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Safety Science 120 (2019) 14–24

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A bibliometric review of laboratory safety in universities T

a,b b,c,d a,⁎ e
Yunfeng Yang , Genserik Reniers , Guohua Chen , Floris Goerlandt
Institute of Safety Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, People’s Republic of China
CEDON, KU Leuven, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Safety and Security Science Group (S3G), TU Delft, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands
Faculty of Applied Economics, Antwerp Research Group on Safety and Security (ARGoSS), University of Antwerp, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium
Dalhousie University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4R2, Canada


Although there is a growing field of research focusing on university laboratory safety, accidents in such contexts still occur relatively frequently. Therefore, it is
significant to summarize current research status and gaps, and to propose future research directions in the field of university laboratory safety. In this paper, a
bibliometric analysis method was applied to gain an overall view of the developments, focus areas, and trends in this field of safety research. A total of 219 scientific
publications on university laboratory safety were identified and screened from the database of Web of Science, covering 44 countries or regions, 254 research
institutions, 575 authors, 126 publication sources, and 70 subject categories. Bibliometric data such as annual growth trend and distribution of subject categories
were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The most productive and influential countries, institutions, authors, and their cooperation networks were identified
from co-citation maps created by VOSviewer. Further analysis was carried out to find out the core publications and publication sources in this field. Insights in the
focus areas and research topics over time were obtained through terms co-occurrence analysis. The results indicate that university laboratory safety is a highly
multidisciplinary research field. However, it is still a young discipline and belongs to the minority research field when compared with other safety domains. Several
avenues for future research are identified to advance and make progress in this field.

1. Introduction (Gibson et al., 2014).

In recent years, major accidents in university laboratories have oc-
The laboratory setting is an important part of university teaching curred on a regular basis, and more and more universities realize that
and scientific research, and it is an inherently dangerous work en- laboratory safety must be at a top priority. For instance, the National
vironment for learning and working, due to being faced with various Research Council (2014) observed a desire among many academic in-
potential hazards including chemical, biological, and physical agents stitutions to move beyond a culture of compliance towards a proactive
(Ayi and Hon, 2018). Research suggests that university laboratories are approach to safety. In order to reduce the occurrence of laboratory
more dangerous than industrial laboratories due to the more relaxed accidents in universities, a large number of studies on university la-
safety management/culture and the lower safety investment in uni- boratory safety have been published, which can be divided in four main
versities compared to industrial factories (Marendaz et al., 2013; domains of activity: laboratory safety education (Fivizzani, 2016;
Schröder et al., 2016b). A number of accidents in university labora- Meyer, 2017; Sigmann, 2018); laboratory safety culture (Ayi and Hon,
tories resulting in students and staff suffering severe injuries or fatal- 2018; Walters et al., 2017; Wu et al., 2007); laboratory safety man-
ities nevertheless appear to happen regularly around the world. For agement (Olewski and Snakard, 2017; Weil, 2016; Zhu et al., 2018) and
example, three students participating in a landfill leachate experiment laboratory risk assessment (Omidvari et al., 2015; Pluess et al., 2016;
were killed after an explosion in the laboratory of Beijing Jiaotong Shariff and Norazahar, 2012).
University on December 26, 2018 (Chinadaily, 2018). A postdoctoral Literature review is an effective way to gain insights in a given re-
fellow lost an arm in a lab explosion at the University of Hawaii while search fields in a relatively short time. However, to the best of the
she was mixing carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and oxygen from separate authors’ knowledge, no comprehensive review on safety in university
cylinders to produce a bacterial growth medium on March 16, 2016 laboratories currently exists. Bibliometric analysis is a technique that
(Trager, 2017). A research assistant was killed by a lab fire accident can provide a macroscopic overview of a large number of publications,
while working with a pyrophoric chemical at the University of Cali- and it can be used to identify and quantify cooperation relationships,
fornia, Los Angeles (UCLA) on December 29, 2008. This accident co-citation similarities, main research topics, and research trends in a
quickly prompted a comprehensive reform of laboratory safety at UCLA research domain (Daim and Pilkington, 2018). In recent years,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G. Chen).
Received 11 March 2019; Received in revised form 29 May 2019; Accepted 14 June 2019
0925-7535/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Yang, et al. Safety Science 120 (2019) 14–24

