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Attitude is everything

Attitude is define as " Adjust according to situation " This is known as Attitude.

" Ability is what you're capable of doing.

Motivation determines what you do.

Attitude determines how well you do it."

- Lou Holtz

This below story help you to understand actually meaning of attitude.

In everyday life, we stumble upon a new challenge almost on a daily basis. A few we try to solve, but
there are the other few that can bring your optimism level to zero. Being positive, always is really tough
no matter how many motivational and inspirational stories and speeches you hear or read. It is all about
your attitude, how you want to look at that situation, how you want to react because at the end it has to
be you who has to face that situation. Situation are never the same, everything changes but what helps
in times of distress is your attitude.

Here is an amusing story based upon positive thinking that I recently heard. I’m sure that it will help us
understand that life becomes more beautiful and exciting when perceived from an optimistic attitude.

This is a story of a mosquito family. Like any other mosquito child of his age, the little mosquito of this
particular story had to go to mosquito school. This was where he would learn how to fly and feed himself
from the best available resource available to mosquito-kind – the humans.

After its graduation, the little mosquito left home on its first assignment. Its parents were excited and
worried at the same time – their little one had grown up, and was about to take its first flight into the big
world. The little mosquito calmed them saying that he would definitely return and share stories of his
taste of success.

Time passed by. The little mosquito was gone for a while now, and his parents were beginning to get
nervous. Just when they thought that all hope was lost, in he flew. He looked very happy, and was
jubilantly smiling. His proud and relieved parents asked him, “How did you do it son? We’re so happy
that the humans haven’t swatted you!”

To this the little mosquito replied, “Swat me? No way! I think they somehow came to find out that it was
my first assignment. They were so happy to see me that they encouraged me throughout – by clapping
hands and cheering me on!”

His parents said, "OHHH my son, those are Not claps, they were Weapons against you my
son.... Thanks goodness you are alive!"
This humorous story brings out an important fact of life through the attitude of the little mosquito. Life is
what you make out of it – you can choose to be happy and enjoy the journey and the challenges it
brings; or you can choose to be pessimistic and appear downtrodden in your own eyes – seeing every
hurdle as a mountain in your path, and ultimately having nothing to look back and be proud of.

should lead life in an emotionally intelligent way, and ensure that we have something to look back at
and be happy that we have done something, rather than wonder why we had not done the right thing
when it was demanded of us.

(I don't know who write that story because I listened the story on YouTube from gyanvatsal Swami ji
but,story is good and unique and different one , definitely story will inspire you along with they give
knowledge how to solve any problem , it also help for getting success in life ,also give the knowledge
why attitude play important role in life .)

Thank you readers for reading an article & your support.

God bless you !!

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