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Reaction Paper

Mr. Bean didn’t expect the guests that came to their house. The visitors taught that
it is the hotel that they are looking for. But because of the money, Mr. Bean welcome the
guests even though he doesn’t know how to run a hotel business. I have few insights or
reaction about the hotel bean episode.

First, is about the language, Mr. Bean’s language is different from the guests. Even
if they are not the same, he is still able to communicate what he wants to say. He made
hand gestures if he can’t able to deliver the message properly.

Second, Mr. Bean did that because of money. He wants to earn an income that’s
why he tried to pretend that it is the true Hotel des Daffodils. He did everything for the
guests to be entertained and experience them what’s in the brochure. The two seems
uncomfortable but entertained. After a while, the husband of the girl felt angry since they
are not satisfied of what they experienced. They go for that hotel because in the picture
it looks so cozy and comfortable but in reality, it is not what they expected. Mr. Bean told
the truth and saddened because of what happened.

Third, the last scene is great since the guests realized that they are happy with the
hotel accommodation of Mr. Bean. They go back because they felt happy and entertained.

Overall, the episode of hotel bean taught about communication and how Mr. Bean
entertained the guests with all of his shortcomings.

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