bibliometric methods have been introduced in some sub-domains of types were “proceeding papers” (44; 20%) and “meeting abstracts” (30;
safety, such as construction safety (Jin et al., 2019), road safety (Zou 13.5%) respectively. This indicates that conferences and meetings also
et al., 2018), safety culture (van Nunen et al., 2018) and domino effects are significant venues for presenting research of university laboratory
(Li et al., 2017). Furthermore, bibliometric analysis was also used to safety, which highlights the existence of a scholarly community beyond
assess topic maps and output distributions of six core safety journals (Li academic publishing. Finally, article types included in the database
and Hale, 2016), to identify the knowledge communication among core which are less frequently represented include “editorial materials” (5;
safety science journals (Li and Hale, 2015), and to make the links 2.5%), “reviews” (5; 2.5%), and “news items” (1; 0.5%). It should be
among process safety, environmental protection, and industry 4.0 noted that 7 out of the 44 proceeding papers were selected for pub-
(Gobbo et al., 2018). Therefore, the authors consider bibliometric lication in journals as articles, because of which the total proportion of
analysis is a suitable method to analyze the research domain focusing document types amounts to over 100%. As for the publishing language,
on university laboratory safety, and to use it to gain insights in various English is by far the most widely used language, with 205 documents
aspects of this field. written in English, accounting for almost 94%. Seven other publishing
In the remainder of this article, the bibliometric method is in- languages are represented, including Chinese (4), Spanish (4), French
troduced into the field of university laboratory safety, and insights in (2), Japanese (1), Polish (1), Portuguese (1) and Turkish (1).
this research domain are gained based on publication records retrieved
from Web of Science (WOS). Insights are structured around following 2.2. Bibliometric analysis
research questions, for which the use of bibliometric analysis has pre-
viously been successfully applied: (i) what are the cooperation re- In the present work, the analysis is performed using the bibliometric
lationships based on countries, institutions, and authors; (ii) what are analysis software VOSviewer developed by van Eck and Waltman
the most influential articles in the field; (iii) what are the core journals (2010). VOSviewer implements the visualization of similarities map-
publishing on university laboratory safety; and (iv) what topics and ping technique (Van Eck and Waltman, 2007), where networks are
subject categories are represented in the research field. The results can drawn in which the distances between nodes show the level of closeness
be used to identify the most influential authors, the most productive between them. Based on this technique, it is possible to analyze the
countries and institutions for the topic, the most cited publications and similarities between articles in terms of co-authorship, co-occurrence of
journals, and the hot topics and research trends. keywords in the titles, abstracts, and keywords, and co-citation of
The remainder of this article is organized as follows. Section 2 in- common references used in the articles. VOSviewer is especially useful
troduces the data sources used, and outlines the bibliometric method for displaying bibliometric maps which contain maps of at least 100
used in the analyses. Section 3 presents the results of the analysis, items, in an easily understandable way (van Eck and Waltman, 2010).
providing answers to the above listed research questions, and discusses Based on these capabilities and advantages, VOSviewer has been widely
these. Section 4 concludes. used in bibliometric analyses of other safety domains (Gobbo et al.,
2018; Jin et al., 2019; Li and Hale, 2015, 2016; Li et al., 2017; van
2. Methodology Nunen et al., 2018; Zou et al., 2018).

2.1. Data source

3. Results and discussions

The data used in this study were retrieved from the SCI-EXPANDED,
3.1. Yearly distribution and growth trend
SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH and ESCI citation index databases in
the WOS Core Collection on January 9, 2019. The searched topic was
The number of publications is a vital indicator to measure the de-
“university laboratory safety”, and the timespan was from 1955 to
velopment trend of a research domain. The research activity level and
2018, covering the total period for which the KU Leuven has database
trends can be easy inferred by analyzing the number of publications
access. Initially, a total of 1283 documents were retrieved, but not all
over time, and it can be used to estimate future activity levels (van
the retrieved documents were actually related to laboratory safety in
Nunen et al., 2018; Zou et al., 2018). Fig. 1 presents the annual number
universities, due to the fact that WOS uses an implicit “AND” operator
and cumulative number of publications focusing on the topic of uni-
in most fields when two or more adjacent terms are entered. For ex-
versity laboratory safety. It is found that there are less than 6 pub-
ample, the topic search for university laboratory safety is equivalent to
lications per year on this topic until 2010 (with before 2000, less than 3
university AND laboratory AND safety in the titles, abstracts and key-
publications per year). This indicates that there is an initial stage (be-
words of all publications in the database – both queries return the same
fore 2010) where little research explicitly focused on university la-
number of results. Therefore, a further manual screening process was
boratory safety. Whether this is due to a more general lack of focus on
carried out based on the information provided in the abstract, and the
safety on the laboratory activities themselves is not possible to infer
full text of the candidate publications that were not easily screened
through abstracts was reviewed, to remove the documents which were
not really related to the topic of university laboratory safety. For in-
stance, some papers related to patient or medical safety in clinical la-
boratories of universities were removed. This screening was performed
by the first author who is a PhD candidate focusing on safety science
and engineering. Finally, 219 publications focusing on “university la-
boratory safety” were identified. The full records, including the cited
references of the 219 selected documents were subsequently exported
as plain text for the bibliometric analysis. In addition, during the
manual screening process, we also found that it can be assumed that
most of the publications were based on the respective authors’ experi-
ence which seem to have learned from accidents or safety management
in their own institutions.
Six document types were identified, of which the most frequent
document type was “articles” (141), accounting for 64.5% of the total Fig. 1. Annual number and cumulative number of publications addressing
number of documents. The second and third most frequent document university laboratory safety.

