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Dear Mr.


My first term of leadership was filled with ups and downs. At one point I wanted to drop
out but I realized why I am in this class and that I have so much more to give. Although I hold a
position that has many responsibilities, I believe that the work has been a lot easier after
homecoming and winterfest. I have grown a lot since the first term and I would like to continue
growing from here.
During the first term I was very stressed and had a lot of weight on my shoulders. It was
hard to meet everyone’s expectations and pull through all the work. After reading my first letter,
I do not think that my mentality has changed at all. I believe that I have achieved plenty of things
since then. I have adapted to doing multiple things at once. I always get my assignments done
and try my best to provide the school with the best quality as possible.
In this final semester of my freshman year I want to commit the rest of my time as
present to host as many fundraisers as possible. I am currently working on one as of right now,
and it has been going well. I have grown from the homecoming and winterfest “stage” and am
completely dedicating my time towards our class club. I have definitely stepped outside of my
comfort zone and accomplished many things.
Growth. Going from intern to class president was not a hard transition whatsoever. The
position holds plenty of power and the ability to set up our club for the future. After being
elected, I have grown mentally and stepped out of my shell. During the end of the last semester, I
became a lot more social and started getting more work done.
I am Lorylen Bucio, and this school year has done nothing but good for me. I have grown
alongside my friends and adapted to new ways of getting things done. I cannot wait for all of the
upcoming events for this semester! Hopefully this final semester holds something good for all of

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