nominative case because the words to which they are compared (Paul, Roger) are also both in the nominative case. The employers gave me as much as (she, her). The correct answers are’ The employer gave me as much as she (did). The employers gave me as much (the employer gave) her. B. Compound personal pronouns A compound personal pronoun Is a pronoun formed by adding the suffix- self or selves to some personal Pronouns. *Chart of the Compound Personal Pronouns | | Singular Plural 1* Person. nyself_| ourselves 2™ Person _| yourself | yourselves | 3" Person | himself, | ‘themselves | | herself, | | | tse | ‘A compound personal pronoun is either reflexive or intensive. A reflective pronoun is used as an object referring to the same person of thing as the subject. The boy hurt himself. An Intensive pronoun is used to emphasize a noun or a pronoun preceding it. 1, myseff finished the project. C. Interrogative Pronouns An interrogative pronoun is a pronoun used in asking a question. ‘The interrogative pronouns are which, who and what. Who is used for persons, which is used for persons and things, what is used for things. Chart of Who Singular Plural Nominative who who. Possessive whose whose Objective | whorn whom D. Relative Pronouns A relative pronoun is a pronoun that refers to an antecedent at the same time introducing a dependent or subordinate clause. The relative pronouns are who, which, what, and that. Examples: Christian who die for their faith are called martyrs. ‘The work which was given to me was difficult. This is the house that Architect dela Cruz built. ‘She asked me to give you what you asked for. E. Adjective Pronouns An adjective pronoun is a pronoun that may be used as an adjective in the sentence. Pronouns: These are mine. Few arrived. Adjectives: These paintings are mine. Few visitors arrived. Type of adjectives pronouns: 1. Demonstrative Pronouns ‘A demonstrative pronoun is a Pronoun that points out a definite person, place or thing. ‘The demonstrative pronouns are: this, these, that, those. This and that are singular; ‘these and those are plural. ‘This and these are for persons, places or things near the speaker. That and those are for the Persons, places, or things far from the speaker. This book was written by Ayn Rnd. “These books were published in Canada, ‘That house is my grandparents’ Those houses were designed by the city engineer. 2. Indefinite Pronouns ‘An indefinite Pronoun is a pronoun that does not point out to a particular things. Singular/ Plural | ‘Al, any, more, | most, none, | | | ‘somebody, someone, 3. Distributive pronouns ‘A distributive pronoun is a pronoun that refers to each person, place, or thing separately. : ‘The distributive pronouns are: each, neither, either. Each contestant was given a consolation prize. Neither of the boys got the correct answer. Either of those cars was sold. 4. Possessive Pronoun ‘A possessive pronoun is a pronoun used to show ownership or possession. ‘The possessive pronouns are: mine, ‘ours, yours, his, hers, and theirs. Examples: People who have given us their complete Confidence believe that they have a right to ours. The inference is false, a gift confers no rights, (Here, ours replaces the noun phrase our complete confidence.) T always check if the art across the street {s better than mine. (Here, mine replaces the noun phrase my art)

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