Y. Yang, et al. Safety Science 120 (2019) 14–24

from this, however. From 2010 to 2013, there is a stable and significant Germany, Taiwan and Switzerland on average attracted more attention
growth in the number of publications, following the accidental death of in the university laboratory safety research community. This is because
a researcher in a chemistry lab at UCLA in December 2008 (Kemsley, the number of publications of these countries is less than or equal to 7,
2009). This event attracted unprecedented and widespread attention to and one or two highly cited papers can have a great impact on the
university laboratory safety from both mainstream and industry media, average number of citations. As can be seen from Table 3, 4 of the top 5
as well as from research institutions across the USA (Gibson et al., most cited documents on university laboratory safety belong to Ger-
2014). Since 2010, more and more researchers carried out research in many, Taiwan and Switzerland.
this domain. The most significant increase in the number of publica- Fig. 2 represents the cooperation network among countries which
tions is 2016. Furthermore, the cumulative number of publications was plotted by VOSviewer. The sizes of the label and the circle are
approximately follows a linear growth which is consistent with the determined by the number of publications in each country, and the
growth trend of the publications in six core safety journals (Li and Hale, thickness of lines between two nodes represents the strength of co-
2016). However, compared with the number of publications in other operation among countries. The colours represent the collaboration
sub-domains of safety (such as safety culture, road safety and con- clusters. As shown in Fig. 2, the publications of most countries (28)
struction safety) (Jin et al., 2019; van Nunen et al., 2018; Zou et al., have been made without cooperating with other countries. Even though
2018), university laboratory safety is still in its early stages of research some countries cooperated with others (e.g. USA with Qatar and Ire-
activity, indicating that there is still much room for development. land, and Germany with UK, Denmark, and Norway), the number of
joint international publications is very limited. At most, researchers
3.2. Cooperation network analysis from three countries have been involved in publications. Furthermore,
there is a significant geographical clustering of collaboration countries
3.2.1. Distribution of publications on a country level or regions, e.g. an eastern Asian cluster comprising mainland of China
The 219 retrieved documents on university laboratory safety origi- and Taiwan, and several European clusters comprising Germany, UK,
nate from 44 different countries or regions. Table 1 summarizes the Norway and Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands, and Switzerland
productive countries/regions, defined here as those countries which and the Czech Republic. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a
have contributed more than 3 publications. Furthermore, 10 countries serious regional imbalance in university laboratory safety research, and
contributed 2 documents, with another 18 countries producing only one the international cooperation among countries is still at a very low level
publication to the research domain. As consistent with the research on this topic. However, international cooperation among research in-
results in other safety domains, USA is the country with the highest stitutions from different countries is a good way to share knowledge,
number of publications accounting for more than fifty percent, and good practices, lessons learned, and experience on university laboratory
China ranks second as one of the emerging science forces (Zou et al., safety, which is useful to advance and promote worldwide university
2018). As can be seen from the last column of Table 1, out of 16 laboratory safety. Furthermore, some research suggests that knowledge
countries or regions having more than 3 publications, 13 countries exchange among researchers is crucial to obtain the highest research
belongs to the world’s top 20 economies. Other countries like the Phi- quality (Aldieri et al., 2018).
lippines belong to high-speed economic development countries, whose Through the analysis of the publications and cooperation relation-
annual GDP growth rate is 6.7% in 2017 (World Bank, 2018). There- ship of research institutions, the most productive and influential in-
fore, it can be inferred that the number of publications on university stitutions on university laboratory safety can be found. 254 research
laboratory safety may be linked to the economic development level of institutions contributed with 217 documents (2 documents lack of in-
countries. As can be seen from Table 1, although USA has the highest stitutional information). The institutions which published more than 3
number of total citations, its average citation per document is only 2.83 documents on this topic are listed in Table 2. As can be seen from the
that is far behind Germany (21.4), Taiwan (11.29) and Switzerland table, UCLA is the most productive and influential university in the
(9.6). The above results indicate that the documents published by number of documents, total citations, as well as total links. It appears
plausible that UCLA have put laboratory safety at an unprecedented
Table 1 level of priority since the laboratory accident which occurred in 2008
Countries or regions published more than 3 publications on university labora- (Gibson et al., 2014; Kemsley, 2009). For instance, UCLA has founded
tory safety. the University of California Center for Laboratory Safety (UCCLS),
Rank Country/ Quantity Percentage Citation Avg. Nominal which organizes laboratory safety workshops to discuss and improve
Region citation GDP rank laboratory safety every two years (Czornyj et al., 2018; Gibson and
Wayne, 2013; Schröder et al., 2016a). In addition, Battelle Memorial
1 USA 110 50% 311 2.83 1
Institute published 6 papers ranked second in the number of publica-
2 China 14 6.5% 2 0.14 2
3 Taiwan 7 3% 79 11.29 23 tions, and Robert Hill, who is the most productive author, contributed 5
4 Spain 7 3% 9 1.29 13 papers for this institution. Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
5 Germany 5 2.5% 107 21.4 4 ranked third with all 5 publications contributed by Thierry Meyer and
6 Switzerland 5 2.5% 48 9.6 20 his co-authors. This background information shows that the research
7 UK 5 2.5% 30 6 5
8 Turkey 5 2.5% 8 1.6 17
interests of a researcher or a research group also have a great impact on
9 Indonesia 4 2% 0 0 16 the number of publications of the institution (which in fact is rather
10 Brazil 3 1.5% 4 1.33 9 common sense). In terms of total citations and the average number of
11 India 3 1.5% 2 0.67 7 citations, Princeton University, Hungkuang University and Ecole Poly-
12 Iran 3 1.5% 18 6 29
technique Federale de Lausanne also attracted a lot of attention from
13 Italy 3 1.5% 7 2.33 8
14 Japan 3 1.5% 0 0 3 scholars in this field. Furthermore, 11 out of the top 13 institutions
15 Philippines 3 1.5% 1 0.33 39 which published more than 3 documents are from USA. The results
16 South Korea 3 1.5% 3 1 12 therefore indicate that USA and its institutions of higher education
/ Other 28 38 17.5% 74 1.95 / overwhelmingly dominate this area of research, which is consistent
with the results of Section 3.2.1.
Avg. citation denotes the average number of citation of a document; nominal
GDP (Gross domestic product) ranking is based on projection by International 3.2.2. Distribution of research institutions
Monetary Fund (IMF) outlook April 2018 for year 2018 (International Monetary The institutional cooperation network on university laboratory
Fund, 2018). safety is shown in Fig. 3, where each node denotes an institution, the

