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7/3/2020 Stilton and butternut squash quiche recipe - BBC Food

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Stilton y quiche de calabaza con brotes asados

Preparation time Cooking time

1-2 hours 1 to 2 hours

Serves Dietary
Serves 6

Este quiche de calabaza Stilton y butternut es una Navidad vegetariana

inolvidable. Especialmente servido con brotes dorados.

Por Yotam Ottolenghi

Desde el sábado Kitchen Best Bites


Para el quiche
1 calabaza mediana , pelada, sin semillas y cortada en cubos pequeños
1½ cucharadas de aceite de oliva
250 g / 9 oz de masa de hojaldre de mejor calidad
harina normal , para espolvorear
200 g / 7 oz Stilton , desmenuzado
70 g / 2½ oz de membrillo ( pasta de membrillo ), cortado en dados de 1 cm / 1/3
7/3/2020 Stilton and butternut squash quiche recipe - BBC Food
70 g / 2½ oz de membrillo ( pasta de membrillo ), cortado en dados de 1 cm /
½ pulg.
3 huevos de corral
150ml / 5fl oz de crema doble
150ml / 5fl oz de crema fresca
sal y pimienta negra recién molida

Para las coles de Bruselas y el pomelo

100 g / 3½ oz de azúcar en polvo
2 palitos de canela
Anís de 5 estrellas
3 cucharadas de jugo de limón
1 pomelo (aproximadamente 900 g / 2 lb)
600 g / 1 lb 5 oz coles de Bruselas , recortadas
250g / 9oz chalotes
5 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 200C/180C Fan/Gas 6.
2. Toss the squash in a bowl with the oil, a pinch of salt and black pepper.
Spread out on a baking tray and roast for 30 minutes, or until golden-
brown, turning once. Set aside to cool.
3. Roll out the pastry on a floured work surface, roughly 3mm thick, and
transfer it to a 24cm/9½in quiche tin. When lining, leave some pastry
hanging over the edge. Prick the base of the pastry with a fork and chill in
the fridge for 20 minutes.
4. Reduce the oven temperature to 160C/140C Fan/Gas 3. Line the pastry
case with baking parchment, fill with baking beans and cook for 30-35
minutes. Remove the beans and paper, and cook for a further 10 minutes,
or until the pastry is golden-brown. Increase the oven temperature to
180C/160 Fan/Gas 4.
5. Spread the squash over the pastry base, dot the Stilton between, and
sprinkle the membrillo all over.
6. Place the eggs, cream and crème fraîche in a mixing bowl with a pinch of
salt and some black pepper. Whisk together and pour over the squash,
leaving some of the filling exposed. Place in the oven for about 40
minutes, or until the egg mixture has set. Leave to rest, then remove from
the tin and keep warm or allow to cool to room temperature.
7. Meanwhile for the pomelo, place the sugar, cinnamon and star anise in a
small saucepan with 100ml/3½fl oz of water and bring to a light simmer.
Cook for 1 minute, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Remove from the
heat, stir in 1 tablespoon of the lemon juice and set aside to cool.
8. Peel the thick skin off the pomelo. Segment the fruit, making sure to
remove all the white membrane. Break into bite sized pieces and put in a
shallow bowl. Pour the sugar syrup over the pomelo and leave to
marinate for at least an hour, stirring occasionally. Remove the cinnamon
and star anise and strain the pomelo reserving the juices. 2/3
7/3/2020 Stilton and butternut squash quiche recipe - BBC Food

9. For the sprouts, increase the oven to 220C/200C Fan/ Gas Mark 7. Halve
the sprouts lengthways and cut the shallots so that they are similar size
to the sprouts. Put in a baking tray with 3 tablespoons of the oil, ½
tablespoon of salt and some black pepper. Roast for about 20 minutes, or
until the sprouts are golden brown but still retain a bite. Set aside to cool.
10. Just before serving, put the shallots, sprouts, pomelo and coriander in a
large mixing bowl. Add the remaining olive oil and lemon juice, plus 1
tablespoon of the reserved pomelo syrup and ¼ tablespoon of salt.
Gently mix, season to taste, you may wish to add another tablespoon of
the pomelo syrup.
11. Slice the quiche and serve alongside the Brussels sprouts.

Recipe Tips
El pomelo es menos amargo que el pomelo y mucho más grande. Búscalo en los
mercados donde se venden productos del Medio Oriente. Una buena alternativa
es la naranja. 3/3

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