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8 The Dinner Of Hope

8:00 pm at night, Gallardo arrived first at the Thai restaurant, seeing that neither she nor

her supposed brother had arrived, preferred to wait a moment at the table having a glass of

champagne, while Julián was outside waiting for him. That restaurant looked extremely

beautiful at night. The lamps that hung shone like a diamond, and the fine scarlet tablecloths

made the tables look more elegant. The people who frequently attended that restaurant were

of high social status. They themselves wore very elegant clothes and wore valuable garments.

Meanwhile Claudia was arriving with Michael, while he was driving, she told him that

Gallardo liked to talk about horses, cattle ranches and business, He was a little distressed

because he had never met with that kind of people.

Claudia, I'm a little nervous! What if that man comes to discover us? He said.

-Well, if he comes to discover us, we have no choice but to kill him, she answered calmly.

What? I'm not a killer! He replied

-it's your life or his life, which do you prefer? she said without thinking of any


Michael remained silent and continued to drive. Minutes later, when they were both

entering the restaurant, some people sitting at the tables, plus the Thai waitresses, stared at

them because of how elegant they looked. Claudia wore a beautiful red silk dress, in the

surroundings of the dress there were some precious shiny stones. They shone like a real

diamond, like Michael in that black suit. When Gallardo saw her so beautiful, he kept his

mouth open when he saw so much beauty. He got up from the table so that they could see that

he was there waiting for them. While they were walking toward the table, Claudia asked

Michael if he brought his gun, and he looked at her, and answered:

-that's my daily companion.

She smiled and showed him her wallet. When he saw that she was carrying her gun there

he said:

-You as always so attentive.

-Of course. she replied mumbling.

At the moment they arrived at the table, Gallardo so fascinated to see her, told her:

- Wow! How beautiful you are, you look like a beautiful queen.

-Thank you very much," she replied so smiling.

When the moment came in which she introduced her supposed brother to him, both shook

hands, Michael pretended to be Antonio Rodriguez's name, while Gallardo looked at him in

the eye and asked him in a very cynical way.

- Are you the blessed brother of this precious girl?

-Yes, sir, I am her brother," replied Michael.

Gallardo kept looking into his eyes and said:

OK then! What are we waiting for, let's sit down once and for all?

As they sat down, Gallardo ordered the waiter to bring him a bottle of champagne, while

they chose what to have for dinner, Michael as always so alerted took advantage of the

opportunity by opening a topic, whose subject was business, Gallardo so interested in the

subject, began to tell him the tactics for business and also how to make good investment for

it. Michael and Gallardo came into confidence and continued talking more in depth about this

interesting subject. At one point Gallardo put his hand on hers and looked at Michael to see

what face he was putting on. Claudia was calm so that Gallardo did not continue to think that

Michael was her boyfriend or husband, it was certainly when Gallardo noticed that Michael

was extremely calm as if he did not care if he put his hand on her, there was where he
managed to convince himself completely that Michael was his brother. It was from then on,

that Gallardo felt more confident. Claudia and Michael chose what they were going to order

for dinner. She looked at Gallardo with a loving face and she asked him what he would order

for dinner, Gallardo squeezed his hand answering him:

-Whatever you choose, my beautiful queen.

Michael waved the waiter to come and at the same time he marked on the menu the type

of dish that the three of them were going to have for dinner. While they waited for dinner,

they continued talking about the same subject, until Gallardo got tired of talking about it, and

changed the subject smartly asking Michael what he did. Michael as clever as usual told him

that he was a criminal lawyer. At the precise moment that Michael told him that, suddenly a

call came to Gallardo's phone. He asked for their permission and went outside to answer the

call. These to be left alone, Claudia asked Michael how he felt,

- A little nervous, this man is noted that it is weapons to take, we must be very careful. He


She seized the opportunity and told him that she had heard Gallardo along with Arturo

talking about a cocaine shipment. Michael so intrigued told her:

- I knew that man was nothing but a miserable gangster!

Then he added telling him to infiltrate more into his life to get more information out of

him and put him in prison once and for all. Gallardo came back and they immediately

changed the subject. He sat down and poured himself a glass of champagne, and suddenly the

waiter arrived bringing them the order they had chosen. They started the dinner very augustly.

Suddenly Gallardo gave him a toast to love and business. Claudia and Michael stared at each

other and began to mock dissimulate at the stupid toast he had made. When they were in the

middle of the dinner, Claudia's appetite was taken away because that food had fallen ill.
She got up from the table and told them that she was going to the bathroom for a moment.

When she went there, she sent a text message from her phone to Michael telling him to do his

best to get Gallardo drunk to get him some kind of information. He was talking to Gallardo,

when he felt that his phone was vibrating. He took it out of his pocket and read the message.

He smiled and responded telling him that he was going to do everything possible to do it.

Gallardo as always asked him if that was his girlfriend who was writing and Michael smiled

again claiming that it was his girlfriend. Gallardo looked at him with a smile and said:

Let's drink for the women!

Michael took advantage of Gallardo's weakness and toasted with him drinking both the

full glass. Time passed slowly. Michael each time faked he was drinking, so that Gallardo

would continue drinking in the same way and get drunk faster. At such a sudden moment

Gallardo realized that Claudia was not coming out of that bathroom. It was from then on

when he began to ask for her. Michael to cover it up told her that women take a long time in

the bathroom because they look at each other a lot in the mirror to see what detail they have

and then retouch it with their respective makeup. Gallardo remained calm for a moment

because the glasses were already beginning to pass him. Michael realized that his other

weakness were women, and immediately asked him how many women he had. Gallardo was

cracking up and started to tell him that he had lost the count of how many women he had had

as he also told him that they had all gone through his bed, except one. Gallardo told him that

she was a very beautiful young woman named Claudia who never paid attention to him

because according to her he was an old and ugly man. Gallardo laughing out loud told him

that he had no choice but to make her his own so that he would know that he was a real male.

Michael also began to mock so that Gallardo felt in confidence, but inside he was dying of

rage because of the degenerate condition of this bastard. Michael continued asking him where
that young woman was. Gallardo told him that this young woman had gone far away and that

he had never seen her again. When Claudia came back to the table, Michael saw her and

beckoned her with his eyes that it would take longer. She immediately caught the sign and

returned immediately. Gallardo told him that the only relatives he had were his siblings

because his parents had died and therefore they had orphaned her. Before concluding the

subject Gallardo had something to do with the siblings of this young woman and named a

brothel from Rocas del Valle Town, Michael continued asking him but it was impossible

because Gallardo didn't want to talk about her anymore. Claudia got tired of being in the

bathroom and got back to the table. When Gallardo saw her arrive she was immensely upset

and asked her why she had taken so long. She hypocritically caressed his cheek to sweeten

him explaining that she had been delayed because she was talking on the phone to her mother

who was calling from Canada. Gallardo believed the whole story, when Julián suddenly

appeared telling Gallardo:

- Boss! You told me to pick you up at this hour.

Gallardo got upset and as he was a little drunk, he shouted at him:

- I'll leave whenever I want!

He himself got up from the chair and pushed him screaming to wait outside. The people

around were scared by Gallardo´s reaction. Claudia looked at Julian and mocked without

compassion, Michael told Gallardo that it was too late and therefore they also had to go

because the next day they had to work, Michael shook hands with Gallardo saying:

-It was a pleasure to meet you, I am at your disposal for whatever is offered to you.

Claudia said goodbye to Gallardo giving him a kiss almost on the mouth so that he would

get more excited, before leaving she looked at Julián with the face of a rabid dog and said:

-Have a good night, crook!

Everyone went their own way.

While they were on their way, Michael driving told him that this man named Julian

looked at the face of cynical and hypocritical,

-That wretch wants to get me out of the way, that's why he told Gallardo that you were my

husband, but he'll see who Claudia Mendoza is!

Michael smiling told him that Julian this time found himself with a very rogue and strong

enemy. The moment they arrived at the apartment, she sat down on the sofa a little tired and

took off her heels, she looked at Michael and asked him what information he had taken from

Gallardo pig, he remained silent for a moment, and began to think about how he was going to

tell her the truth so as not to hurt her more than she was, when she saw him silent she looked

at him very strangely and asked him the same question again but this time with a certain

greed, Michael looked at her and said:

-I know what I'm going to tell you, you're not going to like anything.

- Tell me once and for all! She exclaimed.

He sat next to her, when he began to tell her everything that Gallardo had told him about

her in the past, looking at her he noticed a brightness that he had never seen in his eyes, that

brightness was from the pain and sadness that she felt when he unwillingly reminded her of

the past, Claudia's eyes were saddened and at that very moment her tears began to flow,

Michael finished telling her everything, and finally told her that Gallardo had said something

related to his brothers and that he had named a brothel that was located in the town rocks of

the valley, at that moment she wiped her tears feeling a great hope knowing that there was a

probability that her brothers were alive, however in the bottom of her heart she felt a great

sadness for abandoning them and forgetting them during those years that had passed, she
sighed very deep and began to remember some images of them when they were happy, while

Michael caressed the hair and said to her:

-Oh little girl, you have to be strong, you know that as long as I live, you will always have

my support.

She hugged him tightly saying to him for the first time:

-thanks, you're a sweetheart, that's why I love you like a brother.

He felt very dear and loved for the first time in his life, Michael was smiling with joy,

While she was a little thoughtful, he was watching her and asked what she thought, suddenly

she proposed to visit the town on the weekend to go to that blissful brothel to see if his

brothers were there, Claudia did not resign herself to his brothers being in that happy place

that should be dirty and disgusting, Michael as always kindly told her that he was counting on

her to visit that town, as well as to help her look for her brothers, seeing her a little happy, he

took a moment and went to his room to change clothes and put on his pajamas.

on the other hand Gallardo was in the living room of his house together with Julián plus a

couple of prostitutes that he had hired to accompany him that night, since Claudia had left

him with the hot flashes to millions preferred to hire them to get even with that couple of

women who had breasts plus such provocative buttocks that they left anyone drooling,

Gallardo was a little overdone because he kept drinking more champagne at home with those

perverse women, he touched the breasts of one, while the other put his hand in his vagina,

they laughed at how excited they were, the only thing reflected in their looks was lust, while

Julian was laughing dead with another of them, he took whiskey from the mouth of that

woman, and at the same time this one opened the closing of his pants and began to touch his

penis, he opened the mouth of the tickles that provoked his excitement, just as Gallardo

named Claudia's name again and again saying that he loved her with all his soul, they as
brazenly as those harlots did in the room as the animals themselves, those women with

demon faces started doing oral sex to each one, Gallardo praised her hair for so much

excitement that she felt, while she laughed and continued, Julián did not like oral sex very

much, this abruptly threw that woman to the floor removing her clothes like crazy, while the

two who stayed masturbated and kissed each other so that they were filled even more with

excitement, that place seemed like hell for how warm the atmosphere felt.

After a few minutes, Michael left his room and went straight to the sofa to continue

talking with Claudia, when he saw her, she was completely asleep, he looked at her as if she

was an angel, and at the same time caressed her face and said with a very sweet and angelic


-Oh, so beautiful, but at the same time so suffering.

He took her to his room with those big arms he had, Michael put her to bed and at the

same time wrapped her with his blanket, this same looking at her with a smile gave her a

strong kiss on the forehead and said in a low voice:

-Have a nice night, dear.

He went to his room, and from an unexpected moment Claudia began to have a terrible

nightmare with her sister Gertrudis, she saw her poor sister lying in a dunghill all filthy

begging for help, Claudia immediately woke up a little anguished, then she was reassured

until she fell asleep again.

The next morning, she was finishing a bath, she felt a tremendous courage and at the same

time many forces to continue battling, when she came out of the bathroom she went to her

closet to choose the best clothes to go to that meeting along with Gallardo for the other

company, when she was finishing dressing, she felt in the bottom of her heart that something

good was going to happen to her that day, after becoming radiant this one left her room, in
the instant that she was passing by towards the kitchen, she saw Michael lying on the sofa

still with his pajamas on, she was very surprised and asked him why he was still wearing his

pajamas, this making a gesture of complaint told her that he had a strong stomach pain and

therefore he was not going to be able to go to work, Claudia so worried told him:

dear little brother, I'd better make a soup of chicken for you to do well.

She put on her apron and started making soup for her beloved brother, He middle writhing

in pain looking at her.

Hours later, Gallardo arrived at the company the happiest with a smile from ear to ear,

when he passed by reception, he asked Carlota if Miss Marlene had arrived,

-No sir, the lady hasn't arrived yet," she replied.

Seeing that she had not arrived, he went up to his office to wait for her for a moment and

so together to go to the meeting. Claudia had breakfast with Michael that exquisite soup that

he had prepared with so much love, when they almost finished the breakfast, he looked at her

and told her that he could not take her to work, it was since then when he gave her the car

keys so that she could leave at once and not be late, suddenly she saw the time on her watch

and noticed that it was extremely late, she took her things and went quickly straight to the

company. Gallardo saw that it was a little late and she didn't arrive, he once called her on his

phone, to see that Claudia didn't answer, he got upset and left for the meeting. Meanwhile

Claudia was going at a very excessive speed direct to the company, when she went to take her

phone out of the briefcase to call Gallardo, she realized that she had left it forgotten in the

department. Claudia asked for Gallardo, Carlota told her that Gallardo had already left for the

meeting, Claudia asked for Carlota’s address and quickly left for the meeting. When she was

on her way there, she looked at the address that Carlota had written down for her on a piece

of paper; Claudia increased the speed until she arrived at the company a little tired of so
much trouble, she passed by the receptionist telling this kind young receptionist that she was

the assistant of Mr. Ernesto Gallardo and that please take her to the meeting room, the young

lady kindly took her to that room. When Claudia entered there, all those who were gathered

were staring at her, they smiled with some sorrow greeting them, Gallardo was extremely

surprised to see her and got up from his chair to introduce her to everyone as his assistant,

they looked at her with a big smile and gave her a cordial welcome, the instant she sat down

with Gallardo, the meeting began, they explained the agreements that were going to take

place, when suddenly the receptionist entered informing that the lawyer Rodriguez was

coming up, At the precise moment that he entered the boardroom, she was surprised by his

life, that young man was nothing more and nothing less than Alejandro, the love of his life,

she was shocked to see him and once remembered that the same young man was the one who

had crossed with her in the elevator of the mall, Don Alejandro, the owner and president of

that company, got up from his chair introducing his son to Gallardo saying with great pride.

- This is my son Alejandro! The lawyer and future owner of this company.

She so astonished to hear her name, she said to herself in her mind:

- Alas! His name is Alexander.

He looked at her and she looked very familiar to him, at the moment he sat next to his

beloved father, he did nothing but look at her, like she looked at him, the looks of both

looked like a magnet, for nothing in the world could not be removed. He felt that he was

dreaming of a princess and at the same time thought of where he had seen her, instead she

felt like a little girl with a candy in her mouth. After concluding the meeting and having

signed the agreements, Gallardo stayed talking with Don Alejandro, meanwhile Claudia

approached him and asked him to give him the rest of the day off to take care of his brother

who was sick, Gallardo very entertaining talking business told him:

-You know you don't have to ask my permission. Then he added, "Take good care of

yourself, my love.

She said goodbye to all of them and then left that room, Alejandro was outside the

room and when he saw that she left there, he followed her, the moment she went up to the

elevator, and since it was closing, he ran like crazy until he managed to enter, Claudia was

very frightened to see him enter in such a violent way and very upset she told him:

- Are you crazy?

He stared at her and replied with a smile:

- You tell the truth! I'm crazy to see a woman as beautiful as you are.

Claudia did the one he didn't care about and threw bad eyes at him turning his face the

other way to make him understand that he was ignoring him, meanwhile he just laughed at

her attitude. Suddenly the elevator jammed, she was extremely terrified and started to cry

out for help and at the same time she knocked on the elevator door, he began to laugh out

loud at her when he saw her so frightened.

-How beautiful you look scared, he admitted.

Claudia was very anxious when she saw that he was not opening the elevator, she was

very angry when she saw him laugh at her, it was since then when she shouted very loudly

telling him to help her do something because she felt that she was suffocating, when she

saw her so upset because of the confinement, he embraced her strongly telling her:

- Don't worry! This has happened many times, you'll see we'll soon be out of here.

She preferred to stay sheltered in her arms like a girl full of fear, while on the other hand he

was as inspired to feel her smell as he was to have in his arms a real queen, it was from that

moment when the chemistry between, them advanced a little more, not knowing that since

they were born, they were made for each other. When she suddenly opened the elevator,
some people who were there waiting to go up, saw so romantically embraced that beautiful

couple, Estefania Olivares was between those people, as she was supposedly in love with

him, and obviously her money, burst out of jealousy to see them, the same pushed those

people and screamed at Claudia.

- Why are you hugging my boyfriend?

Claudia immediately hugged him and answered her:

- You know what? Here I leave her stupid boyfriend! Then she added - ah! and to make

it clear, he was the one who hugged me.

Claudia died of jealousy going to the parking lot to look for the car, while Alejandro

very annoyed with Estefania for having invented a certain infamy, told him with a very

strong voice:

- when you're gonna understand that I'm not your boyfriend!

Alejandro left her there alone and went running after Claudia, Estefanía began to laugh

at the show she had formed, she felt she had rights over Alejandro, instead he wanted

absolutely nothing to do with her, Claudia started his car and was accelerating when all of

a sudden Alejandro came across her head telling her:

- Wait! Wait! She's not my girlfriend, believe me! Please. She was very

angry and yelled at him:

- Better get out of the way! Before I crush you like the crawling animal you are!

He didn't pay attention to the insults she gave him, however, he waited there until she

got out of the car and listened to him, Claudia was filled with more rage saying in her mind

that he was nothing more than a womanizer like the ones in the crowd, she was

accelerating to run him over, but since he wasn't getting away, she got out of the car

shouting at him:
- Who do you think you are! You idiot! Considering that you have a lot of money and a

lawyer's tip, you want to manipulate everybody, then he added - well you were wrong with

me! If you think you're more manipulating! Did you understand me?

The only thing he did was laugh at her when he saw her fight.

- Haven't you ever been told that you're more beautiful fighting? he asked with a giggle.

Claudia became extremely aggressive when she saw that he was mocking her, it was

from that moment when she punched him telling him to leave her in peace, but in reality

the one that didn't leave him in peace was her giving them those insults as well as those

punches, this one did with the sole fact of seeing her so aggressive. Alejandro hugged her

strongly so that she would stay calm and not hit him any more.

- Let go of me, you degenerate bastard! she shouted at him.

- Until you stay still, I won't let you go! exclaimed the

Claudia stood still when she saw that he could not with the force of the, while

Alejandro looked at her and explained that Stephanie was not his girlfriend, then told her

that all his life has been in love with one woman, after he let her go she told him:

- You know what? I don't care if that's your girlfriend or not, what I want is for you to

leave me alone and get out of my sight!

-MMMM, I leave you in peace, but with one condition? he proposed with a smile.

It was evident that Claudia couldn't stop this man from moving the floor, she stared at

him pretending that she was upset and asked him:

- What condition is that?

Alexander stared at her with his light eyes and said:

-the condition is that you agree to go with me, even if only once to eat ice cream.

Claudia played the one who didn't want to go and answered:

-I accept it, but for another occasion, now I have to do something very important.

He insisted so much until she was able to accept by saying:

- All right! I'm going because I only feel sorry for you, because you look like an

insistent little boy, but that's right! everyone goes in their own car.

-All right, whatever you say," replied the very smiling one with an illuminating glow in

his eyes.

Each of them got into his car leaving there, while Alejandro was driving the look in the

rearview mirror, at that time he believed he was forgetting his old love and was beginning

to fall in love with that young woman he had just met, what he did not know was that this

woman was the only love of his life, of course even more beautiful as also changed, he

sighed and said:

-even if she behaves like a beast, she's still a beautiful woman.

On the other hand, Claudia was behind driving, the only thing she did was to repeat the

name of the passionately, and in a low voice she also said:

-what a coincidence, another Alexander in my life.

When Alexander parked surprisingly in a beautiful large square where many children

abounded, as well as ice-cream vendors and vendors of beautiful flowers, she asked


- What did you bring me here for? No, and we were going to eat some ice cream?

Alejandro got out of his car and went to where she was, she saw him and shouted loudly

at him:

- Why did you bring me to this damn place? Weren't we going to eat some ice cream?

He was already becoming accustomed to her fights plus her insults, it was as soon as he

answered her:
-in this beautiful square they sell the best ice cream in the city.

The first thing Alejandro did was to buy two ice creams, one of chocolate for him and

another of strawberry for her, both of them were walking among the happiest, seeing the

beauty of that square, the trees and the immense palms did not stop shivering provoking

that strong breeze, on the other hand the bushes of flowers did not stop shining all the

square like those beautiful children who played with their balls and others elevating their

parrots, Claudia stayed looking at him and began to laugh, like him. that afternoon they

both forgot that the world existed at that time, they did not stop walking around the square

and feel that love that filled them with strength, when they were eating a cotton candy he

stood looking at her and asked what was called, she smiled and said:

- And you want to know?

- Really tell me! What's your name? he asked eagerly. She smiled

again and said:

- All right! My name is Marlene Rodriguez.

- Oh, what a coincidence, I also sign Rodriguez," replied the very delighted one.

At that moment she was impressed immensely wondering in her mind, is it him? The

same Alexander I love? Claudia kept thinking and thinking the same thing until she passed

that very true thought, suddenly a child of about 11 years old spent selling flowers, whose

child was a destitute, but the most beautiful thing that was reflected in him was his

resplendent gaze, which reflected a great innocence, Alejandro stayed looking at him and

told him:

- Little guy! Come here.

That innocent child approached him and without fear or sorrow said:
-which is offered to you, my lord. Alexander shook his

hand and said:

-I want you to sell me some beautiful roses, for this beautiful woman next to me.

Claudia blushed looking at them, that smart kid took the 3 best roses he had and told her:

- Hey my lady! You really are prettier than these roses.

Alexander laughed when he heard the child, it was since then he said:

- Alas, child, how do you want to take it away from me with your compliments?

Claudia laughed and said to him:

- If you knew that kid was more mature than you! You little wimp.

Alejandro looked at her and preferred to follow the game because he knew that she

wanted to fight with him again, he canceled those precious flowers to the child and gave a

commission more because he saw that poor child needed it. After spending that wonderful

afternoon together, they left that beautiful square, when they were almost gone, he looked

at her and said:

-it was a real pleasure to share the whole afternoon with you.

She looked him in the eye and apologized sincerely for all the insults and blows he had

given her before, he began to laugh and replied:

-MMMM, I apologize, but on one condition?

- Until when with your conditions! Now tell me what condition you want? she asked

with some disgust.

-May we be friends," he replied with an illuminating gleam in his eyes.

-I see it very difficult, you're very foolish, then you'll be bothering me all the time," she


- No! I promise I won't be needing you all the time, he insisted on making a silly face.
- Well! All right, friends then, she said.

At that moment both extended their hands and became friends, Alejandro did not let go

of his hand, as he did not take his eyes off of him. Claudia began to tickle her belly, and in

order not to show her that she was dying of love for him she preferred to avoid telling him:

-then... I have to go, have a happy afternoon. He let go of his hand

and answered:

-Also, take care of yourself, we'll see you soon.

they both kissed each other on the cheek and left on their side, the moment she was

driving to the apartment, the only thing that was reflected in her mind was the image of

Alexander, while on the other hand the very happy was singing of joy and thinking of her,

having been with the happy Marlene was as if the soul had returned to the body,

Something inside told him that he had always known, not knowing that the same was love

since childhood.

Claudia entered the apartment very happy and smiling as if she had won the Nobel

prize of love, suddenly she heard Michael smiling together with another person, she was

very intrigued and finished entering to see who was with him, the moment she looked at

the room, she saw him with her friend from the police station Yamel Amaro, both were

sitting on the sofa playing a game of chess, Claudia was very happy to see them said:

- Good! How are you guys doing?

Yamel turned to look at her with a big smile and replied:

-I'm very well, I came to see my friend who's sick.

Claudia approached where they were by asking Michael how he felt, as smiling as he

always replied:
-I feel very well, the one I feel is different from you, or am I wrong? She stared at him

with a big smile and said:

-is that today was a very different day for me.

Yamel preferred to leave them alone so that they could speak in confidence, it was of

course when something was invented by saying:

Alas! I have to go, I didn't remind myself that I had to do something that I left pending

at the police station.

- No! Stay a while longer, Michael said. She stared at him

and replied:

-I'm really sorry, but I have to go.

She said goodbye to both of them and immediately left, the moment they were left alone,

Michael seeing her asked him:

- and you, how was your day?

Claudia couldn't wait to tell him what had happened to her and told him that she had

met a very attractive and charming man, as well as telling him everything she had done

with him, including the fights until they became friends, she so inspired told him the story.

