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Today telephonic round

1. Java 10 features.
2. Projection in hibernate.
3. Type of collection.
4. What is Cascade, can i delete the record from child table only if we want delete record from
child then what we should do (if any change then where).
5. Difference b/w hibernate 3.x vs 4.x.
6. Difference b/w save vs persist ,save will return id then id should be which type(like integer
or other).
7. What is Criteria
8. We have a class in hibernate it contains some attribute , i don’t want serialize some(not all)
properties how.
9. Java 7 features
10. What is hash code why we have to override hash code if we not override hash code what
will happen.
11. Method of object.
12. array list vs linked list ,array list use for search only why ,why not linked list.
13. Abstract class vs interface.
14. What is Serialization
15. If your resource will modify the code then it will impact to client then how can you
16. Describe ur project in short.
17. By default interface method is modifier...
18. Autowiring they will tell some condition how will manage the dependency
19. Dependency injection vs ioc container
20. Delete, drop, truncate
21. Deteched vs
22. What is datasource
23. Try with resource

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