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As the economy progresses, Malaysia needs more many of the energetic and energetic
human beings have a educational background brilliant and high. The development of education
now shows how the level of education approval for all jobs is increasing and requires competition
from all students. rural students are required to provide quality education for guarantee their future
to be better. Rural communities often face problems of scarcity of resources help and goodwill
from those involved. In fact, this group receive help from certain parties. However, there are cases
involved help channels are unacceptable to this group due to factors such as negligence,
inappropriate resources, and lack of resources the defense of certain parties. Although there is
indeed a source aid or welfare of governmental bodies or bodies non-governmental (NGO) in the
form of finance, basic facilities, and infrastructure, but it is said to be less efficient because it is
not accessible rural people.

Our country known as an unique geographical conditions consist of a peninsula and

northern part of borneo/ kalimantan island is facing a more challenging situation with respect to
its efforts to reform rural schools. Some schools, for example, are located in areas that can only be
reached uising limited access road, or even river tranport system such as in serawak state. This
situation undoubtedly affects the school revitalazation process. However, the precise condition is
not yet known anad need comprehensive research to be undertaken to investigate the quality of
educational delivery and services in the type of schools.


Family Factor
Although there are many studies of rural people in Malaysia, however, it emphasized the study of
socio economic aspects of society in the area. Socioeconomic aspects such as poverty among the
people. we look at the aspects of the problem or the barriers of society at rural areas to see from
the geography of human and social geography,to determine the extent to which the importance of
education can be overcome by rural community so that they can get the social support suitable for
distribution among them. Rural poverty rates are definitely affecting student achievement
statistics. Poverty prevents parents from providing their children with complete learning methods
such as extra classes or textbooks that can help students improve their learning. In other cases,
there are parents who are unable to send their children to school due to poverty and in addition
have many children to bear.

Economic Factor
Rural Malay community in particular often face the problem of poverty. we can see the situation
in rural areas where most people earn income by farming and fishing. Dependence on a low income
source causes students to be unable to continue their education. Even though the government has
helped with scholarships, these students will not continue their education because they have to
help their families to afford the cost of living. many undergraduate students choose to work in their
hometowns to earn a living.. their income depends on weather factors and market demand. for
example, fishermen will not be able to get to the sea during the monsoon season and will affect
their income. therefore, these students have to work to help their parents make money.

Lack of Facilities and Resources

Another factor affecting this imbalance is the convenience factor. computer technology is
important today where everything is using computers and the internet for everyday life. It is also
important for students to get information to further their education. For example, nowday, all
applications for higher education are online as well as applications for scholarships. there are rural
schools that do not provide computer and internet facilities. students were also not exposed to
computers from the beginning. Inland areas like Serawak still do not have internet access and will
complicate the process of applying for further study. this problem indirectly results in a lack of
knowledge about opportunities for further learning and related process learning. This situation is
different from the city schools where every school has a computer lab that can be used. Students
in the city also have access to their own computers. urban environment is easier with the
availability of internet access anytime by using a computer or mobile phone. Therefore,
information on courses, institutes and other educational opportunities are easier to access and
manage with the availability of computer and internet facilities.

Transportation facilities are also important especially in rural areas to make it easier for students
to come to school. Rural students sometimes have no choice but to walk or cross the river to go to
a school that is likely to be within walking distance. This is also a bit of a hassle and a detriment
to the student's academic performance.

Less Qualified Teachers

Failure to produce effective learning processes can lead to many problems in rural schools.
Improper learning factors are one of the identified factors that lead to school discipline issues such
as discontinuation, noises, no classroom focus, no interest in subjects and teachers, and student
morale. Students in rural schools are less interested in learning because of teacher teaching styles
that do not meet their learning style. For example, Students do not understand science lessons
because their teaching strategies are not appropriate. Teachers focus only on preparing science

workbooks .
While Abu Hassan's (2003) study found that teachers do not give students the opportunity to
actively participate in the teaching and learning process. Teachers are less likely to give students
the opportunity to develop critical and creative thinking in their subjects. Teachers follow the
procedures in the textbook regardless of the student's circumstances. Tan's (1991) study also found
that teachers tend to adopt traditional teaching approaches and strategies. This problem can also
occur in schools in urban areas

The findings of the study show that there are problems in the teaching and learning process in
today's schools especially in rural areas. Improved school discipline problems and low
performance among students are indirectly associated with weaknesses in the learning process.

