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Cii\'en that comp<:nt~a\~ th~ 1<1>1~ ul' lr•<:tiun lOre~ Juc
to curvann·c is
Speed of a Hhicl~ ~ \' kmph
~- 50/R
llr<ik~ n:a<:lion time-t ""cunJ
h. 7.'>:'R
!Officienq ofth~ bnlkes ~ 11
('_ 1111)11{
Then the 'topping di<tanc~ r>f the v~h1cle
d 1251R
" ""d t"":',;::~:~,
' 0.281 'I+--
,,r u 'chkk
:11-e h nnd

i~ the

1811--- '' tbe ro~d

' ll. II;

vehicl~ i>
Q.OW' h~li>r" "ki!l!ling
'· 11281'1+
than Jl
d. 0.281"'1 + O.olr;! ' th:m fl
Consider the tOIIuwing pai,., with
reference to high"ay geometric dc<ign: i< mme than p
L Camber for CC pavement l1 in 33) to ;, le" than 11
l h~ 'ub !'ra<.k soil pmpc1ti~'S uf a sample
2. R,,udwu; !Osmotion "idth htr two tun
NH in plain terr~in ·_ 12m
"""as IOilo"s:
~uil poni~n ~~ing U.0075mm ~it-"i"C -
3. 50%
Liqui!llimil- ·10%
Ph,ticity index 2ff'.f,

The group index ot"th~ soil i>

0. "·

'·d. 7. '
Which o:>nc of the following diagrams
<>f KOkmph. if the illusllnU,s the r~lmion between •pc~d •u'
of a valley cur,·e is J/::t\ and den•ity ·k· of"tmfTic llow?

nf " curve fitr cnntfort
'"";,,.;;, no:lfl)
.10m _, '"'
h. Ill m
d. 122m
101m 't ..,. '"'
•\t <h"rp hnri7mnal cmves "'highway< of
'"diu> "R" (in n1d~rs), the pcn:enl"~c 8 In op<.:c-..l "''J <Ida} blUdy. if the u'-~'11!\"
reduction 111 gradknt pt"Qvided to joum~J- time on a stret,•h of road l~ngth nf
."\.5 km is 7.55 minuEes and the a\'emge
hello 2 of 10
•loprc<l J<:bv '" 1.8 rninuk<. 11-.~ ao;cragc \4. Give~ !hoc th" width of lh d~c-pcr• -'"·
mnning 'P~cd will he. nearly the skcpcc spacing -<. tk"II !he dcpih of
11.36.5 kmph ballast ·d" is
' '
b. 37.5 kmph
c 38.5 kmph
w-s '
_i9.5 krnph b.
• lm~ili!tlinal cu~ffi~ioHl of
fi·i~tion to he 0 4. the re,ulting retanlati ..,n
of a vehide being brought to a •top "·
' 2

' on '"' >'
\.')5 m;,'
' w--
" 290m••' 1~-
'd. 3 93 ln·S '
:o 1\illlmin~us macadam oonstmction " a
type ..,f
"· Surface drcs~ing
b. lnt~Tiace lrcalmcnl
c. Co outed con.Uuclion
d. Premi~ ·lue of CU1'VO \e,J to he p1·m·idd for
\i:h~"1Tthe airL'T.lll ., •Iandin!' (parkmr). i lr•ck w1th crossmg numb•.:r 8.5 is.
the l";ocility li>r luadm~ and tmloading
opc,l!or. m Iron! ul a. 5.1 m
kno"n "' b. 14.23 m
" Folrln!'•rrnn c 214 n1
h. Apron d 2S 5 m
e 'laxiwa\· li. W.11ch on< of!he follo"iug mcthodo g!\'C<
d. Emgar tho be~>\ cslrmdc ofpopubtior. g"'"th of l
The toes of hl>th cu:nmunily "ilh limited land .rca for
wnnectcJ li1lml· ~xpmoion?
whic'1 r a. Anlhmcti<:<~l ir.crcaoc method
b Geometrical increJse method
c Incremento! inoreaw method
d. LogU,tic method
H. Ccnsidc'T th l<>lluwing urits asso-:iatcd in
•peed of the mai~ lire <>fa JiG "'"t~r •wpj.l) "'l~~ll
45 kmplr and the equilihl"inm cmt Pu"'piog of"'" w>ler
;, 'J.78em. if the c;nt :lefioienoy 7 1nt' ke ..,....,n.,
is i.Scm. dw lctual cant to be
3. Trcalmcnl "orks
prrn id~don lh~ lnanch lir:t~ will h~
4 Di.tribution o~~tem
a. ·O.!Scm
ll1e S«JUence of these unit• in the order of
b. OHern
their wnnoctwn.< ;tat1<ng from the •omce
c. - 0.28 em (River) i"
d. - 0.2~ em w l.L3.4
b. 2. 1.3. 4
2. L 4. 3
d_ "- ,>,- B
If pH Yalu~
0 f "ulutil'll -A· i" 4 ami that ol' d_ A+B
soluti~n'R' is 'i. th~n the hydmr.en-i~n 23. C nmirl<:r th~ li•llowing ie pair,;
wnc~ntroti~n nf ~~lutic.n

a_ ·A· istctttimc>ltif'-ll~rth~nthatof·R'
I. fJarc_y Weislmch equation . V = ( ·JRS
b. "B'isdo;.ublcthanthataf'A' V=R:'S''"
2_ \1anning·s ~quation-
c. ·A· is t•n tim~' ].,, than that "1- · [!'
d. 'A' ;, dluhle than th"t of•B" "-'illinm
~0. Match List I (Br..::tc-ria) v.ith II
( fJiseases) and _;elect the c011"ect answ.,-.
4. ·Chel}- '' F qomrion :
List I