Y. Yang, et al. Safety Science 120 (2019) 14–24

Fig. 2. Countries or regions cooperation network on university laboratory safety.

colours represent clusters of institutions, and the lines represent the conclude that teaching is largely a national, country level activity and
strength of cooperation among institutions. Institutions that did not that universities do not seem to cooperate unless within the country
cooperate with others or small clusters were removed from this co- where they are related and exchanging their practices, and safety re-
operation network, for reasons of clarity. It can be seen from Fig. 3 that lated information ends at the border of a country, even in Europe which
all research institutions in the cooperation network are from the USA, otherwise from a tight community on an economic and political level.
which indicates that the cooperation between institutions is mainly
within their own country. The cores of clusters in the network corre- 3.2.3. Authors and co-authorship relationship
spond to the most productive institutions listed in Table 2, particularly Analyzing the number of publications and citations of authors, and
UCLA, Battelle Memorial Institute, Princeton University, and Texas mapping the co-authorship relationship enables the identification of the
Tech University. Considering the thickness of the lines in the network, it most productive authors and the most renowned research groups on
is found that cooperation among the institutions is very limited, with university laboratory safety. This information is helpful for researchers
the largest cooperating institution (UCLA) having only published 5 to seek cooperation with other authors, and to learn from the leading
cooperative documents, and other institutions no more than 3. Fur- researchers on this topic. There are 575 authors from the retrieved 219
thermore, it should be remarked that some institutions from other documents on the topic of university laboratory safety. Out of those,
countries also cooperate with each other, but they were removed from 546 authors (95%) published only one document, and 31 authors
the network due to these clusters being too small compared with the contributed only 2 publications. 8 authors contributed more than 3
cooperation among the institutions from the USA. Here, it is possible to publications. The most productive author is Robert Hill (Battelle

Table 2
Institutions for which more than 3 documents on university laboratory safety originate.
Rank Institutions Country/Region Quantity Citation Avg. citation Total link

1 University of California Los Angeles USA 7 127 18.14 5

2 Battelle Memorial Institute USA 6 8 1.33 2
3 Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Switzerland 5 48 9.6 3
4 Cornell University USA 4 9 2.25 2
5 Hungkuang University Taiwan 4 67 16.75 3
6 Iowa state university USA 4 0 0 1
7 University of Illinois USA 4 5 1.25 1
8 Duke University USA 3 8 2.67 2
9 Princeton University USA 3 111 37 3
10 Texas Tech University USA 3 7 2.33 2
11 University of California San Diego USA 3 1 0.33 0
12 West Virginia University USA 3 0 0 0
13 Wittenberg University USA 3 9 3 3

Total link represents the number of documents cooperating with other institutions.

