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Lesson plan date:___________

Semi-detailed Lesson Plan

Semi-detailed lesson plan
     I.        Objectives:  at the end of the lesson student will be able to:
a)    Identify identify and evaluate visual design principles used in different visual
media (SSHS;
b)    produce and evaluates a creative visual-based presentation using design
principles and elements
c)    give their own example.
   II.        Subject matter:
          Reference: Media and Information Literacy Curriculum Guide by DepEd
 Media and Information Literacy Teaching Guide by CHED
 Media and Information Literacy by Boots C. Liquigan, Diwa Learning Systems Inc.

     Materials: pictures, projector, laptop

  III.        Learning procedure:
A.   Preparation (motivation) literacy

         The teacher will show the slide of VISUAL DESIGN PRINCIPLES

         Discuss  the VISUAL DESIGN PRINCIPLES

A.   Presentation
         The teacher will ask questions about what they observe in the picture.
         Show pictures to the pupils and ask them about how are they interested
in the picture. 

A.   Generalization
1. CONSISTENCY • Consistency of margins, typeface, typestyle, and colors is necessary, especially in slide
presentations or documents that are more than one page. 
2. CENTER OF INTEREST • an area that first attracts attention in a composition
3. BALANCE • visual equality in shape, form, value, color, etc. • can be symmetrical and evenly or
asymmetrical and unevenly balanced
B.   Application

Describe the picture that usually seen by its porpuse.

     I.        Evaluation
  ___________1. Consistency of margins, typeface, typestyle, and colors is necessary, especially in slide
presentations or documents that are more than one page.
____________2. an area that first attracts attention in a composition.
    ____________3.BALANCE • visual equality in shape, form, value, color, etc. • can be symmetrical and
evenly or asymmetrical and unevenly balanced

II.  Assignment
Give example of picture that you and evaluate what is focus?

Prepared by: BRYAN A. BORJE


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