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GPI0010.1177/1368430214536064Group Processes & Intergroup RelationsAlleyne et al.

Group Processes & P
Intergroup Relations I
Article R

Group Processes & Intergroup Relations

Denying humanness to victims: 2014, Vol. 17(6) 750­–762

© The Author(s) 2014

How gang members justify

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DOI: 10.1177/1368430214536064
violent behavior

Emma Alleyne,1 Isabel Fernandes,1 and Elizabeth Pritchard1

The high prevalence of violent offending amongst gang-involved youth has been established in the
literature. Yet the underlying psychological mechanisms that enable youth to engage in such acts
of violence remain unclear. One hundred eighty-nine young people were recruited from areas in
London, UK, known for their gang activity. We found that gang members, in comparison to nongang
youth, described the groups they belong to as having recognized leaders, specific rules and codes,
initiation rituals, and special clothing. Gang members were also more likely than nongang youth
to engage in violent behavior and endorse moral disengagement strategies (i.e., moral justification,
euphemistic language, advantageous comparison, displacement of responsibility, attribution of blame,
and dehumanization). Finally, we found that dehumanizing victims partially mediated the relationship
between gang membership and violent behavior. These findings highlight the effects of groups at the
individual level and an underlying psychological mechanism that explains, in part, how gang members
engage in violence.

dehumanization, moral disengagement, street gangs, violent behavior

Paper received 14 January 2014; revised version accepted 21 April 2014.

In England and Wales, young men under the age asymmetrical criminality (Tita & Ridgeway, 2007).
of 30 are at highest risk of becoming victims of The literature has also shown that gang member-
violent crime (Home Office, 2007; Sivarajasingam, ship escalates general criminal behavior to vio-
Wells, Moore, Morgan, & Shepherd, 2011). lence (Battin, Hill, Abbott, Catalano, & Hawkins,
Furthermore, two thirds of crime experienced by 1998; Esbensen & Huizinga, 1993). However, we
10–15 year olds are violence-related (Home
Office, 2011), and an overwhelming proportion 1University of Kent, UK
of violent crime can be attributed to street gang
behavior (Home Office, 2008). Past literature has Corresponding author:
Emma Alleyne, Centre of Research and Education in
established the link between gang membership Forensic Psychology (CORE-FP), University of Kent,
and criminal behavior so far as to distinguish Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NP, UK.
gang youth from nongang delinquents by their Email:
Alleyne et al. 751