Y. Yang, et al. Safety Science 120 (2019) 14–24

Fig. 3. Institutional cooperation network on university laboratory safety.

Memorial Institute (5 papers), Centers for Disease Control and removed from the network, for example, although Robert Hill is the
Prevention (2 papers), USA), who published 7 papers, and his most most productive authors, his name did not appear on the co-authorship
cited paper is titled “Academic leaders create strong safety cultures in network because he had less cooperation with other authors, and 25
colleges and universities” (Hill and Finster, 2013). It can be concluded authors (divided into 5 clusters) were included in the network after the
that although many scholars carried out research on university la- screening process. As can be observed in Fig. 4, James Gibson (UCLA; 5
boratory safety, almost all of them contributed a very limited amount of publications), Nancy Wayne (UCLA; 5 publications) and Imke Schröder
publications, and the number of productive authors and their publica- (UCLA; 5 publications) published more cooperative documents com-
tions is extremely small. This implies that whereas Fig. 1 shows that the pared with other authors in the green clusters. These are all affiliated
research field is developing with an increasing number of publications, with UCLA which is consistent with earlier findings that UCLA is the
there is not yet a real international community of scholars actively most productive institution on university laboratory safety. Ralph
engaged in university laboratory safety research. Stuart, who is affiliated with Keene State College, published 4 colla-
Fig. 4 presents the co-authorship on university laboratory safety borative documents and is the most productive author in the blue
using VOSviewer, where the node denotes the author, the colours re- cluster. Other authors in the 5 clusters published less than 2 colla-
present the clusters of authors with similar research topics, and the lines borative documents. It can be concluded from the above analysis that
represent the strength of cooperation among authors. It should be noted the cooperation among the authors on university laboratory safety is
that the small clusters that were not connected to each other were still weak in terms of number of publications.

Fig. 4. Co-authorship network on university laboratory safety.

Y. Yang, et al. Safety Science 120 (2019) 14–24

Table 3
The top 10 most cited documents on university laboratory safety.
Article Journal Country/Region Citation Avg. citations per year COR

Morley et al. (2008) Review of Scientific Instruments USA 106 8.83 0

Schmid et al. (2007) Journal of Hospital Infection Germany 64 4.92 1
Wu et al. (2007) Journal of Safety Research Taiwan 53 4.08 8
Groso et al. (2010) Particle and Fibre Toxicology Switzerland 32 3.20 2
Hoffmann et al. (2013) Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology Germany 24 3.43 0
Di Raddo (2006) Journal of Chemical Education USA 17 1.21 5
Alaimo et al. (2010) Journal of Chemical Education USA 15 1.50 5
Seal and Karn (2014) Safety Science USA 14 2.33 0
McGarry et al. (2013) Journal of Chemical Education USA 14 2.00 4
Billiet et al. (1991) Laboratory Medicine USA 14 0.48 0

Avg. citations per year denotes the average number of citations per year per publication; COR (Citation of references) represents the number of times cited by the 219
retrieved documents on university laboratory safety.