Salmundla L)·phi
Salm~n~llaj 17{lthppJ
0. I .cginndla pnc•.anophira
List II
1. Pood P"i"'ming 24. in the slope ,,f the
3 1\cute re,rir~mry illn~<s drnwn ti>r a <tr.,ight
J. I yphoid lhcr ·line inJi"ale, the
4. Ga>tru~nt.:ritis Diar rh~a in gr~omd <lope<
rholem c1fwmer hamm~r
' c 0 ~- Accumt•lution ofsOOim~nlS
) " J d_ Leakage in pipe line
'b. J '
J J ,, 600 mm diameter RCC "'"'"'is laid at a

'· J 3 )' slupe to de~elop a vducity \1!' ill1W of0.6

m/s ~>ohii<' )\101 running full. When tile
-;ewer i< running exnctly hnlf-fu\1, the

" velncity of rlow, lakin!> Vlanni~!('

~WIOtant \(' b~ c'-]Ualto 0.0 13, is 11early
0_3 m''
h. 0,(, mls
O.'J m/s
'd. L2 m'>

b 26. Th~ v~nLilution in "'eur> i> net:rlerl W
"""i<l the
a. O..~ei<'pmem d expklsi•~ mi."ure> nf
S<" ~=
gn•en figure of m<m curve
eshmal1n& the 'tr~nger capacity ofrhe b. Build up ol" mlomus ga.'e"
v.ater <upply tank. Th~ ,;tordg~ cdp;;cit.v of c. Danger of a<phy~imion of sel'.er
th~ tank "Would b~ m~inte~ance employee'
,, d. Anaernbic decompo<iti~n of mgonics
li 27. Mutch List I ( rreotment sy>tem) with List
' II (Item) n11d <elect the correct oms" ~r:
A Anivatcd sl "Llt;c' pru~c,;,;
" A
B. Tricklin!' liltnrtiun
b. "
hello -I of!~
c Ox,dm1on p(mds b. 0.637 1ll
u Auacrob.c- sludge Ji~~'tion c 0 'i'i7 111
Li•t 11 d. 0728111
Fi~ed film re~ct~r 11 "' w~ter jer of~" area <JfO o_-; m' impm[!e<

'' Algae nu1mal Cl!! a li:..:J plate. If a li>rcc or 1kN

'' produ.ccd as n result 11f tl1c t~npacL ll•c
J. fim ratio
''ciocit:~• oitk_!CI would lx
·1 Prup<.>~tiun•l fluw weir
)5 U!.'S
ll-la:han~ recover)' "0
' A B u
J 4 mts

"·0 3 '
2 s 'd. 5 78 mi<

J s
:0.4 mis

J s ' :u_ lluri11g a flow

'd J 2 's 0 30m length
'lnllw~y change'

·n,~ vd"city tli,tnblllwn m·~r" flal plate" l.~oru:, on Ill"

given 11-3.'41'-J'S' wh~'I'C " is the

~elodt)- in mi~ at a distance} (in m) alxlve
' nf Ihe spillwoy_

the plaTe and I' thr the ~~ven fhnd ;, ll &4

'wm: ll1e shear stress At a loeanon Q ~
ab1we th~ pi"'" ;, K tlme' tl1e •hear 'tre"'
at a locauon 0.2 111 abo•·e the plale. 1l1e
~aluc cf K would be 1760N
a. 3-'2 .-\jet of "ater issues OU! from ~ uozzle
h 9'4 1ndmed at}()- to bonZ<mlal lflhe vehJCIIy
C. _'l.'? ol' the JCI at ll1c uoo:~k 1S 20 mi~. the
d 7! _; max1mum vertical distance attam~d by the
jet ohm·.: the nonle ;, equal m
29. a 2.'i'i m
givoll l' 'i Im
U1c plate .. ouhl t>u." ~- 10.2 m
d :l04m
Whidl ofth~ folll\"inr. noprcscm p<.lSSihlc
flow field,;~
ll~-1.¥' andv~-12x'v

2 l/7IO!'X}'iii1d'=l'·'\·

3 u~y' tmd,·~ .r
4 11 = 2xy unJ ,. = y'
Sdect the "'""''a ill""'"'- u>ing the ~'.:t"-'
1,~ven t~luw:
d 353 kN
"l[) t\ l.';ctn d1ameter p1pe cAme~ ~ tlow of 70
liter< per <eoond of fin r>il (p-0.75) ..!,t
"0 I) and 4
n ;~~ti,m
I 1 em a!J.uv~ th<: datum. th"'"""
of 2cm of "'"'""~'Y If the kmetk
'd. l.2andJ
cner!l} corrccrioo faww for thi< section IS 35 An open cmonlar tan~ nf l m he1ght and
l I, th<: tol<ll h.:a<l al the ·'""ti<m ol"oil ;, 0 ..~ m lhamcter coma111> 0.8 tu ol"waltt,lf
a OMHm th~ rnnk 10 rotated abollt rhe- vertical axH;
hello :; or liJ
•~ch Ut"t thew i• no sp1lbge of wator. the d. :!.83 m
max1mun angular vclody l'f the tan"-s '"· \\'·tich one of the forowing s tCe rrodd
nc.r)~; scale for ' situabon whon' both ,.;,com
a_ J8.b~ rad•;_ and gravity fore« ore predommanL If
b_ \S_(J:; radminure kinemAtic' ,.;_,Msity of model and
protot~e fluids are 11.9 •to-:es and 7.2
" 1.860 rn<h
strkes resJtectivel;. ''
d. 1.860 <ad·minul<:
36 A source of 'trength 2 0 m-·, Jnd a 'b. 1 ,' ..F.
eon·,.ponding sink at a distan~e of II 2 em ''
eonst!tuto tho doublet. If a un1fnrm flo" of 1b
L1 In'< ;, ;uperimro;ecl ou tho clouhbt. ' 1.-N
the radim of the Randne cirde is, nearly
"- g 66 em
-1-l'•. '
A hydTouli~
b~oratorv o1
b. 577cm de• clops
c. 54.3:> ~m polcn\lal
d_ 2S9cm " he"! of

