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00:22:47 Dr.

Ali Griffith: Dee: Wins: Launched Website, invited to first health

event and got two clients
00:24:00 Dr. Ali Griffith: Novelette: Found someone who will be helping me with
copywriting, grant proposal with opportunities, will be submitting her 501 c3 to
help with grant, will be revamping
00:28:51 Dr. Ali Griffith: Erain: Been more consistent and initiating the
business page, assisted my co-worker with the admin in building, had a good event
with Rain event, not ready to go all in opportunity to have event, now looking
towards population, purchase products with sleep
00:34:50 Dr. Ali Griffith: March Goals: Dee: Posting on Social Media on
Consistent Basis, March 21st Wellness Event, Sending out survey
00:34:53 Dr. Ali Griffith:
00:36:35 Dr. Ali Griffith: Food Handling Certification
00:38:07 Dr. Ali Griffith: Novellete: complete the website changes, send one
grant and complete letter seeking sponsorships and dnations
00:40:55 Dr. Ali Griffith: Erain- Following up on leads from yesterday, help the
co-worker enroll someone else to generate more income, getting back on the ball
with Facebook lives, 1/2 Looking into of events networking
00:46:21 Dr. Ali Griffith: Possible Blocks- Losing track of time, time
management, using the night I’m off… to get the handling… do baby steps,
00:48:05 Dr. Ali Griffith: Novelette: Time management.. setting aside and
consistency…juggling back and forth.. don’t get done.
00:49:42 Dr. Dee Dee: � �
01:07:04 Dr. Ali Griffith: More clarity, getting things aligned
01:07:35 Dr. Ali Griffith: Commitment, accountability, clear plan and steps to
work achieving
01:08:45 Dr. Ali Griffith: Timing of the session, on the first day of the month…
sets the flow for the month

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