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A surprise and sadness return at the same time

That splendid and surprising next morning, Pilar and her husband the Poet were

going to Valley Rocks town, she was immensely excited because she would see his

nephews and his brother-in-law Andrés again. The Poet was driving very cheerful as

he always used to be.

So long without seeing my beloved town and the people he loved! He exclaimed

with great inspiration, Pilar smiled while saying:

How are my nephews? So many years without seeing them! They must have

already forgotten me.

Do not say that my love, you will see that for them it will be a surprise to see

us again, he admitted.

She remained silent thinking of the promise she had made to her sister before her

death and that because of things of destiny he could not fulfill, Pilar changed her

countenance and deep inside she felt highly bad for not having lived up to that

promise she made; however, when he remembered his nephews, he was happy

again. Pilar had changed during that time she was away from the town in the city

with her beloved husband. She wasn’t the bitter, grumpy, ​proud woman she used

to be. ​It was the Poet who helped her change with his sweet and loving words

always. So, as she changed, the same thing happened to him.

He was no longer that badly spoken peasant of before, he was now a famous very

cultivated and refined poem writer before society, but his charisma and humility were

the same as before. When they were arriving in the town, the poet rolled down the

glass window and he did nothing but see and smell the wonderful vegetation that

shone in those mountains. Suddenly he spotted a group of farmers irrigating the

crops. Farther ahead, he saw the cows and horses eating fresh green grass. When

he felt that smell, he remembered when he worked in the coffee plantation together

with Andres.

My love, we are almost there, in a few minutes we're going to see your family,

he said immensely happy.

Pilar smiled with joy and replied: -yes, darling, I'm very anxious to get there and

hug my three nephews.

The Poet looked at her smilingly and asked: darling, where should we arrive first,

at your home or at Andres' farm?

She remained quiet for a moment remembering the house that her parents had

left the two of them when they died. After remembering, it came to her mind when

she played around the house with her sister when they were just little girls. She

smiled with immense joy and said to her husband:

Darling, I want us to get to my house first, I haven't seen it in years! There are all

my memories.

He took her hand looking at her with a beautiful smile to see her so happy, he kept

driving a little faster to get there as soon as possible.

Minutes later, that same cool morning, Claudia was on the balcony having a cup

of coffee while she looked from there all the beautiful panorama of the city. Suddenly

she thought of not going to work at the company, but to dedicate that day to her

beautiful sister. At that moment Michael went out in pajamas from his room, when he

saw her leaning out on the balcony, he approached her saying good morning. She

turned around somewhat surprised and answered:

Good morning, darling! How are you feeling?

He lowered his saddened face and said to her he was still a little bad because of

what had happened the night before, as well as because of Yamel’s affair.

I did not mean to hurt them, he said.

She hugged him saying: - Don't feel bad! You don't hurt anyone, you're more like

an angel fallen from heaven.

When listening to those words of consolation, tears came out of his eyes. Claudia

with her beautiful fingers wiped her tears telling him:

Be proud of who you are! Don't cry about it, you will see that she will understand

and they will support you as I did!

Those words that she said filled Michael with encouragement to move forward

without feeling any shame and to feel proud of himself.

Thank you, you're the best thing that ever happened to me. What would be of me

if I hadn't assisted you that night, He said.

She smiled and answered him: Well, better said, what would become of me if I hadn't

met you that rainy night when those criminals were robbing me.

They both went hugging up to the living room. When they sat on the couch,

suddenly Gertrudis went out of her room, Michael looked at her and immediately

lowered his face for he was ashamed with her. Gertrudis highly regretted for what

she had made him feel the night before. She approached him and said:

Michael, I am sorry for what I did to you last night, it was not my intention

making you feel bad.

When he heard her sincere words, he got up from the sofa and answered: - I am

sorry, I did not mean to hurt you.

She smiled giving him a strong hug and whispered to his ear: -You are the

most beautiful and noble person I have ever met. Whatever you are, I am going to

love you the same.

Very happy, Claudia looked at them smiling, after they hugged each other,

they sat on the sofa again. Michael was already relieved that she had accepted him

as he was.

Who wants to go with me to visit someone very special? Said Claudia.

You are not planning on going to work? Are you? She asked.

Claudia looked at him smiling and said: - Today I am giving myself the day off to

dedicate it to you because I love you both!

Gertrudis smiled and looked at her and asked her who that special person.

Do you remember the Nanny who was going to visit me at the farms? Claudia


Hummm, I kind of remember her, replied Gertrudis.

Good! She is that special person I want us to visit, Claudia said. Then she asked

them again

Would you like to go with me to visit her, even for a little while? So I can take

advantage of the occasion to present you my childhood friends!

For me there is no problem, I can also take my day off, he said.

Gertrude wasn't too willing to go, but seeing they were so animated, she replied: It

is OK! Let’s go! But later, I want you to take me to eat ice cream!

Calm down, we will take you to eat ice cream, they answered at the same time.

Claudia and Gertrudis went to get ready while Michael stood there for a moment

and dialed the commissioner's phone number to notify him that he was not going to

work because he had a strong headache. Eleodore as kind as always, told him there

was no problem, but advised him to go to the hospital if the headache became

stronger. After making up this infamy, he went up to his room to get ready to go to

that blissful visit.

Half an hour later, Pilar and her husband came to that old run-down house where

she lived before. From the car, she looked the surroundings of the house. At that

moment she very sad to see everything full of weeds and neglected. They both got

out of the car and entered very carefully. At the precise moment when he opened the

front door of the house, which was very difficult to open because of the time that had

passed. Pilar came in first and saw everything full of dust and spider webs too. She

was even sadder because she never thought she was going to see the home her

parents had left her turn into a real disgust. The Poet stared at her and said:

-Darling, we can't stay here. We had better we go to Andres’ estate.

She remained silent and did nothing but see the dirty walls and the deteriorated

paintings that were placed on them. The furniture was full

of dust and the portraits that were on a table next to the furniture could not be seen

because they were full of dust and spider webs.

Okay, let's go to the estate, she replied in a very soft voice.

She left the house going towards the car while the Poet closed the door of the

house. After closing the door, the Poet stared at the house with great regret. Then,

he went to get in the car. When she accelerated to go straight to Andres' estate, Pilar

did nothing else than looking at her little house with great sadness. He looked at her

and said to her:

Take it easy my love, you will see that I have some people clean your house and

leave it better than before.

She looked at him with a simple smile and replied:

Thanks darling, you are the most beautiful man I have and that I will have the rest

of my day

25 minutes later, suddenly they both arrived at the Rocas del Villar Estate. They

lowered out of the car very anxiously to see their nephews and Andres. Pilar went

out quickly and entered the estate feeling a great emotion inside, while her beloved

husband was walking behind her. She knocked on the door of the house screaming

loudly with emotion:

Claudia! Andrés! I am here! It is me Pilar, I am back!

Suddenly, they opened the door and Julian's wife came out with her repugnant

and cynical face saying:

What do you need, lady?

Pilar was surprised to see her and answered: -Excuse me, can you tell me where

my nephews and my brother-in-law Andrés are?

Ah! As far as I can see you are not aware, I'm sorry to tell you that your

brother-in-law sold us this property, she said it with great impudence.

Pilar was even more strange when she replied: - No, lady! That cannot be

possible, are you joking?

Julian wife smiled hypocritically, telling him: - Why do I have to be joking? Believe

me, after he sold the farm, he went a long way from here with his three children:

Pilar lowered her face because she was very disillusioned and she answered:

-Sorry for the inconvenience lady.

At that moment the Poet came asking her - hey love! Why do you have that sad


She looked at him with that great emptiness that she felt in her heart and

responded to him.

She looks at him with that great emptiness that she feels in her heart and replied:

- Oh, darling, Andrés sold the estate and went away with my nephews and nieces.

The only desire she had was to return to her village once again to meet her family,

but she was surprised that nothing turned out as she wanted. The Poet was so

baffled that he exclaimed.

That can't be, he'd never sell these lands because they're like a treasure for him!

Pilar's tears came out and she said with a very broken voice - what hurts me the

most is not seeing them ever again.

Then, she looked up at the sky and said in a low voice, "Forgive me, sister, for not

keeping the promise I made you before you died.

He looked at Julian's wife with a great distrust.

Love, let's go, you will see that we will find them very soon, he said so that she

would not suffer any more.

They left from there very disillusioned. As they were walking towards the car, she

did nothing but look at the house that was her family’s and at the same time she

wondered where they were. The Poet was equally sad, but inside something told him

that everything that woman had said

was nothing more than a lie. That's when he started thinking something was

wrong. They both got in the car and left immediately. While Julian's wife was outside

the house watching

them, suddenly her eldest son named Abraham came out and asked him:

Mom, who were those fine people who asked about the old owners of this estate?

She remained thinking for a second what lie to answer her, -then she said, I think

they are some old friend of our dear ex-boss. That naive young man believed his

mother's tale, but what he did not know was that he had some mysterious parents.

Minutes were passing, Claudia was driving on her way to the Rodriguez mansion,

while Michael and Gertrudis were in the back seats talking like the parrots

themselves. They were talking and talking about their past lives. Claudia was

immensely happy to see that they had great confidence among themselves. She was

completely silent listening to what both of them were talking about, Gertrude,

suddenly at an unexpected moment, asked Michael if he had had any boyfriend. At

that moment Claudia stared at her through the rear-view mirror, beckoning to her

with her eyes that she would not ask any more. He remained very thoughtful and

after a while he replied:

-mmm, Well, I have never had a relationship, but I have liked some boys.

Michael blushed a little sorry for what he had answered, Gertrude looked at her

sister and jokingly said: hey sis! When are we going to get Michael a boyfriend?

In that instant when she said that, Michael turned red like a tomato of shame she

felt. Suddenly the three of them started laughing out loud to feel more at ease. When

they were almost arriving at the mansion, Claudia told Gertrudis that she was going

to introduce her as a cousin because they did know she was the same, but they

knew her as Marlene Rodriguez. Gertrudis looked at her very stranged and asked


And how come they don't know who you really are?

Because it is not convenient for me to let them know who I am, because Gallardo

has agreements with their company.

Gertrudis caught him instantly and said: -ah! It is okay sister.

Claudia looked at Michael through the rearview and told her: - and you already

know they think I have a brother!

Yes! Well sister! He answered jokingly.

Well, that's how I like them to be, well alerted! She admitted.

When they arrived at the mansion, Michael and Gertrudis were very surprised to

see that beautiful garden that shone all over the outside of the house. The roses

were red, yellow and white, and the jasmines and lilies were pink, but the ones that

most embellished the garden were the orchids of different species. At the moment

when they parked. Nana was in the garden cutting some yellow roses to put in a

vase of water. When she saw an unknown car parking, she wondered who it was.

When Claudia suddenly got out of the car, Tibisay was filled with emotion at the sight

of her. She quickly walked to where she was telling him:

How are you, my child? You were lost!

Claudia gave him a big hug and very cheerfully she said: - How do you do, my old


When Michael and Gertrudis got out of the car, the nanny looked at them very

strangely and asked Claudia who they were. Claudia smiled telling him that he was

her brother and she was his cousin. Michael extended his hand to the nanny and she


How do you do, lady. My name is Michael.

She replied with a smile, it is all my pleasure, then he added - What a handsome

young man you are!

Michael liked the Nanny immensely because he realized she was a great person.

Then Gertrudis extended her hand saying:

My name is Gertrudis, let me tell you that you a very beautiful old lady! but you are

a beauty too! You look a lot like your cousin Marlene, said the Nanny.

Gertrudis looked at Claudia and both began to laugh because the nanny had said

something that was very true.

Let's go inside the house, Rosa will be very happy when she knows you're here!

said Tibisay full of emotion.

When they came in Tibisay started screaming saying: -¡Rosa! ¡my child! I bet you

don't know who is here?

When she heard the screams Luisa left her room, she peeked out the stairs

replying to Tibisay, stop shouting! My head hurts even when will I have to put up

with you.

The nanny did not pay attention to her and kept calling Rosa. Luisa had no choice

but to return to her room full of courage. The beautiful Rosa was in the studio

finishing a job on the computer she had been told to do at the university, listening

again to the scream of the nanny, he left the studio straight away to see who was

there. When he saw Claudia, he became extremely emotional and approached her


What a surprise to see you again! I say the same, Claudia replied with a smile.

Rosa stared at them, and she asked who they were.

Oh, excuse me! May I introduce my brother and cousin?

Michael introduced himself and Gertrudis did the same. But, sit down while I bring

you something to eat, said the Nanny.

They sat on the piece of furniture which was right there in the reception room,

Rosa did not stop asking Claudia that she had done during all those days, while

Michael and Gertrudis talked about their personal things. All of a sudden Alejandro

got back from the gym, when he saw Claudia he was immensely amazed just like

she was. He approached her saying:

Hi there, How is the most beautiful woman in the world?

Very well! better than ever, she replied with a big smile.

Alejandro stared at Michael and Gertrudis and asked: and who are they?

Ah! Let me present my brother and my cousin, she said.

Michael got up from the sofa and presented himself. When Gertrudis extended her

hand to introduce herself and told him her name, he was surprised and he said:

What a coincidence! Your name is the same as a person's sister that was very

special to me.

She smiled answering him. Yes! what a coincidence!

Then he added saying that he was very attractive. Alexander began to laugh and


Wow! You have a great resemblance to Marlene.

Clear, we are not cousins! Didn't you hear or play deaf, Claudia said?

He stayed looking at her and said: -hey! You are going to start with the fight.

And who said I'm fighting? She said shrugging her shoulders.

Rosa looked at them and said to them, "You sound like a couple in love.

Claudia smiled and replied: - Well, I doubt it! Because I already have a


Alexander became very jealous and asked him: - And who is he, if you can


And if I don't feel like telling you, she answered to annoy him.

Alejandro did not believe that she had a boyfriend, he thought that she had made

that up, so that he would not bother her.

It is all right. Do not tell me who your boyfriend is. Anyway I do not care a bit about

it. He replied.

Suddenly the Nana arrived along with Isabel Cristina. Both of them brought

delicious chocolate cookies plus a rich strawberry milkshake.

How did it go, my boy? the nanny asked him when she saw him.

Everything was all right, nice old lady! He replied.

Isabel Cristina served the cookies plus the strawberry milkshake to each one.

Suddenly Claudia's phone rang. When she answered, it was Gallardo asking her

why she had not gone to the company. Claudia lied telling her that she couldn't go

because she unwittingly sprained her ankle while bathing and therefore she wasn’t

going to able to go to work. Because he was so impressed with her, he told her to

take as many days

as she wanted. At that moment, she smiled saying in her mind: this slimy is

crazier for me every day, but he doesn't know what is coming for him!

Before ending the conversation with him, she said good bye to him very lovingly

saying to him - I hope you have a good day, darling!

He said that to him to make him to be more in love and at the same time to

make Alejandro understand that she had a boyfriend.

Michael and Gertrudis were delighted with the cookies and the strawberry

milkshake. Both asked the Nanny if she had prepared that delicious treat. She

smiled answering them.

Yes, I made that delicious treat, as you say.

That Nanny always cooks delicious food," said Claudia.

Alejandro stared at her very strange for what she had said.

Why do you say she always cooks rich when she is just the second day you try

what she does? he asked arm-crossed.

At that moment Claudia became a little nervous about the mistake she had made,

and to disguise what she had said she said: - I feel that I have known the nanny


Tibisay was flattered by what she said. -Well, stop talking and take advantage of

the fact that my little girl Marlene is here with her family and so you can go for a

stroll, Tibisay proposed.

I consider it a magnificent idea! Commented Gertrudis

Claudia looked at Alejandro and said - how about going for a ride to an

amusement park!

Then let's go at once! Rosa said.

Alexander was very animated to go because he knew he was going to spend it

with her, - you'll see that we're going to have an excellent time! Said Alexander.

Tibisay stared at all of them and said: I expect my children to have a lot of fun.

How so, do me a favor and you're going to prepare yourself because you're also

going with us! Claudia told Nanny.

Not my girl, I'm too old for those affairs! I'd better stay here. Tibisay replied.

Alejandro insisted, but it was impossible to convince her. -Go with them, my old

lady, you'll see that you're going to have fun. Take your free time," said Elizabeth


The Nanny began to smile and said, "It is okay! How can you not accept that

invitation of these loves, then she added, "Wait, I'm going to change!

Well, we are waiting for you, cute old lady," said Claudia.

The moment she went to change, they started to talk. Alejandro did not stop

asking Michael questions about Marlene's daily life while the three of them talked

about their lives and their boyfriends

Time went by and almost ending the half day to start the wonderful afternoon.

Pilar and the Poet stayed in the same hotel where Claudia stayed when she went to


She was very sad lying in bed. She wondered where her only remaining family

was. Her tears did not stop running down her face of how bad she felt. Meanwhile

the Poet looked from the window of the room at the streets and the people who

walked on them. At that moment he was very thoughtful because he did not

assimilate that Andres had sold these lands.

Those lands have a huge oil deposit. It is impossible that he has sold them! Then,

he added, something bad must have occurred for that to happen.

It was then that he came to mind to ask the neighbors of the nearest estates to

see if he could find out their whereabouts. As he saw Pilar lying down, he left the

room. When she saw him leaving, she asked him with a very soft and sad voice.

Love, where are you going?

He approached her and replied: "Dear, I am going to ask the neighbors of the

nearby estates to know what really happened to them.

She got up from bed and said to him: - I will accompany you.

No love! You better get some rest. I promise I will bring you good news," he


She was quiet and said in a soft voice: “Okay, my love, thank you for helping me

find my family, I love you.”

The Poet kissed her on the forehead and then left. The moment she was left alone

she said: - My God, help my husband find them.

Suddenly she sat on the bed, and after a while, she thought about how beautiful

and tall her three nephews would be.

How beautiful Claudia must be. She must look like her mother, she said sighing.

Pilar sighed deeply again and lay down again on the bed. The Poet was on his

way to the rocks of the villar estate. Suddenly it came to his mind to go to Don Lucas’

estate, when he was almost arriving, again he thought that something bad had to

happen to Andrés in order for him to sell the estate. At the moment in which this was

happening in the rocks of the Villar estate, he slowed down little by little, when he

looked at the house, he saw Julián's eldest son helping a gentleman to cut the weeds.

They saw the car themselves.

Those people around here again? Julian's eldest son wondered.

His mother stared at the car from the window and began to worry because she

thought they were going to find out what had happened.

The poet arrived at Don Lucas' hacienda, when he got out of the car he saw a

young man in the driveway opening a hole to plant a plant.

Hey young man! Don't you know if Mr. Lucas is here? asked the Poet.

Yes sir! He's milking the cows," replied that kind young man.

Could you tell him to come here for a moment! I need to talk to him urgently, said

the Poet.

All right, wait a minute, I am going to tell you, said the young man.

He ran to look for Don Lucas at the stable where the cows were. That boy was

Lucas' godson. Since his mother died leaving him an orphan, Don Lucas gave him

refuge in his farm and it was from there that he became his son as well as an

assistant at work. When this cheerful young man arrived at the stable calling out to

Don Lucas. He was a little angry and told him: David, don't shout! You're going to

scare the cows with your screams! And they won’t give any more milk.

Sorry, godfather, there's a very well-dressed man out there and he's looking for

you, he says he's urgent to talk to you, from what I see he looks like somebody from

the capital city," said David.

Ah, yes! Well, you stay milking the cows, while I attend to that man," Lucas


All right godfather! as you say," said David.

The cows looked at David with great panic because he milked them very abruptly.

They were used to Lucas milking them because he did it with great affection. He

milked on the cows while his beloved godfather was going to attend to the man. David

gave inspiration to anyone because everything he did was with love and enthusiasm,

indeed to the cows. Even though he did not have his mother alive, he was extremely

happy because the love and affection that his godfather gave him covered the

emptiness that his mother left him when she died. When Lucas arrived at the gate

outside the estate and he saw this well-dressed man, he said to him:

Hello! hello! What can I do for you, sir?

The Poet was surprised to see how much Lucas had changed. His hair was full of

gray hairs and his beard too, but what he had preserved was his face.

How are you, Mr. Lucas? The Poet told you.

Lucas looked at him very surprised and asked: - Why do you know my name? Do I

know you?

I am Luis Enrique! The one they nicknamed the Poet. I worked as a foreman in

Andres' coffee plantation, then I married his sister-in-law and left this town, said the


Don Lucas began to remember until suddenly he said: - Ah yes! I remember you,

oh! you have changed so much! Lucas opened the gate and said, "Come in! Welcome

to this humble estate.

Both walked towards the house to talk more comfortably, when they entered the

room, Lucas told him to take a seat.

And to what is the reason for your visit? Lucas asked when he was already seated.

Well my dear sir, I came to ask you some questions

Don Lucas looked at him and said: -Yes, tell me! What's that question?

It was there when the Poet asked him what had happened to Andrés and his family,

Lucas was surprised to hear him because he thought he knew where they were. Then

he told him that mysteriously they left without even saying goodbye, but the strangest

thing was to learn a very rich man had bought such productive land never to use it.

The Poet became more doubtful and at the same time became worried. It was

since then when he ended up realizing that something bad had happened. He

continued asking him questions about them. Don Lucas told her that Claudia had

become very beautiful like her brothers. He also told her that she worked in the coffee

plantation long before it burned.

The coffee plantation burned down? asked the Poet, very impressed.

Lucas told him how this happened, and also told him that for that reason Andres

probably sold and left. After finishing the conversation, the Poet said goodbye to

Lucas and went very worried to look for information about them in the center of the

town. Deep inside him he knew that something had happened to Andres and his

family that forced them to leave.

While he was looking for information he was never going to get, Claudia was driving

to the amusement park. Michael and Gertrudis were in the back very anxious to get

there, while Alejandro was driving behind them. He was coming with his beautiful

sister and Tibisay. The nanny was very smiling and saying: This is the first time I

come to a place like this.

Rosa gave her a hug saying: - You'll see you're going to have fun, Nanny!

The moment they both of them arrived, they parked in that huge private parking lot

in that said park. Everyone got out of the cars and grouped

Together. Gertrudis began to laugh, saying: - what a thing! We are more women

than men!

Claudia burst out laughing and very funnily said: - it's that women rule way more

than men! That’s because we are always very many.

Alexander mocked at her and said: "You may be many and you may rule us, but

without us, you cannot live!

It was at that moment when Claudia started the fight by telling him: - Stop talk

nonsense, stupid!

You're talking nonsense, bitter lady! He replied.

None of them stopped fighting all the time. They looked like a couple of children in

love. Tibisay and the others did nothing but watch them fight.

When are they going to stop fighting? One of these days they're going to get

married, the nanny said.

Aha! I wouldn't marry him even if I were crazy! she answered that without meaning


But inside she was more in love with him than ever. When all of them entered the

amusement park, the first thing they did was to buy sweets in one of the stores that

were there. Alejandro bought a cotton candy to Claudia because he knew she loved it.

Rosa and the Nanny ate a delicious ice-cream cone as well as Gertrudis and Michael.

The afternoon was beginning. Alejandro was walking around the amusement park

eating popcorn with Claudia. He was throwing popcorn at her all the time. Alejandro

was laughing at every moment of his mischief, however, he was so masochistic

because he did it only to make her furious and start fighting with him.

Stay still, because I'm going to pick up some stones and I going to throw them at

your knucklehead! she shouted at him, pretending to be annoyed.

He would come up to her and push her with his hips, telling her: - Let's see! Get

angry so you get prettier.

She could not bear the immense desire to die of laughter as well as to push him

with the hips as he did with her, Rosa and nanny and the other people who were

passing by saw how they were both pushing and fighting

each other at every moment. Just then a woman with her 1o year old son was

passing a lady. She looked at them laughing and said:

They look so beautiful fighting; they look like two lovers.

La nanny smiled, answering the old lady - it's true! It really shows that they are in


Gertrudis was after them together with Michael and commented in a low voice: from

what I see, my sister is deeply in love, but I don't know why she doesn't take the first

step and accepts him as her boyfriend. They make a nice couple!

Michael looked at her and said: - he doesn't do it because she is Gallardo's

girlfriend, and you know very well that he is capable of killing Alejandro if he finds out

that Claudia is with him. Then he added, if that happened, she would never forgive


Gertrudis got a little upset telling him that it was better for Claudia to stop this

revenge and give herself the chance to be happy. Michael stared at her and said:

You know that your sister is very stubborn and won't rest until she sees Gallardo


They continued walking for a while to get on those fair rides which Tibisay feared so

much. All of a sudden Alexander became like a child and said to all of them: "How

about all of us going up on the roller coaster!

That would be great! said Michael and Gertrudis.

They climbed that huge roller coaster except for the nanny and Rosa because it

was very frightening for them. Claudia was beside Alejandro and Gertrudis next to by

Michael. In the first lap they took in that ride, they did nothing but scream due to the

adrenaline they felt thanks to the speed that the roller coaster reached. Full of fear

Claudia embraced Alejandro, while he was immensely happy because she embraced

him. Gertrudis was very happy for all the fun she was having. That was the first time

she went to one of those places. The hours went by and they kept getting on each

one of those fun rides. Claudia preferred not to get on any other because she was

dizzy and nauseous. She went to get a chair where the nanny was sitting with Rosa.

Claudia gave a big hug to the nanny telling her that she loved her immensely. She sat

on the chair and began to talk with her.

Suddenly Rosa got up from the chair and decided to have fun with the others.

When they were talking very pleasantly about their past lives. Suddenly Alejandro

arrived with a very big teddy bear. He gave it to her telling her: I am giving you this

bear so when you embrace it, you remember me.

She smiled and said: -Thank you very much, but don't even think that when I hug

it, I am going to remember you!

Alejandro laughed and replied, "Look young lady, you love to fight, ever since you

met me, you've done nothing more than that.

Oh, well, you are two of a kind, you make a beautiful couple," the nanny said with

a beautiful smile.

Claudia stared at nanny and said:

Nanny, I don't think I will ever fall in love with him because he is very ugly and


Don't say that, my child, he is very handsome," the nanny answered.

Alexander pretended to be funny and said to his lover: "I'm ugly and unpleasant as

you say, but you're nothing but a beautiful fighter! That is why I like you so much.

Claudia began to laugh because of what he had said, Tibisay looked at the sky that

was already beginning to darken and said: - My God! Why don’t you finish getting this

pair of lovers together?

