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200910/DA/T0016/Soal01 FM-BINUS-AA-FPT-66/R4

Soal Praktikum
Practicum Case

Algoritma dan Pemrograman

Kelas 01PUT 01PVT 01PWT 01PXT 01PYT 01PZT 01SAT Department
Class Teknik Informasi
Computer Science
Periode Berlaku Semester Ganjil 2010/2011 Revisi 00
Valid on Odd Semester Year 2010/2011 Revision00

Tujuan Instruksional Khusus

Special Instructional Course
 Write a program in C language in problem solving

Pokok Bahasan
Subject Discussion
 IDE and I/O instruction
 Syntax I/O Variable

 Typing code with syntax error
 Compile, run, and debug program
 Knowing data type and variable assignment
 Creating a program using I/O syntax

Gudang Oke Shop wants to make a program to manage the item stocks. Make the program
according to these descriptions:
 First, ask user to input a name.
 Ask user to input item name, quantity, purchase price, and sale price. The purchase and
sale price can be inputted in decimal format.
 Show item details: item name, quantity, purchase price, and sale price. Show the purchase
and sale price in two-digits behind comma format.

Please run the EXE file to see the sample program.

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Print Screen of the Program

Print Screen of Inputting the Item Details

Print Screen of Showing the Item Details

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