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Octave displacement – How to use

Início / Octave displacement – How to use

We will show here a tool to increase even more your solo, it is the Octave Displacement (or octave

The idea is really simple: to have fun with octaves. Th e interesting is that even working only with
tonal notes ( without outside notes), it is possible to have a differentiate sonority! This study will
help you to make a solo in a way less linear and more “easy-going”.

Before working one more technique, try to play all the examples below. Here we are only playing
each note from the C7M chord with its respectively octave, what is already good:

octave displacement

Octave Displacement in music scales

Now we will do this: we will play a note from C major scale and the next note from the scale will be
played one octave above, and so on consecutively. After that, in the next bar line, we will do the
opposite: we will start with an acute note and we will work with the next note one octave below.
Check it:

octave dispersion

Arpeggios with Octave Displacement

In the next example, we will work this concept in arpeggio of Em7:

em7 arpeggio

You can increase these ideas to the other scales too. Try it!

Soon we will be adding more ideas and implementations in solos.

You can also send us your own ideas.

Have a nice training!

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