Alejandro sat next to Claudia and the pinched her was very softly as she did to

him. It was so wonderful to see that beautiful couple so in love.

That's why, dear reader, the story I'm telling you is not a past event, but a historical

part that I lived in a dream that I turned into this beautiful work today.

The noise took over the amusement park. Those kids ran everywhere and the

people who got on those fun rides screamed with emotion. Alejandro, Claudia and

Rosa told Tibisay to get on even one of those rides. She was so frightened that she

said no. They insisted on her to do so that she ended up giving in. As she would

always do. They got on the immense wheel of fortune with her. The poor woman did

nothing but shout and close her eyes when she looked down. Meanwhile Alejandro

and Claudia looked at each other and laughed at the nanny as well as

beautiful Rosa. That marvelous day was the second time that she had a very happy

time having fun with her most precious beings.

The night fell, the Poet got tired of looking for information about them in the town,

He had no choice but to return to the hotel where he was lodged. When he was going

up to the room, he thought not to tell his beloved wife what Don Lucas had told him.

He decided not to tell her that so as not to worry her more than she was. He opened

the door of the room with very quietly, and when he entered he saw his beloved wife

completely exhausted and asleep.

The best thing is that tomorrow we leave here. Then in the capital city I am going to

hire a detective to find them. He said quietly so as not to wake her.

He sat on the bed and turned on the TV waiting for his wife to wake up.

Minutes later, all that place was filled with lights of those fun rides, but with so much

joy and fun it was time for them to leave because they were exhausted. They were in

the parking very excitedly and saying goodbye.

We had a very happy time, but I hope you visit me soon," the nanny said. It will be

like that, cute old lady. Soon I will visit you," Claudia answered giving her a big hug.

Each one of them said goodbye and finally Claudia and Alejandro said goodbye

looking at each other fixedly: I had a great time with you. I hope you like that teddy

bear I gave you," he said in a soft and charming voice.

Claudia so smiling replied: -Yes, I liked the teddy you gave me, I'll name it after you

to remind me of you.

Alejandro smiled and responded: "Beside being a fighter and beautiful, you are

funny. You are a charm.

They both said goodbye with a strong kiss on the cheek and after a while they

stared at each other intently. Suddenly she took her eyes off him and said: So long, I

hope you have a happy night.

Each of the groups got in their respective cars and went their different ways.

Claudia was driving to the apartment, and she was completely silent thinking about

him, while the perverse of Michael and Gertrudis murmured about her saying that she

was madly in love with Alejandro.

Suddenly Claudia felt the murmur and looked at the rear-view mirror telling them:

And what are you mumbling about? You look like two gossiping old ladies!

You are very in love with him," said Michael. You looked like a pair of turtledoves

fighting. Gertrudis commented.

Claudia began to laugh and shouted at them with emotion: - I am in love! So what!

Gertrudis and Michael started to joke with Claudia telling her that she was a

fighter in love. While Alejandro was driving and at the same time thinking about her.

The nanny from the back seat looked at him and said:

My child, how beautiful you look when you're in love. You look like another


Alexander smiled as he listened to her and affirmed –Yes nanny, she has

transformed my life since I first saw her.

Tibisay began to give her advice to woo her. Her advice was that when she

fought, he would say romantic words and also to be very detailed because women

liked a man like that apart from being very attentive.

That day destiny wanted them to be together to love each other more and make

that love bloom in a certain time. When they arrived at the apartment, Claudia went

to her room to take off her clothes because she felt hot and tired. After she took off

her clothes, she went to the bathroom to take a good cold shower. Meanwhile

Michael and Gertrudis went to the kitchen to drink water because they were a little


It seems strange to me that Claudia is locked in the room, I think she went to

sleep to dream of her love," Michael said smiling.

Gertrudis looked at him laughing and said: -I was glad that my sister had so much

fun there. I saw her very happy.

Yes, I saw her immensely happy, I am glad for her," he admitted.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, Michael was surprised and said: -who will that be?

He went to open the door and was very surprised when he saw the unpleasant

visit. - Mr. Gallardo! Are you here? Michael said.

Gertrudis was filled with fear when she heard Michael. She bent down and ran

quickly to the room, Gallardo was rude as always and he came in without Michael's

consent asking: -Where is my girlfriend? Tell her I am here.

Michael became very nervous and replied, "I am sorry, Mr. Gallardo, she's at a

friend's house, and she's staying there tonight.

Gallardo looked at him very seriously and said: -Why does she have to stay at a

friend's house? Wasn’t she supposedly sick?

Michael quickly began to meditate on finding an answer to amend Claudia's lie.

Yes! she was sick, but when she felt better she left for her friend’s, he said.

At that moment Julian was at the door and from there he was looking at Michael.

Fresh as a cucumber, Gallardo sat down on the sofa and said to Michael:

Come brother-in-law! Tell me what you've done? Don't be ashamed.

Michael's nerves were even worse, he approached where Gallardo was while

Julian so cunningly entered and stayed watching the entire department. Suddenly,

he saw Claudia's briefcase placed on a table that was before the reception room.

There next to that table beside the briefcase were some folders with very important

documents of Michael. Daring Julian approached the table and began to sculpt while

Michael was distracted. Suddenly Michael turned around and surprised him instantly:

Hey! What the hell are you doing looking at my sister's things? Michael shouted at


Gallardo looked at Julián with a malicious look and shouted at him: - What are you

doing getting your nose in my papers? Do me a favor and wait for me outside, I'll let

you know when we're coming!

Julian left very furious because Michael had foolishly surprised him. Michael sat

next to Gallardo and in such an unexpected way he came up with a great idea, it was

of course when he said:

Sorry Mr. Gallardo, at this moment I am waiting for a girl, you know that one has

to be alone to give her what they deserve.

Gallardo began to laugh out loud and replied: - Okay, brother-in-law! I'm leaving

so that you can give that girl all you want.

When Gallardo left, Michael took a deep breath and said: - Finally! I took this

burden off my back.

Claudia came out of the bathroom very happily and when she saw Gertrudis lying

on the bed very nervously, she asked him very impressed:

What is wrong with you, sister?

Gallardo is there," Gertrudis answered in a low, fearful dead voice.

Claudia was surprised and immediately opened the door with great care and

looked out, when she saw Michael alone in the living room, she left the room. When

she arrived in the living room she asked Michael: "Is it true that Gallardo was here?

Yes! He came to see you, but I said you were at a friend's house and therefore

you weren't coming today. He replied a little scared.

Claudia smiled saying to him - Calm down! you did very well to tell him that. You

are always cunning for everything.

Gertrudis stayed in the room full of fear. She was traumatized by what Gallardo

had done to her before. Claudia hugged Michael good night and kissed him on the


“Have a happy night," she said.

“You too," he replied.

Claudia went to her room to go to bed because she couldn't stand the exhaustion.

She didn't care so much that Gallardo had gone to the apartment because

something inside her made her feel that he had already been beaten.


Three Weeks later, that morning so warm and happier than ever, Claudia was in her

office finishing reading some mails in the computer and then starting to order some

documents that Gallardo needed. Suddenly the same young man came to her office

to bring her the correspondence, in the same one came some envelopes with

several documents very important for Gallardo, the young man left the

correspondence on his desk and as he knew that she was very repugnant he left

immediately so that this one did not look at him badly.

Claudia took those envelopes and began to revise them, when suddenly a

small envelope fell to the floor, she was so curious to open that envelope that had

fallen, when she picked it up and opened it, she saw that it was an invitation made to

Gallardo to attend the anniversary party of the dairy company Provalen, she half

impressed realized that it was the company of Alejandro father.

Well, I didn't know they were on an anniversary," said Claudia.

Claudia sat down again to finish reading the emails and after a while she got up

from the chair and went to Gallardo's office to bring him the mail. When she entered

she found Arturo talking with Gallardo in a very suspicious way, she had a very bad

impression to see them talking, she immediately thought that some dirty business

was being

plotted among them, Arturo was completely silent when she entered, instead

Gallardo was looking at her with a big smile telling her:

How the most beautiful woman in the whole world?

She smiled with a brazen answer: -very good darling.

Arturo got up from the chair greeting her very kindly, at that very moment he

left quickly because he knew that Gallardo was very jealous of his girlfriend, and not

to have serious problems with the preferred to evacuate the place. Claudia gave the

correspondence to her adored enemy and said:

Ah! my love, you got an invitation for tonight, it's the anniversary of the Provalen


He began to read the invitation and said: - I want you to come with me tonight!

She stared at him and at the same time thought about the damage she was going to

do to Alejandro when she saw him, Claudia didn't find what to do until she suddenly

said in her mind:

First my plan to destroy this damn dog, and then the rest!

At the instant he replied with a smile: - All is well! I going, but with one condition?

Gallardo smile asking him - what condition is that my love?

I want you to buy me the best dress and the best heels I have to go with you

tonight! she said.

All right doll! You can ask me for anything, if possible even the whole world

will give it to you! He replied.

This one started laughing saying in her mind: -Soon I going to take everything

you have and then you rot in jail.

Do you want him to accompany you on these shopping? Gallardo asked.

Claudia did not seem a bad idea and immediately replied: "I think it's terrific,


He looked at her morbosamente said, "My love, I want to give you a very rich


In that small instant she had a stomach upset when she heard it, - well! That

fine, but only one! You know the condition I put on you, you have to fulfill it! She

replied feeling a shameful disgust inside.

Gallardo got up from his chair and immediately gave him a long kiss on the

mouth, suddenly began to touch his legs and then go up to the gluteus, was since

then when she turned away very furious shouting: "I think you are in a hurry! You're

nothing but a sexually ill!

Claudia left the office in a hurry, pulling the door with great force, Gallardo began to

laugh out loud, saying: - I crazy about you! You see that very soon I going to make

you mine!

He was completely crazy about her, but however there was something that

forced him to respect her, that something was the love he felt for her, that happened

to him only with Marlene because other women if he took them to bed for the good or

the bad. Little by little Gallardo fell in

love with her even more without knowing that this love made him more vulnerable

and much stronger to her to destroy him faster.

I can write another power of attorney where Gallardo gives me everything he

has, including the company, and then when he makes a small mistake, he sends him

to jail and I'm left a millionaire:

Claudia began to mock by saying - your time will come to be poorer than rats!

Her vengeful vigour was leading her to greed and more bellaca than ever,

without imagining if she was going to make as much millionaire as she believed.

Minutes later, Michael was in his office accommodating some folders of a new case

that had been assigned to him; while he did his job, Yamel did nothing but look at

him from her office, she did not resign herself to believe that Michael was

homosexual, she couldn't bear to see him anymore and suddenly got out of her chair

going to where he was, Michael felt that someone was looking at him, but as he had

a lot of work he did not pay much attention to that, unexpectedly she appeared from

behind and told him:

I need to ask you a question and I want you to answer it sincerely!

He got a little uncomfortable, but at the same time nervous, -ask me whatever

you want," he replied.

She breathed deeply and asked him: - Is it true that you are homosexual?

Under his face of sorrow remaining silent for a moment, this one was

reminded of the great support of Gertrudis and Claudia, whose support filled him with

valor and replied: Yes! It true, I always have been, forgive me, I know you fell in love

with me and I disillusioned you, but I will always want you as a friend.

Yamel was filled with rage and hit the desk hard, screaming: - You are a

complete human deception! I don't want to see you in my life anymore, nor do I want

you to be my friend! You disgust me!

She went to her office very furious while the other co-workers watched as she went

out screaming, Michael's self-esteem fell at that very moment, he was very hurt

when he heard the cruel words of his friend, he was silent when suddenly Carlos

came asking him what had happened with Yamel, Michael feeling shattered replied:

Forgive me Carlos, but at this moment I'm not here to give explanations, you

better go.

Carlos stayed looking at him and immediately went to Yamel office, when he

entered he asked her what had happened, she replied very upset, shouting: "Why

don't you get the hell out of my office!

Because he was nosy, he had no choice but to leave with his tail between his

legs, wondering why they had argued. Michael grabbed the head of how desperate

and bad he felt, the first thing that came to his mind was to call Claudia to tell her

what had happened, her phone was ringing and ringing and nothing she answered,

to see that she did

Not answer, Michael took all his things and went from the police station straight to

his apartment, at the bottom of his heart there was a great ​modesty as well as a

terrible sadness to feel rejected by his friend. When he was driving, he kept

remembering every word she said to him, his cheek kept running his tears, it was so

lost that Michael felt until he suddenly lost control of the steering wheel and

unfortunately jumped the island of the avenue and collided head-on with another car,

the impact was so strong that people who were walking nearby thought that the

people in both cars were dead. These onlookers called the authorities immediately,

Michael had his face bathed in blood, he was completely passed out, but inside he

listened to people mumbling:

They're dead!

Then he heard the sirens of the ambulances and the firemen, suddenly the

firemen opened the door of the car and with the help of the paramedics took him out

of there by putting him on a stretcher, then they took his pulse and said:

He is still alive!

Immediately he was taken to the ambulance and taken to the city's central

hospital just like the other body of a woman in the other car, the people who were

there commented that they would die on the way. While Michael was on the verge of

death, his beloved Claudia was in the computer writing the other blow for Gallardo,

whose blow was a power that he was going to sign where he gave her everything he

had including the company, when she was finishing it she began to read it, at the

same time she laughed saying:

I am going to be very rich! Very soon I will have power and you will be

lamenting having been born!

Then she printed this power, in the instant when the printer was printing that

blissful document Gallardo entered the office very smiling, she was very nervous to

see it and asked him:

What do you need?

He stared at her with a very mischievous yet loving look,

You don't remember that we're going to buy your dress to wear tonight," he said.

Oh yes! She really didn't remember me, she replied.

So what are you waiting for? Let's go once and for all, why wait any longer, he


The nerves that she had were starting to betray her a little, it was from then on that

Gallardo realized that something was wrong.

Wait for me to retouch for a moment and then we'll leave! If you want to wait

outside? she proposed.

Claudia took the document from the printer when it was suddenly looking at her and

asked: - What about that document?

In an instant she had a knot in her throat and felt a great cold escalation of

the nerves she felt, then she replied -this document is not important, honey, better

wait for me outside while I get more beautiful so that they see that you have a great


Gallardo, so stupid, became more impressed with the words she said to him:

-It's good, but if you give me a kiss! he said.

She had no choice but to approach him and give him a simple kiss on the

mouth, - alas! what a rich kiss, that's why I love you! he said.

Claudia smiled hypocritically with the nerves of points and answered him

I love you too, but now go, wait for me outside while I retouch.

As you command! he replied, leaving at once.

After he left, she took a deep breath and said: - "I was almost discovered by

that unhappy man!

Claudia took the document and put it in a folder where there were some

documents that Gallardo had to sign, then he retouched himself with his makeup

quickly and then left, when he reached the bottom of

the elevator, he got Arturo, he looked at her smiling and immediately entered the

elevator, she twisted her eyes with disgust and said:

until I have to see this asshole's disgusting face!

Then she continued on her way and when she arrived outside, Gallardo was

waiting for her, when he saw her, he said: -my love! Get in the car because we are

going to the best boutique in this country!

so I like to be treated like the queen I am! she exclaimed, smiling.

Julian stared at her and began to twist her mouth and eyes, she looked at him

instantly and said: - Hey! And you when you think I got a surgery? because with that

face you scare anyone.

Gallardo laughed out loud while Julián, very furious, wanted to kill her

because he couldn't stand her. Claudia and Gallardo got in the car going to that

happy boutique. While Julián was driving, he was looking at Claudia with great rage

through the mirror, suddenly she realized that Julián was looking at her, it was since

then when she looked at him in disguise and showed him roughly the middle finger,

unexpectedly a call came to Gallardo's phone, when he answered, he was speaking

to that person in code, it was of course when she finished realizing that he was going

to do some of those dirty business, Claudia did not stop stopping

her ear listening to everything he said, while Julián watched her like a snake when

he observed her prey, at that moment he began to suspect that she had something

to do with the return they had made and therefore failed because the police arrived,

he was not very sure what he thought but if he had a great suspicion. Julián watched

her and observed her while Claudia did not notice because she was listening to


That same morning the workers of the company prevailed and kept

murmuring how to make this happy anniversary party. Alejandro was in his office

reviewing some documents when suddenly he received an email from his great

Spanish friend Alfonzo Calderón, the instant he opened the email on his computer,

his friend told him that he missed

him a lot as much as he missed Rosa, he also told him that very soon he was

coming to visit his country, Alejandro was very happy for the email that his best

friend had sent him, he could not resist the urge and

took his phone and immediately called his sister to tell her the good news, Rosa was


in the cafeteria of the university and when he heard the news he liked it immensely

because he always liked that boy, at the end of the conversation with his sister,

Estefanía unexpectedly entered the office, he looked at her and asked her with a

certain repugnance: -and now what do you need?

She smiled in reply - today I want you to be the one who accompanies me at

the party!

I don't think I can because I already have my companion," he said.

Estefania approached him beginning to insinuate to him touching his cheek

and looking at him so sensual, suddenly Don Alejandro entered the office and when

he saw that she was touching his son he said with certain sorrow:

Excuse me! I didn't intend to bother you.

No dad! She and I don't have anything, Alejandro said.

She began to laugh and left the office immediately, when she was at the door

she said to Don Alejandro: - Goodbye, father-in-law!

Don Alejandro smiling said to his son: - Why don't you love her? She is a

good woman, they would make a nice couple!

Alejandro got very serious and replied: - I'm sorry! I'm in love with Marlene!

she's the one who has me crazy with love.

Her father stood by and smiled again, asking her: -and then why don't you go

and tell him that you love her? Why wait any longer?

Alexander was very thoughtful and after a while he said: - That's fine! Today

I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend.

So you talk, my son!" exclaimed Don Alejandro.

Minutes later, Rosa arrived home very happy to know that Alfonso was

coming soon to see her, on entering through the front door, the first thing that

occurred to her was to go to the kitchen to have a glass

of lemonade cold as she liked and thus took advantage and told the Nana the reason

for her joy. When she entered the kitchen she gave a big hug to Nana and another to

Isabel Cristina, they were surprised to see her so happy, - my child! Ah, what is so

much happiness owed? Asked Tibisay very amazed.

Rosa told Isabel Cristina to pour her a cold glass of lemonade, and at the same time

she told Nana that she was very happy because very soon the man she has always

been in love with was coming, - ¡ah! Caray, my girl, you never told me about that

lover, said Nana.

Is that I've always kept it a secret with my brother," answered Rosa.

Both did not stop laughing at the emotion they felt, it was so much so that even

Isabel was infected with that happiness, the same served the glass of lemonade to

Rosa, then the three sat at the table that was there and began to talk about Alfonso,

Rosa told them that he was

tall skin brown eyes medium large and especially very beautiful, also told them all

the time she had lived with him in Spain, meanwhile the Nana and Isabel cristina

were looking at Rosa for how inspired she was.

As evening fell, Yamel was in his office when suddenly the telephone rang

from the office of Commissioner Eleodoro, the telephone rang and rang, but as the

Commissioner was not there, she went and answered, but what she did not imagine

was with the shocking news she was going to receive, whose news was that Michael

was between life and death by a terrible car accident that he had, Yamel turned pale

and cold when she heard that news from the city's central hospital, she felt very

guilty and despaired so much that she left the commissioner's office crying:

Michael, you can't die! She cried.

She took her things from her office and ran to go to the hospital, Carlos and

other colleagues saw her extremely badly and followed her, the moment she was in

the parking lot and almost getting into the car, Carlos told her:

Wait! Wait! What happened?

She replied in a desperate voice: "Michael had an accident and is dying!

He was shocked by the news and said to him: -oh! it can't be, then he added -

I'd better drive! you can't drive in that state.

She gave him the keys to the car and immediately they got in and quickly left

while the other colleagues were in a patrol car, while they were on their way, she did

not stop crying saying that it was her fault what had happened to Michael. Carlos

stared at her and said: -Don't say that, you're not guilty of anything, it was just an

accident. She didn't pay attention to what he said, she continued to feel guilty every

time she remembered the bad words he had said to her.

20 minutes later, Claudia and Gallardo arrived at that elegant boutique, there

were the most expensive and best dresses in the country, the moment they entered,

she was amazed to see such a variety of beautiful dresses, suddenly a very well

dressed young saleswoman approached them and told them:

Good! What can I do for you?

Claudia looked at Gallardo who was next to her, then pointed to the young

woman three beautiful dresses that the mannequins were wearing, are you going to

try them on? asked the young woman.

Yes, miss! Claudia replied.

The young woman went to look for the three models of dresses according to

the size of Claudia, Gallardo looked at her and said:

My girlfriend is going to make the most beautiful of that party!

Suddenly Julian entered the store and approached them, he was watching

Claudia, and instead she looked at Julian and hypocritically answered Gallardo:

I feel very proud to have such a beautiful boyfriend like you! Suddenly the

young woman arrived with the three dresses and said to her: Miss!

Here are the dresses, you can go try them on!

Claudia very anxious to try on her dresses went with the young woman to try

them on, but she didn't realize to leave her briefcase placed near the box where it

was canceled. When Julián suddenly saw him, his eyes shone, he approached the

box and when he saw that Gallardo entertained himself looking at some suits in the

boutique in front, he took advantage of the occasion and began to check the

briefcase. When he saw the personal documents, he realized that she was not called

Marlene but Claudia Elena Mendoza Silvera.

It can't be! It's her, Andres' daughter, said the extremely impressed

Suddenly she saw her police plaque plus her gun, it was there when she

realized that she was the one who ruined that night's return.

Something's going on with this fucking bitch! he said.

When he felt that Gallardo was coming he put everything back the way it was

and went away from there, he couldn't find what to do at that moment, at the same

time he thought of telling the truth to his boss or eliminating it from the way, Claudia

went out of the dressing room telling Gallardo I liked two dresses! now go cancel

them while I choose the heels.

Gallardo gawked at her and went to cancel the dresses, Meanwhile Julian

only looked at her ironically and smiled, she stared at him and when she saw him

smile she asked him:

What are you laughing at, you damned piltrafa? Do I have a frightful face like


He mocked her and replied, "Your little game is going to be very short-lived.

She looked at him and stayed meditating on whether he was already

discovering her, she replied smiling dissimulately so that Gallardo did not realize that

she was fighting with him.

And what game are you talking about? You vermin! You really don't do

anything but talk nonsense.

Julián smiled and replied, "I only telling you that you have little time left.

Then he left the store while she was very intrigued thinking that game was

that, suddenly looked at the box and saw his briefcase, at that precise moment he

realized that Julian had checked his things.

Damn it! Leave the briefcase forgotten, that bastard had to check it, oh no!

I'm lost, she said immensely worried.

From that moment on, she began to notice the dissimulating that he didn't

realize he'd discovered it, she forgot what happened to her for an instant as she

chose the most elegant and expensive heels the boutique had. When they finished

shopping, they went back to the company while Julian was driving, Gallardo hugged

her tightly as she hugged him in order to fascinate him and make him fall in love

more and more. Julián looked at them through the rear-view mirror and inside he

mocked her because

very soon he was going to unmask her, she also looked at him through the

rear-view mirror, but with a look of a hungry lioness ready to devour her prey.

Half an hour later, Carlos and Yamel arrived at the hospital in a hurry, when

he parked, she ran down in desperation to find out how Michael was doing, she

entered immediately and asked some nurses who were in the waiting room as was

the young policeman who had had the car accident, the nurses noticed her very

desperate, there was one of them who approached her and told her:

Calm down, miss! Wait for the doctor to come out and answer.

Carlos saw her terribly badly and to console her he gave her a hug until he

managed to convince her to sit down and wait for news, at such an unexpected

moment the doctor left. Some of the nurses who were there in that room said to her:

Hey doctor! The lady sitting there wants to know how the young policeman

who just came in is doing.

Yamel got up from the chair a little overwhelmed and approached him asking:

Doctor! Please tell me how Michael is doing?

He looked at her and with great regret replied: -I regret to tell you that the young

man is between life and death because of the heavy blow to his head.

She became even more anxious and asked, "Doctor, tell me how likely it is

that he will be saved?

I don't know Miss, that's up to the patient," replied the doctor.

It was so much guilt plus how overwhelmed she felt that she fainted instantly

when she heard the doctor. Carlos grabbed her and sat her in some chairs that were

there, one of the nurses that were nearby ran out and helped with the doctor, while

Carlos took his phone to call the commissioner, Eleodoro answered instantly and

Carlos gave her the unfortunate news, Eleodoro was in a meeting at the command


immediately left there directly for the hospital, When she was driving, she picked up

her phone and dialed Claudia to give her the terrible news, she was with Gallardo

entering the company and suddenly her phone rang, when she saw that it was the

commissary, she moved to one side of Gallardo and told him to continue while she

received the call. Gallardo entered the company and went to his office. Seeing that

he was already going far away, this beautiful beast looked everywhere and

answered the call.

How's my commissioner? And that miracle he's calling me?! She asked

Oh, my child! I sorry to tell you this, he said.

What are you going to tell me, Commissioner, you're starting to scare me," she said,

feeling that something bad was happening.

When Eleodore gave her the sad news telling her that Michael had had a car

accident and was on the verge of death, Claudia was immensely distressed thinking

the worst, she hung up the phone and then went to the parking lot to take the car

and go to the hospital.

My God! Don't let Michael die on me! Take me if you want to, but not him! she

cried out very worried about her great friend.

When he was getting into the car, when Julian suddenly approached him

from behind saying: - finally you and me alone!

She pushed him abruptly shouting: - Get out of my way! I'm in a hurry and I'm

not in a hurry to listen to stupidity!

This was finished getting into the car and accelerated very quickly towards the

central hospital, Julián got into his car and followed her to see where the sweet beast

was going in such a hurry, while she was driving she called Gertrudis at the

apartment phone, Claudia told him the news and Gertrudis very anxious for her great

friend asked her with great avidity to go look for her to go to the hospital.

All right, I'll pick you up! But you wait for me at the entrance of the building already

ready, because I'm going in a hurry! Answered Claudia to her beautiful sister

In the meantime, Gertrudis, very anxious, went to the room to get dressed as

quickly as possible.

Eleodore arrived at the hospital, when he entered the waiting room and saw

Yamel private in tears, worried that Michael was dead, he approached them asking: -

How is Michael?

My commissioner is still not awake, the impact on his head was very strong,"

answered Carlos.

At that moment the doctor was passing by and Eleodoro asked him with great

concern: - Doctor! Doctor! How is Michael? Tell me the truth!