still lack thorough understanding of why and 1990). In order to attenuate any cognitive disso-
how young people are able to engage in these acts nance that has resulted from these moral con-
of violence. So far, we know that there is a rela- flicts, we employ moral disengagement strategies
tionship between the collective identity of the that cognitively restructure the immoral/harmful
gang (including group cohesiveness), threats to behavior. These strategies were derived from
that identity, and an increase in gang-related vio- Sykes and Matza’s (1957) neutralization tech-
lence (Decker, 1996; Decker & van Winkle, 1996). niques (i.e., techniques that minimize or sanitize
We can also infer from the literature that informal personal misconduct). Bandura (1990, 2002;
social controls that have been internalized are Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli,
either discarded in favor of new norms (such as 1996) theorized we employ the following eight
gang rules), or adapted to enable gang members strategies: (a) moral justification—“the end justifies
to engage in gang-related crime (see Wood & the means”; (b) euphemistic labelling—relabelling
Alleyne, 2010, for review). Yet the mechanisms immoral and/or criminal acts by sanitizing the
directly linking these internalized beliefs and vio- language, for example, “little white lie”; (c) advan-
lence are not fully clear. The purpose of the cur- tageous comparison—comparing your own behavior
rent study was to examine the relationship to far worse acts committed by others, for exam-
between gang membership and violent crime by ple, a stabbing compared to genocide; (d) diffusion
exploring which sociocognitive mechanisms, of responsibility—“where everyone is responsible,
related to violent offending in comparable con- no one is really responsible” (Bandura, 1990, p.
texts, can explain this relationship. 36–37); (e) displacement of responsibility—responsibility
is attributed to the person giving orders, not the
person carrying out the deed; (f) distortion of conse-
Social Cognition and Criminality quences—disregarding or minimizing the harm
There is an abundance of psychological theory done; (g) blaming the victim—the victim deserves
explaining intergroup conflict, for example, social the consequences because of their past behavior;
identity theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1986) and its deriv- (h) dehumanization—the victims are “no longer
ative ethnolinguistic identity theory (Giles & Johnson, viewed as persons with feelings, hopes and con-
1987), social dominance theory (Sidanius & Pratto, cerns but as sub-human objects” (Bandura, 2002,
1999), reputation enhancement theory (Emler & p. 109). Some of these strategies have been exam-
Reicher, 1995), etcetera; yet very few have been ined separately in the social psychological litera-
applied to the context of street gangs (see, how- ture (e.g., displacement of responsibility was
ever, Goldman, Giles, & Hogg, 2014). Bandura demonstrated in the classic Milgram study where
(1986) conceptualized social cognitive theory (SCT) participants inflicted harmful stimuli on others
to explain human behavior (prosocial and antiso- especially when the “experimenter” claimed full
cial) by the reciprocal interactions between (a) responsibility, Milgram [1974]; dehumanization
behavior, (b) cognitive and personal factors, and has been examined in relation to violence (includ-
(c) environmental events. SCT encapsulates the ing sexual violence) and it has been examined
various factors that contribute to human behav- within interpersonal and intergroup contexts, see
ior and their bidirectional relationships. Castano & Kofta [2009]). Moral disengagement
Furthermore, Bandura (2002) argued that every- has also been looked at as a composite variable
one develops a moral self and, as part of that self, where specific strategies are not distinguished
there is a dyadic moral agency: inhibitive form— (see following lines).
the ability to refrain from behaving inhumanely; The role moral disengagement has in facilitat-
and proactive form—the ability to behave ing criminality has been explored in past studies.
humanely. However, people experience moral For example, prior research has found that moral
conflicts when they come across valuable benefits disengagement is both correlated with and predic-
that would arise from immoral behavior (Bandura, tive of offending (Shulman, Cauffman, Piquero,
752 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 17(6)

& Fagan, 2011), and it acts as a mediator for the family) are more likely to look towards gangs than
following relationships: neighborhood impover- youth who are more confident (Dukes, Martinez,
ishment–antisocial behavior, empathy–antisocial & Stein, 1997). Furthermore, self-esteem has a
behavior (Hyde, Shaw, & Moilanen, 2010); bully- dynamic relationship with gang membership. It
ing–perceived importance of social status (South plays a central role in whether a young person
& Wood, 2006), and bullying–prison gang-related joins a gang, participates as a member, and
activity (however only partially; Wood, Moir, & decides to leave the gang (Dukes et al., 1997). To
James, 2009). Furthermore, Bandura et al. (1996) illustrate, a young person with low self-esteem
found a link between moral disengagement and could look towards a gang for support and, con-
aggressive behavior. In a sample of 10- to 15-year- sequently, as the group esteem goes up (due to
old high school students, they found that partici- success in delinquent and antisocial activities)
pants who self-reported high moral disengagement, that individual’s esteem parallels.
behaved more aggressively (verbally and physi- Since the literature supports the reciprocal
cally), and were more likely to exhibit thought pat- relationship between the self and the social envi-
terns supporting aggressive behavior (i.e., hostile ronment, it can be argued that similar sociocogni-
rumination and irascibility). More specifically, it tive processes would be employed in gang
was found that moral reconstrual, obscuring members. For example, Esbensen and Weerman
responsibility, misrepresenting consequences, and (2005) conducted a study with adolescents from
vilifying or dehumanizing victims were linked to the US and the Netherlands. They examined
delinquent and aggressive behavior. In line with moral disengagement as a whole construct (i.e.,
this, Elliot and Rhinehart (1995) found that pro- they did not examine specific strategies) and
clivity to morally disengage predicted both minor found that gang members scored significantly
and serious assaults in adolescents. Therefore, the higher on moral disengagement items than non-
sociocognitive theory of moral disengagement gang youth in both the US and the Netherlands.
(Bandura, 2002) sets an explanatory backdrop for Subsequently, additional research has examined
examining and understanding gang involvement. the specific moral disengagement strategies in
relation to gang membership. For example, in the
Social Cognition in Gang Members: UK, Alleyne and Wood (2010) found that gang
membership was linked with euphemistic label-
Existing Literature ling, attribution of blame (in fully fledged gang
Vigil (1988) stated that for young people who join members), and displacement of responsibility (in
gangs, “the gang norms, its functions, and its peripherally involved youth). Unexpectedly, yet
roles help shape what a person thinks about him- nonetheless interesting, moral disengagement as
self and others, and the gang provides models for a composite measure was not related to gang
how to look and act under various circumstances” involvement (Alleyne & Wood, 2010) nor did it
(p. 421). Decker and van Winkle (1996) conceptu- predict gang-related crime (Alleyne & Wood,
alized this process, an interaction between the 2013). Alleyne and Wood (2010) argued that
social environment and personal beliefs and atti- despite the evidence that specific strategies are
tudes, by a means of pushes and pulls. Young peo- employed by gang-affiliated youth, their findings
ple are pushed into gang membership as a result also indicate that young people are aware of the
of perceived threats and/or social pressures; they consequences of their behavior which is alarming
are pulled into gang membership as a result of when you consider the extreme forms of vio-
the attractive benefits they acquire (e.g., increased lence they engage in. Their findings support that
social status). This has been exemplified in the moral disengagement strategies are highly sensi-
literature whereby youth with less confidence and tive and context-dependent which warrants fur-
low self-esteem, and weak bonds with a prosocial ther independent study. Therefore, in order to
environment and social network (i.e., schools and fully understand the sociocognitive processes
Alleyne et al. 753

