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Maze game evaluation:

Making games was completely new to me when joining college. I found using gamemaker really easy.
I really enjoyed making my maze game and I hope to do something like it for the final project.

When making the game I had to use tutorials to understand what I was doing and how to do
everything. For example, I followed a tutorial on how to make the enemies bounce off walls and go in
random directions. My favourite part of the whole unit was making the levels and learning how to do
it. I used photoshop to make the buttons to go from the start screen to level 1 and to go to settings.

I used Piskel to make everything from the walls to the characters. All the level designs used piskel
sprites. For example, the walls on the levels, I made in piskel, the flooring on all the levels, I made in
piskel and the totem, mummies and playable character were all made in piskel. I choose a jungle
theme for the maze. I took the
inspiration from the Minecraft jungle
temples. I used the kind of style,
shown in the picture, to make my
walls and flooring. I used a totem as
the collectable because it fitted in
with the overall theme of the whole
game. I also felt the name of the game
fitted as well as it wasn’t complicated
and it’s not difficult to remember.

When making the game there were a

few things I did struggle on. With the
help of YouTube tutorials and peer help, I managed to overcome the things I found difficult. For
example, when I tried to make it so if you hovered over the controls it would pop up with a message
saying what that button did, I had help from Jack and Frazier. There wasn’t really anything I disliked
during this unit of work. If I had to choose anything it would be that I couldn’t make it so the enemies
changed direction when they bounced off a wall.

Altogether I really enjoyed this unit. If I had to change one thing about the game, it would be the
start screen and control settings. I would make it so you can customize what controls you want and
I’d make the start screen a lot more interesting to the eye. I would also add sound effects for when
you pick the totem up or get killed by the enemy. I would also add music so its not boring and use it
to try and make the game seem tense.

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