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History of Exandria

From the noble leaders of society who guide the political future of Emon, to the
simple farmers who harvest their dinner, everyone has their own ideas about the
origins of Tal’Dorei and the entire world. Many are jumbled misunderstandings of
myths passed from father to daughter, or religious rewritings of historical texts
that favor the teachings of a chosen divinity. Others remain focused on the few
existing truths, digging beneath the layers of dust and decay that hide battles
long past, texts long abandoned, and heroes long forgotten. The details are often
debated, and while the common folk may live their entire lives with little care for
the question of where we all came from, the question remains, consuming the
curious, calling those hungry for purpose, and fuelling the business of adventuring
to delve into the dangerous shadows of ancient ruins.
Life ever seeks to understand its inception. Every civilization has its own
interpretation of where its story began. Even within the world of Exandria,
different cultures have creation myths that eventually converge with history, but
there is no known definitive story. Even so, the ancient city of Vasselheim in
Othanzia is largely considered the oldest surviving city, having endured a terrible
war that wiped out most of civilization more than a thousand years ago. Vasselheim
houses the earliest known temples to the gods, and the earliest known records of
history that survived this catastrophe. Widely accepted as the true record of the
world’s origins, the myth of “The Founding” is the interpretation held and embraced
within most of Tal’Dorei, as well as the vast lands of Exandria.

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