We have to wait for the patient to wake up, so we'll see what affected him,"

replied the doctor.

Eleodore let the doctor go on his way and sat down in a chair asking God that

Michael wake up and that nothing affect him in the head, after a while he went to the

cafe that was there for tea and so relax.

Claudia arrived at the entrance of the building, Gertrudis as ready as usual was there

waiting for her, she got into the car at the co-driver's post and Claudia immediately

accelerated straight to the hospital, Gertrudis so worried asked her sister what had

happened to Michael, Claudia as she was not very well informed answered him


I don't know! Stop asking! Let's hope we know when we'll get there.

Julian was after them wondering who the young woman who got into the car

was. Meanwhile Claudia was driving and mentally prayed to God that nothing bad

would happen to Michael, when suddenly a call came to his phone, this looked on

the phone screen to see who it was, when he saw that it was Alejandro preferred not

to answer because he did not feel well by the great concern, the phone rang and

rang every moment, since then Claudia was so stressed that without thinking twice I

end up turning off the phone very angry. Alejandro was surprised to see that she

wasn't answering the phone.

I'd better call her later," he said, "then he left his office and went to the

production plant to see for a while how everything was going.

25 minutes later, Claudia arrived at the hospital and immediately went in with

her sister, Julian parked near where they parked, he wondered what they were doing

in the hospital, he got out of the car and tried to

follow the trail. When they arrived at the waiting room, Claudia saw Carlos and asked

him how Michael was doing, Carlos

Replied that Michael had given himself a strong blow to the head and that he was in

very bad condition, Claudia despaired and how worried she was to know that her

friend could die and was walking from one side to the other waiting for news.

Suddenly Eleodoro came from the cafeteria, when he saw her he asked her

Has Michael woken up yet? - I don't know anything! I just got here! she


Suddenly a nurse arrived informing them that the patient was beginning to

wake up, Claudia immediately approached him saying:

Can I go see him now?

We have to wait for the doctor of the order, otherwise he won't be able to see

him," answered the nurse.

Claudia felt powerless not to see him, but at the same time she calmed down

because he was already waking up. Michael had a lot of strength and desire to

continue living because he knew that his sister Claudia loved him and would suffer if

he died, for the doctor was very impressive to see how quickly he was recovering,

when Michael finished waking up the first thing he did was to name Claudia's name,

he did nothing but repeat her name at every moment, the doctor left the room and

when he arrived in the waiting room told them that Michael had already woken up but

did not stop repeating Claudia's name.

Doctor! That's me! Can I go see him? she replied with a certain despair.

He stayed looking at her and thought for a while if it was prudent or not, then

he realized that she being at his side could be good for him to improve more.

All right, you can go and see him, but only you! Said the doctor.

They both went to the room, while the commissioner, Carlos and Gertrudis sat

there already a little unconcerned, suddenly Yamel left the infirmary a little reassured

thanks to a painkiller that a nurse gave her, when she arrived at the waiting room

she asked them how Michael

was following, Gertrudis looked at her and replied that he was already well and that

he had woken up.

“And who are you? Yamel asked.

I'm Claudia's sister," replied Gertrude.

The commissioner approached her and asked:

Even though you are Claudia's sister.

She smiled answering him: - Yes! I am her sister.

Wow! You have a great resemblance, commented Carlos.

They really look alike! Eleodore muttered.

They themselves sat and waited for good news. While on the other hand

Claudia entered the room, the doctor preferred to wait outside so that she could be

alone with him, but before leaving he told her to be very careful because he was very

delicate, when she approached and saw him prostrated in that bed with a huge cure

that covered his whole head, Michael felt that she was there and turned his face to

where she was, Claudia cried and said in a low voice:

Michael, dear brother, because this had to happen to you.

Don't cry, dear sister, I'm fine," he answered with a very soft voice.

Claudia approached him and took his hand and said. -What would become of

me, if you did not become, you are the greatest and most beautiful thing I have in


The blush answering him - you too are the greatest and most beautiful thing I

have ever had in my life, you are my only reason for living.

She felt very relieved with those words that he said to her, Claudia didn't hold

her breath and kissed her on the forehead saying: -I love you, from now on you're

not going to do Michael if not my brother.

He sighed deeply and said, "That's how my beautiful little sister will be.

Claudia caressed his cheek and suddenly asked him why this had happened

to him, he remained silent for a moment and after a while he answered her by saying

that Yamel had asked him if he was homosexual, and when he told her the truth she

had become very upset and said very cruel words, she also told him that he felt very

desperate and at the same time dirty, that's why he left there for the apartment and

when he was driving he lost control and crashed into another car, Claudia was

extremely angry and said:

Yamel will listen to me!

Don't go and complain to her, she wasn't to blame, little sister, promise me

you won't tell her anything," said Michael.

She calmed down and said -MMM, okay! But let it be known that I doing it

because you're asking me to.

Michael smiled again saying, "Sister, give me a hug, I want to feel your


Claudia very smiling embraced him with extreme caution not to hurt him, it

was from that moment when he felt stronger, but nevertheless felt a strong pain in

his head, after she embraced him, she turned on the phone and left him on a table

that was near the bed, Michael was given an immense thirst and said:

Hey sister, I'm thirsty I want you to give me a glass of water.

Claudia took a pitcher of water that was on another table in front of the

stretcher, she served him a glass and then helped him settle down so that he would

drink the water and not drown, Michael drank the whole glass of water and said in a

very tender voice:

Thanks sister.

She looked at him with a smile and sat beside him to caress and pamper him.

Julian finally reached the waiting room, when he saw

Gertrude sitting with them, he approached them disguisedly saying in his mind: -That

was the young woman who came with her.

Then she wondered who this young woman was, Yamel got up from the chair

saying: -I'm going to the cafeteria for a moment, I'll be right back!

I'll accompany you, Carlos said.

All right, come on," she replied.

Carlos got up from his chair and asked Gertrudis: - Would you like me to bring

you some coffee or something to eat?

No thanks! Don't bother, she replied smiling.

Carlos and Yamel went to the cafeteria because they had a great appetite,

Eleodore stared at her and asked: -Gertrudis are you already studying?

MMMM, not now.

Julian was sitting behind them holding on to the one who was reading a

magazine, but he was even more surprised when the commissioner called her by

name, there he realized that she was the girl he sold years ago by orders of Gallardo

to that bar of bad death.

Oh, it can't be, that damn thing already got her sister, now that she'll have

planned to make us, he said a little worried.

Claudia was talking to Michael when suddenly a call came to her phone, when

she saw it was Gallardo said:

What a nuisance, Gallardo must be calling me to tell me what time he's going

to spend looking for me.

Michael looked at her and asked her - and what's he going to look for you


She told him it was to go to the anniversary party of Alejandro's father's

company, then she added, "Brother, I'd rather stay with you, so I'll take care of you.

No sister, you better go, you know very well that you have to follow the trail of

this man, I feel good, better go and go," he replied.

She thought for a while and then replied, "Good brother! I'm going, but you

know I'm doing it because you're okay.

She dialed Gallardo right away, She told him that she left because her

brother had had an accident in the car but that he was fine.

Are you going to the party? he asked.

Of course you will! Since I'm going to leave my beloved boyfriend standing,

she replied hypocritically.

Gallardo so stupidly in love began to laugh saying to him: -ah what time I pass

for you doll.

At 7:30pm, is that all right with you? She asked.

Yes my love! At that time I pass you searching, he said.

Before hanging up the phone Gallardo sent him many kisses, Claudia

twisting her eyes and said:

Ay! This stupid bastard thinks I want him, what an idiot!

Michael laughed and said to her: "Sister, you are a villain actress, but at the

same time with great kindness.

Claudia began to mock, saying: -You'll soon see what I'm capable of being

against him.

Oh, that's scary, alas! Little sister you'll be up to, he said.

He left you to do your homework," she said.

She said goodbye to her brother by kissing him on the forehead and then left

because it was about five o'clock in the afternoon, as she was passing through the

waiting room, Gertrudis and the commissioner asked how Michael was doing, she

smiling replied:

He's better than ever!

Eleodore and Gertrude were more relieved, - we're going, or do you want to

stay? Claudia asked Gertrude.

I'd better stay with Michael," she replied.

well, but if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me, Claudia said.

Gertrudis looked at her and asked her - and where are you going, sister?

I have a very important meeting and I have to go," answered Claudia.

She said goodbye to both of them immediately leaving for the apartment,

instead Julian was sitting where he was covering his dreadful face pretending he

was reading a newspaper, but in reality all he was doing was listening to everything

they were talking about, then he secretly waited for her to come out and then he left.

However, he found out new things about Claudia, whose things were that she got

her sister back and the other was that Claudia wasn't the same good girl as before

but an iniquitous and tenas woman, those findings made him more alert than ever,

When he arrived at the parking lot he noticed that Claudia had already left, at that

moment before getting into the car Gallardo called him very annoyed at his phone

telling him to go look for him at the company immediately, Gallardo hung up the

phone while Julián had no choice but to obey his boss.

On the other hand, Eleodoro and Gertrudis entered the room where Michael

was secluded, Gertrudis when he saw him did not hold his breath and went to give

him a big hug saying.

Thank God you're all right!

Michael smiling so much said to him: -You know that weeds never die.

Eleodore laughed and said, "Wow, you scared us all, thank God you didn't do

much better.

Unexpectedly Michael began to feel a strong pain in the head, his tears came

out alone and his eyes became red and at the same time weeping, he began to

complain shouting that his head hurt, the commissioner ran like crazy to look for the

doctor, and Gertrudis was very anguished and helpless, she despaired when she

saw that he was complaining and complaining, it occurred to her at that moment to

rub his head telling him to try to calm down, but inside she was more frightened than

ever, The doctor and a nurse rushed in and ordered Gertrudis to leave, Gertrudis

was left with a great helplessness to do nothing for him, the doctor and the nurse

saw Michael very badly, Michael was completely asleep after 3 minutes, the doctor

told the nurse that when he woke up he was going to do some studies to find out

what effect caused that blow on his head.

Gertrudis arrived in the waiting room very worried, - daughter you have to

calm down! he'll be fine. Eleodore said when he saw her.

He gave her a hug in order to reassure her when suddenly Carlos and Yamel

arrived, seeing Gertrudis a little pale and with that worried face, Yamel immediately

asked: -What happened to Michael?!

He's fine, he just had a simple headache," answered Eleodore.

He told them that to reassure them, but inside he knew that Michael was

going to be fine, then when they all calmed down, they sat down again to wait for

better news.

Meanwhile Claudia arrived at the apartment, the first thing she did was go into

her room and take out the dresses plus the heels from the bags, she stayed looking

at the dresses to see which one she was going to wear that night, she chose the

most beautiful of the two, whose dress was attached to the body, its color was

turquoise blue, after she chose him she stretched him out in bed and went to take a

big shower

Claudia didn't know what that feeling was, suddenly she thought it was because

Michael was feeling better, she continued bathing and at the same time sang of how

happy she felt inside, while she enjoyed taking a shower, Gallardo was on his way

home to prepare and go to the happy party,

He did not stop insulting Julián all the time for having looked for him so late. Julian

was obstinating of the insults of the, and not to fall in contention with his employer

preferred to ignore him.

After Claudia took that happy bath she sat down on the bed ah to put cream

on all her beautiful body, minutes passed after minutes and she had nothing to wear,

there came a time when she looked at the time on her phone and realized that she

had not more than an hour before Gallardo came to look for her.

Oh my God! It's so late, she said.

Claudia as she could put on her dress a little quickly and then began to comb

her beautiful hair that reached halfway down her back, this one looked at the mirror

and smiled saying that her eyes were beautiful like a honeycomb, after having

become radiant like the sun, she put on her fine heels and looked at the mirror to see

what detail was missing, at the moment she looked in the mirror she could not

believe that she was as beautiful as she was.

Humm, am I missing something to see myself more beautiful? she asked


Suddenly she thought it was what she was missing, and suddenly she

remembered that gold necklace with that diamond pendant that Gallardo had given

her, she looked for it in the closet and took it out of the box to put it on, when she

was putting it on, looking in the mirror she smiled saying:

How stupid Gallardo is! He think I beautiful for him, not knowing that I'm doing

it is for Alejandro

When she was completely ready, she went to the kitchen and served herself a

glass of wine while waiting for Gallardo's filth, Claudia went to sit on the sofa that

was in the living room, the same one drank that glass of wine with great joy,

suddenly she remembered that power that she had written and printed but that

Gallardo had not yet signed.

I have to get that filthy rat to sign it! So I can make sure that everything she

has is mine, she said with a certain avarice.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, she waited for a moment to make him believe that

he was finishing up, then she got up from the sofa and went to open the door for him,

when he saw her so radiant and beautiful he said:

Wow, how beautiful you are! You're such a princess!

She smiled and said: -I did it for you, so they'll see that your girlfriend is a real


Gallardo took her by the arm and they both went down the elevator to the

ground floor, when they came down and Julian saw her, he was extremely

impressed to see so much beauty.

Ay! Patron, when he knows she's Claudia he'll want to be dead, Julian said in

his mind.

Then he opened the door of the car for her to get in, Claudia looked at him

like a beast and got in with her supposedly beloved boyfriend, from the moment

when Julian accelerated towards that prestigious room where the party was going to

take place, she did nothing but watch him every moment, Claudia didn't care if

Gallardo was next to her kissing her and hugging her his only point was to try to

eliminate Julian so he wouldn't spoil his plans. Julian felt that she was looking at him

and began to smile looking at her through the rear-view mirror, he very cynically


Miss! How beautiful you are tonight, my boss must be very proud to have a

girlfriend like you.

She looked at him and replied, "That's not your problem if I'm beautiful or not!

Because you don't drive and stop talking nonsense, you clown!

Gallardo laughed out loud, saying, "Oh, princess, you have a sense of humor,

that's why I love you!

Julian didn't bother to hear her bad answers or Gallardo's teasing because he

knew that sooner or later he was going to unmask her. When they arrived at that

elegant hall, Julián parked in front of it, then got out to open the door for them to get

out, after they both got out of the car, Julián told Gallardo:

patron, parked the car somewhere else and after a while caught up with him.

Claudia laughed disgustingly at him, telling him: - you're not going to get

anywhere! not that with your horrid face you can scare off the people who are in


Gallardo mockingly said to her: -You have to listen to her, because she is the


Are we going in or not?! She said in a pleasant tone of voice.

Gallardo noticed that she was becoming like a beast and to avoid her, he

immediately took her arm and they went up some short stairs that were there, while

these climbed with great elegance, other guests of the high society walked most

glamorous, meanwhile some left the hall to answer a few calls. Almost all the people

were dressed in gala, in the entrance there was a splendid red carpet that

highlighted the way. When they entered, Don Alejandro was having a glass of

champagne accompanied by the minister of whose country plus other politicians who

were nothing more than false and hypocritical thieves stealing their own nation.

When Don Alejandro turned and saw Gallardo, he approached him very kindly giving

him his most sincere welcome, on the other hand, Alejandro was sitting at one of

those beautiful tables decorated with a white pearl tablecloth along with Estefanía,

when he saw Claudia along

with Gallardo, his eyes shone like a diamond, Alejandro left Estefanía sitting there

and went to greet her, Claudia very kindly greeted him with great kindness while

Gallardo looked at them like a roaring lion when they ate his prey, he became very

jealous and took Claudia by the hand, at the same time took the opportunity to

present her as his official girlfriend, At that moment when Gallardo

presented her as his girlfriend, poor Alexander was disappointed feeling a great

emptiness in his heart, he could not bear to see her with him and preferred a

thousand times to be distanced from her, he looked at them with rage and returned

to the table where Stephanie was. When Alejandro left in this way, his father kept

looking at him while she felt very bad for having broken the heart of the man she

really loved with all her soul.

the party was very lighted, the waiters distributed the glasses in a brilliant

silver trays, the women waiters walked very glamorous distributing the imported

wines and cocktails, the glamour and the elegance was what more shone that

beautiful night, the immense lamps that illuminated were very fine, they shone so

much that they seemed precious crystals, but in if the most beautiful and best

dressed of all was Claudia, that necklace that made shine like the precious pendant

of diamond. Alejandro was sitting at the table drinking one after another glass of

brandy, he looked at Claudia at every moment with great disappointment, Estefanía

was on one side of him, this began to caress his face, and for his great spite he

kissed her with much desire to see what was Marlene's reaction, Claudia was

petrified looking at them and at the same time felt a deep anger of zeal, Gallardo

began to realize that she was in love with him, it was since then when he asked very


Why do you get that way when that mequetrefe kisses that woman?

She turned very enraged and replied, "Don't talk stupidity!

She turned again and saw that Alexander was looking at her, the same as she

was immensely jealous, gave a kiss on the mouth to Gallardo without caring about

anything, when Alexander saw that she kissed him took the cup with a blow, and the

anger he felt inside squeezed the cup with all his strength until it broke in his hands,

Estefania stared at him and it was from then on that he realized that he was

watching her as he kissed this man and because of his jealousy that he broke that

cup with his hand, the blood that ran through his

hand burned like fire because of the anger he felt. Nevertheless Estefanía took

advantage of that instant to give her another kiss and so look at Claudia to see what

she looked like, Claudia was on fire with the jealousy that filled her, the only thing

that provoked her was to approach them and insult them because they deserved it,

however, what kept her from insulting them was Gallardo because for all of them she

was the official girlfriend of the one. They were sitting at one of the best tables when

suddenly Luisa's hypocrite arrived very well dressed in the most glamorous, Don

Alejandro got up from the chair and introduced Gallardo to his wife, he got up from

the chair and extended his hand to Luisa saying:

It's so nice to meet you, Mrs.! How beautiful you are.

Gallardo's unlucky man presented Claudia as his girlfriend, Luisa stared at her

and cynically said:

I know you, you're my son's little friend, aren't you?

Gallardo was very enraged to listen to Luisa, this one looked at Claudia with a

not at all pleasant look, while she so nervous for what Luisa had said did not have

any other than to answer her that she was Alejandro's friend. Luisa sat down with

them and began to talk with Gallardo kindly hiding her true hypocritical and

antipathetic face, she only talked with him because she knew he was the owner of

the company provén, she laughed at every moment pretending something that didn't

really agree with her personality.

Claudia looked at her love Alejandro while her boyfriend was talking, suddenly

she got up from the chair and asked them permission to go to the bathroom, to see

her go, Estefanía used the moment and also went to the bathroom to insult the

supposed Marlene, but what she did not know was that she was going to meet a wild


Claudia was in that bathroom so fine and elegant, she looked at herself in the

mirror and shouted at herself why she felt such jealousy, Stephanie suddenly

entered, and when she saw her face well she

Realized that she was the same woman who was hugging Alexander that time in the

elevator, Stephanie began to laugh ironically and said:

Hey! Aren't you that tight who was hugging my boyfriend in the elevator that


Claudia looked at her angrily and replied: - Yes, I am! And for your information

he was not your boyfriend.

Stefania insulted her by telling her that she was a whore who took off a

boyfriend, Claudia mocked her by telling her that Alexander was

with her out of spite, Stefania was so enraged that she went so far as to strongly slap

Claudia, Estefanía rubbed her cheek with the pain she felt, she looked at herself in

the mirror and when she saw the two cheeks with Claudia hand marked, she turned

to look at her with tearful red eyes:

Next time you put your hand on me, I gouge your eyes out! Unhappy! Cried

Claudia, a beast turned around.

The same one pushed her and came out of that bath like soul that carries the

devil, Stephanie remained silent rubbing her cheek and said:

This whore is a savage! She pay for it!

When Claudia arrived back at the table, Gallardo wasn't there, she sat

watching everywhere to see if she saw her beloved, all of a sudden he came to her

from behind and very hurt she asked him:

Why did you become his girlfriend? Knowing that I love you.

She stared him in the eyes and noticed in his look a great sadness and whose

time a great pain, to this I provoke her to embrace him strongly as well as to tell him

that she loved him with all her desires, to him her tears came out of how bad she felt,

she could not avoid seeing her only love so wounded. Claudia got up from the chair

and hugged him strongly telling him that she loved him very much, but as a friend,

she had to pretend to him in that way to protect him from the evil that Gallardo could

do to him. Alejandro hugged her strongly

telling her that this was an infamy because she also loved him as he loved her,

suddenly Gallardo arrived together with Don Alejandro and Luisa, Gallardo got angry

because of the jealousy he felt from seeing them hugged, he took Claudia abruptly

by the arm asking her why he hugged him, Alejandro got angry shouting at Gallardo

to let her go or if it wasn't going to go very badly, Gallardo made fun of him and told


You better not threaten me, silly boy!

Gallardo touched his mouth and when he saw his fingers full of blood, he was

furious and immediately started to hit him abruptly, the guests were petrified while

Don Alejandro plus a few guests separated them, but as these had an immense

force, they escaped again and continued fighting like two wild animals, Claudia and

Luisa plus the other guests were completely nervous screaming with fear, Claudia

very scared thought that Gallardo was going to kill Alejandro, Suddenly two very high

security guards arrived with very good physique, they separated them immediately

before a misfortune occurred. Don Alejandro scolded his son and at the same time

wiped the blood he threw through his mouth and nose, Gallardo looked at him evilly

voting blood through his mouth, he shouted that he was going to kill him, meanwhile

Alejandro got up from his chair and tried to hit him again, but it was impossible

because his father crossed him.

I am not afraid of you unhappy! Alejandro shouted.

Louise revealed her true face and insulted Claudia by telling her that she was

a harlot who persecuted rich men, Claudia became very angry at being offended,

she sawed her eyes and squeezed her hands from the anger she felt, but it was

enough for Louise to insult her for the intimate time by telling her that if she was a

dirty and dragged bitch, as her mother would be. Claudia didn't tolerate her any more

and slapped her in the opposite direction, Luisa became like a madwoman, this one

jumped on her beating her, while Claudia so enraged for having gotten into her holy

mother gave her a beating without any compassion.

Gallardo was very surprised to see the way in which she beat Luisa, meanwhile

Alejandro and his father separated them.

You crazy old bitch! I don't kill her because I feel sorry for killing an old drag

like you! Cried Claudia while Alejandro was holding her.

From Claudia's rage she slapped Alejandro shouting that she didn't want to

see him anymore in her life, Gallardo took her by the arm and she pushed him

strongly shouting at him:

Let me go or I won't answer!

Claudia left there very enraged with the desire to kill anyone who crossed her,

Gallardo looked at them all with a bad face and left behind his beloved girlfriend,

when she was leaving that elegant hall of celebrations, Julián surprised her crossing

her path.

Where are you going, chick? he asked.

She so enraged looked at him with an evil look and shouted at him - get out

of my unhappy way! Or else you want me to kill you like the filthy dog you are!

He mocked her and didn't want to get out of the way, Claudia released the

fury he felt inside and hit him until he said no more, Julian was hurt by the blows

because even though she was a woman hit like a man, he squeezed her hands so

she didn't hit him more but she became crazy and courtyard three times in her

genitals as well as in her legs, when Gallardo

saw her violent behavior he didn't have any other choice but to give her a hard blow

on the head until he left her fainted.

Oh, what a beast this woman came out of me," said Gallardo after beating


Julián so surprised to see the attitude that Gallardo took asked him why he

had hit her on the head, Gallardo didn't give him any explanation, but nevertheless

the only words that came out of his mouth were to get her into the car and take him

home in a hurry because he was very stressed and enraged, Julián obeyed his

boss's order and got her into the car, then he left in a hurry. Alejandro and his

parents suspended the party leaving immediately to his house, the remaining guests

were going little by little until that hall was left alone, the food plus the fine drinks

were lost regardless of the fact that in that city there were many people who did not

have to eat in their homes, this is the life of the rich, they prefer to throw the food

without thinking about those people who really need it.

Minutes later, Alejandro and his parents arrived at the Rodriguez mansion,

when they entered the house, Nana was in the living room cleaning a vase, when

she saw her favorite with her face a little bloody and with certain bruises, she

approached him very worried asking him what had happened, Luisa with her hair a

little spurred and her face a little red from the slaps plus the blows Claudia gave him

told Tibisay ironically:

What happened to her was the fault of her little friend who brought her here

for dinner.

After saying those words she went to her room, Don Alejandro was very

stressed by the spectacle that had formed in the party, he left his son with the Nana

and also went to his room to relax taking a bath. Nana sat her pampered son on the

sofa and went right away to get alcohol and cotton to clean his face. The moment he

was left alone on the sofa, the last words that Claudia said to him, very enraged,

came to mind before leaving the living room, it was from then on that sadness

took hold of him. Suddenly Rosa with her pajamas on came down the stairs to go to

the kitchen to have a glass of pear juice, when she looked at the reception room and

saw her brother in that way, she was extremely frightened, this immediately went to

where he was asking her what had happened, he was very sad and depressed, so

he did not want to talk to anyone, the only thing he told her with a loud voice was to

leave him alone, Rosa was terrified to see that her brother there treated in that

abrupt way, she preferred to go away, at that same moment came the Nana with

things to clean his face, Tibisay heard how he had treated his sister, the same

scolding very annoying and made him apologize, Alejandro looked at his sister and

asked his most sincere apologies for having spoken to him in that way, Rosa as


so sweet I apologize by giving him a hug. She knew that her brother shouted at her

because something very bad must have happened to her, or else he would not have

shouted at her. Nana began to clean her face while Rosa sat beside him and asked

him what had happened, he remained silent for an instant thinking about her,

Alejandro could not avoid thinking about her, because despite all things he loved her

like never before, Tibisay and Rosa insisted on asking him the same thing again,

Tibisay asked him for the last time what had happened to him, it was there that he

told them everything that had happened to Marlene. While Alejandro told them with

tears in his eyes Tibisay wiped the wounds from his face, Nana became very upset

because she had deceived him in that way, Rosa was surprised and did nothing but

wonder why Marlene had done such cruelty, they were very angry with Marlene for

having done such an evil, they were waiting for dawn to go to claim him.

20 minutes later, Gallardo had already arrived at his house, he was in one of

the best rooms of his house sitting on an armchair that was very close to the bed,

this one did nothing but look at Claudia who was asleep like an angel in that blissful

bed, suddenly they gave him a desire to take off her dress to see her frowns and all

her body, He felt helpless and wondered why he couldn't do it, but what he didn't


was that the something that stopped him was the true love he felt for her,

that's why he always respected the decisions plus the conditions she placed on

them, because he fell madly in love with his worst enemy.


