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This booklet is a first attempt at compiling the story of the Paternos, whether it be in the context of Philippine history, or in the context of the members’ equally colorful personal lives. Due to limited space, all of the stories (old are those of the first few generations of ancestors who have already passed on, while the younger generations are mostly represented by portraits and photographs. Much of the following text is lifted from books, magazines, and documents spanning more than a century, But mote significantly, a lot of what is now written come from previously purely oral history--more unusual, more easily forgotten, and therefore so much more precious In is in this regard that we, who worked on this project, would like to thank Roberto (Bobby} M. Paterno, Esperanza (Pansy) B. and Amelita (Amy) B. Paterno, Vicente (Ting) T. Paterno and Manuel (Manoling) V. Paterno, not just for providing the family tree program and the initial data, but more importantly, for taking the time out to recount in detail their memories of the older Paternos, We would also like to acknowledge the marty other relatives who contributed by sending photographs, information, or any other support to facilitate the realization of this first Paterno booklet. Miguel R. Paterno Jean Marie Y. Paterno List of Reforonce Materials: “ine Chinese iy Philippine Life 1850-) 59S" by Euar Wek “Tlinos in History” teprnta edition by the Natal Historical fet The Clue Hlipana Story” by Felice Sa, Mavi 3 Eleiea May P.Hemnander Jose Homorato Cassano -Fspunas 1847" by ous Mana Cao Vauines 5,485, publishes ty Reader's Digest 1 4 6 “Raaysazan, The History of Uke Billing Pop 7. "Letnis + Fees" by Jane ©: Lava The Phitpines” hy John Foreman 9. oPatune Me’ by Consuelo Madrigal Collantis 1, "Santa Cri Church A Livmng Hemtage” by Ana Nan Le Mapes Stories Images Genealogy of Jose Molo Sometime during the latter part of the 18th century, a Chinese man named Ming Mong Lo came to settle in the Philippines. A source describes him as “an apothecary of Mandarin ancestry” Life was not easy for Chinese migrants in the Philippines during the Spanish times. They were viewed with suspicion and envy, so they were taxed the highest, forced to live in the Parian area, and subjected to periodic mass deportations. In fact, in 1786, all Chinese who were not Christians, were sent back to mainland China. Many of them had by then, opted to marry Filipinas. This could have been the case with Ming Mong Lo. Ming Mong Lo took on the name Jose Molo upon baptism. He did not have to fear expulsion anymore. He now’ benefited from reduced taxes, land grants, and freedom to reside almost anywhere in the country. Aside from that, the baptized Chinese could acquire a Spanish godparent who could be counted upon as a bondsman, creditor, patron, and protector in legal matters. Jose Molo, could now uly make the Philippines his new home. He is the starting point of the present Paterno family tree. He married a woman whose surname was San Agustin or Agustin and sired five boys, namely: Silverio, Juan, Paterno, Pedro, and Alejo. This narration will now focus on the line of Paterno Molo y Agustin and his descendants. The Central Bank collection has a portrait of a man with a queue, painted by Severino Flavier Pablo, an early 19th century painter. This oil portrait used to hang in an old Paterno home, and some believe that this is Jose Molo. Se & Jose Molo XN ees : Jose Molo eiyetititilade Paterno Molo y Agustin Paterno Molo y Agustin was born on August 21, 1786, A first generation Chinese mestizo, he was able to gain wealth and stature beyond that of his father’s, Mestizos like Paterno, had by this time, cornered the business of provisioning Manila with all the produce from the provinces, purchasing certain cash crops wholesale and hold- ing them for speculation in the Manila market. They had become the major wholesalers, retailers and eventually, landholders. They were mostly based in Binondo, the principal commercial center of Spanish Manila at that time Paterno Molo himself owned considerable properties on Calle Rosario in the said district, and is said to have built his fortune on trading boats that went to as far as Aparti. At the time of his death on April 26, 1835, he must have been able to provide for the next generation so abundantly, that it enabled them to become prominent personalities in Philippine-Hispanic society in the 19th century. It was Paterno’s full name “Paterno Molo Agustin” which was later on adopted by his affluent descendants as their family name. Paterno married Miguela (or Micaela, in other accounts) Yamson. According to grandson Pedro, she was descended from the “maguinoo” (royalty) of Luzon, They begat nine children: Matea, Juana, Paz, Anastacio, Maximo, Martina, Feliciano, Tomas, and Lucas, all carrying the new surname Molo Agustin Paterno or M.A. Paterno as shown in some of their signed documents. Paterno Molo has an oil portrait dated 1836 by Severino Flavier Pablo in the Central Bank collection. His wife Miguela also has a portrait in her old age, holding a cigat, with the inscription, “nacio en 1793, y se pinto en 1873" This narration will focus on Paterno Molo’s children, namely, Maximo, Martina, Lucas, and their respective descendants, A casco, a large dug-out hoat used for transporting goods on water. Paterno Molo y Agustin Paterno Molo y Agustin ak Miguela Yamson a Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno aximo Molo Agustin Paterno was born on May 29, 1830. As a second generation mestizo, Maximo was not only financially empowered, but was also better educated, more socially and politi- cally conscious---a fine example of the emerging ‘illustrado" Maximo was the one who took over his aging father’s busi ness and was nicknamed “Paternite”, In addition, according to his son Pedro, “Maximo started his business with a canoe and a barge. ing goods to as far as Corregidor island, to secure the first dealings with ships entering the port. In this ua fic, he made money so fast that he opened an office and subsequently a store of his own in Escolta, His transactions attained large proportions and by the time this kind of trade in the bay became obsolete, he was already one of the most respected middlemen operating between. the foreign houses and provincial prod Furthermore, the mestizos were by this time acquiring outright ownership of indio Lands in Central Luzon. By providing loans for fiestas, baptisms, and litigations, with rice lands as security, (he mestizos were in a position to obtain lands by foreclostire. It was not casy to break the influence of the mestizo moneylendet, who lived close to the indio and knew his needs, Most mestizos spoke the Philippine dialect of the region where they lived. In Maximo’s case, as oral tradition would have it, he made a lot of money trading coffee from Batangas, profiting not only from the movement of prices, but also from foreclosing on lands mortgaged (o hin by debtors who could not pay. Lore further has it that Maximo was the wealthiest man in Lipa, having to use « spade for his gold and eating out of gold places. Socially, in areas where the mestizos were sufficient in number, they formed a separate mestizo"gremio” (guild) ‘or municipal council, alongside the existing indio gremio. The members of the mestizo gremio claimed for them- selves preferential positions in all public ceremonies, like fiestas and other religious celebrations. The gremio mem bers were addressed as “capitan”, Maximo, also known as Capitan. Memo was in fact registered in the Gremios de Mestizos de Santa Cruz in 1899 in the National Archives. A. social aspitation of the upper class mestizo was to be more Hispanic, identifying more with the ruling Spaniards, han with the indios. The Chinese mestizos were ostentatious, whether it be in their manner of dress- ing, or in the Exmopean flavor of their homes, or in the way they entertained their guests with sumptuous banguets. Maximo was certainly of the “créme de la créme” as shown in some photographs of his home in P. Gomez, in Quiapo, Evie Giron. in The Daily Mirror Magazine (September 19, 1970) further describes this house, * The Pater- nos resided in the red-tiled rool mansion bounded by the streets now known as 2. Paterno, P. Gomez, Sales, and Carriedo. A stone’s Uirow savay was the romantic river Pasig, an endless source of inspiration for poets and artists. On the Carriedo side were the accessorias(apartments) owned by the Paternos. On the entresuelo(ground floor) of the Paterno residence, women were busy working on jewelry over tiny Lables with several drawers for the metal and stones, supervised by Trinidad, the youngest child of Carmina Devera Ygnacio de Paterno. Adjacent to the workshop ayas the large library of Don Pedro, housing his own books, aside from collections of imported tomes, and the office of the revolutionary dignitary. Ascending the four steps of marble and hardwood stairs, one came upon a spacious salon with a thiek red carpet and chandeliers as lavish as those of Malacafiang Palace in Uie old days, On the walls reaching almost to the ceiling, were four mirrors of Venetian glass, In beaween were velvet curtains pinched by gold braid and on top of the valance, the Parerno crest. Elsewhere around the house were hung six bigger than life ail portraits of the Paternos with footwide gilded narra frames, limnedl by the popular artist Fabian de la Rosa. But there were three smaller frames with detailed lines capturing even the fine pina weave of the Maria Clara kimona of Dolores Paterno, Lis important to note that Maximo’s love for anything Spanish extended to sending his sons to scudy and live in Spain, He was a big art patron, enrolling his daughters tinder the finest tutors in the arts and commissioning religious works and portaits from the best artists of his time. Hence, his children have become authors, playwrights, historians, painters, poets, and musicians. The body of works from Maximo and his family that survive today are a testament to his having veached the pinnacle of the migrant/mestizo’s dream of wealth and stature. Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno Politically, he was affected by Europe's 18th century Enlightenment and became involved in discussion groups and secret societies like the “Comité de Reformas”. These groups advocated reforms against neglect, misrule and abuses by colonial and ecclesiastical authorities. They lobbied for greater rights and freedoms for the people of the colony. John Foreman, an Ame historian, describes one such secret meeting, “From the house proper, a narrow staircase led to the cistern, about 25 feet square, in the side of which there was a door which closed perfectly. The cistern was divided into two unequal parts, the top compartment being full of water, while the lower part served as the reformers’ conference room, so that if a search was made, the cistern was in fact a cistern.”. Maximo was implicated in the historic Cavite mutiny of 1872 which resulted in the execution of the priests now known as GOMBURZA. He was arrested and imprisoned in Fort Santiago. That same year, he was exiled to the Marianas and was only able to return to the Philippines ten years after. Maximo had three wives in succession, ‘The first was Valeriana Pineda by whom he had only one son, Nar= ciso, When she died, he married her cousin, Carmina Devera Ygnacio y Pineda. They had nine children: Agueda, Dolores, Jose Timoteo, Pedro Alejandro, Jacoba, Antonio, Maximino, Paz, and Trinidad. When Carmina passed away, Maximo married her younger sister, Teadora Devera Ygnacio y Pineda and had four more children: Mariano, Concepcion, Feliciano and Adelaida. Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno died on July 25, 1900, His remains are in crypt no. 97 in San Agustin Church, Inamuros, Manila, Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno Carmina Devera Ygnacio Teodora Devera Ygnacio Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno ay della Mortis VRE The interiors of Maximo Paterno’'s house on P. Gomez St., Sta. Cruz, Manila 1862 ES, X oo Ree ». issn Fetes io \ lr pty ani poy veo} f ¥ ate degree in civil and canon law at the Unive Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno. ————_. Children DEALAIACION Pat PSS FNS , Narciso Paterno, Ve was the only child of Maximo Paterno with Valeriana Pineda, In the 1890's, he owned a sizeable piece of property in Sta. Cruz in front of the Bilibid Viejo. He married Lorenza Chuidian and Emilia Venegas. elawith td. AiAage Dolores Paterne (Doleng) (March 10, 1854-July 3, 1881) Also born to the Maximo Paterno and Carmina Devera Ygnacio union, Dolores studied piano and voice under Natalio Mata, organist and choirmaster of the Quiapo church. She took up music and com- position under Diego Perez. In 1879, Dolores composed the popu- lar romantic melody “Sampaguita, La Flor de Manila”, which is considered to be her main contribution to Philippine music. Like her sister Agueda, she had a portrait done by Justiniano Asuncion at the prime of her youth Pedro Alejandro Paterno (Feb.7, 1857-March 4, 1911) He was the second son of Maximo Paterno with Carmina Devera Ygnacio. Pedro studied at the Ateneo Municipal de Manila where he gradu- ated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, ‘Then he went to Spain to take advance courses in canon law, theology and philosophy at the Seminario Coneillar de Salamanca. He obtained his doctor- jddad Central de . s Madrid. While in Madrid, his residence was the Filipino commu- Pe nity center where other revolutionary students like Juan Luna and > Jose Rizal met to discuss the future of their country. In fact, it was during a meeting in Pedro's house, that Rizal decided to write the controversial novel “Noli Me Tangere”. Probably the most well- known Paterno, he held many public positions, among which were president of the Malolos Congress and negotiator of the pact of Biak-na-Bato. He was a playwright, novelist, publisher, historian and poeta true Renaissance man. A little known fact about him is that he was married to Luisa Pineiro y Merino. Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno Children Maria Jacoba Paterno (Cobaug) ( July 25, 1858-May 16, 1918) She was the third daughter of Maximo Paterno and Carmina Devera Ygnacio. In 1895, Maria Jacoba, like her older sister Agueda, participated in the Exposicion Regional de Filipinas fea- turing 16th and U7th century Philippine jewelry. Antonio Paterno (Jan.17, 1860- 1895) He was the third son of Maximo Paterno with Carmina Devera Ygnacio, He studied at Ateneo Municipal de Manila and took his medical course at the Universidad Central de Madrid, After graduation, Antonio served as the municipal doctor of Matikina, where he met and married Andrea Angeles. In 1893, he established a clinic with his brother Maximino, initially at No.7 San Roque, Intramuros and eventually at Calle Real, Antonio died unexpectedly of appendicitis in 1895. Jose Rizal wrote a moving letter to Pedro, conveying his condo- Ienees and his admiration for his dear friend. Juan Luna made a portrait of him with the following dedication, “A mi querido Anto- nio". This painting is now part of the Central Bank collection. Jose Timoteo Paterno (Pepe) (Aug.22, 1855-Oct. 16, 1926) As the first son of Maximo Paterno and Carmina Devera Ygnacio, Jose took his early education at the Ateneo Municipal de Manila and later studied Business Administration in England. He.was the one who took over the management of the family's business, banking and real estate concerns. Jose married his cousin Maria Patrocinio. Zamora Paterno, daughter of his uncle, Lucas, Paz Santa Paterno (Now. |, 1867-Aug.25. 