enabling gang-related crime (and especially vio- disengagement strategies significantly more than
lence) it is vital to examine the strategies of moral nongang youth. We also hypothesized that at least
disengagement specifically and the roles they play. one of the moral disengagement strategies would
act as a mediator, explaining the relationship
between gang membership and violent behavior.
The Current Study
However, no firm hypotheses were made about
Traditionally, street gangs have been viewed as an which strategies due to the exploratory nature of
American phenomenon. This perceptual bias was this study.
coined as the Eurogang Paradox—the tendency
throughout Europe to claim that the “American
gang problem” (based on inaccurate stereotypes) Method
is nonexistent in Europe (Klein, 1996; Klein, Participants
Kerner, Maxson, & Weitekamp, 2001). However,
there is growing evidence supporting the exist- Participants were recruited from four youth cen-
ence of gangs across Europe generally (e.g., tres and one secondary school in London, UK (N
Esbensen & Weerman, 2005; Klein et al., 2001; = 189). The age of participants ranged from 12
Klein, Weerman, & Thornberry, 2006) and in the to 25 years old (M = 15.26, SD = 2.82). There
UK specifically (e.g., Densley, 2013; Mares, 2001; were 152 (81%) male participants and the ethnici-
Sharp, Aldridge, & Medina, 2006). In the UK, ties reported by participants included White UK/
examples of prevalence rates from community- Irish/European (27%), Black/Black British
based samples include 6% claiming membership (40%), Asian (17%), mixed ethnicity (14%), and
to a “delinquent youth group” (Sharp et al., 2006) other (2%). Based on the criteria outlined next,
and 7% claiming street gang membership (Alleyne 25 participants were identified as gang members
& Wood, 2010, 2013). Yet these young people (see Table 1 for further details on demographic
commit a disproportionate amount of the violent characteristics).
crime (Bennett & Holloway, 2004; Sharp et al.,
2006) and when compared to nongang youth,
they engage in significantly higher levels of crime
overall and violence specifically (Alleyne & Wood, The youth survey: Eurogang program of research. The
2010, 2013). Comparisons between gang-involved Youth Survey (Weerman et al., 2009) consists of
youth and nongang youth in an urban city where 89 items including questions on demographic
violent crime is highly prevalent (i.e., London, characteristics (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity), group
UK; Smith & Allen, 2004) is a fruitful way to elu- membership and group characteristics, and crimi-
cidate underlying processes facilitating gang- nal behavior (e.g., violent behavior). This instru-
related violence (Klein, 2006). The current study ment was also designed to identify those who do
was not meant to be an exhaustive investigation and do not belong to a gang, according to the
into the sociocognitive processes related to gang- Eurogang definition (see next for criteria), and
related violence. Such an investigation is too large contains further measures of risk and protective
for one study to achieve. Based on the literature factors (see Weerman et al., 2009, for a more
reviewed and the sociocognitive theory of moral detailed description).
disengagement, the purpose of the current study
was to empirically test the extent to which moral Gang membership. Group affiliations were first
disengagement strategies play a facilitative role in assessed: for example, “In addition to any such
violent behavior carried out by gang-involved formal groups, some people have a certain group
youth. As a cross-sectional study, we cannot of friends that they spend time with, doing things
determine causality. However, we hypothesized together or just hanging out. Do you have a group
that gang-involved youth would endorse moral of friends like that?” Participants who responded
754 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 17(6)

