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Second Quarter Examination

Test I. Multiple Choice

Direction:Read and understand each question or statement on the right carefully. Then, shade the circle on the left that corresponds to
the letter of your correct answer.
O O O O 1. It is used to hold water or any liquid solution used in cleaning.
A. bucket B. pail C. both A and B D. none of the above
O O O O 2. It is a cleaning tool commonly used to scoop the dirt and wastes on the floor.
A. bucket B. dustpan C. broom D. water
O O O O 3. It is used to remove the contamination of any tool and equipment.
A. bucket B. baking soda C. scrubbing foam D. towel
O O O O 4. It is an implement for sweeping.
A. dust pan B. broom C. water D. pail
O O O O 5. It is a device which uses an air pump to suck up dust and dirt.
A. floor polisher B. vacuum cleaner C. dust pan D. gloves
O O O O 6. It is also known as a bicarbonate soda.
A. baking soda B. sodium bicarbonate C. both A and B D. all of the above
O O O O 7. It is a garment which covers the whole hand.
A. bucket B. cleaning cloth C. dishcloth D. gloves
O O O O 8. It is a bin for refuses and wastes.
A. trash can B. garbage can C. waste container D. none of the above
O O O O 9. It is also known as a universal solvent.
A. apron B. broom C. water D. cobwebber
O O O O 10. It is an outer protective garment that covers primarily the front of the body.
A. cleaning cloth B. dish cloth C. apron D. vacuum cleaner
O O O O 11. This is used to wipe the cleaning tools and equipment.
A. cleaning cloth B. dish cloth C. apron D. vacuum cleaner
O O O O 12. This is used for wiping and drying wet hands.
A. dish cloth B. cleaning cloth C. hand towel D. apron
O O O O 13. This is used for protecting the feet from any harm.
A. protective shoes B. boots C. both A and B D. none of the above
O O O O 14. It is also known as a floor polisher or floor burnisher.
A. floorwax B. broom C. dust pan D. floor buffer
O O O O 15. It is designed to carry fluids from one location to another.
A. dust pan B. broom C. water hose D. bucket
O O O O 16. This is used to clean stair walls, ceiling corners and other high areas.
A. broom B. cobwebber C. cleaning cloth D. dust pan
O O O O 17. This is used in the kitchen to dry dishes.
A. dish cloth B. cleaning cloth C. hand towel D. apron
O O O O 18. It is a detergent in liquid form used for cleaning.
A. liquid detergent B. cleaning detergent C. both A and B D. none of the above
O O O O 19. This is a diluted solution used in cleaning purposes.
A. liquid detergent B. cleaning detergent C. both A and B D. none of the above
O O O O 20. Styro cups, scrap metal, syringe and broken glasses are examples of _______ wastes.
A. solid B. non-biodegradable waste C. hazardous waste D. all of the above
O O O O 21. This refers to devices worn by workers designed to protect the workers against hazards in the work environment.
A. equipment B. paraphernalia
C. personal protective equipment (PPE) D. occupational health and safety standards
O O O O 22. It is a physical factor within the environment that harms the musculo-skeletal system.
A. ergonomic hazard B. physical hazard C. mechanical hazard D. biological hazard
O O O O 23. Prolonged noise, excessive loud, vibration, slippery surfaces, ramp, stairs and heat or cold temperature are
examples of ____________.
A. ergonomic hazard B. physical hazard C. mechanical hazard D. biological hazard
O O O O 24. Some examples of this type of hazard are solid, liquid, vapour, gaseous substances, dust, fume and mist.
A. ergonomic hazard B. physical hazard C. biological hazard D. chemical hazard
O O O O 25. This is caused by organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
A. ergonomic hazard B. physical hazard C. biological hazard D. chemical hazard
O O O O 26. Which of the following is an example of hazard?
A. wet floor B. garden C. lobby D. garage
O O O O 27. It is defined as any waste that is dry in form and is discarded as unwanted.
A. biodegradable waste B. solid waste C. liquid waste D. hazardous waste
O O O O 28. This includes human waste, run off water, sullage and other forms of waste water from different sources.
A. biodegradable waste B. solid waste C. liquid waste D. hazardous waste
O O O O 29. These are wastes that can be decomposed into their constituent elements by bacteria and other microorganisms.
A. liquid waste B. biodegradable waste C. non-biodegradable waste D. solid waste
O O O O 30. These is a trash or discarded item that cannot be broken down by living organisms.
A. liquid waste B. biodegradable waste C. non-biodegradable waste D. hazardous waste