37 '>l•ld1 Li>l I (Fltn• ]"'ll"'m) "ilh :.i>l JI

(Stream Function~- w ·, and select tl1e '
oomect an,wer:
List I
.\. Free rorh:x
B. Source and sink pair fluu<l di,~horgo of22.100 m 1·,
1: with a mo<lui in a l:lbor.tton-
C. Doublet providcd with a pump of disch:uging
D. Some" in • unifmm Ocm cap•cq· 1.2~m '·s. A llood ~wntlas!Ir_g 1Z
hnu" •imalakd in the bhmatnry mmld
Will take
I' - e
1. --"n a. 0.24 hour
'"' I
b Llhour

' '" ~- 4.~ hours

d. 84.83 hou11<
~- KO <-I,
42_ A I m wide and 3 m l<Jn~ flot plate, hclJ
4. K(e, ~ stationm·y. panllel to the !lo"' direction of
D a Jnibrm onooming stream of t.-ater <f
wlodrv 3 m.s. l~aves a vel<>dty profile. at
1 3
"· 3 1
ite trailing edge_ nrying linead} li-om 7eJ'O
at tlte ]>late to tl1e free-«tream ,-elocity of _l
m'< at 5 em •W•Y from tl1c pbtc. Tho
4 ;
' w•ter 11ow io only on one etdc of lhc plate.
Assummg the pre;surc ~' tc the same
v~~hcolL'-luhc with lwo leg• 2 rr_ np:ort
cHryv,hcrc in tlw lloMng water. the drog
;, fillc<l with 11arur and ro!iltcd ahoul a
lUI~~ c•ntb~ pl•k "'II~~
wrtical axis 0.5 m li-om one k~. The
~iiTcrcncc in ekvalwn of water k'\·cls m 75"'
the two legs. open to atmosphere, wl1cn the
' (,(, 7 '\;
<p~-ed ofrutalwn ts 45 rpm is. n~;rly "' 62.5 ~
a. 0.283 m d. 56.25 :\
b_ 226'm Aver)" large ond ope11 re,en;oir feeds into
c. L.)-1-(' m a honmntally
]>ipe wlnd1 di,durge•
into the atmosphere at its outfall. All 1.25 m 2/s
lo<'<!< othet· th.,n hy friction are tr. he "
b. 1 62m2/;
nc~kd~'<J. Due tu sum~ unf~'""'t:cn n:~""'·
1.94 m'/;
an oritlce-like op~nin~ occurs at the mid-
lengtll of rhe pipe wlwreby 10'}1, nf rhc
'd 20Hm'/,
then·intlowing discharge fium the The <cquenT depth< in ~ hydraulic jump
re,ermir i, lu>t m thi' npening Th~ li>nned in u 4_(1 wide recrnngHiar ch~nnel
redueuon in ~'" ~1en-avallabk discharge at ""' 0.~ m and l.Om. th~ disch:IJ"W' in the
the <'lltf~ll end i;. n~nrl}' .;hannd is

"b. -' 2% "- I l2m 1<

5.-1')',, h. 2. 17m'.'s
7.~% 4 ..\4m··g
'·d. ~%
'cl. 5 [lm"'.'s
44. A p1pc of I00 nt length and 2UU mm 48.
diameter and friction factor O.fll~ i' rn h~
replaced b~ a 400 mm diameter pipe of
fricliun r"~ll•r 0012 w ""'" the '""'~
flow: For th~ head ln•s of the ~arne +
The g•rc ;,, nearly (T•k~
tna£niru<1e, t~e equivalent length ts !P"""
a_ 40 m
h. 400 m
c. ·1 km
d •10 Km
An incre~se in pressme of 2 b>\r.; d~CreB>es
45. Laminar tlr.w r.fa liquid t<Ccoo,ho ••"""' the volnme of a liquid hy 0 Ol rerc;,m.
15 mm diameter ripe has a head I The bulk muduluo uf da;ticity ol" tltc
!lL I'~T
rnd<" kngth of 1hc pipe· it liquid is
~dodty of ilow nt 1.5 mis. i t
vellGeity 1< d~uhl~d- "b.
laminar tluw . ,'':'":·,,~::.:.
meter len~th o
<m '
'b. 3.5 m
d. 2,JU' 1,Vim'
50 For a triongular 'ection with ha•e h and
'd. h~i~ht h. Lhc rati<> oi"Lh~ moment Dl" inertia
about an axis passing through its vertex
. 16. Rnd pamllcl ro iT< hasc To the mnntcm of
iu~rtiu about an a."i' pa>sing through ib
~ent"' uf gr"vil)' and alw paralld to it>
lmsc w<:mld be
a. Twelv~ w one
b. ~ine ln '"'e
c Six l<> on~
d. l-our to on~
5 I. Tltrcx· li.>rcco a ding at" pc•int ·o· m"
11=(3ii6f).'Y.!',=( 1.5i·45j).v nnd
!' =( 10.5i · l 5j}N
Th~ emit Jiocharg:c '" this caoc can b-:
inferred as ncar[~
hello '}of lb
If a f~urth farce P, is added ;uch that the 56, Mntch Li•l I with Lis! II nnd select the
m'"""ct •nsw~r:
point ·o· is in equilibrium. th<m 1\Jr~c f~

.... ill be: l.istl (Material)

