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Kim Lam
Greg Robinson
Linda Palin
Individuals & Societies 9 and English Language and Literature A 9
November 1st 2019
G9 IDU - Profits or People?


“The Poison Apple”, a play based on true events, unfolds the disturbing and distressing work
and life conditions of iPhone factory workers in modern-day Foxconn, China. The
consequences from lack of corporate social responsibility (CSR) are shown throughout the
play using a variety of literary devices like; onomatopoeia, metaphor, symbolism, adjectives,
allusion and foreshadowing to emphasize the play’s message to society on how important and
life-changing, practising CSR can be to people, demonstrating how the people in power abuse
their authority to take advantage of those lower than them.

Setting the story at the original origin, China, was important because the writer wanted to
show how big corporations take advantage of the inexpensive labour in third world countries,
and the hostile environment they are willing to put their employees through. The story starts
in the large industrialized city of Beijing, but is then transitioned into mainly being centred
around the 2.2-mile walled campus that is Foxconn. Qiqiang Li is a newly graduated
journalist whose boss has told him that he needs to find a fresh new topic to write and
investigate or else his position will be compromised. By word of mouth he hears about a
factory housing 450,000 workers and immediately becomes intrigued by how their everyday
lives look like. This place isn’t just like a city, it ​is ​a city. The action rises when he arrives at
the walled campus through a secret entryway and is met by one of the workers there, Wei
Fang Xiu. From there the written scene of the play starts. As Qiqiang continues to explore the
large factory, a darker side of factory workers lives opens up. As the scene goes on,
disturbing aspects of their lives are unleashed. At Foxconn, depression and suicide is
normalised, workers live in degrading conditions, they see their families once a year, they are
forced to pay their own electricity and water bill, and they are cheated out of their wages. All
the result of Foxconn’s poor practice of corporate citizenship.

By choosing to write from the rising action of the play key components of the plot can be
revealed to the audience in a dramatic way that will lead to interest and suspense. All of the
elements disclosed in the rising action will lead to the climax of the play where something
significant can be discovered by the audience.

The lighting and stage directions in the scene are essential to making it perform well. A
spotlight demands the attention of the audience to one focal point on the stage. When the
colour of the lighting changes it creates different tones and moods. When the lighting
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transforms into the blue it creates a calmer atmosphere. Red generates an attention-grabbing
effect and can signal to the audience that danger is coming and yellow gives off a frantic and
claustrophobic mood. By adding detailed stage directions like; walk briskly, stroll, fumble
around, etc. Actors are now able to use their actions to tell the story. An example from the
range of literary devices is foreshadowing. In Act 2 Scene 3, Qiqiang is standing next to 2
men having a conversation and his interest is piqued when one of them mentions suicide. He
continues to listen in shock, asks Wei Fang about it and uncovers the truth about how
frequent these suicides are. Giving the audience a hint that if suicides happen at such a fast
rate, there will be one coming soon in the act. One line in the dialogue uses profanity in Act
2 Scene 1, where Male Worker 1 (Yao Fei) says, “ What the fuck is this?!” The word has
been purposely chosen because the word is more effective and blunt, a rash and honest
reaction to what was just said to him and a tool to reflect on the overall characteristics of the
people working there. Bringing realism into the act.

The name Qiqiang in Chinese means enlightenment, symbolism towards what he will do to
the public when he writes his piece on Foxconn. Because he is young, there is a keen and
eager air around him, and he is willing to do what it takes to make a name for himself. Wei
Fang Xiu is the male worker that shows Qiqiang around the factory, so he can see the
conditions firsthand. Early thirties with no family, Wei Fang’s life revolves around Foxconn
and making money to get by. These 2 are the main and most important character. The
supervisor remains anonymous, but Male workers, 1, 2, 3 and 4 have names. Only one name
is referred to in the script because their role in the act is to support the main characters, and
not referring to them will ensure more concentration on the main characters from the

