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Works Cited Page

Before you make a Works Cited page, you should have a Google Doc that has the:
- Intro. (hook+background+thesis)
- Reason #1
- Reason #2
- Reason #3
- Conclusion
copy and pasted onto it in that order.
- and a graph wherever applicable

- it should be Times New Roman, size 12 and double-spaced.

- the title should be in the center in bold
- the thesis statement should be in bold
- the name of the Google Doc should be your first and last name
- ONLY your student ID number should be on the paper itself
Works Cited Page
- it is worth 2 sections / 8 points on the rubric
- the Works Cited page is the LAST page of your paper

- it is its OWN page

- no, it does NOT count as one of your 6 pages

Specifications Continued
- Works Cited in the center in bold

- at least 5 sources

- in alphabetical order by author’s last name

1. Go to
2. Click “Create citations”.
3. Click “MLA”.
4. Click the tab “Website”.
5. Copy and paste the links one at a time from the research charts (in the Intro., Reason
#1, Reason #2 and Reason #3 assignments on Google Classroom) and click “Search Websites”.
6. Click “Select”.
7. Click “Final Step”.
8. Make sure the article title, the author, the website title and the electronically
published date are filled in. If they are not, copy and paste the link into a separate tab,
find whatever is missing, go back to the citation machine website and fill it in yourself.
9. Click “Create Citation”.
10. Copy and paste the citation onto your Works Cited page on the last page of your paper,
in alphabetical order by author’s last name.
11. Whenever you used that website in your paper, you need to add (Author’s Last Name Year)
to the end of the sentence or quote, like this (Thomas 2017). These are called in-text
12. Repeat this process for every website.

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