A. Steel
"b. (9i-12j).V
0. Ca;;t iron
C ,\)uminum
(-'<i~l2.j),\• ll. l'imbcr
' Li8t II (\l<>tlulus ufEI~;ti~ity '!'/
0 (1'\i+ 15,i)."'
52. lf" body uf"·~ighl 100 N j, hHul~d •long '
n wugh ht>rizonml pbne by a I'HII of ~0 N
acting at angle of .l0° wiih the horizontal,
I~ I~·

th~ cocffi~icnt of friction is

•• I i ..[J
4. 0.\x[()'
,, u
,, .c
1.'>/.'l 4
b. $ 4
d. ·1 i J3 ' '
Two blocks of maS"'-"S m, and m. '
of sa•n~ SJze bm of different
(m, ,_. m, )a"' connected by an inexlensible 'als are "'hjected to ""'"" ten.ole
slrin!,\ pa•,ing ov~r a """'-'th pulley and If tbc b~r.; have ~1e:ir a.~ial
move vertically. If the acceleration of m, elongation in th~ ratio uf 4:6. then tbe ratio
ratio ~,r
,,f modulns of elo,rioil} of the two
is [,!/S Juwn"'""J"' lh~n Ill~
mnteri~ls would be

" " 4:fi

"·b 3:1

'd. uo
'd. 3:2
A.HC is a rigid hM. IT is hinged at A. Md
54_ A projectile i< shm <uspended at !l and C b} two wires. flD
•du~ity of 4-0 an.J CE made uf n>ppr:r a11 slxel
second;;. "ill ilijrrlmg is negle.oted re'pcctively, ~' 'hown in th~ (!;"~n llgurc.
andg- Tite bar carries a load nf In k"' nt F.
a n11dw~y bet.,een H and <·_!J:!Ven rhm

b A, = 4cm', .4, = 2<-m'

£ 1 =lxlO'N:'mm·
1::, ~ 2 X lU' .\' i 111111 1
' ol 'P<in)' A Jnll B are K mod
respectively. If each spring is subjected Subscript c and s <lands lOr copper and
m load P for a while and the load i< <ted. If the c.r<>nsinns in the <ilcd and
r"m""'"d '"d<knl~. tbe rali<1 uf p~riud of wpper are i'>,Hnd 1'1, re>pectivel), the ralitt
r·e>ulting s.mple hat monic of A w that ofB
,, Ll/.0-.woutdbe
.. -~ ..,_ '
',fi .,..
·- ' ~':~ 1
'· .,,
I . /':) __,__- I "'
hello 8ofl6
sh~nr srr~ss 'q is 1.2 Nimm', The ratio of
b. 4 span tn depth would he
c. 2 a. 10

d. I 12 b. b
w. Whkh nn~ of Ill~ folk>"' lllf! \1otu··" Cl rcl.;.1 c. s
of stres< repres•nt$ the state of pure sheaF.' d. 4
63. hlr canli!c>~rbeam .llwwn in the
figure. the deflection m C due to

M applied at H ;_, equal to

6-1 '
"'''"'"'''"' slat.,ments:
component in a fetched beam
,.\ cantilever heam is 'uhjocted m mDment~ of a tran"•er«e load_
~' shu'l'n in the gi~~n li),'ure. Th• B.M.
dia~rum for ~1c boam will be
radius of curYalure will be

,\}- v ~0 k.Nm

t>O k.Nm
2. The radiu< nf curvature will he the

<_ The maximum bend1ng <tre" w1ll be

lh~ '"m"
4. The ma~imum hand1ng <tre<< will he
U~p•n<lent upon th• moc.luluB uf
cla:;ticlty of the IU(lJtial of the
'Whidl c:>f tl1csc >tm~mcuts arc correct?
a. I andJ
1 lOOmm ' c 2andJ
tn a maxinlllm J. 2arul4
I lhe lllftX<rllll<ll 65. Whi.:h on• of th" ful\u,ino< ~:<>o~:i•~d
wotild be w1th the rib shorteniug in aKhe-s etther due
to change in !Cillf"'r!li111'JO m lack o fir m
b. 60 l'lmm' ~ause stresses in rhe an:h members?

9~ 1\/mm' a_ Onl~ 1\\'0-hm~d nrchc~ and nnt rhr~c­

'd. 12(l Nitmn
hing~:d an:hes
b. Two nnd rhr~-hinged arches
62. A timber beam is s1mply supported at the
end:< anrl carrie\ ~ C0'1Ccnrrarcd 1,1ad at <:. I wo-hmg,xl arches made of reinforced
mid-span. Th~ maximum lungitudinal connete on I;
sires< 'f ;, 12 N/mm' and the maximum J. Only throo-hingl:ll arch~-.,; but not two·
11 ingcd arches
hello 'I of 11,
6(,, The absolute mnx1mum bendmg mom~llt I he degree of smttc mdeternuna<-·y ('f the
dm! '" a <ingle mlling lnad m a thre•- pin-j"intcd plane fn1111e ,]mwn in figur<' ;,
hingcd ~arabohc ruch. span L· and ccnu·aJ '.\'

nr.e h, havmg one of it> hinges at the

cwwn. occurs at a dismncc ·x· fium c•thcr
support Tile value (]f' x 1s given by
l ~~<V1~i
I. . '
"G. I .'4

' I '_\,Ji "

