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During our childhood, we tend to visualize and dream about what we wanted to do when we become
older. Maybe, these fantasies of ours are influenced by the people around us and the kind of society we
are currently in. On the other hand, our wishes as children might change as we grow older, meet more
people, encounter conflicts, gather more experiences, and such. We never know.
As a human being, we do not have access on what is about to happen in the future. We actually do not
know where life would take us or what we have to expect in the life which is about to come. And that’s
the time when we let our worries about the future go, and just trust the Almighty in His plans. Let Him
decide for us. His plans will never disappoint us for sure. Which is why, there are people who becomes
ministers of evangelic. They are called for it. They are likely to be the chosen one’s whose purpose in life
is to spread the gospels of God and to take care God’s people.
Most of the time, God’s calling can’t hardly be noticed because mostly, we try to ignore such calling.
Because maybe, that do not belong in our plans or we just feel like we are not into such vocation.
However, if God invited you to enter a consecrated life, you will be given signs and hints that will lead
you to Him and thus, He will help you to trust that you are hearing Him correctly.
At first, those people who are called in such vocation are afraid. They seem to have this idea of quitting
and turning their backs to the call. Nevertheless, these fears and doubts can be overcome if it is really
your calling. Wherever you go, if you are called for it, you will still end up entering such vocation.
Because as stated in John 15:16 “You did not choose me, but I have chosen you.” Therefore, if you are
called, do not try to run nor escaped, because you are very lucky that you were chosen by the Almighty
to lead his servants. So, be brave and face the task bestowed upon you. Respond to the call and have a
Consecrated Life in your lifetime.

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