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Women and Plastic Surgery

The trend of plastic surgery has become a hot issue in Indonesia lately. Probably in a
country like South Korea, plastic surgery is not a strange thing anymore. Many people think
that changing their appearance become prettier will make them more loving themselves and
some cases can also support their career in the future. Then, what if they don’t do plastic
surgery ? is that means they don’t love themselves ?. In the other hand, a small percentage of
people think that performing plastic surgery is a human degrading attitude. Besides, for a
Moslem to change what is given by God is a wrong action and memorable that we are
ungrateful for what is in us. That’s why some women think that being beautiful is not just about
beautifying physical appearance but also some other aspects like broadening insight and having
a good heart. Therefore, women should not have plastic surgery for several reasons that will be
explained below.

Some women who have had plastic surgery have an increased career better than before.
It is true that appearance is really important to support our work and career. But the cost of
plastic surgery is very expensive so that weighs heavily on the patient. A woman who is very
concerned about their appearance sometimes willing to spend a lot of money just to change
their appearance to fill their self-satisfaction. Based on the source, the cheapest price in
Indonesia for plastic surgery is 8 million rupiahs and the most expensive is 65 million rupiahs
depending on which part of the body will be operated. So before deciding to do plastic surgery,
women should consider using the money first, because we will spend a lot of money just to
change God's creation. The money used to perform plastic surgery can be used for something
more important and useful. Because the more mature the women are, the more they will
understand that making money is not as easy as spending money. That’s why we have to be a
smart woman.

There are so many public figures like actors have done the plastic surgery and have a
satisfying result. That satisfying result makes other woman tempted to try it too. Although in
fact, they already beautiful without any change actually. But these surgeries don’t come without
risks. There is a failure factor in every plastic surgery so that sometimes the results obtained
are not as patient wish. Plastic surgery is a very complex surgery and potentially become a
dangerous surgery. So it is vulnerable to error, it can be the human error or maybe other factors
for example like procedures, materials, and technique errors. It can’t be one hundred percent
successful. There are many reports of the surgery going terribly wrong. Even the doctor cannot
guarantee whether the patient will succeed in getting the results their expected or not. As with
most surgeries, plastic surgery complications are more common in certain people. For instance,
people who are obese and the elderly are more prone to complications.

Women are attracted to plastic surgery by seeing other users get perfect and interesting
results. It’s right that plastic surgery users do have a face or body prettier than before. They
only think about the results they get rather than the long-term effects they will experience.
There are many risks they will face after plastic surgery. First, anesthesia complications.
General anesthesia, where medication is used to make you unconscious, can sometimes lead to
complications. These include lung infections, stroke, heart attacks, and death. More common
anesthesia risks include waking up confused and disoriented, and shivering. Second, Surgery
typically results is some scarring. Third, organ damage that can cause fatal complications.
Fourth, uncontrolled blood loss that can lead to a drop in blood pressure with potentially deadly
outcomes. Blood loss can happen while on the operating table, but also internally, after surgery.
Fifth, there is also nerve damage. Numbness and tingling are common after plastic surgery and
can be signs of nerve damage. And the last is an infection.

Before deciding to do plastic surgery, we have to think wisely all the consequences will
happen. A smart woman can educate herself about the procedure, possible risks, and
complications of plastic surgery. Women’s beauty can’t be measured by how often she
performs physical care and how much money she spends on facial care. Although facial care
needs to be done, it would be better if women improve their knowledge, perception and having
a good heart. Women should pay attention and improve the inner beauty they have and become
just the way originally they are, because beauty inside better than beauty outside. Always
remember that beauty can disappear with age but kindness is not.

Source :

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