3.3. Citation and co-citation network analysis number of links (12). The blue cluster is mainly related to laboratory
risk assessment and safety management, and the paper “A research
3.3.1. Document citation and co-citation analysis university's rapid response to a fatal chemistry accident: Safety changes and
Citation analysis is an effective way to measure the impact and outcomes” (Gibson et al., 2014) has the highest number of links (9) and
quality of a publication by looking at the number of times that a pub- citations (6) in the cluster and can be considered as the core of this
lication has been cited by other work, and to identify the most im- cluster.
portant publications in a research field. Considering the overall field of
university laboratory safety, a total of 219 retrieved documents were
cited 728 times by 642 publications covering 425 different publication 3.3.2. Distribution and co-citation analysis of publication sources
sources. The top 10 most cited documents accounted for 48.5% of total Publication sources analysis is a useful method to identify the core
citations and are listed in Table 3. As shown in Table 3, the most cited journals related to university laboratory safety, and it is of great sig-
and the highest average cited paper is the “GaInSn usage in the research nificance for researchers to search literature and choose a suitable
laboratory” (Morley et al., 2008). This paper described the handling and journal to publish their research on a topic, for instance university la-
safety of GaInSn based on the successful experience in the Magneto- boratory safety. Based on the identified results, from data search in
Thermofluid Research Laboratory at the University of California-Los Section 2.1, it is found that 219 documents originate from 126 pub-
Angeles and at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. However, this lication sources. The publication outlets in which more than 3 docu-
paper was not cited by the 219 retrieved publications on the topic of ments on university laboratory safety have been published are listed in
university laboratory safety. The reason may be that it focuses on the Table 4. It can be found that, the Journal of Chemical Health and Safety
distinctive narrow topic of how to safely use the GaInSn in university (45) is the most productive source on university laboratory safety,
laboratory, and it was mainly cited in the field of liquid metals. Fur- followed by the Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society (29)
thermore, the paper “Safety climate in university and college laboratories: and the Journal of Chemical Education (12). In terms of the number of
impact of organizational and individual factors” (Wu et al., 2007) has been times each source cited by the 219 retrieved documents, the Journal of
cited 8 times by the retrieved 219 publications, which is the most cited Chemical Education (197) ranks first, followed by Safety Science (74) and
document on university laboratory safety. Other citations it has at- the Journal of Chemical Health and Safety (71).
tracted may be because of citations from the safety climate research Co-citation analysis of publication sources aims to identify the most
literature in university laboratories. influential publication sources that are cited by the publications on
Co-citation analysis of documents can be used to determine the core university laboratory safety. The co-citation relationship is analyzed by
publications on university laboratory safety, and to assess the interac- identifying two publication sources which were cited together in the
tion between documents that have been cited together by the publica- same publications on university laboratory safety. The more two pub-
tions on this topic. There are a total of 3119 references cited by the 219 lication sources are cited together, the stronger the co-citation re-
retrieved publications on university laboratory safety. Out of these, 175 lationship between them is. There are 2032 publication sources cited by
references were cited more than 2 times and 48 references were cited the 219 retrieved publications, and 27 sources were cited more than10
more than 3 times. Fig. 5 shows the co-citation map of references being times. Fig. 6 shows the co-citation map of the publication sources which
cited more than 3 times by the publications on university laboratory were cited more than 10 times by publications on university laboratory
safety using VOSviewer. Out of 48 references, 3 references in the co- safety. The size of the circle represents the number of citations received
citation network which were not connected to each other were ex- by the publication sources, whereas the circles with the same colour
cluded from the network, for reasons of clarity. The size of the circle belong to the same cluster. The thickness of links denotes the number of
represents the number of citations received by the documents and the times that two sources have been cited together by other publications,
thickness of lines denotes the number of times two documents have and the number of links represents the number of sources co-cited with
been cited together by other publications. The circles with the same other sources. As can be seen from Fig. 6, the “Journal of Chemical
colour represent a same cluster with a similar topic. As can be seen from Education” ranks first both in the number of links (19) and citations
Fig. 5, 45 references in the network are divided into three clusters ac- (197) in the red cluster, which focuses on safety education. In the green
cording to the co-citation relationship. The red cluster mainly focuses cluster which focuses on safety science and technology, “Safety Science”
on laboratory safety culture or climate. The paper “Safety climate in is the most highly cited journal (74), but the “Journal of Chemical Health
university and college laboratories: impact of organizational and individual and Safety” has the strongest correlation with other sources (22 links).
factors” (Wu et al., 2007) has the highest number of links (22) and ci- Compared with the red and green clusters, the blue cluster, which fo-
tations (8) and can therefore be considered as the core of this cluster. cusses on environment and occupational health is much smaller with
The topic of the green cluster is laboratory safety education, in which respect to the number of citations and links. In this cluster, the
the paper “Laboratory safety course in the chemistry curriculum” “American Journal of Industrial Medicine” can be considered as the core
(Senkbeil, 1994) is the most important publication as it has the highest journal due to the largest number of links (17).

Y. Yang, et al. Safety Science 120 (2019) 14–24

Fig. 5. Co-citation map of references that were cited more than 3 times by publications on university laboratory safety.