Table 1.  Demographic characteristics of the total and “used a weapon or force to get money or
sample, nongang youth, and gang members. things from people.”
Demographic Total Nongang Gang
characteristics Mechanisms of moral disengagement scale. This scale
(Bandura et al., 1996) is a 32-item instrument
Sample size (%) 189 164 (87) 25 (13) assessing the extent to which participants are will-
Mean age 15.26 15.29 15.08 ing to set aside their moral standards by cogni-
Gender   tively restructuring their malevolent behavior.
 Male 152 (81) 131 (80) 21 (84)
This process, in turn, reduces cognitive disso-
 Female 36 (19) 32 (20) 4 (16)
nance attributed to the behavior. Using a 5-point
Likert-type scale (i.e., “strongly agree” to “strongly
 White 50 (27) 40 (25) 10 (42)
disagree”), participants were asked how much
 Black 74 (40) 69 (42) 5 (21)
 Asian 32 (17) 30 (18) 2 (8)
they agreed with statements corresponding to
  Mixed ethnicity 27 (14) 20 (12) 7 (29) each of the moral disengagement strategies. The
 Other 4 (2) 4 (3) 0 (0) scale is comprised of eight subscales (four items
each) measuring Bandura et al.’s (1996) eight
Note. Figures in parentheses are the proportions (in percent- moral disengagement strategies. Examples
ages) of young people in each subgroup.
include: “It is alright to fight when the respect of
your group is threatened” (moral justification);
“yes” were then asked questions assessing gang “Slapping and shoving is just joking around”
membership. In accordance with the Eurogang (euphemistic labelling); “It is okay to insult a class-
definition the following four components were mate because beating him/her is worse” (advanta-
measured: (a) youthfulness—that is, all members geous comparison); “People cannot be blamed for
of the group were under the age of 25; (b) dura- misbehaving if their friends pressured them to do
bility—the group had been together for more it” (displacement of responsibility); “It is unfair to
than 3 months; (c) street orientation—responding blame a person who had only a small part in the
“yes” to the item “Does this group spend a lot of harm caused by a group” (diffusion of responsi-
time together in public places like the park, the bility); “Insults among peers don’t hurt anyone”
street, shopping areas, or the neighborhood?”; (d) (distorting consequences); “People who get mis-
group criminality as an integral part of the group treated usually do things that deserve it” (attribu-
identity—responding “yes” to the items “Is doing tion of blame); and “Some people deserve to be
illegal things accepted by or okay for your group?” treated like animals” (dehumanization).
and “Do people in your group actually do illegal
things together?”
Gang members were identified as such if they
met all four criteria of the Eurogang definition.1 After receiving ethical approval from the School
of Psychology Ethics Committee, letters were
Violent crime.  Three items were used to assess the sent to the parents of young people aged under
extent to which participants engage in crimes that 16 who attended the youth centres and secondary
involve assaulting people (as outlined by Esbensen school. Parents were given time (range of 2 to 3
& Weerman, 2005), and this was labelled violent weeks) to reply to the letters if they did not want
crime. Using a 5-point Likert-type scale (i.e., their children to participate. Also, the gatekeepers
“never,” “once or twice,” “3–5 times,” “6–10 at the youth centres (programme directors) and
times,” and “more than 10 times”), participants secondary school (classroom teacher) signed con-
were asked how often they engaged in the follow- sent forms, in loco parentis, allowing the researchers
ing behaviors: “hit someone with the idea of hurt- to recruit from their establishments. Young peo-
ing them,” “attacked someone with a weapon,” ple who were 16 and older were able to provide
Alleyne et al. 755

