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My Friend

Today I met my friend, we did not meet and talked for a long time. She is very busy
practicing in the Kulon Progo. Usually we meet at meetings or events organizational on campus.
On April 13, 2019, finally the practice at Kulon Progo completed and we could meet again. She
is my partner in organisation campus, which is BEM.

My friend’s name is Rachima Aisyah Anggia. But I often call her Enji or Roro. She was
born on January 28 th, 1999 at Sragen, Central Java. She is 20 years old. She is student in
‘Aisyiyah University of Yogyakarta program Fourth Diploma Midwife. Now, she is sixth

She is a very beautiful and kind friend. She is about … kg (Weight), and … cm (Height).
She bloods type is “…”. She has a ponited nose and light skin. She is muslim and wear hijab.

When I has problem in my life, I always talking to Enji. She always hears all my heart.
She also provided solutions and suggestons to my problem. So, I fell calm when I tell her.

In addition to having a beautiful face, Enji is also very nice and friendly to everyone. She
cannot see another friend sad. If her friend sad, she will cheer them up until her friend can be
smile again.

Because of her beautiful look and heart, Enji becomes a friend whio is love by her
friends, as well as me. I admire her so much.

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