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2013 curriculum window

SKL (Graduates Competency Standards) are determined in advance, through Permendikbud No 54 of

2013. After that new content standards are determined, which form the Basic Curriculum Framework, as
outlined in Permendikbud No 67, 68, 69, and 70 of 2013


The content standards are determined in advance through Permendiknas No. 22 of 2006. After that SKL
(Graduates Competency Standards) are determined through Permendiknas No. 23 of 2006

2013 curriculum

There is a balance between competency aspects of soft skills and hard skills which include aspects of
competency, attitude, skills and knowledge


put more emphasis on aspects of knowledge

2013 curriculum

There are more hours of study per week and fewer subjects than KTSP


There are fewer hours of study and more subjects than 2013 Curriculum
2013 curriculum

The learning process of each theme at the elementary school level and all subjects at the junior /
senior / vocational level are carried out using a scientific approach (scientific approach), which is a
standard process in learning consisting of Observing, Asking, Processing, Presenting, Presenting, and


The standard process in learning consists of Exploration, Elaboration, and Confirmation

2013 curriculum

Assessment standards use authentic assessments, which measure all attitudes, skills, and knowledge
competencies based on process and results.


His assessment is more dominant in the knowledge aspect

2013 curriculum

Specialization (Majoring) starting in class X for high school / MA levels


Majors starting class XI

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