While on the other hand Alexander was in his room thinking about her, suddenly his sister

Rosa entered the room very cheerful as always and told him:

- How was your day today, little brother?

-Today was better than ever! he replied with a very loving voice.

She was amazed at how happy he was, and she, very anxious to know what was

happening to him, sat down on the bed and said:

- Tell me brother! What happened to you? Why are you so happy?

He began to smile and told her that he had met a beautiful girl in the company and also told

her how wonderful it had been with her all that afternoon, Rosa very happy to know that her

brother was extremely happy, was infected with that happiness, they both stayed a while

talking about that happy woman named Marlene Rodriguez, while that same woman did not

stop talking about with her beloved Michael. That was definitely Claudia's happiest day,

after that cruel tragedy that completely changed, her.


That lively and happy incoming morning, Alejandro had woken up happier and more

emotional than ever. Ever since she was taking a bath to go to work, she did nothing but

remember what she had experienced with Marlene the day before, he laughed at her fights

and said:

-what a beast I found beautiful, but I know you're very sweet.

He continued taking showers and at the same time sang screaming that he was in love.

Meanwhile his father Don Alejandro went to the kitchen to ask Tibisay for his cup of hot

coffee that he used to drink every morning, Tibisay so delighted to see him told him:

- How does it dawn, Mr. Alexander?

-Very well Tibisay, today I got up with much enthusiasm! he replied. she served him

her coffee and then they both sat in a small dining room that was in that kitchen, these

same chatted pleasantly until unexpectedly Luisa appeared bitter and arrogant as

always sending badly to Isabel Cristina "the other servant who helped the Nana" she

shouted to him to serve breakfast quickly, when she turned and saw her husband sitting

at the service table, talking with Tibisay, she approached where they were and told

them in a very ironic way:

- Oh, how much do you two talk? And you Tibisay instead of being here talking to my

husband, because you're not helping Isabel make me breakfast. Don Alejandro was

extremely upset by the way she expressed herself to Tibisay:

- And you do me a favor and you respect Tibisay because she's practically family!

- Like that filthy old woman is family! Are you crazy? replied Luisa very annoyed.

Seeing that Luisa was upset, Tibisay preferred to get up from the table and go help Isabel

Cristina, Don Alejandro ended up getting so angry that he reached the point of grabbing the

cup of coffee and throwing it on the floor for the courage he had grabbed because of his


- I'm sick of your bullshit! he shouted.

At once he went to his room with a huge tantrum that was eating him inside. Hours later,

Claudia was wearing makeup in the bathroom very passionately to go to work, she was not

so passionate about working but for having her enemy close, from that moment her mind

was divided into three parts, the first was his revenge, the second in seeking his brothers,

and the last in his love Alexander, there was something inside her that made her feel

stronger than ever, that something was the love that was reborn again in her. As he left his

room more beautiful and elegant than ever, Michael saw her and told her with some


- Wow, you really are more beautiful every day than ever.

-Thank you so much. Now I want to look much more beautiful! Michael smiled

and asked him:

- Are you going out with him again?

- MMM! Why the question? she asked.

-It was just to know," he said, looking her in the eye.

After talking, they both started their breakfast with some delicious fruits. The minutes

were running most succulent. After dressing and perfuming himself, Alejandro left his room

and went immediately to the dining room so that his beloved Nana could serve him his

breakfast, when he saw his mother there so lonely having breakfast, he approached him

giving him a very strong hug as he always used to do.

- Good morning, Mom! he said.

When Luisa saw her son so happy, for a small moment she was very happy and smiling,

she got up and hugged him very strongly saying:

- Oh...! My dear son, to what do we owe so much joy? He replied with

a charming smile:

-ay Mama, I think I'm falling in love.

- Oh, yes! And who are you in love with? She asked so eagerly.

he sat down with his mother and told her that he was in love with a beautiful woman that

he had met in the company the day before, at that very moment while they were talking, the

beautiful Rosa arrived, she stared at them and gleefully greeted them:

- Very good morning! How do you dawn?

When Rosa went to give her mother a hug, she rejected that hug saying:

- Get off me! I'm so hot.

Rosa released it at once and went a little sad to have breakfast in the kitchen next to the

Nana, Alejandro was immensely enraged to see the cruelty that his mother had committed

against his beloved sister, it was since then when he shouted with great anger telling him:

- Mom, what did she do to you to make you treat her that way?

- I'm not in a good mood! his mother replied

He didn't say another word and went straight to the kitchen. Rosa a little sad entered the

kitchen, when Nana saw her that way she approached him asking:

- My child, why are you walking around with that sad face?

- It's my mother's fault, and her mistreatment. Rosa replied with a voice so sensitive and

Tibisay hugged her very tightly whispering -my child, don't be sad, you know how grumpy

your mother is. When Alexander arrived and saw them hugging, he came behind giving

them both a hug, Nana looked at him and said:

-How beautiful you look today, my child.

-Thank you Nana, from now on I'll look better than ever!" answered Alexander with a

very sweet and romantic voice.

Rosa began to smile and said: - Alas! Nana, Alejandro is falling in love with us.

- Ah...! Yes! And who is that lucky one? asked Nana with great intrigue.

Alejandro smiled with joy and told the Nana how he had known this young woman,

while he told her that Don Alejandro suddenly arrived, saying goodbye to them and then

leaving to work at the company, before leaving he told Alejandro:

-Son, I need to talk to you about something very important, I'll wait for you at the


- All right dad, I'll see you there!" replied Alejandro-

When Don Alejandro was leaving through the main door, he suddenly crossed with his

wife, he turned his face away ignoring her completely, Luisa looked at him and the only

thing she did was make fun of him in a very sinic way, but in the bottom of her heart she

was extremely furious to see that her husband had ignored her completely.

Half an hour later, Michael left Claudia at the company, both said goodbye with a big

hug as they always used to do, when she got out of the car he told her:

- You take good care of me! Beautiful sister.

She smiled and replied, "Thank you brother! You take care of me too, I love you very

As she was entering the company she stumbled upon Julian, she looked at him with a

very contemptible look and said:

- Get out of my way, you filthy plague!

Julian just looked her in the eye, then answered:

- You know, I know you from somewhere else, but I don't know where!

- You're crazy! you don't even know what you're saying, then he added, "You better shut

your dirty mouth and get to work, that's what you're paid for! she replied, extremely furious

and a little nervous because he was already recognizing her.

Claudia had dawned happily but it was enough to get away with Julian's degenerate and

nebulon for that happiness to fade away and turn into bitterness, the moment she arrived at

her office and looked to the right of her desk, she saw an immense bouquet of flowers, she

was astonished to see it and at the same time asked herself in her mind - is it Alexander who

sent it to me - will it be Alexander who sent it to me? When she dared to open the card that

was in the middle of the bouquet, she realized that it was not the Gallardo if not, the same

was disappointed throwing the card to the garbage making a gesture of abhorrence, the only

thing that occurred to her at that moment was to take one of those roses and smell it, She

closed her eyes and at that precise moment when she was smelling her, she remembered her

childhood when she was completely happy together with all her family united, while she

was with her eyes closed remembering, Gallardo opened the door with much silence and

when he saw her from behind, he approached her from behind until he began to smell her

neck and whispered in her ear:

-How rich you smell my life, then he added - did you like the flowers?

When Claudia felt him so close to her, she immediately moved to one side and answered

him, pretending with a face of joy:

- Oh, yes! How beautiful they are, thank you very much, Mr. Gallardo. The one who

was so in love told him:

-That's not the only gift I'm going to give you. Then he added, "Come with me! I'm

going to give you the second gift from me.

She looked at him and replied:

- Yes! And where are you going to take me? Gallardo took her

by the hand saying:

-let's go my beautiful queen, you'll see you'll like that other surprise.

She was so intrigued to know what that surprise was that she listened to him and when

they left the company, Claudia noticed that the receptionist plus the other maintenance

women were extremely serious, for Gallardo it was a great pride to have such a beautiful

woman in his hand, without knowing that she was going to destroy him as soon as possible.

When Julián opened the door of the car for her to get in, she didn't see him in the eyes as she

used to, however, she gave him a strong stomp with the appropriate heel and told him in

such a sinic and smiling way:

-Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to.

He looked at her with the desire to strangle her and in turn withstanding the pain in her

right foot, it was of course when he answered her:

-Don't worry, miss. When they were leaving, Claudia didn't look at any of them, all she

thought about was Alejandro. On the other hand, he was saying goodbye to the Nana and his

sister and immediately left very animated for the company, at the moment that he was

leaving the parking lot of the mansion, he saw his mother very alone walking through the

garden, he provoked her to get off and go to say goodbye to her, but he remembered the
cruelty that he did to Rosa and preferred to leave her there alone to reflect, he started his car

and left immediately.

On the other hand, Rosa and Tibisay were very anxious to meet the fortunate one who was

taking possession of Alejandro's heart, at the moment when they were talking, Luisa arrived

and looked at them very badly, she turned her face away, throwing bad eyes at her and went

up to her room, her bitterness and arrogance were making her worse than ever, she could not

see happily those who were more if not bitter like her. It was that trauma that she

experienced when she was a child that the framework for her whole life causing such

bitterness inside, when she entered her room she looked in the mirror and remembered the

abuse and bad words that his mother told him only because she was born female and not

baron as she longed, her heart was full of hatred, anger and especially loneliness, she did not

think that everything she did was worse for her, because in the end everything was going to

be left alone and bitter.

Half an hour later, Julian parked in front of a dealership of the best brands of luxury cars

of the year, to see that he had parked there, Claudia wondered what they were going to do in

that place, the moment Julian opened the door of the car, Gallardo came out first and then

she, when the same was going to give another stronger stamp Julian, that caused the anger

of and was since then when he shouted:

- Miss! Be more careful, you've stepped on my foot a couple of times!

He told her that so that Gallardo would call her attention, but he shot her in the butt

because Gallardo was extremely annoyed when he heard the way he had shouted at his

beautiful wife, Gallardo shouted at her very loudly telling her:

- The one who has to be more careful is you! And the next time you yell at this beautiful

lady, you're going to have a hard time!

Claudia stared at Julián and began to laugh in his own face, he was so enraged that he

preferred to stay outside the dealership, when they entered there, one of the salesmen who

were nearby, they attended very kindly taking them to where all the cars of different brands

were, when they arrived there and saw those various cars as beautiful as they were also

luxurious, Gallardo looked at her and said:

- which one of those cars do you like?

She in his mind wondered why he was asking which of those cars she liked, but what she

least imagined was that Gallardo was going to give her a car, Claudia began to see each of

those cars so elegant, but the one she liked most was a sporty red color, whose brand was


-This is the most beautiful of all," she said.

Gallardo was very excited and at the same time crazy about her, he replied:

- Ah! Then, from now on, this car will be yours.

She stared at him without feeling any emotion, at that moment she wondered in her mind

if it was accepted or not, she suddenly remembered everything he had taken away, she

smiled and said in her mind:

-this is nothing I'm going to take away from you, you son of a bitch!

Claudia replied with an enormous smile: - Thank you! Mr. Gallardo, I don't know how

to pay you for what you've done for me-

-This is a simple gift for a beautiful lady like you," he said, looking at her with great


Suddenly Julian arrived and when he saw that beautiful car he asked in amazement:

- Skipper! Are you going to buy that car?

- No! That car is for this beautiful lady," answered Gallardo.

Julian became like a hyena enraged by impotence and envy when he saw that she always

got away with it. While Gallardo was going to cancel the car with his checkbook, she made

fun of Julián by telling him:

-ay, I won't trample you any more like the filthy worm you are, because now I have a new


- Don't sing victory, the boss will soon realise that you are nothing but a miserable

leech! replied Julian in a furious rage.

She was filled with anger when she saw that he offended her, Claudia squeezed her angry

hands and gave him a strong slap in the face saying:

- Don't play with me! Because I can destroy you at any time.

- Don't even think about slapping me again! he exclaimed, rubbing his majilla.

He was very angry and impotent to see that he could not give her back that slap, while she

very annoyed told him:

-Don't even think about threatening me, you fucking bastard, because I'll kill you myself!

Seeing the hatred in his eyes, Julian was reassured because he knew she was more

dangerous than a rattlesnake.

Alejandro arrived at the company very happy, in the small instant he was arriving at his

father's office he got Stephanie, he turned his face away to not see her, but this one was the

repentant and said:

-Alexandre, forgive me for what I have done, I know I was very jealous. He turned to

see her and replied in disgust:

- Jealous for what? If you and I are absolutely nothing!

-I know, but I really ask you to forgive me, I promise this will never happen. She said

putting on a face I didn't go.

As he had dawned in a good mood and very happy, he forgave her, she hugged him very

tightly telling him that she was not going to do it anymore, after he had met her and forgiven

her, he entered his father's office,

- Here I am, Dad! What do you need me for?

Don Alejandro was at his desk reading some documents and when he saw his son he


-My son, I need you to sign this document, but first you must read it. Alejandro sat down

and began to read that document, there he saw that they were some agreements with the

company Provén, Alejandro looked at his father and asked if this company was the man who

had come the day before to sign the agreements,

- Yes! My son, you're right. his father replied.

Alejandro signed the document with great confidence and then returned the document to

his father, Don Alejandro called the receptionist called margarita to go look for that

document and send it to the company provén, Alejandro so astute stayed very still waiting

for margarita to come to look for the document, When it suddenly arrived, Don Alejandro

gave her the document telling her to send it to that company as soon as possible, she took

the folder where those documents were put and then left, seeing that she had left, Alejandro

said goodbye to his father and went behind her, when he managed to reach her said:

- Don't worry, margarita! I can carry that document.

- Won't Don Alejandro bother about that? She asked.

Alejandro told her that not until he convinced her and then he left very anxious for the

other company with the excuse that he was going to take the document, but in reality what

he wanted was to see her again.

Gallardo handed over the car keys to Claudia saying:

- It's all yours! Pretty doll, then he added - I'll wait for you at the company. Gallardo

went along with Julián, while she took her car and the first thing that occurred to her was

to go to the police station to show Michael the first thing he had taken from Gallardo, she

was very happy to have a new car, she was accelerating along this very fast avenue,

Claudia was rejoicing saying:

-Fucking worm, you've given a car to your worst enemy.

She followed her course as her beloved Alejandro arrived at the company, passing by

the receptionist she told the receptionist:

-Well, I'm the prevalen company attorney, I could get in touch with Miss Marlene


-Excuse me, sir, the lady is not here at the moment," answered Carlota.

He was thinking for a moment, then he said -MMMM, I will wait for the lady, is that I

have to deliver a document.

She looked at him with a smile and told him to wait for her sitting on some chairs that

were in front of there, he sat down to wait for her when Gallardo suddenly arrived at the

company, when Carlota saw him llagar told him:

- Excuse me Don Gallardo! The lawyer of the company Prevalen is looking for Miss


Gallardo approached Alejandro and said:

-Excuse me for what, are you looking for my assistant?

-To give him a document," answered Alexander, looking him in the eye. Gallardo kept

detailing it and said: -You can give me that document, don't worry, I am the owner of

this company.

Alejandro gave it to her and there was nothing left for her but to say goodbye, her great

illusion was to see her again. Claudia was arriving at the police station, when she was less

than half a kilometer away from arriving, she suddenly changed her mind and returned to

the company, at that moment she took her phone and called Michael, her phone rang and

rang and rang and the nothing that answered, at that moment something told her to return as

soon as possible to the company, it was an impression she felt, she accelerated that car to

say no more to get there quickly. While Alejandro was in the parking lot of that very sad

company, he got into his car and waited for a moment to see if she would arrive. The

minutes passed and nothing that she arrived, he did not wait any more and left there very sad

thinking about her, when he left, a minute later she arrived. Destiny did not allow them to

meet that day, because something of the utmost importance was about to happen. When

Claudia was passing by the reception Carlota called her and told her that Prevalen's lawyer

was looking for her to give her a document.

- What document? Claudia asked herself in her mind.

Carlota added telling him that Gallardo had received this document, Claudia was so

strange that she went immediately to Gallardo's office to ask him which was this document,

the moment she opened the elevator to go up, the one coming down was Julián, when she

saw him the blood of courage and grunt was boiling telling him:

- even when I have to see your filthy face! You filthy bastard!

-It will be when you're dead, miss," replied the disgusting one.

Julian left the elevator making fun of her, instead she tried not to pay attention but it was

impossible, while she was going up in the elevator, she began to remember all the evil that

these degenerates did to her, her rage was increasing much more, the only thing she wanted

at that moment was to kill them all at once, Claudia took her weapon out of her briefcase
and at the same time put the silencer to reach Gallardo's office giving him a shot in the

center of his forehead, her mind was completely cut off, she was so strong that she could not

even follow herself, when the elevator opened she turned a beast willing to kill, she quickly

opened the door of Gallardo's office with her left hand, and with her right hand she had her

weapon with the trigger already almost pressed to shoot Gallardo, but the surprise she got

was that he was not there, she became very impulsive and gave a strong kick to the door.

- Damn you unhappy! she exclaimed.

She went to the meeting room to see if he was in that place, when he was arriving at the

door there, she heard for the third time Gallardo talking to Arturo about that shipment of

cocaine, she calmed down and at the same time preferred to stay listening, Gallardo was so

happy that he told Arturo that that same night the merchandise was finally coming that was

going to leave him a very good profit, both of them were smiling extremely happy, suddenly

Arturo asked him where they were going to receive it, Gallardo answered him what he was

going to do in the old winery that was behind the company at 12:00am in the morning,

Claudia smiled macabrely keeping her weapon, she left there and went to her office to think

very well what she was going to do. When he entered his office he took a glass of water

from the filter that was there. While he drank his glass of water, at the same time he was

calming down, the only thing that came to his mind was to culminate his plan that same

night by imprisoning Gallardo together with his accomplices, Claudia took his phone and

called the commissioner Eleodoro telling him that he needed to talk to him about something

of extreme urgency, Eleodoro very intrigued to know what was so urgent answered him that

he was waiting for her in his office. After hanging up the phone Claudia went immediately

to the police station, at the very moment she was leaving her office she crossed with
Gallardo and Arturo, it was as if destiny was crossing them to hate each other more and

more every day.

-Hello... beautiful how are you? Arturo told him.

Gallardo was full of courage to listen to him, it was from then on when he shouted at

him with a certain annoyance:

- next time you say precious or any other compliment to her! I'll give you a bullet in the

forehead without a second thought! Do you understand me?

She realized how to make them kill each other, whose plan that came to her mind was to

seduce both of them at the same time, so that later they would kill each other and in such a

way save themselves the work, Claudia stayed thinking about that plan, but she preferred to

put them behind bars like the filthy rats they were, she looked at them both and told them:

- Don't fight! You're a real charm to me, it's so much that charm, that causes me to kill

you with hugs!

Gallardo looked at her with a morbid face and said:

-I'll do anything for you, if it's possible even to kill to have you by my side.

Arturo was very astonished by what Gallardo had said, he said:

- Oh, I didn't know you guys were in a relationship.

- Wait a minute! I don't have a relationship with Gallardo, the only relationship we

have is a working relationship. Claudia replied with a certain desire to laugh.

Gallardo was very upset when he heard those words that she had said and without saying

another word, he went to his office without even saying goodbye to her, Claudia stared at

Arturo and with a sinic smile said to him:

- Oh! Oh! Well, I think I see your boss annoyed, so go and try it! That's what they're

great friends for.

Arturo was a little afraid of Gallardo because he knew that he could kill him at any

moment and even more for a woman, he stayed thinking about that same place and then

took the advice that she had told him. Without a second thought, he immediately went to

Gallardo's office. Claudia was leaving when she suddenly got Julian back in the parking lot,

she stared at him and said:

-You're running out of time, you excrement worm!

The same began to mock him, while Julian very angry squeezed his hands of impotence,

at that moment it provoked him was to take out his weapon and kill her, but his only

impediment was that his employer was very much in love with her, Claudia turned on the

car and when he saw Julian that he was pierced looking at her, the same accelerated quickly

to pass over him and kill him, in that instant when she came towards him, Julian was

frightened hurtling quickly to the opposite side, Claudia what he did was make fun of the,

instead Julian rose from the ground and shouted at him:

- Are you going to kill me? You crazy bitch!

Claudia used to do nothing but take revenge by making her life impossible, for her that

was only a thousandth part of her revenge. Arthur entered Gallardo's office and told him to

apologize for what he had said to his beloved, Gallardo immensely sulfuric exclaimed:

- I forgive you this one! But next time you won't live to tell the tale!

Arturo was knotted in the throat when he heard this warning, and so he replied:

-All right, I won't do it again.

Gallardo had a drink of whiskey to relax a little, suddenly a call came to his phone, when

he attended were those mobsters telling him how they were going to make the return, they

told him to bring the full cash, and to be punctual, they also warned him that if they noticed

any strange movement did not hesitate to grind it with lead.

-All right, I'll be punctual, you know you're doing business with serious people. Gallardo

said. After the end of how he was going to do that tour, he was immensely happy saying that

he was going to make richer, not knowing what awaited him that same night.

Claudia arrived at the police station, when she was entering she found Yamel together

with Michael, she greeted them both with a big smile and after greeting him she told

Michael to wait for her because he had to talk to him about something of great importance,

he sat there in some chairs that were in the entrance of the police station together with

Yamel, both chatted while she was going to Eleodoro's office, when she entered the office,

this very anxious asked her:

- Daughter! What was the urgent thing you were going to tell me?

She sat down and with a blissful face said to him, "Today is the end of my plan! Tonight

we will put Gallardo behind bars.

He looked at her so strangely and asked her why, she was inspired to tell him everything

Gallardo was going to do that same night, Eleodoro was happy for her and they immediately

made the plan, of how they were going to do it to catch them, he told her that an hour before

they would arrive at the place to surround the whole area and in such a sense they did not

realize by the time they were caught like the disgusting rats they were. After both concluded

with the plan, Claudia said goodbye to the commissioner and left there, when she

approached where Michael was with Yamel, she anxiously told him everything about

Gallardo, he was very happy because she was going to conclude his plan, so happy Michael

invited them to celebrate in a bar that was a block away from the police station,

-And what are we waiting for, then! Let's celebrate! Claudia said.

When they were in the parking lot and saw Claudia's beautiful car, they were extremely

-Wow! Whose car will that be! asked Michael,

- Claudia replied,

- Go! Michael grumbled, then added - I don't think it's yours.

- Well, let's see if you believe me.

Claudia took the alarm control out of the car and squeezed it, which caused the car to

open immediately,

-Wow! And how did you buy that car? Michael asked very anxiously.

- Well, what do you think, the stupid bastard Gallardo gave it to me, I've got it dead of

love! she replied.

They laughed out loud at how weak their enemy was becoming,

-Well, sister, we'll go in your car for the first time, Michael nodded.

-Take the keys, drive, you drive," she said, handing the keys to him.

Michael very fevered to drive that beautiful car, got in first, while they laughing got in

later, they left very cheerfully from there direct to celebrate.

Minutes later, when they arrived at that bar, they entered immediately, In that place with

much clarity there were almost no people, the ceiling was of wood and the tables were of a

very fine wood, they sat down in the bar and they asked the waiter for a bottle of brandy to

celebrate, Yamel stayed looking at Claudia and asked him why he hated this man so much,

in that moment the waiter arrived serving them the three glasses of brandy. Claudia took her

drink and said:

- Let's drink to the capture of Gallardo's fucking worm!

Michael and Yamel raised their glasses and toasted, Claudia took another drink and then

answered the question that Yamel had asked her, at that moment she sighed deeply and told

him everything that man had done to her, Yamel so amazed at what that degenerate had
done to her, she felt great sorrow for Claudia. Yamel understood perfectly that this was not a

revenge but a true justice, she gave Claudia a big hug and told her that she was going to help

her that night to catch this unhappy man together with his accomplices, it was from that

afternoon when both became great companions.

The three musketeers toasted with joy. They were sure of themselves that they were going to

capture them, but they did not know the surprise that destiny could suddenly give them.

That same night, almost approaching the beginning of the dawn, the commissioner

Eleodoro along with all the police team arrived at the old warehouse that was behind the

company Provén, they arrived half an hour before the scheduled time. it was of course

when each one of them scattered themselves by different sides surrounding all the area,

some hid behind some bags of garbage that were near the door of the warehouse, and

others hid behind some bushes that were to the front of there same, these wore the uniform

plus their bulletproof vests, as also they covered their faces with some black balaclavas,

their weapons had a super comb because they knew that a true war of bullets was coming

to them. Suddenly Claudia Michael and Yamel arrived in the car, it was parked 2 blocks

before the place for any precaution. It's obvious that he preferred to leave in the car so that

they wouldn't be identified by any of those ruffians. The three of them put on their

bulletproof vests and covered their faces with the ski mask, Claudia put her razor on one

side of the boots as well as a comb loaded with bullets that she carried as a spare in the

pocket of her trousers, these went to where the commissioner was and waited until

Gallardo arrived along with the other gangsters.