That exhausting next morning in the hospital, Commissioner Eleodoro woke up

from one of the chairs that were in the waiting room, he felt a strong pain in his

back because he had slept in a bad position, when he looked to his right Yamel

was completely asleep on Carlos' shoulder, Eleodore yawned to see if they were

the muscles he had contracted, suddenly realized that Gertrudis was not there, he

was immensely frightened and went to look through the nearby corridors to see if

he found her, he walked and walked and nothing that saw her, all of a sudden a

doctor was passing by, he asked her if she had seen a young woman a little tall

with white skin and light brown hair, the doctor replied that he had not seen her

and continued on his way, Eleodoro returned very worried where himself, at that

moment Carlos woke up with Yamel, Carlos looked at the commissary saying

good morning to him, Eleodoro, very overwhelmed, did not pay attention to him,

Yamel was surprised to see the commissary walking from one side to the other

with great concern, he grabbed his head saying:

Oh, that can't be, where did that young woman go!

Yamel worried thinking that something bad had happened to Michael, she got up

from the chair and asked Eleodore what was happening to her, the commissioner

replied very worried that Gertrudis did not appear anywhere, since then Eleodore

ordered them to help him look for her, each scattered on different sides to see if

they found her whereabouts. While they were looking for very distressed.

Michael was beginning to wake up, his eyes were half extinguished and his face a

little swollen, when he finished opening his eyes and looked to his left, he saw a

lump wrapped in a piece of furniture that was in front of him, Michael was surprised

wondering himself what it was, he was looking at it when suddenly that lump

moved, he was frightened and immediately closed his eyes, in his mind he

wondered what that thing was, when he heard that thing fell to the floor he opened

his eyes immediately to see what it was, When she saw the beautiful Gertrudis who

spent the whole night looking after him, she was impressed, she was wrapped in

that blanket because the air conditioning was killing her from the cold, this one

looked at him very smiling asking how he felt, Michael a little scared smiled

answering that he was not dying anymore, she laughed again and approached him

giving him a not so strong hug because he was afraid that something would happen

to him again, Michael sighed deeply and said to him

I feel like a spoiled child.

She looked him in the eye and replied that he was always going to be very dear

because he was a kind and angelic person, both stayed there talking until

suddenly the doctor entered the room, when he saw Gertrudis next to him he got

very angry scolding her, he himself ordered her to wait outside, Gertrudis kissed

him on the forehead and left the room, Michael got very serious and told the doctor

not to scold her because she did nothing but take care of him, the doctor did not

pay attention and immediately began to check him to see how he was, while

Michael checked as stubborn as always told him that he already felt well and

wanted to go to his apartment to rest, the doctor so grumpy looked at him with

piranha face and said:

How are you going to tell me you're okay with what happened yesterday when I

gave you the painkiller! First you need to do some tests to see what affected

your brain.

In the meantime Gertrudis arrived in the waiting room, suddenly he didn't see

anyone, she thought they had gone to rest, she sat down in one of the chairs and

began to read a newspaper that was there on the table. After a while the

commissioner returned to the waiting room very worried, when he saw her he

began to ask her where he was, Gertrudis saw him so anxious and he laughed

telling her that in the middle of the night he had gone to the room to take care of

Michael, suddenly Yamel arrived alone, when he saw her he didn't care at all.

Eleodoro told Yamel that Gertrudis had come midnight for Michael's room, Yamel

sat down with them and told them that Carlos had gone home to take a bath and

rest because later he had a lot of work at the police station, Before leaving he told

Yamel to tell him anything that happened, when the two of them were left alone,

Yamel asked Gertrudis questions about his past life, Gertrudis told her all the

cruelty they did to her from the moment they separated her from her family, she

also told her about the humiliations and mistreatment that that iniquitous woman

called Chepina did to her, unexpectedly Gertrudis under her face beginning to feel a

little emotionally bad when she remembered the nightmare that she lived for several

years, Yamel gave her a hug when he saw her a little badly and told her not to tell

him any more and to leave the past buried, then apologized to her for asking those

questions, she extended her hand to him offering his friendship, this invited

Gertrudis to breakfast and as the same had a great appetite accepted. They both

hugged each other for the cafetín as if they had been friends for years.

Minutes later, That same morning Claudia woke up with a severe headache, she

was complaining of the pain and when she opened her eyes she realized that she

was in a very different room, she was very frightened wondering where she was,

she got out of bed and looked out the window to the right of the room, she saw

some black 4x4 vans and behind saw Gallardo's car, it was of course when she

realized she was in his house.

Oh, no! What am I doing here? she asked herself.

Claudia looked at how luxurious that room was, all the walls were lily yellow and

there were some beautiful pictures that reflected a beautiful woman and others of

natural landscapes, everything was immensely furnished, at that moment she fell

into herself and ran quickly to the bathroom taking off her dress to see her intimate

parts in case Gallardo had raped her asleep or something similar, Claudia touched

her vagina and ended up convincing herself that nothing had happened, she

rested from the worry and sat down in the toilet to think about how she had got

there, while she thought she saw that everything that had that bathroom was very

luxurious, the faucet was made of silver and the tub was made of marble, at the

top of the wall there was a shelf with beautiful decorations of animals made of

precious stones such as quartz, amethyst and sapphires, Claudia so astonished


Wow! This beauty will soon be from me!

She mocked what she was saying and at the same time wondered who had hit her

from behind: - is it Gallardo's bastard? she asked herself, then added - if it was

that unhappy rat he's going to pay me dearly!

Gallardo entered her room with a silver tray containing a delicious breakfast of

fruits plus a delicious strawberry juice, this very loving man called her saying: -

Marlene! my love, my dear, are you in the bathroom?

When she heard his voice, she twisted her eyes and came out of the bathroom,

he looked at her smiling and said: - I brought you your breakfast! She asked him,

"Who was the cowardly bastard who hit me from behind?!

Gallardo's smile was wiped from his face, the same one approached him asking


Were you a little man? You piece of garbage!

He was extremely annoyed to hear her offenses, he shouted at her to be quiet and

never in his life to offend him again because he did not allow anyone, Claudia

became a wild beast to hear the cries of the, she jumped over him beating him and

insulting him, Gallardo as he could take her by the arms telling him to calm down

or not answer for his actions, Claudia calmed down for a moment and that's when

he told her that he had hit her because she had a not very pleasant behavior and

that got him out of his mind, he also took advantage of the occasion and told her

that he was upset at that moment because he was hugging that whippie, Gallardo

looked her in the eyes and asked her if she was in love with that man, but she

preferred to lie to him for her own convenience and tell him that he was simply a

friend, it was from then on that Gallardo began to put conditions on him, The other

condition was that she stopped behaving like a crazy savage, she was mocking

inside for the stupid conditions that she put on him, Claudia preferred to make him

believe that she accepted those conditions because she was terrified to know that

Gallardo could kill Alejandro. While they were talking, Julian's ill-fated

man was in the kitchen drinking a cup of the freshest coffee, he was a little

indecisive because all he wanted was to take advantage of her being there to

unmask her before his boss so that he would give him the order to kill her. Julian

imagined killing her little by little.

First he raped her, then I shoot her in the middle of her head and finally I cut her

up! said Julian's madman in a low voice and with a certain joy.

he stopped drinking coffee and once went to tell the truth to Gallardo, when he

arrived at the room, the door was open, he looked out and realized that there was

absolutely no one, Julián imagined that he was in the room where she was and so

he took advantage of it and went there, When he arrived at the door he heard

them talking, Gallardo told her that he loved her so much and that he wanted to

marry her as soon as possible, Claudia pretended that she was very happy and

told him that it was a great honor for her to be his wife. As Julián listened to these

meaningless things, he twisted his eyes and said in a low voice:

I have to act as soon as possible, before this unhappy woman gets away with it!

He knocked on the door to interrupt the conversation, Gallardo shouted telling

him to come forward, Julián entered with a mocking face and said to Gallardo:

Master, I have something very important to tell you!

She was terrified saying in her mind: - Oh! No way! This motherfucker's gonna

tell Gallardo the truth.

She quickly invented a pretext and told Gallardo to take her to her apartment, Julián

insisted again on telling Gallardo the truth, Gallardo sent him to shut up and told

him that this could be told later or perhaps later, he sent him to prepare the car to

take her to the apartment, Julián got very euphoric looking at her with the face of a

rabid dog, she looked at him the same, but with the desire to kill him.

What are you doing standing there, you idiot! Go and prepare the car I need to

leave! Claudia told him with extreme disgust.

Gallardo laughed and said, "What are you waiting for? Move!

Julian left that room as the soul of the devil, he was furious cursing it and also

saying that very soon he was going to destroy it, when they were alone again, she

asked Gallardo to leave her alone for a moment to take a shower and prepare, as

always so morbidly he proposed that they bathe together to see his naked body and

make passionate love to him.

You're crazy! What's wrong with you? Disgusting! she said with some courage.

Gallardo was just laughing out loud and apologizing for the burrada he had

proposed to her, he was coming after her and seeing that she was not paying

attention to him he took her abruptly by the waist and asked her to forgive him, it

was there that suddenly the thought came to him the night he

raped her, the reaction he immediately gave her was a strong slap in the face,

Gallardo was completely petrified to see her attitude, Gallardo was completely

petrified to see her attitude, he rubbed his cheek because it burned him, he

thought she was like the other women he had had, who let themselves be handled

and touch their intimate parts as well as accept such a rough treatment, for the

first time in his life he got the stone in his shoe, she followed his path while

Gallardo's masochist was behind mocking and telling her that he loved her more

for being so wild, the moment she arrived at the parking lot outside the house she

shouted loudly at Julian:

Open the door for me! You filthy rat!

Seeing that he was not paying attention to her, he became more courageous and

approached her by spitting on her face.

I told you to open the door for me, you son of a bitch! she shouted.

Julian was filled with rage and raised his hand to give him a slap to learn to

respect a man, Gallardo came at that moment and shouted:

don't you dare touch her because I'll kill you!

Claudia looked at them with anger and ordered Julian again to open the door of

the car and take her immediately. Julian was very upset and told Gallardo:

I would really like to know who this woman is!

Gallardo, so in love, replied: "I know she's a beast, but I love the damned one!

Then he added, saying, "But that's not your problem whoever she is! You better

shut the fuck up and take her away!

Julian reluctantly opened the door for her and she climbed in, but before he gave

her a good stamp on her polished black shoes, Gallardo approached the door of the

car apologizing, he winked at her saying goodbye with a perverse countenance,

finally he told her that he loved her with all his soul. Julian got into the car and

accelerated quickly causing the tires to squeak, Claudia did nothing but look at him

with a desire to take him off the road just because he wanted him not to open his

mouth, Julian looked through the rear-view mirror and said:

You think I'm stupid! I know you're the daughter of the late Andres and I know

you came here for revenge.

Claudia threatened him that if he opened his mouth he would kill his wife and his

filthy children, Julian slowed down and looked at her cursing and insulting her,

that's when she took him by his half-long hair and pulled his razor out of his

breasts and put it on his neck telling him that it was nothing but a filthy rat and

filthy that would soon put her behind bars, Julian quickly got out of the car and

opened the left door where she was to give him a real lesson and once and for all

learn to respect a male, he thought that the blow to her head had given him

advantages to give him a tremendous beating, but nevertheless what he did not

know was that she was trained for all personal defenses. Claudia was lying there

because the blow had left her a little sore,

when he took her by the hair and put the razor in her neck, she quickly took it off

without noticing, Julian was impressed when he saw her agility and he had no

choice but to give her a strong blow on the face causing her to bleed from the

nose, Claudia was very angry and tried to stab him twice, Julian was scared and

tried to remove the knife, both struggled when suddenly the other hand pulled out

his weapon from the waist and with the same hit her hard on the service, Claudia

did not stand the sudden blow and fainted instantly, to see her faint and helpless

Julian mocked her saying:

-​ Y
​ ou thought you were gonna beat me! You fucking bitch!

He closed the door of the car, leaving it there beaten, then he climbed up again

and went straight to an old hut that Gallardo had to keep some of the money in

cash as well as where he recycled old furniture, whose house was 10 kilometers

outside the city and at the same time was a little hidden because there were many

trees and mountains.

An hour later, Tibisay was sitting at the kitchen table finishing a cup of coffee, she

felt a rage against Marlene for what she did to her pampered, all Tibisay wanted

was to see her and tell her what she deserved, however, at the same time she felt a

little disappointed because she thought that this girl was a good person.

It's that very soon you'll know who Tibisay is rosemary! as it occurred to you to

hurt my child, she said.

Rosa was going into the kitchen at that moment, when she saw her very moleta

talking alone she laughed wondering if Nana was sick in the head, she approached

her and asked what was wrong with her and because she was so serious, it was

very strange the times that one of them saw Nana in a bad mood or annoyed.

I am like this because I have a great anger towards this girl," said the very serious


Rosa sat next to her, both were talking about the cruelty that this supposed Marlene

Rodriguez did to Alejandro, the two came to the conclusion of leaving another day

to go to her apartment to ask why she had hurt Alejandro in this way, these

continued talking when suddenly Luisa arrived at the kitchen with a bruise on her

mouth and some scratches on her face, Rosa was impressed when she saw her

mother in that state and asked what had happened to her, Luisa, extremely

annoyed and bitter as always, replied with a very strong voice that it had been that

savage who beat her without any pity, Nana turned her face to the opposite side

and began to mock Luisa calmly, at that moment Isabel Cristina was passing by

and Luisa so rude and antipathetic ordered her to bring her to her room a

chamomile tea and the mails that had come to her, Luisa looked at them as if they

were little things and left there giving her bad eyes, they put aside the rage they felt

towards Marlene and laughed out loud at how funny Luisa looked with that bruise,

they laughed because someone had finally put her in her place, while

they murmured and laughed, Alexander was lying on his bed very sad and

disillusioned by what had happened, he did not accept that she was the bride of

that unfortunate mafioso disguised as a businessman, At that moment he laid his

head on a pillow and began to remember that moment when he met her as well as

when they spent that wonderful afternoon touring that square, at the same time he

remembered when he went to the amusement park with her and her family, he

laughed when he remembered when he threw popcorn and pushed each other

with his hips, also when she started to fight with him for any bullshit, Alejandro

sighed deeply and said in a low voice:

It's hard to forget you, but I'll have to because I don't want to hurt myself anymore.

Alejandro couldn't stop thinking about her every moment, he was deluding himself

thinking that he was going to forget her so easily. Suddenly the doorbell rang three

times in a row, Isabel Cristina ran to see who was that person who was atorrante

playing that way, when opened was nothing more than Stephanie olive groves,

this was very well dressed plus a pair of huge glasses she was wearing, the same

did not expect Isabel to tell him to come forward, she entered the coolest ordering

him to bring a cold orange juice and also to warn Alexander that she was waiting,

Isabel twisted her mouth behind her and went to the kitchen to look for what she

had ordered, when she entered and saw the Nana along with Rosa told him that

Stephanie had arrived ordering a cold orange juice and to tell Alexander that she

was waiting in the reception room, the very strange Nana and Rosa looked at each

other wondering:

Will Alejandro be the boyfriend of that ant face?

Both could not believe it and went to the room to receive the happy ant face as

they called it, the moment they arrived at the room Rose ironically greeted

Stephanie and asked what was the reason for his visit, Rosa and Nana stayed

looking at each other and then they returned to the kitchen to leave her alone as

that iniquitous ant face deserved, they were not very happy for that ungrateful

news that she gave her. Isabel cristina went up to Alejandro's room and told him

that his girlfriend Estefanía was waiting for him in the living room, he listened to

Isabel and stayed thinking about going down or telling her to come back another

time, then ended up deciding to go down to see if she could forget Marlene. On

the way down she immediately began to kiss him and tell him sweet words to fall

in love with him, Nana and Rosa as always walking together, they were close to

the room, these looked to see if it was true what Estefanía told them, both very

serious decided to pass by them without looking at them, Alejandro realized that

they were not very pleased with the presence of Estefanía, was since then when

he called them and told them that officially she was his girlfriend, Nana looked at

her as if she was little and told them ironically:

I wish you the best! With your girlfriend

. Very angry Rosa did not say a word to them, then she went with Nana to study

ah criticize them, Estefanía completely ignored their attitude and began to kiss

Alejandro, minutes later they both went to the garden of the mansion to distract

themselves a little and also to go kissing each other all the time.

Yamel and Gertrudis were sitting in the waiting room when the doctor was

suddenly passing by. They asked him if they could see Michael, he stared at them

and told them that they could see him and that depending on how the results of

the study came out, he was going to be discharged very soon, they so excited

went to the room to pamper him, at the precise moment that Yamel entered the

room and saw Michael all emaciated with that enormous cure on his head, he felt

a great sadness as well as a great emptiness in his heart, she still felt guilty for

what happened to her, the instant that the turn to see them was filled with so much

joy and happiness, Michael smiled and put on a child's face eating a candy, Yamel

approached him asking forgiveness for what he had said, as always with his heart

so kind he forgave her and told her to forgive him for having disappointed her,

Yamel felt a great joy and embraced him with great affection telling him that he

loved him very much and accepted him as he was, Michael so happy also the

embrace strongly and the emotion he felt her tears came out, Gertrudis smiled to

see the reconciliation between them and also how happy his beloved Michael

looked, suddenly he asked why Claudia had not arrived, Gertrudis very strange

told him that it was very strange that she had not arrived. Suddenly the nurse

arrived and asked them to leave because it was time to inject a medication into the

patient, both gave Michael a kiss on the cheek and told him that they each went

home to rest and then returned to take care of him. Yamel took Gertrudis to the

apartment and then went to his, which was a little close.

The afternoon fell, Claudia was waking up from that blow that Julián gave her in

the service with his gun, when she finished opening her eyes she realized that she

was sitting in a chair with her hands tied plus her mouth sealed with tirro, the same

looked at the old walls that had that hovel, everything was dirty and everywhere

there were buckets full of garbage bags as well as old furniture, the roof was

covered with spider webs and on the floor there were many insects, Claudia tried

to move from the panic she felt but it was impossible because she was tied up.

Meanwhile Julián was in the outside of the hovel, when he felt a small noise he

entered immediately approaching her, this mocking told her that she was lost and

that Gallardo was going to kill her like a bitch when he knew the truth, she was

very frightened trying to do something to untie herself but it was useless, at that

precise moment the telephone rang, When he answered it was Gallardo telling him

that within a few days they were going to bring him a large shipment of 25,000

kilos of pure cocaine, then he told him to contact a man nicknamed the "Chinese"

to resell him part of the merchandise, Claudia very

scared listened to everything they talked about, when Julián finished the

conversation she was approached telling him that Gallardo was going to receive

25,000 kilos of cocaine and that he was going to make a lot of money.

And you're not going to do anything to stop it! Because before that I'm going to

kill you like the little dog that you are," said the mockingly macabrely.

Claudia wanted to say something to him, but she couldn't because her mouth was

covered, Julián took away the shot and asked him:

What do you think you're gonna say to me, bitch?

She asked him for water with a lot of greed, he stayed thinking if he gave her water

or not, but in the end he decided and went to get a bottle of water he had in the

trunk of the car, while he was looking for water, Claudia as she was trained tried

with many forces to untie herself until finally he managed to get out with his, the

same removed the pull from his mouth and ran out taking a large iron tube that was

near the door, this one hid behind that same door to surprise him. At the precise

moment when he entered, she without any mercy gave him a strong blow with him

had on the head, Julian fell to the floor almost passed out, to see that he moved

complaining of the pain she gave him two blows with the tube where he left himself

completely passed out, Claudia a little nervous shot the tube to the side and took

the weapon from his waist, then fell and kicked him and spat face cursing him.

you thought you'd make it easy to kill me! Son of a bitch!

Claudia dragged him like a dog to the car and how she could get him in the copilot's


It's disgusting to touch you! Damn scum! Let it be known that I'm doing it to

make you disappear from the map, she said with a disgusting face.

Claudia entered the hut again and looked for the same rope with which he had tied

it, this came and tied him very well and covered his mouth with a piece of old rag,

then carried the weapon to make sure more, finally got into the car leaving quickly.

28 minutes later, as she was driving to the city, Julian's phone was ringing,

suddenly he began to wake up from those sudden blows she gave him, when

Claudia saw him wake up took the gun and pointed it while driving quickly, Julian

complained of the pain he felt and not to anything but look at her with the desire to

kill her, he spit the rag she had put in his mouth and began to insult her.

Shut up, you fucking rat! Or else I'll shoot you in the mouth to shut you up! she

shouted, hitting him in the face with the gun.

Julian remained silent and trying to untie himself, he tried and tried but it was

extremely impossible.

How unhappy! I got smarter than I thought, he said in his mind.

When Claudia arrived in the city she parked near a children's playground that was

in front of a well-known shopping center. Julian felt helpless when he was tied up, it

was since then when he yelled at her telling her to let him go, when he saw that she

didn't do anything, this to annoy her by telling her

that she was nothing more than a stupid who had no courage to kill someone,

Claudia very furious gave him a blow in the face to shut up, Julian mocked her

again telling him that he had the courage to kill, Finally it reminded him of that

cruel moment when he killed his father with that shot, Claudia came to mind when

he had his father in his arms and also when he told her with his voice cut off to

escape from them until he died, she was filled with anger and cried hitting him

sharply everywhere, Julian with his bloody face continued mocking her and yelling

at her saying:

I killed your wretched father! And I was a part of what happened to your fucking


Claudia took a plastic bag that was in the glove compartment of the car and put it

over his head to suffocate him and watch him die slowly with extreme desperation

and anguish, Julian very scared was beginning to suffocate, this kicking of despair

because he lacked air.

Get this damn bag off me! I beg him.

Claudia looked at him with hatred and repeated over and over again: "Fuck you,

you unhappy bastard!

Claudia rejoiced at what she did, thinking that she had done justice by murdering

the man who killed her father, then to make sure that the murderer, with his razor

cut off his jugular and fired three shots at him, two in the head and one in the


I finally got you killed, you trash bastard! she exclaimed.

Claudia took a pen that was in the same glove compartment plus a sheet of paper

and wrote the following message:

I've already taken revenge on the first, then I'm going for you two, I won't rest until

you pay for what you did wrong.

After writing the message she grabbed a handkerchief that was in Julian's jacket

pocket and immediately began to clean the steering wheel and all the places where

she had left fingerprints, the same towards that in order not to leave any evidence

that would incriminate her, Claudia placed the note on either side of Julian's bloody

corpse and then got out of the car, She was blinded by revenge and didn't mind

staining her hands with blood for such rubbish. She thought that killing Julián was

an excellent option so he wouldn't destroy his plans for revenge against Gallardo,

but the sweet Claudia who was hidden in the back of her heart was not a murderer.

The night began to fall, when she arrived at the apartment completely reassured of

everything around her, she sat on the sofa and remembered that cruel day when

her father died in her hands and also that night when she was raped by those two

unhappy, she felt a great pain and began to cry to vent that feeling, Gertrudis was

in her room getting dressed, to hear a cry, she left the room, when she saw her

sister lying on the sofa, broken in tears, Gertrudis worried asking her what had

happened, Claudia cried and told her to leave her alone, Gertrudis ignored her

words and sat next to her to rub her hair

without asking her anything, at the moment when Claudia was able to calm down a

little very strong hug to Gertrudis and said:

-Sister, I love you, you are the most beautiful thing that I could have left of my


I love you too Claudia! Then he added -because you don't take a good shower,

so you can relax, said Gertrudis.

Yes, I really need to take a shower," answered Claudia.

Gertrudis, a little worried about her sister's emotional state, picked up the phone to

call Yamel. She told him that she couldn't go and look after Michael because she

was going to stay and take care of her sister who had arrived very badly,

Meanwhile Claudia got into the shower with everything and clothes, this did nothing

but cry because memories of the past had tormented her, when the beautiful

Gertrudis entered the bathroom and saw that way she worried even more by getting

into the shower to give a comfort to Claudia, the same helped her to bathe as if

Claudia was a small helpless girl, After having bathed her, Claudia put on her

pajamas and lay on the bed, Gertrudis stretched out to one side and asked her

what was wrong with her, Claudia replied with a very soft voice that had murdered

the unhappy man who killed her father, Gertrudis felt a cold scalpel when he heard

her and he no longer wanted to ask her anything, That poor teenager was

completely terrified by what her sister had told her, she herself left the room and

went to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water, Gertrudis lasted two long hours

wondering why her sweet sister had become a murderous avenger.


That next day so spooky and fearful, Arturo was in his office along with Gallardo,

both were specifying very well what they were going to do for that day when they

would receive the merchandise, Gallardo told Arturo that this time nothing could go

wrong because he was investing much of his money in 25 thousand kilos of

cocaine, Arturo very convinced told him that nothing could happen that day

because no one would know, Then he asked Gallardo when they were going to

receive him, since it was the first time that Gallardo was going to do business with

these Colombian drug traffickers, they didn't tell him what day he was going to do,

not even in the place where they were going to arrive, but until the day of the

business, those unfortunates distrusted even the slightest thing.

Suddenly Gallardo was a little thoughtful for a moment, Arturo noticed it very

strange and asked him what was happening to him, Gallardo very strange replied

that it was very strange that Julián had not appeared since the time he took his

girlfriend to the apartment, Gallardo dialed his phone and immediately the

answering machine fell, a little angry began to blaspheme against Julián saying that

maybe he went with a prostitute or if he had not gone to town to visit his bastard


It's just that when he comes, it's going to be very bad for that bastard!"

exclaimed Gallardo.

Then he left Arturo's office and went immediately to Claudia's office to see if it had

arrived, when he entered without warning he was surprised that there was

absolutely no one, he was very curious to see the personal things that she had on

his desk, when he saw a portrait with a photo where she was smiling with her

supposed brother, he got rid of the bad temper he had at that moment when he saw

that photo, he sat down at the desk and began to

check the drawers to see what else she could get from it, suddenly he tripped over

the folders on the desk with his elbow, whose folders fell to the floor, in those

folders was the happy power that she had written for him to sign, Gallardo gave a

great laziness to pick up those documents that were watered on the floor, It was

since then when he called carlota to send any worker and accommodate some

documents that were spread on the floor of the office of his girlfriend Marlene, after

talking on the phone with carlota, he immediately dialed the phone of his beloved

girlfriend to say good morning and also to ask why he had not arrived at the

company, Claudia was in her bed with a severe headache as a consequence of

the blows she had carried the day before, she heard the phone and when she saw

that he was Gallardo she twisted the eyes of the rage she felt at that moment

towards him, Claudia took the phone and threw it aside, he insisted on calling her

again and again until she became very angry and replied hypocritically loving:

How are you, my love?