1914) She was the jourth daughter of Maximo Paterno and Carmina Devera Ygnacio. Paz developed her skill for painting and drawing from no less than the tree leading painters of her ime: Lorenzo Guerrero, a master of still-life; Felix Martinez, a leading illustuator; and Teodoro Bue- naventura, who taught her landscape painting and portraiture. Despite her frail health, she painted several still-life and landscape masterpieces that are now regarded as prime examples of wi 19th century Filipina painters. 1 Maximo Molo Agus Children in P. aterno Maximino Paterno (Mino) (March 19, 1863-Dec.25, 1929) He was the fifth son of Maximo Paterno with Carmina Devera Ygna- cio, Maximino, like his brothers, obtained his bachelor of arts from the Ateneo Municipal de Manila. He later took up medicine at the Medical College of San Carlos in Madrid. During the Phil ippine Revolution, he became the physician to Aguinaldo and his inct, He also held several government positions, among which were; secretary of industry, commerce and agriculture; and see- etary of communications and public works. He was one of the officers of Aguinaldo’s government-in-exile in Hongkong. During the American times, Maximino remained active in social and civic affairs, He was inspector-general for the first census( 1903) taken by the Americans. He served as the secretary and treasurer of the Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas. He was also a member of the advisory board of the Liceo de Manila and became its geneval secretary Maximino was one of the founders of the Philippine Tuberculosis Society and was instrumental in the acqui- ion of the present site of the Quezon Institute. He was its pre: dent from 1919 to 1926 Maximino married his cousin Asuncion Paterno Zamora, daughter of his aunt Martina Paterno. They lived on R. Hidalgo St, Quiapo, Manila. This house is still standing, and represents a treasure trove of memories for the descendants who spent their childhoods there, among whom is Roberto M, Paterno, a grandson of Maxi- mino. Hete are some of his recollections on the R. Hidalgo house “I grew up in that Vigan-type bahay na bato on what used to be No. 917 (now 968, I think) Calle R Hidalgo, Quiapo, the house that Tito Ting(Vicente Paterno) mentions as being near Lola Quita’s, (I wasn’t aware of Lola Quita’s house, though | was aware of the Zamora and Guzman relatives who lived in front of us). lived there until I was 15 when my father Dr, Ramon Paterno moved us to 11th Street, New Manila. My father was the youngest of 10 children. [never knew my lolo and lola, as_ they were dead when I was born in 1936, And | only got to know seven of their 10 children; the first 3 having died earlier (Florencio, Isabel and Maximino. The last must have died at childbirth or in infaney, because another son later was also named Maximino.) The seven T knew were Carmen (Mameng) Paterno (married Isaac Lacson), Maximino (Mino married an Argentinian Leila Toth), Martina (Tinang), Jose (Pepe or Chenggoy), Maria (Yang), Dolores (Loling, married Angel Tuason), and of course my father Dr. Ramon Paterno. The few things I remember, begin duting the Japanese occupation (1942-45) when all seven except Tita Loling and her husband were living in R, Hidalgo. The house looked much bigger to me than it does now. My father occupied the raised ground floor on both sides of the front courtyard, ‘Tita Mameng and her large family occupied the second floor, with Tita Tinang, Tita Yang and Tito Pepe who were unmarried, T remember that Tito Mino was also there, until he built his house on A. Mabini, Ermita, The house was built around two courtyards or what we called “sagwan” covered with basically square piedra china where the horses and carriages used to come into the property, One entered the house through a fage and heavy wooden door big. and tall enough for carriages with one leaf having a smaller door for pedestrians, (In better postwar years, there would be about 7 or 8 cars parked inside.) Since the second floor covered the sidewall, when that door was closed, ic shut the whole house from the street. During the Japanese time, I remember one (a Lincoln Zephyr) or two ald cars parked inside and what we called a “docar” or carriage with inflated rubber wheels. Beyond our living quarters were what used to be stables (one of them had an old carroza for the Nitto de Praga [Santo Nino of Prague] proces sion of San Sebastian Church) and beyond the second courtyard were many bodegas and quarters for the domestic help beyond which was the estero which at that ume was still clean and had barges or what we which were moved by men with poles. [remember seeing ai least one signboard in the bodega area that said “Tiki-Tiki Manuel Zamora.” Probably, there were labs there. I was told that that house used to belong to my Lola Asuncion Zamora and her brother Manuel Zamora, I haven't been able to find out when it was first built. But when Lwas born it already belonged to the children of Asuncion, including my father. Now it belongs to the chikiven of my generation and their heirs. My (and my brother's) room on the raised ground floor looked out on R. Hidalgo except that those barred windows were usually shut, We slept on beds made of wood with rattan weave (behuco) under cotton-filled or kapok mattress. The four posts had holes in them for poles on which we hung mosquito nets every night. On the other side of the huge door fronting the street was a commercial space then occupied by Bosque Music Store (which used to sell sheet music and some musical instruments). I was told that that space used to be a drugstore (lor Lolo Maning Zamora, I suppose) and also for my Tita Loling Tuason who had actually studied to be a pharmacist but never practiced, at least not during my Gime. On either side of the house were two smaller structures fronting R. Hidalgo within the property. One was my father’s X-Ray clinic; the other was occupied by cal led “casens" Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno i Children Talleres Maxitno Vicente, a maker of marble statues and lapidas (1ombstones), Behind bout were gardens with trees, When you entered through the main door, our (my father's) bedroom quarters were on the left sicle, My: father had a very large white tiled bathroom with two marble lavabos, an old bathtub with gas heater which one with a match, the usual toilet and bidet, and, wonder of wonders for us children, one of these ancient foot tubs with a stool in front where we loved to play, Full-fledged tiled bathrooms like these were not to0 many in the house and were probably of later vintage than the house itself, Like many old bahay na bato's, my room had a kind of corvidor urea next co the windows on one side. On one end was a basin Qvith plumbing by my time, but probably only a pitcher and “palanggana” in the old days) and on the other a toilet with the flush hanging from a chain and tank above. In between was y which (hrough a trapdoor led to the second. floor. To take a shower [had to-go to my father’s bathroom, As Lrenember, there were only three real bathrooms on the second floor: the rest were provided with corner basins and toilets like the ones in my room. Across the covered sagwan, to the right as one entered the house, were two flights of stairs, The first flight, made of Carrara (that’s what I was told) marble, Jed 10 our raised ground floor dining room and kitchen, ‘The floor of the dining room was made of hardwood with spaces in beuween through whieh you could see a kind of basement about three feet high full of dust and darkness underneath. Things were always falling through these spaces and it was great trouble retrieving them through the little doors on the side. This first landing also led to a backdoor into the Bosque Music shop that was next to the street. Beyond the first Janding was the grand stairway made of hardwood, On the wall was a large Hidalgo painting which is now with Marilou Tuason (Tita Loling’s daughter), ‘The stairway led to the second floor to salas which looked huge to me then. One sala had a grand piano and a beautiful set of furniture from China made of very hard wood and marble arranged around a carpet. The screens had some ivory and amber inlay Lthink. The chairs and sofas were really uncomfortable since you sat on cold marble or lacquered wood But the carving was exquisite and T remember playing with the armrests which ended with dragon heads with balls carved and trapped but loose inside the mouths. You could roll them around with your little finger inside the dragons’ mouths but you couldn't Lake them out, This set has been divided among myy aunts and father, but my father’s pieces were burnt in a fire that destroyed our Ith Street house, Some pieces have been well preserved with Marilou Tuason and in the Ist Sureet, New Manila, house of my late cousin Inday Lacson Fernandez, In the sala beside a window was a mahjong table where my aunts played with friends almost every afternoon. The other sali (used for dances, I was told) had its own “Alhambra” furniture and console cabinets with huge mirrors and ornate curtains and yalances, and beyond that a wide corridor-like space that was over the R, Hidalgo sidewalk and looked out on the street all lined with sliding capiz windows. We used to lean out these windows (o watch the annual Black Nazarene procession that has always been a major fiesta in Quiapo. On the floor of this hall just over the downstairs front door was a small (about 2” x 3") hole with a removable cover through which you could see whoever wanted 10 come into the house from the sidewalk. We mischievous children used to drop things through this opening on the heads of people walking on the sidewalks There were very many bedroonis of various sizes on the second floor and dining room covered with black-and-white Carrara marble tiles. (Most of these tiles are still there.) Since this was the eldest sister's (Tita Mameng Lacson) dining room, everyone including Tita Loling’s family, would gather there every Sunday for lunch, We had this traditional Sunday hunch with Tita Mameng even when they had moved to £.B. Harrison in Pasay. Most of the floors on the second floor were made of wide planks of wood; how much of this is Jeft 1 do not know. On the second floor also was an open azotea with red Vigan tiles and one of those wells or balons covered with 2 domed structure and there was a stone stairway lead- ing down to one of the gardens behind my father's y of “lumot” (moss), but F think it was still in use during the deprivation of Japanese occupation, [ remember that beyond the kitchen was a huge combination pantry- cook's room-storage library where, of all Uhings, there were bookshelves containing a library of books including multiple copies of Pedro Paterno’s books (the Lam totally ignorant of today except that a boxful was given - thank God ~- by my Tito Pepe to his close friend Mene- leo Carlos Sr. and kept by the latte daughter Lita Carlos in her house in New Mani vary narrow “secret” stainw: clinic, By my time, the well was full fate of which 13 Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno Children continuation of Maximino Paterno Sometime after the war, we left the house family by family. Tita Mameng and her family moved to their house on FB. Harrison, Pasay. My father moved to New Manila in 1951 or 1952. My Tita Tinang died and lay in state in the house. My Tita Yang and Tito Pepe, both unmarried, moved in with my Tita Loling in her house on Aviles Street in front of Gate No. 3 of Malacanang. About five or six houses away towards San Sebastian were the houses of the Campos and Santiago (the famous composer Francisco Santiago) families, our relatives through Pablo Ocampo who married Juana Paterno Zamora, daughter of Martina and sister of my Lola Asuncion I found a postcard in the Jonathan Best collection showing R. Hidalgo with a Meralco tranvia and show- ing our house on the right and the houses in front on the left and San Sebastian Church in the background taken sometime between 1910 and 1924.” Roberto continues,” Lwas just talking this noon to my oldest living first cousin on our side of the family, Mrs,Lulu Laeson Monfort who also lived in R. Hidalgo at least during the Japanese occupation with her parents Carmen Paterno and Isaac Lacson, She was born in 1924. They used to live in Bacolod when Tito Isaac was Governor of Negros Occidental, but they moved to Manila when he ran for Congress. Eventually, they moved into their house on E.B. Harrison, Pasay, but later moved to the family house on R-Hidalgo because Tita Mameng was having a very hard time with her asthma, so that when [came on the scene they were already living in R.Hidalgo and stayed there until after the occupation when they moved back to EB, Harrison, According to her, the first floor quarters which went to my father and us, was where our Lolo Maximino and Lola Asuncion used to stay. In fact she used to visit my lola in the very room which my brother and I eventually occupied. Now I understand why the largest and most well-appointed bathroom was in our part of the house: it used to be our grandparents’ bathroom. Cousin Lith says she understands that Manuel Zamora used to stay there in that house, but when she came ( R.Hidalgo, he stieet, [really regret not asking more questions of my fath Maximino continues to be remembered through his house on Calle R. Hidalgo. His re , in San Agustin Church. nd/or his children were already across the and aunts when they were still ains lie in niche no. Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno. —————————— |, 4. Children Agueda Paterno (Guiday) (Feb. 5, 1853-Sept. 15, 1915) She was the eldest daughter of Maximo Paterno and Carmina Devers Ygnacio, When her mother passed away and when her father was exiled, Agueda, at the age of 16, assumed the role of guard- ian to her siblings and orphaned nephews and nicces. As a young, woman, she would get invited to formal affairs in Malacanang, Agueda learned to speak English during the American occupation from American lady teachers who boarded with them. She was also one of the earliest members of “Goia de Leche”, a charitable organization that fed indigent babies. In. 1895, she participated in the Exposicion Regional de Filipinas, mounting an exhibit on 18th and 19th century Philippine jewelry, Unfortunately, some of her pieces might have been stolen by “tulisanes” while the family was fleeing (0 Dagupan, Pangasinan at the onset of the Philippine revolution in 1896. Agueda was 16, when she was immortalized in a hauntingly beautiful portrait done by Justiniano Molo Asun- cion, a prominent portrait artist in the 19th century. Trinidad Paterno (Trining) (Nov. 14, 1868-Nov.25, 1932) She was the filth daughter of Maximo Paterno and Carmina Devera Ygnacio, While her sister Dolores was composing verses and music, and her sister Paz was painting on canyas, Trinidad was busy supervising the jewelry-making in the entesuelo of their family home, She was also an artist in her own right, using human hair for embroidery, with a surviving work now in the Central Bank collection. Trinidad married Claudio Gabriel. was the eldest son of Maximo Paterno with, cio. Concepcion Paterno (Concha) (May 21, 1878-April 5, 1943) She was the eldest daughter of Maximo Paterno with Teodora Devera Ygnacio. Concepcion, like her brothers and sisters, was trained in music and in the other arts by the best teachers, In 1895, she was one of the women who joined the Exposicion Regional de Filipinas en Manila, displaying a country scene done in embroi- dery, She married Narciso Padilla and lived on Gastambide St. in Sampaloc, Manila, Feliciano Paterno (Ciano) (June 9, 1879-Good Friday, 1951) Feli- ciano was born with a twin er, Rosenda, who died at infancy. They were also children of Maximo Paterno and Teodora Devera Ygnacio. Li he did his primary schooling in Manila, then studied pharmacy at the University of Pennsylvania He later became a professor at the University of Manila. Felici- ano, a bachelor, lived wgether with his unmarried sister Adelaida, moving out of their father’s house to Pasay (near the Manila Bay), then to a mansion on Aviles Street near Malacanang ¥ 16.9 Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno Children Adelaida Paterno (Adela) (Oct. 24 1880-Nov. 2, 1962) Adelaida was the youngest and the most long-lived of Maximo Paterno and Teodora Devera Ygnacio’s children. She, like her siblings, was yery artistically-inclined, with several works now in the Central Bank collection: an oil painting and an embroidered piece using human hair, {cis from her house on Aviles St, thatthe Central Bank was able to acquire the now well-known Paterno portraits. To quote a writer who has had the privilege of entering Adelaida’s house: | “Unusual indeed was the portrait gallery of an old Manila home, now sadly demolished. ‘A.wide hall was hung with paintings covering, 200 years of distinguished ancestry. Por trayed by famous artists of the times from no Flavier Pablo to Araceli L, Dans, the earliest subject was bon in the 1780's and the latest died in the 1960's. In another room | were other portraits done by Juan Luna in the 1890's. With a gilded Tampingco arch, polished kamagong floors, ornate sofas and s, the room was a quiet statement that here lived a family with a distinguished lineage, a sense of history and family pride, and at least a ce of affluence and refinement.” | He further describes in unusually great detail: “The portrait gallery in the home of Ms, Adelaida Paterno extended the length of the 2nd floor, Scuting from the window looking out on J. P. laurel St., the portraits were arranged as follows. First, facing each other, were the Severino Flavier Pablo-Don Paterno Molo, on the left and Man with a Queue [Ming Mong-lo] on the right. Then came portraits done by Araceli Limeaoco Dans, Adelaida Paterno on the left and Feliciano Paterno on the right. Beyond a pair facing doors were the portraits of Teodora de Vera Ygnacio (a Fernando Amorsolo of her in old age at left and a Justiniano Asuncion on the right). Next on the left facing the stairwell, follow the portrait of Agueda Paterno and beyond it, the portrait of Don Maximo. ‘The portrait of an old woman with a cigar inscribed nacio en 1793 y se pinto en 1873 flanked by two landscapes embroidered in hair were at the back wall of the stairs. From the birthdate, the old woman with the cigar could have been Dna. Micaela [sic Miguela] wife of Don Paterno Molo. ‘Two or three JD Castro landscapes were on posts, Below each portrait in the gallery was a picce of funiture. Agueda - console table, Maximino - the same desk shown in the portwait of Teodora de Vera Ygnacio by Justiniano Asuncion, Teodora- sofa and side chair, ete. A fully gilded Tampingco arch divided the hall near the street side. ‘The Tampingco was bought by 2 prominent collector from Jo- Liza antique Shop and was for a while in her Malacanang bedioom, It was later transferred to a Wack-Wack home where it remained until February 1986," According to Manuel Y, Paterno, Adela used to own the property along Calle Rosario comer Escolta, now occupied by Savory Chicken Restaurant, He would visit her, being the oldest living relative at that time, in her house which was just outside the gate of Malacaniang on Aviles/JP Laurel St., especially during Christmas. He fondly Is that Lola Adela would give them (wo pesos as aguinaldo, which at that time Felt like two thousand pesos | Manuel describes her as petite and fair. Esperanza and Amelita Paterno, grandnieces who lived in Adelaida’s house, remember her as very shy. She spoke in spanish, tagalog, and a little english. She was very simple. Though they do not remember seeing her paint or embroider, they do remember seeing the three embroidery works using human hair and silk hanging in their aunt's bedroom. ‘They recall that both Tiya Adela and Tiyo Ciano shared a silver gray Packard limousine driven by a uniformed chaufier. They also employed a Japanese gardener and at one time a Hindu watchman who wore a turbaii, until the outbreak of World War I, During their birthdays and other special eccasions, their home was venue to all their relatives, friends and religious priests. The Paternos would go there for a catered lunch, preceded by a musical program for the early comers. At Chrismas time, all the relatives would drop by to pay their respect and be given a cash gift each. While Adelaida’s collection is no longer with the Paterno family, many pieces are now hanging in museum walls, for the rest of the world to admire, They certainly contribute to the recognition of not only Pedro, bat also of his talented sisters Paz, Dolores, Adelaida, as noteworthy Filipinos of their time, tury and a hal recs Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno @ Valeriana Pineda Descendants ‘The Warrens Miguel Paterno & Tnocencia Gonzales Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno @ Valeriana Pineda Descendants The Warrens Amparo Paterno Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno Emilia Venegas aterno & P. The Clan of Narciso Pineda Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno @ Carmina Devera Ygnacio Descendants Maximino Paterno with collegues TAPE ) Teabel Paterno x's baby Z. Paterno Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno & Carmina Devera Ygnacio Descendants fa Carlos & Titang Lacson Ramon Paterno & Nelly Montilla 4 © Carmen Z, Paterno Carmen P. Laeson Maria Paterno with Rami & Bombit Asuncion P. Lacson Antonio “Toning” Paterno Maria “Yang” Paterno \ | Z.. Paterno Carlos P. Lacson Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno @ Carmina Devera Ygnacio Descendants Claudio Gabriel "Baron Zamora sheigal Me Bason Paterno, Mino, Jose & two sisters Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno @ Carmina Devera Ygnacio Descendants "Extended family in the home of Roberto, Georgie & Rami Antonio Maria Paterno 4, 22 ¥ Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno & Carmina Devera Ygnacio Descendants Be ae Trinidad D.Y. Paterno aera puters mete sf GR tata tlbeath Antonio & Laura Blackman Paterno & family a4 . Bed Lorenzo & Cristine Sanz Mejia with children with Cristine & Freder Maximo Molo Agustin Paterno & Carmina Devera Ygnacio Descendants Bessie, Pansy, Margie, Linda, Fred Peter, Tony-Roy & Amy Pre x Batts a ditael> — Ramon Paterno & fas Peter & Erlinda Seminiano Paterno with Bessie & Margie The Clan of Maximino Devera Ygnacio and Asuncion Paterno °C squrpwo: The Clan of Maximino Devera Ygnacio and Asuncion Paterno Zamora aaa] euruey Q Susy opojy ounxeyy syarpuassacy BA o 2 g 8 Martina Molo Agustin Paterno Martina Molo Agustin Paterno, like her brother Maxitno was a respected member of Philippine society in her time. According to some descendants, Martina was a very syealthy woman, owning a lot of fine jewelry. She also sent her sons to study abroad and hired the firiést tutors to‘mould her daughters in the fine arts. Martina was addressed as Capitan Tinang, so she was probably amember of the mestizo gremio, which is similar to what we might call a town council today, The gremios addressed. mainly the sbéial issues of the community, organizing and financing fiestas and other retigious events, Martina’s active role in church is further represented by a document encitled “Papal Bull for Overseas Provinces for the Years 1870 and 1871". Tushows that she made a contribution of three silver pesos to the Spanish Catholic Church in exchange for graces and indulgences. Martina owned one of théibiggest properties along Calle Rosario (now Quintin Paredes St.), This street was then the main commercial hub of 19th century Spanish Binondo, known to be the haven for quality testi and other imported goods. In 1898, Martina approved plans for ja commercial/residential structure on that lot, specifically located between Calle Norzagaray and Cullejon del Turco It illustrates a Uhige-storey building with com- mercial spaces for lease on the first and second floors. The leftmost commercial space Onsthe first floor leads wo huge bodega with many subdivided rooms at the back, Martina and her family probably sed these spaces for stor- age of commoditi¢s like coffee, tobacco, indigo, and other ash crops from, the plantations of her brother Maximo, The third floor was their residence. It had two big’bedrooms, #dining roomy, a kitchen with a bathroom behind it, ancl a huge salon traversing the whole length of thé floor Martina married Mariano Zamora and had five children, namely: $ crino, Joana, Regind, Asuncion, and Manuel. Three of her children ma tried their relatives, ag was the case With.many prominent families at that time: Regina to her uncle Lucas Paterno (Martina’s'brother), Asun- cion to Tier first cousin Maximino Paterno (Martina’s nephew by her brother Maximo);.and Manuel to Maria Egypeiaca Paterno (Martina granddaughter. by Regina and Lucas). Vs Martina’s building as featured in a posteard at the turn of the century, Martina Molo Agustin Paterno CROQUIS DEL PLANO DE SITUACION tie Vion. on Calle Rosario, Binonde, Manila y 28 | & Mariano Zamora Children Severino Paterno Zamora married Ana Longos Juana Paterno Zamora studied painting under Lorenzo Guerrero, She married Pablo Ocampo who was a delegate to the Malolos Congress and was elected as one of its two secretaries. He later became the first Resident Commissioner of the Philippines to the United States government, Regina Paterno Zamora maw d her uncle Lucas Molo Agustin Paterno, Asuncion Paterna Zamora - 1929) was a student of paint- ing under Lorenzo Guerrero, a respected 19th centusy painter She married her cousin Maximino Paterno (son of uncle Maximo Paterno, Manuel Paterno Zamora, Popularly known as the discoverer of the “Tiki-Tiki® formula against beri-beri, Manuel P. Zamora was born in Sta, Cruz, Manila on March 29, 1870. Young Manuel studied at the Ateneo de Manila. He took up pharmacy at the University of Sto. Tomas from 1891 10 1896. Dr, Leon Ma. Guerrero, Dean Tomas ‘Torres Perna, and Prof, G de la Parr were among his instructors. While still a student, he presented two meritorious works which gained for him prizes. These were: “Materia Farmaceutica Animal y Mineral” (1891-1892), and “Materia Farmaceutica Animal Vegetal” (1893-94). His “Estudio Farmacologico de la Areca Cateru y Determinacion de Una o Varios de sus Alkaloides” and “Purificacion de Mil Granos del Acido Sulfurico del Comercio” were presented before his graduation in 1896 and obtained for hin the licentiate in pharmacy, “sobresa- lente” Martina Molo Agustin Paterno§ —————_ Martina Molo Agustin Paterno. —————————— ¥, 30 & Mariano Zamora Children Descendants continuation of Manuel Paterso Zaman He was able to learn dhe art of compounding and dispensing medicines during his undergraduate years when he was apprenticing in the old drugstore of Ocampo y Arevalo in Quiapo. In 1901, during the American occupation, he was appointed “catedratico auxiliary”, or assistant professor, in organic chemistry at UST. He was then promoted to “catedratico agregado” (associate professor), and, finally to full professor, At one time, he was a member of the Board of Pharmaceutical Examiners. When the college of pharmacy of Centro Escolar University was established in 1921, Zamora became its first dean, a position he held until his death, He was a member of the Colegio Medico Farmaceutico since 1911, and was one of the founders of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association in 1920. In 1908, he established a drugstore and g small laboratory at 928 R. Hidalgo Street, where he spent much of his time studying the preparation of tiki-tiki, [t was also in this laboratory that he studied the nitrogen compound of patis and the comparative study of non-official Galenicals, like “gotas amargas” and the aromati egars which are commonly used in the Philippines. Among his preparation are: “neurovita granulado Zamora”, “vino yodo-tonico fosfatado Zamora”, “vino % “gonorrema Zamora”, “lustora, alis galis”, estimulante nutrivito", “vino estimulante nutrivino con tiki-tiki Zamo: “mil flores pomade”, and “elixir digestivo estomaca”. His most outstanding achievement was the discovery of an effective method of producing a stable tiki-tiki extract in 1909, Parke Davis of New York offered him P200,000 for his formula, but he refused to sell his rights toit. He was married to his cousin, Maria Egypciaca, daughter of his sister Regina and uncle Lucas Paterno, but they have no known descendants, He also married Balthazara Mangali, with whom he had two children, Mariano and Felicidad. He died on July 9, 1929. Lola Consuelo, Lolo Joaquin, Eb Mimay, Mari, Rita, Tony, Jesus Jose, Manolo & Perico Joaquin & Gases Zamora in China Martina Molo Agustin Paterno € Mariano Zamora Descendants Ramon @ & family Tony, Manolo & Jesus Joaquin Zamora @ Loling Taason Vincent & Maitet Lopez Martina Molo Agustin Paterno @ Mariano Zamora Descendants Joos: Gazdanera elie Joie Parada Zamora Je. Gaiganera Zamora Raymund Igao, Jr ee } Robert @ Irene Pengson Morrison with Ryan @ Riley 4.33. is a Rob & Elena Lopez Franklin Monica, Adriana & Nicolo Loe Martina Molo Agustin Paterno @ Mariano Zamora Descendants al Delfin Pengson, Jr Victor Tagle with Francine Javier & Angela (a Bill & Binghing Locsin Bacrg sin Baerg Martina Molo Agustin Paterno. ————————— { 34 3 @ Mariano Zamora Descendants Cielito Araullo Zamora ano Mangali Zamora Mariano Zamora & family Martina Molo Agustin Paterno & Mariano Zamora Descendants Martina Molo Agustin Paterno. —————————— !, 36 @ Mariano Zamora . Descendants i, ee Sarah Santiago Dimayuga & family Martina Molo Agustin Paterno & Mariano Zamora Descendants tiago & family Martina Molo Agustin Paterno. ——————————_ | 38 @ Mariano Zamora eS Descendants Josefina Santiago Martina Molo Agustin Paterno @ Mariano Zamora Descendants Tito Santiago ‘Antonio : Ricky @ Alice F with Jonathan & Erik Martina Molo Agustin Paterno & Mariano Zamora Descendants na, Millet T. Gretchen Ocampo The Zubisi Fam The clan Severino F aterno Zamora & Ana Longos syuepuassac] Zz 2 & & ee? 2k Fo. a 5b ne ge y e 3 5 Lucas Molo Agustin Paterno CARRUAGE DE ALOQUILER. Lucas Molo Agustin Paterno was one of the younger children of Paterno Molo. He niarried hiy niece, Regina Paterno Zamora, the daughter of his older sister Martina. They had seven children: Maria Patrocinio, Jose Maria, Eleuterio, Maria