32 minutes later, at an unexpected moment, 6 4x4 black vans were entering this place.

These vans were extremely luxurious, their rims shone immensely but what was inside

them was pure cocaine, some of the bodyguards who came in the first van opened the wine

cellar door for everyone to enter, the same ones who opened the door remained guarding

the outside, they looked everywhere to see what strange thing they saw. That night it was

extremely relaxed without any noise being heard, the wind was breathing slowly, and the
full moon was shining extremely. The racketeer didn't unload the cargo from the vans

waiting for Gallardo to arrive. The commissary was hiding among some medium tanks of

rubble that were a little far from the entrance of the gate, he was watching them from there

with his binocular, the only thing he was waiting for was for the others to arrive to be able

to raid them. Claudia was a little close to him, hidden behind the same rubble. From there

she was also watching them with her binocular to see what their movements were.

Suddenly 7 black 4x4 vans lined up plus an extremely luxurious black Lincoln limousine,

each had dark glasses and therefore Claudia couldn't see them with her binocular. The

bodyguards opened the gate for them to enter, the first to enter the warehouse was the

limousine and then the trucks, at that time Eleodoro and Claudia were almost ready to raid

the place. and all being inside that large warehouse that could fit more than 100 containers

loaded. The first to get out of the limousine was Arturo, he approached where the other

Russian mafioso was, this man was there with a pair of bodyguards armed with their

machine guns, Arturo and the man shook hands, to see that there was nothing strange, he

gestured to Gallardo raising his right eyebrow to get out of the limousine, Gallardo got off

and further back were all his bodyguards, in his right hand carried a silver colored

briefcase full of money, that man nicknamed the "Russian", was nothing more than a first-

class mafia dealer, he was the one who spread coca in New York, Spain, Switzerland, and

Russia, he had no mercy on anyone, for money he was able to sell his own soul to the very

demon, this man was white-skinned, blue-eyed, and half fat, in his filthy neck he wore a

gold chain of a great thickness that looked more like a dog chain, in his right hand he wore

exaggerated white gold rings with sparkling diamonds. Gallardo extended his hand to him

and at the same time gave him the briefcase, he gave the briefcase to some of his men
ordering them to count it as soon as possible, in that business was worth the word as well

as clear accounts.

- Have you finished counting? The Russian asked his men

- Not yet pattern! they answered even counting it.

As they continued to count the money, Gallardo and the Russian talked about the other

possible coca shipments, Gallardo so emotionally talking about it told him:

- this is the beginning of our business!

They both smiled shaking hands, suddenly the voice of one of the Russian men was heard

when he said:

- Boss! The money is full!

Gallardo was so happy because that business was going to leave him a good slice of

money, when the commissioner Eleodoro saw them with his binocular, he realized that they

were finishing closing the business. he immediately gave the order to everyone from his

radio to search the whole place, they approached the place very cautious not to see them,

suddenly the bodyguards realized that something was wrong, they shot to various sides to

see who was there, was since then when the operation began. When they saw them lying on

the floor complaining of the pain, they dragged those bodyguards out of the way, they

immediately went into the cellar, the commissary Eleodoro took out his speaker and told


- You're surrounded! You'd better surrender!

Gallardo and the Russian stared and immediately took out their weapons to defend

themselves, meanwhile the bodyguards scattered among the vans and started shooting at

them. The bullets came and went, when Julián saw this bullet, he left one of the vans telling

Gallardo to get into the armored limousine. Since there were so many vans going through

them, they couldn't get out at that moment. However, several policemen entered the

warehouse, among them were included Michael, Claudia and Yamel, Claudia began to shoot

them all along with Michael, both agreed to separate on their side, Michael so worried told


- Be very careful, my dear! If anything happens to you, I'll die!

- I'll be fine! You take care of me too! replied the same

Claudia got under one of those vans, crawling little by little to get to Gallardo, when she

passed the van and went to get up, one of those bodyguards saw her and immediately

pointed at her from behind with his machine-gun shouting at her:

- Don't even move because I'll blow your brains out!

She was petrified and at the same time full of dread," he shouted.

She threw her gun to the ground and turned to see him, when he approached her

pointing at her to take the gun, she took advantage of the occasion of carelessness and

immediately kicked the man's genitals, he gave a scream of pain and fell to the ground

twisting, as he could pull out his other gun from the waist and shot her, the same

achievement to jump to the opposite side and at the same time with his excellent aim shot

the man in the head to kill him with a caliber 22 pistol that had reinforcement, after

shooting, she went to kick him for having wanted to kill her, and shouted:

- You son of a bitch! I don't get killed by any garbage!

She spat on his body and took his weapon plus the machine gun and then went to finish

killing the other bodyguards to get to Gallardo. Meanwhile Michael and Yamel covered

themselves between the vans and from there shot the other bodyguards. most of the

bodyguards were already dead and some seriously wounded as well as some officers, the

commissioner again with his loudspeaker told them to surrender because they were
surrounded, while Yamel moved away from Michael and went near where Gallardo was,

Julian went mad shouting that they were not going to surrender, that firstly dead before

surrendering, this one began to shoot with his weapon towards all sides, of those shots that

he gave to the air, one of them grazed the leg to Yamel, to see that she fell to the floor,

Michael was filled with anger and shot Julian, suddenly Gallardo saw that Julian was being

shot and came out of the limo with his machine gun and shot them all screaming that they

were fucking cops, Julian realized that he had wounded one of those policemen and went

where he was to finish him off, Claudia saw that he was going where Yamel was wounded,

it was from then on when he ran out to surprise Julian from behind with his gun, the same

one put the loaded gun in his head and shouted at him:

- Give me your gun!

He remained silent and at that moment that voice seemed very familiar to him and then he


- I think I know that voice!

Claudia didn't wait any longer and hit him hard on the head with her weapon, he fell

immediately to the ground, she quickly took advantage of the occasion by taking away

her weapon, the instant she managed to take away his weapon, he took her by the left

foot to lay her down, Claudia was filled with courage and with her right foot he gave her

a strong kick in the face, he released her foot immediately leaving her calm. bleeding

from the nose Julian got up full of rage with the desire to kill her, she pointed it with her

gun and the other that had taken it away kept it between the waist, to see that she was

neglected for a certain moment looking at Yamel, he threw himself falling on top of her,

Julian began to remove the weapon, while Claudia as furious as a wild lioness threw the

weapon far away and what occurred to him was to nail his nails in the face to him, his
nails were filled with blood, While on the other hand Julian cried out of the burning and

crawled like a poisonous snake across the floor, Claudia got up quickly and with the tip

of her boot across the courtyard in her stomach again and again until she got tired,

finally she gave him a strong kick in the face, Julian remained on the floor lying with his

face bloody, seeing that he could not get up by himself, Claudia lifted Yamel out of the

floor with great care to bring her outside for help. In the meantime, Michael approached

where Gallardo was, when suddenly Arturo saw him and without thinking twice he shot

him, Michael felt such a deep pain in his back, and as a consequence of that pain he tied

himself to the ground, he beat of the pain and in his mind he said:

- Claudia! I failed you.

Arturo thought he had killed him, but what he didn't know was that he was wearing his

bulletproof vest, Claudia went back in and saw that Arturo had shot Michael, the same

without any compassion shot him 5 times until sprinkle his left shoulder.

- Fucking son of a bitch, you can't shoot Michael! She shouted very furiously with the

desire to kill.

Arthur ran out of the pain and hid behind one of the vans. Gallardo saw his briefcase full

of money thrown on the floor, he took advantage of the moment and quickly took it until he

put it in the limousine, after storing his money Gallardo saw the commissioner neglected

between one of the vans near the gate and pointed his gun at him unloading 3 shots, one of

those shots hit Eleodoro in the right arm and the other two ended the life of one of the

officers, Gallardo went to lift Julián from the ground and then took him to the limousine,

Arturo crawled on the floor because the bullet was in abundance, he crawled with his wound

on his shoulder and managed to reach the limousine, Gallardo was inside and when he saw

him full of blood he went out to take him up. That man nicknamed the "Russian" was
hidden in one of the vans that contained almost all the merchandise, meanwhile the

bodyguards that remained alive got into several vans and quickly left there shooting the

officers who were outside, to see that they escaped Gallardo turned on his limousine and

immediately escaped next to them, this same one was driving at a very excessive speed,

while on the other hand Claudia shouted loudly saying:

- Damn it! Those bastards are getting away!

It was since then when she and Michael got into one of their vans and chased them,

Claudia was driving quickly to follow the trail, while the other cops were behind her as

reinforcement, Michael so sore from the bullet he had been shot in the back complained a

little, to see him that way Claudia shouted at him saying:

- Damn it! Why did you dare to come with me if you're in that pain?

Better thank God you were carrying the bulletproof vest.

In order not to worry her, he told her that she was fine, - don't tell me lies! I know you're

in pain. Claudia continued driving until what that truck gave her, at that moment she gave

her conscience remorse for having shouted it, she looked at him and asked him:

- Does it hurt a lot?

-It hurts a little, but I'm fine," replied Michael with his face very sweaty from the pain.

She managed to reach the limousine where Gallardo was going, the same one under the

glass and began to shoot them shouting at them:

- don't even think you're gonna get away from me, you fucking bastards!

Arturo drew his gun and as he could he also shot him while Gallardo was driving


- Shoot them in the tires so they won't catch us! Gallardo repeated twice.
Both were almost stuck, Claudia as she could cross the wheel giving a strong blow to the

limousine by the side where Arturo was going.

- Damn cops! Don't even think you're gonna catch me like that! Gallardo shouted.

When she was going to shoot Arturo in the head she ran out of bullets, Claudia became

so desperate and in anger she crashed them sideways again, she didn't mind crashing to see

them dead or behind bars. Arturo shot the front tires until she stopped, in this way they

managed to escape, the truck she was driving spun three times like a spinning wheel and

was crossed on the highway, Claudia, extremely enraged, got out and from the impotence

for not being able to catch them, she fell to the hood of the truck, cursing them at every

moment, the reinforcement policemen who followed her got out of their patrols and

approached where she was asking her if she was all right:

- because they're not going to hell itself! Idiotic games!

When Michael heard her screams, he got out of the van and when he saw her so lost he

approached her giving her a hug.

-Already little girl, I know how you must feel right now, I whisper in your ear.

Don't say that, you have to go ahead with your plan, you'll see that some

other time we'll catch those rats. Michael said to comfort her. Some of the police officers who

were there preferred to go back to check on the commissioner and other colleagues who were


Hours later, Gallardo arrived at his house a little anguished wondering himself who had

told the police that they were going to receive that merchandise there, he got out of that

limousine and entered his house without bothering to leave Julián and Arturo there who

were badly wounded, then when some of his bodyguards arrived it was when they helped

Julián and Arturo to get out of there, these same ones took them inside the house because
both were so weak that they could not with themselves, When Gallardo saw them so badly

he preferred to call a doctor he knew to help them, he didn't take them to any hospital to

avoid some chaos with the police because he suspected that they were looking for them, he

went to the studio and poured himself a glass of whiskey to relax a little, Gallardo didn't

want to answer him, the phone rang and rang until it reached the point where Gallardo

became even more stressed and threw the phone against the wall shouting that he didn't

want to answer anyone.

A few minutes later, Claudia and Michael arrived together with two officers in the patrol

car back to the place where the events occurred, when they went to see, they had already

taken the commissioner and Yamel to the hospital, the only ones there were the ambulances

and the forensic officer giving the order to take the corpses to the morgue. That warehouse

was all bloody with several bodies lying there. It was from then on that Michael took his car

and immediately went straight with her to the hospital, he was a little worried about the

commissioner and Yamel. While they were on their way there, Claudia was completely

silent without even blinking, the only thing that went through her mind was to burn Gallardo

alive along with his accomplices, his hands were frozen with the courage he carried inside,

Michael noticed that she was very thoughtful, he looked at her and asked:

- Are you all right now?

She closed her eyes and sighed deeply, then replied: -no! then she added

-better take me to the apartment.

- Don't you want to know how they're doing? Michael asked.

She stared at him and out of the courage she had shouted loudly at him:

- I told you to take me to the apartment! Didn't you hear me?

He kept quiet and preferred to take her to the apartment. After having left her in front

of the building he went to the hospital because he was very worried about them, meanwhile

Claudia was going up in the elevator to the apartment, she was very quiet with a terrifying

look, the 2 ladies who went with her stayed looking at her, Claudia realized that they were

seeing them and shouted at them:

- You guys who look at me so much like assholes! Did you lose one just like me? Or


The two ladies turned their faces to the opposite side and at the same time trembled with

dread at the sight of that woman's terrifying look. When Claudia entered the apartment

the first thing she thought of was going to the kitchen and pouring herself a glass of

whiskey. Suddenly she looked at the glass and in such an unexpected way she

remembered when Gallardo was violating her so abruptly, she shouted loudly at the

anger she felt and threw the glass on the floor, her tears ran one by one on her cheek, that

caused her to throw herself to the private floor in tears like a broken girl, she thought

that everything she did was in vain, her suffering became stronger and stronger because

she did not achieve her goal. If it weren't for Michael, his life would be even more

complicated. After she let out her tears she went to take a bath in the tub with plenty of

hot water to relax, at the moment she was meditating in the tub completely naked, she

closed her eyes and rolled her mind, sighing slowly to leave behind the bad energies.

One hour later, the doctor who had called Gallardo arrived at the house with all his

equipment in his briefcase, one of the bodyguards who were outside the house took him to

the room where Julián and Arturo were, when he entered that room and saw Julián with his

bloody face he said with some impression:

- Oh, God! What happened to this man?

Julian was completely unconscious, in that instant the only thing he repeated was that he

could not believe that a woman had done that to him, when he finished cleaning him he put

a bandage covering his face because he had many marks and bruises, then he went to the

other bed to check Arturo's shoulder, when he saw that it was nothing more than a wound a

little deep because of the rose of the bullet, However, Arthur was very weak because he had

lost a lot of blood, the doctor cleaned his wound and cooked it to make it heal faster, while

he cooked the wound Arturo shouted from the pain, his forehead sweaty and his hands

squeezed tightly, it was since then that one of the bodyguards who were there put a rag in

his mouth to bite him when he felt such deep pain. The doctor finished cooking him and

immediately sent for Gallardo with the bodyguard who was there, the moment the

bodyguard went out to look for him, Gallardo went in and asked the doctor how they were.

-The only thing is that one of them is a little weak because he has lost a lot of blood,"

replied the doctor.

He put his whole team in his briefcase and said goodbye to Gallardo telling him that if

they felt bad he would not hesitate to call him, Gallardo looked at him and told him:

- You don't get out of here until they're well! Oh, if I don't have to kill you right here

without mercy!

The doctor was terrified when he heard this threat and stayed there to watch Arturo,

Gallardo left there together with the bodyguard, when they were outside he was ordered by

nothing in the world to let the doctor not leave, Gallardo continued his way and going to

his room to think very well what he was going to do, the first thing he did when he entered

his room was to spread out in his enormous bed, he turned on the television when suddenly

the news was passing saying that some mafia drug traffickers, without identifications some

had escaped to the authorities in an abandoned warehouse that was behind the company
provén, later they said that they had seriously wounded several officers as they had also

murdered in cold blood to some of them, Gallardo so frightened remained listening, when I

finish the news I turn off the television and it stayed thinking and at the same time it said

like that the police was going to discover it, of so much to meditate and so much worry he

fell completely asleep. On the other hand, Michael stayed that night in the hospital to

watch out for his commissioner and his friend, he preferred a thousand times to watch out

for them because Claudia was in an unbearable mood. She came out of that tub very

relaxed and immediately put on her pajamas and then lie on her bed, Claudia was

completely surrendered in sleep as the sweet girl she was.

The next day, Gallardo was having breakfast in the dining room, he didn't care how

Julián or Arturo followed, while he was having breakfast he took one of his other

telephones and called the company informing that he wasn't going to be able to go because

he was going to travel to Miami to saw a business, he told Carlota that it was going to last

about 10 or 15 days over there. After ending the call, the doctor suddenly arrived in the

dining room and said:

-Mr. Ernesto, the patients are already in perfect condition, can I go now?

Gallardo took his checkbook making the payment, when he gave him the check he said:

- Go away! And if you ever tell anyone what you saw, I'll go myself and kill him and

his family! Did you hear me?

The very frightened doctor took the check, this one left quickly without looking back,

Gallardo began to make fun of the doctor when he saw the way he had gone.

-what a fool, must have been a woman but not a man. Gallardo said, laughing out loud.

Julian woke up a little sore, his face burned and his back hurt immensely, he complained

-ay, it looks like a truck was passed over me.

When he saw Arturo completely asleep in the other bed, he wondered what he was doing

with him sleeping there, Julian did not give so much importance and went to the bathroom,

when he removed the bandage from his face and saw his face so emaciated, he shouted

loudly out of fright saying:

- Oh! It can't be! Damn it!

When they saw his face with so many scratches and bruises he was touched again and

again by the panic he felt, Gallardo and the others heard the screams and immediately went

to the room to see what was happening, when they came in and saw Julián with his face so

frightful, Gallardo laughed out loud when he saw his face in that way and said:

- Wow! What happened to your face?

Julian began to curse saying that a policewoman had done that to him, Gallardo told

him that he was a real fool and went to his room to connect to his computer and see how

everything was going in the company.

That same morning, Michael woke up from the couch where he was sleeping in the

hospital, he saw a couple of nurses in reception and asked them how Yamel and the

commissioner were doing.

-They are in perfect condition," replied the nurse in a very kind manner. Michael was a

little relieved and asked if he could go to see them, the nurse told him that he could not

because the doctor had not given him the order, Michael had no choice but to go back to the

apartment because he was very tired, instead his beloved Claudia dawned totally relaxed

with a great desire to go to the company to know about Gallardo, Claudia didn't want to

accept that Gallardo was even more astute than she was, but in the end she accepted him,

that's what made her prepare more and more every day to be much more astute and

intelligent than he was, She served herself breakfast and sat down in the dining room,

suddenly Michael arrived, he stayed looking at her and said good morning to her, Michael

locked himself in his room without saying another word, Claudia felt a little sorry for

yelling at him that night, she put her right hand on her head thinking she was going to

apologize to him, She got up from the chair going to the room, she knocked on the door and

knocked on it, he opened the door and stayed looking at her eyes, she under his face and

apologized sincerely for having shouted it that way, he knew that she had shouted it because

she was very angry because Gallardo had escaped, Michael lifted her face with his hand and


-No matter what happens, I will always forgive you because I love you as if you were

my sister.

Claudia asked him how Yamel and Eleodoro were doing, Michael with his big smile told

him that they were in perfect condition, Claudia was so relieved that she chatted with him

for a while about Gallardo.

Alejandro arrived that morning very cheerful to the company, when he passed by the

receptionist margarita asked with much anxiety to get the telephone number of the assistant

of the owner of the company provén, margarita stared at him with a big smile and said:

-and lawyer, you kind of like that assistant. Alejandro smiled in reply:

-You're right, margarita, from the first day I saw her I fell madly in love with her, then

she added - well, margarita, I hope you'll do me the favor of getting me that number.

-All right, counselor, I'm gonna do everything I can.

Alejandro continued his way to his office waiting for the beautiful margarita to get him

Marlene's number, so generous she didn't wait any longer and called the company provén,

when they answered in reception, she told him that she was calling from the company
prevalen and asked for Miss Marlene Rodriguez, Carlota told her that she was not there, but

nevertheless margarita was very astute when she told Carlota to give her her cell phone

number because she needed to talk to her about an issue of great importance with respect to

the agreements of both companies, Carlota fell into the trap and immediately looked for

Marlene's number in the agenda and dictated it to her, margarita was so happy to have

achieved the goal, she quickly called Alejandro to her office and dictated the phone number,

the so excited and grateful with her said:

- Thank you, margarita! You deserve heaven. She laughed


-He's a good lawyer, you know! He owes me one.

Alejandro was left wondering if he called her at once or after a while, all of a sudden

Estefanía entered his office flirting with her.

-Good morning, how do you dawn? she asked with her sensual voice.

-Very well, thank you," answered he, trying to evade her. She

approached him and said:

-I feel a little tense.

She started to massage his shoulders in such a sensual and provocative way, she did it

only with the simple fact of touching him, Alejandro closed his eyes staying extremely

relaxed and let her give him that massage. Stephanie stopped messaging him and at the same

time gave him an insinuating kiss on the mouth, Alexander was with his eyes closed and

when he felt her lips on those of the one, immediately he got up from his chair a little upset

saying to him:

-Don't think that by letting you give me a simple massage you feel you have the right to

kiss me!
- is that I like you very much, she admitted biting her lips so sensually.

Alejandro left his office, leaving it there alone, while the office rejoiced at what he had


The minutes passed, Claudia said goodbye to her beloved Michael and then said:

-my precious Michael, I'd like to stay a little longer with you, but I'm a little retarded.

-My life doesn't matter, walk while I rest," he replied, looking at her affectionately.

She gave him a big hug and then she left. Michael started laughing at her because most

of the time she left in a hurry because time flew by, he went to his room and took a big

shower and then went to work. When Claudia was driving she wondered what had happened

to Julian and Arturo, she remembered when she nailed her nails in Julian's face, she mocked


- how I wish I'd disfigured your filthy Gallardo face, but you're gonna pay me sooner

or later.

She arrived at the company, as she was passing through reception she asked Carlota if

Gallardo had arrived.

-No, Miss Marlene, Mr. Gallardo is on a trip, and he won't be here for 15 days,"

answered Carlota.

Then she added that the company had called her prevail, but Claudia left her talking

alone and went to her office, Carlota very enraged made her morisquetas sticking out her

tongue and peeling her teeth.

- I don't like you, she said.

Claudia wondered where Gallardo was, the moment she was entering her office she

preferred to go first to Gallardo's office which was almost close to hers, when she

entered, the only thing that occurred to her was to register in the drawers of the desk
where all the personal documentation was, she was so excited she went to check to see

what evidence was against her in order to be able to put him behind bars, not getting

anything, this was looking everywhere until suddenly he was looking at a painting that

reflected a beautiful Indian naked meditating on his river, that painting was in front of

the desk, the same removed from the wall to see what he got, but it was achieved with

the surprise that behind that painting there was a safe, Claudia tried to dial a few

numbers to open it but it was impossible.

- Shit! What's the key to this damn thing? she exclaimed.

She went to the desk and sat down to open it and see what was in that blissful envelope,

when she opened it she saw that it was nothing more and nothing less than the two writings

of the haciendas, one was that of the hacienda, and the other was that which she stole from

her father. Claudia so astonished said:

- Wow! I finally get something. She rearranged everything as it was and took those

documents into her possession. Claudia left that office going back to hers, suddenly a call

came to her phone, she answered and the so excited said:

- Hello! How are you? It's Alejandro.

- Which Alexander? She asked, pretending she didn't know him.

- Don't you remember me? I'm that man you fought a lot with when we got stuck in the

elevator and also in the parking lot. he replied.

When she was going to answer in such a sudden way the battery was discharged to the

phone, Alejandro was in the parking lot, he was left thinking about what to do, it was soon

when he decided to take his car and leave immediately for the company provén and thus be

able to see, Claudia was very surprised when the call was cut, she did not give so much

importance and took out those writings again, this continued reading, There he realized that
the hacienda was legally in Gallardo's name, then he kept that document in his briefcase and

immediately dialed Michael's phone, the phone rang until he dropped the answering

machine, to see that he had dropped the answering machine she was meditating on how to

recover his farm, suddenly came a fabulous idea to the mind, whose idea was to write a

power of attorney for Gallardo to sign and in such a way remove the two estates, she found

the idea wonderful and said:

- I'll leave you with nothing, little by little I'll take everything until I leave you poorer

than rats!

Alejandro arrived at the company provén, he asked the receptionist if Miss Marlene

was there, she looked at him with a smile and answered yes, Carlota immediately took him

to her office, Claudia was starting the writing of the power on the computer, until suddenly

they knocked on the door.

- Go ahead! she said.

When she saw Alejandro together with Carlota, she was extremely astonished, while

Carlota left them alone, Alejandro full of emotion and happy told her:

- Wow! You're getting more beautiful every day.

-Thank you very much," she replied, faking such a serious face.

They both stared at each other's eyes for 15 seconds, she took her eyes off and said:

- To what do you owe your visit, Mr. Rodriguez?

-I wanted to see you again," he replied.

Claudia as always used to pretend she didn't care about him, is making a disgusting

gesture said:

- Well! you visited me at a bad time, I have a lot of work because my boss is on a trip.
- It doesn't matter! I'm not going to interrupt your work, let me just sit here with you,"

he replied.

