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Reason #1 Research

Reason #1
On a piece of scrap paper, answer this question (you can just write the

If my thesis is “Juveniles should not be charged as adults because their

brains are not fully developed, it does not deter crime and adult prisons are
dangerous for them”, which part of my thesis is my first reason?

a. Juveniles should not be charged as adults

b. Their brains are not fully developed
c. It does not deter crime
d. Their brains are not fully developed, it does not deter crime and adult
prisons are dangerous for them
If my thesis is “Juveniles should not be charged as adults because their
brains are not fully developed, it does not deter crime and adult prisons are
dangerous for them”, which part of my thesis is my first reason?

a. Juveniles should not be charged as adults

b. Their brains are not fully developed
c. It does not deter crime
d. Their brains are not fully developed, it does not deter crime and adult
prisons are dangerous for them
Reason #1
Today, you are only doing research on your FIRST REASON.

Tomorrow, you are writing at least one paragraph for ONLY

Evidence for your first reason
You need to find evidence that supports your first reason.

- Use Google or a credible newspaper’s website to search

for your first reason.

- Evidence can include facts, statistics, quotes, examples,

stories, etc.
3 Types of Evidence
There are 3 types of evidence:

- Logos (logic)

- Ethos (credibility)

- Pathos (emotion, including humor)

Take Out A Piece Of Paper
Logos is an appeal to your logic.


1. What is this commercial trying to get you to do?

2. How is it using logos to do that?

Ethos is an appeal to somebody’s credibility.


3. What is this commercial trying to get you to do?

4. How is it using ethos to do that?

Ethos is an appeal to somebody’s

Example (hint: it says “Preferred

by Teachers”)

5. What is this advertisement

trying to get you to do?

6. How is it using ethos to do

Pathos is an appeal to your emotion, including humor.

Example (sad):

7. What is this commercial trying to get you to do?

8. How is it using pathos to do that?

Pathos is an appeal to your emotion, including humor.

Example (funny):

9. What is this commercial trying to get you to do?

10. How is it using pathos to do that?

Research Paper: Logos, Ethos and Pathos

11. Is this excerpt an example of logos, ethos or pathos?

12. Why? Critically defend your answer.

Research Paper: Logos, Ethos and Pathos
In a talk at Harvard, civil rights lawyer Michelle Alexander told the story of a boy she
interviewed about stop and frisks. He said that he had lost count of the number of times he has
been stopped.

13. Is this excerpt an example of logos, ethos or pathos?

14. Why? Critically defend your answer.

Research Paper: Logos, Ethos and Pathos
In fact, one in three black males born today will go prison in their lifetime (Knafo 2013). How
can we counteract this fate? “For some poor ghetto youth who robs a liquor store, five years in a
penitentiary is our idea of tempering justice with mercy” (Reiman 2013). But that “idea” should
not be ours (Reiman 2013).

15. Is this excerpt an example of logos, ethos or pathos?

16. Why? Critically defend your answer.

Quiz Tomorrow!
Tomorrow you will take a quiz on logos, ethos and pathos.

You will have to identify whether students’ evidence in

their research papers is an appeal to logic, credibility or
Reason #1
1. Use Google or a credible newspaper’s website to find evidence for your
first reason.
- Evidence can include facts, statistics, quotes, examples, stories, etc.
- Evidence can appeal to logic (logos), credibility (ethos) or emotion

2. When you finish your research, you can start writing your Reason #1

Both the research and writing parts are in the Reason #1 assignment on Google
Classroom due Friday 2/15.

3. When you finish Reason #1, repeat this process for Reason #2.

Both the research and writing parts are in the Reason #2 assignment on Google
Classroom due Tuesday 2/19.
Reason #2
1. Use Google or a credible newspaper’s website to find evidence for your
second reason.
- Evidence can include facts, statistics, quotes, examples, stories, etc.
- Evidence can appeal to logic (logos), credibility (ethos) or emotion

2. When you finish your research, you can start writing your Reason #2

Both the research and writing parts are in the Reason #2 assignment on Google
Classroom due Tuesday 2/19.

3. When you finish Reason #2, repeat this process for Reason #3.

Both the research and writing parts are in the Reason #3 assignment on Google
Classroom due Friday 2/22.
Reason #3
Objective: Students will be able to write the paragraph for the third reason
from their thesis statements.

1. Use Google or a credible newspaper’s website to find evidence for your

third reason.
- Evidence can include facts, statistics, quotes, examples, stories, etc.
- Evidence can appeal to logic (logos), credibility (ethos) or emotion

2. When you finish your research, you can start writing your Reason #3

Both the research and writing parts are in the Reason #3 assignment on Google
Classroom due Friday 2/22.

3. If you finish Reason #3, make your graph using the handout from Miss E.
There will be a graph lesson tomorrow.

The Conclusion is due on Google Classroom on Wednesday 2/27.

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