Marta, Maria Egypeiaca, Frameisco, and Manuel Not much is known about the life of Lucas, but perhaps there are glimpses of him from che following vignettes about his son, Jose Maria, According 10 Vicente ‘T, Paterno, “My grandfather, Jose Maria studied (not ST’ or elsewhere, but in Manila) a post secondary course called “perito mereantil” which [think is he equivalent of a current day AA (Associate in Arts), education in business, He owned and operated a carroceria (business af horse-drawn carriag ‘alle Mendoza in Quiapo, Manila. He built the house my father inherited and where my siblings and Li childhoods. It was in No. 139 Mendoza Street, which connects R. Hidalgo and Raon streets, The house and lot have been sold. ‘The neighborhood, like many in Quiapo, is deteriorated and no longer safe, The lot was rectangular, maybe 1,500 square meters, with the smaller side fronting the street. The house was built at the back of the lot. A part of the length of the lot up to the house was paved with piedra china, We believe this formed the calesa garage. “The corsesponding part of the lot which was unpaved, probably formed the horse stables.” sure if in * Tio Simon had stories about how their elder sister Susana was the mainstay of their family: She sent her two brothers through college out of her earnings from her taller de modas. ‘Their mother died early, and I guess Lolo Pepe was not that good a provider for his children; his business, the stable of calesas may not have received his full attention.” Vicente continues, "From the accounts I remember by relatives who knew him principally the childyen of his brother Francisco-- ‘Trinidad (Trining) who married Col. Aquino, Teadora (Doring) who married a Reyes Maximino (Mino) and Francisco Jr, (Toting), he was a relaxed kind of guy. They and even my mother told us stories of him being very fond of lechon, and how he would go off to Quinta Market once in a while, and inevitably on Sundays, to eat his favorite food.” “His wile was Dolores Ramos. She was from Pangil, Laguna, where the young Lolo Pepe used to go on hunts for deer and wild boar. Pangil is on the foothills of the Sierra Madre mountain range. Lolo Pepe's brother, Francisco may have married someone from Pangil also; his son Mino lived there, and Toting as well, in their later years Lucas Molo Agustin Paterno 44400 & Regina Paterno Zamora “Se Children Maria Patrocinio Paterno (1853-1937) married her cousin, Jose Timoteo Paterno (son of uncle Maximo Paterno). She is the one after whom the street M. Paterno in San Juan is named, as she owned substantial properties in that area. Jose Maria Paterno marvied Dolores Valera Ramos, Please refer to Vicente T. Paterno's vignettes about Jose Maria, his grandlather, in the narration on Lucas Molo Agustin Paterno. Maria Egypeiaca Paterno married her cousin Manuel Zamora (son of aunt Martina Paterno Zamora) Manuel Paterno & Re, ina Paterno Zamora Descendant Susana Ramos Paterno was born on May 24,1884 in Pangil, Laguna, She was the eldest and only daughter of the thee children of Jose Maria Zamori Paterno and Dolores Valera Ramos. Young Susana learned her doc- ina cristiana from her own mother, a teacher, who was affectionately called "Maestrang Loleng”. She was a bright student, receiving excellent grades in her primera ensenanza ( primary school) in Pangil and in her clase superior (high school) when the family moved to Manila, Susana maintained high grades in class, despite the fact that, as the only daughter in the family, she had to help her mother do house chores. Furthermore, at twelve years old, she was sewing and selling camisas, sayas and panuelos to augment the family income, After graduating from her clase superior, Susana studied painting and pattern-making under the famous painters Lorenzo Guerrero, and Fabian de la Rosa, director of the School of Fine Arts of the University of the Philippines. Finding Susana a talented art student, Professor de la Rosa gave her advance lessons in pattern-making. This specialized course came just in time because the carroceria business of her fa iling. Susana began making dibujos and embroidered these on camisas, panuclos and altar linens to finance the higher education of her younger brothers. In time, she was able to stabilize the family economy. Susana dismissed the thought of matrimony, until her younger brothers, Jose and Simon graduated. In 1913, she married Vicente Madrigal, a successful businessman from Ligao, Albay. The ceremonies were held at the San Miguel church in Manila with John Russel and Maria Patrocinio Paterno de Paterno as sponsors. On the day of her wedding, Susana decided to close her embroidery shop and concentrate on her new role as life partner of Vicente Madrigal ~ at home and in business. Out of that decision, the vast multi-million ndustrial empire of the Madrigal family was built, Susana passed away in 1940 her was . Lucas Molo Agustin Paterno§ ————— Lucas Molo Agustin Paterno & Regina Paterno Zamora Descendants ‘Susana with brothers Jose and Simon. ‘Susana’s painting Lucas Molo Agustin Paterno & Regina Paterno Zamora Descendants Jose Ramos Paterno was born to Jose Maria Paterno and Dolo- res Valera Ramos on September 17, 1889 in Pangil, Laguna. He was the elder of two brothers, who adored and respected their eldest, only ster, Susana, Their mother Dolores died early, before the wvo brouh- exs reached their teens, so Susana became their surrogate mother She cared and provided for them until both had completed thei schooling. Jose, also known as Dr. Peping, had a successful medical career as 4 general practitioner. His patients came from Manila and nearby towns, especially cast of Manila as evidenced by his compa- drazcos. He used to hunt deer and wild pig in the hills of Tanay and Pililla, as well as in his mother’s hometown, Pangil, riding on horseback to the hunt. A story was told by nds of his wife, Jacoba Tirona (Obang), that he would come a-courting on horseback to the student dormitory of Which she was then the dean. ( Jacoba belonged to a family of educators. She must have been a very good student as she became a teacher after completing the seventh grade. She rapidly rose through the teaching ranks, ending up as the principal of a school in Cavite City.) After Jose and Jacoba were married and before the birth of their first child, Susana prevailed upon her brother to give up his medical practice and to join in the management of the expanding business interests of the Madrigals. Jose went on extended assignments outside Manila in the late 1920's and through the 1940's, sometimes to the detriment of his family and of his health. He would start up or troubleshoot various acquisitions being made by Madrigal and Co. in shipping, logging, cement manufacturing, real estate and sugar plantations. During the World War II years, he was stranded in Hongkong and Macau while arranging for the drydock of several Madrigal ships. Obang, in the meantime, helped in attending to some real estate ventures, notably, mango orchards in Muntinlupa, out of which the subdivisions of Ayala Alabang and Susana Heights were carved in the 1960's. Jose devotedly served his sister Susana and by extension, her fami and their businesses for three decades, until just a few years before his death on April 17, 1956. Jose Ramos Paterno Jacoba Ti Lucas Molo Agustin Paterno ———————————- ¥1 48 > @ Regina Paterno Zamora ae Descendants Simon Ramos Paterno as escort of évaival queer’ Delusts Velaiy Simon Ramos Paterno was the youngest child of Jose Maria Paterno and Dolores Valera Ramos. He was born on October 28, 1893 in Pangil, Laguna. Because he and his siblings were orphaned “at a young age, his sister, Susana was the one who supported him through his schooling. Simon studied at the University of the Philippines School of Fine Arts where he won honors for a bas relief in gypsum entitled ‘Captive Jews in Babylon”. At the prodding of Susana, he took his post-graduate studies in fay at Indiana University in the United States and after that, joined the Madrigal group of c panies as manager of the Cebu-based Madrigal Oil Mills. It was there that he met his future wife, Dolores “Iuday” Veloso. When Inday was crowned carnival queen, Simon was her escort, and the rest is history: They started their family in @ mansion on Mango Ave., near the capitol building of Cebu City. This property has long been sold, but one can still see the remains of a grand staircase with a fountain in front, After a few years, Simon moved his family to Mani to take on a bigger role in the Madrigal com- panies. With Don Vicente being less active in his business empire, Simon became the over- all_ manager with the help of the Madrigal children, who: respectfully and affectionately called him “Tio Momong”. Simon's son Manuel, relaces his father’s daily as: work in the moming, take his lunch and siesta at home, go back to the office, and have a quict dinner with Inday and the children, Later in the evening, the couple would rendezvous with friends at the Sky Room to wateh the jai-alai games. Simon never brought. his work home, nor did he discuss it with his family. He was very devoted to Inday, and she, to him. She alyays made sure that the food was prepared properly for her husband They often travelled as a couple and brought home little “pas:ilu- bongs” for their children, Despite the immense responsibilities he had at the Madrigal companies, Simon fulfilled his role as husband well and was able to provide a comfortable life for his children, He lived in #76 13th Street, New Manila until his demise on November 20, 1983. Simon and Dolores Paterno. Lucas Molo Agustin Paterno & Regina Paterno Zamora Descendants terno with daughter Pearl Monching & Letty Paterno & Gia Resurreccion Lucas Molo Agustin Paterno & Regina Paterno Zamora Descendants The Ramon Paterno Family Allred & Ana Lyn LaQ Paterno with Anton, Aldo and Alyn Dondi Paterno with Tintin and Cheeka tile Be Lulu Paterno 6" Tony Resuttsosion and berailf Lucas Molo Agustin Paterno & Regina Paterno Zamora Descendants bw. with Liana, Maia and Bea Manoling & Ninit Roces Paterno "Miguel & Jean Yap Paterno with Sofie Babette @ Miela Paul & Su with Asheeaaied Toes Paterno Dumont ion Enriquez with Vino and Roceo Tony & Lulu Resurreccion and family Lucas Molo Agustin Paterno. —————————— | 82. © @ Regina Paterno Zamora Descendants Joe Vincent de Leon with Maryheih and Sunshine Nena & Johnny de Leon » & Ma. Luisa T. Bayot with Francisco III and Maria Lucas Molo Agustin Paterno @ Regina Paterno Zamora Descendants Vicente & Susana Madrigal with Macaria, Paz, Josefina, Antonio Restituto & Trinidad Patemo Aquino Lucas Molo Agustin Paterno, ———————- £54 & Regina Paterno Zamora Descendants d qquino with children Jacqueline and brothers Gahby, Jay and Raffy with son Oliver George & Vingie Aquino with Josephine, Paul Martin & Monica, S and Kevin & Suzette Rosendo & Josie Aquino Villamayor with Maria @ Ronald, Maridel, Ella & Roberto and children Lucas Molo Agustin Paterno & Regina Paterno Zamora aterno and Jacoba Tirona ‘The Clan of Jose Ramos a isk The Clan of Simon Ramos Paterno and Dolores Veloso The Clan of Francisco Zamora Paterno ani Eduvigis Salamatin Valera syuepusosacy w1owyy oursjeg eulsoy Q Ce 5 = o ° > = 2 e 3 8 The Paterno Genealogy The Paterno gencnlogy or family tree, as we know it, starts with Ming Mong Lo or Jose Molo. He is therefore anumnbered “Is dhe mest generation "2"; the succeeding generations "3", "4", *5", and so forth. Intra-family marriages occurred in the Sra wd 4th generations. Whest such is the sitéuation, the descendants of the female family member are classified under the male spouse. In relation to this, the wuembers enclosed in brackets [| appearing before a mane denote that this person seas muerried to « relative or is progeny’ of suet ae union I Ming Mong-lo/Jose Molo .. 2 Alejo Molo “coon b Ignacia Molo +XXXX Bernabe 4 Juana Moto Bernabe su. 5 Justa Bernabe Sorin 4 Petrona Molo Bernabe onntcnecnnne 5 Jose Santa Maria sons 3 Simon Molo coe 4 Catalina Molo su 3 Pedro Molo 3 Justa Molo veoneunneis #XXXXX Hoeson 4 Catalina Molo Hoeson svnennne 5 Antonio Hocson sovonnerns 4 Roque Molo Hocson 3 Margaaita Molo +XXXXX de los Reyes + Felipe Molo de los Reyes 5 Vicworiu de los Reyes w= 6 Rosatin de los Reyes Bueno 6 Alfredo de lox Reyes Bueno sss 9 Juliana de tos Reyes 6 Margarita de los Reyes Miguel om 6 Rataela de los Reyes Miguel 6 (doctor) venenvens 4 Just Molo tle tos Reyes 5 Vicente de los Reyes Veloso 1 Basin Moto de tos Reyes «9 Salvador de los Reyes 5 Francisco de los Reyes ounsusniuas 3 Moniea de los Reyes 5 Paulino dle los Reyes cree 6 fan die Los Reyes 4 Jose Molo de los Reyes 1 Cipriano Moto de fos Reyes .- 3 Bulogia de los Reyes 3 sooo 5 Jose de Tos Reyes cenurensvaie 3 Pedro de los Reyes “Lucia Molo de los Reyes cvonnsnesvnsne 5 Roman de tos Reyes XXXXX ienoveva Molo de los Reyes evnmsrmsnenneiee +XXXXX Veloso, = Fausto Veloso 6 David Veloso 6 Victoria Veloso 6 Tereso Veloso i 6 Tendoro Veloso A “9 Filomena Veloso je tinder ERR Cel 6 Amparo Conwi 6 Mercedes Conwi 6 Dominga Conwi 6 Adelaicla Com sm. 6 Juana Conyyi “5 Vieenta Veloso 5 Doroteo Veloso ‘Alejandro Molo The Paterno Genealogy —————————- # G2. # 2 Tuan Mato Inetio Molo 4 Luciano Molo 5 Eriberto Molo .». 6 Pilar Molo 6 Augusto Molo 6 Caridad Molo 6 Belen Molo 5 Estanislawa Molo 4 Pedro Molo --. 5 Brigida Molo .. 4 Perfecto Molo : 5 Juan Moto senses 5 Marta Molo 5 Concepcion Molo 5 Mariano Molo 5 Candido Molo 6 Luz Molo 6 Rosario Molo 5 Nicanora Molo 5 Catalina Molo 5 Alfonsa Molo 5 Brigida Molo 4 Jose Malo 3 (soldier) Molo .2 Paterno Molo 1786 - 1853 ‘Miguela Yamzon 1793 3 Martina Paterno +Mariano Zamora sss 4 [7] Asuncion Paterno Zamora - 929 +[6] Maximino Paterno (causin) 1863 - 1929 ** Please find Asuncion Paterno Zamora's descendants in page G18, wader Generation 4 = Maximino Paterno, 4 [2] Manuel Paterno Zamora 1870 = 1929 «=. +{1] Maria Egypelaca Zamora Paterno (niece) "2nd Wife of [2] Manucl Paterno Zamora . +Baltazara Mangali - 1932 5 Mariano Mangali Zamora 1915 - 1987 Esperanza (Cielito) Araullo 1914 - 1974 6 Manuel (Manny) Araullo Zamora +Ruth Cook: Se 7 Jonathan Cook Zamora 3 +Monica Suson soo 7 Marlene Christina Cook Zamora ‘2nd Wife of Manuel (Manny) Araullo Zamora: -. Sarah Calvin 7 Deanna Calvin Zamora +Ramon Paulo Sarmiento ney 8 Paul Vincent Sarmiento 8 Carissa Lev Sarmiento - noneimnnnninee 7 Datren Calvin Zamora +Severina Lanuiza 8 Joshua Aaron Zamora 8 Andrea Skye Zamora 6 Virginia (Jennie) Araullo Zamora . #Seralin C. Gonzalez 7 Ma.Esperanza Z. Gonzalez .. +Daniel Gunn 7 Manuel Antonio Z. Gonzalez +Bileen Taca son 8 Sofia Gonzalez 8 Satchi Gonzaler 7 Marianne Z. Gonzalez + Theodore Pa 8 Enrico Po aoe svseuneve 8 Catto Po isaac § Marianna Po .. 7 Ma.Cristina Z, Gonzalez + Miguel Taason 8 Miguel Jr, Antonio Tasson 8 Antonio Francisco Tuason 8 Jennifer Gonzalez 8 Christopher Allan Gonzalez 7 Raymond Z, Gonzalez +Maris Theresa Sicat 8 Diego Mariano Gonzalez “2nd Husband of Virginia (lennie) Arauilo Zamora: George Mok 7 Georgina Z. Mok 6 Mariano je. Araullo Zamora . + Karene Kunimurs 7 Liana K. Zamora +Falk Ludviksen .». 8 Kysa Shawn Zamora Ludviksen . "ind Husband of Liana K, Zamora: Daniel Joseph Mclnerny 8 Daniel Joseph Kealaulamakahikina Melnerny -... 8 Connor Robert Kekaiotohia Melnerny sssnes 8 Patrick Michael Kaonohiokamahina MeInerny 2nd Wile of Mariano Jr. Araullo Zamora: “4th Wile of MarianoJe Araullo Zamora’ +Rhodora Andrada .. 