Suddenly there was a call on her phone, when she answered it was Michael telling her

that if they could meet at the hospital because Yamel was going to be discharged, Claudia

answered Michael very affectionately saying:

-Okay, I'll see you there, take care of yourself, my love. I love you! Alexander was

bursting out of jealousy and asked him:

- Is that your boyfriend?

-Mmm, no! He's my brother. -Why? Is there a problem?

The jealous one answered him - for your brother, you speak to him very affectionately.

She laughed when she saw him so jealous, then said to him:

-thanks for visiting me, but as you can see, I have to go.

- Can I come with you? he asked.

-No thanks, I'd rather go alone," she replied.

They both left the company together, when they were on the outside, he looked at her and


-My sister and my second mother want to meet you, then she added, "Would you accept

dinner tonight at my house?

She smiled at that moment, answering him: - I accept, but at what time?

-Mmm, well... you're fine with 7:00pm at night, he replied.

-that time is perfect, but you spend me looking for my apartment, she said.

- How can I look for you if I don't know where you live? he asked.

Claudia began to laugh, she wrote down the address on a card, after being given the card

she said goodbye with a wonderful kiss on the cheek, Claudia got in her car and left.
Instead, he hoped that she would finish going and then went away very happy because she

had accepted his invitation. Claudia was driving and at the same time she was remembering

that moment when she had been trapped with him in the elevator, she laughed at the

happiness she felt at that moment, and said:

- I love Alejandro!

She accelerated to get there even faster. While Michael arrived at the hospital, the first

thing he did was to visit Yamel, the moment he entered the room, Michael was very sorry

to see her in that bed, she stayed looking at him and told him:

-They told me you stayed up all night looking out for us.

- Yes, that's right, he replied with an immense smile.

-Thank you, you're a great friend," she said, putting on such a sweet face. Michael

approached him and asked how he was feeling.

- I feel great, did you know I'm being discharged today? she said.

- Yes, I know, that's why I came, to take you to your apartment," he replied.

Yamel was starting to fall in love with Michael without knowing she couldn't be

reciprocated. Suddenly Claudia came into the room saying:

-How are you, friend? They told me you're being discharged today.

In such an unexpected way the doctor arrived along with the nurse, who told Yamel:

- Miss! You can go now, I've already signed the order to be discharged.

- Yes doctor! I want to go, I can't stand to be here another minute! she admitted.

The doctor ordered the nurse to bring the wheelchair. while she was looking for the

chair, Michael helped Yamel to get up from the stretcher, Claudia waited for him to help

Yamel to ask him which room the commissary was confined to to go visit him, Michael told

him that he was in room number 12 which was almost at the front where Yamel was
confined, Claudia went immediately to see how commissary Eleodoro was following, at the

precise moment she entered the room, she got the ungrateful surprise that it was completely

empty, Claudia was immensely surprised when she saw the solitary room, at that moment a

nurse passed by that corridor, Claudia called her and asked her where the patient who was

there was, the nurse answered her saying that the relatives of that patient had taken him

home already a few hours ago, Claudia staying calm returned to the room where Yamel was,

when she entered, she saw that they were already ready to leave.

- We are now ready to leave this blessed hospital! said Yamel immensely happy.

Michael was the one who took her in the wheelchair to the parking lot, then when they

got there, he helped her get in the car, while Claudia told her that she was following them

from her car. After Michael got Yamel in the car he immediately went to her apartment.

On the other hand, Alejandro arrived home very happy, he went through the kitchen first to

tell Nana that very soon he was going to meet the woman who had him crazy with love,

she so happy to see him so happy told him with some astonishment:

- Yes! When will you bring her to meet her, my son?

-Tonight, Nana invited her to dinner," replied the excited one. Tibisay so smiling and

emotional said:

-I'll make dinner tonight!

- No Nana! You won't cook, because tonight you'll have dinner at the table with us, he


- How do you think my child! I'm a servant, and also your mother may get angry,"

replied Nana.

- I don't care what my mother says! You'll have dinner with us, and we won't talk

about it anymore!
Alejandro kissed that dear old woman on her forehead and went to her sister's room to tell

her that he was going to meet the woman of his life.

The afternoon was getting closer, Michael arrived at Yamel's apartment, when they came

in, Claudia and he helped Yamel sit on the sofa bed that was in the living room, Claudia and

she were chatting for a moment while Michael was in the kitchen preparing a strawberry

juice. The three spent that beautiful afternoon sharing in such a satisfied way, they were

delighted with that delicious juice that Michael had prepared, both began to joke to this one

telling him that he was very handsome and that he provoked them to eat him with kisses, he

turned red like a tomato when listening to the perversities that they told him, they talked

pleasantly until the end of the afternoon. Claudia saw the time on her watch and noticed that

it was time to leave, she said goodbye to them and so went to prepare for the happy dinner.

- Why are you leaving? Yamel asked.

-Because I was invited to a dinner," replied Claudia with a smile. Michael stared at

Claudia's face in love and said:

- Ah! Gee, Claudia's kind of falling in love with us.

- Who is the lucky one? asked Yamel with a big smile, Claudia stared at them and said:

- Then...! Then I'll tell you who's the lucky

She left right away and left them alone. Instead, Yamel took advantage of the moment and

asked Michael if he liked Claudia as a woman, he stared at her and asked:

- Why do you ask?

- I don't know, out of curiosity, she replied.

Michael told her that he saw her only as the sister he had never had, she was calm for the

moment and stopped asking him a question, however, Michael realized instantly that she
was falling in love with him, it was since then when he began to worry because he could not

correspond, he preferred to change radically with her so as not to hurt her.

Minutes later, Claudia arrived at the apartment taking a good bath and then she got

beautiful and went to the happy dinner that her great love had invited her, she was very

happy and happy she took a shower thinking about him, without imagining with the surprise

that was going to be obtained.


The night fell, Alejandro left his room very well dressed and perfumed, as he was going

down the stairs, his mother stared at him and very surprised said:

- How handsome you look tonight, my love!

-Thank you, Mama," he replied, smiling with joy. Nana was passing

by and when she saw him, she said:

- My child, how beautiful you look! That young woman will fall in love when she sees


- Ah! Are you going out with that young woman? Luisa asked.

-I'm not going out with her. I'm going to get her because she's having dinner with us

tonight," he replied.

Luisa remained silent and went to her room, but Alejandro, very surprised by the

attitude that his mother had taken, wondered what was wrong with him.

-Don't listen to her, my son, you know what she's like," said Tibisay.

Alejandro gave his Nana a hug and said that he would wish her the best of luck so that

she would do well.

-Well, my son, may I do very well with that young woman, and may she marry me

soon," said Tibisay with a giggle.

- Nana! You're way ahead of yourself," replied Alejandro smiling. This same

one left saying aloud:

- I'm going to look for the woman of my life!

The Nana remained watching him feeling that great joy, this smile when seeing

Alejandro so happily in love. When he was in his car ready to go, he looked at the splendid
garden and saw those beautiful roses, he got out of the car and approached there to cut a

rose, when he had the rose in hand he said sighing:

-what a beautiful rose, it looks like you Marlene.

Those red petals stood out like her, she got in the car again and went away very happy to

look for her wild lover. Luisa felt a little jealous because her favorite son was falling in love,

she believed that if her son came to hunt was going to go and leave her alone, for her the

light in his eyes was Alexander, even if it did not show as it had to be.

Minutes later, Claudia was dressing very anxiously, she was looking in the mirror trying

on herself dress by dress, it was of course when she saw that she looked better in that oil

blue dress, a dress that was a little off completely extinguished to the body, the surroundings

of that dress shone with their.

precious sequins.

- this one if it fits me perfectly! she exclaimed very excited.

Then he put on the gold medal that had given him his great love:

-How I would like to see you again and love you," she said, remembering Alexander

without knowing that the same man who came to look for her was him.

She was passionately perfumed when suddenly her phone rang, when she saw it was

him, Claudia answered him immediately and asked him:

- Are you on your way?

-No, I'm already waiting for you at the entrance to the building," he replied.

Claudia told her to wait for it to come down, she finished putting on her accessories and

finally made up by putting red lipstick on her lips. She took her wallet and immediately

went down, Alejandro was entertained seeing a couple that were walking in front of the

building, that couple was giving each other a loving kiss and above them it was noticeable
that they were extremely in love, when suddenly he looked again at the entrance of the

building, he saw her leaving, he was totally shocked to see her so beautiful, his eyes shone

like the sequins he was wearing in his dress, he quickly took the rose of the car. When she

approached him, he did not say a word, Alexander did nothing but look at her with

astonishment, she looked at him and said:

-You look good tonight.

-Not as much as you," he replied, putting on a fool's face.

He gave her the rose saying: -this humble rose for the most beautiful woman in the world.

- How romantic, she replied with a beautiful smile.

Alejandro opened the door of the car for her to get in, when both were already in the car,

he asked:

- Do you like music?

-Yes, but the ones I like the most are the romantic ones, I confess her.

Alejandro placed a very soft music titled as -we are engaged, both were totally silent

without being able to avoid looking at each other. While they were going, Rosa left her

room, is down to the kitchen to be with her Nana for a while, at the moment she looked into

the kitchen, Tibisay was finishing preparing dinner together with Isabel Cristina, Rosa was

staring at her from the kitchen door and at the same time she noticed that Nana was

preparing that dinner with a lot of love, Tibisay felt that they were watching her and when

she turned to see, she immediately went to where Rosa was to give her a big hug. The love

that Nana felt for that precious young woman came from her heart.

-Nana, why don't you rest? Rosa told him.

- No, my child! How do you think I'm going to stop making this dinner so special for

my child, replied the Nana.

-Listen to Rosita, rest even for a while Tibisay, commented Isabel cristina.

Nana listened to both of them and sat at the table next to Rosa, both were very anxious to

meet this woman who was stealing Alejandro's heart. He and Claudia arrived at the

Rodriguez mansion, she stared at the house from the outside and a little surprised to see that

beautiful garden she asked:

- This is where you live?

-Yes, this is my home," he replied.

Alexander as chivalrous as ever, got out of the car and opened the door for her to get

out, at the precise moment when he gave her his hand to get out, he saw the medal he was

wearing, he stayed looking at her and seemed very familiar, it was since then when he said

in his mind:

-it looks like the medal I gave Claudia years ago. He passed that

thought and said:

-Let's go inside, because there are two people very anxious to meet you.

-Let's go in then, because I also want to meet these two people," she said smiling.

Alejandro first preferred to walk it for a while, seeing the beauty of the garden that shone

in the house.

Isabel Cristina finished preparing the table when suddenly Luisa arrived and asked her

with great disgust:

- Where's Rosa?

-In the kitchen, madam," answered Elizabeth.

Luisa went to the kitchen and when she saw Rosa sitting there with Nana she said:

- you've never had the knack of talking to servitude!

- The Nana is no servitude! She gives me affection and loves me, which you don't do

because you're my own mother! Rosa replied in utter displeasure.

Louise remained silent for a moment, then said: "You know what? Think what you want.

Before leaving she added that she was waiting for her at the table because dinner was about

to begin, Luisa went to the dining room, she noticed that no one was there and sat down,

Don Alejandro suddenly arrived and when he saw her he asked her where the others were,

Luisa told him that Rosa was in the kitchen and Alejandro was already on his way with his

guest, he sat down waiting for everyone to be there. Claudia and Alejandro were entering

through the main door, Alejandro noticed a resounding silence in the house, it was of

course when it occurred to him to go with her to the dining room, Alejandro entered first

and she stood waiting almost near the door of the dining room, when she saw her son

arrive, Luisa looked at him and asked:

- and where's your little friend?

- Don't tell me he couldn't make it? Rosa asked.

Alexander looked at them and said to them, "Quiet, she's here.

He went looking for her where she was. When they came into the dining room, Claudia

was a little nervous, at the very moment they saw her they were amazed at how beautiful

she was.

-This is my friend Marlene Rodriguez," said Alejandro.

-good night, she said a little nervous.

- How is Miss Marlene? Go on, she's at home," said Don Alejandro with a big smile.

Alexander haloed the dining room chair for her to sit, after she sat down, he sat next to

her, Alexander introduced her to his sister, and Claudia very gladly told him:

-My name is Marlene.

-My pleasure, my name is Rosa," she replied happily.

At that moment Claudia was completely surprised when the Lullaby unexpectedly arrived


- Dinner's ready!

Claudia got up from the chair very shocked to see the presence of the Nana, and

immediately realized that Alejandro is the same as always, was so impressed that she was

causing a simple dizziness, Alejandro got up from the chair very frightened to see that she

almost fainted, he asked:

- Are you all right?

-Yes, I'm fine, it was a simple dizziness," she replied. Alexander was

unconcerned and called the Nana saying:

- Nana! I'd like you to meet the woman I've told you so much about.

The Nana came to her and extended her hand, the same one remained looking at her

and at the same time it seemed to her that she knew her, instead Claudia felt a cold escalo

when she shook her hand together with hers, to the same one it gave an enormous desire to

embrace her and to kiss her and to tell her that it was her. Claudia was so excited that she

didn't know how to express what she was feeling.

-Elizabeth, put another plate on the table because Nana will have dinner with us," said


Louise changed her countenance when she heard him and shouted, "You're crazy! How

do you think we're going to have dinner with the servants!

-She's having dinner with us! And let's not talk about it any more! Don Alejandro replied

a little angry.
Louise got up from the table very furious leaving there without saying a word, Tibisay

became a little sad and bowing her face said:

-I didn't mean to inconvenience you.

-You don't bother anyone, Tibisay, go and sit down, you're going to take my wife's place,"

replied Don Alejandro.

-No, I'd better go to the kitchen," said Nana, leaving and at the same time feeling guilty

for having ruined their dinner.

Claudia got up from the chair and said, "Stay with us, madam. Nana turned to

look at her and replied:

-All right, I'll have dinner with you.

Their joy was immense when they saw the Nanny back, Elizabeth Christine served

them dinner, they dined very smiling looking at each other without caring what had

happened to Louise before, Tibisay stayed watching Claudia and told her:

-how beautiful you are, miss, no wonder you're so in love with my child. Claudia blushes

answering him - ah yes! although he's in love with me. Alejandro looked at the Nana with

a smile and said:

-Nana because you said so.

- even though you're in love with the young woman? asked Don Alejandro laughing.

Alexander blushing, saying, "Yes, I like her a lot, but she loves me, she's like a friend.

Rosa kept watching them and said -ay, you'd make a nice couple.

Suddenly a call came to Claudia's phone, she asked for permission and got up from the

chair to answer the phone, when she answered it was Michael telling her that he was already

in the apartment and that he wanted to talk to her, she noticed him a little distressed and

asked him what had happened to him.

-I'll tell you when you get there, you'd better have a good time," he replied.

Michael hung up the phone and went to bed on the sofa very thoughtful, he was quite

worried because he knew that Yamel was in love with him, his head was spinning with so

much grief in the pain it was going to cause him when he told him that he couldn't

reciprocate about his sexuality. On the other hand, Claudia asked herself what was really

happening to Michael, it was since then when she began to worry about him, Alejandro

looked at her and asked:

- Was there a problem?

-No, it was my brother who needs me, but let's go on with what we were doing," she

replied with a beautiful smile.

Don Alejandro finished his dinner and said - the dinner was very exquisite! but I have to

go. Then he added by saying to her - Miss Marlene, it was really an immense pleasure to see

you again, and I apologize for what happened to my wife.

-Don't worry, Mr. Alexander, it was a real pleasure to have dinner with you and your

family," she replied.

Don Alejandro left, while they were left alone like years ago, Claudia remembered for

a small moment all about her childhood when she was with them, for a moment forgot

everything bad that had happened to her, she looked at the Nana and said:

-how beautiful you are, you can see that you have a big heart.

-Thank you, miss," replied Nana, looking at her with great tenderness.

-Don't tell me miss, better tell me daughter or my girl as you tell Rosa, Claudia said.

Tibisay smiled with joy, answering him, "All right, as you say, my child.

The Maid rose from her chair and approached her, both held her hand and stared into her

eyes, the Maid was astonished and said:

-oh my child, I feel that I know you from before.

Claudia stayed looking at her and inside she felt a great sadness at not being able to tell

her it was her, this did not occur to her to do so because her plan of revenge could be

destroyed. Rosa got up from the chair and approached Claudia, she smiled and said:

-I liked you very much, I'd like to be your friend. Claudia hugged her

very tightly and replied:

-it would be my pleasure to be your friend.

Nana stared at them and said -Rosa has almost no friends, the only friend I have ever met,

was a very beautiful young woman named Claudia.

- Who is she? Claudia asked to know if they still remembered her in their hearts.

Alexander so inspired said:

- Claudia was a charming person, I was in love with her since we were little. Then he

added - after I met you, I managed to forget her.

Rosa remembered that wonderful little girl and said - she was like my other sister, I loved

her very much.

- And what happened to her? Claudia asked.

Nana told her that she lived in a town where Alejandro and Rosa lived all their

childhood, then told the father of that girl had sold his farm and had gone very far with her

and her two brothers, after she told the story was very saddened, Claudia could not bear the

desire and shout to the four winds that she was, the same asked them in a low voice.

- what if she showed up again in their lives?

- It would be magnificent! but it is impossible for her to appear again in our lives,

Nana replied with tears in her eyes.

- Don't cry Nana! I'm here to be with you," answered Claudia giving her a comforting


Alejandro and Rosa were very surprised to see them, to them it seemed as if they had

known each other for years. Nevertheless Don Alejandro entered his room very upset, when

he saw Luisa lying on her bed reading a book he shouted at her:

- even when I have to put up with your stupid and humiliating Tibisay! Luisa rose

from her bed a fierce beast shouted at her:

- until I feel like it! And if you don't like it, get out and never come back!

After she yelled at him he left the room knocking down the door, instead Don

Alejandro sat on the bed sighing deeply, he thought he was going to do with his wife, his

mind was given the option of divorce, but as he did not want to disunite the family

preferred to endure.

Minutes later, Claudia, a little sad, looked at the three of them and said:

-What a nice night I spent with you, I really feel very happy. Nana took his

hand and said:

- You can come here whenever you want! You know the doors of this house are open

to you.

-Thank you, Nana, the truth was an immense pleasure to have met you," said Claudia.

- And there are no pretty words for me? Rosa said.

Claudia stared at her and smiling said: -You are a good girl, you will see that we will be

very good friends or maybe sisters as you were with that girl named Claudia.

They both gave each other another hug when Rosa suddenly saw Claudia's medal.

- Oh, that medal is identical to mine and Alexander's, wow, what a coincidence, she

said in astonishment.

Claudia tried to get away from her so that she wouldn't detail the medal any more, she

preferred to say goodbye to them because she felt that they could discover her.

- Stay another little while! said the Nana and Rosa.

- Oh, I'd love to, but it's a little late, I have to work tomorrow, and maybe I'll go on a

trip in the afternoon. Claudia replied.

- And where do you plan to travel? asked Alejandro.

-It was an immense pleasure to have shared this beautiful night with you.

Nana looked at her and said, "My child, promise me that you will come again.

-All right, I promise you I'll come, and thank you very much for telling me my little

girl, my little nanny.

They accompanied her out of the house, Alejandro opened the door of the car while she

gave the last hug to Rosa and Nana, then the same one got into the car, when Alejandro

accelerated, Claudia raised her hand saying goodbye to them, like both, while driving

asked him:

- Did you like my family?

-Yes, I liked them, but apparently your mother didn't like me very much," she replied.

Alejandro told him that his mother had a strong character, but in the end she had a big

heart. Suddenly both of them were silent for a while, meanwhile Claudia watched him

while he was driving, Alejandro turned around and realized that she was watching him, he

began to smile and asked her:

- Didn't they tell you that you have a very beautiful look?

-No, but thank you for the compliment," she replied.

Alejandro slowed down and became attached to her, both looked at each other face to

face sawing their eyes when they felt that chemistry that made them fall in love more and
more, the same ones gathered a little their lips to kiss each other passionately, until

suddenly she eluded him instantly, her greatest desire was to kiss him because he was her

only love of all life, but she didn't want to kiss him because she didn't want to endanger his


-Excuse me, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable," he said.

She remained silent meditating on how to culminate her revenge and then be happy

with him and his brothers. When they arrived at the building, the same one opened the door

and got off, instead he immediately got off and went to where she was telling him:

-I'm sorry if I made you feel bad.

-Don't worry, you didn't make me feel bad, you'd better go, it's late," she replied, kissing

him on the cheek to say goodbye.

He stayed calm waiting for her to finish going in and then he left. The first was the love

she felt for him, and the second was her plan of revenge against Gallardo, which she felt

between the sword and the wall. When he entered the apartment Michael was almost asleep

on the sofa, she closed the door and immediately he woke up to hear the noise, Michael

stared at her and said:

-You finally arrived, I need to talk to you about something I'm very worried about.

- Tell me! What is it that's got you so worried? she asked intriguingly.

Claudia sat next to him and said:

-Come, lay your head on my legs to give you affection, the smiling one put his head on

her legs.

She stroked him slowly and said, "Now, tell me.

He took a deep breath and told him that Yamel was falling madly in love with him,

Claudia was surprised to hear him and said:

-Quiet little brother dear, she is your friend and I know you don't want to hurt her, I can

imagine how you feel.

He began to cry because he felt dirty and filthy for what he was, Claudia embraced him

strongly saying: -but tell him the truth about you, and you will see that everything will


- No! I know she'll hate me if I tell her the truth," answered the crying.

Claudia felt a real pain seeing him like that, suddenly an idea came to her mind and she


-I'm going to tell him the truth myself, would you accept?

He remained silent meditating for a moment, while she caressed him as if he were a

child, suddenly he told her:

- All right, I accept that you tell him the truth.

After he let her off steam, he was completely relaxed.

- Thank you for helping me when I need you most, he said in a sweet voice.

-You will always count on me in everything, because you are the person who has helped

me the most," she replied.

Then they both changed the subject, Claudia stared at him and said:

-now I'm the one who has to tell you about something very important.

He was a little surprised and asked him: - And what happened to you now?

Claudia put her hand on his and told him that destiny had again put the same man she has

been in love with all her life on her way.

- How's that? Explain well what you mean to me, he said.

Claudia smiled at her inner bliss and told her that this Alexander was the same man she

had fallen in love with since she was a little girl, Michael changed his countenance from

how astonished he was and asked her:

- and how did you know?

She told him that she had noticed when her sister told her name and also when Nana had

arrived at the dining room.

- Oh! I can imagine the happiness you must be feeling, he admitted.

- Yes! I'm very happy, but I also feel between the sword and the wall because I can't

tell you that it's me, because everything would be ruined, answered Claudia a little


It did not want to reveal its true identity to them only because Gallardo could do them

some harm or perhaps kill them.

29 minutes later, Alejandro entered his room a little sad, this felt a little bad for having

made her feel uncomfortable, he took off his clothes to take a shower and then lie down, at

the time he was taking a shower used to do nothing but think about her as well as feel her

smell. Alexander sighed deeply saying:

- I'm stupid! I didn't mean to make you feel bad.

He thought and thought about her all the time despite feeling bad about what he thought

he had done to her. Instead, Claudia was sitting at the kitchen bar drinking chamomile tea

together with Michael, he remembered so suddenly that they had to go to town to see if they

could find Claudia's brothers, it was from then on when he said:

-Tomorrow is Friday, the day of going to the village to look for your brothers is coming.

Claudia stayed meditating for a moment and then said: - Why wait! tomorrow we are

leaving for the village.

- But don't we have to work tomorrow? Michael asked.

Claudia stayed to see him and answered him -we work half a day, and in the afternoon we

are going out there, catch!

-All right, you're the one who decides," he said.

After finishing agreeing, she said good night and went to bed because she was

exhausted, when it entered the room, took the briefcase and removed the document from

the deeds of those farms, she kept it in a drawer that was inside his closet and then put

his pajamas to bed, likewise his love Alexander was lying in bed thinking of her until he

fell asleep. Fate wanted them to meet again because they were born to love each other

above all things.

The next day, Claudia went to the company very early in the morning to finish

everything she had pending and so she could go to the town in the afternoon, when she was

passing by the reception, Carlota looked at her and with a hypocritical smile said to her:

-good morning miss, how did it dawn?

-Very well, thank you," answered Claudia ironically.

Carlota gave him some documents in folders for Claudia to review and sign, Claudia

took those documents and then went to her office to finish those earrings. Suddenly she got

a mail so unexpectedly, she checked it immediately and when she saw Gallardo telling her

that he was out of the country and that he was arriving in a week and a half or so, Claudia

got a little furious thinking about what to answer her, suddenly it came to her mind what I

was going to answer, and she put the following: quiet love, you can come whenever you

want, I will be waiting for you with a lot of anxiety, to give you a surprise, I love you very

much my love. She responded with those words to sweeten him up to come sooner than

planned. After sending her that mail, she burst out laughing out loud saying:
- that asshole's gonna fall for my trap!