~ '!
d. {./3 ... J3 c. 3
A syrmnetnc"l two- hmged pa~almlir arch d. '
nb has a span <1f 32 ill between ~butntcnt
p1ns at the same level and a central rise of ill1ds wnlmut
5 m. Th~ '~"'"'J "'""'''"!
nf :rrea ofth 1ib tiun ldl
>~n<'> as the secant of the anf!le of tigurc. The
tnclmation of tltc arch Wl1e~t a rollin~. load ; P;""" .\B v.-iH he
of 100 kN em""-'
the span_ the maximum
honwmal thrust atth~ bing~~ w1ll be
a_ IOOkN
b 12." kN
c_ 160lN
cl. 240 kN
cm:ular shall L>f il11!'th 'L · a uttifomt
-\ un•timnly croos->ectional area -A· and modulus of
"'"~" Jell half of th~ 'Patl l'f a ~Jl rigidity ·r;· ;, "'hjected Ill a tv.·isting
h1nged p~rab-ohc arch, span 10 m
mome.11 that produce:; tna"intulll shcaJ
central me lO m \Vhtch <lfthc fo
stre» ' •n the shaft. Stram enefg}- in the
slmft ts r-•vcn by the expression r' .'1 L!k
G wh~tc k is equal w
a. .,

b '
3. Tile ~bear I ' 8

' using the C(l(ks

J "
Wh;n two spnngs are m ocdcs, lite
sttffilcss of the compctltlvc spnn>' will be
a. Sum of tbe stiiTnexs of the imlivi<lual
11 Dttlkrencc of the .<llllh~" or the !"'"

t Any Oll~ nf the <tlffuess PI' the two

~~::;.:; supported beam of span 8m JS sprml(S
~· ·t r,, a 'i~.,:le cmu:entrJied m<lving
or 401..1\ m~~mu~n bendmg uwment
d. In ve1-se ol'lhe ~utu orthe rectpnxal~ or
at onc-quancr span lS the indivrUual s;mnr.'s sllffncss
a. 41) kNnt 74 In a hollow thick cyhndcr the rndral sucss
a. under tln inl<l!Jlai]H~»Uil< ·1'·
b 60 kNrn
c_ ~I) kNm a lnti""'"'S fi·nm a mmimum "t the
innermost •mface to a ma:<imum \'olne
d IQO~Nm
~~ tbe omerm">l wrface
hello I<) of I''
b Llecrense> fwm " rnnxnnum nt the A bar 1\H of a pm.jomted truss lying m tl1e
inn"'"""r <urface 1~ ~minimum valu• ~ ;, plane has the mnrdinate<; Df AfO.o)
m ~~~ uut.-rmost 0111 fae« and those of LlJ"!o.J3 ..>) m meters. Jomts A
c lncn·n~s from zero at th~ mnermo~r and Fl an• displaced. tl1e ~ ~mi y
surface to a Hlu~ rr ~ I' at the cnmprments of displa""rmmt heing
OUl~niW>.! >LiffttGo.:
(~ t·,u-.1:-,=(t .Jj 12-Ji)mm
d DocrcA\C' from a v~luc nc- !' A1 the
mnamosl st1rface to zero at the For thi' bar, k ~ lo~l .'I IOOkN/mm_ The
for~e mduced in rhe bar
ntitmnnst "''f~ce
dJ;placem~nt' ;,
~5 A cortam ;tccl has proport•onal•t~· lmm of
.100 N.'mm' in ~imple ten<inn_ llnd~r " 273 kl'
thr""' llundn>iunal 'Ire>> sy;tern, the
'b. )00 kl\"
pllllClpal <;\Jess ar~ I :SO ~lmm' tTenolle), 17> kK
7~ N/mm' ITc•tsilcJ and W \J;mn/ 'd. 100 kl'
t Compressive)_ 11 0 3 the fa~tm of
safe!} accordmg to max1mwn shear str'-"Js
)/l ,,
thoorv '""~'I~ be
a. I 4
b. I 5
I r,
fomdamcmHI diffcn:ncc
flexibility and stiffne!C'i matrix methods for

n 120 k;-.;m
'"m ---''"
the analy";; oi <tatrcally mdetenmnat
is that b. 240 ll'-m
a. The tlex1bilrty method thoos ~ _\60 ki'>.m
"'Juudam n<~chon> or mtenr cl. 480 kl\:m
"hrlo strffn~ss method
nDffill dr.<plaoement" Wh1ch one of the following equntiOil>
r"presont;; influen<~ line of fixed end
moment at [l or the !i.~ed beam Al3 o!
lc-JJ~th lwrll1 ""~"" a1 A'-'

' 1
•(/ x)
mmnx, the equations b.
' will inevitahly he 1
and lcs.; gparsdy x(l 'I
while the strffucss matrrx .,
<ymmerric an<i •parsely
' 1
~,,;1mod d.

Fl~'if>ihty m~tnx m~thr>d rs suit~blc In !'

'tru~lwre; "ith a snmller degree of 80 A >Hnply >Hppurtor.l b""'" lS 'hmvn m the
>l~ti~ally indet~nmnaq' than li~ure I a""l in (ignro; ll ;m mtlucnc« lme
kmemattcs inctctcrminacy while fm the beam is drnwn \1/hioh ane r>f the
~titTness matrix metl10d rs better suited fnllnwing <Tatem"''!< " cmrectly
ll' •tn1chu-e; 1>1lh a latg~ d~gJ-ee of a<>~uciat~d w1th tlre figure ll'l
>la\lcall~ i1Idctcnnmacv than
kmematics mder:enni•1ac!'
hello II of 16
li I b landJ

~-- ~ lanJ4
d. 2 anJ 4
A W~rren tmss is supported as snow~ '"
lhe gtv~n llgure. Whidi tm~ or the
fC~IICIWIII!!, diagram> r..::pre~nt:; the
inn1Jcncr line for the fo1"1'c in mcmhcr U,
,-' ''
~·- ' I,,,
--- ,_ 1-'
"- llllluence lm~ liJr 'hear Iince at Jl
h lnlluence line tin hending mnmem m
.... ' .. ,
B "'
c. lntluenc~ line fm \·erticBI reaction at A
d lntluencc line for \·erticnl renction m B
Wlli~h <me vf the fulluw•ng ~tatement:~ - -.. ,,--1
"' corrl:'.'tl¥ ~dines the t~rm focal kn~;th Df ~

a Tltc. soct1on of the hcnm w•thm ~>-hich

'heur ltnce " pmn~ t<J change sign
- ... ~

umkr th~ mlluence <1f l1ve I<J"d'

he•tdmg moment IS pTQne to
SIJ;Il undcrtiiC lllilUCIHX ofhv,, Ill'"d''
c. Tile lcni'-tl' of the bc~m
l'Onsccutiw points of contra
d Tltc cll\:ctJVC >pan -~-- '""' ---->jo' .,..,