7 Nicole A. Zamora . +Maricor Abad 7 Dawn Zamora 3rd Wile of Mariano [r. Araullo Zamora: +Editha Yenko 7 Marianolll Yenko Zamora .. 7 Dwayne Yenko Zamora 7 Bli A, Zamora 6 Richard Araullo Zamora . +Zenaida Roces 7 Raquel R. Zamora 7 Rosemarie R. Zamora +Richard Andrew Cuevas Santos 8 Zoe Marie Z, Santos 7 Richard R. Zamora 7 Ryan R. Zamora 5 Felicidad Mangali Zamora - L950 6 a 8 4 [199] Regina Paterno sew [198] Lucas Paterno (uncle) ** Please find Regina Paterno Zamora’s descendants in page G21, under Generation 3 - Lucas Paterno, . +Ramon Lea Sanda Maria Susan Zamora Lea Sanda (943 ~ Teresa Felicidad Zamora Lea Sanda 1946 - ora 4 Juana (Juanita) Paverno Zamora 1868 - 1942 +Pablo de Leon Ocampo 1853 - 1925 5 Concepeion Zamora Ocampo 1890 - 1980 6 .. +Francisco Santiago 1889 - 1947 Jose (Peping) Ocampo Santiago 1921 ++Josefina (Pining) Sandico Ifizon [918 - ..7 Marina Josefina (Marichi) Santiago 1947 - wo +Homer Panganiban 1947 ~ 8 Gerry 8. Panganiban 1974 8 Martha S. Panganiban 1976 - .. 7 Franeisco II (Bong) Santiago 1948 - + Concepcion (Baby) Songeo 1949 .. 8 Frances Santiago 1978 - .. 8 Francine Santiago 1981 - 8 Francesca Santiago 1988 - _ 8 Francielle Santiago 1991 7 Victor (Vic) Santiago 1949 +Mereeditas Tulens 1951 - 8 Josef Santiago 1985 ~ The Paterno Genealogy The Paterno Genealogy 8 Vincent Santiago 1990 ~ some 7 Tito Santiago 1951 +Vangie Hizon 1954 ~ .. 8 Diane Santiago 1989 sun 8 Timothy Santiago L991 ~ . 7 Sarah Dulce (Dolly) Santiago 1952 - ~. +Alan B, Dimayuga 1949 - 8 Adrian Dimayuga 1976 « 8 Adrienne Dimayuga 1977 - 8 Aviane Dimayuga 1979 - 8 Astrid Dimayuga 1984 8 Angela Dimayuga 1985 - 8 Anthony Dimayuga 1988 - - 7 Ma, Lourdes (Luping) Santiago 1955 - +Scort Perkins 1957 - 8 Joshua Perkins 1985 8 Jarred Perkins 1988 - 7 Antonio (Tony) Santiago 1957 - ee ... +Maria Lourdes (Lulu) Almeda 1960) - ‘ cnnaee 8 Mareo Santiago 1989 - eaten owes 8 Christiana (Anya) Santiago 1992 - 7 Martina Cecilia (Celly) Santiago 1959 - +Allen Solomon 1959 - 8 Michael Sol 1980 - cw 8 Justin Solomon 1985 8 Sonic Solomon 1994 - 7 Pancratius (Bing) Santiago 1962 - + Terry Ong 1960 - 8 Gabrielle Santiago 199] - 8 Danielle Santiago 1996 - “6 Carmencita (Menchu) Ocampo Santiago 1922 - socom 6 Teresita (Teresing) Ocampo Santiago 1928 - 6 Ramon Ocampo Santiago 1931 ~ os 5 Jesus Zamora Ocampo 1893 - 1979 .... +Rosenda Villaroman 1895 - 1958 6 Paz (Pacita) Villaroman campo fe 6 Nieves Villaroman Ocampo +Elpediforo Cuna s-vmememnon 7 Elpediforo Jr (Epi) Ocampo Cuna 1938 - = +Lina Trasmonte 1938 - 8 Ma, Susana Victoria (Susan) Cuna 1967 | .. +Michael Lucero «9 Isabella Kacrine Lucero 2002 - | weet 9 Matthew Philip Lucero 2004 - 8 Juan Miguel (Mitch) Cuna 1968 - svvesureeneesesessane + Melissa Suarez 1969 - 9 Ana Christina (Arianna) Cuna 1994 - 9 Carlos Miguel Cuna 1999 . 8 Juan Carlos (Charlie) Cuna 1972 - " .. +Cynihia Marie (Cyndy) Austriaco 1973 - sisintnaoiiis 9 Juan Ignacio (Juancho) Curia 2005 7 Ma. Johanna (Bon) Ocampo Cuna 1939 - 1994 , +Conrado Jr. (Clipper) Lorenzo 1935 - 8 Ma. Melissa (Lisa) Lorenze 1961 ~ Gerald (Umby) Uy 9 Marianna Uy Conrado UL Gabriel (Gary) Lorenzo 1963 - .. +Pia Antonia Lopez Marie (Bea) Lorenzo +0. 9 Gabriela Camille (Billie) Lorenzo 8 Ma. Isabel (Mia) Lorenzo 1964 - +Kevin Bradley 9 Olivia Johanna Bradley 9 Julia Bradley .. 8 Purita Ana (Pinky) Lorenzo 1966 ~ +Gonzalo (Dondi) Sv-Quia IIL 9 Joanna Margarita (Jamie) Sy-Quia 1995 The Paterno Genealogy etnies 9 Ata Natalia Sy-Qutia 1999 w-» 6 Matia Jesusa (Tiophy) Villaroman Ocampo . +}ames Mewshaw 7 Jamesfr Mewshaw 7 Michael {Mike} Mewshaw 7 Margaret (Margie) Mewshaw +6 Rosa (Rosita) Villaroman Ocampo 1921 - +Manuel Calleja Fernandez. [917 - 2003 . 7 Wietoria (Vicky) Fernandez 1943 - wv Hose Zubin 1». 8 Jose Mari (Joey) Zubiti 8 Manvel Zubi 8 Juan Miguel (Migs) Zubiri «-- 8 Beatriz (Bea) Zubiri 8 Stephanie Zubiri ‘Manuel Jr (Nuny) Fernandez 1945 - woos 4M. Elena (Len) ‘Torres 8 Melissa Fernandez § Michael Fernandez 1973 7 Roberto (Bobby) Fernandez 1949 - Rosemarie (Gigi) Fernandez 1952 - 7 Ma, Elizabeth (Lilibeth) Fernandez 1954 - srnnven #Bombit Lacsont oinnwicnonne B NIG Leeson 8 Stephen Lacson "2nd Husband of Ma. Elizabeth (Lilibeth) Fernandez: +Paqui Campos sons 7 Ricardo (Ricky) Fernandez 1955 cn 7 Ma, Teresa (Tech) Fernandez 1957 « Ma, Lourdes (Malu) Fernandez 1966 - 6 Pablo II Villaroman Ocampo 1924 - serenen +Gloria Malabanan Jeon 7 Pablo III (Bambi) Ocampo ». + Margarita Velaseo ... 8 Michael Ocampo z 7 Pablo IV (Chiqui) Ocampo conse +Anna Lukban ... 8 Clarissa Ocampo 8 Carlo Ocampo ‘Virginia (Ginny) Ocampo + Alfredo (Freddy) Reyes soe. 8 Christine O. Reyes 7 Pablo V (Eric) Ocampo. svsmninesnnne Marietta (Mayette) Corpaz - 8 Leonardo Jesus Ocampo ‘oun, 8 Honey Katrina Ocampo Sarah Patricia Ocampo 7 Rosenida Ann (Sandy) Ocampo evninnnnnne T Pablo VE(Teff) Ocampo +Camille Raymond ssroow 8 Pablo Mark Ocampo sven 8 Gabriel Ocampo *2nd Wile of Pablo VI (eff) Ocampo: +Margic (Marge) Totaan 7 Patricia Yvette Ocampo Jose (Joe) Desiongco z 5 ~~. 8 Alyssa Gloria Desiongeo sevmvnnvmnnnn 6 Adrian Villaroman Ocampo 1936 - sais ssn +Milagros (Millette) Ebarle Tanada 1939 - 7 Margarita (Gretchen) Ocampo 1963 - see $Afons0 Jt (Sito) Recto 1958 - «8 Monica Therese Recta 1994 = 8 Celina Ana Margarita (Celine) Reeto 1996 ~ § Martin Alfonso Recto 2004 ~ soa 7 Lorenzo (Larry) Ocampo 1964 sais +Roselen Lee 1964 - omncani com 8 Patricia Kathryn Ocampo 1988 ~ The Peterao Genealogy 406g 8 Ma, Andrea Milette Ocampo 1992 - -~» 8 Javier Adrian (Javi) Ocampo 1996 - $ Nino Lorenzo Ocampo 1999 - 7 Roberta (Brian) Ocampo 1967 - +Marie Antoinette (Ton} Soliven sv 8 Samantha Teresa Ocampo 1997 - 1998 8 Antonio Joaquin Ocampo oomemenws 7 Rafael (Rafty) Ocampo 1969 - scone susie #T¥isha Salvador [972 - somnmnne 8 Julio Ocampo 2003 ~ oT Adrian Jr (lan) Ocampo 1971 « 7 Rosanna Ocampo 1980 5 Pedro Zamora Ocampo + Isabel Artacho amora Ocampo 5 Rosario (Charing) Zamora Ocampo 1904 - +Mariano (Andy) Alejandro 1900 5 Pav (Pacita) Zamora Ocampo 1906- 1961 +Federico Diaz Campos 1905 - 1937 w+. 6 Pablo Ocampo Campos 1930 - Amparo (Amipy) Hlikirio 1929 - 7 Imelda Campos Victor (Danny) Pascual ..- 8 Miguel (Mi 7 Pablo (Pablito) ederico (Adan) Ocampo Campos 1932 - .. -tNelly Pineda 193% - 7 Federico 11 (Butch) Campos 1954 « +Eloisa (Ela) O, Lim 1957 - 8 Annelle Campos 1977, noes $ Federico Miguel Geranto (Butchito} Campos 199) - 7 Maria Theresa (Tet) Campos 1955 - snes +fuergen Lorenz 1953 = 8 Amanda Roselle (Bads) Abrera L974 = _ = +Michael Bengson + 9 Isabel Bengson aon. 9 Beatrice Bengson -»+ § Antonio Maria (Anton) Mereado 1986 = | 8 Alessandra Marie (Butchay) Mercado 1989 - 8 Angelica Marie (Kookai) Lorenz 1997 - 7 Leopoldo (Tammy) Campos 1957 - +Geraldine (Dina) de Jesus 1961 . § Maria Paz (Ria) Geraldine Campos 198 8 Ramon Gerardo (Ramon) Campos 1993 7 Pablo It (Paul) Campos 1939 7 Rafael Raymundo (Raffy) Campos 1961 - +Concepcion (Connie) Montano 1968 »§ Rosario Ligaya (Sari) Campos 1988 - Matia Rosario (Kitten) Campos 1962 8 Angelito Adrian (Adi) Campos 2003 enon 7 Maria Julieta (Julie) Campos 1964 - 1964 vounne 7 Maria Julieta (Ging) Campos 1966 ~ 4 Michael Theodore (Stacey) Burket 8 Michael Kaili (Mikko) Burket 2000 - 8 Sabine Nicole (Sabine) Burkes 2002 - 6 Augusto (Blony) Ocampo Campos 1934 - 1998 won tAdelina (Adeling) Litto 1932 - 1976 7 Sarah Corazon Campos 1959 - +Ricando (Ricky) C. Ledesma 1963 - 8 Raymond Gerard (Blonski) Ledesma 1985 - § Augusto Lorenzo (Enza) Ledesma 1993 - 8 Danielle Veronica (Dani) Ledesma 1996 - 8 Ricardo Jaime (Coco) Ledesma 1998 v7 Masia Juana (Janet) Campos 1961 « svoswsae 8 Angelica Beatrice (Bea) Campos 1999 ~ soon 7 Maria Puefudith Judith} Campos 1964 - 8 Reynaldo Augusto (Barmbam) Campos Gamboa 1985 - The Paterno Genealogy 8 Maria Adelina Paz (Adlyn) Campos Gamboa 1986 - 8 Leanardo (Llonie) Campos 1993 - 8 Emmanuel Zach (Zach) Campos Ahiera 2002 ~ ste Emerito (Nonoy) Campos 1965 - 7 Augusto Jr (Junski) John Antonio Campos 1966 + Mary Rose Garcia 1965 - s-seoninnennnee 8 Augusto I Javier (Javi) Campos 1992 : 8 Manuel Alessandro (Sandro) Campoy 194 = srarbeanas 8 Victoria Amanda (Tara) Campos 1997 8 Christiana Alicia (China) Campos 2003 - 7 Josephine (Jojo) Campos 1967 - . +Roberto (Bob) V. Unson 1960 § Roberto Augusta (Robbie) Unson 1998 - 8 Roberta Andrea (Andy) Unson 1999 - ovens? Julia fenniter (Jenniter) Campos 1969 - coesnnrereesns 8 Nicholas Church Campos 1993 - v7 Enrique Joln (John) Campos 1971 - sevonvnnrnseinsee +MiariaChristina (Chaisette) de Guzman 1966 - .-§ Enrique Juan Augusto (Inaki) Campos 2001 ~ 8 Sabine Campos 2003 - 1. T Joseph Ramon (Joey) Campos +Menedina (Dina) Pedrosa .. § Jasmine Matie (Jas) Campos 8 Joseph}r Augusto (Blony) Campos vvsnnie 8 Cherubim Alexis (Chers) Campos 6 Teresita (Tere) Ocampo Campos 1937 - +Alberto (Tito) Martelino 1936 - 2000 7 Gabriel (Gabby) Martelino 1959 no + Frances Suggang § Piaget (PJ) Martelino }977 - se 8 Gabriella (Gabby) Martelino 1985 = *2nd Wife of Gabriel (Gabby) Martelino: +Rox C. Faugier 8 Isabella (Bella)Marteling 1/99 = .». 7 David Martelino 1960 7 Maria Paz (Paping) Martelino 1961 ~ +Carlos (Guy! E. Paguio 1958 - 8 Carlitos Paulo (Carlo) Paguio 1992 - .§ Carina Isabela (Cara) Pagisio 1995 - - 8 Catrine Alessandra (Cassi) Paguio 2000 - 8 Christian (Nico) Paguio 2004 - 7 Manuel Martelino 1963 +Ginny Wathrich 1967 - 8 Diego Martelino 1994 sens 8 Julio Martelina 1995 - 8 Beatriz Martelino 2000 - 8 Emilio Martelino 2003 - 7 Alfredo (Freddie) Martelino 1965 - . +Cristina (Kin) Gateia 1967 & Cristina (Ina) Marcelino 1994 - § Luis Alfteda (Louie) Martelino 1996 - 7 Ma, TeresitaPatricia (Trixie) Martelino 1976 ~ ennmnnnanamenee 7 Ma, Katrina (Tiina) Martelino 1978 hevsntnneinewinnenses +ReACHiCO Je. (Fritz) Gimenez 1964 7 Luis Maria Mantelino 6 Noel Ocampo Campos 1935 - +Yolanda (Yoli) Asprer 1940 - 1999 7 Ma, Paz Cecilia (Chelle) Campos 1961 ~ ssa 8 Janine Maric Janine) Ramirez 1985 - "i vow § Patricia Isabel (Patty) Campos 1991 - cisnsemenens § Jose Antonio (Anton) Campos 1997 - 7 Edward Raymond (Buddy) Campos 1963 - ninnncineens +Ma Bernadette (Nett) Dayid 1965 - 8 Joaquin Ignacio (Joaquin) Campos 1997 - sevimninmniminmnnnnnnnnee $ Ana Kristina (Ana) Campos 1998 oeone 7 Pamela Karen (Pamsy)Campos 1967 - - + Leo M. Tagle The Paterno Genealogy -». 8 Isabel Beatrice (Bea) Tagle 1997 - 8 Gabrielle Marie (Gabby) Ragle 8 Katrina (Kat) Tagle 7 Michael (Mickey) Campos 1970 - 8 Zarah (Ara) Campos ‘ sin 8 Matthew (Matt) Campos . ssomnnenee 7 Marinelle (Mai Mai) de Jesus Campos 1978 - comtsnnmmnomnnne 9 Josefa Zamora Ocampo 4 Severino Paterno Zamora ». +Ana Longos 5 Manuel Longos Zamora + Josefina Gonzales . 6 Emma Gonzales Zamora +Enrique Ruiz. 7 Enrique Jr. (Chiquiting) Ruiz +Sisa Asuncion 7 Isabel Marie (Chinibay) Ruiz + Tito Magsumbol 7 Annie Ruiz +Homero Olegaria 7 Eduardo (Boy) Ruiz . + Beatriz Arzanza 6 Jesus Zamora + Aquilina Jumpay wo T Manolito Zamora 7 Serafin Zamora 7 Mytna Zamora 7 Evelyn Zamora mneita Zamora Antonio Zamora +Felicidad Sigui 7 Rose Zamora 1947 ~ . +Nolasco (Noli) Dayleg 1946 § Ray Francis Dayleg 1974 - 8 Liezel Ann Dayleg 1980 7 Ramon Jt. fose Ma. (Monchito) Zamora 1953 +Janet Bonilla -- 8 Rochelle Zamora 1974 9 Jevan Zamora 1998 = <8 Ramon TH Zamora 1983 - 7 Regina (Cheribim) Zamora 1955 ~ +Pedrito Bustos 1948 - « 8 Melissa Bustos 1979 - 8 Rodrigo Bustos 1981 - 8 Nina Bustos 1984 7 Reynaldo Zamora 1957 - +Sylvia Plenos “2nd Wife of Reynaldo Zamora +Maria Pilar Samson 1970 - we 5 Joaquin Longos Zamora +Consuela Mojica 6 Elsa Mojiea Zamora 1912 - 1992 +Mario Moreno 110 - 1981 «7 Carmen (Pochit) Moreno 1936 - +Delfin Jr. (Pinggoy) Pengson 1933 - 1989 8 Jose (Joey) Pengson 1956 - sn + Miavisyl Ples 1957 = 9 Jacqueline Marie Pengson 1987 = Angela Marian Pengson 1904 - 8 Ana Pengson 1959 - + Mario Aguilar 1951 9 Jobim Aguilar 1979 - 9 Angelo Aguilar 1984 sees 9 Alexis Aguilar 1993 - 8 Delfin 11 (Dee) Pengson 1963 - +Carol Taylor 9 David Pengson 1985 - i ———. The Paterno Genealogy ——__ oovnonnnens 8 Cynthia (Cindy) Pengson 1965 - 1988 seoniennnecne 8 ene Rengson 1972 : Ed Henson 9 Ryan Henson 1993 - snenens *2ndl Husband of Irene Pengson Robert Morrison ..9 Riley Morrison 2000 - 7 Jose Ma. (Boy) Moreno 1940 - +Ma. Elena (Helen) Lontoc 1939 ~ 8 Manuel (Mandy) Gaudencio Moreno 1961 - oon #Therese Hebron 1963 - 8 Ma, Margarita (Mar) Moreno 1963 +Juan Melecio (Mel) Gabaldon 1965 ~ .. 9 Monica Gabrielle Gabaldon 1990 - 9 Juan Miguel (Luigi) Gabaldon 1992 - 7 Consuelo Moreno 1945 - Rene Jr, (Butch) Khan 1944 ~ 8 Renee Khan 8 Pierre Khan +Marilyn XXX ..8 Philip Khan ne Khan MeMahon “2nd Husband! of Consuelo Moreno: : +Thomas Haire 6 Joaquin Jr. Zamora 6 Benito Zamora 6 Jose Mojica Zamora + Evelina Javellana Gaiganera 1923 - 2001 v7 Ma. Rita (Marijon) G. Zamora 1943 - soon + Wilfredo (Willy) Buktaw de Ocampo 1944 - . 8 Jose Leopoldo (Joel) 2, de Ocampo 1966~ +Anna Mendoza Catindig 1967 - 9 fulian C. de Ocampo 1994 vu 9 Justin C. de Ocampo 1999 8 Willa Je. (Willy Boy) Z. de Ocampo 1967 - +Michelle (Mich) G. Co 1974 + coven 8 Joseph Gerard (fady) Z. de Ocampo 1969 ~ : : +Ma. Teresa (Mavi) B, Fojas 1972 - intiintnimnsnaess 9 Davide Ede Ocampo 1996 - 9 Tanna F. de Ocampo 1999 9 Sarina F de Ocampo 2000 ~- 8 Joanna Evelina (Joanna) Z, de Ocampo 1973 - +Raymundino Ligan Igao 1970 - 9 Rita Joanna (Rianne) Izzo 2000 essai sone. 9 Francis Lorenzo (Renzo) tgao 2002 - ec _ # Antonio Catalino (Linus) Z. de Ocampo 1976 - .. +Barbara Ty 1978 - 7 Joselr. (Jun) G. Zamora 1944 - + Vietoria (Vicky) Hilatio Ruiz 1945 ~ 8 Joaquin Ma, (Quinito) R. Zamora 1963 - 8 Joselll Ma, Jens (Joselito) R. Zamora 1965 - nd Wife of Jose Jr. (Jun) G. Zamors: ssooue tAngelita (Angie) R. Pineda 1946, 2 8 Jonas Martin Zamora 1969 - esl com § Jason Marius P Zamora 1970 - +Franchesca (Tivinkle) Dimayuga 1972 - 9 Jordan Francis Zamora 1995 - 9 Jessica Fiona Zamora 2000 - 8 Joshua Marcellus P. Zamora 1971 + .. HJuvy Quintero 1972 - 9 fob Angelo Zamora 1991 ~ 9 Javen Zamora 1999 - si 3nd Wile of Josef: un) G. Zamora: Bana +Pilar (Pili) Baranaches 8 Franchesea Zamora 19) “4th Wile of Jose Je. (Jun) G. amon: The Paterno Genealogy +Elisea Pastrana, son, 8 Jeremiah Zamora 1974 ~ G Jesus Zamora 6 Antonio Zamora | vomunew 6 Maia Rita Zamora 1921 - é +Vicente Jt, Lopez 1919 - 20003 7 Ma. Lountes Elena (Lulu) Lopez 1947 - +. +Nicolas Katigbak 1943 - 1993 8 Carlo Joaquin Katighak 1970 - +Charisse Yap 1977 9 Nicolas Marcelo Katighak 2004 - icole Santal Katigbak 197 | - +Aurelio Noel Dayrit 1970 = 9 Beatrice Amara (Bea) Dayrit 2000 - 9 Nicolas Emmanuel Dayrit 2004 - 8 Celeste Katighak 1973 - 8 Marcel Albert Katigbak 1974 - 1994 w». 8 Regine Marguerite Katighak 1960 « 8 Alexis Marie Criselda Katigbak 1990 - 7 Ma.Blena Lourdes (Lenggay) Lopes 1951 ~ 8 Martin Emile Lopez 1975 - +». 8 Rosanna Ma, Isabel Lope 1981 - +Robert (Bob) Franklin 1949 = 7 Ma, Teresa Sucorto (Tess) Lopez 1952 - ww 7 Ma. Autora (Rory} Lopez 1954 - 8 Michael Peter Angelo Lopez 1995 7 Vicente (11 Lopez 1956 ~ +{3] Ma Teresa (Maitet) Cruz 1959 - 7 Jase Maria (Joe) Lopez 1959 - . +Ester Yuvienco 1956 « § Jose Amtonio Miguel (Jamil) Lopez 1989 8 Ma. Katerina Lydia (Lyca) Lopez 1991» ‘ 8 Kiars Marie Cecilia (Kiara) Lopez 1996 - 6 Rita Maria Zamora 1921 + Hector Perez de Tagle 1914 + 1995 7 Ma. Vietoria (Vickie) Perez de Tagle 1948. = s-smam +Raymond (Bunny) Arville 1946 2 8 Michelle Andrea Arville 1971 + Patrick Pacla 1968 = 9 Alessandro (Ales 8 Robyn Lorrai +Sean Baker -.. $ Brian Anthony Arville 1976 wo *2nd Husband of Ma Vietoria (Vickie) Perez de Tagle: sone +ose (Joey) de Lean ses 8 Mariel de Leon 1991 7 Ma Cristina (Cris) Perez de Tagle 1952 +laime (Jimmy) Camacho 1948 - 8 Joaquin Alfonso (Kin) Camacho 1976 - $ Jose Ma. Antonio (Joe) Camacho 1982 « 7 Victor Antonio Perez de Tagle 1957 ~ +{3] Ma, Teresa (Maitet) Cruz 1959 wwe 8 Francine Noelle Perez de 8 Javier Antonio Petez de Tagle 1991 - .. 