As she rejoiced her beloved Michael arrived at the police station, suddenly Carlos

approached her asking how Yamel was doing and the commissioner, Michael told her that

they were extremely well, at that very moment Michael got a call to his phone, when he

answered it was Yamel.

-Good morning, how are you? she asked.

-He replied a little frivolously.

She told him that she was feeling immensely well, then added saying:

-could you come to my apartment for a little while?

- MMM, I don't think it's going to be possible, because I have a lot of work," he replied

to avoid it.

She insisted again, asking him: - And when you get free, could you come?

-All right, if I don't worry, I'll be happy to go," he replied.

After hanging up the call, he went to his office to solve the huge job he had.

An hour later, Alejandro was entering the kitchen, when Tibisay saw him told him:

- Good morning my boy! How did you get up today?

-Well, though a little worried," he replied.

Nana was surprised when she heard him and asked him: "What about my child? Tell me

what's bothering you so much!

Alejandro told her that he had tried to give Marlene a kiss and what he caused was to

make her feel uncomfortable, Nana smiled and said:

-And my child, listen to what I am going to tell you, send her a bouquet of flowers and

you will see that she will feel very happy. Then he added, "We women like detailed men,

so send her that bouquet, listen to this wise old woman.

- Could it be that he sent it to you? he asked himself.

- Love that bouquet my child! Listen to me, she nodded.

Alejandro took his phone and called the flower shop that belonged to a friend who

studied with him at the university, he did it to send an enormous floral arrangement to his

girlfriend, the woman who answered the phone asked him the address where he was going

to send it, plus the message was going to send him on the card, Alejandro gave him the

address of the company and the message was the following: forgive me for having made

you feel so uncomfortable, I really did not intend to do it, as a sign of my repentance sent

this beautiful bouquet of flowers because I love you too much my beautiful fighter sent you

this beautiful bouquet of flowers because I love you too much my beautiful. He was

completely relieved after having said those beautiful words, while Nana smiled at him and


- Alas, how beautiful it is to be in love.

Alexander stared at her and asked: "Nana, have you fallen in love?

She remained silent for a moment, then sighed, answering him, "The only man I have

ever loved and will ever love is Luke.

She was a little saddened because she needed to see him again, Isabel Cristina arrived

at that very moment saying:

-Here's your Alejandro breakfast, I hope you enjoy it.

-Thank you, Elizabeth," he replied with a smile.

Alejandro sat down for breakfast at the table where they ate, while Tibisay began to do

other things in the kitchen so that the sadness that he had caught would pass, Alejandro was

eating that fruit salad and from such an unexpected moment Luisa arrived shouting at Isabel:

- Have you got my breakfast ready yet?

-Yes, ma'am, I've already taken him to the dining room," she replied with some fear.

When Louise saw her son having breakfast in the kitchen, she was amazed and said:

-What are you doing having breakfast in the kitchen? You are just like your sister, flirting

with those prudes!

Alexander got up very angry from his chair, answering him: - I eat breakfast wherever I

want! then he added - ah! let me tell you that what you did last night was ridiculous, for

next time you behave!

Luisa got angry and shouted at him loudly: - you respect me, because I'm your mother!

Alejandro left breakfast and left there very furious with his mother, Luisa shouted at him

telling him that he was going to regret the words he had said, Tibisay just looked at her and

lowered his face to see that Luisa was gradually moving her children away from her thanks

to her haughty character. Isabel Cristina came to where Luisa was telling her that breakfast

was already served, Luisa looked at her with her grumpy face and shouted at her:

- Well, if you feel like it, throw it in the trash! Because my appetite is gone.

Alejandro went to the company to get rid of the stress he had caught with his mother.

When she arrived, Stephanie saw him and immediately stuck him behind, he entered his

office and when he sat at her desk, she came in saying good morning, he stared at her and

shouted at her:

- even when you're gonna keep bugging me!

-I don't bother you, all I do is love you," she replied.

Alejandro became even more stressed when he saw her ungrateful presence, it was of

course when he ran her telling her:

- you could get out of my office, I'm in a bad mood! She stared at

him with a flirtatious smile and said:

-Okay, fine, if you ask me.

She turned around herself leaving the office. Alejandro sat thinking about Marlene so

that he could unburden himself, he smiled when he remembered her beautiful face plus how

fighting she was. Instead, she was finishing all her work when they suddenly knocked on

her office door.

- Go ahead! she said.

When a young man of about 19 years old came in with a beautiful arrangement of

flowers that had in the middle some precious pink lilies, she received it and gave a tip to that

young man, when he left the office, Claudia imagined that this bouquet had been sent by the

unfortunate Gallardo, the moment she opened the card and read those words of repentance

of Alexander, she smiled with joy and was very happy, the same took one of those lilies and

I smell it, she sighed deeply feeling that she loved him more than ever, Claudia was given

an immense desire to call him on her phone to thank him for the bouquet, but she preferred

to stay calm so as not to make him fall more in love with her, she was doing it to protect him

because her next step in his plan was to become Gallardo's girlfriend in order to be closer to

him and take away all his possessions and then end his miserable life.

Claudia was leaving the company, before leaving she went through reception and told

Carlota that she was going on a trip and that she would resolve the outstanding issues when

she returned.

- Where do you intend to go, miss? asked the meticulous Carlota.

Claudia stared at her and repugnantly replied: - that's not her problem!

Better not ask what doesn't matter to her, don't be so nosy!

Claudia left the company going to the parking lot, when she got into the car she called

Michael on her phone and told him that she was ready and that she was going to the
apartment to pack her bags so she could leave, Michael finished what she was doing, and

immediately went straight to the apartment. The first thing he did was take off his uniform,

after a while he began to prepare his luggage. When it was almost finished, Claudia

arrived, entered the room and saw him in his underwear.

Claudia laughed and said: - Wow! How beautiful you look in your underwear, if you were

candy since when I would eat you.

Michael blushed from grief and told her to get her luggage ready quickly because it was

getting late for her to travel, Claudia left her room going to her room, she changed her

clothes and immediately got her luggage ready, the yearnings she had to go to town were

immense because she felt she was going to get her brothers. After finishing everything, he

took out the suitcase and placed it in the living room, noticing that Michael was not

coming out, she knocked on the door of the room telling him:

- Michael, hurry up!

He left his room saying - I'm completely ready, can we go now?

- Of course! And what else do you want to wait for?

- Ouch! Hit me then, you look like you're my mother in the way you scold me. he


Claudia laughed as he took her suitcase plus hers and went to the parking lot, when they

got there, he asked her:

- Shall we go in your car or mine?

-MMMM, we'd better go in yours," she replied.

Michael put the suitcases in the trunk while she got in the car. Michael was driving when

Yamel suddenly called him on his phone again.

- Oh no! It's Yamel, you answer him and tell him I can't answer because I'm driving.

He told Claudia.

She stared at him and started laughing, then picked up the phone and answered:

-Hi Yamel, how did you feel?

Yamel was surprised to hear her voice and for a few seconds he remained silent, then he

replied: -ah! hello Claudia, I'm very well thank you, and Michael where is?

-He's driving because we're going on a trip, that's why he couldn't answer you, Claudia


-Yes, good, and where are they going? she asked very anxiously.

At the precise moment when Claudia was about to answer, the call fell off, - what

happened? asked Michael.

-I don't know, I think the call fell off, she answered.

Yamel began to realize that Michael was taking her body out, she threw the phone away

and didn't call him again, she kept wondering why Michael didn't correspond to everything

he did for him. On the other hand, Claudia was more or less happy, but at the same time a

little anxious because she didn't know what she was going to find, her greatest longing was

to find her two beautiful brothers alive and safe. That trip was made very long because the

town was very withdrawn from the city, the hours ran and they arrived nothing, Claudia fell

completely asleep lying her head on Michael's shoulder.



The afternoon went out until it was getting dark. These were coming to that wonderful

town, the hills and the splendor of whose town were not seen because it was already

cloudy and dark, but the cool climate felt better than ever, Michael was driving the most

relaxed, suddenly he was looking at her tenderly and said: -Claudia awake, we are coming.

She automatically woke up to hear it and began to see the town's beautiful highways plus

its beautiful colonial houses, she remembered at that time when she joyfully walked around

those charming places.

When they finished arriving in the village, Michael parked in front of a simple hotel that

was one block from the town square, both lowered the luggage from the car and entered the

hotel, when they passed through reception a gentleman of almost 50 years old was there and

told them:

- Welcome to town! Are you coming for the first time?

- No! We've been here a couple of times," replied Michael pretending.

Claudia stared at the gentleman and asked: -Sorry sir, how many bars or brothels are there

around here?

-Well young lady, here there are only two, one is in front of the square, and the other is two

blocks down to the right," replied the gentleman.

Claudia thanked him and stood facing the outside - do you have 2 rooms available?

Michael asked the gentleman.

- Yes! As if not millet, replied the lord.

Michael asked her for the two keys to the best rooms she had, the gentleman very augustly

gave them to her and immediately they both went up to their respective rooms, when

Claudia entered the room she felt different because in that village all her memories of the

past were there, she sat on a piece of furniture made of bamboo that was next to the bed, she

started meditating on whether she was looking for her brothers at once, or was looking for

them the next day, suddenly she felt in the bottom of her heart that she had to look for them

once and for all. Claudia immediately got up from the furniture and went out to look for

Michael in the room in front of her, she knocked on his door calling him, while he was lying

on the bed, and when she heard him, she immediately asked him:

- What do you want to do now, my precious beast?

-I want to look for my brothers right now," she replied.

-ay, no, I'm very exhausted, we'd better go tomorrow, don't you think?

He proposed.

She was a little furious and answered: - Then give me the damn car keys, I'm going to get

them myself! After all, they're my brothers, not yours!

Michael was silent when he saw her a little enraged, it was since then when he said: -

okay! I'll go with you, but calm down, don't be angry with me.

He went looking for the car keys that were on the nightstand, then he took his gun and put

on a jacket to keep warm because in that town it was very cold. Both of them left the hotel

and went in the car to that happy bar that was in front of the square, they were very warned
and armed in case something happened. When they got to the bar, she put the super comb on

her gun before she got off.

- What did you bring the gun for? Michael asked.

-I brought her to me in case some unfortunate from this town wants to do something against

us. she replied.

- Oh yes! Such a clever girl, he said with a mocking giggle.

When they got out of the car and entered that bar of bad death, the smell of alcohol was the

first thing that was felt, the tables of that bar were of old and brute wood as well as the

chairs, the drunkard's played domino and the perverse waitresses were almost naked, the

only thing that covered them was a mini-skirt plus a top that half covered her breasts, these

same danced and waved so that those degenerate drunkards went mad. Claudia and Michael

approached the bar, she told a long-haired boy who was attending there

-good night, I'll have two glasses of red wine please.

-Excuse me, miss, we don't sell that kind of drink here," answered the young man.

- Well! Then we'll each have a glass of whiskey please, Michael said.

While that boy was serving the whiskey glasses, Claudia stared at a young woman dressed

as those perverse women who was very saddened sitting at one of the tables almost near

where the bugle was where ranchero gender music was heard, Claudia approached that

young woman and asked her:

-Hey girl, what's your name?

-My name is Daniela," answered the young woman with her face bowed.

Claudia in her mind wondered if her siblings were going through the same thing as that 16-


- And what are you doing working here if you're so young? asked Claudia staring at her.
-is that I am an orphan and I work here to support my little sister and my grandmother

who is very old. the poor young woman replied.

Claudia was in immense pain to hear her because she saw her as if she were her sister

Gertrudis, Claudia took money out of the pocket of her pants and gave it to her, then asked


- Are you a dancer or a waitress?

-No, I'm prepaid. the young woman replied without any modesty.

Claudia's eyes watered as she listened to that poor girl who was barely beginning to live.

- Don't you know some young people about your age called Jordan and Gertrude? asked


The young woman lifted her half-saddened face and answered:

-in the bar the hot girls there's a girl named like that, but the other name I've never heard.

Claudia didn't want to wait any longer and went immediately to look for Michael at the bar

saying: - Michael, let's go to the other bar! I think my brothers are there!

Michael canceled the account quickly and immediately left there with her, they got into

the car and as they were crossing saw two blocks to the right an enormous sign with many

lights, it reflected an image of a woman lying in underwear, and on the top said "hot girls,

Michael accelerated quickly until he parked in front of that filthy place that inspired disgust

and malice, Claudia first came down with many anxious to know if his brothers were there,

Michael was terrified to see her go out that way, it was immediately when he got off until he

managed to reach it. When both were entering, everything was smoked by the smoke of the

cigarette smoked by those drunkards, in their eyes were reflected extremely the perversity

and whose time lust. When Claudia was able to see very clearly, she saw pure young men

and women from 16 to 18 years of age, the young women were wearing ordinarily sexy
miniskirts, their breasts were covered with red bras. In the meantime the drunks who were

there drinking beers, whiskey and Ron, groped these young women, they passed their hand

through her vagina, buttocks, as well as through her breasts, they laughed at the excitement

because they were already used to that dog life, the light that illuminated in that

embarrassing place was almost orange, therefore, whose light repelled. On the other hand,

Claudia was shocked to see those cheeks like Michael, they were left mouth open because

they had never seen such barbarity. in the central part of there were a group of ranchera

music singing pathetically, and in the middle there was a pair of young girls of about fifteen

years dancing perversely in underwear wearing cowboy boots that almost reached their

knees, they looked at these degenerates with a very cheeky look to attract them. Suddenly

Claudia looked up the stairs where the drunks were going up to the next floor along with

those young harlots, that's where the rooms where they had sex were as much as they were

as these young men.

- Oh my God! my brothers can't be in a place like this, Claudia said with a very broken


She saw a young waiter pass by, she called him herself, when he kindly approached her. She

asked him, "Excuse me, isn't there a young woman named Gertrude and a young man named

Jordan here?

-Well, the only Gertrudis I know is the one mopping the floor near the bar, and around

the other young man I've really never heard his name, he said.

Claudia went immediately so that this young woman who was mopping the floor, when

she saw her glancing face she realized that it was her sister, Claudia was immensely shocked

to see her sister with a very sad look and at the same time with her filthy face as well as her

clothes, Claudia came in tears because of the pain she felt at that moment. Without caring or
saying a word to her, this was to embrace her with a great cry begging her forgiveness for

having abandoned her, that young woman looked at her in complete strangeness and asked:

- Who are you, ma'am?

- It's me sister! Claudia! she replied with her face bathed in tears.

Gertrudis felt a great emotion at that moment when she saw her beloved sister back, she

embraced her with a lot of desire and cried begging her to take her out of that disgusting


- Damn you Gallardo! How could you do this to my brothers, you're going to pay with

your fucking life! exclaimed Claudia squeezing her hand with the courage she felt inside.

She looked at her sister and said, "That's why I came to get you both.

Then he added by asking - where is Jordan?

Gertrudis stared at her with a face of regret, it was of course when she confessed: -we were

separated many years ago, I was sold to the owner of this place, the only thing I heard that

time was that Jordan was adopted by a very rich family.

- Where's that family? Claudia asked a little enraged.

-They are from this town, but I don't know where from," replied the poor Gertrude with

tears in her eyes.

At that moment Michael approached Claudia and asked her:

- Have you found your brothers yet?

Claudia looked at him answering: -she is my dear sister.

Michael was astonished to see her, he stared at her and asked: - Where is the other one?

- Why don't you stop asking! and better help me take my sister," exclaimed Claudia, full

of courage.
Suddenly there came this woman with the face of a demon nicknamed "CHEPINA"

shouting at Gertrudis:

- Stop distracting the customers, and hurry to clean the floor! Look at a customer waiting

for you, remember that you're just another bitch in this bar!

Claudia's blood boiled when she heard that infamous woman, she turned to see her and

shouted at her loudly: - You're prostituting my sister? Fucking motherfucker!

That woman began to mock Claudia macabrely, telling her: - don't say falsehoods - that

little bitch has no brothers! A friend named Ernesto sold her to me.

Claudia was filled with anger giving a good beating to that woman, all the people who

were there were in shock causing a great silence to see how Claudia beat her, Michael

managed to separate them and Claudia did nothing but insult that woman, Chepina was

turned a beast rubbing her face from the pain she felt, she was blowing a lot of blood from

the nose, and her yellow hair was riotous.

- You don't come out of here alive unhappy! I'll gouge out your eyes myself! shouted

Chepina furiously.

- Try it, you filthy bitch, so that you see that my pulse won't tremble to kill you! Claudia

shouted at him, putting on the red face of the rage he was feeling.

Michael had her held so she wouldn't go and hit that woman again. - We'd better get the hell

out of here before I burn them all alive!" exclaimed Claudia.

- You're not taking her, because I bought her! Chepina shouted.

Claudia began to make fun of her by telling her: - What do you mean I'm not going to take


Suddenly came a tall brown skinned man with Afro hair and a gun to defend Chepina, he

shouted at Claudia:
- you don't take anyone!

Claudia pulled her gun out of her waist and without any compassion shot that man in his

genitals, all those drunks and other people who were there ran out full of panic, that man

was lying on the floor screaming with pain, Claudia went to remove her weapon and

immediately threw it to Michael who was taking care of Gertrudis, the anger completely cut

off Claudia, she began to destroy the bar little by little, the wooden chairs were thrown on

the floor as well as the tables, the same towards that so that Chepina knew that she was

more iniquitous than she was. Suddenly, from the second floor, a woman as brave as a

hyena, when she saw that Claudia was destroying everything, looked at her with a face as if

she were being eaten.

- Kill this bitch! Chepina shouted.

- Ah! You want to fight? Claudia said to that woman pointing her gun at her.

That woman stared at her macabrely and replied, "Why don't you drop that gun and fight

like a female?

Claudia went to give the gun to Michael - don't fight! Let's go, he said.

She did not pay attention to Michael and when he turned to fight with her, she surprised her

with a strong blow on the cheek, Claudia became furious and threw herself on her, hitting

her hard until she lay on the floor and dragged her by the hair all over the bar, and finally

she gave him a rough blow in the mouth screaming.

- and now who's more female! You or me? Dirty bitch!

Then Claudia glanced at Michael to go out with Gertrudis, he picked up the sign and left

with Gertrudis.

- They don't come out of here alive! shouted Chepina a little crazy.
She ran out to look for a gun that was in the bar, when she saw herself unarmed Claudia ran

out of there, Michael and Gertrudis were in the car and when Claudia got in quickly, he

started the car and accelerated quickly, meanwhile Chepina left the bar a beast turned with a

nine millimeters gun, she shot them, but it was impossible to hit the car because they were

going too far. That bar was turned into a disaster, Claudia's anger destroyed everything as

well as Chepina and her supposed defenders. When they arrived back at the hotel, Michael

took off his jacket and put it on Gertrudis because it was very dirty, the moment they went

in the gentleman who was in reception asked them who this young woman was.

- That's not your problem! Stop asking what you don't care about, you stupid old man!

answered Claudia looking at him with a merciless look.

They quickly climbed the stairs and entered Claudia's room. Gertrudis and her dear sister

sat down on the bed, both embraced each other crying with joy as well as with sadness for

having several years apart. Claudia still had a lot of strength to destroy Gallardo and his

accomplices because of the brazenness they had done to her sister. With tears in his eyes

Gertrudis stared at his sister and asked:

-Sister, what have you done all this time?

Claudia wiped her tears with her hands and replied:

-In all this time, I have done nothing but find a way to avenge that wretched man who

disgraced our lives.

Gertrudis was astonished to see that her sister was not the same sweet and good young

woman as before, she realized that her sister's character was strong and impulsive. Claudia

began to observe her sister and then asked her without regret:

-Sister, how many times have you been forced to sleep with those damn drunks?

The poor woman under her face of grief without saying a word, at that moment she felt a

strong pain in her chest because she felt dirty like the other young prostitutes at the bar.

-Claudia, you better not ask her any more about her past, you better send her to take a good

bath, and then rest, it is not easy what she has lived, said Michael.

-All right," answered Claudia.

She sent her sister to take a bath to rest.

-If you want, I'll go with you to help you remove all the dirt from your body," Claudia asked

her sister.

Gertrude blushes of sorrow answering him - okay, come with me. Claudia went to

prepare the bathtub with hot water so that Gertrudis' pores would open and the mucre

plus the bad smell of her body would be removed, Michael was left alone with Gertrudis

while Claudia was in the bathroom preparing the bathtub.

- How beautiful you are! You and Claudia have suffered a lot, but you'll see that soon

they'll make you as happy as before. Michael said to her.

- And who are you?" asked Gertrudis, looking at him strangely.

I'm your sister's best friend, if you like we could be great friends, would you accept?

The beautiful Gertrudis felt confident and replied:

-All right, I accept your friendship.

At that moment Claudia came from the bathroom and when she saw them in confidence she


- Oh, as far as I can see, I'm going to be without a sister and a friend.

Michael began to laugh, answering: - Don't exaggerate! You know you're the only one.

- Well, let's stop talking, and you Gertrudis go to the bathroom and I'll catch up with you.

Claudia said.
Gertrudis got out of bed and went to the bathroom while Claudia chose a change of her

clothes to lend to her sister, she chose the clothes from the suitcase, suddenly she looked at

Michael for a moment and said:

- Hey! And you're gonna sleep with us? Or what?

- I'm sorry! I didn't know the lady was in a bad mood, I'd better go, have a good night, I'll

see you tomorrow, he said, going to his room.

Gertrude got into the tub as God brought her into the world, she didn't know it was a bath in

a tub, because the only thing she bathed in that miserable pigsty was a bucket of water, not

even a shower. Claudia went into the bathroom looking at her with a big smile and said:

-I'm going to give you a bath, like when you were a little girl.

Gertrude smiled and replied: -Thanks sister for getting me out of that horrible place.

-You know that for you, and for Jordan I do whatever it takes, if it is possible to kill any

pig I do it to see them happy as before, admitted Claudia.

When she saw that Gertrudis was scratching her head with immense pleasure, Claudia

terrified herself by saying to her:

- Alas! Sister don't tell me you have lice.

- What lice I'm going to have! You gave them to me! Gertrudis replied very seriously.

Claudia preferred not to fall in a fight with her sister, therefore, she continued scrubbing her

back, but away from her so that she did not get lice and also because of the bad smell,

suddenly she saw a bruise on the lower back, Claudia was very surprised and asked him:

-Gertrude, what happened to you? Because you have that bruise on your back?

-That was Chepina who hit me because I didn't want to sleep with a friend of hers. I

confess Gertrudis.

- Fucking bitch! I must have shot her in the forehead. Claudia said very enraged.
The beautiful Gertrudis was astonished to hear her and asked: - Sister!

Why are you so changed? You don't look like before.

-All this change I owe to the bastard pig of Gallardo! he is the culprit of all my

misfortunes. Claudia replied with a certain furor.

Gertrude turned to look at her and said: -I know that this man is to blame for everything

bad that happened to us, but he had to do something else to make you hate him so much.

Claudia remained silent and didn't want to answer her, she didn't want to tell her sister that

this man who had murdered her father raped her without any mercy, after Claudia had

finished bathing her sister, she helped her get dressed. The moment she's helping her get

dressed Gertrudis stared at her and said:

-Sister, I can dress myself, I'm not a child, look at me, I'm already a woman!

Claudia smiled answering him: -no matter what time passes, you for me will continue to

be my little Gertrudis.

Both embraced with such joy and then lay down in bed, they began to talk and at one

point Gertrudis asked her if Michael was her boyfriend, Claudia answered that he was only

her best friend, Gertrudis believed him and suddenly said:

-You're more beautiful than ever, sister, I really didn't recognize you when you got to the


Claudia smiled for the lake answering him: -thanks sister, all this I owe it to Michael, he

was the one who helped me to change the lux to present me in Gallardo's company.

- And why did you show up at that man's company? asked Gertrudis very intrigued.

Claudia told him that it was to work as his assistant and then know all his steps to unmask

him before all society and put him in jail.

- Are you a cop? Gertrudis asked.

-Yes, I'm an officer, but I'm solving this case undercover," answered Claudia.

Gertrudis was much more astonished and said to him - Wao, sister! I never imagined you

to be a policeman, no wonder you shot Chepina's man mercilessly.

Both continued talking about what they had done during all that time that had passed until

suddenly the beautiful Gertrudis fell asleep because she was very fatigued. Claudia stared at

her sleeping and kissed her on the forehead, whispering:

-You and my brother, are what I love the most, then he added, "I promise you that all this

is going to end soon, you'll see that we're going to make immensely happy as we were


Claudia felt at that moment very happy because she had her sister with her, however, her

cheek hurt a little because of the strong blow that gave that woman who was defending the

infamous Chepina, she rubbed herself and at the same time said:

-You hit me once, but I left you like an aubergine, piece of bitch! She smiled and went to

sleep because she had a lot of fatigue from the trip plus the previous one.