Not as well as you! But hearing your beautiful voice makes my morning happy,

he replied.

Claudia asked her very lovingly to give her the day off because she had a strong

headache, Gallardo very anxious to see her told her that he gave her the day off,

but with the condition of going to see her at the apartment, she answered once

and then told her that she was going in the afternoon for the company because

she had some pending to resolve.

My queen is fine! As you say, that's why I love my beautiful doll! I'll be waiting

for her, said the very cheesy.

Gertrudis was standing at the door of the room listening to her and then when

Claudia finished the conversation she advised him to be very careful with that man

and not to play with fire because at a certain moment he could burn, Claudia

laughed telling him that Gallardo was already almost defeated and that very soon

he was going to be behind bars and without a penny in his pocket because she

herself was going to leave him with nothing, Gertrudis was very impressed when

she saw what her sister had become. She left the room and went to the living

room because she didn't want to be next to her any more, Gertrudis was very

excited and told her to wait for her because in a few minutes they were there, she

ran to the room again and she was very happy. When she entered she told her

sister that Michael was going to be discharged in a matter of hours because he

was better, Claudia was infected with emotion forgetting a little the previous thing,

they dressed quickly and after a while they went to the hospital very happy to look

for their beloved Michael, while they were on their way, in Gallardo's company

some police agents arrived, the same ones passed by reception asking carlota for

the owner of the company.

And how come they're looking for him? she asked.

That's a personal matter! So you can't know," answered one of them.

The moment carlota opened the door and entered with them, Gallardo was so

astonished to see those policemen that they looked more like gorillas, he was

frightened thinking that they had discovered him and that they were going to take

him to prison, carlota left the office while these men approached Gallardo notifying

him that his driver named Julián had been found lifeless inside the car near a

playground, he was extremely astonished.

And how could that happen?! My chauffeur had no problems with anyone,

Gallardo said.

One of them took out a talking bag containing the message they had left in the

lifeless body, at that moment when Gallardo read the message he was under

pressure and became dizzy.

Sir! Don't you have any enemies? Let me tell you that this message shows that

this killer wants to take revenge on two other people," said one officer.

Gallardo very nervously answered him stuttering - UHMMM! Ah! No, I don't have

any enemy.

The agents looked at each other and immediately realized that Gallardo was

nervous. When they saw that Gallardo denied everything, they told him that the car

was registered in the company's name and that it was being held until they found

some evidence, The same knew that something very strange was hidden by that

man named Ernesto Gallardo, when he was left alone again he began to tremble

with fear saying that it was her who came for the head of Arturo plus that of the one,

Gallardo realized at once that it was that young woman that by his lust I disgrace

his life leaving her without family as also to have violated her so abruptly, despite

having great courage he was extremely frightened because he knew that she was

very bellacose and that he was following in her footsteps, it was since then that the

very worried man called Arturo by telephone to tell all the bodyguards at his

disposal to guard the company as well as him, Arturo asked Gallardo why he

wanted them to guard him, Gallardo so rude shouted at him not to ask and to call

them immediately, he had no choice but to follow the orders of his boss and called

all of them alerting them to protect the company plus the employer, then called

them out of his office and went to Gallardo's office to ask what was going on, he

rushed into the office and asked him with great anguish:

What's going on? Why are you so nervous?

Gallardo a little frightened told him that Julián had been murdered and that in the

corpse there was a message telling him that he was going for both of them, then he

told him that the same girl who killed Julián was the one they disgraced his life,

Arturo became as pale as a piece of paper and told Gallardo:

we have to get that bitch and kill her!

is that we don't know anything about her, it's better to be alerted and walk around

with a loaded gun, because it's close to us! Said Gallardo with great concern.

Arturo took the gun out of his waist and charge, while Gallardo took his gun out of a

desk drawer and also the charge, they said at the same time that a damned woman

would never kill them, despite the machismo they had they did not know that this

vengeful woman was infiltrated among them and that very soon they were going to

know what her real face was.

Claudia arrived at the hospital in a hurry, when she saw Yamel and the

commissioner waiting for the doctor to give the order to discharge Michael, she

greeted both of them and asked them how Michael had been lately, Eleodoro

looked at her and said:

You were so lost! I think you must have heard from Gallardo?

She smiled and told him that she didn't have any news but that she was going to

have it soon, at that moment the doctor arrived notifying them that the order was

ready and therefore they could take the patient, they were very happy they went to

the room along with the doctor plus a nurse to finally discharge him, when everyone

entered the room so emotional, Michael felt a great happiness to see that everyone

cared about him, to see Claudia told him:

Sister! You've finally come, you've missed me so much!

She immediately went towards him giving him a hug and whispered in his ear

that he also needed much, she felt more relieved being close to him. For Claudia he

was more than a friend, he was her savior, her brother and also some of the beings

she loved most in life. The nurse took the wheelchair that was next to the stretcher

and told Michael to sit carefully there, Michael replied so stubbornly:

Look, lady! I'm not an invalid, I can walk alone.

The doctor called his attention to him as if he were a child telling him that if he

didn't do it he couldn't get out of there.

-​ L
​ et's see Michael! Sit in the chair, go! Listen to the doctor, Claudia said. He,

as always, finished accepting everything his beloved sister told him.

All right! I'm doing it because you're asking me to.

When they were leaving the hospital Claudia took Michael in the wheelchair until

they got to the parking lot, the moment they got there Eleodoro said goodbye to

them and told Michael to take good care of himself by taking a good rest, then he

looked at Claudia and told her that he wanted to know soon good news about

Gallardo oh if not unfortunately closed the case and was not going to do more work

as an undercover cop.

Not sheriff! How can I do this? She nodded

He did not answer and looked at Yamel, she wanted to go with them to the

apartment, but Eleodoro ordered him to go to the police station because there was

a lot of work to solve, the police station got into his car and went straight to the

police station, Yamel was so anxious to go with them, but he

had no choice but to say goodbye and go straight to work. Meanwhile Gertrudis and

Claudia helped Michael get in the car.

Don't help me! I can do it alone, he told you.

However, as they loved him so much they didn't pay attention to him and kept

helping him in case something happened to him, Gertrudis got in the back with him

while the beautiful Claudia drove to the apartment, Michael was silent while

Gertrudis caressed his shoulder, he looked at Claudia and immediately realized that

something was wrong with him.

Are you very quiet? And now what happened to you? Michael asked.

Nothing happened to me, I'm very well! she replied.

He stayed calm and asked him how he had been in that party, the same told him

that the party had been a disaster because in the end Gallardo ended up fighting

with Alejandro and she with the mother of the, this so impressed to hear, gave him

to laugh.

Did you really hit your future mother-in-law? he asked.

She smiled and replied: "Not only did I beat up that crazy old woman, but also the

stupid one who thinks she's Alejandro's girlfriend.

Gertrudis so quietly wondered why Claudia had not told Michael that she had

murdered this man. When they arrived at the apartment he sat down on the sofa

and eagerly asked Claudia to find his computer because he needed to know what

had happened in those few days that he was absent from the hospital. Claudia

went to get it for her right away and after she was given it, the telephone of the

department rang, Gertrudis answered and when he heard it, he was the


Give me your sister, I need to talk to her urgently! Eleodore said.

Gertrudis passed the phone to Claudia immediately, - what is that so urgent that

she wants to tell me? asked Claudia.

He gave her the news telling her that Gallardo's driver had been murdered in his

own car, Claudia was surprised asking her to explain how he had been murdered,

the commissioner told her that he had been murdered with his own weapon and

that at the same time they had cut off his jugular with a razor, he also told her that

they had got a very strange message from the body, Eleodoro was very direct and

precise asking her if she had anything to do with that death.

No! How can my commissioner believe it! she replied.

He trusted her and didn't ask her any more about that case. Michael was surfing the

internet with his computer when he suddenly saw the news that they had found a

dead body, the moment he saw the photo of the body plus the name of the

murdered person inside a car, he was extremely surprised and immediately called

Claudia, she approached where he was and when Michael showed him what had

happened, she told him:

The commissioner just called me to give me the good news.

Michael saw her very calm and asked her if she had anything to do with it: you're

crazy! How could you ask me that question? She said to him, pretending to be


Claudia didn't want to answer her, and she bothered to go to her room to change

and go to the company to see Gallardo's face when she found out what had


25 minutes later, she left the room very well dressed with her briefcase.

Where are you going? asked Michael sitting on the couch.

I'm going to work! she replied very seriously.

Michael was beginning to realize that she had something to do with that crime.

Gertrudis! Come here a moment, he said.

Michael with his cunning asked Gertrudis what Claudia had done the day before,

poor Gertrudis as she knew the truth preferred to remain silent, Michael insisted

asking the same thing and said:

Tell me the truth! Did Claudia have anything to do with that crime?

She under her grief face and with tears in her eyes told him that her sister was the

one who killed that man, at that moment Michael was totally disappointed to know

that his beloved Claudia had become a vulgar murderer, Michael also under her

face of the grief he felt and began to wonder himself why she committed that crime,

While he wondered, feeling extremely disappointed, Claudia arrived at the company

most happy to see Gallardo's happy face, when she got out of the car she noticed

that there were many men dressed in black and armed to the teeth, the same

surrounded the whole company including the parking lot.

Ah! Gallardo is already aware, no wonder he put those stupid bodyguards to

protect him! she said.

Claudia entered the company walking very flirtatiously, suddenly she got in the

corridor with the gossips of the most carlota maintenance women, Claudia stayed

looking at them to see if they talked about her, but when they saw her attitude they

made the ones that didn't see her, they knew that Claudia wasn't a sweet expert

and that at any moment she could grab them so hard. the moment she entered her

office, she immediately realized that the folder where the power of attorney was

written was not on the right side of the desk but in the middle very close to the

computer, she got scared thinking that Gallardo had reviewed that folder, When

she checked, she noticed that this power was there along with the other

documents, she calmed down and at the same time she took that folder and went

immediately to Gallardo's office so that he could sign those documents that

included that happy power, the moment she entered the office she saw him very

pale and at the same time nervous.

What's the matter with you? Did you see a ghost? She asked.

Gallardo asked her to sit down and told her that Julián had been murdered:

It can't be! And how did that happen? Then he added by saying - have you

found the culprit yet?

Gallardo answered him full of anger that he himself was going to look for that

murderer and kill him with his own hands, she noticed a great weakness in him

and filled himself more with strength, Claudia so astute approached him and

hypocritically embraced him telling him that she was with him, Gallardo felt very

loved and told him sighing:

Oh dear, I want you to be with me for life, then he added, "I love you my beautiful


It was then that she took advantage of the occasion and told him to sign these

documents because they needed to be signed as soon as possible.

No love! Save that for later, he said.

Claudia insisted over and over again, and as he was so stunned to have her by his

side he took a pen and signed them without reading them, she rejoiced and said in

his mind.

You just signed your sentence of ruin! You decrepit dog! Then he adde

you have absolutely nothing, now everything is mine, only mine!

Claudia before leaving the office gave him a simple kiss on the mouth and then

went to her office, she did not stop mocking him feeling triumphant because she

owned all the assets that Gallardo had without including his bank accounts. Claudia

put the signed power of attorney in her briefcase and then took her things, after a

while she left the company, this one went to the same bar that was near the police

station to celebrate her triumph. As soon as she entered that damn bar she sat

down at the bar and asked a waiter who was there for a double whisky with a lot of

ice, while he served her the order she looked everywhere for if she saw an

acquaintance, when she saw that there was no one said:

Alas, I have no choice but to celebrate my triumph on my own.

She smiled and had a good drink, Claudia spent the whole holy afternoon

celebrating and rejoicing because all things were coming out of her mouth, she

invited a drink to the waiter who was at the bar and said:

let's drink to the triumph and ruins of the wretched ruffians!

He looked at her and wondered why such a beautiful woman was getting so drunk,

that man did not say a word to her if not pure laughter, when she spoke badly of

men, he got a little serious, the same said that men were useless for nothing and

that they were piltrafas that never should have been born. She drank and drank

celebrating her great triumph.

The night fell, Claudia arrived at the apartment a little overflowing, as she saw that

no one was in the living room nor in the kitchen, she went to her room, when she

entered she noticed that Gertrudis was absolutely asleep, Claudia was surprised to

see her sleep so early, she preferred not to leave the

room because she knew that Michael would continue to ask her if she had

murdered Julian, she took off her clothes and then put on her pajamas, suddenly it

came to her mind to send her to legalize that document so that as soon as

possible she could claim what was hers.

I really have to legalize it as soon as possible! She said extremely drunk and

almost falling.

Claudia very happily drunk lay down in her bed rejoicing for what she had done,

meanwhile she meditated that she was going to do with the company more the

other goods of Gallardo, from so much meditating and meditating she remained

completely surrendered in dream dreaming that she was immensely powerful, her

greed and her revenge were taking her to the total unhappiness.

18.​ A

That next Saturday so pleasant and surprising, Claudia was more cheerful than

ever preparing breakfast, suddenly Michael left his room, when she looked at him to

say good morning, he became very serious turning his face away, she was

extremely surprised to see him in that way and asked him:

And ah what do you owe that seriousness?

This seriousness is due to him, because you have become an ungrateful murderer!

replied the very disillusioned and furious.

At that moment she became pale like a sheet of paper with a knot in her throat.

Mmm! And why do you say I'm a murderer? She asked.

Michael was filled with even more courage for his cynicism, and it was from then on

that he replied:

I know everything! I found out from a very good source, then he added looking at

her with a face of disappointment - you have disappointed me, I thought that you

would never be able to do a brazenness like that.

Under her face of grief, remaining totally silent, Gertrudis arrived in the kitchen at

that moment, saying good morning to both of them. Claudia looked up again and

looked at her very enraged.

It was you who told Michael that I should kill that unhappy dog, wasn't it? asked

Claudia in a very upset voice.

If she told me, it was because she's not proud of having a killer sister! answered

Michael screaming.

Gertrudis was a little scared to see the way her sister had shouted at her, at that

very moment Claudia felt helpless to be pointed out, she was filled with anger and

began to cry very upset shouting that if she had killed him because Julian had

discovered and wanted to kill her, he also told them that he mocked her, feeling

proud to kill his father and to have separated her from her brothers. In spite of how

furious Michael was, he was a little touched to hear every word she said reflecting

an immense pain.

but in case you weren't killed him, that wasn't the option he said.

Seeing that she was crying and hitting the kitchen table for the courage she felt,

Michael approached her and took her by the hands telling her to calm down

because the damage was already done and there was nothing to do, he told her to

follow his plan of revenge but the next time not to kill

anyone else, Claudia lost in tears embraced him telling him to forgive her as well as

promising that he would not do another audacity like that, Michael knew that deep

down she was not a murderer. Suddenly the doorbell rang, Michael a little surprised

wondered who he was, when Gertrudis went to open the door and looked to see, it

was the Nana with a face very different from the one they had seen all their lives,

this one was full of courage because Marlene mocked her pampered Alejandro,

Gertrudis very smiling told her:

How do you do, ma'am? Come on in!

When the very serious Nana came in and saw Claudia, she said in a very strong

voice - I wanted to talk to you, miss!

Michael and Gertrudis beckoned and went to the room to leave them alone, Claudia

was astonished to see the attitude of the Nana.

Have a seat, wouldn't you like something to drink? she asked.

No! thank you, all I want to know! Why did you trick Alexander into falling in love

with him like that? then he added - I thought you were a very decent woman, but as

far as I can see I was wrong," said the very upset Nana. Claudia felt a little bad

about the above, but when she heard the Nana's reproaches, there was nothing left

for her but to shut up and listen to her,

seeing that she didn't speak Tibisay told her:

because she's quiet! Answer me?!

All right, I know I hurt him, but I always told him we couldn't be anything but friends,"

admitted Claudia.

At that moment Nana saw the sparkle in her eyes and realized that she was

actually in love with Alejandro.

Do you really love that man? Tibisay asked.

Claudia remained silent and did not answer that question, Tibisay asked her the

same question again, it was since then when she committed the biggest lie in the

world and nodded:

Yes! I want it," answered Claudia. Tibisay looked at her and said:

You’re nothing but a bad woman who makes fun of men!

She approached him shouting that he should not come any closer to Alejandro and

finally told him that she did not want to see her anymore in her life, at that precise

moment Claudia felt very hurt when she heard those bad words from some of the

beings she loved most.

Nana, listen to me! Claudia exclaimed.

Tibisay left there opening the door to leave, from where he was told:

Don't call me Nana! From now on I'm dead to you.

Tibisay left that apartment very enraged and completely disillusioned, Claudia

followed her desperately and told her:

Nana, listen to me! I'm not Marlene, I'm Claudia, your beloved child!

The Nana turned around very impressed and said to him: - how can you invent

something like that! The Claudia I knew was not a monster like you are, she was a

very good and above all sweet person!

Tibisay sighed deeply and said, "Too bad she left and I never saw her again.

Seeing that Nana didn't believe him, Claudia said:

You were the woman who looked out for me when my mother died! then she added -

remember when I turned 18! you were the one who was with me filling that void I had

inside because I didn't have my mother at the time.

Nana was very impressed and felt a great emotion in her heart, but at the same time

she felt very confused because the Claudia she knew had honey- colored eyes but

not black, Tibisay approached her and said:

It can't be! My daughter, is that you?

With tears streaming down her cheek Claudia looked at her with a sad face and said

in a very soft voice:

ay Nana, we have a lot to talk about, we'd better get into the apartment.

Tibisay, very astonished, entered with her again, both sitting on the sofa while

Tibisay did nothing but look at her with astonishment.

My daughter, why do you call yourself by another name? Because you were

deceiving us all?

Claudia, spilling every tear, told her why she passed herself off as someone else,

when she began to tell her the tragic story she had gone through, Tibisay, very

moved when she heard it, couldn't stand it anymore and came crying telling her:

my child, what misfortune has happened to you, that miserable man deserves

death," he added, "I never thought that such a misfortune would happen to such a

kind person as you.

Gertrudis and Michael were in the main room and suddenly they heard that they

were both crying, they left the room to see what was going on, when suddenly they

saw them hugging each other crying, they approached where they were, Nana

looked at them and asked who they really were, Claudia wiped her tears with her

hands and told Nana that he was the kindest person she had ever met in all her life.

She told him that he helped her from the night she arrived in the city.

And who is this young woman? asked Tibisay.

That young woman is my beautiful sister Gertrude," she replied.

Claudia told her how she was able to rescue those people who had her mistreated

and prostituted her. Nana was even more astonished when she heard that torturing

cruelty that was done to Gertrudis, Tibisay used to look at her with great regret.

On the other hand, Rosa and Alejandro were going down the stairs of the house very

happy to see the Nana, the same sat on one of the furniture that was in the living

room, in that small instant they felt that in all the house there was a great emptiness,

whose great emptiness that was felt was because

there was not the sweet and charming presence of that beautiful old lady, Rosa was

a moment to lean out into the kitchen and when she saw that Isabel was only sitting

having a cup of coffee, she asked:

Good day Isabel! Could you tell me where the Nana is?

The only thing Isabel said to him was that Nana went out very early to solve some

earrings, Rosa was very surprised because Nana did not know anyone in the city,

she returned immediately to the room and told Alejandro that Nana was not in the


And that the Nana is not here? asked the very amazed.

Rosa replied the same thing that Isabel Cristina said, Alejandro very calmly told her

not to worry because Nana knew how to take care of herself, he said goodbye to his

beautiful sister and went to the gym. Rosa, very anxious about the Nana, continued

wondering where she was, while Claudia and Nana did nothing but burn each time

feeling a great emotion in her heart for having met again, Claudia told her step by

step about everything she lived after that man disgraced her life. Tibisay never

imagined that this man had taken the hacienda from Andres in this way, as well as

that the man who was sent there to murder with one of his men, Nana caressed

Claudia's face and in her mind she imagined the pain that her child felt at that

moment when those degenerate men raped her without any compassion.

My daughter, why are your eyes black and not as honey-colored as you used to be?

Claudia smiled and replied, "Nana, these are some contact lenses I'm wearing so

that Gallardo's pig doesn't recognize me.

Michael served an orange juice to the Nana while Gertrudis was in the kitchen

preparing some pancakes to give to the Nana.

one hour later, the commissioner Eleodoro received in his office a large envelope

that had been sent to him by the detective, the moment he opened it it it was nothing

more and nothing less than all the information about the whereabouts of Jordan

"Claudia's brother" the commissioner was filled with joy because she was already

going to have her family united again, he immediately called Claudia to his

telephone, since he did not answer the telephone of the department, the beautiful

Gertrudis answered him very kindly, while the very excited asked him with great

eagerness to pass Claudia to give her a good news, when seeing his sister together

with Nana hugging at every moment very full of happiness, Gertrudis preferred to tell

the commissioner that his sister was not there, Eleodoro had nothing left but to wait

and before hanging up the phone he sent a great greeting to Michael.

Who was a sister? Claudia asked.

Gertrudis smiled and said it was the commissioner asking how Michael was.

And why didn't you pass it to me? Claudia asked.

No sister, he was in a hurry, but before hanging up he sent many

greetings to both of them," she replied.

Gertrude invented this so that her sister would not miss that great joy she felt inside,

Tibisay very august did not want to leave there, the same wrapped Claudia in that

sweetness and affection he always gave her, Michael sat beside them and told Nana

that the most beautiful thing that could happen to him in life was to meet Claudia that


In spite of what she has suffered, she has fed me with her inner sweetness and her

great love, that is why I am so happy every day," said Michael with so much


When Nana heard his beautiful words, she thought differently and said:

Hey! Aren't you in love with my little girl?

No! As you think, he's like a brother to me," answered Claudia. Tibisay looked at

him and said - it's impossible to see so much beauty in

Claudia and not fall in love! By the way, you're gorgeous.

Michael felt confident and was filled with courage telling him that if it wasn't for his

sexuality he would already be in love with her, at that moment when he confessed

his great truth Tibisay was pale looking at him:

It can't be! You're so handsome, and you're on the other side! exclaimed Nana.

Claudia looked at her and smiled, saying: -there's nothing wrong with that, he's a

human being just like us, and therefore he has the right to be respected and to make

his own decisions, then he added -plus I love how he is! I love him very much and I

accept him as he is.

Claudia gave a big hug to her beloved Michael telling him that she was extremely

proud to have him as her best friend, for Nana that was something very strange

because she had almost never seen such an aberration "according to her", however,

while sharing with them she was adapting to Michael.

When Gallardo saw that he was going to invest a great part of his money, Gallardo

began to worry thinking about whether those Colombian mafiosi would swindle them

or perhaps steal it. Arturo looked at him and when he noticed his concern, he

proposed that he sell the hacienda that was taken from Andrés.

No! You're crazy, those lands have a great wealth that will soon make me much

richer! Gallardo replied.

Arthur respected Gallardo's decision and said:

Well! All right, let's invest that money, you'll see that nothing will go wrong, this

time we'll be richer.

Gallardo looked at him very strangely and said: - We'll be rich sounds like a lot to

me! It suits you much better to say you're going to get richer!

Arturo remained silent and smiled hypocritically, the same ones continued sharing

ideas and at the same time taking out all of the juicy profits that they were going to


After having spent almost half a day sharing tears, pain and joys, Tibisay

said goodbye to Michael and Gertrudis, to Nana it seemed that they were charming

people, Claudia as kind as usual went to take her to the mansion Rodriguez, while

they were on their way, both stopped talking about each other and started talking

about Alejandro, Nana told Claudia that Alejandro for his spite became boyfriend of

the happy ant face, also told her that supposedly she would be given the opportunity

to rebuild her life by marrying her, Claudia a little anguished and sad told Nana that

she loved Alejandro with all her strength, but that she couldn't have anything with

him because Gallardo wouldn't hesitate to assassinate him, Tibisay advised her to

leave that revenge plan because the only thing that would bring him was more

suffering and resentment, Claudia so stubborn replied that until she saw pay that

unlucky man she wasn't going to make happy because he was the one who dried her

up inside leaving her with a strong hatred in her heart. When they arrived at the

Tibisay mansion before getting out of the car, she told him to think very carefully

about the wise advice he gave her. Claudia stared at the Nana as she walked to the

big house, she sighed and said:

nanita linda, how I love you.

He crossed the wheel and returned to the apartment. When Tibisay entered the

mansion, Rosa was waiting for her in the room very worried, when she saw her she

asked her very anxious:

Nana, where were you? I was worried about you.

At that moment Luisa's grunt was passing by and she said with a rather haughty

voice: - Servitude does as it pleases! If it were up to me, I'd already be on my feet in

the street!

Rosa and Nana ignored her completely and went as always to the kitchen, Rosa

asked her again where she was, Nana invented her that she was buying some

medicines and then she had gone to Marlene's apartment to tell her the truth as she

deserved, Rosa calmed down and sat next to her at the table, she asked her what

Marlene had told her, while the somewhat thoughtful Nana invented that she loved

Alejandro as a friend, but not as a boyfriend because she loved that businessman

named Ernesto Gallardo, they continued talking about the supposed Marlene, while

she arrived at the apartment again and did nothing but talk about how good the Nana

was with Michael, these were at the kitchen bar and the very smiling asked her when

she was going to return that doñita that gave so many inspirations to everything she

talked to, Claudia told her that she did not know when she would visit them again

because she was very busy in the mansion Rodriguez, after talking about the Nana

and its kindness; they of the joy they felt began to have a few glasses of white wine

to spend the rest of the afternoon talking about the ruin that would soon come to


19.​ W

That coming Monday so cloudy and rainy, the beautiful Claudia arrived at the

company very smiling with an extraordinary humor, the gossiping workers of the

area of maintenance plus Carlota wondered why there was so much joy in the face

of that beast, at the moment in which she was arriving at the elevator, suddenly she

stumbled upon a doñita of more or less 60 years of age, the same one was in the

company asking for a help for an operation of a daughter, Claudia so kind

apologized to stumble it.

Do you work here, my lady? Claudia asked.

No mija! I come here to beg the owner of this company to help me with some

money for an operation they are going to do to my daughter, answered the

beautiful lady.