8 Angela Danielle Marie Perez de Tagle 1996 - ‘nd Wile of Victor Antonio Perez de Tagh +Loma Rivers 1965 - sete .. # Samantha Nicole Peres de Tale 2003 - inde 6 Manuel Zamora +m 6 Pedro Zamora 6 Remedios (Mimay) Zamora 1931 +Manuel Locsin 1921 - 1978 7 Assenia (Nick) Locsin 1952 - +Lucille Carlos 1959 - swene 7 Elvita Locsin 1954 = . +Tomas Lozano 1949 8 Christian Lozano 1976 - Pacla 1998 - Arville 1973 - The Paragas Gancilagy +8 Jose Luis (Joselu) Lozano 1983 - sain § Diego Lozano 1987 ieee T Isabel (Jeree) Locsin 1956 Mario Guison 1954 § Benito Guison 1978 - Manolo Locsin 1957 +Aileen So 1960) - « $ Miguel Locsin 1996 - sone § Martin Locyin 1998 - Benjamin (Ben) Locsin L958 ~ . tLiza Ysip 1955 Renato (Nato) Locsin 1960 ~ Socorro (Binigbing) Locsin 1962 William Baerg 1967 - sone 8 Nicolo Baerg 1990 - oon § Ariana Baerg 1996 8 Monica Baerg 1998 - 7 Michael (Mica) Locsin 1963 6 Luis Zamora 3 Maximo Yamzon Molo Agustin Paterno 1830 - 1900 ‘ +Valeriana Pineda 1. 4 Narciso Pineda Paterno +Lorenza Chuidian 5 Antonio Chuidian Paterno wvnennecne “2nd Wife of Narciso Pineds Pat +Emilia Venegas ovenineennvanes 5 Belen Vetiegas Paterno 1878 - fariano de la Rosa Warren 6 Jose (Pepe) Paternn Warren csessene +Milagros Musng 7 Remedios (Titang) Musngi Warren se + Miguel Hetil : " 8 Chiching Warren Halil sevninncnnnanneetoneee 8 Nina Warren Halili sescnvmmvoe cones § Angela Warren Hell +XXX Jao. swinastinenennnewnenieanee 8 Jose Warren Halil 8 Others Halili 7 Jose Juan (Peping) Musngi Warren 1928 - 1977 - +Gertrudes Barcelona Payuio 8 Jose TIE Warren, +Rosanna Rune 9 Mia Joy R. Warren + Teddy Cheong 1 Caitlin Therese W. Cheon come 9 Chiara Angela R. Warren commen + Raymund P. Boac 10 Tamara Ashley W. Bosc 10 Anna Carmina W. Boac 9 Joseph Vineent R. Warren "2nd Wife of Jose 1 Warren: + Judith Coedovir muihiitinnninnrnnnnvantoaciin 9 ERLE C Watiett 9 Hope C. Warren 9 Charity C. Warren --- 8 Carlos Francisco (Caloy) Warren 1957 - 2002 +Asunta Visperas cone 9 Citra Angela V, Warren +Carlo XXXXX, 10 Carla XXXXX 9 Ina V. Warren seven VO) Patricia Warten svsmsnece 10 Justine Mykal : 9 Caremela V. Warren tena _§ Ma. Guia Rosa (Guia) Warren + Edgar Hipolito Canlas 9 Jolin Joseph (Joe, John) W. Cankas The Paterno Genealogy ———__ G12, 9 Frances Margaret (Fran) W; Canlas 9 Jose Dino (Dino) W. Canlas 8 Ma. Jutia Gracia (Julie) Warren + Joey Valdez 9 Joseph W: Valdez 9 Mikey W. Valdez 9 Matthew W. Valdez _.. 8 Augusto Ramoncito (Augie) Warren +May Vilaga ose 9 Kristine Warren 9 Isabel Warren soon 9 Jose Ramon Warren 8 Maurillo Mactin (Mori) Warren 8 Joventina Milagros (Tina) Waren . +Mariano [V Ocampo 9 Ma. Thetese Ocampo 9 Marga Ocampo «os 9 Mo Ocampo ara soonue. 8 Ma. Teresa (Bebe) Warten vtrneetnteinnnnnvnesinecane +DOMINIC Baligod 9 Nicolas W. Baligot! scant sone. 9 Thea W. Baligou 9) Miguel Baligod 8 Ma, Rosario (Miyos) Warren + Jose Mari Singson 9 Joaquin W. Singson 9 Julia W. Singson ‘Charlie Warren + Hazel Dayao 3 = 9 Patricia Warren semmnsnvannecnsiee 7 Matiano (Itok) Musngt Warren ~. $ Jose IV (Jicky) Santos Warren 1959 - 2004 +Gina Ajes 1968 - 9 Jose V Jady) Ajes Warren 2002 - 8 Angela Susan Santos Warren 1961 +Elmer Salita Mereada 1961 - -9 Kiel Martin Warren Mercado 1985 - 9 Karina Milagros (Kamille) Warren Mercado 1989 - oon 9 Keistine Kaitlyn Marianne (Kitkat) Warre Mercado 2001 - § Mariano Jr. (Junji) Santos Warren 1967 ~ +Lorna (Lory) Contreras 1968 = 1 9 Bryan Paolo Contreras Warren 1991 - 9 Jolin Carl Concveras Warren 1993 ~ Angeles (Geling) Musngi Warren ». +Bernandino Abes ovens 8 Alfred (Joe) Warten Abes 8 Ma, Autora Milagros (Ami) Warren Abes 8 Angel (Jake, Baby Boy) Warren Abes. ..§ Alejandto (Alex) Warren Abes 8 Angela Victoria (Vicki) Warren Abes .. 8 Alberto (Albers) Warren Abes “7 Luis Antonio (Chito) Musngi Warren . + Heidi XXX 8 Don Warren ~. § Pinky Warren as 8 others Warren é i 7 Carmen (Menehit) Musngi Warren i . +}oxe (Pepsi) Chioco § Jayjay Warren Chioco .. 8 Camille Warren Chioco § Cynthia Warren Chioco 8 Joey Warren Chioco “7 MariaPuz (Patchit) Musngi Warren +Marcial Poronda sone 8 Several children 7 Antonio (Tonette) Musngi Warren The Patera Genealogy z ee +Sonia XXX ‘ 7 Ildefonso (Chinggoy) Musngi Warren sso Clarita (Clair) XXX 8 Wendy Warren 2 8 Vincent Warren .. 6 Catlos Paterno Warren + Serafina (Pining) Inumerable seonesnecsnnne 7 Purificacion (Puri) Warren +lorge Gonzalez vow 8 Ana Patricia Gonzalez 8 Ma, Isabela Gonzalez 6 Emilia Felicisima (Nena) Paterno Warten suo + Faustino Aguilar 6 Narciso Gregorio Paterno Warren fatilde (Tinding) Jaurigue Rizal 7 Maria Amanda (Marie) Warten 7 Narciso Vievor (Narcing) Warren +Malanie Macutay 8 Narcisoll Melchor Warren .§ Ma, Melissa (Lisa) Macutay Warteit +Alvin B. Mercado 8 Ma, Melinda (Lynlyn) Mi 8 Melody Maric (MM) Macu 7 Jaime Virgilio Rizal Warren soeoves +Reyma Yateo som 8 Jaime John (Jayejay) Yateo Warren wu + Lerilie Protacio 9 Jaime Matt (Jimboy) Protacio Wasren 9 Sheshelei (Sheshe) Protacia Warten 9 Liam Nichole Protaci Warren 8 Claudette Rizz Yateo Warren tErie de lesus 9 Charisse War satay Warren yy Warren, nde Jesus = $ Jameson Yateo Warren, 6 Alfonso (Ponching) Paterno Waren enemies +LOUTES Q 7 Belen Q Warren +Fabian Gappi «8 FabianJe. Warren Gappi 8 Others . 7 Alfonso (Ponchito) Q Warren 4+ Baby XXXXX ssenesmeanneanes 8 John-John Warren 8 Girl Warren sin seccmene 7 Vietur (Beng) Q War seventeen touningning (Ning) XXXXK v8 Marivie (Mo 8 JohnJohn Warren, -9 children 8 Sheila Marie Warten +XXXX 9 two children 6 Rosenda (Ditang) Paterno Warren cementite +EhCiO 7 Vietor Warren Salita Sheencoeiionunniaiinnsenens $a RIE ~- 8 Bladie Salita v- 8 Veron Warten Salita 7 Pacita Warren Salita +Rene Abarquez 8 wo children Abarquez Paterno Warren omen 6 Beatriz Agueda Manuela (Beting) Paterno Warren = 6 Daniel Paterna Warren 191 - 1961 renee neenenie +Amparo Limeacy 1915 - 1986 7 Daniel Jr (Danny) Warren The Paterno Genealogy senses +Nora Estacion 8 Donald (Don) Warren sone 9 Catherine Denise Warren 9 Jacquelyn Danielle Warren 9 Desiree Dawn Warren ...9 Dionne Marie Warren 8 Norina (Nona) Warren § Bemadette (Gidjet) Warten +Mimoy 9 Sid 8 Joanna Warre ve 7 David Warren +-Apolinaria Deguito 8 Daniel IIT (Niel) Warren, seo Hnger Johanne Bratrud 9 Philip B. Warren 8 David). (DD) Warten +Charlene (Cheng) A. 1». 9 Sebastian A. Warten (deceased) ene 9 Dominick A. Warren 9 Dawson A. Warren a. “2nd Wife of David Warren: +Deng XXXXX 8 David III (DA) Warren mela (Mely) Limeaco Warren +Peregring (Perry) B, de la Cruz w B Areiene de la Cruz 8 Ma. Cristina de la Croz 8 Raymond Perry de te Cruz ceone 8 AL Perry dela Cruz 7 Delfin (Jing) Limeaco Warren 1950 sous Rebecca (Feky) Nolasea 1951 = sue 8 Miguel Nolaseo Warren 1976 sone + Kristine Calimbas 9 Bianca Katelyn (Katie) Calimbas Warren 2003 - .. $ Martin Nolasco Warren 1979 8 Matthew Nolasco Warren 1985 = 8 Maria Amparo (Pipay) Nolasco Warten 1989 - 8 Melissa Maria Nolasco Warren 1992 ~ ome 7 Dennis (Joy) Limeaco Warren 1953 +Eleanor Daluy 1951 - 8 Rachel Daluz Waren 1973 - ww 8 Dennis fi: Daluz Warren 1979 8 Dyan Daluz Warren 1979 ~ soos #Dan Geiger ~9 Kirsten Warren Geiger 8 Nicole Daluz Warren 1982 on George Royeca 9 Ethan Warren Royeca 2004 ~ ne 6 Felisa (Chay) Paterno Warren Arturo Reves, i 7 Carmen Antonia (Monin) Warren Reyes . : +Conrado Lopes Santos cinema nine anne 8 Artur Melitor (Armel) Reyes Santos se 8 Matiano Lorenzo (Marlo) Reyes Santos +Maria Luisa (Lhiza) R. Andal sum 9 Dylan Gabriel (Dygee) Andal Santos 6 Isabel Paterno Warten) .-- +Ricardo Cuyagan Robles 2 7 Ricardo II (Dicky) Warren Robles = snenmnonne 7 Ramon Warren Robles +Milette Radovan -8 Ramon Jr (Chite!) Radovan Robles rowue 8 Olga Radovan Robles 8 Reggie Radovan Robles 7 Raul Warren Robles + Teresita Calisto, The! Peverne-Gtnevlery 8 Tanya Calixto Robles = + Ron Zvi 9 Jonathan Robles Zvi 2003 8 Duane Calixto Robles ..7 Ronaldo (Ronnie} Warren Robles +Lisa Falek, 8 Michael Robles 8 John Robles 7 RosarioAna Adela (Rosana) Wanten Robles 1955 ~ 4-Antonio (Anton) Esguerra Rapadas 1952 - 8 Ana Ysabel (Ana) Robles Rapadas 1979 - crvsosinen Rafael Alfonso Salvador (Apa) Garcia Ongpin 1965 - w». "2nd Husband of Rosario Ana Adela (Rosana) Warten Robles +Arturo Alejandro Fernandez - 2001 «..- 8 Nichole Denise Robles Fernandez 1995 - eens 8 Nastassja Emilia Robles Fernandez 2001 - sstnnemansncnn 7 Regina (Gina) Warren Robles +Alfredo Reves - 8 Sophia Isabel Robles Reyes 8 Jon LysanderRobles Reves 7 Remedios (Joji) Warren Robles +Danilo (Boy) Ladyong, 8 Maya Devi Robles Ladyong 8 Joan Mohana Robles Ladyong on 8 Narayan Das (Ryan) Robles Ladyong snnninnsnnnn-nee 8 Jaya Radhe Robles Ladyong 8 Janardan Das Robles Ladyong, 8 Sachi Robles Ladyong. 8 Saha Dev Robles Ladyong, is Leon Paterno Warren +Maura Serrano 7 Manuel Virgilio Serrano Warren wo. +Rosalind Keller snnsnennnnnnnssense 8 Luis Anthony Kelle’ oiean 8 Carlos Virgilio Kelle 8 Jaime Leon Keller Wat 8 Raphael Angelo Keller Warren 7 Ma, Consuelo (Chona) Serrano Warren 7 Ma, Carmelita Elizabeth Melba Serrano Warren 5 Atilano} Paterno w- 3 Emilia Paterno 5 Miguel Venegas Pat soos + Hoocencia Ge 6 Emilia Ps +Mav ato 6 Osea 6 Ces -6Virgili .aerno 6 Amparo Paterno 6 Napoleon (Poleon, Nap, Puyo) Patemo - L985 . Regina (Kite. Teh) Guevara - 1978 7 Nlejandio (Alex, Pat) Guevara Paterno 1941 - +Milagros (Millet) M. Laude 1944 - 8 Paolo Antonia L, Patemno 1972.- .. +Leinor Janet Espiritu 9 Gabrielle Bernice B. Paterno 8 Ma. Rita Thetesa Nicole (Nicole) L, Paterno 1978 = 8 Carmela Alessandra (Sashi) L. Paterno 1981 - 7 Macaria Paterno «7 Alberto Paterno 7 Inocencio Paterno 7 Charito Paterno tesmenineinn 7 Adoracion Paterno 6 Eduardo Paterno --~- 6 Enriquieta Paterno 6 Maria Paterno The Paterno Genealogy +Ramon S. Ereneta 7 Antonio P. Frefiets +Carmencita Z. Marcaida 8 Ma, Margarita Erefeta . 8 Jose Juan Carlos Ereneta +Francesca Noriega 9 Chelsy Francine Marie Noriega ‘ 8 Ma, Antonia Ereneta sevinn nmromnrnnnrnecne Mark Anthony Yap sone. @ Ma, Luisa Erefieta cones ? Miguel Erefieta . +Enya Enriquez vo 8 Ma, Isabel Margarita Brevieta 8 Luis Miguel Ereneta 8 Emmanwel Ereneta 8 Fernando Miguel Ereneta 8 Bernadette Marie Ereneta soomnenrnanees 7 Ramon J Brefieta + Yochabel Balderosa 8 Ramon Alfonso Erefeta 1 8 Juan Paolo Ereneta 8 Isabela Marie Breneta 8 Christina Dominique Ereneta onoinniniimiinies 7 Marie Anne Erefeta corner svnninnenns +Alfredo del Rosario sone 8 Patricia Angelique det Rosatio 8 Margarita Monique del Rosario seosnmmnnen 8 Mariela Dominique del Rosario 7 Ma. Lourdes Ereiieta ». +Ramon Suarez 8 Enrico Lorenzo Suatez § Pauline Marie Suarez 7 Ma, Lucia Ereneta soweenns + Edgar Vergara smn, 8 Alfonso Ramon Vergara : 7 Manuel Erefieta .. +Rose Marie Garcia 8 Kevin Christian Freneta coon 8 Lorenzo Manuel Erefieta 5 Pilar Paterno + XXXX Francisco 6 Sophia Paterno Francisco 6 Elvira Paterno Francisco 6 Angel Paterno Francisco 6 Alfredo Paterno Franciseo 6 Jose Paterno Francisco 6 Amando Paterno Francisco 5 Purificacion Paterno 5 Concepeion Venegas Paterno +Roberta Reyes 6 Josefina (Minn, Minang) PB. Reyes 1911 = 1994 +Pedto (Pete, Pedring) Ferrer Cabuay 1915 - 2000 7 Roberto Rodolfo (Tito) Cabuay 1944 wows +Mila Andaya Romero 1954 - 8 Jeffrey Augustus (Jeff) Cabuay 1975 ~ 8 Roberto Giovanni (Vanni) Cabuay 1978. 8 Voltaire Enrico (Popo) Cabuay 1981 ~ 7 Patria Romana (Finica, Patty) Cabuay 1946 - +Augusto (Tito) C. Estanislao 1941 8 Adrian Consad (Ace) Estanislao 1972 = +Helena Ponceca 9 Jedi Matthew Cabuay 2002 8 Arvin Christopher Estanislao 1974 coe +Moniqque Suntay rove 8 Andre Peter Estanislac 1982 7 Cecilia Gregoria (Cecile) Cabuay 1948 - +Porfirio Jr. (Boy) Lopez Sazon 1949 - The Paterad Gaadalogy sssausiues 8 Katrina Mari (Pangging, Zazu) Sazon 1982 - 8 Allen Joseph Sazon 1983 - 7 Pedro Jr. Ignacio (Bong) Cabuay 1950 - + Virginia (Virgie) G. Agbuya 1951 - 8 Rudolph Peter (Rupet) Cabuay 1979 - 8 Josephine Cecile (Joce!) Cabuay 1989 «7 Carlas Cosme (Charlie) Cabuay 1952 - +Emilie (Ems) Soriano 1953 - 8 Carlos (Sato) Cabuay 1977 + +Hazel Cantos 1978 - 9 Miguel Cabuay 2001 - 9 Sophia Cabuay 2004 - 8 Vanessa (Vannie) Cabuay 1982 8 Arturo (Art, Arthur) Cabuay 1983 - ... 8 Joseph (Coco) Cabuay 1989 7 Isagani Pablo (Gani) Cabuay 1955 - sow +Glenda A. Valencia 1957 aici 8 Paolo Miguel (Paolo, Pao) Cabuay 1983 fontaine nenany 8 Timothy Earl (Timmy, Tim) Cabuay 1986 | rice 8 Justin Ray (Justin) Cabuay 1990 - 6 Platon P. Reyes 1913 = 6 Guadalupe P. Reyes 1915 - 1981 +Salvador Uson 7 Jose R. Uson 1940 - +Nena Castellano _~. 8 Jennifer C. Uson seovees nt Douglas Glick. 8 Michael Salvador C. Uson 7 Manuel R. Uson 1942 +Althea Manican 8 Angela M. Uson 7 Antonio R. Uson 1944 - . +Bella Jimenez 8 Christine J. Uson +Reggie Florendo 8 Anthony J, Uson 7 Salvador fr R. Uson 1946 - +Remedios (Rubia) Perez Mendoza 8 Josephine Therese (Joy) M. Uson «8 Salvador 11] Roman (Davy) M. Uson «5 Vieenta Paterno 5 Narciso Venegas Paterno First. Wife 2nd Wife of Narciso Venegas Paterno: a +Rosa S = nee © Migucla Paterno ae + Joaquin Santos ont 7 Renato Paterno Santos +wife 8 Raquel Santos + Hector Felizardo 8 Rochelle Santos s+ husband hi sve 7 Lourdes XXX stenenmensnene 7 JO5@ XXX. i 7 Marilou XXX swe 7 Maria Dolores XXX 6 XXXX Paterno sw: 6 XXXXXX Paterno 5 Augusto Paterno von 5 Engracio Paterno nd Wife of Maximo Yamzon Molo Agustin Paterno: +Carmina Devers Ygnacio 1835 - 1868 ~~. 4 Agueda (Guiday) Paterno 1853 - 1915 4 Ma. Dolores Paterno 1834 - [881 4 [4] JoseTimoteo (Pepe) Paterno 1855 - 1926 +[5] Maria Patrocinio (Quita) Zamora Paterno 1853 - 1937 (cousin) The Paterno Genealogy ———_. 4 Pedro Alejandro Paterno 1837 +Luisa Merino Pineito - [897 4 Maria Jacobs (Cobang) Paterno 1858 - 1918 4 Antonio Paterno 1860 ~ 1895 | +Andrea Angeles 5 Margarita (Garing) Paterno 1894 ~ 1959 Alfredo Javier «6 Leonor Paterno Javier + XXX Gilbuena 7 Vietor Antonio Gilbuena Josuneonns 6 AsuneiON Paterno Javice + Manuel Villar «7 Ronaldo Javier Villar 2 Manuel Javier Villar William Javier Villar som 7 Alan Javier Villar 7 Peter Javier Villar 7 Cristina Javier Villar 5 Antonio Maria (Toning, Tonio) Paterno L895 - 1982 v~» +Laura (Lally) Blackman 1906 ~ 1999 mi st 6 Esperanza (Pansy) Bla lo kman Paterno 1929 - 6 Rosalinda (Linda) Blackman Paterno 1931 - 4 Alfieda V. Sanz 1927 7 Ma. Cristina (Cristine) Ana Sanz 1960 meomaee +Lonenz0 Mejia 8 Carmen Regina S. Mejia 1995 7 Fredrick Mark Sanz 1964 - +Linda Lee Stanley . 6 Amelita (Amy) Blackman Paterno 1935 6 Antonio Roy (Tony Rov) Blackman Paterno 1936 ren 6 PedroFeliciino (Peter) Blackman Paterno 1939 = sa mer wo. tEslinda Seminiano 1940 « 7 Margarita Carmen (Margie) Seminiuno Paterno (968 - 7 Blizabeth Martha (Bessic) Seminiano Paterna 1970 4 [6] Maximino Paterno 1863 - 1929 +[7] Asuncion Patemo Zamora 5 [8] Florencio Zamora Paterno 9) Isabel Zamora Paterno 5 [10] Maxinvinol Zamora Paterna 5 [11] Carmen (Mameng) Zamora Paterno 1892 - 1981 + #[12] Isaac Araneta Lacson 1889 - 196: . 