That next morning, the weather was pure and cool, the birds were singing while the people

who lived in that beautiful village were riding horses and others on bicycles, the trees in the

square were shuddering from the strong breeze, while the sun shone very little. Michael got

up in good spirits, when he opened the window of his room, saw the vegetation of the hills

and the mountains a little cloudy, he was filled with breath and said in a low voice:

-don't imagine this town was so beautiful.

He left the window open for the breeze to enter, while he was going to change and then go

to Claudia's room to see how both had dawned. Claudia woke up with a little sleep, when

she felt that cold she remembered those past times when she lived in the hacienda, the mime

got up from the bed going directly to the bathroom to take a shower, when she was in the
bathroom, Gertrudis woke up, suddenly she felt something that vibrated, when she looked at

the night table she saw that it was her sister's phone that was giving her a call, she answered

the phone without knowing who she was, When all of a sudden he heard Gallardo's voice

and saw that he was dialing his name on the screen, he threw the phone still, when suddenly

they knocked on the door, Gertrudis was extremely frightened thinking that it was Gallardo,

she completely wrapped herself in her blanket without saying a word, Michael thought that

they were still sleeping and so as not to disturb them he stopped knocking on the door, he

preferred to go down and see what the town was like for a while.

That same morning Chepina was a little sore in the waiting room of the hospital waiting for

news of her man who was hospitalized by the bullet that Claudia had given her in her

genitals, she took her phone and dialed Gallardo, when he answered her very upset she told

him that the sister of the girl he had sold him years ago had gone the night before and took

her to the forces, as he also told her that the bar had been destroyed, Chepina was very angry

and finally shouted at her to pay the money she had paid for that girl plus the damage that

wild girl had done to her bar, Gallardo was in the pool of the house he had on the beach

along with two women completely naked next to him, he was very surprised to hear that

news and before she hung he asked if they were still in town.

- Of course, those bitches must still be here! she replied very angry.

Gallardo told him to wait for him because he was going to town right away, Chepina was a

little relieved to know that he was going there. Gallardo left his house with some

bodyguards on his way to the village, the driver was driving fast to get there as soon as

possible, he was very eager to see Claudia again, he was thinking of raping her again so

that the savage would be taken away from her and then kill her along with his sister. In the
meantime, she herself came out of the bathroom, when Gertrudis saw her she said very


- Sister! I was calling Gallardo.

- You didn't answer her! Didn't you? Claudia asked a little frightened.

-No sister," replied Gertrude.

Claudia picked up her phone and dialed Gallardo, the moment he answered she said:

- How are you, pretty doll?

- Are you already in the country? Claudia asked.

-Yes, my love, but right now I'm going to resolve some issues in the town where I have the

haciendas," he replied.

Claudia was a little distressed and asked her with a very seductive voice what issues she was

going to solve, Gallardo's cynic told her that it was something with cows that were giving

her a lot of problems, she realized that those cows that she talked about so much were them,

she said at that moment in her mind:

-That evil bitch called him, that's why he's coming here, then he added, "Oh no! Gallardo

can't discover me.

He noticed that she remained silent and asked him: - Hello love! Are you there?

- Yes! The thing is, I'm getting dressed to go out with my brother," she replied.

After both of them had finished the conversation, Claudia sat down in bed to think about

what she was going to do, at that moment she thought about going around the town to see

if she could find her brother's whereabouts, but she also remembered that Gallardo was

coming to the town to look for her to kill her, she dressed as quickly as possible and told

Gertrudis to finish dressing because they were leaving that place.

On the other hand, Michael was walking around that beautiful square that was nearby, he

walked slowly watching the children play in the playground that was there, he sat down in

some chairs and it came to his mind what had happened the night before, he smiled saying:

-oh, Claudia is definitely a beast, this is not left of anyone.

He saw the time on his phone and deduced that they were already awake, it was from

then on that he got up from the chair and returned to the hotel. At the precise moment he

was leaving the square, he saw the woman with whom Claudia had fought pass by the front

sidewalk after he shot the man defending Chepina, he turned his face to the other side and I

hope that this woman passed, the woman was walking limping and her face was a little

swollen from the blows she received from Claudia, Michael began to mock by saying in a

low voice:

- Oh, what a beating Claudia gave that woman.

He crossed the street and entered the hotel, when he was going up Claudia was leaving

his room.

- Where were you going? Claudia asked when she saw him arrive.

-Right here, I was getting to know the town," he replied. Claudia stared

at him and said:

- then go get the car ready because we're getting out of this pigsty! - Why are we leaving?

Didn't we agree to look for your brother? Michael asked.

Claudia looked at him and told him that Gallardo was on his way to town because the

woman had told him what had happened, as Michael was a bit of a coward:

-then let's not waste time, let's go right now!

Each of them entered their rooms and packed their things again to leave that place.

Claudia was putting her things in the suitcase and Gertrudis asked her:
- What's that suitcase for?

- to leave right now! Gallardo is aware of what happened last night at the bar and is on

his way to pick us up," replied Claudia very upset.

Gertrudis immensely scared helped her sister and then both left the room very hastily,

Michael left at the same time and together they went down, when they were going to cancel

the gentleman of the reception, this same one remained looking at Claudia without saying a

word to him, I catch fear when she looked at him with such a merciless look. Michael

finished canceling him and then they left, he put the luggage in the trunk while they got into

the car, then he got in and once set the course for the city. Claudia was quietly looking at the

beautiful landscape surrounding her village, while Michael was driving in a hurry.

2 hours later, the same were a little withdrawn from the village when suddenly came two

black 4x4 trucks, she identified them immediately and said:

- The one who comes there is Gallardo!

She waited a while for them to come by and then said to Michael: - Follow them, I have a

new idea!

- You're crazy! Do you want us to be killed," replied the full no of dread.

Claudia looked at him very furiously and said: "You follow them or I follow them!

When he saw her so enraged he remained silent and listened to her, the moment he

crossed into the other channel to follow them, Gertrudis very frightened said:

-Sister, let's go, I'm very afraid of this man.

-Don't worry, he won't do anything to you, I'll kill him first before he touches you! exclaimed


Gertrudis trusted her sister, but inside she was extremely terrified just like Michael, Claudia

pulled her gun out of her purse saying:

-these bullets are meant for someone, and that someone is Gallardo!

- Put that gun away and stay still, don't you see your sister's scared!

Michael replied.

Minutes later, Gallardo picked up his phone and dialed Chepina to ask where he was, she

replied that he was in the hospital waiting for news of his man.

-In a few minutes I'm there," he said to her, "then he hung up the phone and shouted at the

driver that he was supplanting Julian because he was resting:

- Accelerate faster, asshole! Don't you see I'm in a hurry.

The driver kept looking through the rear-view mirror and accelerated further. However

Michael realized that they were going faster and told Claudia:

-these men are going very fast. -for accelerate more and don't let them out of your sight! she


Michael accelerated the speed to one hundred and eighty kilometers per hour until he

managed to reach them. When they arrived in town, they took a shorter road to get to the

hospital, Claudia was surprised to see the road they had taken, when they parked at the

hospital she wondered what Gallardo was going to do there, Gallardo got out of the truck

along with two of her bodyguards next to her, she was very intrigued to know what was

going to do in that hospital, suddenly she turned around and saw a clothing and agricultural

tools store, she smiled telling them:

-let's go to that store that came up with an excellent plan.

- And now what came to mind? Michael asked.

She told them that the plan that had come to mind was to disguise Michael as a farmer so

that he could enter the hospital and find out what Gallardo was doing.

- don't even dream that I'm going to risk my skin in front of those men!
Michael said.

-ask Michael, you'll see they won't recognize you, Claudia insisted.

He folded his arms and said no. She insisted and insisted until she convinced him.

- All right! But if anything happens to me, it'll be your fault," said Michael very fearful.

they got out of the car and went into the store, Claudia took the clothes and handed them to

him, meanwhile Michael took off his clothes at the counter and put on his farm clothes plus a

guama hair hat, when he left the counter, they were laughing dead when he saw how funny he


-You're ready, now you're going to enter the hospital to find out what Gallardo's pig is

doing," said Claudia.

Michael's forehead was sweating from the dread he felt and he replied:

- Oh, Claudia, I'm scared.

- Don't be afraid! I doubt they'll recognize you, you look like someone else, she said for

him to go.

-All right, you know I'm doing it for you, because I love you, I confess him.

Claudia canceled the clothes and then they got out of there. Michael entered the hospital

while they waited for him in the car, instead Gallardo arrived at the waiting room where

Chepina was, when he was approached asked very surprised

- What happened to your face? You look like an eggplant.

- It was that damned sister of Gertrude who beat me and destroyed my bar! she answered a

fierce turn; then she added, "I hope you brought me the money I asked for.

-Don't worry about the money, you know I have plenty," he said; then he asked, "and now

tell me where they went?

Chepina looked at him and answered:

- I don't know where they went! The truth is that those unfortunates are walking with a man

who came with Gertrude's sister.

Gallardo was surprised to hear it and said: -ah, yes! Now I want you to explain their

physical characteristics to me.

At that moment Michael was passing through one of these corridors, when he saw him and

Chepina he was extremely surprised, he lowered his face and went a little closer to where

they were, he sat on chairs that were two meters away from them and took a newspaper that

was on a table in front of the chairs, Michael did the one that was reading the newspaper so

that they did not recognize his face, suddenly he heard Chepina saying to him with a very

altered voice:

- instead of asking me questions about them, why don't you explain to me where that

supposed sister of Gertrudis came from!

- Calm down! Let me explain, you crazy piece of shit!" answered Gallardo screaming at


Chepina calmed down, saying, "Okay, now explain to me why you never told me she didn't

have a family.

Gallardo told her that she not only had a sister but also a brother her own age.

- Ah! And where is that supposed brother? Chepina asked with great interest.

Gallardo replied by saying that he had given it to a very rich family that

could not have children. He also told him that those people owned the largest sugarcane field

in that same town.

- And why the hell did you do that with them when they were just kids?

Chepina asked.
- I don't have to give you any more explanations! You better go to the devil himself!"

exclaimed Gallardo.

Michael was shocked to hear the whole conversation and got up from the chair and left

immediately with great care so that the bodyguards would not see him. Gallardo took out

his checkbook and wrote Chepina a check with a large sum for the bar arrangements plus


-I hope I'll never see you again in my life, you piece of unhappy man! he said, throwing him

the check.

This same one went along with her two bodyguards, while she rejoiced seeing the check.

Michael got into the car quickly without saying a word.

- What did you see in there? Claudia asked with great intrigue.

When Michael was going to tell him everything he had seen and heard, Gallardo was

leaving with his two lap dogs, Claudia and Michael were watching them until they got into

the van, Michael started the car and turned around heading towards the city.

- So tell me! What happened in there? Did the rats eat your tongue? asked Claudia, a little

serious but very anxious to know.

Michael relaxed a little and then told him everything he had seen and then told him step by

step what he had heard, when he finished telling them everything, they remained silent,

since then when the grudge and anger took over more of Claudia.

-then it is true that Gallardo gave my brother to a rich family as if he were an object, said

Claudia with a huge tantrum inside.

-Yes, my dear, that's right," said he, staring at her.

From that moment Claudia turned to the opposite side and didn't say another word during

the trip, the hatred fed her more knowing that Gallardo not only hurt her, but also her
brothers, her tears came out, whose tears meant pain, suffering, sadness and above all a great


Half an hour later, Gallardo went to the hacienda rocks of the village to see if they were

roaming around on those sides, something inside told him that they were out there roaming,

when they arrived at the hacienda he ordered his men to look for them all around there,

Gallardo entered the house, when suddenly were going down the stairs Julian's wife and


- How are you, Mr. Gallardo? Long time no see, said Escarlet with a very sensual smile.

he as always rude and despotic left her talking to herself and went out like a beast from the

house to look for Claudia. They found Gallardo in front of the house where the vans were

parked. They told him that there was absolutely no one there,

- Then let's look for them all over the centre of town! Somewhere those bitches have to be

stuck! said Gallardo very angry.

They got into the van and hurriedly left for the center of town, the same spent all afternoon

looking for them like crazy, until suddenly it occurred to Gallardo to go to the hotel where

they stayed, he entered along with 3 of his bodyguards and asked the gentleman who was at

the reception if there was a woman with a man plus an adolescent.

-I'm sorry, sir, but I can't give you that kind of information," replied the gentleman very


Gallardo pulled out his gun and pointed it at him in order:

-If you don't answer my question, I'll blow your brains out, you piece of pussy!

The man was extremely frightened and remembered when Claudia and Michael had come in

the night before with a teenager.

- Yes! they stayed here last night, but this morning they left here," replied the man full of


Gallardo under his weapon and left there immensely furious cursing at every moment


When they were arriving in the city, Gertrudis was surprised to see so many cars and so

many immense buildings, for her that was something totally new because she had never left

that beautiful town whose houses there were colonial. The instant they parked in the parking

lot of the building, Michael looked at Claudia and said:

- Ouch! We're home at last.

Claudia and Gertrudis got out of the car and got in the elevator for the apartment, while

Michael was getting out of the car, suddenly when they entered the apartment, Gertrudis,

very astonished, ran towards the balcony and from there she saw the wonderful panorama of

the city, Claudia looked at her and smiled with joy at seeing her sister so happy, she

approached her and said:

-from now on this will be your home.

At that moment Michael arrived with the suitcases saying:

-I'm going to order a pizza for dinner, because I'm starving.

While he was ordering the pizza over the phone, Claudia was going to show her sister the

room. When Gertrudis saw that immense room, it first occurred to him to open the closet,

when he saw all those fine clothes and dresses that Claudia had, he was even more

surprised, Claudia looked at her and said:

- Oh! Oh! from what I see we have to go shopping very soon, because you don't have any

clothes but quiet! you can wear mine in the meantime.

-Thank you sister," replied Gertrude with a sweet smile.

After a while Gertrudis went to take a bath because she felt very tired from all the work,

meanwhile Claudia lay down in her bed thinking about how she was going to find her

brother, from so much thinking and making so many turns she got up out of bed and went to

the living room to ask Michael what they could do with the search for his brother, when she

saw him lying on the sofa so thoughtful she told him in a low voice:

-I need to know how I can find my brother.

He immediately got up from the sofa and answered: - It's very simple! We know that the

owners of the largest sugarcane field in town adopted him.

-All right, but the detail is that we don't know where they are," she replied.

Michael kept thinking until all of a sudden a great idea came to him, then he said:

- I know how to find out the whereabouts of him! Let's hire a detective to find him and

that's it.

She thought the idea was very good and replied: "Thank you Michael, you really are an

angel fallen from heaven.

Suddenly they knocked on the door, Michael went to open it, when he saw it was a

young man bringing the pizza he had ordered himself, he gave the young man an extra tip

and then closed the door,

-UHMMM, who smells good on this pizza, said Michael taking the pizza to the kitchen

so he could serve himself some pieces.

Suddenly Gertrudis left the room in Claudia's pajamas.

- Because if you didn't run out of pizza, because hunger is killing me, Michael joked.

Both laughing went to the dining room and began to eat that delicious pizza, Claudia stayed

watching her sister as she ate, the same smile because Gertrudis devoured the pizza as if she

had never eaten. After concluding that supper delight, Michael got up from his chair saying:
- Well! I'm going to take a bath and then I go to bed because I'm too tired. Then he added

by saying to them: -See you later, precious ones, have a good night.

When the two were left alone, Gertrudis stared at his sister and said:

-Sister, I feel exhausted too.

-Then go and lie down, I'll catch up with you in a little while," answered Claudia.

She started washing the dishes while her sister went to bed, and when she washed all the

dishes she began to order everything that was uncomfortable in the kitchen, she did it with a

lot of desire because she was full of strength. Claudia with great joy and emotion culminated

of doing all the jobs, to relax a little more she served herself a glass of wine, she drank it

little by little thinking about making her sister happy, after a while she went to her room. At

the moment she saw her sister surrendered in a dream like an angel, she looked at her with a

big smile whispering to her that she loved her very much, Claudia lay down next to her and

she did nothing but look at her beautiful sister, she is caressing her giving her that love that

for so many years she did not have. she is caressing her giving her that love that for so many

years she did not have. In spite of all the things Claudia did not stop being a loving and

sweet woman like honey.



Weeks later, that morning Alejandro and his angelical sister arrived at the prevailing

company, both were very anxious to see Claudia, when they entered the office, Rosa asked

him if he was sure they were going to see Marlene.

- Calm down, sister, wait for me to dial his phone and you will see that he is coming, he

said with great security.

- What are you waiting for? Mark him immediately, she replied.

Alejandro called her on his phone and her answering machine fell, tried again and the

same thing happened.

- Oh! Sister, I think it's strange that the answering machine should fall, it must be that

she hasn't arrived from that trip, he supposed.

Rosa was a little discouraged, saying, "I'll see her another time, so you'd better take me

back to the house.

Suddenly Stephanie entered the office and when she saw Rosa she hypocritically greeted

her and then said to her: - Wow! I think it's strange that you're in the company.

Rosa stared at her with a gesture of ingratitude and replied: - Why should it seem strange

to you? this is my father's company.

- Oh, you came to my office? Alejandro asked a little viciously.

- Well! I came to remind you that the company is already celebrating its 40th

anniversary, and as you well know every year is celebrated in style. she replied, looking at

him attractively.

- Oh, yes! He really didn't remember me, he said a little surprised.

-That's why I came to your office, because your father hasn't arrived and since you're the

vice president I didn't have any other choice but to consult you. she said with a big smile.

Alejandro asked her when that happy party was, Estefanía told her that it was going to

take place in about 3 weeks, after informing her about the happy party, she said goodbye to

the winking sensually, Rosa was looking at her despicably from the bottom up and waited

for her to leave, then told him:

- Oh, brother! Don't tell me that stupid girl is still in love with you.

Alexander smiled, saying, "Rosita! Rosita! I really can't find what to do with her,

sometimes I can't stand her!

Rosa laughed out loud and said, "Imagine her as your wife!

- Oh, no! It would be a complete nightmare," replied the laughing.

- Well, I'd better get you home once and for all, but I promise you we'll soon see my

future wife. he said enthusiastically.

They both left the office going to the Rodriguez mansion. Minutes later, Claudia was

finishing breakfast with her sister, Gertrudis very restlessly stared at her sister and asked:

-Sister, who am I going to stay with while you go to work?

- I have my mornings free, if you like I accompany you during that time!

Michael commented from the kitchen.

Claudia turned to see him and said -thanks Michael, I really appreciate it.

- He took her to the mall to buy her clothes, he said.

Claudia got up from the table saying goodbye to them and very quickly went to the

company, the moment she was in the parking lot she checked her briefcase and realized

that she had forgotten her phone, she was paralyzed alado of the car, she began to think

about whether or not to go up to look for the phone.

- Ah! I don't care if I stay or not, she grumbled.

Claudia got in the car and left at once. Meanwhile Gertrudis went to the kitchen to

wash the dishes, suddenly he looked Michael in the eyes and said:

-what a good person you are, you know? I liked you very much since I met you, then he

asked, "I imagine you must have a girlfriend? Michael stared at her smilingly answering -

MMM, I don't have a girlfriend.

She was so surprised to hear it and said: -oh! it can't be that you don't have a girlfriend,

you're so beautiful!

Michael was a little uncomfortable because he couldn't find a way to tell him what it

really was, however, he kept thinking about how or another way to tell him, at that moment

Michael didn't come to mind how to tell him, it was from then on when he changed the

subject and told him:

-You better go and get pretty so we can go to the mall, yes!

Gertrude with a great brightness in her eyes I smile answering her: -okay, but first, I'm

going to take a good bath, and then I get beautiful as you say.

She went to the very emotional room to take a good shower, while Michael took

advantage of the moment to go and buy celebrity magazines at the kiosk of the lady

margarita, who also sold those crunchy empanadas, he loved to read everything that had to

do with newspapers, art and show business.

The minutes were running, the beautiful Claudia arrived at the company, at the moment

she was entering she neglected to look somewhere else, and inadvertently stumbled upon a

young man who was carrying some folders, whose folders fell instantly because of the

stumble, Claudia helped him to pick them up while the kind young man said to her: -take

care Miss, I finish picking them up.

-Well, all right," he said, "excuse me, young man, I really didn't mean to run into you.

The same continued her way and when she went from reception, Carlota together with

the other secretaries were gathered there, these did not stop looking at Claudia, the same

ones criticized her murmuring that she was a climber who was with Gallardo only for

interest, in the same way they alleged that she was a repugnant, grumpy and above all

arrogant, they did not accept that Claudia was the most beautiful of all the women who

worked in that company. Suddenly Claudia felt that these gossip women were blaspheming

against her, Claudia turned to see them and approached them saying:

- How much do you criticize?! You really think I'm as stupid as you are!

You piece of assholes!

They kept their eyes peeled without saying a word, but Claudia went on her way to her

office. When she entered, she had an unexpected surprise, whose surprise was that

Gallardo was sitting at her desk waiting for her, she was shocked when she saw him and

asked him:

- What are you doing here?

-That's the way you greet me, my pretty girl!" answered the one who looked stupid in


It provoked her to grab him and strangle him once and for all, but since Claudia was

more of a bellaca than he was, she preferred to stand still and ask him ironically:

- and finally! Did you manage to solve the problem with the blissful cows?

He got up from the chair and approached her, saying, "Those cows don't matter, the one

I care about is you, my beautiful queen.

- Oh, yes! Even though you care about me? she asked with a certain mockery.

He didn't respond and started smelling his neck until it got to his hair,

-You've got me crazy with love," said the so gawky.

Then I go down a little more until I kiss her mouth, she felt a real repulsion, but there

was nothing left for her but to let it fall into her trap. After kissing her cursimente said:

- I've fallen in love with you ever since I saw you, I think I love you so much I'd give

everything for you.

After telling them that cheesy, old-fashioned talk, he left the office believing that he

had died of love, but when he left he wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and said making

a bad gesture:

- even when I have to put up with this filthy pig!

She so impotent took a book that was on the desk and threw it against the wall cursing it.

On the other hand, Gallardo, very cheerful, entered his office and sat at his desk thinking

about that kiss he gave Marlene. Suddenly he took his phone and called Julián to prepare the

car for him because he was on his way out, after having talked to him, he left his office and

went straight to the parking lot because Julián didn't want to be seen with his face all gaunt,

for him it was a real hell since that night when Claudia scratched all over his face. When

Gallardo arrived at the parking lot he said with a smile:

-Hey, I need you to take me to the mall because I'm going to the jewelry store.

- and that pattern what are you going to do in a jewelry store? asked Julian so

Gallardo looked at him with the face of a brave ant answering him:

- That's not your problem, shut up and take me!

Julian fell his mouth and there was nothing left for him but to open the door of the car

and take him. On the other hand, Michael and Gertrudis arrived at the mall, she was

completely surprised to see so many shops and escalators, for this was a new world

because it was the first time he frequented a mall, Gertrudis looked everywhere with a very

bright look, Michael stayed looking at her and asked:

- Do you like this place?

Of course I like this place, it is the first time I have come to a place like this.

Michael smiled and said, "We'd better have a nice ice cream and then we'll buy the

clothes, what do you say?

-All right, let's go. she replied smilingly.

As they were walking enjoying that delicious ice cream, she stared at it with the look of

a woman in love, Michael stared at her and asked:

- Why are you looking at me like that?

Gertrudis immediately changed his gaze, answering: - In what way do you want me to

look at you?

She was beginning to like Michael, she thought that he was also feeling something for

her, if it had not been for the good treatment he gave her, not to be confused as he already

was, they went to the stores and when they entered one of them, Gertrudis saw a beautiful

dress something ragged like those that used to wear his sister, she was completely in love

with that apple green dress with a rose in the middle and said very astonished:

- Oh! What a beautiful dress.

- Do you like that dress? he asked.

- I love it so much! she exclaimed very excited.

he called a young saleswoman who was near the box and told her to bring him a model

of that dress for her to try on, after the young woman looked for the dress, Gertrudis very

excited went to the dresser and immediately Provo that beautiful dress, when he left there

with the dress on asked the one who was left, Michael was amazed to see their well-

defined curves reflected in that beautiful dress.

- Wow! You look beautiful, you're quite a beauty queen, he said so astonished.

She looked at him again with that same look and asked:

- Do I really look like a beauty queen to you?

It was from that moment that Michael realized that she was looking at him, he suddenly

said in his mind: - Oh, God! Yamel's passing by, this girl is falling in love with me too,

what am I going to do?

Gertrudis was very emotional choosing an infinity of shoes and sandals, meanwhile he

helped her choose what really matched her, the instant she was trying on a pair of sandals

he began to realize that Michael was very serious about her.

