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What form of production do you intend on producing? (short film, music

video, stop motion animation, documentary)
I will be making a Music video for my unit 6 and 7 production.

Based on the performances in your previous units, what areas do you

need to improve on this time round?
In my opinion it’s not that I need to improve it’s just something I want to learn
more about and this is editing using adobe premiere pro. This is so that in the
future my editing will be at a higher standard. As well as editing filming would
also be helpful to get better at. This is so that my filming is perfect in the future.

Why have you chosen this production? What visual based skills do you
feel it will help you to develop?
I chose this production because it is something I haven’t done yet. I would like to
do all of the topics before choosing what to do for my final production.

Will you be working individually or as part of a 2 person team? Why

have you chosen this?
I will be working in a pair. This is so that we can both individual work on what we
need to improve. We also haven’t done any work alone practicing a music video.
Therefore, I would feel more confident working with someone.

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