6 [13] Carlos (Caloy) Paterno Lacson 1914 - 1982 we +[14] Clarita (Titang) Rea 1919 - 2000 sum? [15] Carlos (Caloy Jr.) Rea Lacson 1946 - +[16] Beatsiz (Betty) Gonzales - 8 [17] Charles (Chippy! Francis Lacson 1975 - 7 [18] Ma. Rosaria (Chary) Lacson 1956 - 1113] Rene Maria Alberto Calvento 1955 - 2001 8 [20] Regina Angela (Rina) Calvento 1979 - - +[21] Dean Arvin Agbon 17 - 9 [22] Santino Gabriel Agbon 2003 - 8 [23] Ma, Carla Angela Calvento 1982 - 4 [24] Jaime II Erwiry Aquilizan Duran 1980 9 [25] Mathew Raphael Calvento Duras 2003 - - $ (26] Ramon Ernesto (MonMon) Calvento }985 - 8 [27] Ma. Celina Angela Calvento 1987 - 28] Eduardo (Duding) Paterno Lacson 1916 - 1982 +(29] Ida Schlobokim 1915 = 1999 7 [30] Carmen Linda Sehlobohm Laeson 1940 - ow #[31] Romeo D. Gomez 1930 8 [32] Romeo Antonio (RaeRac) Gomer 1957 - www +{33] Elizabeth Lesaca 9 [34] Ana Victoria Isabel (Rea) Gomez 1977 - 8 [35] Ma, Margarita Lucia (Margic) Gomez 1959 - 1982 8 [46] Ma, Regina Elena (Malen) Gomez 1962 ~ 8 [37] Ma, Ida Paz (Patpat) Gomez 1964 - . +[38) Philip R. Tolentino 1962 - ~ 1929 (cousin) {G19 y ————___—-._ The Paterno Genealogy 9 [39] Francisco (Kiko) Tolentino 1983 - .mn 10 [40] Sophia XXXX 2000 - 9 [41] Nikkolas (Nikki) Tolentino 1987 = 9 [42] Enrico (Enjo) Tolentino 1996 - "9 [43] Angelica Maria Tolentino 1998 - 1998 8 [44] Ma. Martina Monique (Tina) Gomer 1965 ~ + [45] Edward Peter Heartney (963 - 9 [46] Sofia Alexandra Heartney 9 [47] Kira Samantha Heartney 2 8 [48] Jose Ramon Ariston (Hapic} Gomez 1968 ~ [49] Ma, Luisa Martha (Raizza) Gomez 1977 ~ “8 [90] Ma, Michelle Carmen Gomez 1982 someon 7 [51] Jorge Eduardo Schlobohm Lacson 1943 ~ 1. +[52] Maria Cristina Arnaiz 1945 ~ 8 [53] Ana Ma. Carmen Pilar Lacson 1967 - soe +[54] Rudy Ya 1959 - 9 [55] Martin Gabriel Yu 1992: - 9 [56] Charles Edward Yu 1999 - 8 [52] Ma. Georgina (Joana) Lacson 1970 +[58] Romeo}. Manolo Belmonte 1966 - 9 [59] Katrina Marie (Trina) Belmonte 1996 - 9 [60] Rafael Antonio (Raf) Belmonte 1999 - 9 [61] Alexandra Marie (Ales| Belmonte 2002 - (62 Marian Lacson 1977 - 9 [63] Gabrielle Lacson 2000 - [68] Isabel Marie (Isa) Lacson 1981 7 [65] Mercedes (Ditas) Schlobotim Lacson 1947 - +[66) Emmanuel Olivares 1946 8 [67] Brian Olivares 1972 - seen. +[68] Mis Sotto 8 [69] Clarissa Maria Olivares 1975 . +170] Michael Herrera 8 [71] Jeanine Olivares 197 = 8 [72] Giancarlo Olivares 1980 - 7 (73] Lonndes Dorotea (Lula) Schlobohm Laeson 1950 — +[74] Patrick Brendan Foley 1949 - . 8 [73] Kerry Marie Foley 1977 - 8 [76] Sean Patrick Foley 1974 - +177] Jennifer Rohe 1975 9 [78] Sean Patrik Jr Foley 2002 - 7 (79] Asuncion Nieves (Sunny) Schlobohm Lacyon 1956 ~ sou +180] Arturo Jose Simmonds 1956 2» 8 [81] Cristina Cecilia Simmonds 1984 = nnnnenn: 8 [82] Carmen Isabel Simmonds 1990 6 [83] Asuncion (Inday) Paterno Lacson 1918 » 1994 +[S4] Luis (Lito) Anibrosio Martinez Fernandez 1906-1978 7 (85] Luis Trinidad (Boy) Lacson Fernandes 1946 +[86] Marina Veronica (JingJing) David Perez 1946 + 8 [87] Luis Rodrigo (Luigi) Fernandez 1971 +[88] Ideline Mansilla Dizon 1968 - sovonsescune 9 [$9] Elaine Louise D, Fernandez 2002 8 [90] Enrique Martin (Baba) Fernandez 1972 - wrens $191] Carina Therese (Cara) Galang 1971 ~ 9 [93] Nina Veronica (Nica) G. Fernandez 2000 9 [93] Inigo Martin (Ingo) G. Fernandez 2003 ~ 8 [94] Carlo Bernardo (Charlie) Fernandez 1976 - .. 8 [95] Marco Vicente (Marky) Remandez 1982 « 7 [96] Ma. Lourdes (Nena) Lacson Fernandez L947 +[97] Jesus (Sonny) B. Euschio 1946 - - 8 [98] Jesus Luis (Jaylay) Eusedto [IT 1969 - +/99| Ma. Cristina (Ina) Ocampo 1969 - 9 [100] Ma. Monica Francesca ©. Eusebin 2002 - 8 [LOL Ma. Patricia (Tricia) Margarita Eusebio 1970 - » +{102] Brian Keith E Hosaka 1971 - 9 [103] Ma. Beatriz (Bea) Asuncion Hosaka 1999 - 9 [104] Vicenite Ignacio (Tea) Hosaka 2001 + 9 [105] Jose Orlino (Pio) Hloska 2004 = The Baterao Genealogy 7 [106] Concepcion (Ching) Laeson Fernandes 1949 - 7 (107] Vicente Tomas Lacson Fernandez 1950 - ~ +[108] Maria Rosa Paz (Mart) Santisteban 1952 « seen 8 [109] Ma. Luisa Mercedes Lourdes (Melissa) Fernandez 1979 » 8 [110] Ma, Margarita Asuncion (Maita) Fernandez 1951 veo 7 [VEL] Ramon Bernardo Lacson Fernandez 195 : +[]12] Ma, Pilar (Piluchi) Luciano Ocampo: L95: ovnesnes 8 [113] Paolo Fernando Ambrosio Fernandez 1984 - 8 [114] Ma. Lourdes Vietoria (Lea) Fernandez 1987 7 {115} Jose Carlos Lacson Femandez 1957 « sonenvnee +[116] Genima (Twinky) H, De Joya 1956 ~6 [117] Lourdes (Lulu) Paterno Lacson 1924 - soneenevnvom +f 118] Jose (Pepityg) Pucntebella Monfort 1920 - 1976 on 7 [119] Luis (Tito, Toots) Lacson Monfort 1954 - +[120] Virginia (Gina) Lalaquit 1961 - 8 [121] Clarissa (Issa) Victoria Monfort 1989 . 8 [122] Miguel (Miggy) Jose Dominga Monfart 1991 « 7 [123] Jorgina (Gina) Lacson Montfort 19 8 [124] Michael (Miko) Francis Monfort 1992 - sonnomnnennenenns T [125] Edmund (Edy) Laeson Monfort 1957 - isin +[126] Cristina Tubangui 1962 .$ [127] Carmela Monfort 1993 - 8 [128] Patricia Monfort 1994 - 8129) Juan Carlo Monfort 1995 - [130] Martina (Tinang) Zamora Paterno 1893 - 1950. [131] Maximino (Mino) Zamora Paterna 1900 - 1954. +. +[132) Lelia Toth 1915 - 1979 6 [133] Jorge Torh Paterno 1935 +[134] Maria Fe Brillantes 7 [135] Mari Lelia (Gina) Paterno 1963 - *2nd Wile of [133] Jorge Toth Paterno: +[136] Leticia Berin 1954 - 7 [137] Georgerte Berin Paterno 1983 - 7 [138] Jorge Bevin Paterno |r. 1985 - 5 [139] Maria (Yang) Zamora Paterna (901 - 1967 5 [140] Jose L, (Chenggoy) Zamora Paterno 1903'= 1985 5 [142] Dolores (Loling) Zamora Paterno 1905 - 1996 +[192] Angel M, Tuason 1899 - 1948 soe 6 [143] Maria Lourdes Paterno Tuason 1940 - +[1441] Jose (Pepito) M. Gonzales 1939 - 7 [145] Angel Jose (Bobby) Gonzales 1957 - +[146] Girlie May Go 1968 - 8 [147] Paolo Martin Gonzales 1989 - § [148] Gabriel Maximino Gonzales 1991 +8 [149] favier Inaki Gonzales 1997 = snows 8 [150] Angela Victoria Gonzales 1999 7 [151] Maria Isabel (Bingbing) Gonzales 1958 - +152] Antonio O. Cojuangco 1951 - 8 [153] Ma, Patricia (Patty) G. Cojuangco 197 - svromnmonnin: *2nd Husband of [151] Maria Isabel (Bingbing) Gonzales mnaeenenenens +[154] Ramon Tengco 1952 » 2001 iin [155] Ma, Michelle (Mia) G. Tengeo 1986 - svnrsncanneonvens *34d Husband of [151] Maria Isabel (Bingbing) Gonzales: +[156] Javier Quiros 1958 8 [157] Ma. Luisa G. Quiros 1991 - 8 [158] Juan G, Quiros 2000 - *2nel Husband of [1.43] Maria Loursies Paterno Tuason: soe +1159] Jose ‘Tayko Guingona 1939 - i onesie 7 [160] Francisco Javier (Jojo) Guingona 1964 - +[161] Josephine Vietoria (Pin) delosReyes Cojuangeo 1966 ~ $ [162] Francesca Angela (Ina) Guingona 1991 8 [163] Jose Pio (Pico) Guingona 1998 - - 8 [164] Juan Pablo Guingona 2004 - ocnmonws 7 [165] Cecilia Monique Guingoma 1981 - +[166] Jose Manuel (JM) Floirendo Lagdameo 1974 - 5 [167] Ramon (Monching) Zamora Paterno 1909 - 1988 sow + [168] Nelly (Adelina Inez) Montilla 1913 - 5 he: Patetro BP endelogs . 6 [169] Ramon Jr: (Ramy) Montilla Pacemno 1934 + : +1170] Maria Dolores Lolita (Lita) Gatees Gutiervez 1937 - 2002 ovnwnisnininunann # [L7L] Maria Pia Laura (Pia) Gutierrex Paterno 1965 ~ +[172] Roderick Lopez Santos 1964 8 [173] Kerisanne Alexandra Santos 1988 - 8 [174] Charistian Romano Santos 1994 - 8 [175] Cheistopher Shane Santos 1995 - 1997 7 [176] MariaStella Verena (Mic) Gutierrez Paterno 1968 ~ +[177| Eulogio Gonzalez Rodriguez 1966 - 8 [178] Ramon Carlos (Rikee) Rodrigue 1990 ~ 8 [179] Arianna Bettina Felise Rodriguez. 1994 8 [180] Alessandro Konstantin Rodriguez 1996 ~ swoon 8 [181] Nadia Patricia Mirelle Rodriguez 1997 - 6 | 182| Roberto (Bobby) Montilla Paterno 1936 + sven +[ 183] Bernadette (Dette) Perez de Guzman 1938 7 [184] Miguel Antonio (Chiqui) de Guzman Paterno 1968 ~ +[185] Jhoanna Michelle (Michelle) Hilaco Guevara 1971 jue. [186] Martin Jaime (Marty) Guevara Paterno 2000 - 8 [187] Margarita Noelle (Noelle) Guevara Paterno 2002 - 7 (188) Jaime Luis de Guzman Paterno 1972 - 1997 il Wife of [167] Ramon (Monching) Zamora Paterno: +[189] Adela Planas 1919 - 1999 6 [190] Maria Terese Planas Paterno 1945 6 [191] Ramon Antonio (Boy) Planas Paterna 1946 ~ +(192 Isabelita Almeda Tapia 1947 Z 7 [193] Jose Maria Tapia Paterno 1980 + oven 6 ( 194] RamonPedro (Buching) Planas Paterno 1949 - +[195] Elizabeth (Bebol) Regalato 1953 7 [196] Remberto (Bogs) Regaldo Paterno 1985 - : 7 [197] Julian Regalado Paterno 1990 - 4 Mariab2Santa (Paz) Paterno 1867 - (914 a4 Trinidad Paterno 1868 - 1932 +Claudio Gabriel 1878 - 1950 .5 Vicente Paterno Gabriel 5 Antomio Paterno Gabriel 5 Jose Maria (Peping) Paterno Gabe] 1904 - 1952 soos 5 Carmen Paterno Gabriel 1911 - 1983 ed Wife of Maximo Yamnzon Molo Agustin Paterno: + feodora Deveralgnacio 1837 - 1902 4 Mariano (Nano) Paterno 1877 - 1934 4 Concepcion (Concha) Paterno 1878 - 1943 sone: +Nateiso Padilla 4 Feliciano (Ciano) Paterno 1879 - 1951 4 Adelaida (Adela) Paterno 1880 - 1962 3 [198] Lucas Paterno soon +[199] Regina Paterno Zamora (niece) 4 [5] Maria Patrocinio (Quita) Zamora Paterno 1853 - 1937 +[4] Jose Timuteo (Pepe) Paterno 1855 - 1926 [couisin) 4 [200] Jose Maria Zamora Paterno +[201] Dolores Ramos vu. 5 [202] Susana Ramos Paterno 1884 - 1940 +[203] Vicente Lopez Madrigal 1880 - 1972 .. 6 (204) Macaria (Nena) Patcro Madtigal 1914 - 2003 +(205] Juan (Johnny) Leopoldo Lichauco de Lean 1919 - 1988 7 [206] Jose Vicente [foeVineent) Madrigal de Leon 1941 ~ +[207] Sylvia Lichauco 1946 - 8 [208] Susana Alexis (Sunshine) de Leon 1971 - snemnmnnennsn *2nd Wife of [206] JoseVicente (JoeVincent) Madrigal de Leon: +[209] Marybeth Lopez 1944 - seen $ [210] Inigo de Leon 1975 - 8 [211] Miguel de Leon 1978 - +7 (212] Maria Natividad (Mary) Madrigal de Leon 1949 - +[213] Macario Sunico Rufino 1944 - ou 8 [2E4] Juan Vieente Martin Jonfon) Rufino 1974 ~ § [215] Vieence Jose Maria Rufino 1979 - mac! Husband of [212] Maria Natividad (Mary) Madrigal de Leon +[216] Edward Soriano Mijares L947 ~ The Paterno Genealogy -» 6 [217] Paz (Pacita) Paterno Madrigal 1915 ~ ; +[218] Herman Warns wT [219] Vicente (Bu) Madrigal Warns 1946 - wnenen (220) Cita Barretto 8 [221] Hermann Warns 1970 - ‘2nd Wife of [219] Vicente (Bu) Madris +[222] Marian Paris 1953 - 8 [223] Gustay Warns 1980 8 [224] Christopher Warns 1982 + . 8 [225] Karl Warns 1986 ‘2nd Hushand of [217] Paz (Pacita) Paterno Madvigal: ~ +[226] Gonzalo Gonzales 27 Regina Guisels (Ging) Madrigal Gonzales + [228] Aurelio (Gigi) Montinots Ill 8 [229] Ciara Montinola 8 [230] Gabriela Montinola : .. § [231] Sofia Montinola 6 [252] Josefina (Pinang) Paterno Madrigal 1916 - 1990 +{233] Francisco Maria Bayot 1914 - 1990 7 [234] Susana (Susie) Madrigal Bayot 1947 - 5] Francisco IIT Mirancla Ortigas 1945 - ~-- § [236) Josefina (Tabby) Remedios Ortigas 1968 - Eanes +(237] Jose (Joey) Ma. Francisco Fructunso Duarte 1971 “i al ssn 9 [238] Ysabela Consuelo Duarte 1999 9 [239] Jose Eduardo Tomas Duarte 2003 - § [240] Ma. Vietoria Ortigas 1970 - snes $[24] Jose Vito (JV) Lanis Borromen 1970+ 9 [249] Arianna Marta Borromeo 2001 - 9 [243] Jose Francisco Borromeo 2003 - 8 [244] Francisco IV Ortigas 1974 - 2002 245] Vicente Antonio Ma, Madrigal Bayot 1952 Makapugay 1953-- |. Alexandra Bayot 198! | Vicente Antonio Ma. Madrigal Bayot: +[248] Maria Teresa (Maite) Villareal 1955 - § [249] Natalia Marie Chantal Bayot 2000 0] Francisco Madrigal Bayot Jr. 1954 ~ ssw +{251] Maria Luisa Tinio 1955 - 8 [252] Maria Lourdes Pia Tinio Bayor 1979 - 8 [253] Franeiseo Tinto Bayot IIT 1982 - [254] Antonio Paterno Madrigal 1918 - +[255] Amanda Abad Santos 1921 - 7 [256] Ma. Susana (Chuchut) Madrigal 1956 +[257| Jose Armando (Mandy) L. Edugue 1945 - 8 [258] Alexandr Amanda Exluque 1990 es 8 [259] Michaela Maria Geraldine Eduuque 199% = wo 7 [260] Ma, Ana Consuelo (Jamby) Madrigal 1958 - +[261] Erie Dudoignon Valade 1969 = 7 [262] Ma, Rosa (Tana) Madrigal 1959 - +{263) Richard Edan Gelb 1958 8 [264] Serena Edan Gelb 1992 - 6 [265] Consuelo (Chito) Paterno Madrigal +(266] Chichos Vazquez “2nd Husband of [265] Consuelo (Chito) Paterno Madrigal: sme +[267] Manuel Collantes 6 [268] Jose (Belec) Paterno Madigal 1922 - 1995, sonnmeanen +{269] Vietoria Abad Santos 1924 ~ 1996 : ots 7 [270] Vicente A.S. Madrigal sar | Ann Harrison Emily H. Madrigal 8 [273] alice H. Madrigal 7 [274] Gerardo A.S. Madrigal 1964 - +[275] Terni Moss 8 (276) Alessandra Sophia M. Madrigal 1996 8 [27] Vieorin Alia M. Madrigal 1997 - 8 [278] Julian Alejandro M. Madrigal 2000 - "6 [279] Maria Luisa (Ising) Paterno Madrigal 1928 - 23 3§ =. le) Poteet Guaealagy +|280] Daniel (Danny) Earnshaw Vazquez 1927 - ssssunsnue 7 [281] Ma. Victoria (Marivic) Madrigal Vazquez 1955 - 7 [282] JuanMiguel Madrigal Vazquez 1957 - sontnnnnnee +[283] Judith Duavit 1962 - _ 8 [284] Rosana Maria Luisa Varquer 1987 - esnenninnnnnennnine 8 [285] Jose Miguel Vazquez 1988 - esaccues 7 [286] Ma.Beatriz (Bea) Madrigal Vazquer (959 - +[287] Kirk Fox 1951 - 7 [288] Ma.Isabel (Bela) Madrigal Vazquez 1961 - 5 [289] Jose P. Ramos Paterno w- +[290] Jacoba Tirona ecnnmnnnsnninen 6 [291] Vicente Tomas Tirona Paterno 1925 + +(292] Socorto Paz (Buby) Trinidad Pardo 1933 - wm 7 [293] PaePilar Judith Pardo Paterno 1958 - +[294] Roberto Cuaycony Benares svomnevmns 8 [295] Joaquin Benares 1992 8 [296] Sotia Benares 1994 - 8 [207] Isabel Benares 1996 1298] MariaBlena Pardo Paicrno 1961) ~ +299] Leandro Yulo Locsin 8 [300] Adela Cecilia Socorro Loesin 1995 - 8 [301] Luis Locsin 1996 - 7 [302) Maria'Teresa Pardo Paterno 1963 - +303] James Fiteh Dickinson sssannae-e 8 [304] Nicholas Dickinson 1994 7 [305] Jose Victor Pardo Paterno 1967 ~ 7 [306] MariaCristina Pardo Paterno 1970 - soreness 6 [307] Susana Tirona Paterno 1926 - seinnat . +[308] Faustino Africa ‘ eomesnn one 7 (309) Faustino Jr. (Dom Eduardo OSB) Afriew 1947 - 7 [310] Tomas Airica 1949 - +{311] Celia Manansala 8 [312] Maria Cecilia Africa 8 [313] Jan Wilhelm Africa oem onan 8 [314] Dominique Africa 7 [315] Marilels Paz Africa 1951 ~ +[316] Ramon Prospero 8 [317] Charity Ann Prospero: . +[318] Richard Torno +9 [319] Adrian Torno 9 [320] Arvin Torna 7 [321] Carlos Africa 1953 +[322] Cynthia Barrios snrstscineen 7 (323) Alma Maria Africa 1955 +[324] Nestor Andrade cnneneonnesne ® [325] MarinAngeline Andrade § [326] Benedict Ivan Andrade wT [327] Antonio Atrica L964 - svn 6 [328] Maria Litcia Tirona Paterno 1928 - ow 6 [329] Luis Tirona Paterno 1930 - ++[330] Luz (Nenita) Cala 1927 - 7 [331] MariaCorazon Paterno 1951 - 1962 coon, 7 [332] Vicente Emmanuel Patemo 1952 - = oneness $[ 333] Bernardita Mutuc ontcnecmmeernainnneee 8 [338] Digna Paterno 1981 - er 8 [335] Teresa Paterno 19! 8 [336] Linus Benedict Paterno 1987 - . 8 [337] MariaRegina Emmanuelle Paterno 8 [338] Taahel Maria Paterno 8 [339] Phoebe Louie Paterna 7 [340] Josefina Gavina Paterno 1954 - wereronneneevss +(341] Rodolfo Edlin de Laza 8 [342] Paolo Nicolo de Laza 1979 - 8 [343] Jose Ricardo de Laza 1980 - .8 [344] Mariela de Laza 1985 - 8 [345] ManiaRosa de Laza 1988 - - § [346] Carlo de Laza 1989 The Paterno Genealogy . 8 [347] Jaime de Laza 1991 7 [348] Jorge Felix Paterno 1955 - +(349] Lita Bacol 1955 - el Agustin Paterno 1979 ita Paterno 1981 - 8 [352] Anna Maria Paterno 1985 - ‘snes 8 [353] Francisco Paterno 1987 - | 7 [354] Carmen Paterno 1957 - +355] Steve Hertel ... § [356] Calvin Hertel 1999 ~ 7 [357] Enrique Paterno 1958 - 7 [358] Luis Paulino Paterno 1960 ~ . +[359] Patricia Toy Alejandro 1958 “ 8 [360] Reuben Joshua Paterno 1995 ~ connie 7 [361] Rafael Paterno 1963 - +[362] Armina Evangelista ‘i 8 [363] Angelo Paterno 1988 - 8 [64 Angelica Paterno 1990 ~ [365] Ratael Paterno fr. 1995 - = 7 [366] Patticia Regina Paterno 1968 - +[367] Rogelio Balagat 1967 8 [368] Martha Balagat 1999 - 6 (369) Tomas Tirona Paterno 19% .. +[370] Florencia Francisco 5 [371] Simon Ramos Paterno 1893 - 1983 .. +1372] Dolores (Inday) Veloso 1895 - 1968 sn. 6 [373] Pedro (Pedring) Veloso Paterno s +[374] Sally Angeles sow 7 [375] Daniel Paterno 7 [376] Marie Teresa Paterno. 