Whkh of the 4__,...,.-tiun (A): In the anaiJ;i, nf a lnJS>

wrrect" by th~ method of Joints. it should be
ensured that th~ 'elected jmnt do<Os m>t
have more than t\\·0 unknown member
force> whrch are nor c-ollrnear
ddb:llon at an} Rrnwn (R): The method of JOIII!S
1 lll!LIIl'lcmns IS employs the two basic '"1Uations of
'"1uilihrium _L 1-', - n and _L o for r; -
dtstribuuon. slop~ the tfre Wdy ofeachJ"im
~ndmatrix methods can
a Rnth II. and R are true and R is the
w compute the ordmates of currecl explanannn of A
dJag1am ~~ the rc4uireJ
h Rnth A ~nd R ur~ true hut R '' };(JT
4 "
!nil"""~~ 111100~cannot b-e Jr~wn wrth
lh~ wned e.,piJual•on or A
til<' help nf vinual d•srl~ccmcnl~ b• c A io trn" hut R ,. ial>e
making liS~ of the prindple of ''irtu~l d. A is fuiS<: h\lt R LS true
,..,,,_ 85 A>st!rtiun (,\); Tile peak value of the
Select the cnrrect nmwer !l~ing the c~de-!; theoretical ma>;illlum capocit;· of the

g""n below: traffic llow IS reach&l at an optimum
a_ 1 illl<l 3
hello of 10
R~a>r<>n (R): A• the spocd oJ lhc trafclc 89. ,\.,.,•rtion (.'\); A """'"k"' ;, sa1d t> be
[o\\ i< mcrcaocd abo•·c the op:rrnum biologJc:olly treatabk when the BOD/COD
value. the maximum capaci·.y of tho lane is more than 0.5.
,[drl> dc~"'"'ing du~ tu incn.;ds~ m R•ason (lot): In twlog!Cal t.eatment
h<:<~rl·~ay at the srccd range. biodegradahle or~ani~ matt'"' " being on!)'
a. Both A Jml R arc true and R io the rcmoHd.
corrcot explanation of i\ a Both A and R are true and R ;, the
b. l~"th A and R a-e t:me hut R is NOT con·ect e>.Tlanatior ot-\
tloe correct e~plaoaticn of A b Both _;,. and I< are true but
,, ~ ;, true hut ll ;, r.. t,e th" con11·eM expbnolinn <>f
d. A" false hut R ;, true c. A 1s true but R is f•lse
86. Asscdion (A): In lnd1a most of waier d.
s~pply ;yslcrm aro piO\idc<l with the Assertion (,\):
'~rfao~ ""k' "' lh" 'ollro<O.
R~a""n tR): Su1fac< water;, qualil:!ti,-dy qULck '';",~". ~;;":·~~~
superior than the sul>-smface water R•axon tha!l cia}~ are
a_ l!odt A md R are tme and R is the tab• I
C•)rrect explanatwn of A rapid
b. Eoth A and R ace tmc hut R is NOT
tloc comod C\pbnatun of.\ .;m! P are true and R ;, the
o. A rs lrU<: but R is false cxrlanolior of·\
d. AisfalschutRC<true A and R an: trw but R " "0T
correct explanation or,\
-""'"rtion (A): For a developing to""·
oomhmed •y<terr w1th egg shaped "'wert. c A;, true but R i• fob~

'uitahle. d A'" faiRe hut R i< n·ue

Rcawn <Rl: Hy<lrauhc ':'':;.:~:~, A"~rtiun (A) Roads bmk on black cotton
oot much afli:cted m egg oo1ls show cracks altCJ sum~ penol.
'''hilo the !low Rtasun (R): Blac:< cotton so!lo settle. aml
dcvdopmcnt of ~1c c!ly. lhis rC~<ulls m de forma ion
"- Pnth •\ .mrl a_ Both A and ll aro true ond R ;, the
con·oct exrla!latior of"-
h_ i<oth h Both .-\. and J{ are true hut R ;, ·-.;rn
tloe correct the con·ect explanation of A
c. A 10 true but R is hlse
,, d. A"' fa!<~
hut R is tru~
88. dllu~11l or a scp:rc 92_ ;\sscrtion (A}: CrasHng of comtruotion
trcatmCJlt before it '" durati~n admil< of better o)ptimalresource
an~ rcCC!Vmg t>Od\'. ""~ utilization_
R•ason (R): Cr.. hing of activitie• in •
(R)' The "'~"nic OITL"Tl~lh of !he cM•Iruction pmjoct nclwotk t.ond> to
• t is lugh. inorea>e the ncmher of critical actidties_
a_ !1oth A lnd R are lme and R is the a Both A and R are true and R ;, the
C•lrrect e~planation of A con·ect exrlanati<>r of-\
b_ !Jo~1 A ond R a-x; tmc but R i• NO'f b. Both A and R arc true but R is :\'OT
the correct e~planatic11 of A the corr~ct explanation of.\
c. ,\ "' trw; but R i.< false c. A"' true but R is f,olsc
d_ A" false hut R i• lrtm d A is fal;e lmt R i• uue
hello )';<>flh
rhe opnmistic. likely and p""sinustic nme ~- ldennftcfllto n d cHilcnl
e5tin~~~"' fell" the rr:RT n..rwork of " co,sn·aitting ''"~urce.
proJcc! ~rc 'bOVvn m th~ gi•·cn figur~. The 6. fJcctdinJ!. the criteria fot optuni>ntio n.
exP<'Cied duration of the. proj~ct is
I he COl fOCI SC<JUCilCC of these stages in the
pi art 11 tug uf 1hc " ork "' tll be
a. L6.2.3.U
a 1·1 days h. 6,2. LJ.U
b 17m.,., c. 1.2,
1'1 ~3 da}s d Z.U.H-4
' !8.6i da)' 98. CRF ( 10%.
'A 'm>pcr ;, to h;wl "arth from " pi! to "
compound1 ng)"
f\!1 04 km &W<l). working under awrage-
fix00-till1~ condition• of ~.2 mmut.,;, with
plncin!\ Rs. 1,00 000
ntWv ~ll,ldin)! . .,
an average haul speed of 7 kmph and an
Mver<OgG return ;pe~d of 12 < ~mph. Wtth " 2nr1, 4dl,
yean from
~·JI<.'~'fti.U'~ facto• of 0.8. th<' nuu\b\:f of ,.,;;;o;;t, he clepus1ted
cyc!es .,.ln~h 'M effectlV~Iy he perfon11ed
could be
per lmnr i> neBI'Iy
a. 5.4
b 4