Claudia was extremely sorry to see that poor little doñita ask for money for her

daughter's operation. - And what are they going to operate on? Claudia asked


She's going to have surgery on a tumor close to her heart," the lady replied.

At that moment Claudia felt a great sorrow for her and told her: - Come with me, I'll

help you!

Both went up in the elevator and when they arrived at Gallardo's office, Claudia

greeted him with a big kiss on the mouth, when Gallardo saw this lady so badly

dressed, looked at her with contempt and asked:

Who's that lady?

That little doñita that you see there, comes to ask for your help for an operation that

they are going to do to her daughter," answered Claudia staring at him.

Gallardo took out a few bills he had in his wallet and gave them to the lady, you can

go now, ma'am! he said looking at her as if she were a freak.

That poor old woman, so beautiful and humble under the face of sadness when she

received a certain alms, it was since then that Claudia got angry with Gallardo and

told him with great authority:

Help that poor lady! Don't be so stingy! Do it for the love you feel for me, maybe

I'm worth that to you, a simple alms?

After she put such psychology in Gallardo, he immediately took out his checkbook

and wrote him a checkbook with a good amount, he had no choice but to please his

beloved because if not the same was angry and furious like a wild lioness, Gallardo

gave the check to that lady and when she saw it, her gaze shone with the happiness

she felt at that precise moment.

Thank you for this help! May God bless you for your kindness! she exclaimed.

The lady thanked Claudia and left the office, Gallardo smiled and said to


You see what I do for you! That's to see that I love you and I give

Everything to see you happy.

Claudia was very happy for that joy that was reflected on the doña's face, she said

-thanks dear, that's why I love you!

He got cheesy and got up from his chair to give her a passionate kiss and

at the same time whispered in her ear that he loved her and longed to have her in his

bed, she followed the current telling him that she also loved him and that very soon

he was going to be given the opportunity to give him as his wife, suddenly Arturo

arrived in a very suspicious way, he greeted her with a simple smile and then said to


I need to talk to you about something urgently!

Seeing that Arturo was speaking in code, Claudia caught him instantly realizing that

something was going on, Gallardo gave Claudia a kiss telling her that if she wanted

to go shopping for the rest of the day that he had to pay all the expenses, Claudia

became the one who was excited and accepted the most smiling, the moment she

left the office leaving them alone, they began to talk about the merchandise, but what

they did not know was that the danger of their failure was listening to them behind

the door, Arturo told Gallardo that at midnight near the pier of "san quintín" was

going to be the place where they were going to meet.

And why there? Gallardo asked very strangely.

Arturo answered him that it was going to be there because they came in submarines

with the 25 thousand kilos of cocaine, Gallardo caught him instantly and asked him

what time it was going to be.

They told me that the return would take place at 2:50am in the morning," answered


Wow! That means I've got a few hours left to be richer," muttered Gallardo


Arturo smiled for that triumph that in turn would generate money, Gallardo served a

glass of whiskey for each one and toasted for the money and riches that would come

to them soon, meanwhile Claudia was listening to them behind the door, she

laughed at both of them and said in her mind:

-​ S
​ oon! I'll lock them up like the animals they are.

She went to her office and took the two signed powers of attorney she had in her

briefcase, then wrote down the address of a law firm and went there so that a good

lawyer could legalize those powers and so that she could officially be the owner of

everything Gallardo had.

Thirty minutes later, when she was almost arriving at that law firm, she called the

commissioner and told him very excited that that same night Gallardo was falling

behind bars. Eleodoro was very happy for her and told him with immense joy that

she also had excellent news for him, Claudia as always of insistent told him to tell

him even a small summary of the news, Eleodoro did not want to say anything over

the phone, but nevertheless told him to go as soon as possible to the police to

explain what Gallardo and thus seize the moment and gave him the good news that

he had.

It's okay, my commissioner! In about two hours or so I'll be there, she said.

She hung up the phone and when she arrived at the law firm she parked

the car and entered there with a lot of anxiety, when she passed by the receptionist

she asked the receptionist for a mercantile lawyer, suddenly the best mercantile

lawyer that the law firm had was arriving, when the receptionist saw him passing by

she called him and told him that this lady was looking for a mercantile lawyer, this

man so handsome and tall, he looked at her and asked her:

What can I do for you?

I need to legalize these powers as soon as possible! and thus put everything in

my name, she replied. The so kind he made pass to his elegant office, when

entering, the very gentleman said to him:

Have a seat, please!

Claudia sat while he watched the powers sitting on his precious glass desk, after

reading it, he stared at her and said:

MMM, all right miss! This will be ready in 10 days or so.

Claudia noticed that it was a long time and she avidly told him that she paid three

times her rate as long as she had it ready for the next day. That unlucky man took

advantage of the occasion and charged her four times the rate, which she accepted

very augustly because what she most longed for was to be the owner of everything.

All right, miss! By tomorrow you'll officially own all of Mr. Ernesto Gallardo's

assets, he said.

Claudia looked at him very angry and replied that this was not his problem and that

he better do his job than he was paying him very well for it. He remained silent and

gave her his card so that she could communicate with him, she said goodbye to the

lawyer and went away very happy for the police station to hear the happy news that

the commissioner was going to tell her.

The minutes went by very fast and the weather changed as the sun came up,

Alejandro was in the production plant watching the workers, suddenly Estefanía

surprised him by covering his eyes with his hands, Alejandro smiled and said:

You are your sister!

Stephanie got a little upset by the confusion and said:

don't compare me to that bitter one!

Alejandro laughed and told her to apologize, he hugged her tightly and stayed there

with her watching all the production, he thought he was beginning to forget Marlene,

but nevertheless there was something inside him that wanted her with all his desire,

Since he was disappointed he preferred not to listen to that feeling, while he ignored

his great lover, the same very happy arrived at the police station very smiling

greeting all the officers and some colleagues, when he saw the charming Yamel who

was leaving, the greeting is there and the arm is very strong.

How's Michael? Yamel asked.

Claudia replied that he was already much better, suddenly Carlos called Yamel with

many anxieties to go immediately to solve the case of young delinquents who were

robbing a commercial establishment, Yamel said goodbye to Claudia with much

affection and went to fulfill his work. Claudia went to the sheriff's office and knocked

on the door before entering.

Go ahead! said the commissioner.

Eleodore began to laugh at her when he saw the glow of joy in her eyes, he handed

her the envelope telling her to open it because there was the good news, Claudia

was a little surprised and opened it calmly, when she took out the documents and

saw all the information about the whereabouts of her brother she felt a great

happiness that at the same time her tears came out, Eleodore did not stop smiling at

seeing her so happy:

What I promised is debt! I told her from the first day I met her that I was going to

help her, he said feeling a great joy.

Claudia was speechless feeling so much joy in the depths of her heart, she got up

from the chair and went to give a big hug to the commissioner for being so kind.

Thank you for helping me my commissioner! You really are like my second

father! She said with tears in her eyes that meant happiness and emotion at the

same time.

After calming down, Claudia sat down where she was and read everything about

where her dear brother was, the moment she saw the address where she lived with

her adoptive family, she realized that it was almost near where her love Alejandro

lived, Claudia sighed for happiness and told the commissioner that she was going to

look for her brother right away for good or bad, Eleodoro stopped her and told her

not to go yet because those people who adopted her brother were of high social


If I want to, I'll take him out of that house and that's it! And if I get lifted up, he'll

know who Claudia is! she exclaimed.

If you go there I'll put you in jail and Gallardo's case closes! shouted Eleodoro

threatening her and in turn to calm her down because she was extremely


She kept thinking until she gave in to what he told her. Eleodoro changed the subject

and very anxious asked him why they were going to put Gallardo behind bars that

same night, she was very happy smiling telling him that she had heard the

conversation between them and that they said that the same morning some

gangsters were coming in submarines at 2 o'clock:50am to bring them a cargo of 25

thousand kilos of coca, the same very enthusiastic told her that it was going to take

place near the pier of "san quintín" that was south east of the city, Eleodoro very

astonished by the good news took her hand and told her:

This time I'll make every effort not to let them escape us! Then he added

-remember the promise you made me that time, that after we caught Gallardo

and his accomplices you were going to resign because you know you don't like this

police career.

Claudia smiled and said: -I remember it as if it were yesterday, you know that when I

promise something I fulfill it!

Both smiled and said at the same time: - Tonight will be ours!

The beautiful Claudia said goodbye to the commissioner telling him that they were

going to see each other an hour before at the pier to surround the whole area, then

she took the envelope with her brother's information and went to the apartment very

excited to give the excellent news to Gertrudis and her beloved Michael. As she was

driving to the apartment, she couldn't believe that destiny was finally on her side, she

herself was very excited as she said in her mind:

I'm going to make very rich! After a while he thought that after he locked

Gallardo up he was going to go to his farm and restore the coffee plantation as

his beloved father had it, while she meditated, his beloved Michael and Gertrudis

were in the kitchen making a cake, however what they were really doing was a

complete disaster in the kitchen, Michael was throwing flour in Gertrudis' hair

just like she was throwing him, Both were white as a piece of paper, these were

having fun with great joy, suddenly Gertrudis took an egg from the refrigerator

and broke it on Michael's head, it was from then when he took revenge and took

a little butter and soaked his face, suddenly Claudia was coming in and when he

saw such a disaster crossed arms was looking at them and said:

Very nice! They look like a couple of kids making rubieras! Michael laughed and

said: - Don't be bitter! Join the team.

Claudia got the one she didn't want and answered: - No! I'm not like you. Michael

and Gertrudis took some flour and at the moment that they were going to throw it to

Claudia, the same one shouted very loudly telling her that if they arrived to fill it with

flour they were going to go very badly, they remained calm and there was nothing

left for them but to join the bitterness of her, Claudia approached them and did not

resist the desire to mock both

because they had the white face like a ghost.

Ah! Look at the bitter one laughing at our witticisms, said Michael.

Claudia smiled and happily told them that a detective hired by the commissioner had

found Jordan's whereabouts and that very soon they were going to see him,

Gertrudis and Michael were filled with happiness when they heard that excellent

news. Claudia was very excited and gave them a hug without realizing that hugging

them was also filled with flour, After a while he told them that that same night they

were going to capture Gallardo and explained to him with luxuries and details how he

was going to do the operation, Michael was happy for the news, but nevertheless he

worried about her because in that confrontation she could be murdered, it was since

then when he told her together with Gertrudis to leave that in the hands of

the commissioner and not to go, she as stubborn as always told them that if she was

going to go because her great longing was to see Gallardo's face when she let him

know that she was Claudia and also when she knew that she had absolutely nothing

because everything was hers, Michael repeated to her that it was not because she

was a danger, Claudia did not pay attention to her and went to her room to take a

long bath in the tub with plenty of hot water to relax and be very energetic for the

fortunate capture of the unlucky man who misfortune her.


Already at the beginning of that morning, Commissioner Eleodoro sent at 1:50am a

group of 70 officials to surround the entire area of that immense pier of "san quintín",

he did not send them in patrols but in cars and private vans, all of them armed with

machine guns and grenades ready to capture. At the precise moment they arrived,

they had themselves hidden around the pier as well as inside in case the mafiosi

arrived before what had been agreed.

That dawn was extremely clear, the only thing that could be heard was the falling of

the waves. While they were surrounding the area with extreme discretion, Eleodoro

was going along with Yamel on the way to the apartment to look for Claudia, the

commissioner called her on his phone and told her to be ready as well as remember

to put the bulletproof vest inside the uniform, the same was dressing and replied with

an immense joy that did not worry, Eleodoro very quickly told him to hurry because

he was already arriving at the apartment. After finishing the talk she put on her

bulletproof vest and finally put on her gold medal that Alejandro gave her when they

were children, she did it for good luck. Claudia, fully dressed, put a super comb on

the gun and the charge saying that one of those bullets was destined for Gallardo,

then she put her razor plus two super combs loaded with bullets in her pants pocket,

after being ready, she looked at the mirror caressing her cheek with her gun and said

in a low voice:

Finally today you will pay me miserable, you will go to jail while I rejoice in your

fortune, and if you escape me, I myself will look for you and kill you like the damn rat

you are!

Claudia put her gun in her holster and left the room, as she passed through the living

room Michael and Gertrudis were sitting on the sofa, they were waiting for her to beg

her not to leave, Claudia hugged them and told them not to worry because

everything was going to be fine for her.

You know I love you and would never leave you alone! She exclaimed.

Michael looked at her very sadly and told her that he regretted not being in good

health to accompany her and take care of her, Claudia smiled sweetly and said:

Don't worry, little brother, you've already done so much for me, you better rest, I'll

leave my sister in your hands.

Suddenly a text message came to his phone, when he saw him it was the

commissioner telling him that he was already waiting for him downstairs, Claudia

said goodbye to them by kissing him on the forehead and then left. She felt that night

safer than ever believing 100% that Gallardo would fall

behind bars. Meanwhile Michael felt a bad feeling thinking that something bad was

going to happen, this together with Gertrudis went to the balcony, already being

there they looked at the sky that was extremely precious with those resplendent

stars, these raised their faces and asked God to take care of Claudia and all the

others, Michael very anxious told the great God that if something happened to

Claudia he died of suffering, their faith was that looking at the sky the great powerful

father was going to listen to them. That full moon that illuminated that dawn filled

them with breath to believe that God was taking care of her.

Claudia together with Eleodoro and Yamel arrived at the "san quintín" pier located to

the south-east of the city, whose pier made him see the most wonderful view of the

sea as well as those enormous coconut palms, in that same pier there were some

beautiful and luxurious yachts as well as some cargo ships. They were parked near

a huge rock that was distanced facing the sea, suddenly Yamel saw some very

suspicious men who were parking in a navy blue car very close to the shore of the

sea, from that car 5 armed men got out and scattered each guarding the area in

case the police had overtaken him, Claudia, Eleodoro and Yamel waited for

everything to be clear and 4 minutes later they got out of the car with great care, they

came crouched down to an old boat that was abandoned a few meters away where

they were parked, they took refuge there until the mafiosi arrived, Eleodoro spoke on

the radio to Carlos because he was the one who was directing them all while their

commissioner arrived, Eleodoro alerted him in a low voice telling him that some

armed men were already there surrounding the entire area almost near the dock,

Carlos, sheltered on the top of a coconut palm was already cautious, then he spoke

on the radio to the others alerting them to be cautious with some men who were

surrounding the area, it was from that moment when everyone covered their faces

with a mountain pass, The others who were inside the pier crawled a little until they

almost reached the shore of the sea, all had their machine guns and loaded

weapons, Carlos had 5 grenades in a small backpack he was wearing, he carried

them with him in case he had to need them, this same assumed that these mafiosi

were armed to the teeth. While Carlos looked everywhere, Eleodoro looked at the

time on his hand clock and noticed that they were 25 minutes away from each other,

the only thing heard at every moment was the sound of the sea as well as the

occasional crab walking on the sand, the enormous palm trees shuddering from one

side to the other because of the strong wind that was blowing. These men looked

everywhere to see if they noticed anything or felt any noise, however there was one

of them that was more agile, that man began to observe the top of the palms

illuminating with a flashlight, Carlos was a little fearful to see what this unlucky was

doing, was since then when he put the silencer to his weapon to shoot that man if he

discovered it, this ruffian get closer and closer and closer to the palm where Carlos

was sheltered, he

had no choice but to tear off a coconut and throw it towards another palm that was a

little farther away to mislead him into believing that this coconut had fallen from

another palm, when he heard the roar that the coconut made when it fell to the

ground, the man ran quickly to the other palm tree and with his flashlight to see who

was there, but took the ungrateful surprise that there was no one but a coconut, he

thought he had fallen naturally and returned again to watch, while the others were

gathered on the seashore waiting for the bosses to arrive. Claudia stared at the

moon and asked God and her parents to protect her from a bad deed. Yamel looked

at her very affectionately and told her not to worry because everything was going to

be fine. Suddenly five black 4x4 trucks arrived slowly, they were lined up one after

the other, they thought it was Gallardo who was coming there, but unfortunately it

was not the but Arturo along with some of the bodyguards, they got out of the vans

and Arturo ordered them to surround the entire area because the Colombians almost

came in the submarines, these men looked like black ants dispersing everywhere.

Twenty minutes later, in such an unexpected way, a huge truck with a long container

arrived, Eleodoro very impressed from that abandoned boat wondered why that truck

had arrived, then deduced that it was to get all the cocaine that this unhappy man

was going to resell, suddenly he watched with his binocular and was even more

surprised when he saw who was driving that truck, whose man was Gallardo, when

he got off, at the same time 59 bodyguards got off the container, Eleodore was even

more astonished and had no choice but to call the other authorities to send him as

much reinforcement as possible for the pier of "san quintín", after talking with the

authorities Eleodore began to count the time for that reinforcement to arrive, it was

there that she realized that they arrived in about half an hour or at most 40 minutes,

on the other hand Claudia was very excited but at the same time she felt a great

scare inside, she asked the commissioner to give her a grenade in case she had to

use it, he was thinking about giving it or not.

All right, I'll give it to you! But promise me you won't do something crazy? he said.

I trusted me, I won't let him down," she replied.

I hope so! he said delivering it to you.

5 minutes later, Gallardo was very furious thinking that these mafiosos were not

going to arrive, he was desperately walking from one place to another cursing them,

this same one was in the shore of the sea when unexpectedly and whose surprising

time three submarines quickly left the sea causing a great roar, Gallardo being very

near the shore was immensely frightened to see the way in which they left the sea,

Gallardo looked at the hour in his clock and noticed that they had several minutes of

delay, the first ones that left the submarine were some bodyguards that looked like

gorillas, they were of Arab origin like Colombians, but nevertheless there were 2 that

were of Japanese descent, all carried two machine-guns in their hands, their looks

were terrifying and demoniac, these same ones were not more than a few mad

assassins that killed anyone in cold blood, the one who left for last of the submarine

was the boss of all, Gallardo and his fully armed bodyguards approached where the

man was, both shook their hands and introduced themselves, then Gallardo as

always distrustful demanded the man who first wanted to try cocaine to see if it was

pure cocaine, that man named Erick Mondragón asked one of his men to look for a

sample of the merchandise so that Gallardo could taste it and realize that he was

selling pure cocaine but not garbage, Eleodoro and Claudia did nothing more than

observe them with their binoculars, when they saw that Gallardo Provo the coca and

was totally satisfied, these smiled saying that this satisfaction was going to last him

very little, Gallardo extended his hand to this mafioso telling him:

- It's perfect! Why wait any longer? I want your men and mine to put all the

merchandise in the container!

- First I want the money! Or else the goods don't come out of the submarines, Erick

replied with a very threatening voice and at the same time with a fixed gaze.

Gallardo smiled synonymously ordering Arturo to look for the 4 bags full of money,

whose bags contained an enormous amount of millions of dollars in cash, Arturo

quickly went to look for the money with two bodyguards. Erick didn't trust anyone at

all because in the past he had been deceived by the businessmen, because of that

bad experience he became very agile. When Arthur and the other two returned with

the four bags, he and one of his men opened those bags and noticed that all the bills

were perfect, they didn't count it because it was too much, however, Erick threatened

Gallardo telling him that, if it was missing, even a damn dollar would come back for

him and kill him without compassion.

All of Gallardo and Erick bodyguards started unloading the goods from the

submarine and taking them to the container, while Carlos observed their movements

from the top of the palm, while on the other hand Claudia very desperate told the

commissioner to act immediately before they escaped.

Stop telling me what to do!" exclaimed Eleodoro very angry.

When they were almost finishing putting all the merchandise in the container,

suddenly a battalion of patrols arrived quickly, they brought their sirens set and

surrounded almost the whole area, at the same time 2 helicopters came illuminating

them and speaking to them through speakers that were already surrounded,

Eleodoro, very impressed, didn't think they were going to send so much

reinforcement. When they were surrounded and surprised, those gangsters started

shooting the patrols like madmen, while Gallardo and Erick shot them a few times

and they ran away hiding behind the submarines, Gallardo was very furious and at

the same time worried about his money that was at stake, Erick very enraged

shouted to him that if

he was caught in jail he himself would kill him in jail for sapo, Gallardo did not pay

attention to his threats and began to shoot the police officers who were approaching

them to the area where they were, Claudia, Eleodoro and Yamel came out of that

abandoned boat and disappeared on different sides of the boat. Claudia with her

face covered with a wise mountain pass where Gallardo took refuge, this same one

came crouched hiding by the patrols until suddenly a bodyguard of Erick saw her

and pointed to him to shoot her, Carlos from the top of the palm saw that they were

going to shoot him and I immediately release 3 shots to that cursed man in the head,

Claudia was frightened looking back and when seeing that dead man said:

You son of a bitch! You were going to kill me with treason!

Carlos threw himself from the chasm of the palm and when falling to the ground she

shot him immediately thinking he was one of those men, by three centimeters almost

shot him in the head, Carlos was terrified shouting at him:

Don't shoot me! It's me Carlos! I'm the one who just saved the life of that fucking

man who wanted to kill you!

Claudia very grateful extended her hand and immediately both went to look for

Gallardo. Meanwhile Eleodoro together with the other policemen confronted with the

most mafia and killed them in cold blood, however several policemen were killed

without mercy with several shots in the head, the lifeless bodies of the policemen as

well as of the bodyguards were thrown in the sand, on the other hand there were

some bodyguards thrown in the sand with several bullet wounds in the body, these

same ones complained feeling a great pain, while their other colleagues murdered

with shots to the police officers, suddenly more police reinforcements arrived

confronting them to the little bodyguards that were left, that sand was soaked with

blood, it was suddenly when one of those mafiosi turned into a demon and threw a

grenade that when it detonated bolus in pieces to more than 15 officers, Claudia was

filled with anger to see those degenerate Allan murdered some of the colleagues of

the police station, it was then when this one approached them between the trunks of

the palms and I throw them without thinking it twice the grenade, as they did not

realize that she threw them that grenade they continued shooting when suddenly

they flew to pieces almost half of the remaining bodyguards, Carlos had a small

piece of liver fall on his face while the other organs of these men fell on the

seashore, unfortunately the impact of the grenade left some officers without legs that

were nearby, Claudia had no compassion and did not stop insulting them by

shooting them, Suddenly she saw Arturo with 3 bodyguards shooting in the area

where the commissioner was, she threw herself to the ground and crawled like a

snake until she got close to them, she took a machine gun from a corpse that was on

the ground and from there she started shooting Arturo and the others, Claudia

managed to kill one of them, but he couldn't kill Arturo because he threw himself to

the ground, this very terrified man was shooting everywhere

and crawling to hide behind a submarine, Gallardo went crazy with Erick took two

submachine guns and they shot the helicopters that were illuminating the whole

area, the policemen were forced to shoot them also until unexpectedly a stray bullet

ended Erick's life, whose bullet hit him in the center of the forehead leaving him

instantly dead, Gallardo was filled with fear at the thought that in the same way he

had been killed, he had no choice but to hide inside the submarine as the coward he

was. after Claudia lost the trail to Arthur she saw when Gallardo's bastard hid like a

scared hen inside the submarine, she approached there and placed the other super

comb loaded to the weapon heading towards the submarine ready to kill Gallardo.

seeing that there were very few left and that they had no bullets, the bodyguards

surrendered to the policemen and they had no choice but to throw their weapons and

keep their hands up, the officials surrounded them and treated them like dogs kicking

them and at the same time handcuffing them, meanwhile Claudia went alone in

search of Gallardo, when she did not hear any more shots he thought he had

grabbed them all, Gallardo did not accept his defeat and tried to turn on the

submarine to escape, but as he did not know how to control it he could not do

anything at all, It was there that Claudia called Carlos and the commissioner for the

radio ordering them to bring reinforcements because Gallardo was inside a

submarine and wanted to escape, Eleodoro immediately ran out with the others to

where the submarines were, when they were almost arriving at the area mysteriously

they saw a shadow behind one of the submarines, Eleodoro signaled to them to

surround that space, when they themselves surprisingly pointed to see who was

there, it was nothing more and nothing less than Arturo's cowardly who was totally


Get up with your hands up! Come on, move that fucking ass! One of the cops yelled

at him.

He knelt down begging them not to kill him, Yamel took care of handcuffing him and

gave him a strong kick in the back so that he would get up telling him:

They told you to get up! Are you deaf? Son of a bitch!

Arturo didn't get up and they had no choice but to drag him to the submarine where

Gallardo was. Eleodore with one more speaker the officers in the helicopters were

telling Gallardo:

Get out of the submarine! You're surrounded!

Gallardo didn't want to accept that he was going to jail and preferred not to go out,

he thought that they were going to extradite him to a prison in the United States and

that he was never, ever going to get out of there.

Damn it! Why is this happening to me? he shouted.

But in the end he had to accept reality and come out with his hands up, Claudia took

him by the neck giving him three blows on the face:

You wanted to escape me, you son of a bitch! You'll finally pay for what

You made me miserable!

Calm down! Calm down! Eleodoro said to Claudia.

Gallardo didn't understand why the police beat him and said those words to him,

when suddenly she took off the ski mask and looked at him with her beautiful

honey-colored eyes shouting Claudia Mendoza on her face, Gallardo was in shock,

his mind at that moment was so paralyzed that he didn't even let him speak for a few

seconds, Claudia full of rage ordered Arturo to be put next to him, Gallardo feeling

destroyed and deceived by the mere fact of falling in love with her thinking she was

Marlene, he was filled with rage and shouted at her:

- you better kill me once and for all, you fucking bitch!

Claudia without thinking put the loaded weapon on his forehead and shouted to him

to kneel, Gallardo went kneeling little by little but he did not stop looking her in the

eyes and shouting to her that she was not more than an unfortunate liar, the same

one hit him with the weapon in the head and then slapped him turning the face to the

opposite side.

- You respect me unhappy! I'm not one of your lapdogs who treats you as you

please! Well, you fucked me, motherfucker! She cried out and kicked him in the face.

he felt impotent and at the same time enraged, this one to annoy her began to mock

her by telling her that she was a police of fifth, Claudia turned a fierce one gave her

another kick in the face provoking to break her nose and the mouth, when seeing her

with this behavior Eleodoro stopped her, She left Gallardo in peace for a moment

and released his anger with Arturo telling him that he was a damned rapist and also

a murdering faggot, the completely silent one did not take his look away from him,

when seeing that he did not answer Claudia fell to him with blows and put him to eat

sand shouting to him:

- Defend yourself! Don't you have a penis between your legs or are you a fucking


Finally she gave him three strong kicks in the stomach leaving him almost burst.