O O O O 31. This is a flexible pad held over the nose and mouth by rubber straps to protect against dusts encountered during
construction or cleaning activities.
A. long pants B. dust masks C. logging boots D. long sleeves
O O O O 32. This is a liquid used for cleaning most of the tools and equipment.
A. solution B. water C. dextrose D. soup
O O O O 33. It is otherwise known as the Philippine Clean Air Act.
A. R.A. 8947 B. R.A. 8479 C. R.A. 6749 D. R.A. 9748
O O O O 34. It is a constitutional law designed to make sure that all Filipinos have safe air to breathe.
A. contingency plan B. Clean Air Act C. evacuation D. waste management
O O O O 35. This includes all items that people no longer have any use for, which they either intend to get rid of or have
already discarded.
A. solution B. materials C. waste D. supply
O O O O 36. It is a cross disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work.
A. safety standard B. occupational health and safety C. contingency plan D. personal protective plan
O O O O 37. It is a mechanical device for cleaning dishes, eating utensils and pots.
A. cleaning B. dishwasher C. drying D. sanitizing
O O O O 38. It is the process of removing food and other types of soil from a surface.
A. cleaning B. dishwasher C. drying D. sanitizing
O O O O 39. There are three steps needed to effectively clean and sanitize utensils.
A. washing B. sanitizing C. drying D. cleaning
O O O O 40. It is an absorbent textile used in drying hands, wiping windows, dusting and cleaning up spills.
A. paper towel B. apron C. scrubbing foam D. towel
O O O O 41. If there are 5 nurses for every 35 patients in a hospital, what will be the ratio?
A. 5 / 35 B. 35 / 4 C. 5 : 35 D. 35 : 5
O O O O 42. In cooking pancakes, 2 eggs are needed for every 1 cup of hot cake mix. How many cups of hot cake mix are
needed if the baker uses 7 eggs?
A. X=7 B. X=10 C. X=12 D. X= 14
O O O O 43. What is the value of n? 4 : n = 16 : 28
A. n = 7 B. n = 8 C. n = 9 D. n = 10
O O O O 44. In a party, the ratio of men to women is 4 is to 5.
A. 4 : 5 B. 4 / 5 C. 5 / 4 D. 5 : 4
O O O O 45. Find the value of x using the equation given, 6 : x = 3 : 5.
A. x = 9 B. x = 10 C. x = 11 D. x = 12
O O O O 46. The following are hazardous wastes except ____.
A. scrap metal B. syringe C. broken glasses D. old clothes
O O O O 47. You should empty dust bag of dry vacuum cleaner before and after each use.
A. true B. false C. maybe D. never
O O O O 48. Ergonomic hazards include earthquake, floods and tornadoes.
A. true B. false C. maybe D. never
O O O O 49. Do not indulge in horseplay or practical jokes in the workplace.
A. true B. false C. maybe D. never
O O O O 50. Twisting the body when doing a task is important to avoid ergonomic hazard.
A. True B. false C. maybe D. never
O O O O 51. What aims to reduce or avoid the potential losses from hazards, assure prompt and appropriate assistance to
victims of disaster and achieve rapid and effective recovery?
A. waste management B. Philippine Clean Air Act
C. disaster preparedness and management D. disaster management cycle
O O O O 52. The immediate and rapid movement of people away from the threat or actual occurrence of a hazard is _____.
A. isolation B. evacuation C. excommunication D. decontamination
O O O O 53. Based on the Clean Air Act guidelines, discarded items can be
A. recycled B. reduced C. recovered D. reused
O O O O 54. To buy less and use less means
A. reduce B. recover C. reuse D. landfill
O O O O 55. During occurrence of earthquakes, observe the following except ____.
A. running B. dropping C. holding on D. covering
O O O O 56. The shaking and vibration of the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement along a fault plane or
from volcanic activity is ____.
A. tsunami B. earthquake C. volcanic eruption D. hurricane
O O O O 57. A person who is physically ill or meets an accident should be given an initial care. If you are a non-expert but
trained personnel, what should be the first step you need to do?
A. call the neighbor B. apply first aid C. call an ambulance D. pray for the recovery of the patient
O O O O 58. The picture below is a personal protective equipment (PPE) considered as ____.
A. working gear
B. cold weather gear
C. sleeping gear
D. ordinary rain gear
O O O O 59. This picture is one of the PPE called the ____.

A. logging boots
B. sturdy work shoes
C. lineman’s boots
D. safety toe protective footwear

O O O O 60. Picture below is a PPE used as a ____.

A. sunglasses
B. reading glasses
C. safety eyewear
D. swimming eye protector

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