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1. What role does Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems play in organizational knowledge creation?

Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and
perform human-like tasks. Most AI examples that you hear about today – from chess-playing computers to
self-driving cars – rely heavily on deep learning and natural language processing. Using these technologies,
computers can be trained to accomplish specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing
patterns in the data. (SAS, S.F)

The most important applied area of AI is the field of expert systems. An expert system (ES) is a knowledge-
based system that employs knowledge about its application domain and uses an inferencing (reason)
procedure to solve problems that would otherwise require human competence or expertise. The power of
expert systems stems primarily from the specific knowledge about a narrow domain stored in the expert
system's knowledge base.
An ES is no substitute for a knowledge worker's overall performance of the problem-solving task. But these
systems can dramatically reduce the amount of work the individual must do to solve a problem, and they do
leave people with the creative and innovative aspects of problem solving.
(Kailash Joshi)

1. An Es can complete its part of the tasks much faster than a human expert.

2. The error rate of successful systems is low, sometimes much lower than the human error rate for the same

3. ESs make consistent recommendations

4. ESs are a convenient vehicle for bringing to the point of application difficult-to-use sources of knowledge.

5. ESs can capture the scarce expertise of a uniquely qualified expert.

(Kailash Joshi)

2. What is an Application Service Provider (ASP) and what is its difference with a Cloud Service Provider

ASP: An Application Service Provider (ASP) provides applications and related services over the Internet.
Enterprises rent ASP software for a fee. The software is accessed remotely through a web browser and not
installed on a company’s local drives. A multi-tenant version of this model is commonly known as Software-
as-a-Service (SaaS).
ASP services have become an important alternative to owning software, especially for small- and medium-
sized businesses with limited information technology budgets. Larger companies are using ASP services as a
form of outsourcing.
ASP services make software less expensive and easier for companies to use by providing automatic upgrades
and technical support. (AVI,S.F)

Cloud service providers (CSP) are companies that offer network services, infrastructure, or business
applications in the cloud. The cloud services are hosted in a data center that can be accessed by companies or
individuals using network connectivity.

The difference between ASP and CSP is that the first one is through an application over the internet and the
second is through a internet cloud.

3. What are Web 2.0, Web 3.0, and Internet 2?

Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is the “original” web as most people know it. This is the style that became standard in the late 1990s,
and includes all the features that have allowed web pages to move beyond static documents. Although there
was no formal technical specification by the World Wide Web Consortium, Web 2.0 marked a cultural shift in
how web pages were developed, designed, and used. It saw the meteoric rise of social media, including
Facebook and Twitter, and user-generated content such as blogs, wikis—Wikipedia being perhaps the most
famous—and video sharing sites such as YouTube. It has also been linked with a particular visual style that
includes the use of gradients, colorful icons, reflections, drop shadows, and large text, many of which were
collected in design tutorials and the like. (Morrow,2014)

Web 3.0
Web 3.0, or the Semantic Web, is the web era we are (arguably) currently in, or perhaps the era we are currently
creating. Web 3.0, with its use of semantics and artificial intelligence is meant to be a “smarter web”—one that
knows what content you want to see and how you want to see it so that it saves you time and improves your
life. (Morrow, 2014)

Internet2 is a U.S.-based and international nonprofit networking consortium led by researchers, academia and
industry/government leaders. Launched in 1996, Internet2 works to advance the development of networking
education and global partnering to facilitate innovative Internet technologies.

Internet2 manages the Internet2 Network, a next-generation optical and Internet Protocol network. Internet2
Network is responsible for delivering production network services to fulfill the high-performance requirements
of education and research services. It also provides its users with a protected research and network testing
environment. (Techopedia, 2019)

4. What is Green IT? What is its importance in the current industry landscape?

Also called green computing, Green IT refers to the study and practice of using computers and IT resources in
a more efficient and environmentally responsible way. Computers and computing eat up a lot of natural
resources, from the raw materials needed to manufacture them, the power used to run them, and the problems
of disposing them at end of life.

Green IT starts with manufacturers producing environmentally friendly products and encouraging IT
departments to consider more friendly options like virtualization, power management and proper recycling

The government has also recently proposed new compliance regulations that would work towards certifying
data centers as green. Some criteria include using low-emission building materials, recycling, using alternative
energy technologies and other green technologies. (McCabie, 2009)

Green IT is important because IT is responsible for about 17% of the world’s electronic waste and around 2%
of the world’s CO2 emissions. This means that IT contributes to environmental degradation because the
majority of all e-waste is dumped in countries where regulations are less strict and because electricity that’s
generated by fossil fuels causes global warming. With internet usage continuing to grow and more and more
people using cell phones, tablets and other computerized devices, the environmental impact of IT is expected
to increase. (Ehlert, 2016)

5. What is Industry 4.0? What steps can we take towards that trend?

“We’re in the midst of a significant transformation regarding the way we produce products thanks to the
digitization of manufacturing. This transition is so compelling that it is being called Industry 4.0 to represent
the fourth revolution that has occurred in manufacturing. From the first industrial revolution (mechanization
through water and steam power) to the mass production and assembly lines using electricity in the second, the
fourth industrial revolution will take what was started in the third with the adoption of computers and
automation and enhance it with smart and autonomous systems fueled by data and machine learning.” (Marr,
B, 2018)
(Sontag D, 2018)

Morrow K.. (2014). Web 2.0, Web 3.0, and the Internet of Things. Agosto 25, 2019, de UX Booth
Sitio web:

S.A. (2019). What does Internet2 mean?. Agosto 25, 2019 , de Techopedia Sitio web:

McCabe Laurie . (2009). What Is Green IT, and Why Should You Care?. Agosto 25, 2019, de
SmallBusinessComputing Sitio web:

Ehlert, P.. (2016). Why is Green IT important, and what are some examples?. Agosto 25, 12019, de
Quora Sitio web:

Marr, B. (2018). What is Industry 4.0? Here's A Super Easy Explanation For Anyone. Agosto 25,
2019, de Forbes Sitio web:

Sontag, D. (2018). To the Connected Factory in Five Steps. Agosto 25, 2019, de Medium
Corporation Sitio web:

S.A. (S.F). Application Service Provider Definition. Agosto 25, 2019 , de AVI Networks Sitio web:
S.A. (S.F). Artificial Intelligence What it is and why it matters. Agosto 26, 2019, de SAS Sitio web:
Kailash Joshi (n.d). Expert Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved August 26, 2018,

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