Eleodore ordered three of the officers to grab Claudia to calm down, when they

grabbed her she shouted at them:

- Let me go! Or else you'll pay me dearly.

- Calm down or I'll calm you down! Eleodoro yelled at Claudia quite angry.

she calmed down a little and told the three policemen who had her to let her go,

when they were taking Gallardo and Arturo handcuffed in the patrol, Gallardo began

to make fun of Claudia telling the four winds that the tastiest thing he could have

lived was that moment when he penetrated her and destroyed her vagina, he also

told her that her father was a cursed brutish peasant and that was why he had taken

away her estate, that was the last drop that spilled the glass. She remembered that

moment and the words of the one

was filled with great rage and ran to where he was, the same spat face and putting

the gun in his mouth shouted:

- Repeat what you just told me, you son of a bitch! Come on! Repeat you fucking


the commissioner saw her very determined to kill Gallardo, at that precise moment

when she was going to pull the trigger to kill him, Eleodoro pushed her so that she

would not commit this madness, Claudia cried out in anger saying that this

unfortunate had to die just for the fact of ending his family, Eleodore for the first time

saw her so destroyed crying with a strong pain inside, he felt a great compassion for

her and embraced her whispering in his ear that everything was fine and that this

degenerate man was going to pay him everything he did, at that moment Yamel

approached him and said:

-friend, calm down, that son of his mother's reputation is already in jail.

- Well, I'd better take them home," said Eleodoro, "while Gallardo and Arturo were

taken on patrol and taken along with the other bodyguards who were left alive.

Eleodoro took them to the apartment and when they were almost arriving he asked

Yamel to stay that night with Claudia, she listened to him and when they arrived at

the entrance of the building both embraced they went up to the apartment, when

they entered Michael and Gertrudis were burnt completely asleep on the sofa in the

living room, they did not make noise not to wake them up and they went to the room,

both went to bed once and for all because they felt tired. While in the pier "san

quintín" were the ambulances plus the forensic one picking up the corpses of the

dead officers and of the mafiosos, the shore of the sea was stained with blood as

well as the trunks of the palms, when seeing that some corpses were in pieces, the

forensic ones had to pick them up and to throw them in bags of garbage as if they

were some dogs, definitively that was the night of triumph for some but the end for

others that were extremely innocent. At the end of the day, Claudia got away with it

and managed to put this damned piltrafa, who quickly didn't know what was going to

happen to her in prison, in jail.


That wonderful and fresh morning, Claudia got up very stranochada, but at the same

time with an enormous spirit, she very happy went to take a shower with cold water

while her friend Yamel was surrendered in dream. Claudia bathed with great joy

singing of joy because Gallardo was paying for everything she did and also because

she was immensely rich.

- At last destiny is on my side! she shouted out of emotion.

She sat on the bed and from there she took her phone and immediately called the

lawyer to her personal cell phone and told him to take her the legalized power of

attorney where she certified that Gallardo gave her absolutely everything,

-It's all right, Miss, as you command, but know that I also want my money as you

promised! he said.

- Of course I'm going to give you your money! You better bring me that document

and stop talking shit because you're already making me dizzy! she replied


-Okay, miss, all right! So tell me where you live to bring him what you promised? he


After Claudia gave him the address he ordered him to hurry and hung up the phone,

the same very happy left the room, while on the other hand Michael was waking up,

the moment he saw her he finished waking up and very anxious asked him how it

had gone, she very smiling and excited told him that the unfortunate Gallardo was no

longer a hindrance because he was behind bars, Michael gave an immense pleasure

to know that happy news, this rose from the sofa with great care not to wake

Gertrudis and came to give a hug to his beautiful sister.

- What are you going to do with your life now? he asked.

She kept thinking and sighed deeply: - MMM, well, first of all, I'm going to make

Alejandro forgive me, and then I'm going to look for my brother

and I'll go to my village to resume my life as before, she said with a splendid smile,

the smile extremely enchanted and took her hand saying these sincere words:

You know that I will always be there for you, if you want to go to your village, I am

able to quit my job and go with you!

Claudia smiled feeling loved and answered: - thank you dear brother! you are the

most beautiful thing I have ever known. Then he added -there is no problem for me if

you go with me, but don't you plan to rebuild your life by having a partner?

He stared at her and said: -You alone make me happy, being with you I have

everything because the person I love most is you, you know that since I met you I

feel happier than ever, beautiful sister.

She embraced him very strongly telling him that she loved him with all her soul,

smiling he gave a kiss on the forehead and said:

I love you the way you are!

Suddenly Gertrudis woke up and when he saw her, he said with a certain


Sister, how did it go? Did they catch that pig?

Claudia very smiling sat alado of her and told him everything that had happened,

Gertrudis extremely excited could not believe it and exclaimed:

Oh, thank God, that degenerate man is paying for everything he did to us!

That's right, sister! Those unhappy ones are rotting in prison like the rats they are!

said Claudia full of joy.

While they enjoyed the happiness, Gallardo and Arturo were taking the personal

data plus the fingerprints and then sending them to the prison for 28 years of

condemnation, Gallardo dead of rage inside was planning a plan of attack against

Claudia, this thought and thought and did not find the way, it was so much what this

unhappy thought in revenge that the ideas went from their decrepit mind. They were

taken to the cells in handcuffs, at the very moment when the policemen were taking

them, all the prisoners in the other cells were shouting that they were going to give a

good welcome to both of them, these disgusting and unfortunate prisoners looked

like beggars, their teeth and skins were terribly dirty, that was not compared to the

foul smell impregnated in all those filthy cells, whose smell was like sulphur. Arturo

was immensely frightened while Gallardo was very thoughtful trying to figure out how

to try to escape and go kill Claudia, suddenly it came to his mind to send Gertrudis to

kill for her to suffer, he began to laugh vulgarly and Arturo looked at him asking:

What are you thinking of doing? I know you very well.

Gallardo looked at him and replied: - Why don't you shut the hell up and stop asking!

all you do is talk nonsense, you're just like Julián's dirty dog, which must be burning

in hell right now!

Arturo preferred to be quiet and not ask any more questions, this knowing that they

were already lost preferred not to have illusions and resign himself that his home

was that cursed cochinero.

An hour and a half later, Yamel got up a little exhausted with some sleep, she went

to the bathroom to wash her face and when she looked in the mirror she noticed that

she had too many dark circles under her eyes.

Oh no! I look like a zombie, she said.

Then she left the bathroom and went to the reception room, when she saw the

beautiful trio having breakfast Michael and Gertrudis were surprised to see her, they

greeted her with much affection.

Come and have breakfast with us," said Claudia.

No thanks! I'm on my way out, she replied.

Claudia insisted but Yamel did not accept because she wanted to go to her

apartment, this did because she felt a little exhausted and wanted to continue

sleeping, the same said goodbye to everyone and left immediately, Michael very

astonished by the attitude she took asked Claudia what happened to Yamel, Claudia

told him that she had left that way because she was very tired by the excellent

operation they had done the night before, Michael ended up understanding when

suddenly rang the bell of the apartment. Gertrudis got up from the dining room and

went to open the door, when he saw the lawyer asking for Claudia, she heard the

voice and shouted from the dining room:

Come in, counselor! I'm looking forward to it!

ay Claudia, stop screaming, you look crazy, said Michael.

the very smiling lawyer stepped forward and sat down on the quietest sofa putting

his briefcase on the floor, this extremely quiet cross-legged man looked everywhere,

Claudia got up from the dining room and approached where he was.

until she finally arrived! she said very ironically.

The same one sat down winged of the and asked them for the documents, the very

smiling one took out an envelope of his briefcase and gave it to him in his hands, she

opened it and when reading it she made laugh of the emotion.

Miss, from today you are immensely rich, you own 100% of Mr. Ernesto Gallardo's

properties, including the company! he said with a hypocritical smile.

Michael heard the lawyer and was immensely amazed, he approached where they

were and asked:

What do you mean, she owns all that?

Claudia started laughing and said:

As you heard it brother! with my cunning I made Gallardo sign me two powers

where all that he has is my seat, from now on you have an immensely rich sister!

The lawyer so interested and vain offered her his services, she very thoughtful said:

-MMM, because I think I'm going to need it, then added -I want to get me to sell all

the properties including the company. Ah! minus the two estates.

And why do you want to sell all that? That company can make you more money,

proposed Michael.

I don't want to be in that damn place anymore! And let's not talk about it anymore!

she exclaimed.

The lawyer agreed to get a sale on everything, but the very correct one set a

condition, whose condition was to keep 35% of all the money they got from all the

sales, Claudia stared at him with a fierce face and shouted at him:

You're crazy! You think because I'm a woman you're going to fuck me! If you think

that you better fuck your fucking mother! Do you understand me?

Then he added by proposing - and if he wants to sell me the properties he can get

only 10% more!

He was frightened to see her attitude and had no choice but to accept the rate she


Do I expect to get answers fast? And now I'm out of here because I'm so upset

about your fucking guilt!

Michael accompanied him to the door and when the very frightened lawyer left, he

began to make fun of the insult that Claudia had given him, she was very serious

about the rage she had caught said:

So much work that I've gone through to get what I've achieved, and this squirt

comes to ask me for almost half, because he's crazy, don't shoot him out because I

felt sorry for that piece of coward!

Gertrudis sat next to her and told her to calm down, Claudia was able to calm down

a bit when she suddenly remembered her brother:

Hey! Get ready as fast as you can because we're going to look for Jordan.

Sister, I don't think those people won't let us see it," said Michael.

Like they're not going to let us see him! So be it the hard way I'm going to see him,

and it's not only that, but I'm also going to bring him back! she said in a very strong


Claudia believed that she was going to have her brother again that day, but what she

didn't know was what destiny had prepared for her when she arrived at that place.

25 minutes later, when they were leaving the department, she took the document

that the lawyer gave her to go to the company after she went to look for her brother,

when she was driving very fast as usual, she called the company to see how

everything was going, carlota replied very upset telling her that some policemen

were there confiscating the whole company because Gallardo was nothing more

than a drug mafia, Claudia hung up the phone and immediately increased the

speeding and going to the company.

- Damn it, those bastards are confiscating my company!

- Don't worry Claudia! You're the owner of that company, nobody's going to take it

away from you, said Michael.

Minutes later, When Claudia arrived at the company, everything was full of patrols

and policemen everywhere, she got off like a beast from the car ready to defend

what was hers, Michael and Gertrudis went after her to defend her, she entered the

company when suddenly a policeman came across her telling her:

- Hey! You can't join this company.

- Oh yes! And who the hell are you to stop me? she shouted, pushing him.

She entered the forces and shouted with great authority to all the policemen inside:

"Do me a favor and get the fuck out of this company, you unhappy bastards! Let's

move your fucking asses!

The right prosecutor who was in charge of the seizure came up to him and yelled at


- You're crazy! How do you think they're going to leave because you ask them to?

Then he added - this company is now state-owned and there's nothing else to do!

- You don't yell at me, you stupid piece of shit! Maybe because you're a fifth-grade

prosecutor you're going to come and yell at me, because you were wrong about me!

Claudia nodded

- Then why the hell are you protesting this company? As if it were yours! he


- Yes, I own all this and all the property of that evil born thief!

She showed him the document and the prosecutor read it, this term realizing that

what she was saying was legally true.

-this can't be, he said.

He apologized to her and had no choice but to order the policemen to stop

confiscating the company. This maniac wondered why she owned all that if days

before the owner was Ernesto Gallardo. Claudia was very angry and ordered all the

workers to continue their work because no one was going to confiscate the

company. She took advantage of the fact that everyone was there and officially

notified them that she was the owner of the company.

- Excuse me! Are you the owner of this company? Please stop joking, carlota

commented with a certain irony.

- Listen to me, you piece of imbecile! because you don't shut up before I kick you

out of my company, do me a favor and go back to your post and don't talk about it

anymore! shouted Claudia extremely angry.

Carlota was left without a word and returned to the reception, while all the

policemen left and the workers returned to their work. Claudia went to Gallardo's

office with Michael and Gertrudis.

- You're definitely a fierce one, that rabid dog-faced prosecutor came out of the

company very surprised with his tail between his legs," said Michael as they climbed

in the elevator.

As soon as they entered the office Claudia sat in Gallardo's chair and began to turn

around making fun of it:

- I never thought I'd own this filthy company! she exclaimed.

Michael smiled and said: - What a sister! You're dangerous! You should be called

Claudia the avenger!

The three of them laughed out loud at how happy they were, after a while Gertrude

said, "Sister, no, we were going to see Jordan.

- If it weren't for this problem, we'd already be there, said Claudia getting up from

her chair.

They themselves left that office in a hurry. That was the last day Claudia set foot in

that company. When they were passing through reception Claudia told carlota that

she was going to go out and look for an assistant as soon as possible because she

was going to need one.

-All right, Miss Marlene," answered Carlota with his face bowed.

- Excuse me! said Claudia, then added - from now on for you I'll be your boss, so

don't you dare call me a lady because I'll kick you out of here! Understood?

Michael stared at her and said, "Sister! You're overdoing it.

She did not pay attention to him and continued on her way, when she was a little

withdrawn from the reception she said:

-speak to her that way because she's just a hypocritical gossip.

When she arrived at the entrance of the company, she got into the car with them and

quickly left to look for her brother. Claudia was driving, feeling a little anxious

because she didn't know how she was going to react when she saw her brother, she

wondered if he was beautiful like his father or if he looked like his mother. When they

arrived at the mansion where Jordan lived with his family, Michael was very

surprised to see that beautiful mansion he said:

- Wao! What a luxury your brother must give himself.

Claudia got out of the car immediately and approached the gate at the bottom of the

house, she rang the doorbell when suddenly a maid of about 45 years of age came

out, the same very kind person asked her what was on offer, Claudia smiled asking if

a young man named Jordan lived there, she smiled with a certain intrigue:

- Yes, miss! Young Jordan lives here, because you know him?

- Yes! I'm a great friend of his," replied Claudia.

The kind lady told him that unfortunately he was not there because he was finishing

his secondary studies at a university in Denmark, she told him that she was coming

back with her parents within a year, Claudia tipped her face feeling very sad, then

raised her face and asked if she could give him the telephone number.

-I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm not authorized to give it to you," answered the maid.

Claudia said goodbye to her and got back in the car, she was very happy because

she thought she was going to find her beautiful brother, but unfortunately destiny did

not want it to be that way, Michael and Gertrudis asked her what had happened,

Claudia very saddened told them that Jordan was in another country finishing his

studies and that he would not return for a year, these two were saddened giving a

few words of consolation to Claudia, whose words were that she waited because one

year was not much time, she started the car and sadly went to the apartment, her

eagerness to see Jordan radically under her self-esteem, the same thought that as

everything had gone well was also going to make sense, she said in her mind:

-A year to be able to see my brother, well if I've waited almost eight years to see

him, aren't I going to wait one more?

Claudia had a small feeling in her heart that in turn told her that he was very well

and that he always thought about her and her sister, since that day her life changed

a little to make a quiet life.

A month later, during that past month, the lawyer sold the company to some French

multimillionaires, and the rest of the properties were sold to some American

businessmen, this very happy called that glorious afternoon to Claudia and gave her

the great news that she was a multimillionaire woman, also told her that she had

deposited all the money in her various bank accounts, she is very happy and excited

she went to give herself the best life along with her two loved ones to go shopping at

the mall, the same bought infinite clothes, shoes, suits and fine jewelry, Claudia very

smiling along with Michael and Gertrudis said that if this was a life of kings thanks to

the wretched Gallardo, she mocked at every moment imagining that while she was

having fun he could be in a damn prison, when they were walking through the mall,

they suddenly entered a huge and charming bookstore, Claudia took a book called la

fiesta del chivo, she found this literary work very interesting and without thinking

twice I buy it along with other interesting books, for Claudia a writer had much more

value than an actor or a singer, because if there were no writer there would be no

lyrics of songs let alone novels produced.

Michael carried most of the bags of almost every purchase, the full of joy bought a

few novels, this was very fanatical of show business as well as the excellent novels

written by those creative minds of writers. Claudia canceled all those books, then

they went to the apartment, the one who drove Claudia's car was Michael because

he had time without driving because of the big accident he had. When they arrived at

the apartment, Gertrudis and he went to try on all the fine clothes and costumes that

Claudia had bought them, meanwhile she sat on the sofa to read that beautiful work

called the feast of the feathered goat of an excellent writer named Mario Vargas

llosa. She read it and remembered that he was the same author of the work called

the Green House, whose work inspired her years ago to write her own novel.

Hours later, after Michael had finished trying on all his clothes, he left his room, it

seemed very strange to see his sister read a book with so much joy, he approached

her and said:

- Hey! Didn't you know that writer won the Nobel Prize for literature with that work

you're reading?

She smiled and replied - she didn't know! I imagine that to win a prize like that you

have to be an excellent writer, don't you?

- That's right, little sister! He nodded.

Claudia asked Michael to sit on one side of her so that both of them would read, he

did not resist and sat on one side of her and together they were reading that blissful

book, all of a sudden he saw a glow that he had never seen in her eyes.

-You can see you love literature, he admitted.

- Why do you say that? She asked.

The smiling one replied - just to see the passion for which you read.

Claudia closed the book and told her that years ago she had an immense illusion to

write a literary work, but after that misfortune could not fulfill that dream, Michael took

her hand and said with a very soft voice:

-Sister, it is never too late to reach our illusions and goals, now you have time to

write one and a thousand literary works! Just propose it and you will see that you will

achieve it and you will reach a great success, you know that everything is in you.

She sighed deeply and said: -but to be a novelist I have to have inspiration, and

that's what I'm missing at the moment.

Michael as always so clever said to him: - How about you inspire yourself in

everything that happened to you and turn it into a novel! I would love my name to be

in a book and say that I was your savior.

Claudia laughed and said to him: - Alas brother! You're getting crazier and crazier

every day.

Michael was very thoughtful and said: -MMM, I already got two titles for you to put

on your work! The first is vengeful kindness and the second sacrifice of revenge,

these titles are compared to your life.

Claudia started laughing again at Michael's witticisms and said - oh, little brother, if

you make me laugh, I really like your madness.

Both gave each other a hug, then each took a different book and was inspired to


The next morning Claudia was very happy to go with them to a car dealership, she

was driving while Michael found it very strange when they parked in front of that


- what are we going to do here? he asked with Suma Extrañes.

With a charming smile, she said to him: -Buy a beautiful truck because we're going

to miss it!

When they entered that elegant place, the well-dressed salesmen took her to show

her the most luxurious vans they had there, but the one she really fell in love with

was the most beautiful and luxurious, it was a 4x4 full cabin red wine color, she

chose her immediately pointing at her and said:

- I'll take this one! Tell me where I'm cancelling it.

While she was going to cancel it and do all the paperwork with that young salesman,

Michael wondered what they were going to do with the car, minutes later, suddenly

Claudia came back with the keys to the truck and asked Michael:

- Dear brother! If you want any of these vans just open that mouth and ask for it?

- What are you going to do with the car? he asked.

She laughing told him that maybe he would sell it, Michael preferred to keep it and

she gladly gave it to him, Claudia of the most excited left there premiering his

luxurious van 0 kilometers, meanwhile Michael was behind her in his car with

Gertrudis. That marvelous day they went of premiere for a recognized salon of

beauty of the country to change each one the lux, to Claudia they left her more

beautiful than ever as well as to Gertrudis, to these same ones they changed the

color of hair and whose time they smoothed it even more, on the other hand, Michael

made a new cut of hair, such seemed everything a professional model.

Minutes later, when they left there they looked like a diamond, they took advantage

of that new life of millionaires and went to buy the best and most updated cell

phones in the market, in spite of the happiness that Claudia felt at that moment to

see her loved ones happy with their new phones, feeling that she lacked something,

whose something was the presence of her brother and also that of her true love

Alejandro. Not everything in life is material but also the love that makes us see

beyond happiness.


Days later, after a long and stressful journey of seven hours by plane, Alfonzo

Calderón arrived that afternoon to visit his friends from the beautiful city of Madrid,

he came with a great desire to see his great friend Alejandro as well as his beloved

Rosa, when he arrived at the beautiful and elegant suite that he had reserved a

month before his arrival, very anxious he dialed his friend Alejandro's phone to tell

him that he was already in his glorious country. Alejandro was in his office finishing

signing some documents, when suddenly he answered the call and knew that his

only and great friend was in his country, immediately left his office very excited and

went straight to the hotel where his friend was staying, as he was driving there, he

called his beautiful sister to tell her that Alfonzo fulfilled his promise to come and that

he was already staying in the best hotel in the city called Kenyerk Suites, Rosa felt

an enormous emotion when she found out again that her only love had come from

visiting her country, she was in the study of the mansion transcribing a project that

had been sent to her from the university, after finishing the conversation with her

brother she immediately got up from the armchair jumping with happiness, the same

so excited went to the kitchen to tell Nana, in the precise moment that she crossed

the kitchen corridor, Tibisay immediately saw her face in love and jokingly told her:

Alas, my child, I know why you have that face, don't tell me the love of your life


Rosa turned red like a tomato because of the impression and she laughed out loud,

Tibisay very smiling and infected by Rosa's happiness said very astonished:

I can't believe it, guess!

Yes Nana! You really look like a witch, the only thing you lack is the broom!

answered Rosa deprived of laughter.

Respect rude girl! Tibisay said, giving him bad eyes and laughing in turn.

She herself was very anxious to meet that man who had his beloved surrendered to


And when are you going to see him? asked the most excited Nana. Then he added

by proposing - if you want me to go with you?

Rosa stayed thinking, but at the end of everything she didn't want to go to visit him

because he was a little sorry to see him after so long absence, she didn't know if he

had changed or maybe he wasn't in love with her like that time, therefore, Rosa

preferred to wait for his brother to ask him everything about Alfonso.

Minutes later, when Alejandro arrived at the luxurious reception of that prestigious

hotel, he dialed his friend's phone and told him he was already there, Alfonso smiled

and said with great astonishment:

Well, my friend, you've changed.

Alejandro very impressed turned immediately and when he saw his friend Alfonso

who was a few meters behind him, hung up the phone and was very excited to give

him a hug, Alfonso was very physically changed, his height was tall and his body

was muscular, his face was more profiled than ever and his dark brown eyes shone

like a beautiful emerald, but nevertheless what made it look more radiant was its

glamorousness and its great humility that at first sight was noticeable, both very

happy to see themselves again, they went to have a few glasses of wine to a very

elegant bar that was in that same hotel, these same ones sat down in a table that to

his sight to the front had a great illuminated fountain with a bronze colored light,

Alfonso looked at Alejandro and asked him with great passion how Rosa was,

Alejandro laughing told him that his sister was more beautiful than ever and that she

was very anxious to see him, he was very happy for the news that Alejandro gave

him, All of a sudden inside he had a great restlessness to see his beloved in love,

Alejandro realized that he wanted to see her and invited him to his house, Alfonso

accepted very enchanted and did not do more than laugh with that face of a lover,

before going to the mansion, both preferred to stay a moment more to have other

glasses of wine and continue talking.

Suddenly Alfonso asked Alejandro if he was already engaged to that beautiful

woman named Claudia who spoke to him so much in those times, Alejandro

changed his countenance and a little sad respite deeply saying:

Alas, what a friend, when I arrive from Madrid I am surprised that she had gone far

away with her family, since then I have never heard from her again.

Alfonso felt a great sorrow and said to him, "I'm sorry, my friend.

I imagine you must have more than one girlfriend there? Asked Alejandro to change

the subject that made him so sad.

No, my friend! I would lie to you if I told you otherwise, I had a girlfriend years ago

and I finished with her because I really realized that the only one I love is your sister,

replied Alfonso with a nice, soft smile.

Both continued talking about their lives drinking the best wine, they laughed at every

moment and toasted for that great visit.

Later, That same sunny and curious afternoon, Claudia was at the police station

fulfilling her promise, when she entered Eleodoro's office, he stayed looking at her

because of how physically changed she was, her hair was a little lighter than she

had and her dress was even more elegant, Eleodoro feeling very happy to see her,

he greeted her with a big hug, she smiled saying:

I come to fulfill my promise.

Claudia pulled her gun plus her badge out of her wallet, she felt freer and happier

because she was going to rebuild her life.

Here's my gun and my badge," she said, putting it on the desk.

He looked at her and said with a certain irony: -I am aware that you managed to

take everything from that man, I never thought you were layers of that.

- Well, as you can see, I got back what was mine and much more," she replied,

smiling and feeling proud of herself.

He looked at her again and began to laugh, saying that behind that beauty there

was a great beast.

-That's what they turned me into, a beast! she said with a strong and attractive


Eleodoro asked her what she was going to do with her life, Claudia told her that she

was going to return to her beloved town to restore everything as before and then

return to the city to look for her brother, Eleodoro was very happy for her and wished

her the best in the world telling her to take care of herself and remember her, she

thanked him for everything he did for her, and before leaving she asked him for a

great favor, whose favor was to let her see Gallardo for the last time in her life,

Eleodoro found it very strange but in the end he pleased her by telling her that he

would call the prison so that they would give her permission to see him, Claudia very

cheerfully gave a hug to the commissioner thanking him again for everything he had

done for her, then the mime said goodbye giving him a kiss on the cheek and left the

office very happy feeling a great freedom. Claudia hugged them and told them that

during the short time she had lived with them she had realized that they were great

people, suddenly Yamel was arriving along with Carlos, Claudia approached them

and said goodbye telling her that they were great companions and that she would

always carry them in her mind and heart, Yamel's tears came out and she told

Claudia that he was a wonderful being and that he deserved the best of life, both

embraced strongly feeling a great genius inside him. After hugging her, Claudia

extended her hand to Carlos and told him he was a good companion. She also

thanked him for saving her life when that man was going to kill her in that operation

when Gallardo was captured. He smiled happily and said:

Well, that's what friends are for, to help each other.

She gave him a big hug and before she left she jokingly told them: -You make a nice


Carlos and Yamel saw each other's eyes while Claudia laughed at them.

Go, you're crazy! Rezongo Yamel.

They accompanied her to the parking lot and when she got into the van and left for

good, they raised their hands and said goodbye, saying quietly that they were going

to miss her.