consent themselves when approached. exception of the scale for violent crime which
Questionnaires were administered to the young had a poor internal consistency.2
people in groups (to be completed indepen-
dently) following a full verbal briefing regarding
the purpose of the study. Participants were
instructed that the questionnaires evaluated the Employing the Eurogang’s definition aforemen-
nature of their friendship groups (both prosocial tioned, 25 (13%) participants fit the criteria and
and antisocial). All participants were informed were identified as street gang members. The
that participation was voluntary which meant remaining participants (n = 164, 87%) were con-
they could leave the study at any time without sidered to be nongang youth.
penalty and were informed that their responses
were confidential. They were also informed that
Demographic Characteristics
their responses would have a code, which would
be given to them on their debrief sheet so that Gang members and nongang youth were com-
their data could be identified and destroyed if pared on age, gender, and ethnicity. In terms of
they chose to withdraw. Following this briefing, ethnicity, we split the participants into White
participants were given the opportunity to leave (27%) and non-White (73%) for analyses. We
the study if they wished to do so. However, in conducted a one-way ANOVA comparing the
this case, all participants who were approached two groups and found no significant differences
agreed to take part. Questionnaires were adminis- on age (gang: M = 15.08, SD = 1.89; nongang: M
tered with a research assistant present to provide = 15.29, SD = 2.94; F(1, 187) = 0.12, p = .726),
help if needed. Questionnaires took approxi- gender F(1, 186) = 0.18, p = .669, and ethnicity
mately 60 minutes to complete, after which par- F(1, 187) = 2.73, p = .100.
ticipants were debriefed verbally and provided
with a debriefing sheet which reiterated the pur-
Distinct Street Gang Characteristics
pose of the study, provided information on how
to withdraw their data if they chose to do so, and The Eurogang Youth Survey (Weerman et al.,
offered the researchers’ contact details should 2009) contains items that assess the characteristics
they have further questions. of groups participants that are members of but
not specific to gangs. Participants were asked to
indicate whether each item was a characteristic of
their chosen group. Presumably, gang members’
Data were entered into IBM SPSS Statistics responses were in relation to their gang. We con-
Version 20 where analyses were conducted using ducted chi-square inferential tests to see whether
a p < .05 level of significance. Reliability analyses certain characteristics were endorsed more by
were conducted on each scale included in the fol- gang members than members of other types of
lowing section. The scales included: violent crime groups (e.g., sports teams, clubs, or other types of
(i.e., crimes against the person; Esbensen & offending groups that did not fit the Eurogang
Weerman, 2005), α = .52; and the Mechanisms definition; see Klein, 2006, for further discussion).
for Moral Disengagement subscales (Bandura et We found that gang members and nongang youth
al., 1996; moral justification, α = .76; euphemistic differed significantly on the following group char-
language, α = .64; advantageous comparison, α = acteristics: recognized leaders (χ2 [1, N = 143] =
.86; diffusion of responsibility, α = .76; displace- 7.13, p = .012, φ = .22); symbols (χ2 [1, N = 143]
ment of responsibility, α = .72; distortion of con- = 8.30, p = .006, φ = .25); specific rules or codes
sequences, α = .77; attribution of blame, α = .64; (χ2 [1, N = 143] = 16.29, p < .001, φ = .34); initia-
dehumanization, α = .77). All scales had a reason- tion rituals (χ2 [1, N = 143] = 9.70, p = .004, φ =
able to high internal consistency suitable for pub- .26); and special clothing (χ2 [1, N = 143] = 6.54,
lishing applied research (Kline, 1999) with the p = .018, φ = .21). On the other hand,
756 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 17(6)