- Hey! Why are you so serious? Did I do something you don't like? she asked him.

-not at all, finish trying that on, it's getting a little late for me to go to work. he replied,

trying to distance himself as quickly as possible from her.

Half an hour later, Claudia was finishing checking a correspondence on the computer

until suddenly she remembered that document from the deeds of the haciendas, she relaxed

for a moment and after a while she began to feel a restlessness to write a power in her favor

where Gallardo gave her the two haciendas, vanity took her from that precise moment, not

only did she want to recover her estate but she also wanted to take possession of both of

them, she immediately started to write that power on the computer, after she finished it, she
printed it placing it among the documents that Gallardo had to sign, Claudia rejoiced at what

she had done saying:

-I'll leave you in ruin and then I'll send you straight to jail, you wretched


While she was mocking her revenge, Gallardo was in the most prestigious

jewelry store of the shopping center seeing that precious jewel was going to buy his lover,

suddenly he saw a beautiful gold necklace with a beautiful diamond pendant, he

immediately called the saleswoman who was attending and said:

-I want to take that necklace.

- Oh! Pattern that necklace must cost a fortune. Said Julian's prying eye with the peeled


Gallardo stared at him smiling and said:

-this necklace is for the woman who took possession of my heart.

After having cancelled that precious and above all expensive jewel, he returned very

anxious for the company to deliver that precious necklace to his lover. On the other hand,

Alejandro and Rosa arrived at the house. Tibisay was passing near the front door and when

he saw them come in he asked them:

- And you, where were my children?

At that moment Luisa was coming down the stairs and commented: - They have to

answer to me that I am their mother! no you are a prude maid.

- Mom! Even when I have to tell you that Nana is not a maid! shouted Alexander in

Luisa was filled with courage when she saw that Alexander had answered her in that

tone, it was from that moment when she approached him very furiously and gave him a

strong slap - mom, leave him alone! Rosa shouted at him.

Louise courageously haloes Rosa by the hair shouting: - you don't yell at me, stupid!

Tibisay was very enraged when she saw the damage she was doing to her children, it

was from soon that Nana shouted very loudly at her saying: - Let go of my child! You are

nothing more than a rattlesnake that will not leave your children alone, much less the people

around you!

Luisa let Rosa out of her hair and gave Tibisay a strong slap, replying strongly: -

because you don't shut up, you stupid old woman!

Tibisay slapped him back two times harder, answering: "I'm tired of your humiliations

and the mistreatment of them!

Luisa rubbed her cheek very furiously and shouted at him: -You dared to slap me, get

out of my house, I don't want to see you in my life anymore!

- If the Nana leaves! I'm going with her too! replied Alexander extremely annoyed.

Luisa didn't say another word to him and he left there crying for his room. -I think it's

time to leave this house for good," said Tibisay with a saddened face.

-You're not leaving here, Alexander told him.

Rosa began to cry begging Tibisay that, if it was going to be her, Nana embraced her

tightly with tears in her eyes telling her:

-ay my child, how it hurts me not to please you this time.

- Then we'll go with you, Nana! Alexander told him.

Tibisay looked at him and said: -My child, don't invent, you better stay and take care of

your mother, She in spite of her character, loves them like nobody else in this world.
At that moment Don Alejandro was arriving and when he saw Rosa crying together with

Tibisay, he approached her asking very impressed: - What is going on here?

- Dad! Dad! Nana wants to leave because of my mom, Rosa said,

He approached Tibisay and asked her why she wanted to leave, as well as what Luisa

had done to her.

-We had a little problem, but it doesn't matter, it's better that I go," replied the Nana

with a very soft and sad voice.

- That's a lie! Nana wants to leave because my Mom slapped her and then ran away,"

exclaimed Rosa crying.

- Is that true? Don Alejandro asked the Nana.

She under his face answering that if it was true, -Tibisay you don't leave here, you are

like the second mother of my children, then she added -at this moment I will settle this with


He came up the stairs very angry to claim Luisa. -Alas my children, I didn't want things

to get to this point," said the very worried Nana.

-Don't worry, you'll see that my father's going to fix this," said Alexander. Rosa and he

insisted again and again to the Nana so that she would not leave until she gave up, it was so

much the love that she felt towards them that she always ended up pleasing them in

everything they asked of her. Don Alejandro entered the room, when he saw his wife

looking at herself in the mirror, he shouted at her:

- Why did you slap Tibisay? Are you out of your mind!

- she slapped me, too, and that's why I ran her out of my house! she shouted.

- You expected her to get the slap! Or what? He said.

- She's leaving my house! And let's not talk about it anymore! she shouted loudly.
He also shouted at her telling her that this was also her house and therefore Tibisay was

not leaving. Don Alejandro left the room very angry, knocking down the door, Luisa

turned back and a beast took her phone book that was in bed and threw it against the door

saying that soon they were going to be paid.

Already starting noon; Michael immediately went to his room and then went to work,

while Gertrudis sat on the sofa and began to check everything they had bought, the joy

with which she saw her new clothes was priceless, suddenly she remembered all the

mistreatment and insults that Chepina did to her in that miserable bar as she also

remembered when the prostitute for the first time at the age of 13, it was from that moment

when her joy was erased from her beautiful face. Michael came out in uniform ready to go,

he looked at her seriously and said:

-well, I'll leave you at home, I hope you take care of yourself.

-Of course I'll take care of myself, thank you for everything," she replied.

-Always at command," he said with a charming smile.

This one went to get some water in the kitchen and then left. From the moment she was

completely alone, she went to her room that she shared with her beautiful sister and began

to order all her new clothes, when she went to put the clothes in one of the drawers of the

closet, so suddenly she saw in one of them a large envelope, Gertrudis was very curious to

know what was there, Gertrudis did not pay as much attention to it and preferred to keep it

where it was, then continued to arrange the clothes in each drawer of the closet until it was


At the beginning of that hot afternoon, Gallardo came back to the company very anxious

to see her to give her the jewel, while on the other hand Julián was in the parking lot

writhing with rage because Gallardo became more and more fascinated with her every day,
when Gallardo entered her office, The same was not there, he was extremely surprised and

dialed his phone, to see that the answering machine fell instantly, he preferred to sit for a

while in his armchair waiting for it to arrive, 25 minutes later, Gallardo got tired of waiting

for her, he got up from the chair and immediately going to his office. Nevertheless Claudia

was in the office of the spying by the drawers of the desk to see what new information she

got until suddenly Gallardo entered and surprised her in full act, she was immensely

frightened staying cold and paralyzed.

- What are you doing here going through my stuff? asked Gallardo, a little strange as

well as a little distrustful.

She swallowed saliva with a flick of the wrist and used her cunning to tell her: - Looking

for a document in folders, honey.

He believed what she had answered and smiling said:

-Drop that.

He gave him a beautiful box telling him: - Take this humble gift! I chose it myself for


Claudia a little nervous about what had happened before took the box and when she

opened it she was quite astonished to see that precious gold necklace with that beautiful

diamond pendant, however, this one saw it as an insignificant gift because he was giving it

to her, it was from then on when she pretended that she was very excited about whose gift.

- What a beautiful necklace, it must have cost you a fortune! she exclaimed, putting

on a cheerful face.

The smiling one replied, "Oh, my love, I'll do anything for you.

At that moment Claudia took advantage of the weakness of taking some documents that

she had in a folder on her desk, she gave them to him to sign, among those documents was
the power that she had written where Gallardo gave her the two haciendas, he took her pen

and signed the documents without having read them, then when he gave her the signed

documents he stared at her and said:

-Would you accept, beautiful lady, to be my bride?

She looked at him with a certain astonishment and thought for a moment what she was

going to answer him, until after a while she answered: - yes! I agree to be his girlfriend, but

on one condition!

- What condition? he asked, staring at her.

-I don't like being kissed all the time, that bothers me," she admitted.

-All right, as you say my life," he said.

Gallardo was so crazy about her that he accepted that condition knowing that never in

his life he accepted any condition from one woman or another because he immediately put

them in their place so that they knew who he was in charge, but it was enough that she

arrived in his life to have him as a slave at his feet, after that moment Claudia felt more

entitled to do what he wanted in the company as well as everything that had to do with him.

While Claudia felt extremely powerful and vigorous in destroying Gallardo, her beloved

Michael arrived at the police station very happy to greet all colleagues, when he sat down in

his office chair to start sorting folders about the case of suspects implicated in a bank

identity robbery, Carlos suddenly arrived at the office and very cheerfully told him:

- How about Michael! Can't you guess who joined today?

- Who?" asked the very intrigued.

-Commissioner Eleodoro and Yamel," replied Carlos with a big smile.

Michael was very pleased with the news, he immediately got up from his chair going to

the commissioner's office, when he saw him he was amazed more than ever saying:
- Oh, I can't believe you're such an oak! So quickly it was recovered.

Eleodore smiled and replied, "That's right, son! I'm like an oak tree," he added, sighing,

"how I missed this desk and my work.

After a while he asked for Claudia, Michael told her that she was very well and told her

that he had found one of his brothers, Eleodoro was very happy for her and asked:

- Ah yes! And how do I find them?

Michael told him everything they did to find one of them. The commissioner was very

surprised to hear you say:

-What a brave girl she is, I think it's that revenge that has her so strong.

Suddenly Yamel entered that office, when he saw Michael he approached him giving

him a big hug, he was very happy and said:

- I'm glad you're all right now!

She looked him in the eye and asked him why he hadn't visited her in his apartment,

Michael couldn't find an answer and answered that he hadn't visited her anymore because

he was too busy helping Claudia and her sister, Yamel was very surprised to learn that

Claudia had found her sister.

- alas! how good, I'm glad to know that Claudia there found her sister, she said so


- so let's stop talking and get to work! I order the commissioner.

- It's all right, my commissioner, as you say! they said, going to work on their own.

While on the other hand Claudia was in her office very excited because she was the

owner of the two haciendas, she didn't resist the urge and dialed Michael from the office

phone to give him the good news, when he answered, she was very happy to tell him that

she had already recovered the hacienda, Michael was very impressed and couldn't believe


- Did you really get it back? he asked.

She told him what she had done and the quite full of joy for her congratulated her on one

of her triumphs, Michael took advantage of that moment of joy to tell her that

Commissioner Eleodoro and Yamel had already joined. Claudia became even happier

agreeing with Michael to go see the Commissioner and Yamel, after she finished the

conversation on the phone, took the document that Gallardo signed plus the necklace he had

given her and put them in his briefcase. When he was leaving the company he met Arturo,

he saw her and approached her to greet her, she gave him a strong hypocritical hug to hurt

his shoulder, the moment she hurt him he complained of the pain, Claudia ironically asked


- What's the matter with you? Does he hurt you?

- No! It's that I have a contracted muscle," he replied to try to evade the subject.

She stared at him and said in his mind: -That bullet I shot you in the shoulder is just the

beginning of what's waiting for you, you bastard!

- Are you leaving already? he asked.

-Yes, I'm going, I hope you improve your muscle," she replied very synchro.

Claudia went on her way and when she was out of the company, a couple of gossip

employees looked at her criticizing her, they died of envy because she walked with class and

glamour, Claudia went to the parking lot until suddenly she crossed Julian, when she saw

his face all emaciated she started to mock him saying:

- Hey! Who left your face like a mangy dog?

Julian was very furious when he saw that she was making fun of him, he approached her

and took her by the shoulder shaking her strongly and shouted at her:

- You don't make fun of me! You fucking whore!

Claudia stopped mocking and shouted at him telling him to leave her in peace, as she

could she took out her razor that she always used to have in her pocket from her skirt and

put it on her neck.

-I'm not going to let any degenerate like you touch me," she shouted, full of courage.

- Then leave me alone, because he who seeks me finds me! answered the very angry


- Let's see what your idiot boss will say when he knows you're threatening his

girlfriend, she said.

Julian stared at her and when he heard her voice he remembered that night when that

policewoman emaciated his face, he compared the boses and realized that they were very

similar, at the same time he said in his mind:

-It can't be! Will she be the same? Then he said, "You know what? You can tell the

boss whatever you want!

When she was going to answer him, he did not want to continue arguing with her and

he left there, while he was going, he compared her voice with that of the other blissful

policewoman, so much so that he convinced himself that Marlene and that woman were the

same person, it was from that moment when he began to be more attentive to her in order

to unmask her before Gallardo. Claudia was driving to the police station, she kept making

fun of Julian and said:

-They escaped me that night, but they didn't get off very well!
Then she remembered the power that Gallardo had signed to her, this one rejoiced

because her revenge was slow but painful for them, she drove very quickly until she arrived

at the police station. She parked her car and came in, the moment she was coming in Carlos

saw her and smiling he said:

- How is the most beautiful officer this police station has? Then he added, saying. -You

were lost.

Claudia smiled and said: -Yes, what happens is that I've had a lot of work, you know that

working undercover is stronger than the work you do.

Carlos stared at her and smiled, saying, "Oh, if I'm not mistaken, you're tougher than

ever, you look more beautiful when you're like that.

Carlos did not stop giving her compliments to make her fall in love, but Claudia did not

pay attention to those stupid compliments and went to the commissioner's office to talk

with him, when he was almost entering the commissioner's office he saw Yamel sitting on

her back in her office that was almost in front of the commissioner's office, she preferred

first to go and see how Yamel was following. When he walked into his office, he said:

- How are you, Yamel? Good to see you again.

Yamel, a little indifferent to her, replied, "I'm very well, thank you, then he added, "Ah,

I heard that you found your sister, I'm happy for you.

Claudia realized Yamel's indifference, it was from then on that she was surprised asking

him -hey, are you mad at me?

-No, because I must be," replied Yamel, looking into her eyes.

Yamel was a little jealous of Claudia because she again believed that Michael and she

were in a relationship. Claudia quickly noticed why she was so indifferent, she was

meditating on how to tell her the truth about Michael, Claudia looked at her and told her:
-I know why you're so indifferent to me, it's Michael, right? I know you like him.

Yamel couldn't resist telling him the truth and told him in a very strong voice:

- Yes! I'm in love with Michael! Why is there a problem?

Yamel was a little upset because she thought Claudia was going to claim her.

- Calm down! I have nothing to do with him, I only want him as a brother,

Claudia confessed.

Yamel looked at her very seriously and asked her: -and then why does he take my body

out when I insinuate myself to him?

Claudia took a deep breath and was filled with courage, suddenly told him that Michael

did not pay attention because he was gay, Yamel felt a cold scale to hear a certain truth, his

face turned pale as if he had seen a ghost.

- It can't be! she exclaimed with great disappointment. Claudia felt a

little bad seeing Yamel in that bad shape.

-that's why he walked away from you, because he didn't want to hurt you.

Claudia said.

Yamel's tears flowed from the disappointment he was going through.

Claudia took her hands and said:

-Promise me that you won't divulge what I've told you, the only one who knows is you

and me.

Yamel fell under his face and said to him, "All right, I promise you.

Claudia said goodbye giving him a big hug and whispered in his ear asking him to

apologize to Michael. Claudia retired from the office and then entered the sheriff's office.

Yamel wondered at the time because Michael had never said anything about his sexuality,
his tears kept running down his cheek because of the shocking news he had heard. She

gave up what she was doing and cried over the strong disappointment.

Claudia entered Eleodoro's office, seeing him as loud as usual, she said to him: - How

do you do? my dearest commissioner.

- All right, my child! I heard you found your sister.

She sat down to talk with him and told him that she had indeed found her, then she

added that the one who needed to look for her was her other brother, after a while she told

him with a great anger that Gallardo had sold her sister to a bar of bad death and that there

they prostituted her at the age of 13, she also told him about the mistreatment and insults

that this unlucky woman gave her. Then he told her that his brother had been given away

as if it were an object to a very rich family that lived in the village.

- Oh, dear God, that man is a complete degenerate, I will soon see him behind bars!

said Eleodoro very moved by what she had told him.

Claudia seized the opportunity and asked the commissioner if he knew of any effective

detectives to find her brother's whereabouts.

-Yes, I know an extremely good one, but I need you to give me your brother's personal

data plus a physical description or some information about his adoptive parents," answered


She told him that he had been adopted by the owners of the largest sugar cane field in

the village of Rocks of the Valley, then she added saying her brother's name. The

commissioner wrote down all the information and then asserted it:

- I promise you'll hear from your brother soon!

-Thank you for being so kind to me, my commissioner, I really thank you with all my

soul, I confess she looking at you tenderly.

Suddenly Eleodore saw his watch and said: -good daughter! he left her because I have a

very important appointment.

They both left the office. Eleodoro left immediately while Claudia sat in the chairs that

were close to the commissioner's office, this one thought to stay for a moment to wait for

Michael that was in an operative, she wanted to talk to him that she had told Yamel the

truth. Suddenly she remembered that her sister was alone, Claudia got up from the chair and

left in a hurry for the apartment.

Soon after she left, Michael arrived at the police station along with his colleagues in a

patrol car, as he was passing through the corridor, suddenly he saw Yamel through the

glass of his office, she was sitting at her desk very saddened by the above, Michael worried

to see her like this and went to his office, as he entered asked:

- What's wrong with you, Yamel? Why are you sad?

She looked at him with some resentment and replied: "I am very disappointed.

- And that's because of what? He asked.

She turned her face to the opposite side and told him to leave her alone, Michael had no

choice but to leave her alone as she asked him, he wondered again and again what was

wrong with him, Michael locked himself in his office and did not leave there any longer

throughout the afternoon.

Claudia arrived at the apartment so cheerful, Gertrudis was very happy in the kitchen

drinking a fresh lemonade, when she saw her sister arrive she asked:

- How was your day today, sister?

Claudia went to the kitchen giving her sister a big hug and very cheerful replied:

- today was better than ever!

Gertrudis was so happy that she invited Claudia to go and see all the clothes that

Michael had bought her, Claudia left the briefcase on the sofa and went with her sister to see

the happy clothes, when Gertrudis was showing her the clothes and the shoes, Claudia did

not stop seeing the brightness of the eyes that shone to her beautiful sister of joy, Gertrudis

began to smile and asked her:

-Sister, is it true that Michael doesn't have a girlfriend?

She was surprised to hear that question and answered: -Why do you ask? Gertrudis

smiled and said -ay sister, I think I'm beginning to like Michael.

Claudia swallowed saliva from how shocked she was when she heard her sister.

- You're too young to be falling in love! Besides, Michael is much older than you,

Claudia said very impressed.

Gertrudis got a little serious and replied, "Love has no age.

Claudia put her two hands on the head of how worried she was because she couldn't find

a way to tell her sister what Michael really was, she couldn't take it anymore and told her:

-Sister, he can never fall in love with you or any other woman! Gertrudis was surprised

and asked her why, Claudia looked at her and said:

-is that Michael is homosexual.

Gertrudis was shocked to hear it and replied:

- Bone! Are you trying to tell me that Michael likes men?

- Yes! That's right, sister, I say Claudia.

That was the day of disillusionment of Michael's lovers, however, Gertrudis was not so

hurt by the news because he was just looking at him, the only thing that was asked was why

he was like that.

The night fell, Michael was very exhausted from so much work he had had, he was

driving to the apartment, but the concern he felt in his mind was why Yamel was so sad

and indifferent to him.

-I am a complete disgrace to society, why should I be like this and not like other men?

He wondered, feeling a great sense of modesty.

While he was driving feeling like the most despicable being on earth.

Claudia was alone in the kitchen finishing dinner. Suddenly Gertrudis left the room, she

sat down in the dining room to read some celebrity magazines to see if she was over the

little disappointment she had had, Claudia finished the dinner and once served for both, at

the time they were starting dinner came Michael saying:

- how are the most beautiful women in the house?

Gertrude a little upset by the disappointment she felt, got up from the table leaving the

whole dinner and went to her room without saying a word, Michael was surprised to see

her attitude, he approached the dining room and asked Claudia what was happening to


-Alas, little brother, what a thing, sit down to tell yourself," she said, putting on a face of


When he sat next to her, she told him that her sister was falling in love with him and that

she had no choice but to tell him the truth just like Yamel, Michael under her face of the

shame he felt towards him.

- No wonder Yamel was so sad and indifferent to me! he exclaimed.

Michael became extremely depressed because Gertrudis and Yamel were hurting

because of him, he was so depressed that he felt worse than filthy trash. Claudia looked at

him and said:

-Lovely little brother, don't feel bad, you'll see that they'll support you as I did.

Claudia got up from the chair and went to give him a hug so that he would feel more


-I'm going to serve you dinner, it was delicious," she said, going to the kitchen.

He had Claudia's support, but he still felt depressed and ashamed.

- No! pretty sister, don't serve me because I don't have an appetite, I'd better go to

bed," he replied.

Michael got up from the chair and went to his room, Claudia so worried

about him said:

- Dear Michael, I don't like to see you like this, you're the one who gives me courage

and desire to move forward.

She began to wash the spoons and forks that she had soiled when she made dinner, she

did it so that the concern she felt for her dear friend would pass, then she took the food that

had served for her and her sister and threw it in the trash.

-What a thing, me throwing away the food, and in the street, there are so many children

lacking a bite," she said with some concern. After leaving the kitchen impeccable, Claudia

went to her room to go to bed, the moment she came in, she saw her sister watching TV,

Claudia lay down next to her and stayed watching her, Gertrudis a little upset watched TV

so as not to see her sister:

- Why did you do that? Claudia asked.

- What did I do now! she replied with some rage.

Claudia stared and her sister said: -You know? you made Michael feel bad, he already

knows that I told you the truth.

Gertrudis turned again to watch TV to ignore his sister, Claudia came closer and began

to caress his sister's head, then advised him that what he had done was wrong, Gertrudis

reconsidered realizing that the attitude he took towards him was totally iniquitous, it was of

course when he promised his sister that he was going to apologize to Michael. Claudia was

relieved to get her sister to change her mind and come to her senses. Gertrude hugged her

sister tightly and said:

-sister, I love you very much.

-Just like you, little beautiful sister," answered Claudia.

They both went to bed embracing each other to feel the warmth of love and brotherhood,

instead Michael sublimely sad was lying in his bed feeling dirty and disgusting, he cried of

depression and repudiated himself for what it was, from so much crying and feeling bad, the

poor man fell completely asleep as the great guardian angel that he was.


Cover Page(Spnish) ……………………………………………………………i

Cover Page …………………………………………………………………….ii

Dedication ………………………………………………………………….…iii

Acknowledgement ………………….…………………………………….…..iv

Book Cover ……………………………………………………………………v

Letter from the University to the Author …………… ………………………vi

Author letter………………………………………………………………….vii


Introduction ……………………………………………………………………ix


Index ………………………………………………………………….……….131

Dedication ……………………………………………………………..……..132




Translation Techniques……………………………..…….…………….….138

Note Of The Translator……………………………………………..…………153


Glossary ……………………………………………………………………….155



I would like to thank in these lines the help that many people and colleagues have given me

during the process of translation and writing of this work. Foremost of all, I would like to thank

my parents who have assisted and sustained me throughout this procedure, my advisor, Eliseo

Pitty, for having guided me in all the bits that I needed his advice.

To all my friends, and future colleagues who assisted me in a selfless way, thank you infinitely

for all your assistance and goodwill.

To Professor Geovani de Gracia for agreeing to be my editor of this thesis.

To Universidad Latina de Panama for hosting all the knowledge gained in these years.


This thesis is dedicated to:

God first of all for handing me the chance to be here, to my parents, Julio and Mary, who with

their solitaire and effort have allowed me to accomplish one more dream, thank you for

instilling in me the example of effort.

For my Grandparents Victor and Astevia for their passion and unconditional support at all


To my uncles also for their support.

Lastly, I would wish to thank all my colleagues who, from the start, supported me at all times

and made me their friendship.


In this thesis, we will apply the skills, knowledge and main views that every translator must

possess at the time of rendering.

In the beginning stage of the thesis, we will receive the translated text of the novel Sacrifice of

Vengeance beginning with chapter 8 up to chapter 13.

In the second stage of the thesis, we will deliver a brief summary of the novel so that the reader

has an idea of the text.

Eventually we will cause the different translation techniques applied in the text, with their

respective examples and explanation of each one.


Chapter 8

The Dinner Of Hope

In this chapter Gallardo meets Claudia and her supposed brother Michael who are in a Thai


Claudia was afraid that Gallardo would discover that Michael is not her brother, but as Gallardo

is very much in love with Claudia and didn't realize the situation because Claudia told Michael

that if the situation got tense they would have to kill Gallardo, but Gallardo didn't realize the

situation and they became friends. In this chapter they discover that Gallardo is a narco-

trafficker who distributes cocaine. So they could have a clue to put Gallardo in jail.

That's why Michael becomes a good friend of Gallardo's to get more information about his

shady business.

Chapter 9

When Happiness Dwells, Revenge Is Moved.