Table 4 there is not yet a real international community of scholars actively

Publication outlets in which more than 3 documents on university laboratory engaged in university laboratory safety research.
safety have been published. Fig. 7 indicates the density view of hot terms on university la-
Rank Source Title Quantity Percentage CORES boratory safety during different time periods using VOSviewer, and the
density view is particularly useful to get an overview of the general
1 Journal of Chemical Health and Safety 45 20.5% 71 structure of a map and to draw attention to the most important areas in
2 Abstracts of Papers of the American 29 13% 1
a map (van Eck and Waltman, 2010). The minimum occurrence of
Chemical Society
3 Journal of Chemical Education 12 5.5% 197 terms was set at 4 of each period in VOSviewer. In Fig. 7, the colour of a
4 Safety Science 8 3.5% 74 point depends on the density of items at that point, where the fre-
5 Journal of Loss Prevention in the 6 2.5% 23 quencies of terms increased from blue to red colour1. The distance
Process Industries between two terms represents the correlation of two terms. Table 5 lists
6 Health Physics 6 2.5% 8
7 Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 4 2% 2
the top 20 terms for each period and global period.
8 Process Safety Progress 3 1.5% 12 There were 31 out of 1153 terms meeting the threshold before 2010
which can be considered as the early stage of research on university
CORES (Citation of references each source) represents the number of times each laboratory safety based on the results of Section 3.1. In this period,
source is cited by the 219 retrieved documents on university laboratory safety. “student training”, “safety practice”, “accident survey”, “occupational
health”, and “chemical safety use” were the principal research themes.
3.4. Temporal evolution of hot topics A total of 29 terms were extracted from 1143 terms in the second period
(2010–2012). From Fig. 7(b) and Table 5, it can be concluded that
Analyzing the number of publications and citations of authors, and “safety practice”, “chemical safety use” and “accident survey” were still
mapping the co-authorship relationship enables the identification of the hot topics. Furthermore, researcher work started to focus more on the
most productive authors and the most renowned research groups on “work environment”, “student safety course and program”, to learn
university laboratory safety. This information is helpful for researchers from process industry, guideline and standard. In the third period
to seek cooperation with other authors, and to learn from the leading (2013–2015), there were 39 terms that were extracted from 1423
researchers on this topic. There are 575 authors from the retrieved 219 terms. These terms indicate that the research focused on “accident
documents on the topic of university laboratory safety. Out of those, survey”, “work environment”, “occupational health”. Other topics such
546 authors (95%) published only one document, and 31 authors as the “safety education of faculty and students”, “hazard identifica-
contributed only 2 publications. 8 authors contributed more than 3 tion”, “risk level” were also beginning to attract more attentions. In the
publications. The most productive author is Robert Hill (Battelle most recent period (2016–2018), there were 89 terms extracted from
Memorial Institute (5 papers), Centers for Disease Control and 1834 terms. “Safety practice program”, “work environment”, “chemical
Prevention (2 papers), USA), who published 7 papers, and his most safety use”, “accident survey and hazard identification” were the main
cited paper is titled “Academic leaders create strong safety cultures in topics. “Risk assessment and management” also started to be hot topics
colleges and universities” (Hill and Finster, 2013). It can be concluded on university laboratory safety. Although some new research topics
that although many scholars carried out research on university la- appeared in the past decade, there is still some room for establishing
boratory safety, almost all of them contributed a very limited amount of
publications, and the number of productive authors and their publica-
tions is extremely small. This implies that whereas Fig. 1 shows that the
research field is developing with an increasing number of publications, For interpretation of color in Fig. 7, the reader is referred to the web version
of this article.

Y. Yang, et al. Safety Science 120 (2019) 14–24

Fig. 6. Co-citation map of publication sources that were cited more than 10 times by publications on university laboratory safety.

new research areas in the field of university laboratory research, e.g. is related to the field of nuclear science, management science, social
related to resilience, risk perception, safety communication, human science and medicine.
error, or emergency response, which are significant research areas in
safety science (Li and Hale, 2016; Merigó et al., 2019) but have not yet
4. Conclusions
been much explored in university laboratory safety research.
In this paper, 219 publications related to the university laboratory
3.5. Distribution of documents in subject categories safety were retrieved and screened from the WOS Core Collection da-
tabase. A bibliometric analysis of this safety research field was carried
Every journal covered by WOS Core Collection is assigned at least out based on these publications. Although the number of publications in
one subject category representing a particular research area. Every re- university laboratory safety increased linearly since 2010, this field is
cord in WOS contains the subject category of its source publication. The still a relatively young and undeveloped research area, where there is a
219 retrieved publications on university laboratory safety belong to 70 lot of room for establishing new research clusters. It should however be
subject categories. Of these 70 subject categories, 11 subject categories pointed out that the analysis in this paper is limited to publications
include only one document, 14 subject categories contain only two identified in WOS. Hence, it is possible that there are other publications
publications, and 9 subject categories contain 3 documents. The subject which are not indexed in that database, which may lead to inaccuracies
categories in which more than 4 documents are published are presented in the results.
in Fig. 8. The most relevant subject category on university laboratory In the field of university laboratory safety, the USA clearly dom-
safety is “Public, Environmental & Occupational Health” with 70 pub- inates the research domain in terms of the number of publications, total
lications, followed by “Chemistry, Multidisciplinary” with 46 publica- number of citations, and most productive institutions. However, the
tions and “Education, Scientific Disciplines” with 20 publications. Fig. 8 publications of Germany, Taiwan and Switzerland are more impactful
shows that there are 4 subject categories (with 37 publications) related in this field, when focusing on the average number of citations per
to engineering, 3 subject categories (with 81 publications) belong to the publication. UCLA is the most productive and influential university in
environmental domain, 2 subject categories (with 59 publications) this research domain, in terms of the number of documents, total
address chemistry or chemical, and 2 subject categories (with 35 pub- number of citations, and number of collaborations with other institu-
lications) relate to education. Thus, the research domain of university tions. Princeton University, Hungkuang University and Ecole
laboratory safety covers a wide variety of themes and disciplines. The Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne also attracted a lot of attention
most popular themes are environment, occupational health, chemistry from scholars in this field in terms of the total citations and the average
or chemical, education and engineering. Furthermore, the domain also citations. There are 575 authors from the retrieved 219 documents on