7 (377 Maria Consuelo Paterno "2nd Wife of [373] Pedro (Pedsing) Veloso Paterno: ‘ susie #[378] Maria Ana Macabiquel su 7 [379] Rodolfo M. Paterno 1944 - +[380] Aurora asin snncinneanenes 8 (381) Rhodors D. Paterno 1974 ~ » #[382] Reynaldo Miranda 1968 - ten 9 [383] Princess Joy P Miranda 1994 - = 9 [384] Andrea P. Miranda 1999.- co 9 [385] Tasmine P. Miranda 2001 = .. § [386] Raymond D. Paterno 1976 - +[387] Noemi Inncencio 1975 - 9 [388] Renz Marion I. Paterno 1995 - 9 [389] Hanz Matthew I, Marion 1998 z 8 [390] Rachel D. Paterna 1978 ~ diouineneinnnareannen 9 [391] Rachel Ann Paterno 2000 ~ vooanisnjinninannsnnmnn 8 [393] Robelyss D. Patetne 1989 = 7 [393] Dolores M. Paterno 1946 - [394] Rogelio Rufo «8 [395] Romano P Rufo § [396] Dorothy P? Rufo | § [397] Gerardo P. Rufo 8 [398] Ma, Luisa P. Rufo 8 [399] Philip P Ruto -. $ [400] Charlie P, Rufo 7 [401] Juanito M, Paterno 1948 | sonnene +[402] Elsa Encontro 8 (403) Ma, Cristina E, Paterno 1 8 [404] German E. Paterno 8 [405] Patrick E. Paterno 7 [406] Marinisa M. Paterno L950 = +[407] Virgilio M. Garcia 1948 - 8 [408] Virgilio Je P. Gareia 1968 ~ +1409] Edina Nacino 9 [410] Bernatyn N. Garcia mF 9 [411] Rolly Boy N. Garcia 9 [412] Veronica N. Garcia $625 jy ————_ — The Paterno Genealogy 9 [413] Vingitio N. Garcia v8 [414] Arnold P Garcia 1970 +{415] Marifel Saculles 9 (4116) Maricris Garci 9 [417 Maribel G 9 [418] Mark Angelo Garcia sinemnntnneneneess 9 [419] Precios’ Garcia ~. 8 [420] Clariliza P. Garcia 1979 - som 8 [421] Marielyn P. Garcia 1980 - +(422] Renecboy Ursua + nen 9 [423] Reniel John G, Ursua svsanae 9 [424] Mariella Joy G. Ursa 9 [425] Keisel Jean G. Ursus ss - 8 [426] Clarielyn P. Garcia 1983, i rere cove ¥{427] Rommel Bolloso s+ 9 [428] Charine G. Bolloso snes 9 [429] Kimberly G. Bolloso «8 [430] Jeannylyn P 1985 - 8 [431] Annalyn P. Garcia L988 - | Jose Lucas (kang) Veloso Paterno +(433] Angelina (Gelly) Arenas 7 [434] Simon A. Paterno 1954 - ssennivne +[435] Rosario Ramos. sstursnnene 8 [436] Maria Grace R. Paterno 1984 - 8 [437] Jose Paolo R, Paterno 1985 - -. 8 [438] Vincent Anthony B. Paterno 1986 8 [439] Carmela R. Paterno 1990) - somwew: 8 [440] Abraham Luke R. Paterno 1996 - 7 [441] Ronaldo A, Patemo 1956 - +/442] Ritz Hérvonen +8 [443] Jose Esko H. Paterna 8 [444] Timotheo FH. Paterno .. § [445] Katri Angelina H, Paterno * ‘ 8 [446] Pekka Paterno si 7 [447] Jose Vietor A. Paterno 1957 - i é + [448] Susan Isorena sete ii 8 [449] Alex f, Paterno ssoeme 8 [450] Jericho T. Paterno [451] Pearl Angela A, Paterno 1960 ~ +[452] Leodovico Salvador SantoDomingo 7 [453] Renee Epifania A. Paterno 196: .. 6 [454] Manuel (Manoling) Veloso Paterno 1926 - svnesnenne +[455] Regina (Ninit) Ville-teal Roces 1939 - nnn vunnen 7 [456] Simon (Mon) R. Paterno 1959 - 8 [457] Beatriz (Bea) Paterno 1988 - 8 [458] Juliana (Liana) Paterno 1992 - 8 [459] Margarita (Maia) Paterno L997 - 7 {460} Susana (Susie) R. Paterno 1961 - sw + (461 ] Paul Dumont 8 [462| Andrea P Dumont 199% - ~-». 8 [463] Ines P, Dumont 1994 -». T [464] Miguel (Mickey) R. Paterno 19 +(465] Jean Marie Tanchan Yap 1965 suas 8 [466] Sofia Alicia Paterno 1999 - ? [467] ManuelJr. (Nolet) R. Paterno 1968 - .. § [468] Ramon (Monching) Veloso Paterno 1929 - 2002, +{469] Leticia G. Lope 1932 - 1978 7 [470] Roberto (Robbie) L. Paterno 1954 - 7 [47] Regina (Gina) L. Paterno 1957 ~ +[472] Cielito G, Santos 1956 - 8 [473] Ramon Cielito (Mare) Santos 1982 8 [474] Louis Gerard (Luigi) Santos 1984 - meow 8 [475] Tricia Ann Santos 1986 7 [476] Ricarcio (Dondi) L. Paterno 1959 - +[477| Felicia (Baby) Villanueva sow 8 [478] Kristine Neri (Tintin) V. Paterno 1991 ~ 8 [479] Francesea Ramona (Chesk) V. Pxterno 1992 - 7 [480} Alfredo Ramon (Alfred) L, Paterno L961 - +[481] Ana Lym LaQ § [482] Antonio Ramon (Anton) Paterno 1996 - 8 [483] Alberto Dominic (Aldo) Paterno 1997 « 8 [484] Alicia Celine (Alyn) Pacerno 2000 - 7 [485] Rolando Alejandto (Rolly) L. Paterno 1963 - +[486] Maria [sabel Ocampo 1968 - 8 (487) Beatriz Inene (Trina) Paterno 1992 + § [488] Lorenzo Angelo (Gelo) Patemno 1993 7 [489] Enrico Simon (Coco) L, Paterno 1965 - +[490] Remerose Boiser 7 [491] Karina Panels L Pacemno 1971 - +[492] Terence Joseph Bogayong 1964 8 [493] Adrian Joseph P. Bogayong, 1992 - 94] Lourdes (Luly) Veloso Paterna 1935 - 2005 +[495] Antonio Resurreccion 1933 - 7 [496] Bemandette Resurreccion 1960 - san, 8 [497] Carmella Sayo 1986 7 [498] Luis Antonio Resurreccion 1961 - .. +{499] Theresa Bartolome 8 [500] Juan Miguel (Mico) Resurteccion ... 8 [501] Mario Antonio Resurreecion 7 [502] Simon Vicente Resurrection 1964 +[503] Maria Margarita Saenz 7 [504] Regina (Gia) Resurreccion 1967 ~ +[505] Daniel Enriquez 1967 = 8 [5U6] Rafael Antonio (Rocco) a 8 [507] Vino Fleandro Enriquez 200 4 [508] Eleuterio Zamora Paterno 4 [509] Maria Marta Zamora Paterno . +{510] XXXX Maneses 5 [511] Amanda Maneses 6 [512] Jose Guzman 6 [513] Ramon Guzman 6 [514] Juanita Guzms 1. 6 [515] Carmen Guzman 6 [516] Maria Guzman 6 [517] Paz Gueman 6 [518] Salvador Guzman 5 [519] Ricardo Maneses 5 [520] Juan Maneses 1.4 [1] Maria Egypeiaea Zamora Paterno uu. +[2) Manuel Paterno Zamora 1870 - 1929 24 [521] Francisco Zamora Paterno 1879 = 1929 +(522] Eduviges Salamatin Valera 5 [523] Maximino V. Paterno + [524] Rizalina Ramos «6 [525] Rafael R. Paterno. +(526] Flvira Baluyot . 7 [527] Adonis B, Paterno 7 [528] Rafacl B, Paterno 7 [529] Adora B. Paterno 7 [530] Leah B. Paterno oe 6 [531] Cristina R. Paterno +{932] Alfredo Aguilar 7 [533] Rosalinda P. Aguilar soos 7 [534] Alfredo P. Aguilar 6 [535] Regina R. Paterno 1» +[536] Teodoro Villanueva 7 [537] Reynaldo P. Villanueva 7 [538] Ricardo P. Villanueva 7 [339] Renante P. Villanueva 7 [540] Rosemarie P. Villanueva 6 [541] Carmelita R, Paterno +[542| Silvestre Tino 7 [543] Arnulfo P. Tino 7 [544] Roberto P. Tino iquez [999 - Tha Paterno Gensalagy 1, G26 * The Paterno Genealogy 7 [545] Carmela P. Tino, 7 [546] Carmencita P. Tino oene 7 [547] Arvin P Tino som 6 [548] Erlinda R. Paterno +[949] Armando Pa «7 [550] Arlene P. Paz 7 [551] Analyn P Paz 7 [552] Armando P. Paz 7 [953] Ryan P. Par 7 [554] Allene P. Paz 7 (555) Alan P. Paz 5 [556] Trinidad V. Paterno . +[557] Restituto T. Aquino 6 [558] Josetina P. Aq 4 +[599| Rosendi Villa citssinenesunes 7 [360] Ronaldo A. Villamayor 2 +(561] Navia Lilli ---. 7 (562) Roberto A. Villamayor +[563] Elia DaSilva . 8 [564] Steven D. Villamayor 8 [565] Jacob D. Villamayor .$ [566] Sophia D. Villamayor mone. 7 [567] Matidel A. Villamayor 6 [568] George P. Aquino cove $1569] Virginia Rancudo 7 [570] Josephine R. Aquino, 7 [571] Paul Martin R. Aquino 7 [572] Sozanne R. Aquino 6 [573] Restituto}r. P. Aquino sone, $[574] Lourdes Clara Leonto . 7 [575] Michael Angelo L, Aquino itisnnsniannnenens +{376] Sylvia Inacio 8 [37] facqueline Marie 1. Aquino _ 8 [578] David Michael I. Aquino 7 [579] Restitutolll L, Aquino [580] Raffaello L, Aquino 81] Gabriello L, Aquino 582] Victor Oliver L. Aquino 6 [583] Adela P. Aquino 6 [584] Ramon Teodoro P Aquino immense +[585} Aleta Norma Cruz 7 [586] Marco Leandro C. Aquino seosvemnens 7 [587] Anikka Trina C, Aquino a 5 [588] Teadora V. Paterno. wonn +[389] Ramon C. Reyes swum 6 (590) Noel Ma. P. Reyes +[591] Teresita Adolfo .. ? [592] Victor Emmanuel A. Reyes ss ove +[593] Cristina Regina Liwanag conenennnnnnmne 8 [394] Michaela Bianca L. Reyes 8 [595] Matthew Anton L. Reyes [596] Alfonso Raphact L. Reyes J Allan Joseph A. Reyes 7 [598] Ma.Paz Rowena A” Reyes swe +1599] Mariolt. S. Nery 8 [600] Carmela Isabel It. Nery svn sensee 8 [601] Maria Teresa R. Nery 8 [602] Juan Diego R. Nery cevtenennennen 7 [603] Peter Adrian A, Reyes +[604] Ma.Regina Soliven 8 [605] Beatrice Marie S. Reyes 7 [606] David Alvin A. Reyes +[607] Anna Lissa ‘Eumesis sve 8 [608] Maria Katyina T. Reyes 7 [609] Gregory Normait A. Reyes +[610] Rowena Cipriano wee B [611] Kevin Andrew C. Reyes "7397 The Paterno Genealogy 7 [612] Bernardo Alesis A. Reyes 6 [613] Agustina P. Reyes .. +[614] Esteban Castillo 7 [615] Maria Carmen Alda R. Castillo 7 [616] Roso Ismael R, Castillo +[617] Frederika Mayo $ [618] John Theodore M. Castillo 8 [619] Therese Maria Carmen M, Castillo “2nd Wife of [616] Roso Ismael R. Castillo: sane +{620] Maria Gracia Bas 7 [621] Ramon Sixto R. Castillo +1622] Bernadette E. Warren § [623] Steifen Daniel W. Castillo 7 [624] Riza Maria Carmen R, Castillo «1. +{625] Wendell M, Berberabe 8 [626] Bianca Marie C. Berberabe [627] Stephanie Belle C. Berberabe 7 [628] Roscoe Rafael R, Castillo .. 6 1629] Melquiades P Reyes .. +[630] Ma, Aurora Clemente 7 [631] Ramon Martin €, Reyes . +(632] Jacelyn C. Cuyugan 8 [633] Joshua Martin C. Reyes 1. 8 [634] Matthew Noah C, Reyes 8 [635] Nicholas John C. Reyes vu 7 [636] Mu, Czarina C. Reyes + [637] Francis Agui 8 [638] Cassandia R Aguila 8 [639] Alexis R. Aguila 7 [640] Gerardo C. Reyes .. +(641] Janette Tuazon [642] Justice T: Reyes se. 8 [643] Julian T. Reyes “2nd Wife of [629] Melquiades P. Reyes: sos [644] Z Lopez 7 [645) Arlene L. Reyes .. [646] Revel Alimatio 8 [637] John Aldrich R. Almario 8 [648] Michellin R. Almario § [649] Maria Selina R. Almario 8 [650] John Arvin R, Almario 7 [651] Rosario L. Reyes $ [652] Anne Mari R. Donato 8 [653] Raphael Luis R. Rodrigue +{654] David Da Silva - 8 [655] Alexis R. Da Silva cwsnmes 7 [656] Raquel L. Reyes 7 [657] Jose Edwin L. Reyes 8 [658] Ayra Reyes .. 8 [659] Nina Reyes 7 [660] Maria Christina L. Reyes . § [661] Terence John R. Falcon +(662] Gerardo Asoy 3rd Wife of [629] Melquiades P. Reyes: +[663) Virginia Pingo 7 [664] Paola Clare P. Reyes vom 6 [665] Cresencio P. Reyes +[666] Eleonora 5. Ejercito 7 [667] Patricia Theresa E. Reyes +[668] Denis Benjamin Thomas . 7 [669] Carlos Paolo E. Reyes 7 [670] Melissa Anne E. Reyes 7 [671] Margarita Ysabelle E. Reyes 6 [672] Rosario Francisca P. Reyes 6 [673] Lourdes Rosario P. Reyes +[674] Joven R. Vilchez 7 [675] Carla Ma, Theresa R. Vilehez The. Paterno Genealogy |] Miguel Martin R, Vilchez 77] Ana Maria Concepcion R. Vilchez 6 [675] Carmen Felicisima P. Reyes somnven +[679) Blpidio|s, B, Odulio 7 [680] Juan Ramon R. Odulio [681] Kathreen A, Regala ss: 8 [682] Sophia Theodora R. Odulio 7 [683] Juan Paolo R, Odulio 7 [684] Juan Emmanuel R_ Odulio 7 [685] Pacita Masia ‘Teodora R, Odulio . 6 [686] Francisco Irineo P. Reyes eer 5 [687] Felipe V. Paterno cepa +[688] Dolores Bautista ssonesnae 6 [O89] Felipe (Jun) B. Paterno +{690] Brenda Lavarias sve 7 [691] MariaLuisa (.. Paterno 6 [692] Fsielita B. Paterno, +[693] Antonio Marquez 7 [694] Rowena P. Marquez 7 [695] Vicente [ose P. Marquez 7 [696] Lorena P. Marquez, 7 [697] Rommel P, Marquez .». 6 [698] Evelyn B, Paterno +[699] Salvador Brocal soso @ [200] Roberto Belarmino P. Brocal 7 [701] Janet P Brocal -7 [702] Luis P. Brocal 7 [703] Emmanuel P. Brocal a 7 [704] Joseph P. Brocal somone 7 [705] Jolwn Anthony P. Brocal 6 [706] Danilo B. Paterno 6 [707] MarlaLeticia B. Paterno +|708] Virgilio Alzona - 7 [709] MaJosefina P.Aizona 7 [710] Ma.Margarita P. Alzona 71711] Gerardo Raymund P Alzona 7 (712] Ma.Vietoria P Alzona 6 [713] Ricardo B, Pacerno seneinninnscannneines 6 [714] Roberto B. Paterno 4+(715] Lagrimas Garcia 7 (716] Ma. Theresa G. Paterno 7 [717] Francisco G. Paterno 6 [718] Susana B. Paterno [719] Rodolfo Panizares 7 [720] Joanna P Panizares seas 7 [721] Ronnel P, Paniizates [722] MariaLaisa V. Paterno sonmmnene 4 [723] Manuel Zamora Paterno vom 3 Juana Paterno o- 3 Tamas Paterno: 3 Feliciano Paterno, woot Jose Anacleto Paterno . 5 Feliciano Paterno 5 Jose Paterno sencane 6 Ponciano Paterno 5 Pilar Paterno " 5 Alejandro Paterno senenneenene 5 Fernando Paterno »+Maria Morrow swe 6 Carlos Morrow Paterno 7 Jeanie Paterno XXX Paterno 6 Lountes Morrow Patern 3 +XXXX Sian etenteeesses 7 Chiquita Paterno Sian 7 Veronica Paterno Sian The Paterno Genealogy 6 Fernando Morrow Paterno 7 Albert Paterno 7 Fernando Paterno .. 7 Rosalie Paterno 6 Conrado Morrow Paterno 7 Conrado Patemo 1958 - 7 Christopher Paterno 1964 7 Ronald Patemo 1968 - 7 Jerome Paterno 1968 ~ 7 Jonas Paterno 1974 - 6 Edmond Morrow Pateroo 1» 3 Anastacio Paverno 1850 ~ 4 Juan M. Paterno 1870 » 1921 . + Esperanza Manuel 1875 - 1956 5 Jose Manuel (Piping) Paterno 1901 - 5 Luz (Ching) Manuel Paterno 1903 - 1999 (Yaying) Manuel Paterno 1904 - 1986 Blanco Gating, 6 Ofelia (Bella) Paterno Galang 1939 - +Manuel Duran fanuel Gerardo (Gerry) Gating Duran stancia (Toti) Galang Duran +Danilo Tones snotmminennnnnne 7 Jenet Galang Duran +Robertino Serrano .7 Francisco Galang Duran som 7 Flora (Maita) Galang Duran sen nn eas #Deennis Crisostono 26 Gilda (Gigi) Paterno Galang 1940 +Leonilo Ramos Alionso 1945 ~ soon 7 Geraldine (Din-Din) Galang Alfonso 1969 7 Raymond (Mon-Mon] Galang Alfonso 1970 ~ +Ma, Tricia (Tricie) Beltran’ 1968 - 7 Justin Adrian Galang Alfonso, 1988 - lang 1948 - elo (Mico) Rogue Galang 1992 ~ 7 Michelle Angeline (Mica) Roque Galang 1992 - Dongdong} Manuel Paterno 1907 - 1965 .. +Virginia (Dada, Binyang) Reposar Villanueva, 1919 ~ 6 Ricarda (Nena) Villanueva Paterno 1945 - . +Edward (Ted) Rennie 6 juan (Bambi) Villanueva Paterno 1948 - +Corazon (Cora) Solis son 7 Joel Solis Paterno 1968 7 Ma Jasmine (Minnie) Solis Paterno 1970 ~ » +Aquilino Jr Somer 7 Justine Solis Paterio 1973 - seonenemnnennmnes “2nd Wife of Juan (Bambi) Villanueva Paterno: +Fatrella (Ester) Balaung, lees 7 Jericho Balauag Paterno 197: 7 Joana Balauag Paterna 1976 1 #Roberio Dedoyco 1978 - 7 Jeremy Balauag Paterno 1974 - +Siephanie Lavilla 7 Joseph Balauag Paterno 1978 - “6 Peter Paul (Poy) Villanueva Paterno 1950 - +Mignon Cosio 1948 ~ 7 Jennifer (Jeee) Paterno 1973 + b ». +Sieghried Peter (Sieg) Mestdagh 1975 « conen*2ndd Wife of Peter Paul (Poy) Villanueva Paterno: +Loraine Esmae Blanch 1960 sessusse 7 Celeste (Celes) Paterno 1993 - mac Paterno 1994 - 1994 Peter Paterno 1994 - 1994 Isabelle Victoria (Bella) Paterno 1997 cou 7 Madeleine Pauline (Maddy) Paterno 1997 - The Paterno Genealogy .. 6 Felix Villanueva Paterno 1952 +Blma Santillan 1968 - «7 John Dave S, Paterno 6 Ma.Nictoria (Marivic) Villanueva Paterno 1954 - 1996 +Reynaldo Belitario 1962 - 7 Marvi Paterno Belitario 1984 - 7 Rea Paterno Belitario [986 - 7 Reynaldo Jesus (RJ) Paterno Belitario 1988 - 6 Flnerado (Hermie) Villanueva Paterno 1961 ~ ... +Imelda Membrere 1968 7 Paul Jerick (PJ) M. Paterna 1997 7 Imee M. Paterno 2000 - ~~ 6 Antonio (Agi) Villanueva Paterno 1961 - ces +Emma Tolentino 1965 - sone 7 Juster Rozz Tolentino Paterno 1987 - : 7 Jelmer Rozz Tolentino Paterno 1989 ~ sw T Jerome Rozz Tolentino Paterno 1999 - 5 Eduardo (Donding} Manuel Paterno +Socorto Martires 6 Brenda M. Paterno . +Glenn Bardonada 6 Wilhelmina (Wilna) M. Paterno 6 Eduardo (Boying) M. Paterno 5 Rodolfo (Doping) Manuel Paterno = eliy M, Paterno 1945 ~ 1945 sounneunnee 4 Jose M. Paterno 1956 - 1956 5 Lucia Paterno oom 3 Adela R. Paterno 1911 - 1982 5 Remedios Paterno 5 Luis R. Paterno 1914 - 1987 somes 5 Fonorato Paterno 3 Paz Paterno seomn 3 Matea Paterno 2 Pedro Molo 2 Silverio Molo enum arcane r Arvaane c é emembrance of Antonio Maria Paterno, r of the first Paterno Family Tree, 1962.

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