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) DNA Terms
Chromosomes - Chromosomes are thread-like
structures in which DNA is tightly packaged within
the nucleus.
 Centromere – constricted area, holds
chromatids together
 Homologous Chromosome – same size,
shape but not identical ( don’t have the
same choices)
Chromatins - A chromatin is a macromolecule made
up of DNA or RNA and proteins. Its functions are
to package DNA into a smaller volume to fit in the
cell, strengthen the DNA to allow mitosis and
Chromatids - A chromatid is one half of a replicated
DNA – Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Holds the Genetic
Material of a Cell.
RNA – Ribonucleic Acid. Convert the information in
the DNA into proteins.
2.) Prokaryotic Cells – DNA is circular, Have one
Chromosome and don’t have a nucleus
– Cell Division is BINARY
Eukaryotic Cells – DNA is rod-shaped, many pairs and
found in the Nucleus
– Cell Cycle and Cell Division
3.) Cell Cycle – series of events that cells go through as
they grow and develop.
I. Interphase – non-diving phase
G1 – longest part of Interphase
– cell grows initially and protein & RNA
synthesis happens
S – synthesis stage
– DNA is duplicated in preparation for the Cell
G2 – rapid cell growth, make organelles and
molecules needed for cell division

II.Mitosis – Cell Division

Prophase – nuclear membrane and nucleolus
– Centrioles move to different poles
– DNA scrunches into Chromosomes
Metaphase – Chromosomes line up in the middle by
the spindle fiber
Anaphase – Spindle fiber pulls the chromatids into the
different poles
Telophase – Forms nuclear membrane and nucleolus
-- Chromosomes decondenses and Spindle
Fibers disappear
Cytokinesis – Cytoplasm splits into two cells
TAKE NOTE: Plant Cells have a sturdy cell wall and
they divide by growing a CELL PLATE
4.) MEIOSIS – form of cell division by which gametes, with
half the number of chromosomes, are produced.
-- only occurs in Gonads (testes or ovaries)
chromosome that are similar in shape and size
* Humans have 23 pairs of Homologous
a. 22 sets of autosomes b. 1 set of sex
KARYOTYPE – a method of organizing the
chromosomes of a cell in relation to number,size and
21 Trisomy – Downs Syndrome, happens if the 21 st
Chromosome have extra one chromosome
SEX CHROMOSOME – XY ( male ) XX ( female )
6.) SPERMATOGENESIS - Spermatogenesis, the origin
and development of the sperm cells within the male
reproductive organs, the testes.
OOGENESIS - Oogenesis, in the human female
reproductive system, growth process in which the
primary egg cell (or ovum) becomes a mature ovum.
DIFFERENCES: Spermatogenesis is CONTINUOUS and
Oogenesis is not.
Spermatogenesis produce 4 cells and
Oogenesis only produce 1

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