Y. Yang, et al. Safety Science 120 (2019) 14–24

Fig. 7. Hot terms of university laboratory safety during different time periods. (a) Before 2010; (b) 2010–2012; (c) 2013–2015; (d) 2016–2018.

the topic of university laboratory safety, but almost 95% authors con- safety. University laboratory safety is a multidisciplinary research field
tributed only by one publication. This indicates that despite the fact covering 70 subject categories, and the most popular themes are en-
that there is an increasing number of academic research articles pub- vironment, occupational health, chemistry or chemical, education and
lished in this domain, there is not yet a strong international research engineering. The research topics in focus in the field of university la-
community working on laboratory safety issues. The most productive boratory safety, have shifted from “laboratory safety training and
author is Robert Hill who published 7 papers. James Gibson, Nancy practice”, “accident survey and hazard identification”, “occupational
Wayne and Imke Schröder, all associated with UCLA, published the health work environment”, to “laboratory risk assessment and man-
highest number of collaborative documents (5 publications) compared agement”, and to “safety culture”. Although some new research areas
with other authors. It should be noted that the cooperation among appeared in the last decade, there may also be a need for researchers to
countries, institutions, and authors is still at a very low level in this come with innovative thinking, new topics and methods or theories in
field, and the cooperation among different institutions is mainly within this field, e.g. related to resilience, risk perception, safety commu-
their own countries. nication, human error, or emergency response, which are significant
As for the citation and co-citation analysis of documents and pub- research in the safety science in the general.
lication sources, the most cited and the highest average cited paper is The present work is helpful for researchers to gain a deeper un-
Morley et al. (2008), and Czornyj et al. (2018) is the most cited docu- derstanding of research developments and trends, to seek cooperation
ment by the publications on university laboratory safety. Furthermore, opportunities with other scholars and research institutions, and to
Morley et al. (2008) Senkbeil (1994) and Gibson et al. (2014) are the choose suitable journals to publish articles in the field of university
core publications of their respective clusters. The Journal of Chemical laboratory safety.
Health and Safety is the most productive source on university laboratory
safety, and the documents published in the Journal of Chemical Educa-
tion were the most cited by the publications on university laboratory

Y. Yang, et al. Safety Science 120 (2019) 14–24

Table 5
Distribution of top 20 terms of university laboratory safety: Global and temporal analysis.
Rank Before 2010 2010–2012 2013–2015 2016–2018 Global

Terms F Terms F Terms F Terms F Terms F

1 Student 11 Student 15 Student 18 Student 27 Student 73

2 Training 11 Practice 13 Accident 14 Environment 21 Practice 49
3 Department 9 Program 12 Level 12 Management 17 Program 46
4 Survey 9 Approach 11 Work 12 Practice 17 System 44
5 Facility 9 Use 9 System 11 Survey 16 Environment 42
6 System 9 Order 9 Hazard 10 Program 16 Accident 39
7 Research laboratory 8 Environment 9 Development 9 Department 15 Level 37
8 Accident 7 Institution 8 Health 9 Staff 13 Management 37
9 Health 7 Process 8 Equipment 8 Procedure 13 Assessment 36
10 Institution 7 Chemical 7 Use 8 Accident 13 Health 36
11 Evaluation 7 Work 7 Environment 8 Risk 13 Hazard 35
12 Development 6 Level 7 Part 8 Level 13 Use 34
13 Application 6 Impact 6 Education 8 Science 12 Survey 34
14 Technology 6 Health 6 Teaching 8 Chemical 12 Department 33
15 Use 5 Development 6 Way 7 Institution 12 Development 33
16 Safety practice 5 Course 5 Department 7 Development 12 Training 33
17 Chemical 5 Accident 5 Faculty 7 Hazard 12 Procedure 32
18 Recommendation 5 Industry 5 Need 7 Use 11 Institution 32
19 Area 5 Guideline 5 Experience 7 Need 11 Risk 31
20 Concern 5 Standard 5 Risk 6 Assessment 10 Chemical 31

F denotes the frequency of each term.

Fig. 8. The subject categories with more than 4 publications on university laboratory safety.

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