Don Alejandro has problems with his wife because she is very bitter and treats the employees

very badly, while Alejandro is falling in love with a girl he met in the company, as for Claudia

very excited to go to work at the company as she is close to completing her revenge.

Gallardo wants to give a surprise to Claudia and takes her away from the company, Claudia has

to endure many adversities to achieve his revenge and try that Gallardo does not realize his


Chapter 10

A Capture Turned Into A Fury

The police are going to raid a warehouse behind the Provalen company, they are waiting for the

right moment when Gallardo arrives at that warehouse.

While the officers were hiding so that the drug traffickers wouldn't see them, suddenly some

very luxurious vans arrived which contained cocaine inside.

The officers were prepared for an intense battle because the drug traffickers had large caliber

weapons, just as the police are well armed.

It was Gallardo's time to pay for his shady business.

While this was happening, Claudia was also hiding with the officers.

Chapter 11

A Surprise Never Expected

Alejandro has a date with the woman who has him crazy with love, but his mother was jealous

to see that his favorite son is very much in love and that he could get married.

Nana Tibisay prepared a dinner with a lot of love for the couple and prepared the whole


Chapter 12

The Journey Of A Repugnant And Ungrateful Encounter.

Claudia takes a trip with Michael to the village in search of his brothers who are supposed to be


They toured the bars and brothels of the village in search of them.

Within their tour you meet several people who are going through a difficult situation.

To whom Claudia helps, one of these people gives a clue about Claudia's possible sister.

Until Claudia's sister was found, but her brother was adopted by a very rich family.

Chapter 13

A Day Of Complete Disappointment For Some.

Claudia goes to work and gets a surprise; Gallardo was waiting for her and steals some kisses

which Claudia has to endure to fulfill her revenge.

While that Gertrudis goes shopping with Michael, when they were shopping Gertrudis begins to

fall in love with Michael which is impossible, but she does not know the whole truth about

Claudia tries to make a move on Gallardo which consisted of a power that gave the land to


Translation Techniques

What is translation?

Translation is the communication of meaning from one language (the source) to another

language (the target). Translation refers to written information, whereas interpretation refers to

spoken information.

The purpose of translation is to convey the original tone and intent of a message, taking into

account cultural and regional differences between source and target languages.

Translation has been used by humans for centuries, beginning after the appearance of written

literature. Modern-day translators use sophisticated tools and technologies to accomplish their

work and rely heavily on software applications to simplify and streamline their tasks.

Organizations around the world, encompassing a multitude of sectors, missions, and mandates,

rely on translation for content as diverse as product labels, technical documentation, user

reviews, promotional materials, annual reports, and much, much more.

Direct Translation Techniques

Direct Translation Techniques are used when structural and conceptual elements of the source

language can be transposed into the target language.

 Borrowing: Borrowing is the taking of words directly from one language into another

without translation. Many English words are "borrowed" into other languages; for

example, software in the field of technology and funk in culture. English also borrows

numerous words from other languages; abbatoire, café, passé and résumé from French;

hamburger and kindergarten from German; bandana, musk and sugar from Sanskrit.

Example No. 1

S. L.

– ¡disculpe Don Gallardo! el abogado de la empresa Prevalen está buscando a la señorita



-Excuse me Don Gallardo! The lawyer of the company Prevalen is looking for Miss



In this sentence, I used the borrowing technique because the word Prevalen refers to the legal

name of a company mentioned along the book. Therefore, it is used both in Spanish and English

with the same meaning

Example No. 2

S. L.

Gallardo se le salió algo relacionado con los hermanos de esa joven y nombro a un burdel del

pueblo Rocas del Valle


Gallardo had something to do with the siblings of this young woman and named a brothel from

Rocas del Valle Town.


In this second example, we observe the borrowing technique as well. This is because “Rocas

del Valle” refers to a geographical place and therefore the name is used in both Spanish and


Example No. 3


–es que Michael es homosexual.


-Is that Michael is homosexual.


In this example, the word “homosexual” means “a person who feels sexual attraction or

affection for others of the same sex or gender”. In addition, the term is used in both languages

with the same idea or message. So, I consider it a borrowing technique

Literal Translation

A literal translation can be used between some languages but not others. Literal translation,

although it seems like it, is not a word-for-word translation. It is only used when the structures

and concepts of the language run parallel to each other, allowing the proper imagery and style

to come through. The fact that one sentence can be translated literally across languages does not

mean that all sentences can be translated literally. A visual representation of the literal

translation technique is when using arrows in order to show the parallelism of the translation.

Example No. 1

S. L. ¿Qué condición es esa?

T. L. What condition is that?


I consider this question is literal translation since we can see all the elements of the source

language are translated into the target language in a word-for-word correspondence. Therefore,

we notice there is a parallelism in the translation since the central message is the same in both


Example No. 2

–tú como siempre tan atenta.


-you as always so attentive.


We can clearly see the literal translation technique in this example because there is a word by

word correspondence between the source language and the target language. With this technique,

I keep the idea and sense of the message.

Example No. 3


- ¡Claudia estoy un poco nervioso!


- Claudia, I´m a little nervous


In this example, we can see the word by word correspondence between Spanish and English.

Both sentences keep the same grammatical structures and most importantly the originality of

the message.

Oblique Translation Techniques

Oblique Translation Techniques are used when the structural or conceptual elements of the

source language cannot be directly translated without altering meaning or upsetting the

grammatical and stylistics elements of the target language.

 Transposition: This is the process where parts of speech change their sequence when

they are translated (blue ball becomes boule bleue in French). It is in a sense a shift of

word class. Grammatical structures are often different in different languages. He likes

swimming translates as Er schwimmt gern in German. Transposition is often used

between English and Spanish because of the preferred position of the verb in the

sentence: English often has the verb near the beginning of a sentence; Spanish can have

it closer to the end. This requires that the translator knows that it is possible to replace a

word category in the target language without altering the meaning of the source text, for

example: English Hand knitted (noun + participle) becomes Spanish Tejido a mano

(participle + adverbial phrase).

Example No. 1


Este hombre era de piel blanca, ojos azules, y medio gordo,


This man was white-skinned, blue-eyed, and medium-fat,


As we observe, this example shows the transposition technique in terms of the word order in

two sections. The first one is “piel blanca” in the target language with the noun + adjective

pattern which is typical of the Spanish language. When translating it to the target language,

English, we have to change the word order resulting in “Withe skinned” which corresponds

to the English pattern adjective + noun. The same phenomenon happens with the second

case. The Spanish phrase “ojos azules” with the pattern noun + adjective + adjective is

translated into English as “blue eyed” with the pattern adjective + adjective + noun.

Example No. 2


Cuando ella entró a la oficina, este muy ansioso le preguntó:

When she entered the office, He asked her anxiously.


I used the transposition technique in this example because the adjective “ansioso” was

translated into English as “anxiously.” which is an adverb. In other words, we change the

grammatical function of the word from adjective to adverb which is the typical phenomenon

in the transposition technique.

Example No. 3


Estos se marcharon muy alegremente de allí directo a celebrar.

T.L. Verb

They left very cheerfully from there straight to the celebration.



This third example is similar to the previous one. That is, the verb “celebrar” was translated as

“celebration” which is a Noun. Then, there was a change in the grammatical function of this

specific word.


Omission means dropping a word or words from the SLT while translating. This procedure can

be the outcome of the cultural clashes that exist between the SL and the TL. This technique

reduces the redundancy of the text by omitting words that can be easily restored from the

context. In other words it is to cut words from the context. The use of this technique should

not change the central idea of the original text.

Example No. 1


Mientras tomaba su vaso de agua, [al mismo tiempo] se iba tranquilizando


While she drank her glass of water, [at the same time] she was calming down.


As it is observed, I used the omission technique here since if I translated the Spanish sentence

literally it would be redundant. Therefore, in order to avoid the redundancy, I omitted the

phrase “al mismo tiempo” and considered only the verb “at the same time” since in this way the

message is complete and the idea is not lost.

Example No. 2


[En ese instante] cuando ella venia hacia él, Julián se asustó lanzándose velozmente hacia el lado



[In that instant] when she came towards him, Julian was frightened hurtling quickly to the

opposite side….


Here is another example of redundancy. We notice the use of the connector “ En ese instante”

both in the dependent and independent clause. So, I omitted one of these connectors in order to

avoid a repetition. When applying this omission, we keep the fluency of the idea and it is not

lost as well.

Example No. 3


El techo era de madera y las mesas eran de una madera muy fina


The ceiling was made of a wood and the tables, […] of a very fine wood


This third example is another one of the omission technique. As it is seen in this sentence of the

source language, there is a repetition of the past tense verb “eran.” So, in order to avoid a

repetition in the translation of the target language I decided to omit the second verb as it is

observed. The sense and the message of the sentence in the target language is the same.

 Modulation: consists of using a phrase that is different in the source and target

languages to convey the same idea: Te lo dejo means literally I leave it to you but

translates better as You can have it. It changes the semantics and shifts the point of view

of the source language. Through modulation, the translator generates a change in the

point of view of the message without altering meaning and without generating a sense of

awkwardness in the reader of the target text. It is often used within the same language.

The expressions es fácil de entender (it is easy to understand) and no es complicado de

entender (it is not complicated to understand) are examples of modulation. Although

both convey the same meaning, it is easy to understand simply conveys "easiness"

whereas it is not complicated to understand implies a previous assumption of difficulty

that we are denying by asserting it is not complicated to understand. This type of change

of point of view in a message is what makes a reader say: "Yes, this is exactly how we

say it in our language".

Example No. 1


Ambos estaban concretando muy bien que iban hacer para ese día en que recibirían la



Both were specifying very well what they were going to do for that day when they would

receive the merchandise,


In this sentence I modulated the word “concretando” and searching for a suitable verb

which could convey the idea intended. This verb is “specifying”, so the meaning is not

changed and it expresses the same message in both Spanish and English.

Example No. 2


A Michael le dio una sed inmensa…


Michael was very thirsty…


This example also needed to be modulated from Spanish to English. Therefore, the phrase

“le dio una sed inmensa” is translated as “was very thirsty” because in English it is the

way that the idea is transmitted and conveyed in any type of communication. In addition, if

we translate this idea literally the result would sound weird and out of focus.

Example No. 3


La fiesta estaba muy encendida, …


The party was very entertaining, …


In this third example, we modulated the adjective “encendida” in the Source Language and

translated it as “entertaining” because in context we observe it is taking about a party and

the people in this event were having a good time being there. So, a literal translation of the

word would radically change the meaning and the idea is lost.

 Reformulation or Equivalence: Here you have to express something in a completely

different way, for example when translating idioms or advertising slogans. The process

is creative, but not always easy. Would you have translated the movie The Sound of

Music into Spanish as La novicia rebelde (The Rebellious Novice in Latin America) or

Sonrisas y lágrimas (Smiles and Tears in Spain)?

Example No. 1


… ese algo era el amor que sentía por ella, eso le pasaba nada más con Marlene porque

a otras mujeres si las llevaba a la cama por las buenas o por las malas.


… that something was the love he felt for her, that happened to him only with Marlene

because he did take other women to bed by hook or by crook.


Here, the Spanish phrase “por las buenas o por las malas” cannot be translated literally

because that would not make any sense. So, we have to find and equivalent expression in
English which is “by hook or by crook”. Both idiomatic expressions in Spanish and

English refer more specifically to “a willingness to accomplish objectives using unethical

and/or illegal (as in "crooked") means.” This is the case applicable in the context of the


Example No. 2


... lamento decirle que el joven está entre la vida y la muerte.


… I regret to tell you that the young man is between life and death.


A third example of the equivalence technique is the idiom “entre la vida y la muerte.”

This idiom is translated literally into English as “between life and death” which refers “to

a situation where both living and dying are possible.” This condition is exactly what is

happening in the context of the text where this idiom was taken.

Example No. 3


Claudia sonrió hipócritamente con los nervios de punta, …


Claudia smiled hypocritically getting on her nerves, …


Another good example of equivalence is the famous Spanish phrase “con los nervios de

punta” which is translated into English as “getting on her nerves”. This expression means

“to become extremely annoying to someone” in both languages. This is exactly the condition

manifested in the example here.

 Explicitation

It is a stylistic translation technique which consists of making explicit in the target language

what remains implicit in the source language. In other words, we introduce details that are not

expressed in the SL, such as more information, translator's notes, or explicative paraphrasing.

Example No. 1


La Nana los miró muy extrañada y le preguntó a Claudia quienes eran ellos.


The Nanny (a person who takes care of the children of a third party) looked at them

very strangely and asked Claudia who they were.


In this example, I used the explicitation technique in which I intended to explain the term “The

Nanny” by opening parenthesis and writing the definition of this term.

Example No. 2


Arturo le dijo a Gallardo que a la medianoche cerca del muelle de “san quintín” iba a

ser el lugar donde se iban a encontrar.


Arturo told Gallardo that al midnight near the pier of “san quintin” ( a phrase related to

the Battles of Saint Quentin most of which were fought in the vicinity of Saint

Quentin, Aisne in Picardy, France) was going to be the place where they were going to



In this second example, I used the explicitation technique in order to explain the phrase “san

quintin” by opening parenthesis and writing its origin which has historical connotations. It is a

term widely used when there are conflicts, battles of quarrels as it is shown in the context of the


Example No. 3


En la parte alta de la pared había una repisa con unos bellos adornos de unos animales

hechos de piedras preciosas como cuarzo, amatista y zafiros.


At the top of the wall there was a shelf with beautiful decorations of animals made of

precious stones such as quartz (a mineral of many varieties consisting primarily of silica, or

silicon dioxide), amethyst (violet variety of quartz of stunning beauty and legendary powers),

and sapphires (a precious stone, usually bright blue, often used in jewelry).


This third example of the explicitation technique allows us a better understanding of the three

minerals in sequence: quartz, amethyst, and sapphires. The extra information provided between

parentheses allows us to picture in our minds the real beauty and luxury of the decorations

mentioned in the context of this text.

 Addition:

According to Jack Child, the addition technique is possible when we translate a paragraph and

we add words to the translation in order to keep the idea within the grammatical and structural

point of view and the context as well.

Example No. 1


... esperen que voy a cambiarme.


… wait, I’m going to change [my clothes.]


In this example I as to use the addition technique. As we can see, in the source language we

have the verb “cambiarse”. The speaker here referred to “changing his clothes.” Therefore,

when we translate the verb into English, it is necessary to add the words “my clothes” because

it would sound an unfinished idea translating just the verb “cambiar.” As a result, the

translation will be “change [my clothes.]”

Example No. 2


Gertrudis tan preocupada le preguntaba a su hermana que era lo que le había ocurrido

a Michael.


Gertrudis [was] so worried [and] asked her sister what had happened to Michael.


Another example of the addition technique is shown above. When translating the text

“Gertrudis tan preocupada le preguntaba a su hermana…”, I decided to translate it as

“Gertrudis was so worried and asked her sister…” because it sounded more complete and

fluent as well as keeping the original message. As we can see, I added the past tense of the verb

be, “was” as well as the conjunction “and.”

Example No. 3


Ella se sentó quedándose observando a todos lados para ver si veía a su amado.


She sat watching everywhere to see if she saw her beloved [one].


In this case, we notice another use of the addition technique. In the source language, we observe

that the word “amado” can stand by itself and the word is understood as “someone who has

received love.” On the other hand, in the target language the word was translated as “beloved”

but the word is just an adjective and cannot stand by itself, so another element is missing for the

idea to be complete. This is the reason that we added the impersonal pronoun “one” resulting in

the phrase “beloved [one].” In this sense, the message sounds more complete and the sense is

the same as in the source language.

Note Of The Translator

Inside the translator's notes

It is worth mentioning that this thesis was a little difficult for me as the original text had

several grammatical, punctuation and syntax errors.

It was also a little difficult to apply some terms since the author is from Venezuela and some

words, I didn´t know what their meaning was, which I had to resort to the author to explain

to me what these terms mean.

On the other hand, the translation techniques were a bit hard to find but I was capable to make

the thesis done.


Throughout this thesis, I developed the skills that a translator should have, applying the

different translation techniques learned during these years.

I also want to mention the importance of giving everything with effort and dedication to

complete the thesis as this is a gateway to the labor world.

To summarize this thesis I expanded my knowledge in grammar, writing and vocabulary.


Spanish English

1. Abrazo Hug
Acto de rodear con los brazos a alguien The act of holding someone's arms

o de hacerlo dos personas entre sí como around them or two people holding

muestra de afecto, cariño, felicitación, them together as a token of

etc. affection, congratulations, etc.

2. Aplastar Crush
Derrotar a alguien sobradamente en una Defeating someone more than

lucha, discusión o enfrentamiento. enough in a fight, discussion or

3. Afortunado Lucky
Que tiene fortuna o buena suerte. Who's fortunate or lucky

4. Amargura bitterness
Sentimiento duradero de frustración, A lasting feeling of frustration,

resentimiento o tristeza, especialmente resentment, or sadness, especially

por haber sufrido una desilusión o una because of disappointment or

injusticia. injustice.

5. Angustia Anguish
La angustia se deriva de la palabra latina Anguish is derived from the Latin

angustiae, que significa dolor extremo, word angustiae, meaning extreme

sufrimiento o ansiedad. pain, distress or anxiety.

6. Arriesgar Risk
Exponer a una persona o cosa a un To expose a person or thing to a risk

riesgo o ponerlos en peligro. or put them at danger.

7. Burdel Brothel
Establecimiento en el que se ejerce la Establishment in which prostitution

prostitución. is practised.

8. Bofeton Slap

Bofetada, en especial la que se da con Slapping, especially the one that is

mucha fuerza. given with a lot of force.

9. Binocular Binocular
Aparato óptico, sistema de visión Que Optical device, vision system That

permite el uso de los dos ojos allows the use of both eyes

simultáneamente. simultaneously.
10. Crueldad Cruelty
Se denomina crueldad a una acción cruel Cruelty is a cruel and inhuman

e inhumana que genera dolor y action that generates pain and

sufrimiento en otro ser. suffering in another creature.

11. Cascabel Rattlesnake

 Instrumento sonoro consistente en una Sounder instrument consisting of a

pequeña bola metálica hueca con una small hollow metal ball with a

ranura en su parte inferior y con una groove at the bottom and a small

piedrecita o un trozo de metal en su pebble or piece of metal inside.

12. Coquetear Flirt
Tratar de agradar una persona a otra para Trying to please one person to

atraerla. another in order to attract him or her.

13. Comisario Sheriff
Persona que tiene poder y facultad de A person who has the power and

una autoridad superior para ejecutar faculty of a higher authority to

alguna orden. execute an order.

14. Celos Jealousy
Sentimiento que experimenta una A feeling experienced by a person

persona cuando sospecha que la persona when he or she suspects that a loved

amada siente amor o cariño por otra. one feels love or affection for

15. Captar Catch
Percibir por los sentidos lo que hay o lo To perceive by the senses what there

que sucede alrededor. is or what happens around.

16. Carreta Cart
Vehículo de dos ruedas tirado por un A two-wheeled vehicle drawn by an

animal y utilizado en trabajos agrícolas animal and used in farm work and

y para el transporte de mercancías. for transporting goods.

17. Colina Hill
Una elevación natural bien definida más A well-defined natural elevation

pequeña que una montaña. smaller than a mountain.

18. Dichoso Blessed
Que se siente plenamente satisfecho por Who is fully satisfied to enjoy

gozar de todo lo que desea o por everything he/she wants or to enjoy

disfrutar de algo bueno. something good.

19. Demonio Demon
Espíritu o ser sobrenatural que en Spirit or supernatural creature that in

diversas creencias y religiones encarna y various beliefs and religions

representa el mal. embodies and represents evil.

20. Deducir Deduct
Sacar una idea a partir de un principio o Drawing an idea from a principle or

una suposición. an assumption.

21. Evadir Evade
Evitar con habilidad y astucia una Skillfully and cunningly avoid a

dificultad, un compromiso o un peligro. difficulty, a commitment, or a


22. Equipaje Baggage

Equipo o conjunto de cosas que una Equipment or set of things that a

persona lleva consigo cuando viaja o se person carries with them when

traslada de un lugar a otro. travelling or moving from one place

to another.
23. Fingir Pretend
Representar o hacer creer algo que no es Representing or making believe

verdad con palabras, gestos o acciones. something that is not true with

words, gestures, or actions.

24. Furia Fury
Enojo violento que se manifiesta con Violent anger that manifests itself

gritos y gestos agitados. with shouts and agitated gestures.
25. Fiera Beast
Animal salvaje, especialmente el A wild animal, especially a mammal

mamífero que se alimenta de otros that feeds on other animals that it

animales a los que ataca de manera attacks fiercely.

26. Hipócrita hypocritical
Que finge una cualidad, sentimiento, Who pretends a quality, feeling,

virtud u opinión que no tiene. virtue or opinion that do not have.

27. Humilde Humble
Que se comporta con sencillez y Who behaves with simplicity and

modestia modesty.
28. Huérfana Orphan
Que no tiene padre, madre o ninguno de Who has no father, mother, or either

los dos, porque han muerto. of them, because they're dead.

Inocente Innocent

Que no tiene malicia, mala intención o That he has no malice, malice, or

picardía. mischief.
31 Lagrimas Tears

Dolor o padecimiento físico o moral que Physical or moral pain or suffering

experimenta una persona. experienced by a person.

32. Mejilla Cheek
Parte carnosa de la cara humana, situada The fleshy part of the human face,

a cada lado de ella, desde los pómulos located on either side of it, from the

hasta la mandíbula. cheekbones to the jaw.

33. Mareo Dizziness
Sensación de vértigo e inestabilidad en Sensation of vertigo and instability

la cabeza y malestar en el estómago que in the head and discomfort in the

puede llegar a provocar ganas de stomach that can lead to vomiting

vomitar y pérdida del equilibrio. and loss of balance.

34. Manzanilla Chamomile
Planta herbácea de tallos débiles, hojas Herbaceous plant with weak stems,

abundantes y flores olorosas con el abundant leaves and fragrant flowers

centro amarillo y los pétalos blancos. with yellow center and white petals.

35. Maletin Briefcase

Bolso de cuero u otro material que se Handbag made of leather or other

lleva colgado de la mano o del hombro y material that is worn on the hand or

se usa para viajes. shoulder and used for travel.

36. Nublado Cloudy
Que está parcial o completamente That is partially or completely

cubierto de nubes. covered with clouds.

37. Prepotencia Prepotency
Ejercicio de un poder que es muy grande The exercise of a power which is

o superior al de otro, en especial cuando very large or superior to that of

se hace de manera abusiva. another, especially when done in an

abusive manner.
38. Pisoton Stamp

Pisada que se hace con fuerza sobre A footstep that is made with force on

alguna cosa, especialmente sobre el pie something, especially on another

de otra persona. person's foot.

39. Piropo Compliment
Palabra o expresión de admiración, A word or expression of admiration,

halago o elogio que se dirige a una flattery, or praise addressed to a

persona. person.

40. Pena Shame

Sentimiento de tristeza y ternura Feeling of sadness and tenderness

producido por el padecimiento de produced by someone's suffering.

41. Parlante Speaker
Aparato usado para convertir impulsos A device used to convert electrical

eléctricos en sonido. impulses into sound.

42. Pánico Panic
Miedo muy intenso y manifiesto, Very intense and manifest fear,
especialmente el que sobrecoge especially that which suddenly

repentinamente a un colectivo en overwhelms a group in danger.

situación de peligro.
43. Piojo Louse
Insecto sin alas, parásito externo de los Insect without wings, external

mamíferos, cuya sangre chupa. parasite of mammals, whose sucks

44. Repugnante Repugnant
Asco es la denominación de la emoción Disgust is the name of the emotion

de fuerte desagrado y disgusto hacia of strong displeasure and displeasure

sustancias towards substances

45. Rechazar Reject
Desentenderse de algún tipo de Disregard any kind of obligation or

obligación o responsabilidad sobre algo. responsibility for something.

46. Retrovisor Rearview mirror
Espejo pequeño que llevan ciertos Small mirror carried by certain

vehículos en la parte interior delante del vehicles on the inside in front of the

conductor y en la parte exterior en uno o driver and on the outside on one or

ambos laterales para que el conductor both sides so that the driver can see

pueda ver lo que hay o pasa detrás. what is behind or passes behind.
47. Suspirar Sigh
Desear con mucha ansia una cosa o a Desire a thing or a person very

una persona. eagerly.

48. Tallado Whittling
Trabajo de la madera para dar forma de Carving shaper or forms from a

algún objeto larger source usually wood

49. Trampa Trick 
Plan o acción que tiene como fin A plan or action intended to deceive

engañar a una persona. a person.

50. Venganza Revenge
Es una reprimenda que se ejerce sobre It is a reprimand against a person or

una persona o un grupo de ellas por una a group of people for an action that

acción que es percibida como mala o is perceived as bad or harmful.




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