gang members did not differ significantly from Table 2.  Gang members’ and nongang youth’s
nongang youth on: gender roles (i.e., boys and proportion of responses on their group’s
girls do different things in the group; (χ2 [1, N = characteristics.
143] = 1.13, p = .306, φ = .09); regular meetings Variable Gang Nongang
(χ2 [1, N = 143] = 1.77, p = .252, φ = .11); and
tattoos (χ2 [1, N = 143] = 1.33, p = .590, φ = .10).   n (%) n (%)
See Table 2 for group proportions of Recognized leaders* 12 (48) 26 (22)
responding. Symbols** 9 (36) 14 (12)
Gender roles 8 (32) 26 (22)
Violent Crime Regular meetings 12 (48) 40 (34)
Specific rules or codes*** 14 (56) 21 (18)
We conducted a one-way ANOVA to see whether Initiation rituals** 10 (40) 16 (14)
violent crime varied as a function of gang mem- Special clothing* 7 (28) 11 (9)
bership. We found that gang members (M = 6.40, Tattoos 0 (0) 6 (5)
SD = 2.14) were more likely than nongang youth
*p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001.
(M = 4.91, SD = 2.17) to report that they had
engaged in some form of violent crime within
the past 6 months (F[1, 187] = 10.16, p = .002). would best explain the gang member–violence
relationship by mediating the relationship. We
examined the results of each mediation model
Moral Disengagement Strategies (i.e., using the strategies significantly related to
We conducted a final ANOVA to see whether the gang membership—moral justification, euphe-
eight moral disengagement strategies varied as a mistic language, advantageous comparison, dis-
function of gang membership. We found that placement of responsibility, attribution of blame,
gang members were significantly more likely than and dehumanization) and found that the only
nongang youth to employ the following strate- model that was a good fit for the data was with
gies: moral justification (F[1, 187] = 10.12, p = dehumanization as a partial mediator. We used
.002, η2 = .05); euphemistic language (F[1, 187] = the Preacher and Hayes (2008) INDIRECT
8.87, p = .003, η2 = .05); advantageous compari- macro in SPSS to conduct the mediation analysis
son (F[1, 187] = 12.88, p < .001, η2 = .06); dis- whereby the indirect path was bootstrap tested
placement of responsibility (F[1, 187] = 6.15, p = with 1,000 resamples (bias corrected and acceler-
.014, η2 = .03); attribution of blame (F[1, 187] = ated). The total effect (B = 1.49, p = .002) was
5.26, p = .023, η2 = .03); and dehumanization significant, yet reduced, when the mediator,
(F[1, 187] = 6.06, p = .015, η2 = .03). We found dehumanization, was included (B = 1.17, p =
no significant differences between gang members .011). The mediating path (B = 0.32, p = .036)
and nongang youth on these remaining strategies: was significant and the confidence interval did
diffusion of responsibility (F[1, 187] = 1.69, p = not include zero ([.07, .80]; bootstrapped 95%).
.200, η2 = .01); and distortion of consequences This confirms that dehumanization partially
(F[1, 187] = 0.54, p = .464, η2 = .003). See Table 3 accounts for the relationship between gang mem-
for means and standard deviations. bership and violent crime. That is, being a gang
member is linked to dehumanizing others which
partially explains engagement in violent crime.
Dehumanization as a Mediator Between
Gang Membership and Violent Crime
In order to better understand how gang members
justify engaging in violent crime we proposed The aim of this study was to empirically test the
that one of the moral disengagement strategies sociocognitive theory of moral disengagement by
Alleyne et al. 757

Table 3.  Means and standard deviations for moral disengagement strategies.

Variable M SD
Moral justification** Gang (N = 25) 16.00 3.58
  Nongang (N = 164) 13.48 3.70
Euphemistic language** Gang (N = 25) 12.92 2.96
  Nongang (N = 164) 10.78 3.40
Advantageous comparison*** Gang (N = 25) 13.80 4.15
  Nongang (N = 164) 10.43 4.40
Displacement of responsibility* Gang (N = 25) 14.08 3.45
  Nongang (N = 164) 12.20 3.55
Diffusion of responsibility Gang (N = 25) 12.24 3.37
  Nongang (N = 164) 11.24 3.62
Distortion of consequences Gang (N = 25) 11.32 4.32
  Nongang (N = 164) 10.74 3.55
Attribution of blame* Gang (N = 25) 13.56 3.22
  Nongang (N = 164) 11.95 3.27
Dehumanization* Gang (N = 25) 12.80 4.01
  Nongang (N = 164) 10.77 3.80

*p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001.