c. 8.0 2:Ut~J

' "
Wlle11 Two differ~11t l'yJ'k'S of nlilchi11es
d. Rs 2,1667
work in coordination as a team. which Orttnlls nf •m·estmem maJ!.nimd<::i "ith
of the fullowing studie> is mqUired f
corresponding!~ capimlized benefits nre
eqnipnrem pet fmmance~
)!ivcn m the table !Or a type of project at a
a. lnHntol}' model <Lte. all options beln~ teduucallv fea<ible:
b W"iting-lin e model Op_tion .-\ [l (' D E
c. ('~\.1 lnvcsnncrrt R3 Ill I~ 18 21 l4
d P~R'I" ., I Cl'
Capnaltzcd II> Z4 2H 'l5 :l'l
benefits Rs. ' 10''
The most prdCrablc optiou v.ill be
~ E
b. n
at a resource-based schedule ' r
a cmtsrruction proJect, the d. (Aor)E
sta_ge; for plannin!' of the "'ork
100. In a particular sml sample. Jahmatmy
'"'"iwrl a<talr"" Ita.. yiclok-d the l'ollowmg 'c.~ult
Finali><'ln!\ a ttenomrt of acti v'ttJes
1. SJnd. 20%
2 DelelllHlli%; the opumal aotivtlY
1. Silt: 30%,
d~tl111tOII5 cM;idcnng all the n:lcvRm
p"rumeler5. 3. ( 'Ia} . SU%

:1 CompntallOn ofnnl¢ and floats Wtlhoul usin)! th" '"xtural dwrt. tfw
correCI lexturnl classificntion of the 'oil
4. !JcWit>p111J,\ the T'-'>OUTC,)-ba=J bar-
would he
chan and the conespondm~ bimog.tams
A I oo.m
and m,.,, cuf\o·es <1f resource,;.
hello 14 ut" ~~
b Sandy clay J ~or an IsotrOpiC soil and a tlow nl't of
c_ Silty loam appm~in1ate •guure;;, rhe pnrential dmp
;, ~~~ •~m• thtc>Ug:ll ""ch field
d Clay
4 For a~ ~ni<;Oimptc !<oil having gre.~tN
II) I In Casern~'s liqtnd limit Mvtce the
horizontal cut:iliciem of petmeabtlity.
material oft he test specimen;, han.ler than
a lle>" nC\ ol' approx•mal~ >quare~ can
lhc 8!a11dard rullbct Thio hardness
he 1J0nsrnw1cd hy reducing th~ vcnicnl
indic.ates tiW tlte hqmd lim1t. plasttcic-
dimen•-ions of the flow domain w a
index, flo" index and toughness inde-x,
c~rtain >Cdl ~
respectively. of the specimen. •re
Whid of these statements are c
a more. less_ more and •arne
a 2,Jnnd4
b same. Jess, >arne and more
b 2~ndl
c le>8, ~~~'- same •noJ le"
d leS!!, same,].,, and more '
102 C:on.,ider the fr>llnwing data ohtained '"
fulling head permeability tests regardin~ IU'\
t'our 001'I -sam I ~ ABC dlJ
1'1111~ He1ght of w~ter
'"eolumn in
(Millll!C) em

c 0
. '[ '~
: ---~_;____._'
~-- -
'".,'· "'-:- ~~-
"' "~'
'" . "j·Jt>
'' • rr,
' 20 ;j
25 0 22'
V.' h1ch one of the fo!lowmg sml .amp!

ha> internall)' incun>islem d•l~o

' A
b B
' (
"' '"'' -'" h· -=''

a 75mand55m

h 25mand0'im
c 'imMdim
cl. 5 m and 5.5m
106 Whid nne of the f<>llm.,ing: ts the \Vater
wnte11t uf the rni.~eJ •oil matie lforn I kg
,,f soi I (say /1 I "ith water content of 1CHI%
and t kg nf 'oil (,;ay 8) with -..ater con1en1
~r ~O%?
er the followir,g >1atem""t' 'h 71%
ing the flow nets
Fkm hne~ and eqwpo\en\ lines alwayl '
inten;ccr one- •nmhcr ar right m1gl~
irrespecri,·e of the p~m1eability 107
"\1atch82''-0List I with List II and select the
characteri~t1n oorre~l answer.
2 For an i'otmpic _,oil, the spacing of List I (ln •itu te•t)
line~ is inversely proportional to the A SP'I test
hydr"ulic gnodient
B Plat~ load test
( field
hello I 5 of IIJ
D. CPTtc,;t rc>ting on 1mponncahlo rock. In '
List II ('1eamrement Parameter) cmsoli<lat:on WSL lhio daycy sample look
timu ·t1' to achic\c 311% comohilioticn. II'
L Penetration ro•i•t:am::o (N Value)
·t, ;, U1c lim~ n.quir.;J tu o~hicv~ 50'),
2. Loa<l·Sculcrncnt <lata c<nsoli<lat:on !'or the ooil >ample. then the
3. Pomt '''"is lance and 'kin !Tictwn ratio t}·1 1 v,JJ ~c4
4_ In situ trnque•trmgth a. 375
/1 B C' D b 625
; c. \51)()
; d. 25011
If' ••U><akJ •oil sampk
' ' 112.
the degree of1ah1mhon