The Role as a Student

The students itself should realize the importance of education in their future lives. If they want a
better life in the future they must study hard to get a good performance. Usually students at rural
area does not care about their education and most of them dropout from schooling. This is because
they do not have motivation in their study and their parents also did not care about their
performance. So in order to overcome the gap performance between students in rural and urban
areas, rural students should set their mind that education is important to change their lives. When
they have a mindset that education is important, they will study hard in order to get a good

Role of Parents

While the teachers play their role at school, parents should play their roles at home. Although
parents in rural areas have no education, they can help their children performance in terms of
giving them moral supports and motivation to learn. Even they cannot help in terms of provide
resources to learn, they can give a support to their child to study hard to change the fate of their
family. Parents should realize how important of education to their child and their future. Parents
can always ask their child about their learning progress and accompanied them during doing their
work. They also must always care about their child performance and monitor their progress.

The Role of Teachers

The teacher is an important force in school learning. Teachers also one of the sources that can help
in overcomes the problem of low performance among rural students. Teachers can help in
encouraging the students to study hard and help them to complete most of their work at school
during study time, where students can ask teachers if they do not understand about the lesson. If
they are doing work at home, nobody can help them since their parents might not be able to assist
because most of parents in rural areas have less education. Teachers should encourage their
students to participate in many activities because it will give them the opportunity to build their
self-confident and positive self-esteem. Besides that, teacher also can create a caring and
supportive environment where students will feel more comfortable during their learning. Good
relationship between students and teacher also good in order to improve students’ performance
where when teachers are close with the students, students will feel easy and not shy to ask anything
that they do not understand.

The Role of Government

Government has to play a role in improving educational outcomes for rural students. Government
should provide enough facilities to the schools that located in rural areas same as the urban schools.
Besides that, government also must provide a financial support to the students that lives in rural
areas where we know that most of them come from low income families and not affordable to gain
a better education and services. Facilities that were provided must be fair and equal treatment
should be given to rural schools same like urban schools. In addition, best educators also should
be placed in rural schools because they can help students to improve their performance. Good
teachers will produce good students. Most important is government should ensure that teachers are
adequately qualified to teach the subject that allocated for them and they can do their work
properly. Education department also should visit all schools to establish and verify their needs to
ensure that resources are allocated in line with their needs and status.


The study presented the differences of performances between students in rural and urban areas.
Rural and urban schools are characterized by its unique strength and weaknesses.Yet there are
many variables that affect students’ achievement and those variables are directly related to whether
a school is considered a rural or an urban school. Some factors that contribute to the gap
performances between students in these two areas were determined and also recommendations in
order to overcome this problem were suggested. Although some recommendations have been
highlighted, solutions might not be easy for them. The suggestions for improving the performance
among rural students is that they must understand their environment properly, and maintain their
inner resources like self-efficacy and self-esteem. From this study we can conclude that, there have
differences between students performance in rural and urban schools. Students that lives in urban
area will get high performance excel opportunities provided by their location. Urban students have
greater access to many resources and therefore have opportunities that are not easily accessible to
rural students. Besides that urban parents were more professional and they realize the advantage
of education. Parents of rural students were less likely to expect their children to advance their
education. From the comparison of this study we can know what the differences between rural and
urban schools are. Students are a valuable asset to the country and especially to their parents. In
line with this, it is important that educational progress be achieved both in the City and in the rural

2710 WORDS

Abu Hassan. 2003. P&P kimia di sekolah menengah: kemana arahnya, Seminar memperkasakan sistem

Tan. L.T. 1991. Menyiasat tahap kemahiran sains bersepadu, tesis sarjana muda, UTM

Azizah Abdul Rahman and Sharifah Md. Nor. 1991. Rural Education in Malaysia. In Issues in Ruml
Development in Malaysia. eds. Victor Terry King and Nazaruddin Mohd. Jali. University of Hull/Universiti
Pertanian Malaysia.

Sher, Jonathan. 1988. Why rural education has not received its fair share of funding - and what to to about
it. Journal of Rural and Small Schools. 2: 2.

Malaysiandigest. (2011). Bringing 'Transformation' to Sarawak Rural Schools. Available at:
schools.html [21 Aug 2011]

White, S., Green, B., Reid, J., Lock, G., Hastings, W., & Cooper, M. (2008). Teacher education for rural
communities: A focus on ‘incentives’. Paper presented at the Australian Teachers Education Association
(ATEA) Conference, Sunshine Coast, Australia

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