examining the extent to which violent behavior & Wood, 2010; Thornberry, Krohn, Lizotte,
carried out by gang-involved youth is accounted Smith, & Tobin, 2003).
for by their use of moral disengagement strate- As expected, and in line with previous research
gies. In our sample, there was a relatively high (Alleyne & Wood, 2010, 2013; Battin et al., 1998;
proportion of gang members identified when Thornberry et al., 2003), it was found that gang
compared to other UK-based research sampling youth were more likely to report involvement in
from the community (e.g., Alleyne & Wood, 2010; violent crime than nongang youth. It was also
Sharp et al., 2006). This can be explained by the found that gang members, when compared to
recruitment of participants from community- nongang youth, more often reported that the
based programmes targeting gang-involved youth groups they belonged to had recognized leaders,
and youth at risk of joining gangs. There were no symbols, specific rules or codes, initiation rituals,
differences between gang members and nongang and special clothing. Presumably, the groups gang
youth in terms of ethnicity, in line with previous members were describing were their gangs and
work which has suggested that ethnic composi- these characteristics are indicative of a collective
tion of gangs is representative of the community identity with group norms that literature would
from which it comes (e.g., Alleyne & Wood, 2010; suggest facilitates an increase in gang-related vio-
Bullock & Tilley, 2008). The two groups also did lence (Decker, 1996; Decker & van Winkle, 1996).
not differ in terms of gender, which, similar to These characteristics could also be considered
other recent research, further confirms that girls forms of communicating this collective identity
are involved with gangs (e.g., Esbensen, to outgroups such as authority or rival gangs
Deschenes, & Winfree, 1999; Miller, 2001). (Goldman et al., 2014). Nonetheless, they indi-
Furthermore, gang members and nongang youth cate, most importantly, the commitment and
in the sample were found not to differ on age, cohesiveness of group members. On the other
although this contrasts to previous research hand, the two groups did not differ in terms of
which has suggested that there may be a develop- tattoos or gender roles. In fact, few participants
mental process in gang membership (e.g., Alleyne in either group reported differing gender roles, so
758 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 17(6)

this may suggest that females do not have differ- & Phillips, 2013), sexual aggression (e.g., Rudman
ent roles to males in the gang and are not subor- & Mescher, 2012), and not surprisingly yet impor-
dinates in gangs, contrary to arguments seen in tant to note, animal cruelty (Gullone, 2012), to
previous literature (e.g., Thornberry et al., 2003). name a few.
It was found that gang youth employed the Although no other moral disengagement
use of some moral disengagement strategies strategy was found to account for the relationship
more than nongang youth. These strategies were between gang membership and violent behavior,
moral justification, euphemistic language, advan- this does not mean that we should disregard our
tageous comparison, displacement of responsi- findings that gang members used more moral dis-
bility, attribution of blame, and dehumanization. engagement strategies, not only that of dehu-
This supports previous research that has already manizing victims, than nongang youth. This is, in
demonstrated a correlation between gang mem- fact, very interesting. This makes it seem unlikely
bership and use of euphemistic labelling, attribu- that the function of moral disengagement strate-
tion of blame, and displacement of responsibility gies employed by gang members is to cope with
(Alleyne & Wood, 2010). Gang and nongang the extremity of gang membership—in other
youth were not found to differ in terms of diffu- words, violence—as has previously been sug-
sion of responsibility or distortion of conse- gested (Alleyne & Wood, 2010). Future research
quences, contrasting to some previous research could investigate what other functions moral dis-
which had linked distortion of consequences to engagement strategies serve in buffering gang
gang membership (Alleyne & Wood, 2010). members from cognitive dissonance. And, most
However, Alleyne and Wood (2010) found that it importantly, future research could compare gang-
was only peripheral gang youth that displaced involved youth with nongang youth on measures
responsibility. Perhaps if we had differentiated of dissonance which would clarify whether gang
between the levels of embeddedness amongst members are even in need of cognitive coping
the gang sample in our study differences may mechanisms and it would clarify the utility of
have arisen. employing these moral disengagement strategies.
When we examined the extent to which moral There are some limitations to this study. For
disengagement strategies account for the rela- instance, the use of self-report questionnaires
tionship between gang membership and violent could have resulted in bias due to common
behavior, the findings suggested an underlying method variance. However, as the study intended
process mechanism. It was found that being a to measure participants’ experiences and percep-
gang member is linked to dehumanizing others, tions, self-report was deemed to be the most
which, in turn, partially explains violent behavior. appropriate method for this purpose (see Chan,
These findings fit neatly within the current social 2009). Furthermore, in relation to the drawbacks
psychological literature on the facilitative role of of the use of self-report measures, this study
dehumanization. To put plainly, we treat those we only measured how willing the participants were
perceive as similar with moral concern, thus to set aside their moral standards by cognitively
empathizing if they are mistreated (Giner-Sorolla, restructuring their violent behavior in theory. In
Leidner, & Castano, 2012). However, in order to reality, it may be very different. However, measur-
cause harm we strip away uniquely human quali- ing this in practice would likely prove both
ties from our victims and engage in animalistic impractical and unethical.
dehumanization—a mechanism specific to inter- Additionally, the sample was made up of a
group conflict as outlined by Haslam (2006, combination of secondary school students and
2014). This disinhibiting process has been found young people who attend youth centre pro-
in aggressive and violent contexts including grammes, and there are issues involved with using
armed conflict (Castano & Giner-Sorolla, 2006), such populations. For example, the sample does
willingness to torture (Staub, 2005; Viki, Osgood, not include those individuals that were not in
Alleyne et al. 759