To conclude‘ The Poison Apple’ is a play with an objective to let the public realize that when
a large production corporation, such as Foxconn, have such a monumental lack of ethics and
no care for their internal stakeholders, it takes realization and help from external sources like
journalists and consumers to help condemn the people in power.
The Poison Apple
“ All it takes is one byte.”
Act 2 takes place in the Foxconn business park, in a city called Longhua town, Shenzhen
where it is set in present-day.
Qiqiang Li
Wei Fang Xiu
Supervisor ( unnamed)
Male Worker 1 (Yao Fei)
Male Worker 2 (Zhang Li)
Male Worker 3 (Wang Xiu)
Male Worker 4 (Chen Wei)
Lam 3

Act 2 Scene 1
Curtain rises and scene starts with Qiqiang entering production block G4 with Wei Fang
guiding him on a tour. Surrounding them are guards and police, giving a strict atmosphere.
Both men stiffly walking side by side, hands clasped behind their backs. Lighting needs to be
grey and smoggy until the men enter the factory, where the light will transition into a harsh
white light.

Wei Fang: This is one of the largest production rooms. (​Motioning to the room). ​Making
microchips and integrated circuits for the iPhone.

Qiqiang:(​puzzled)​ Wait. These workers don’t get any protective gloves or masks?

Wei Fang: No, the boss wants to spend as little money as possible. Increasing the bottom line
is the most important thing here. Health and safety? Not so much. (​shakes his head)

The two fall silent and continue their way around the factory. They suddenly stop when a
fight breaks out between one of the male workers and a supervisor.

Supervisor: (​shouting in annoyance)​What is this ?! Only 150 iPhones have been finished
since the start of your shift. This is laziness, this is incompetence, and this will cost you your
lunch break!

Male Worker 1 (Yao Fei): What the fuck is this! ​(retorts immediately in rage)I​ have still
made 150 microchips for you, only 50 less than normal, you can’t take that time away from
me. You have already taken most of my overtime money!

Supervisor: ​(sharply​) Enough. I want 250 done by lunch, or else you’re staying in. It’s either
that or go find somewhere elsewhere you can run your mouth.

Male worker falls silent and turns away in humiliation and anger, while the supervisor walks
away indifferent.

Wei Fang :​(whispering to QIQIANG)​ There was somebody I once knew. After being publicly
berated by a supervisor, they got into a heated argument. The police had to be called, even
though he hadn’t been violent. Just angry. He took it very personally, and couldn’t get over it.
(​pauses) 2​ days later, he jumped out of the tenth-story window.
Qiqiang stares wide-eyed and silent, trying to absorb what was just told to him. Curtain falls,
lights dim and actors leave, signalling the end of the scene.
End of Act 2 Scene 1
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Act 2 Scene 2

Scene opens with Qiqiang and Wei Fang opening the door to their dorm. The two men have
just come back from a tour of the campus. Lighting is dark and unclear.

Qiqiang: Ow!​ (foot bangs on the bed)​ Isn’t there a light in here or something? ​(to WEI

Wei Fang: We are forced to pay our own electricity and water bill here, so folks hardly ever
turn on the lights unless there’s an emergency.

Qiqiang: (​incredulous) ​Seriously? How much do you even get paid?

Wei Fang: Only $1.50/hour. That’s why so much of us work 15-16 hour days. To have
enough money, we need to work overtime. Sometimes the bosses don’t fulfil our entire
overtime payment as they promise, but I guess it’s still better than nothing. (​shrugs)

Qiqiang quiets down trying to think about how the workers could accept the fact that they
were being cheated on their salary. Low rustling from the 2 men, trying to find their way
through the room.

Wei Fang: Okay, you just stay here until it is time for our employee meeting in an hour. Look
around or whatever, but make sure you show up, you’ll want to see this. I’m going to go in
for some overtime.

Wei Fang exits stage, lights dim signalling the end of the scene.

Act 2 Scene 2 Ends

Act 2 Scene 3

Scene opens with Qiqiang making his way down the stairs into the meeting room. Loud noise
surrounding the stage, extras moving in every direction. Yellow lighting all around for frantic
atmosphere. Enter Male worker 2 and 3.

As Qiqiang passes 2 male workers he overhears a disturbing conversation.

