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- Complete the sentences with the adjective in brackets in its comparative form:

- Mary is ……………………………… (pretty) her sister.

- John is ……………………………….. (tall) me.
- My house is ………………………..… (nice) his house.
- Your car is …………………………….. (good) mine.
- Is my hair …………………………. (long) yours?
- This coat is …………………………. (casual) that jacket.
- This sofa is …………………………….…… (expensive) that one.
Today I went to school there was a new kid at school he was the tallest of the
class, he was younger than me, and he was stronger than Eric but skinnier than
Mark. He sat down beside me he looked more muscular than me and not very
smart either. When we went to the gym he was slower than Markus but faster than
me. He was skinnier then Paul and Paul were fatter than him. He was the strongest
of the class and he was the funniest of the class too. And then i went home with
him and that comes were I am now.

Cada una de las frases siguientes contiene un error. Encuéntralo y corrígelo.

1. Shanghai is the bigger city in Asia.

2. James is worse that Jessica at basketball.

3. The Queen of England is oldder than Barack Obama.

4. The climate in Siberia is extremer than the climate in France.

5. Summer in Spain is very hotter than in Scotland.

6. Jimi Hendrix was the best guitar player of the world.

7. Greece is not as cold than Norway.

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