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Unnecessary Villains

When we, to cover our own mistakes, blame people, sometimes things or even circumstances. Our
mind constructs stories that soothe our uncertain soul, not ready to accept its fault, to pay for its
deeds. Its like you're in a bubble, covered by those wrongs and the only force you believe can get
you out is of those stories you made up, of betrayal, of lost friendships, of cheating partners. And
they do, they lift you up, slowly, slowly, up till the air outside touches your sweaty cheeks, your dark
swollen under eyes, just enough for your self-validation and then, it breaks. It breaks to smash you
back down to square one, amidst all your insecurities and all your faults and that is when you realise
that the only way to escape that bubble is to clean it, to forgive yourself, inch by inch, from those
mildly dirty spots to those completely burnt ends, to let yourself heal. Because under all that filth,
lies a ladder. A ladder you could only find the hard way, a ladder that'll help you, with each step, in
defeating all your insecurities, overcoming those inhibitions, that'll give you the strength to finally
step out, all on your own and conquer the world.

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