Male Worker 2(Zhang Li): ​( says with a drained, drawn expression)​I don’t know how much
longer I can put up with this. For the past year, I don’t think I have ever been more exhausted
and unhappy. Wang Xiu, I haven’t seen my wife and boy in 10 (​enunciate​) months.​ (runs
hands through his tired face)

Male Worker 3 (Wang Xiu): I know, they’ve got us on a leash. ​(says with a worn-out
​ nd suicides have gotten worse too. The 2 last week was the worst by far. ( ​a
expression) A
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look of disturbance crosses his eye​s). Throwing themselves off the stairs like that so everyone
can see? My god. ​(slightly shivers)

Male Worker 2 (Zhang Li): ​(sighing miserably) ​I don’t know what to do anymore.

Qiqiang turns away disturbed and shocked by what he just heard. Crowds of people continue
to still push him forward into the meeting room. He meets up with Wei Fang, who has just
returned from his extra shift.

Qiqiang: ​(pulling him close and whispering furiously)​ Tell me it’s not true. ​(he pauses eyes
never leaving Wei Fang’s face) ​Tell me that people don’t regularly ​kill ( enunciate with
desperation) ​themselves here.

A moment passes before Wei Fang answers.

​ es ​(hesitating)​ there have been countless suicides since I’ve started

Wei Fang​:(tentative)Y
here. People just can’t survive these conditions. ​(says miserably)

Qiqiang: Jesus ​(hands grip his head horror)​ You’ve been here a year and a half. How many
suicides have there been? ​(he asks distressed)

Wei Fang: Okay, I don't know for sure-

Qiqiang: How many ? (​ he demands, interrupting​)

Wei Fang: (​in a pained expression​) Forty-nine.

Qiqiang looks at his friend, mouth open and crest-fallen at the revelation. Moments pass
before he says another word.

Qiqiang: (​rubbing his temples, looking down and says quietly)​ That’s almost one every 2

Supervisor: Attention! ​(he demands, snapping Qiqiang out of his trance, lighting of the room
turns blue​) Our numbers have dropped today. They are 2% less than usual, and as you all
know, those of us who haven’t met our goals need to be made publicly responsible for.
(​stares, surveying the quiet room of workers, then stops​) Yao Fei! Get up here and let us hear
your apology.

Yao Fei walks up onto the platform, red-faced with humiliation, shoulders hunched and
hands behind his back.​ ​Spotlight follows his movements from behind.

Yao Fei: ​(face contorted with rage and embarrassment)I​ apologize to everyone here -
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Once Qqiang starts talking, low dark blue light will silhouette his and Wei Fang’s face. Yao
Fei still reading out his apology in the background.

Qiqiang​(whispers incredulously)​ : - Wait that man has to now go and apologize in front of
everybody, that he’s made 50 fewer iPhones than normal even though he’s already stayed in
for lunch to make up for that?

Wei Fang ( ​whispers back): S ​ hh, keep your voice down. They do this because it’s how they
keep all of us in order. They think if they can humiliate us in front of our own colleagues,
there’ll be fewer chances of us getting out of line. And no this is not absurd. ​(pause for
dramatic effect)T​ his is just Foxconn. ( ​says in a defeated tone)

Darken lights, actors leave and the curtain falls quickly.

End of Act 2 Scene 3

Act 2 Scene 4

Curtain rises, it is the next morning. Qiqiang and Wei Fang are walking briskly down the
work stations, getting ready for the morning shift. Harsh white lights above. Background
chattering noise for the crowded and busy atmosphere. They walk past a middle-aged man
coughing violently, causing his body to shake. As they walk past, Qiqiang continues to look at
him in concern.

Wei Fang: Don’t stare (​ interrupting Qiqiang out of his thoughts)​ - he has chronic bronchitis
and emphysema.

Qiqiang:(​confused​) Chronic bronchitis and emphysema?

Wei Fang: Yes. From the amount of arsenic and antimony, he is exposed to on a daily basis
without proper protection.

Qiqiang:​(in disturbance​) But if he keeps on going, the emphysema will grow worse and
could kill him.

Wei Fang looks down in surrender, says nothing and instead turns away and keep on
walking, leaving Qiqiang standing there with a look of horror.

A man suddenly comes running, out of breath into the centre of the factory, and immediately
the lights turn into a soft red.

Male Worker 4 (Chen Wei):​(out of breath, wheezing)​ There-there are 150 people on the roof
right now, (​heavy breathing) ​threatening to jump.
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The end of the scene, lights quickly turnoff and the curtains fall, leaving the audience at a

End of Act 2

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