Suddenly when Claudia was driving she received a phone call, she answered and it

was Michael asking her how it had gone with the commissioner, she replied with a

sad voice because of the farewell:

-The only thing I didn't like was the farewell.

She added that she was going to prison to see Gallardo's manure worm for the last

time, Michael worried about her and told her not to do it because it could be

dangerous, Claudia convinced him that he had to say goodbye and tell them their

last truths as he deserved.

Good sister! All right, all I ask is that you take care of yourself! I'll be waiting for you

to tell me what you said to that man, said Michael feeling a great intrigue.

That's how it's gonna be, brother! I'll tell you later, she replied.

After Claudia hung faster to get to the prison, while she drove with that great

eagerness to see the face of those infaust pigs, these same were in the central

courtyard of the prison, Arturo was playing cards with some useless prisoners, while

Gallardo was a little away from them in a very lonely corner thinking about how to

escape from that damned hell, he so stupidly wondered what they had done with his

company and his property plus the money left in his accounts, this same felt so

helpless because he was always being watched by two officers who looked more like

magnets behind him. he couldn't pay them to help him escape from that hell just

because he had all his bank accounts frozen, it was since then that desperation

began in him, Gallardo didn't stop cursing her for what he had done to her, he was

so furious because the love for her was still flourishing, but when he remembered

that early morning when she took off the ski mask and looked at him with her

honey-colored eyes screaming at him for who he was, that love became a complete


Suddenly one of the guards called Gallardo and Arturo.

Hurry up! Move that damn ass you're waiting for a visit! shouted the guard.

Gallardo and Arturo were so surprised to find out who was visiting at that time in the


And who is visiting us?" asked Arthur.

The guard, so bitter and unpleasant, said to him: "I don't know who the hell is visiting


Gallardo was filled with hope thinking that he was a lawyer assigned by the state,

both went to the visiting room that were armored with a transparent glass that

divided them, when they arrived very anxious and looked from that safety glass,

suddenly she came out telling him in a mocking voice:

Good afternoon! How have you been in your new home? Fucking rats!

Gallardo stared at her with great hatred and shouted at her that she was nothing but

a wretched woman, Claudia mocked his insults and to make him more furious she

told him:

You're the most disgusting kisser in the world! I imagine, if you kiss as badly as you

must be so bad in bed, I very much doubt that that penis is of no use to you


I'm going to escape and I'm going to kill you, but before that you're going to prove

that I'm a male," exclaimed Gallardo in a rage.

Claudia didn't pay attention to him and told Arturo that she was nothing more than a

faggot who was always after Gallardo:

I'm no faggot! Were you not satisfied with what I did to you that time? Fucking bitch!

shouted Arthur full of anger.

Claudia stared at both of them macabrely and said to them with great fury: I

avenged the death of my father, but the rape that you have done to me is not yet,

you are going to pay me very dearly! just this is the beginning of my vengeance.

Gallardo mocked her threat and told her that she was nothing more than a poor

unhappy bitch who lacked sex, she smiling sinically told him that she had resigned

from the police and that she had become a millionaire thanks to him, Gallardo was

surprised with what she said and asked him why she was rich thanks to him, It was

since then that she mockingly told him that he had signed her two powers in those

disgusting moments of stupid romance, whose powers were that he gave them the

two estates and the other was where he gave them all the properties including the

company, Gallardo dead of rage gave a blow to the glass very strong and the injury

telling her that she was a daughter of a thief dog, also the threat that was going to kill

her with her sister as soon as she escaped from prison.

Try it so that you see that I will kill you slowly! first I cut off your penis and placed it

as an ornament in your dirty mouth, and lastly I will cut off your fucking head and

play soccer with her, said Claudia rejoicing and at the same time looking at him


Gallardo went mad to curse her and at the same time he hit the glass with the desire

to kill her, when he saw the violent behavior he had, the guards arrived and took him

handcuffed to the punishment cell along with Arturo.

Bastard, you're going to pay me back! Shouted the angry one while she looked at

him when they took him away.

At that moment she got a great idea of how to end up getting revenge on them, the

same smile looking at some guards who were there near her:

Hey! Come here a minute, she said.

One of them approached him asking what he wanted, that serious guard had the

face of being a fair person, Claudia offered him that he was going to give him a good

amount of money in exchange for a job that was very easy for him, that man had his

big eyes shining and feeling tempted by the proposal he said:

My ears are all yours, miss!

Claudia smiling told him that that same night she wanted a group of male prisoners

to rape Gallardo and Arturo, he laughed vulgarly telling him that the proposal was

very interesting and that he should count on his service.

but that's if you give me a bigger amount! You know that I have to share it with

some other unhappy prisoner, he said.

For the money, don't worry, I have too much! you do your job and that's it, ah...! and

if you fail me, I'll come for you and you destroyed it, did you understand? said

Claudia staring at you.

Before she left, she told him that after they were raped, she was told that it was a

gift sent to them by Claudia Mendoza. After she left, the very smiling man whistled

very softly towards where the cells were, in order to concretize with the most violent

and dangerous prisoners the plan for that penetrating night.

Claudia was driving to the apartment, she was very happy to have sent that little gift

to Gallardo and his accomplice:

Alas, when Michael knows all he has to do, she said with some rejoicing.

This same one placed music to high volume and began to sing of the joy that felt

when knowing that those infaustos were going to suffer in own flesh what they did to

him that night.

That beautiful afternoon was beginning to disappear becoming a cool night, after

having talked and almost touring the city, Alejandro and Alfonso arrived at the

beautiful mansion Rodriguez, when they entered the house, Alejandro very cheerful

called Rosa with a loud voice, she was researching some topics for the university in

her computer that was at that time in the studio, and listening to her brother ran out

saying in a low voice of emotion:

Alfonzo's here, is he as handsome as he used to be?

When she saw him and his brother in the living room, she was completely petrified to

see how attractive her lover had become, Alfonso began to laugh at the look on her


Is that you, Alfonso? she asked with some impression.

With a pleasant smile he said to her: - oh! I see that you are more changed, you are

more beautiful than ever!

She approached him very smiling looking at him extremely in love, Alfonso came to

her and gave her a big hug telling her that she was the most beautiful woman he had

ever met in his life, at that moment came Don Alejandro and his grumpy wife of the

company, when they saw that elegant man hugging Rosa, Don Alejandro a little

jealous for his daughter asked with a very loud voice:

Who are you, and why are you hugging my daughter like that?

Alfonso blushing from grief embracing Rosa, Alejandro laughing told his beloved


Don't think badly dad! he's our friend who just arrived from Madrid, he's Alfonso that

I told you so much about when I was in Madrid.

Don Alejandro felt a great sorrow for what he had said and apologized to him

immediately, both showed up and when Alejandro called Luisa to introduce him to

his friend, she so hypocritical approached him extending her hand and telling him

that she was very pleased to meet him in person, the same smile telling him to feel

at home, then Luisa went up to her room like her husband, when the three of them

were alone, Alejandro invented that he was very thirsty just by leaving the pair of

tortolos alone to talk, at the precise moment they were alone, they sat on the sofa

feeling very happy and smiling, Alfonzo did not stop seeing her in the eyes and tell

her that she was more beautiful than ever, Rosa's eyes shone with emotion and

smiled telling him that he too was more handsome than ever, he remained silent for

a moment and then asked her with a low voice if she had a boyfriend.

Mmm, well, not now! she said.

Alfonso squeezed his hand with great joy to know that she did not have a boyfriend.

I imagine you must have a lot of girlfriends? She asked.

He replied with a certain laughter that he did not have a girlfriend but that he has

always been in love with a beautiful Rosa, she felt a cold climb and at the same time

a great emotion for what he told her:

Ah! And may I ask who this Rose you’re in love with is? She asked.

Of you! My beautiful and beloved Rose, he replied, staring her in the eyes.

In that small instant both were getting closer until they joined their lips giving each

other a passionate kiss, they closed their eyes feeling an enormous current that filled

them even more with that love. Suddenly the Nana was passing by and when she

saw them she was very impressed looking at them, the same savoring the lips

wondered if this attractive man was Alfonzo, suddenly when they looked at the front

and saw her, they sweat cold with grief, Rosa a little sad said:

Nana! You here?

Tibisay very intimidated apologized to them and tried to follow their path, Rosa

called her and when the Nana approached them, she introduced Alfonzo, the

gentleman as always used to do, got up from the sofa and extended his hand saying:

My name is Alfonso calderón.

Nana smiled and at that moment came out and said:

How do you do, I already knew your name, Rosa has told me a lot about you.

He stared at Rosa and asked Nana: - Yes! And what did he say about me?

Rosa stared at her, putting on a strangled face because of her imprudence, while

Nana, sweating cold because she had been so imprudent, began to blush, seeing

that she did not answer him, he asked her the same question again, but with a

certain avidity, Tibisay smiling replied that she talked about him saying that he was a

good and intelligent man, very handsome and above all very humble and kind. He

looking at Rosa said:

- Well, what my beautiful Rosa told you, it's true!

Rosa smiling with a bit of nerves invited the Nana to sit with them so that she could

get to know Alfonso better and realize for herself that he was a charming person,

Tibisay did not accept because she had to make dinner, she said goodbye

momentarily to them and went to the kitchen, when she entered she saw Alejandro

at the table eating an exquisite cup of fruit, Tibisay looked at him very strangely

asking him:

-my child, why aren't you with your friend?

Alexander smiling told him that he had left them alone for both of them to talk.

Very nice! Instead of taking care of your sister, you leave her alone, said the Nana

pretending she was upset.

Alejandro got up from the chair and began to tickle the old lady to get rid of the

annoyance, Tibisay laughed out loud at the tickle, she hugged him sweetly as always

and sighed saying:

-Alas, my son, what an aryan I am without you.

Both sat at the table and she asked him what Alfonso was like, Alejandro, so

inspired by his great friend, told Nana that he was an excellent person and above all

a very good friend and also that he was extremely kind, Tibisay looked at him very

inspired and did nothing but listen to the wonders that Alejandro de Alfonso told her,

while he ate those exquisite fruits he kept telling her things about him.

The minutes were running a little slow, Claudia arrived at the apartment immensely

happy, her honey-colored eyes shone like a sun, Michael saw her very happy and

very intrigued he asked what was happening to her, the same smile and told her that

Gallardo that same night was going to know who she was, Michael even more

intrigued asked him why, Claudia smiled and told him what he had told her to do, he

couldn't believe that she was capable of doing such a barbarity, but Michael was

happy for her and joked:

Oh, my God! It's better to have you as a friend than an enemy.

She mocked while Gertrudis was listening to her from the kitchen, she said herself in

her mind:

how I wish my sister was the same kind girl as before.

Gertrudis sighed and stayed there washing the dishes, Michael asked Claudia how

that farewell was, she changed her face getting a little sad and told him that that

farewell had been stronger than she imagined because she would never see them

again, at that moment Gertrudis approached the reception room and asked them

what would prepare for dinner:

Let's get beautiful, because we're going to have dinner in the best restaurant in the

city! That's where we'll celebrate the triumph I got! exclaimed Claudia.

All right, sister, then I'm going to take a shower to make myself beautiful," said


She went to shower as Michael did, while Claudia went to pour herself a glass of

wine, she smelled the wine from her glass and at that moment she felt a great

inspiration, she leaned out of the balcony and stared at the sky that was ending to

darken, Claudia very anxious wanted it to darken completely to see a set of stars

that formed a "C", she said that this was her star because it reflected the initial of her

beautiful name, the wind blew very strong and the same looking at the panorama of

the city relaxed a little more.

30 minutes later, when the dark sky was already with those shining stars, Alfonso

and Rosa walked around the garden of the mansion, he was as enchanted with a

flower as beautiful as the yellow lily was, Alfonso ripped one out and placed it

between Rosa's hair, she looked at him putting on a face of a lover while he smiled

staring her in the eyes, suddenly he saw a flower very different from all, he so

interested asked her what the flower was called.

That is the purple orchid, the most beautiful of all the flowers in the world! It's not

very common if you didn't know, Rosa said.

Alfonso, so impressed to see her, called her from that night the queen of flowers,

and told Rosa that when she left for Madrid she was going to take one of those

plants with her.

If you want you can take her! But I doubt that flower will be given there, she is given

in this country because, just as she is the women here, said Rosa laughing.

At that moment Alejandro arrived telling them that it was dinner time and that their

parents were already at the table waiting for them to start dinner, they immediately

entered the house and when they arrived at the dining room Don Alejandro told


And what are you waiting for? Sit down so we can start dinner!

When they sat down, Luisa very smiling with Alfonso asked him what his family did

there in Madrid, -HUMMM, well, my mother is a lawyer and has her own law firm,

and my father owns some vineyards.

That was the first time that Luisa liked someone as well as Alfonso, Rosa and

Alejandro were so amazed by their mother's attitude towards him, when Nana served

them dinner with Isabel, the smell of the food was very tempting.

It smells good!" said Alfonso.

La Nana smiled at him. -The Nana cooks very exquisite. Rosa said

Tibisay, I want you to have dinner with us tonight, you know you're like family," said

Don Alejandro.

Luisa looked at him with the face of murdering him for what he had said, Tibisay

accepted while Isabel Cristina put another dish on Alejandro's winged table, Luisa

did not form any spectacle because Alfonso was there, but nevertheless all she did

was humiliate Tibisay with her words. When they were in the middle of dinner, Luisa

made a bad comment about the Nana saying that since she was young she was

their employee and that it was necessary to hire another one because when things

were old they no longer work.

Tibisay a little furious I stress: - I prefer to be an old maid who is always active, and

not a bitter old woman who is always bothering those who are happy!

Alejandro and Rosa looked at the Nana and began to laugh dissimulately because

of what she had said. That exquisite dinner served much to put Luisa in her place

and also for Alfonso to meet the family that in the near future would also become his.

28 minutes later, Claudia and her loved ones arrived at that prestigious restaurant,

they got out of the van while one of the parking lots at the entrance took her to the

parking lot, when she entered that elegant restaurant that shone with that fine marble

floor, all the people there were fine and glamorous, inside those people there were

great artists, magazine models and corrupt politicians who were millionaires thanks

to the frauds they were doing to their nation. The tables had a very fine silk tablecloth

and the chairs were lined with a cream-colored cloth, they sat at one of the few

tables that were empty, suddenly a waiter appeared in a very elegant suit:

that the gentlemen are going to order," he said with a certain kindness and


Claudia, a wine addict, asked for the best bottle of wine that had more than three

glasses while choosing the menu. The glamorous and gentle waiter went looking for

the order.

Excuse me, dear ones, I'm going to the bathroom for a moment to touch up, Claudia


She got up from the table and went to the elegant bathroom, while Gertrudis and

Michael chose the menu. After a few minutes both began to talk about their new life

of millionaires, while on the other hand the beautiful Claudia was finishing touching

up looking at herself in the mirror, suddenly unexpectedly a very beautiful and

refined woman entered there also to touch up, when suddenly the two of them

looked at each other, Claudia turned pale and at the same time she got a big tantrum

which was already common in her. That woman was nothing more and nothing less

than her aunt Pilar Silvera, she smiled and said:

Excuse me, miss, your face seems very familiar, have we seen each other

somewhere else?

Pilar told him that because Claudia's face became more like her mother's every day.

Well, no! I don't know you, and I wouldn't mind knowing you either," replied Claudia

antipathetically, leaving the bathroom.

Pilar was surprised by the attitude of that rude woman and said: -this lady if she is

unpleasant. Then he grumbled -ah, what does it matter!

It continued to be touched up as if nothing had happened. When Claudia came back

to the table and sat down, Michael noticed her a little serious and asked:

And now what happened to you?

Claudia told her that it was like this because she had gotten it from her aunt's

ungrateful face to face in the bathroom, Gertrudis felt a great emotion to know that

her aunt was there.

Sister! Why didn't you speak to him? Gertrudis asked.

You are crazy, I don't forgive her for having abandoned us! If it hadn't been so, this

damned misfortune wouldn't have happened to us," exclaimed Claudia.

Gertrudis was annoyed and told him to let go of that stupid pride and forgive his


Look young lady, you don't tell me what I have to do! Are we? Answered Claudia

turned a beast.

for I will not rest from repeating the same thing to you until you have forgiven my

aunt! Gertrudis replied.

Seeing her sister so eagerly asking her to forgive her aunt and leave that pride

behind, Claudia looked at her and said:

Okay! All right, but let me think about it first.

Why wait, you'd better do it now! Gertrudis said.

Claudia very strong spoke to her with authority telling her to let her think and not to

talk about it anymore, at that moment Pilar passed by one side of them and looked at

Claudia's rude and antipathy without knowing that this was her beloved niece who

hates her with all her soul, Claudia looked at her very serious while Michael told

Gertrudis that this beautiful glamorous woman who was passing by was their aunt

and that she was also the wife of a famous writer of poems and some other novel.

Gertrude so delighted to only see her aunt sighed and said:

How beautiful is my aunt, when she would give because she was with us.

It was as if the blood that ran through his veins was like a magnet just like that of his

aunt Pilar. Suddenly the waiter arrived with the bottle of the best wine plus the three

crystal glasses, he put the order on the table and asked them if they had already

chosen the menu.

Yes! We've already chosen it, it's marked there, Michael said.

And you Claudia already picked yours? he asked.

Who cares! I want to prepare the same menu that you chose, now I don't walk for

that ridiculousness, said Claudia.

The waiter started laughing at her for the way she said that cheek.

What are you laughing at? Do you have ants in your ass, or what? said Claudia

looking at him very badly.

I'm sorry, miss, I was laughing at something I remembered," replied the very

embarrassed man.

That's not my problem! She does me a favor and serves me the drinks and goes off

to get us the order, did she hear me? she exclaimed.

Claudia tried to forget that her hated aunt was there, and suddenly she said:

while they bring us food, let us drink to the triumph of my vengeance.

The three of them raised their glasses and cheerfully toasted, Michael looked at her

and said:

At last sister! many years have passed, but you have succeeded, you are a winner,

and those unfortunates are paying for what they did to you.

For me, divine justice does not exist, the only one that exists is justice by my own

hands, Claudia said with great vigor.

As they rejoiced, the minutes went by faster and faster. Claudia told them that within

two days they would return to town to organize everything as before, Gertrudis was a

little happy to return to her hacienda, while Michael was very anxious to get to know

the hacienda rocks of the villar.

30 minutes later, after the end of dinner and so much talking and chatting, Alfonso

noticed that it was a little late and had no choice but to say goodbye to them, they all

went to say goodbye outside the mansion, Luisa as always so hypocritical told him

that when he wanted to return because that was his other house, Don Alejandro

extended his hand telling him that it was an immense pleasure to have met him,

Alfonso very gladly gave an arm to that old lady who stole anyone's heart.

-You are the sweetest and most beautiful person I have ever met," said Alfonso with

great joy.

Tibisay smiling said to him - and you, my boy, are a very handsome man, let me tell

you that it was a real pleasure to have met you.

Finally he said goodbye to Rosa giving her a big hug and whispered in her ear that

he loved her with all his soul, Alfonso said goodbye to everyone and got in the car

and immediately went with Alejandro straight to the hotel where he was staying.

When they were on their way he couldn't stop thinking about his beloved Rosa.

- How did you like my family? asked Alejandro.

Alfonso told her that she was charming and even more so with that pretty old lady,

both of them were talking about dinner until at an unexpected moment Alfonso

remembered the hacienda that Alejandro talked about so much.

- Hey friend! What happened to that hacienda you told me so much about? He


Alejandro told her that the farm had been left in the hands of a foreman that his

father hired to take care of it. He also told her that that was where the company was

based because there were the best dairy cows, Alfonso was given an enormous

desire to get to know her and immediately proposed to his friend that they go there

together with Rosa, Alejandro remained silent for an instant and remembered those

times when he played around the haciendas with that sweet and beautiful girl with

whom he fell in love, he was very sad to go to that hacienda to remember those

memories, and to please his friend told him that the weekend was going to take him.

Alfonso saw the sadness reflected on his friend's face and asked him:

Alexander, why do you have such a sad face?

Alejandro told him that remembering that old love saddened him, his friend advised

him to forget that old love and fall in love again, that's when Alejandro told him that

he had fallen in love again with a woman named Marlene, but that she did not

correspond to him because she was in love with another man who was very rich,

Alfonso looked at him with a sad face and preferred not to ask him any more

questions, when they arrived at that elegant hotel Alfonso said goodbye and got out

of the car.

-Good friend, you take care, it was a pleasure to see you again," said Alfonso and

immediately he entered the hotel.

Alejandro returned home and as he drove he thought of his two beloved women,

one was Marlene and the other Claudia, not knowing that they were both the same


Rosa was in her room lying on the bed, she remembered every moment of that

passionate kiss that Alfonso gave her, she sighed deeply remembering that moment:

Oh, I love him, and I always will," she said, sighing, putting on the face of a

quinceañera in love.

minutes later, after an exquisite dinner and a triumphal toast, Claudia and her loved

ones arrived back to the apartment, Gertrudis felt a little fatigued and went to bed,

while Claudia sat on the sofa accompanied by her dear Michael, she asked him to

serve her a glass of wine to continue toasting, as always soéndole case was and

served two glasses for both, Michael remained toasting and chatting with her, the

same mocking said:

At this moment or in a few hours Gallardo and Arturo are ploughing the worst thing

that can be done to a man, I imagine when they penetrate them and feel what I felt.

She lifted the glass and toasted it by mocking and plotting in her mind what that

violation between them should be like.

The hours went by, almost all the prisoners were sleeping, that atmosphere of that

prison was very silent, the only thing that could be heard was the breeze and some

murmurings of some unfortunate prisoner, Gallardo and Arturo were in their cell

sleeping when suddenly discreetly a group of 10 very tall prisoners with their very

fibrous bodies entered the cell, the most dangerous of them was a man nicknamed

"the Gorilla", he was black in stature and completely clean, that man was in prison

for having murdered his wife together with the lover when he got them in bed, he

gestured to the others so that 5 would grab Gallardo and the other 4 would grab

Arturo who was a little thinner, they obeyed the order and surprisingly they took both

strongly, at that moment they were shouting out of fear because they thought they

were going to kill them, Gallardo and Arturo tried to escape shouting like the fearful

little women themselves, Gallardo used his greatest strength to get rid of them but it

was impossible, both of them had their clothes abruptly removed from the forces:

I'll pay you anything! But leave me alone, Gallardo begged full of dread.

Shut your fucking mouth! Today you'll be our women, I'll penetrate you to leave your

ass swollen motherfuckers! shouted the Gorilla.

One of them plus that man penetrated both of them without any compassion, the

moment they felt that deep pain in the rectum they screamed out of desperation for

feeling helpless, the others took pictures of him while they penetrated them.

Oh, how rich, those unexciting white buttocks, said the Gorilla mocking as he raped


Help! Help! Help us, they cried out.

They both ejaculated him in the face telling him that they were a good powder, but

much worse was when they finished, each one of them had a complete stick of

spikes put in their rectum, they twisted from the pain shouting and squeezing their

hands, in the instant that they abruptly took out the blood they were spilling was thick

along with excrement, Gallardo and Arturo felt weak at that moment as if they were

both in pain and destroyed by the misfortune they were going through.

This little gift was sent to them by Claudia Mendoza so that they know who is in

charge," said the Gorilla, mocking with them.

Both were lying on the floor twisting from the pain they felt, Gallardo could not get

up from the floor and Arturo collapsed instantly, the ten prisoners spat on them and

told them that from that day on they were going to be their new little women, they left

the cell and left, Gallardo full of anger inside thought to kill her slowly to suffer, it was

from that night when the hatred of her was increasing even more to destroy her


The next day both could not walk of the deep pain they felt, all the prisoners pointed

at him making fun of them and told them the little girls of the prison, Arthur with his

face swollen by the blows was lying on his bed and Gallardo feeling that immense

pain in the rectum looked at them with the desire to kill them, he said in his mind that

very soon he would escape from there by the good or the bad, then he thought of

that little cash he had in that old hovel that was a bit far from the city, whose hovel

was where Julian took Claudia kidnapped to murder her that time when she

surprised him and then killed him like a dog. Gallardo felt very helpless because he

didn't trust anyone to go and get that money and negotiate his freedom.

That same morning Claudia went to the prison to cancel the guard for the work he

had done for her.

I hope these photos are perfect or if you don't give me my money back, are we? She


See for yourself, young lady, and you'll see that it was a neat job," he replied.

When she opened the envelope and saw the pictures, she laughed out loud:

I can imagine how those bastards' asses must have looked, she nodded.

Claudia gave her the rest of the money telling her that she had been immensely

satisfied with the work.

You know, if you open your filthy mouth and give me away, I'll come for you and kill

you, here as you see me, I'm smarter and more dangerous than some miserable

man," she said.

All right, as you say, miss," he replied, looking at her.

And in his mind he said: - what a strange woman this is, so beautiful but dangerous.

Claudia left there and went on to do some last shopping in the mall because the next

day, very early in the morning, she was returning to the village.

The afternoon fell, Alejandro was in the production plant of the company together

with his friend Alfonso showing him how was the whole function of the whole

production, Alfonso felt so emotional to see all the functions and also to feel the

smell of powdered milk and other dairy more, when they were leaving there they

suddenly met Stephanie, She immediately hugged Alejandro giving him a kiss on the

mouth, Alfonso was very surprised to see that attitude of her and preferred to step

aside, Alejandro presented her as his girlfriend but Alfonso did not like having met

her, Alejandro told her that he was looking for her because he was showing the

company to his friend, she said goodbye giving him a kiss and Alfonso had bad


Oh, no! Dude, I don't think that nasty woman is your girlfriend, Alfonso said with

extreme repulsion.

Alejandro told her yes but that he was with her only out of spite to forget Marlene.

That very bad, my friend, you are going to make unhappy," said Alfonso.

Alejandro remained silent and continued to show him all the functions of the


The hours ran quickly until nightfall, Claudia and Michael were in the room finishing

packing the last suitcases, while Gertrudis with many anxieties also put her things in

her suitcase, she felt that something was going to change in her life when she

returned to town. Michael took his phone and dialed the commissioner to tell him that

he was going to go to the village rocks of the valley along with Claudia, and that he

was going to finish his last three weeks of rest over there, Eleodoro told him that he

was fine but to return to the date it had to be, Michael accepted what the

commissioner told him and said goodbye to him with much affection. That was the

last night Claudia thought she would live in that city, not imagining what awaited her

in that town when she arrived.


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