attendance because of sickness or, in the case of lead to greater empathetic concern, thus feelings
the schools, were truant. This may have led to an of remorse and guilt. And as a preventative meas-
underrepresentation of gang members in our sam- ure, it may indeed be of merit to work with at-risk
ple as previous research would suggest that gang youth or gang members on reducing the use of
youth are indeed likely to truant (Young, Fitzgerald, dehumanization techniques with the aim to
Hallsworth, & Joseph, 2007). Furthermore, it is reduce violent behavior. Finally, the behaviors
possible that those who attended youth centres that other moral disengagement strategies may be
may not have been representative of those gang linked to amongst the gang member population
youth who were most disengaged. provide an avenue for future research.
The poor internal consistency for the violence The findings of this study highlight the poten-
scale is another issue, but this could go some of tial added value to be gained by applying alterna-
the way to explain why dehumanization is only a tive theoretical approaches. Wood and Alleyne
partial, as opposed to a full, mediator of the rela- (2010) argued for an integrated theoretical
tionship between gang membership and violence. approach towards the study of gangs. So, for
The debate on the utility of Cronbach’s alpha is example, gang-related violence, however partially
an ongoing one, but we do know that “the greater explained by dehumanization, can also be
the number of items in a test then the more reli- explained by Emler and Reicher’s (1995) reputation
able it will be” (Coaley, 2014, p. 143). Future enhancement theory whereby gang members are
research could examine this relationship by mak- motivated by the desire to build their reputation.
ing use of lengthier, more robust measures to There is already some support for this in the lit-
further evaluate this relationship. erature (e.g., Anderson, 1999). Similarly, future
Finally, in terms of limitations, since moral research could look at how gang-related violence
disengagement was measured after the violent could be explained, at least in part, by intergroup
acts were committed, we cannot say whether processes as outlined by Sidanius & Pratto’s
gang members morally disengaged before carry- (1999) social dominance theory (SDT). SDT—a theo-
ing out acts or if they have done so to make retical explanation for why and how individuals
themselves feel better following the act. A longi- behave in a way that enhances, or at least rein-
tudinal design would be best suited in examining forces, their place (and the place of their group)
this relationship. For example, a study could fol- within an overarching social hierarchy—has been
low youth from early adolescence to measure found to be an important predictor of prison
moral disengagement prior to gang membership gang involvement (Wood, Alleyne, Mozova, &
or before violent crimes have been enacted. James, 2013), thus an avenue for future research
More research into the role that moral disen- amongst street gang members.
gagement strategies play for gang members is This study, which examined the extent to
clearly needed before we are able to develop which moral disengagement accounts for violent
empirically based interventions. Still, the findings behavior carried out by gang youth, was the first
of our study have implications for future research, of its kind. Results suggest that gang youth may
and, perhaps ultimately, intervention and preven- be morally disengaging from the acts they com-
tion. The sociocognitive theory of moral disen- mit by dehumanizing their victims. It does, how-
gagement has significant utility in highlighting ever, cast doubt over whether other moral
targets for treatment when working with gang disengagement strategies play a role in facilitating
members. For example, these strategies could be violent crime by gang members, and calls into
working as postevent justifications, and practi- question what purpose these other strategies have
tioners should target these to further unveil to for members of gangs. Most importantly, the
gang members the harm they caused. Also, the findings suggest that “designations of others in
findings of this study suggest that techniques that terms that humanize them can serve as an effec-
anthropomorphize the victims of the crime could tive corrective against aggression” (Bandura,
760 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 17(6)

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