: 08. Consider the foll•JW in"' ob!icmcnk

ActiYe e>11h prefsure will he de';doped in
the b•ckfill whet1 the
L I-.OI!7.0nl>.l stram " (). ~''"
2. Lod,-ontal strain is ·' 1~" I B_ uf • compi~o.ibl~ lay~<

~- Mohilizc<l >:wanng rc,,luncc ulo~g

tbc failure plan is a rr.ininurn lh!Ckn"'' of layer and
4. 1\!ohiliLc,\ s:woring reoistancc alo~g
the failure plane LS a maximum.
r,;;~,:::;':~ and ilmcfac\Jr
WInch of tl1"'e statements aro con·cct'' 'I layer and rime factor
I aHd _'\ Appliocl lo>d dlld t >idu>c:.' of lay~.-
' A 'tra·um of •ancl 0 flml~rn of day havo

1 ""d 4
7 anrl 1 the same t:lickncs, oD m. The cooeffioicnt
of cornpr.,.,ibility of sand i• 1 ·5th of the
d. land 4 codlici~nl uf LO<!!npi.,»ih lily uf ct.~ a:nJ
:O'l. \\'hich one of the tho po:rme•hilit} of ,.nd is 10_0,)0 timm
<:<>rrcdly match col'? th<t of the day_ "-"'urning the same \'oid
s,edi'h •rc ral!o. the ntw of the "''mohdation tune for
,,n the clay to that of the •and ;,
a. 20.000
b. 30.0110
c 4() ()()()
in Hncnn lined
d 50_()()()
~,,,,• an~ the lallurc plane 115. w~cn effective strc.s on a norrnallv
. or
150 with the horizonl:ol. ~"'"ulill.!te<\ ~ho} a iHclcdo<<l _ium 25
I ;, tc;tcd m triax1al test kY'm' to 50 kVm' settlement becomes 5
• I pr<:Ssurc of 3(, HI·m'. thc'Il mm. If th~ <trc,. " m~-rc.s~d to 175
'h"''· ,Joe"' ohc>,, <Jil 1-'liu~i~al k;\·rn', <ctUcmcnt WlH .IlCTCOBC tu
,£,,,,,, cohcswn. r~'Spocti,cly. ,_, o.!ld he (oswrnmg cod'fi~R·nl of ,•o(um~..o:l<•c•rc.1<l'
a. 70kS ni'. 10k_>.f ·· m 1 lOOkS: m' to he constant)
a. 25 mm
b 30mm
"- lOOk.\' · ,...'. 70kX · m'. ""'" c _15 rnm
d. lOOA.\--' ,.,',-~"-'·50 m' d. 40 rnrn
· 11 A cla_yc• ••mpl~ .,[ lcm thid.uo» io
oolJeotOO from a ~()em thick clayey strata
hello 16 uf 10
:16. The c~uotion ,-elating th oottlorn~'TII •,;;' 119. !\latch Lr>l I (Types of ptks) wilh LLSt II
of a~ actual foundation of wid1t 'R;' in (~'lllualium) and sckd lhc com:ct ansv,cr:

field with ll1c %11lcm~111 '<\'of a rlolc Ust I

A_ Friction pie
"idtl1 '[j,' in th rlalc·loacllc>l i' given
B. Batter pile
C. Tc~sion pile
B;(B,.. ~3J) ])_ C<nnpoclim< pi!~

s,(s .. Jo) Li<t II

The cqu:nion is applicable for

I '>hiT day

"' All f)·p~ of •eils 2. Loose grruml:u soil

h_ Stiff day<
c Lon•e sands
'4. Uplift load

d. D~nso ;ands \ B
3 4
: 17. Consider the foll•JVo· ing olatcmcnts: '0
l'he sate beari~g pressure for a raft on
•md will ho h•gher lha~ th1t for an
$ 4
individu2 1 fo,>tin~ beoame
'4 4
L Density cf sand increase• with depth_ '
followins st>lemenl<
2. The f'~'11TiiS>ihJc total sctUcmcnt "' condu~tion of SPT i~ a b"re
twice lha: of' fool mg.
3. Differential s~1tkrn~'llt ;, bs for a raft. ' ·"""' •hould be drn;on up to the level
wl~e1·eSlY! ;, concluded_
4_ !<aft is thichl' than irdividual footing•
Which;, Lh~s~ <111lmnenh di~ cmi,;d'
2. Ca<ing shcu1d he not deri\·ed up t., the
!G'l.el "here S'lT ;,, c"nducted
"· land2
3. Walcr lev:! in the bore ho:c tv be
h ],md3
mmntaincd at a kvd sli~hUy h:ghcr
c 2a~d3 lh:m GWl.
d. 2a~d4 4. \\' at~"T lcvd m the bore hold to b~ k~']ll
:18. A surface li>nlmg at a )"'-el lower than the (;\\':. to
"·ith ¢ = 0" has ~'Timrc b~'!tcr pon~u-al!on.

W 'ich of these •tatcmcnt• arc coned''

is the • land3
b. 2 ~~nd 4
c 2and3
d _'\and4

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