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Student Name: Dasiah Byrd

Date: 01/29/2020

Portfolio Artifact Description: Use graphics, paint tools, word processing tools, drawing tool and
your digital image to make a can describing your home town.

What you learned: With the Can o’ your town project I feel like I’m a little more comfortable
working with the lines and the shapes on Microsoft. When o first read the assignment directions in
my head, I feel like it sounds easy but manipulating the lines to look the way you want them to
can sometimes become a little timely. Overall, I found the assignment to be fun and still a great
learning experience. It kind of reminded me of a brochure like assignment that I’ve done in grade

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS)•S

Addressed: Standard #3 3a: Students plan and employ effective research strategies to
locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I definitely would utilize this type of assignment in
the future. It like you said professor is a great tool to be able to get to know a little about your
students. This could be used as some type of ice breaker as well for students that aren’t as open.

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